HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-06-25, Page 8---------- ---------e------....as . Cleek. be Ala a- By-rAvt to I Councilunder: I, •Municipal ITC' 'age on Maitlan tween (Srey Grey, and hIe 2nd Qua , and that me and Couneitei nd copy of thia by S. Sleu)Tnok That in the teat. e Laird and 0 build a bride and 26e Con. tea to examtesw Id.. ug said bridge,. Lila the probable next_ meeting of ; by A. Ittleikeil.: Xan That aa 1: for for a grant to ,'.on. 3rd, to anow ssing, also ap. le 'for a grant ex and II, Con, 4 ug of Council.trachansecond- e Clerk is here - ..m of the Town - the several School - and prouucc the .,.'onnctl, prior to. k. 'matter of a , 3, Morris, Id., seconded and is here - e ed to procure idge at Town No. 10, Con. ugerotta state, s s SOOR , as poat "stalds seconded by Inspector is here -et te 'bridge at Jas. Iikea i e state i f 0-.. 1.1to the gram f [ Sidkai Line oppe- ee and report at E 'arried. Moved -acted by Jiro. ,r1,.-. is hereby ulting Tavern- e effect that if , License is not s'Ot.Cter will be against them Moved h M cDonid -a for print- sid, and. tiest, the- • the same.- Car- aald, seconded by ..s.seraent of ;David 11 for cu.rrent year, ed. in a like am- • the matter have rt of Revision, and th that effect..— eDond, secontl- thie Cknail du , on the st9th day ' time and p1acee -M. GRANT. 'Tp. Clerk. esesereae--t- THE EAFORTH XPOSITOR. 0 - •-• 7 n ciL ie 12, Ism All ti-pptitions agaimt hquor a -b or near t read feed ordered Coughlan, second. $50 granted at, - be expended in f the Township. lea by D. Oonh- 35 in opening_. :ion., between Luta llard receive a si- on Om W ani seconded by J. - aid J. Kuhn each on long cross - Resolved that the ed 1. Marshal Barry repairing -ering crosswaying secortdea by S, O. now adjourn tot turday in August. pRoun-, ierk, Stephen, ' , Detron P. 0- 6111111101.11111.11111.111.1.1111111111.,*; F s 86 oculists, ; Hartford, Cm, real D. ki. Uounter, Iler and, Optician, d vicinity, for the, erfected Spectacles-, -ely used in Grea* aces, the past eiglers claim the under - r those in ordinarY ° ay be seen in their asieess deriug the eilect construction , _, , and preserve t changes; tumecete re a rillianey an vith an amount of tetherte enjoyed by al from which the imfactured speciallY is pure, hard en4 4 become scratched. , in which they_algt OT eteel, are of the and guaranteed -Per Aaeles that presexy Lt. And are Chemin- kvays lasting plaul ' g neceseary. ait at Seafortb, 10 , every si:c Inoutb4 those ha:vino- di ../ ,.. spectacles sold bl interval wll b!..„*Pir not property 0 FED/4, NE y' Afr IA y,Conveyancer, et loan on farm _ ' fiat Pol.! ,-;eI -- .irs.,* , 6.3 itt txpoitor, DISTRICT MATTER. SEVERAL Of our citizens haye gone to the Ontario Shooting Match at Te MM. - MR. CA.BrirRTClitT,-, Dentist, requests us to state that he will be in this -place oe the 5th, Gth and 7th Fox,and at li Cnton on the 8th, 9th. and 10th. • Weehave the pleasure of acknowl-pdg- ing ';appreeiatotl present from a gentleman of this town, in the` way of a delicious mess' of Sable River Speck- led Trout. ME inquest on the body of Owen Monahen whom death was recorded last week returned a verdict of "- Aegis dental death. , FROM the press of official matter in this issue, several interesting communi- cations have been left over till next week, and others heve' been necessarily , condensed. MASONIC Pc-Nie.