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Uontiteet council Proceedings.
(anicluclect- from last week.).
Council Room, Goderich,
,June ,§ed, 1869. • .t
Comtell present.- Minutes of
last meeting - adopted. A. caninunica
tion regarding the Warden's stilarywas
read, and a Cemmittee 'of seven appoint
ed to enquire into the, legality- of the
same; A number of pritions, etc.,
were referred to the yaiaous Commit-
tees. A t motion by Mr. Perkins, sec-
onded by Mr. Wade, for the Counties
of Huron and Petth to build a. bridge
over the Maitland., on the line between
Howiek and. Wallace, was referred to
the Finance COmmittee. On *Motion
cf Mr. Shannon, seconded by Mr. Han-
nah, that .Tames: Kerr be paid for the
Gravel Road running through his farm,
It was- resolved that the Engineer re-
port. thereon'. The County ,Engineer
was instructed to examine the uevia-
fon of road On Town Line between
Grey and -Wallace, and rePort at next
- meeting of Council as to cost of straight-
ening the same and building a bridge,
The report of the Equalization Commit-,
. tee was read, and, after a number of
arnendnients were submitted, it was
adopted (see schedule elsewhere.). A
motion of Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr.
Ilingston for ne
l rant .of moy`ee re
move\ drift -wood in the river.near A.iti
leyVille, was referred to Finance COEO-
Mitteg.. -It was resolved to give <$175
te build a bridge acroes the Maitland
• between Howick and Wallace, provid-
ed the County of Perth give an equal
amount, and the Clerk was instructed
to ,comneunicate the same to the 'Coun-
cil of ,Perth., The Finance Renorc Was
read, to Which a few amendments, were
subniitted, and the Council adjourned.
JUNE, 4th, 1869.
Pull Council present. Minutes ad
opted : An adlitional 'grant of $6,000
was !voted for -gravelling the A_sh.field
Road, on the condition that the Town:.
ship' finish, said road to the line 9f
Bruce.: • One hundred 'dollars was
granted towards the Battalion Match
• this fall. A motion to open. the drain
in order to cake the stagnant water oft
the road !tear Seaforth, was . lost. The
• Treasurer was authOrized to apply the
Colboine boundary lino appropriation
towards the payment of the guarantee
given for building the 'bridge at Ball's.
The Treasurer was instructed to pay.
the balance of the $500 to the Totin-
shirt of Stephen, for the completion of
the Crediton Gravel Road, The Engia
neer w -aa instructed:to place a fence on
each side of -the approach on the North-
ern end of the BaylIela Bridge. A
resolution that a Fair be held three
. times a year, atternetely in ;the Villages
of .Seaforth and Clinton, .the first in
Ciintn on the second V ednesclae of
October next, in Seaforth on the tliird
Wednesday in December, and in Clin-
ton on the Wednesday week precedieg
Easter, and fso to be. 3ontinued,----ee-
ferred to 'Finance Committee. The
County Engineer was instrutted to ex,
amine The. Gravel Read North of Sea-
ford), on the 4th Concession, and report
whether it ben the •original road. al-
lowance. It was resotved to emelt
.$250 to eachof the Grammar Schools,
provided Godericb and Clinton :raised
like amounts. Council adjourned till
to -morrow.
JUNE 5th, 1$69.
Council met. • Warden ia the chair
minutes adopted. Several Committee
Iteports' were teceived. By -Law N.
11, imposiug the County 'Rates, was
mad and Ipaesed. A motion for $1:00,
ftr repairing the line between Wawa -
nosh and Iiinlots, vas lost, as was al-
so a motion for the Engineer to put the
apprOaches .to Ltheet-hridge across the
Maitland, between Grey and Howl*.
Moved by Mr. Sinapsoia, seconded -by
Mr. Morrove, that this Council do -pow'
adjourn till the -first Tuesday in De-
cember, at Clinton. Moved in amend-
ment by Mr. Sproat, seconded by Mr.
Young, that the adjournment he to
Goderieh. Motion carried by. a• ma-
jority of six. The following is the
vote :—
MoeioN.—Messrs. Doyle, Greenway,
Bishop, Simpson, Castle, Hannah, Mor-
row, Snell, Patton, relly, McDonald,
Wade, Messer, Scott, Helps, Grant and
Ferran --17.
