HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-06-25, Page 10a Couble rias twenty -tiro boles are drilled for the screws. k chuck whirls the v' peel. around ---as one, would spin a peony upon' the table—four., thousand eight hundred times a minute, while a Ltd Makes each hole by applying three tiny drills one .after the other. He -Mill •bore .one hundred wheels per day, or apply a drill oftener than 'once m six seconds from morning till :,night— to say nothing of the time consumed in fascening on and taking of• the wheels and sharpening the drills. Screws. Of gold or brass are put in, and the balance completed. Oa this little part alone r early eighty oper=ations hire been per- =xiin _m eta D. RitILARIMACt Vii. Meerut*. fes° d uewse-paper man, a genii', good fellott,.. and compartively, a. young man. "Mark Twain" is Sam ual Clemens, late of.Jaliafornia, but now a . cosmo- polite. , He is a single man, young, and by trade a painter. "Mark Twain" is a nautical phrase used in °taking sound- ings. He doubtless picked it up in his many travels. "Louis Muhlback" is madame Clara Mundt, of Vienna, A ustria ; 'a matron with two grown up daughters, one of whom is Fce, herself something of an authoress. CHESS. Fresh Groceries. To be had at Bonthron & Son, Opposite Hickson's Old Stand. PP Se<aforth. May 7.. a:-� 5 2-tf Meer in Chancery at Godericle WILLIAM RUTHERFORD BAIN, Of f Goderich, Agent for Messrs. Pater- son, Harrison & Bain, Toronto: Soli- citors for the Administratrix. 79-3 SEAfORTH MILS SEEDSTORE THE undersigned have just received IMPORTED DIRECT, 1,000 Los. c0' r° et in .Ateatralta.. derma ither- He set sail, le. ing b hint l ern a wife :end tiro children at Thorne- - hor erand arrived in due course in that e tstan c colony and forthwith went to t.ae .gold fields and commence . "digg � Variable Ori] t r I�sv for nuggets." � Taiiable o some lite, at last fortune smiled upon him, and at the expiration of abou eleven 2, eats he found himself in , possession of e the handsome fortune of L15,000, hon e:;tly an industriously obtain€ 1. Dur- ing this long;period of his a;bse ce from England, hep communicated ith his - zs ifee desiring that she and lie -family —two girls—should join him, And sent tie necessary tickets for their transit to the new world. They, .howev, r,.never went. The successful miner iscove.r- ed the cause on, his arrival a his na- tive village last week. I3is',faithless partner had become enamoured ,of 'an itinerant rag merchant, the owner of a 1: ooden leg, by whom.she had two h children. Like Enoc-.Arden, he at once discarded her, not, however, before making himself known to -his two daughters, who were children': -When he lett them for Australia. '1`hes :the took from -their mother and afterward equip- ped thein in..a manner suitable to his altered position. There was much re- joicing in the village when his name and wealth were known, and after sell ling the fatted calf, and making merry among some of his old friends, he de- parted the following morning with his two girls." DUEL AT NIAGARA FALLS. ---From a gentleman just returned fromthe Falls -we have received particulars of an oe eerrence, which proves that the ulti- mate itiiztgate argument• of the duello is not yet c atirely abandoned.... 'Shocking as it 'rely appear to the ears of a peaceable end law-abiding .people like ours, the e aa.red hours of. the Sabbath were yes - t relay profaned by one of these -fur d a ons encountert but we are =happy to leo aole to state that neither principals it . r• Eceessories belonged to Canada. It- a. _,,.1 . edit; sotuetlung like a fortnight , . ts men came across the bridge. a- e. i e • <'`rr'-Lngen eats for a hostile x... ;r, -.E bets. ten the editor of ivhe New i sr r,�te, y, kO", -//;/f4 4 i v.LW- i i ,; - , , • . 1 ,/,,. A :,/ py 71 : f/ , , ':•i Vi'HITE. White to mate in six moves. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM No. 78. WHITE. BLACK. 1 K Kt P 1 (ch.) • K to R. sq 2 K Kt P 1 (ch) • K to R 2nd 3 Kt to K B 8th (ch. )Pt tks Kt 4 Ptks HKt(ch.) KtohisRsq 5 B to his 3rd (ch.)Rtks 6-R tks K, R P mate. cp CD 0 CD CIQ g r.4 ■1 w Mit PLANTS. t t h� vit tater- estla l their pre- r ecii i lele i 'thare' y ltl crcby 41% sucrinw1tha�eir ta�a lutc iftr doing work with , BOR; • S CIIANHLA1EH msesses all the qualitiesof l deupateh), they feel confident of giving every Oatnl, for Porridge. satisfaction to those who may, •favor them with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to custom plan- ing. BROADFOOT tit. GRAY. P. S.—An_Eibht=Horse-Power Engine and Boiler for sale, all complete; of Goldie McOulloek's make 70•3m 200,000} FEET OF LU BER! TO BE Sold Without Reserve T HE uudersigned begs to intimate to Far- mers and others, that he has a large stock of Lumber in his yard, adjoining Messrs Shearson & Co.'s Mill, Seaforth, comprising all the varieties necessary for building purposes, which he is determined to sell at very low rates for Cash. Those in- tending to build, would do well to call and examine the stock 'before :purchasing else- where. P. S.