—Yestf,rday, 24th jest, 'being the anniversary of -St John; the members of Britannia Lodge with' their lady friends, celebrated the day by a Pic-nic in Payne's Grave, neer ,Egniondvillee We understand the clay was pleesattly spent ON Saturday a sem of Mr. Carmichs ael was driving two little girls, daugh- ters ot Mr. Veal, in a buggy, when a lamberwaggon ran into• it. throwing the eirls out and injuring them. Dr. Smith was called to attend their inju- iipe and they are recovering. TEMPERANtE Pro-nese—Huron Tem- ple, No. 308, -x-vilt celebrate Dominion Dety by a grand pio-nic at Bayfield. They start from Seaforth about 7 o'clock. Friends 6£ TemperanCe are invited. Pi-Nicers will provide their owe provisions. liurozt Riele Meta.. The following are the winners of the prizes. at the above match which ,took p1aceiii,Seaforth on Thursday weeki- Three and Five Hundred Yards. 1st, Bissett ; 2nd, Iloward ; 3rd, BiEisett ; 4th, Joslin ; 5th, 'Green:way ; 6th. - Saunders ; 7th, Robertson. One hun- dred and Jiffy, and Two hundred, yards. 1st, W. ScotteRobertson; 2nd, McOann; Banick ; 4t11, Hake, 5th, Pass- more. Four hundred yards, lst,, Wilson, 2nd, Hackey, ; 3rd, Wilson, 4th, Rolfe ; 5th, Hart ; 6th. Cook; 7th, Blake. A man. in Godericli found a small iron pot, containing $81, while digging a cellar. The &gnat is elated at the diseovery, and says ! "it could not -have' Leen found at a more opportune time, in so far as Goderich is concerned."— 'When a town of 3,000 rejoices At the finding of $81, it must certainly be far gone. ACCIDENT.—A: son of Duncan Mc- Donald, McKillop, met with an ace -- dent, lastweek by ,faliing off, a 1 getting his arm broken" He vas brotight to Seeforth and cared for -by Dr. iniLh, We are plesed to learn that he fie- doieg well. 13.K.V. Mn. Saveeee,-, Wesleyan Minis - tit at Gorrie, who is about 1-lieg remov- ed after a service of three yelers on that sva.e presented with i handsome ItIt of Glassware, etc., etc., by the con- gi•egation. The rev. gentleman leaves, 1 • Tem' Fnuyr CROP. -- ICtiligent en, quires' on the fruit prdspeeta of the present season,- lead us to the conclus- ion that through this eectiereof country, we have !at present every reason to an- tici ate n very large yield of almoet all kin ls of fruit grown in this latitude Apples promise extraordin.arly, While Cherries, quitrents, and in fact ail the smaller varieties, are Scareely anithing behind. • ‘ : 1 . . 'SPRING -.Bens. — Having had the privilege of testing the qu.ality of . the spring bed reeently pat enterprising to w nsin an . 1 have great pleasiire in r it to ,,he fa-vorable notice A Single trial will convii superior qaality over all other patent spring beds. Mr. Bell certainly de- serves the patronage of - tae public for Untiariug energy in bringing to a successful isue, , so usefal an article, and at a price that Conies withinthe reaeh ofall (lox , ABOUT as contemptible a piece of cOntltict as we ever beard of, was, that of the. Clerk- of the Peace,of this county; Lest Saturday we received . from him the Schedule of Convictions for publi- cation. it net being - Very convenient to publish the same al. t week we tele - it graphed him. .'Would i ddin the follow - 1. -4 issue, requesting an answer'thereto which we wantedimm edia.tely. Waitin g for the same Acordingly, .until our Steck of 'thence being exhausted we sent t�: , - cleric') to ask ° the reason of the delay, When. we learned .that, this, very