AMENDXENT—Illessis Creery, Rroeya,
Carrick, Sproat, McLean, Shannon,
Hingstor, Perkins, Young, Girv ea, and
•Orel' Council Proceted.bags..
Town Plot, Grey; May 28, 4869.
The oonncil met here- this day ac-
cording to appointment, for the pur-
pase of revising the- Assessraent Rotls,
and other busiaess., The Reeve in the
•chair, .and all the trienbers present.
The minutesof last meeting having
been read and approved, it was moved
by MrMcDonald, seconded by Mi.
tittatietta, that the account of C. II
Cull, na sum Of -434 for printieg bil'
far t6Il dene,, he paid. --- Careie ct., 1,1e •
.111cSiala, seceniled by Slem-
mon, that the •Reeve. do grant an or
in favor of Mrs. Moore, in sum of ;
dollars, being for sheep- killed by d
in 1868, ceititied by John Mitdh
J. -P., and John Leckie, 'J. P. Mov
U: A. McDonald, sedonded by -Jo
Strachan, that the _petition of Andr
etteGeery, playing for assittance fr
tins Council, be not granted in
meantime ; but that thie Council
quire of him a petition' signed by
sponsibte parties in his neighborho
before any money will be granted.
'Carried. Moved by S. Slenamon, se
by John &rather' That the petition
Redeford, Hayward, Mahon, Ross a
others, the petitiort. of William Kin
Daniel king and others, Walter 0:iv
John Ilarbottle and others praying f
money grants on roads be 'carried ov
till next !fleeting of Council, as we w
then be in'a position to know what
do in the matter. • Moved by Jol
Strachan, seconded by S. Sir=
That the petitions relative to
*Schools be laid- over for the present
• this being a Court,of Revision, we ha
no time to attend to them. Moved I.
John. s tracheal, seconded by S: Slemnto
That the _Reeve do grant an order
favour of .Arthur Rayinans for for t
sus) of $30, being le:Mance returnea o
contract of Bridges at nombers P
16th concessien: The Council -the
hag resolved themselves into a Cou
of Revision, the following complain
against assessment were heard:and di
posed of as follows, vii : Gomplaint
Samuel Ames against -assessment
personal property not allowed; coin
plaint of James Reid egeinet assessmen
of uncleared land not allowed as b
does not appear to give any evidence i
the matter of complaint ; •complaint
James McCracken, that his assessmen
Ie reduced the sum of $100 ; cputplai
of Henry Savage' that he is assesed fo
more cleared and than he has got -1
duced 20 aer6s cleared land and a(
ded to wild land, complaint of Sainue
McGeorge that his personal pf opert
s assessed too high --$20 taken off pei
opal. Property ; complaint of Willian
flabkirk, too -high assessment on iea
rtate—$50 taken off real peoperty, an(
50 off pertonal• property, ; $75 adde(
o personal property ot john Sleik an
701to personal property of John Vin
eut, complaint, being made that - then
ssessment is too !ow, and which is evi
mit from thesRoll ; complaint of Mark
ardiff of too high aseessment—no re
uction made; bomplaint of Jno. Sin
ltir against atsessment of persdaal pro
ertyt—personal property $160, struck
ffentirely ;complaint of Michael Hunt
did net appear ; complaint (if Adtm.
haffer—did not appear ; *Coin -plaint of
Wm. -King, too high assessment on real
state—no allowance; complaint of R.
arr—no allowance, did not appeai.
he above alterations being conformed
t was moved by A. McDonald, second--
by Jno: Strachan That this Counci,
o now proceed to the appointment of
ath masters,. Poundkeepers etc.—Car-
ea. -Moved by S. Siem mon, seconded
y A. McDonald That Robert Laialaw
d Benjamin Pyle be appointed Road
ispectors for the current year and that
eir several duties be ia the same
uuds as last year . -a -Carried. Moved
John•Strechan, seconded by S Slem-
on That the Reeve do grant an order
favour of B. Pyle the sum of $60,
ing his salary as Assessor for the
rrent year. Moved by A. McDonald
-ended by Jno. • Stewart That the
eve •pe ani is hereby instructel to
ant an order in favourof William
wson for the sum of $3 beiug for
ne •on 14th concession. Moved by
McDonald, seconded,' by S. Slemmon
at the Reeve do grant an order in
iour of A. Gowtilock for the
En of $10, being part of salary of
wen Inspettor. for the. current year.