—He is also prepared to furnish Bill Stuff, Lath, and all 'kinds of Dressed Lin- ber. 'CHOYIAS LEE. Seaforth, May 3rd. 74.3m ACTIVE Agents Wanted. ! AGENTS wanted -to canvass every Town - ship in the County of Huron, for ROBERTS' PATENT ; HORSE HAY FORK, Price,, 0 00. Liberal Commission Allowed. Township IRigkt8 for Sale. Having secured the exclusive,. right for the County of Huron for the . above invention, ,ny person or persons making or vending the same will be prosecuted according to law. JAMES PURVIS,. Seaforth. Sear. orth, :April 2, 1869. 69-3m. POOR COPY W.A. Shearson & Co, Seaforth, May 21. - 52-1y.. W. GRASSIE Desires to inform his old customers and the public generally, that he has re- built Shops on the OLD PREMISES On a more extensive scale than ever, and i consequently prepared to ;execute all orders for everything in the way of. LUMBER & DMODRAT WAGGONS. None hut the best material used, and first- class workmen employed.:. BLACKSMITHING In all its branches, attended to in a Satis- factory manner. W'A FIRST-CLASS HORSE-SHOER• Employed specially for this branch of the business. • WM. GRASSIE. • , STwo Good Village Lots for sale, . one of which has a. Dwelling House and other improvements thereon. Seaforth, May 21st. 76-3m M'GREGOR & SON, BOOKBINDERS, NULIET. RE prepared to execute binding in every. style. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books au the Signal Book Store, Goderich, or at the s. Exrosrrox" office, Seaforth, stating style, may rely up- on them being well bound AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without delay. Seaforth, June 11 1869. 78-tL to writ out better work t beenable to do before. Be -would also in- form those wanting carding done, that he Y now has Four Carding Machines,so that all parties from a distance can, have their WOOL CARDED .AND HOME WITH THEM THE SAME DAY. . Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Coloring, Cloth Fulling, and. Dressing, will receive special attention. Owing to the large outlay for machinery; he is compelled to make his Tends Cash. All work not so paid, will be charged 20 per cent extra. A. `fl VAN EGMOND. `-leaforth, April nth. 1S69, 73-3m WHILE: SPEAKS. For his Stock of PRING GOO WAS Never Excelled r • v;• In this Market. The Manchester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. Seder -11h, May 4th, 1869. 614 TME* TIME. TIM E. TF you want a Watch that will keep as correct time, purchase one of 'Memo Mussell & Son's celebrated Watches. large stock of.. them for sale at 011: •ItypOUNTER:-• - • SEAFORTH. Ile has also on hand alar-ge assortment of Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy Goods, Toy's&a=a all to be sold Cheap for Cast, iEver description `"' Watches, oc and Jewellery Repaired 4 the Sherr- Notice,and Warranted to give satisfactgaz The highest� rice paid fa"'91d Gold P Silver.�y M. R. COUNTER. Seaforth, Ari12 7 ., 27th, 1869. f tai of LAYS EL and Attorneys Chancery, Notaries St.e. Office.;—Over • r erabb's Block, Cg -r Lend. w Tones; Scaforth, Dec, 14th. S# YJ. ;LEA e Law, Solici Anne.; Sze., &:e., &c. O Druck Block. Men y cent. Interest, on real estate. ararta. t k . _...tatoted w=t en 4 Il.C1:�S, Dt :i, begs -to ill fo orth and the travellii ly, that he keeps 'irs in every thing requ r ,good stable and will* a hand. Regular ar�ei necessary attentin. Seaforth, Feb. 8th, 18. 'CAUGHE " & H. • n TES� A t � tonne' , ins Chan very and Insol -e and Ooinveyaneers, S h Bank, Seaforth, A e Assurance~ Ca 3 . B. %. Farm ,, Houses a Seaforth, , De . 14, 18# MAIL & COOK ,44 Plans andSpeci#ieat Carpenter's, Plasterer s, ineasureda lad valued, Auction' Market, Court -3 rich. Goderich., April Q , $1 f1OMMERcl AL ville, James Lairdpr :lass accomodation, for tl The larder and bar are al the best the markets stabling in connection- Ainleyville, April :x3;1: 1DOENSON & MEYEI and Attorneys at Chancery and Insctivex Notaries Public, &c Off Wroxeter. ` Agents for Co. of Upper Canada, art curities Co. of London, 8 per cent.; no commissio JAs... nEao Seaforth, Dec, Toth 18( :B. LUBELSKI, 1 roDIST, respectfully of Seaforth and surroun he is prepared to cure Co. blains, Ingrowing . Nails: fail diseases of the, llama a successful, treatment, Nei IeS8. Office directly oppbs Dry Goods Store, Main aft: Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868, TOTICE.. C utting and Shav want a good ,Shave, r Shampooxned, as it the Little Wender," S 1' Hotel, Main Street, Sed ;Kooins in connection will publie on April 1 st. 1 t ranking the hair grow ant serving out, was never k :n boil les at 1 ,each. f ' Sea oath, Dee. 14,1568.