worthy and dignified (I) indivi- dual, declined ensWering, inasinuch, as "he was not oblitiatell to:" We know that, but we always have conSidered thatthe man - who does no 1 more gated to is a in re, ity 1which intensified in )Ur exPerieece t °leer refused carrying with him: the friendship of the entire commutity. - As will be seen by "Adv." a Concert is to bo given in Seaford' on the 7th prox., for the benefit of St. Thomas' Church. • The perform et -S iu add ition to oin local talent, will comprise, a, num- Ler of the Brantford Ineian singers rn- cluditig the grand basso einger Mr. Beechiner, ae d Mrs. Beaver "Star, Queen" of the Six Nation. We antici- pate a large turn out. _ ONE evening last week a commercial; traveller fell into one of those many manteaps that the Seaforth , sidewalks present, His log and face were coneid- erabiy cut and bruised., and his clothes L'aelly damaged. By far tip betttr plea would Le, for parties having oc- caeion to disturb the sidewalks by building, to rentoye them eltogether, fur the time being. EXCURSION To 13.1141.NTy0RD. — On Dorniii ion Dav an Excursion Train wil 1 he run from doderich aid irn,ernesdiate stations to Brantford—Return tickets one fare: Train leaves Seaforth at '1.30 a.m.; and returnmer leaves Brant- ford at 6. 30 p. m. Ticke'ets will be e,e- eepted on any regular train the follow- ing day. The -people of Brantford are waking extensive preparations for. the celebration- of Dominion Day. At 10 o'clock diffetent athletic games will take place, rrein 2 to 10 p.m:, the Hosticultaral Society will hold their Spring Show in the Music Mal. But the feature of thedaywill be the grand emeert of the Brantford Choral Union whieh begins at 3.30. The society nun: oers over 80 mem bers, and their first coittee-rt was pa.tronieed by au audi- t Ice of more than 1000 -penalises-The progeamtne is worthy the patronage of music -loving people, beetig • selected frau) the Oratorios of the i" Messiah," "Judas Maccabeus," &c.; S,Oloss Dlietts aud Choruses. -We expect that this ' excursion will be in every sense a sue - The Grand Trunk promises:com.- tn ca1),I.e>coa oh es, and the in d ucem ents fiffered by the people of Brantford for a visit are ulmost uninstauced. -gated by our r. Thos. Bell. commending f the Public. ice all of its 2-"ii.A.RRIED. • MCARTNEY—WALKNR- —By the Rev. W. Graham, on the 24th inst,. Iltfr. Robert ltIcArtnete son of R. McArtnity, Esq., to Miss' Isabella Walker, daughter of George Walker, Esq., Mill Road, Tulekersmith then he is positively ob mighty mean piece of ht We still believe, and the present' case. In this is the first officer th, THE MARKT As will be seen by our quota the price of wheat has made a w vance during the paet week, co on rumors of the crops being Britain by the excessivewet. BEAEORTH, June, wool 4 pound *heat, (Fall) it' bushel; Wheat (Spring) ft` bushel Barley it? bushel, Oats II bushel, Peas ;i bushel, Potatoes ip bushel,' Hay tt ton, Eggs '119 dozen, Butter A TORONT0,-1June, - .(By Teiegraph. 9 Royal Canadian Bills heat (Fall) Ip bushel, do (Spring) AP bushel, .Oats trq bushel, Barley $ bushel, Peas- fP bushel an ausweer to a respeetf d and proper question on a matter over which he had control. The only e cuse that ye know for it, is_ that it- comes from Goderich. However uch it may 'grieve an, official to e compelle4 to send work away from hi own forsaken land forlorn towu, to a rural Wage, Isuch snubbing as the botie' wiel not 'effect the, matter one wh t, in its iavor, lat least. TS. tions below, onderful ad- sequent Up - damaged in 5th, 1869. 