Carried. Moved by John &matte,
onded by Jnol Stewatt That this
and' do.now adjourn to meet again
Tuesday the 15th of June at the
al time an places—Carried.
Tp. Clerk.
Hay Council.
The Court of Revision for the Town-
ship of Ila.y, idithe year 1869, was held
in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 18th.
of... May, puisua.nt to public notice.
The Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Coun-
cillors were all present and comprised
the Court. The Reeve in the Chair.
The following alterations were made in
the Rolls, viz t That Sole -mon Martin's
name be placed .on the Roll instead of
John }Jewett's, and Jtte'm, Rothemill's
name irstead of Henry Steinbruch's.
That Alfred Bagsleew be assessed f.r
the west half of Lot No. 35, South
Boundary; said part of tot No. 35 to
he taken off the Non Resident Roll.
That Henry Zimmerman, Jacob Schierl -
eller and John Bell, be. relieved from
paying dog tax, their dogs having died
sinee the assessment was taken, and al-
to that Christian °Bonnet' e name be
-11fteed on the Roll ittstead of Christian
Ginerico's for lot No, 22, in the
30 (Inn. Th -re 1-eing. no other busi
e re te.-ouit, the- Chairinan
, •
distuieseo it and ordered reettieeting
• the Colin& to he °pee edl-er the Clef
reading the minutes of tie It taieetin
which were -read and approved. Mo
ed bf William Turnbull. seconded b
Wm. Carrick That Justice Applerna
• be refunded the sum of $7, for seve
days statute labor charted against h
property. in 1864, he having performe
• the work.—Carried. Moved by Wm
Carrick, seconded by Wm.. Turnbu
That Alex; McLaven be paid $50
• pint payment of Assessor's salary fo
11869. --Carried. Moved • by. Wm
urnbull; secoPdecil by • i.: B. Geyb
tii e
That the suOf $ibe refunded td W
Coe, he having paid the same by mi
take in back taxes.—Carried. Move
hy "VVm. Carrick, seconded J. B. G -e3
hur That the accomit of IL C. Boulton
.P. L. S., amounting to $6, be paid.—
Carried. Moved.by I. B. Geyher, sec
by Wm. Cairick That the Sum of $4
be granted to cut down the hill on th
Brun ion Line between lot 16, provide
that the Pathmasters each .side of i
perform the greater part of their statut
ltbour thereon,, and the motley be ex
pended Under the direction of J. B
Geyher.—Carried. Moved • by Wm
Carrick, seemaled ter Wm.- Turnou'l
That the sum of $12 be granted to
HarCe Carr, she being in indigent cir-
cumstancee.—Ctirried. Robt Fergus
on moved, •s(IcAded by J: B.. Geyher,
That the following accounts be paid,
• viz : Chas. Busher for planks .$2; Wm.
13e11 for gravel, Certified by Wnt. Luker
eid Peter Burns Pathniasters, $4 75;
Wm. Turnbull, repairs on road, $1 -00;
Leonard Kellerman, plank, 54 cts. ;
,ectuauel_Carlile; drawing gravel, $2 00.
—Carried. Wm. Carrick moved, sec-
onded by 3, B Geyher, that the sum of
$5 00 be paid to Henry Greb,' for a
'offin for Conrad Beeker, and $1 00 to
Val lentine Zeller for digging a grave.--
Carried. Wm. Carrick moved, second-
• ed by J. G. Geyher, that David Wan-
less be refunded the sum of $30, being
an error in his taxes of 1868, and Wm.
Grundy - the, sum of $1, .being overr
eharge for a dog CM Henry Walker's
assessment for I 868.—darried. Wm.
Turnbull moved, seconded by' J. •B.
Geyher, that the stun of $3 be refund-
ed to Christian Shanty, he having, paid
the same- to the County Treasurer, Ind
also performed statute labor therefor.—
Carried. Win. Turnbull moved, • sec-
onded by Wm. Carrick, that the 001111-
61 do now adjt m'n to meet again in the
Town Hall, ou the 8th day of June
• next, at 10 o'clock a m. ---Carried.