33 ® 94 ® ® GO® 48® 55 ® 34 95 96 60 52 60 60® 60 00 @11 00 9 ® 10 12© 16 24th 1869. 97 1 03 to 1 03 00 to 1 03 52 to 53 76 to 0 80 70 to 74 CHURCH DtREcJroRY. A GRAND INDIAN CONCERT TN which theameteur singers of Seaforth I and vieinity, have generously consented to take a part, will be given in Seaforth; on the evening of the 7th of July 1869, in aid of funds 'rcqi41ed in connection with St. Thomas' Chuch, Seafortb. The folio ng are the cheif singers in the Indian Trou e who have very kindly pro- mised to join the concert, and all appear in their native • costume. viz : Mrs. Beaver, Star Queen" of the Six Nations. Mr. Her - chimer, (Mahkoonse) the celebrated Bass Singer Mr. Albert Anthony, (Shequaghned), MiSS(Aoeweatsion.e), Mrs. Wash - bone,' (Noskliata), Mrs. Powless'(Deyouhra- hcosa), Mrs. Herchimer, (Mahltoonse), Con-! ductor. Mr. Flanders. For ftirther particulars see programme. Seaforth, June 25 1869. 81 2m LOST TWO COLTS. TRAYED from the premises of the sale. 0 scriber, Lot MI ist con.. Tuckersraith, about the fatter end. of April last, two Colts; one year old mare colt, of a light grey_colour and one year old colt, entire—of a dark brown colour, Any person or persons giving such information, by post or otherwise, as will lead tt; their recovery will be suitably rewarded, May 26, 1869. WM. WESTACOTT, Brucefield. P. 0. 81-3in. WEsL.Eylog METHoDisrrenuRe .—Rev. Wm. -Hayhurst, Pastor. (Services everySabbath at 10t o'clock, a. in., and 4 o'clock p. .m. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, p. in. Prayer .. meeting Thursday evenina at 7t. o'clock. 'Itreernonntr Episcoree Oneec 1. —Preaching each 8ebbath at 10.30 a m , by Rev B. B. MciS a,nd 6.30 p, 1 S. Eastman. Sabbath Sc Lecture and prayer =din R + evenings 7.30 p.m. Rev. Ea I • TIOYAIJ CANADIAN B.. Nit. --A- meet- ing' of Stock Io1deisl of the. Royal Canadian Bank was -hell pursuant to request of the board andi in accordance with advertisement A "harp's Hotel, on Monday last. Mr. . Peter Ramsay WII,S- Moved to the cha'r. Mr.. Hayes weS .r equested to at as, eeretary. The Olatirrnam Opened the ineetieg by 'stet- . y the Rev. C. ool at 2 p.m. , Wedueedey 'tman, Pastor. PRIgsBiTERIANOnuRon.---SerS iCeS conimenoe at 11 a.m.. and 6:30 D.H1. Lecture and Prayer -meeting on Tu`esda evening, at 7:30 p.m. gra:" 'iN44 GRAND TRUNK Fl ILWAY. SU911771er Arrang nzents. Trains -will leave the Seaf. th Station, as follows:— GOING EAST. GOIIN 0 WEST. 6:50 A.M. 220 P.M. 10:30 A. et. 308 P.M. 4:10 P.M. 8 42 leer. ing that it 'was celled fo . the purpose of electing delegates ' to represent the share holders of this viemity pt a meet- ing to be held in Toronto, on .Friday next, for the purpose of, confering with the Board of Directors on the alfairs. of "the Bank, he uelieve4 the secretary W:13 in possession of the latest authentic inforniation of the p sition of the Bank's affairs and he woad ask: Mr. Hayes to read the .statement. , Mr. . -. Hayes then read the statement of the Bank as swore -6 last week before the committee of the Houee of Commons, and gave eephinetione in anewer to various questions put by stock borders, Mr. Corby then ,ID oved seconded by 11i Johnston, that Messrs. _McCaughey, Hickson, Shearson, Goveeloek and Joseph Kidd be elected delegates to represent -the stock bolderof this vicinity at the Meeting to be held on Friday next in Toronto. This motioii . was put from the chair and .carried unanimously. Mr. Corey's name was afterwards added by desire of the meeting. Signed, P Wren RAMSEY, - AC P. He_Yes, Chairman . Secretary. Seaford', June 21st1869. A fire °mural in Brantford oft 'Tues- day night about 12 o'elock., commenc- ing in Burgys' Cabinet Shop, destroy- ing the property of John Welsh,' A Burge,. S. Simons, W. Colder J. Sayles, J. Humter, Mi;s. Wilkie, B. German J, Wilkes, A. et. Cleghorn, J. Cox,1 E. B. Wood, MCKenzie & Griffin, A. ,E. Hardy, Brooker & Wilkes, Mr. No- lan, Mrs. Ciraig, H. Spence, W. H. 1Howell, Mason & Eamilton,land Mr. IBrooks. Leave for Ainleyville, -Trit Bayfield and Exeter,Thn Trains in the afternoon. xeter, the arrival of TAILORS! TAILORS A RARE CHANCE. TuE undersigned offers to rent the back shop of a tailoring ancl clothing e,stablish- ment in the thriving village of Ainley where there fit a bueiness ample for five or six bands Apj ly to 8 SMA LE, Merchant Tailor, Dingle P. 0. Ainleyville, Juue 25 1869. 81-tf. 'GOOD NEWS To Farmers and Others: THE undersigned having newly fitted out his mill M a first class at le, M whieh he is now grinding for every FIFTEENTH • BUSHEL, Or exchanging flour for 'good wheat at 41 lbs.to the bushel. THE HIGHEST MICE IN aASH -PAID FOR WHEA ! ALFRED BREWER, Roxburgh Mills. Seafortli, June 4th 1869. 78-3m. eess _ Beekerrieue ! SPLENDID ! 1 is the verdict given by all who 'lase Hunt's Empire Hair Gloss, It makes dry, harsh, stiff hair soft. glossy and. beautiful. It cleanses the scalp, removes pimples, strengthens the glands, prevents the hair from falling, and. will cer- eaiuly makek it, grow strong, luxuriant and beantiful, and. it is only 25 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere. SEAFORTH MILLS. • Flom. and Feed . 73 ly • DYSPEPSIA cured by using Dr. Colby'e An- ti,Costige and Tonic Pills They regulate the Bowels, correct the Liver, clear the, Com- plexion, .and renotate the system, they are composed of active ingredients M a highly concentrated form, anwt tstrike at the root of disease, curing almost like magic. Thous: - ands testify to their extraordinary curative properties. Sold by all dealers. 73-1 y AVING received an. Agency from. W. a: J. Scobie, for the sale of their uurivell- ede Flour, I am now prepared to furnish purchasers with an article -WHICH WILL .DEFY COMPETITION! Parties ordering Flour or Feed from me, can haVe the same delivered in any part of Town on the shortest notice. WM. ALIT. Seaforth, Jan. 20th, 1869. 59-72 REAUTIFUL nut, NATURE'S (SOWN. You Mud Caltivate it GRAY HAIR IR a oe.rtaiii indiefUtion of Tleaay at the ROMA. MRS S. A. ALLEIIT'S Hair Restorer Restores gray hair th Its natural &tor end beauty and produces luxuriant growth. It: gives the hair beautiful gloss and.delightful fragrauee. Manufactory and Sales Office,. 35 BARCLAY STREET and 40 PARK PLACE N. Y. AND 266 HIGH 1101.8011N, London, Eng. CtirSeatter mid Rolls,I:tie catgists, agents oft Seaforth. For Sale everywhere, . January 2Stle 1869. ' 00-1y. SHOATLS, SPADES, SPADING AND MANURE FORKS, Family Drug Store. R.LuIVISDEN has just received Es Spring Importations .0f_ Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, French, English ami. American Perfumery, Hair Dressings'Oils, and_Pbmades ; Hair, Tooth, Nail and BrUSh.88; Dressing and Fine-tooth Combs; Toilet and Shaving Soaps, ,ee., &c. Horse 8s Cattle Medicines, • Condition Powders, tC„, GARDEN RAKES, HOES, &C., ' In Great Variety, At JOHNSON' Bno's. Seaforth, April 9th, 18o9. 70 1869. 1869 SPRING IMPORTATIONS KIDD & M'MULK1N DYE , STUFFS Of very Superior. Quality. HYSIC1ANS' Prescriptions accurately prepa•red, R. LTJ1V1SDEN, Pharmaceutical Chemist. e eafottla Apri1.22. 53-tf. . ARE NOW prepared to SHOW the Contents of 40 Packages OF ry Goods MANTLES, . MILLINERY, BoOTS. & SHOES &c., &c., which will be sold at the Smallest Profits.! Always on Hand A Choice Stock of Family Groceries: sro.v.L. WAGGONS,, BUGGIES, -A ND all implements for farm use manu. factured by RCHAUCHT & TEEPLE, Good and Cheato. Remember the stand. NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. Seaforth,Feb. 20, 1868. 11-1.y ONTARIO, HOUSE, Edward Cash AS much pleasure in announcing to his customers that he is opening up one of the best assorted Stocks of ,Vrzng and Sunzmer • GI- Cr 0 ID S To be found in. Seaforth, Prints and Muslin Dresses of the most beautiful patterns. Li4 dies' Bonnets and Parasols of the lateet styles. Mens' Straw and Felt Hats by hun- dreds. TEAS and General Groceries that cannot be excelled, always on hand : also a, good stock of Hardware, consisting of Paints, Oils, Montreal Nails, Harvest Tools House Furniture, Wheels and Reels, Crockery and Lamps. • , Seaforth, April 14, 1869. 53-1 y. 'CG:ARTWRI.GHT, Surgeon Dentist, . Stratford, Ontario, begs most re- spectfully to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country that he has I opened a DENTAL OFFICE over MR. HICKSON'S DRUG. STORE, Main Street, Seaforth, and has procured the assistance of Mr. J. A. Ell* Surgeon Den- tist to take charge of the same. Mr. Cart- wright will continue to visit Seaforth the second week of every month. All work warranted to give perfect satiefa,etion. Teeth extracted with little or no pain by the ase of the Narcotic Spray, which produces local anesthesia, (want of pain.) Charges Moderate. Terms Ca,sh. REFERENCES :—Dr. Smith, Senforth Dr. Shaver, Stratford ; .T. Dutton. Chemist Stratford ; P. R Jarvis, Esq., Stratford. 'Dr. Whiting, Berlin.; Dr. Rowans,- Driirobo Dr. Bray, Chatham. .... Mi. C. will be at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, the third week of every month. Seaforth, Dec. 17th 1868. 53-1v. Waggons, Buggies AND DEMOCRATS . T. HE undersigned is now manufacturinc a large number of 1Patent Arm 11STaggOns ! Of the most thorough finish, and will posi- tively guarantee the tires to remain tight on the wheels for at least Ten YearstI aii also turning out Buggies and Democrate of Various Styles! Frem the best quality of Hickory, imported expresSfy from Ohio, As all my. AXELS both Wood and Iron, are set by my Patent Axle Gunge, 1 can confidently warrant my Waggons and Buggies to Run Lighter than any other built in Canada. TERMS LIBERAL! To responsible parties. All orders by mail or otherwise, promptly attendedtto. • G.* MINOHIN. k Shakespeare, May 5th, 1869.: 744m GrIts a ..srt,111,• Lg.j.aWnd: SAfureveylloirLs,LcUiv8i1 PEITgin.VieersNe,IAeLcij. All manuer of Conveyancing done with - neatness and. dispatch. G. McPhillips, Com - d Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth. • missioner MB. It. Office --N t door5371;:th Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. K.IDD Sr. 11IaIUI,1W4. 24eaferth, May 7th, 1869. •I 9