• Township Clerk.
Wesleyan Conference.
S k ecial Report.
The forty-stxth • annual Wesleyait
Conference com tnenf'*:ed its session on the
22nd in Toronto. More than 300 min-
isters were in -attendance. The names
of the ministers appointed to attend the
Conference wsre announced by the Dis-
trict Secretaries. The number of in- in-
istert and of pieachers on trie' now
connected with the Canada Conference,
approaches 600. Of this large body,
more than 300 were in attendance al
tteir present anneal meeting. The
Conferences naxt inoceedea to the elec-
tion of a President for the ensuing year.
Tile choice ef the bedy fell on tne Rev.
W. M Punshon, A., who was elect-
ed by an unanimous vote. In cornpli-
auce with a nomination made by the
Conference last year, the President ap-
Pointed the Rev. Geo. Donglass,
Montrea,, to be his Co -Delegate for the
coming year. The Rev. President, on
being re-elected, made an able and elo-
quent speech—remarking that he felt
the honor greater this yeer, as on his
first appointment they took him on
ttitst, while now they had re-elected
him with the frel knowledge of what he
was Hethtnked God and his brethern
for the honorable position in which he
found. hitnself. Their experience la.st
year demonstrated that they were able,
large as their numbers were,. and per
plexing .as were the questions with
which they had to deal, to transact all
the business of the Confererce without
anything; being said or done inconsis-
tent with the si nit that should actuate
Ministers of the Gotple. He expressed
the hope- that this year every harsh
word, every irritating expression Would
be indefinitely postponed. The Co -De-
legate, the Rev. George • Douglass, on
taking the seat, also thanked the Con-
ference for the _high honor conferred up-
on hfin ; and remarked that, es the Presi-
dent was so well aole to discharge the
duties of his office, his work as assistant
would be comparitively light. He
would try as he had previously -done,
in whatev-er position, to serve the
church to the best of his ability. • Tile
Rev. Charles Lavel, M. A., was re-
elected to the office of Secretary ; and
the Confereuce was, declared duly or-
ganize or the transaction of business.
The session on Thursday was princi-
pally occupied in going over the names
of the young men who had served one,
two, three, and four yeaes, and the re-
ceiving into full connection those. 'who I
Al serve *four years..
The following, days were occupiedl TU -St A RRI1TED
with general routine lausiness, and the
:reception of delegates from othel deno-
minations, the delegates delivering
lengthy addresses, and suitable answers
made by the President or some other
member of the Confereece,
. We regret that the press of other
matter prevents a more detailed report:
But, appended will be found the stati-
on appointments in this vicinity as re-
commended by the first draft. It will
however be understood that this is not
necessarily conclusive as it is subject to
the modification of theleenference.
Seaforth, W. Price—Clinton, W.
Hawke and Henry Kellam—Godeinh,
W. II. Poole— Mitchell, W R. Dyre,
Nelson Sanders, and Ashael Hurlburt
—Strattora, Charlts Level, M. A.—
Bayfield, E. Cragg-L.Dtingannon, Lu th7
r O.- Rice, (Nile.)—Kincardi-e, W.
Hayhurst, Nathaniel Smith—Tees-
water, George Jacques.—Ainleyville,
Coleman Bristol, 13. A.—Trowbridge,
William Tu cker—Ho w ic k, James Whi-
ting One to be sent--Wingham, T.
Cleworth. • One to be sent—Lucknow,
Willifun Crces—Huron, (Fr Mission)
Janies A. Dorion—St Marys, Richard
Whiting—Kirk ton, J W. 13 olinf s.
One to be t-ent— kixeter, A. Edwards,
filil.;,tfoi 410r rtAIIIRII.
Another Car Lead of PECK'S
Montreal • Cut Nails
At Johnson Bro's
Seaforth, April 9th. • 70
Summer Arrangenzeno.
Trains will leave the Seaforth Station, as
follows:— ,
6:50 A.M.
10:30 A.M.
4:10 ray!.
2:20. P.m.
• 3:08 P.M.
• 8:42 P.M.
Oliver's A clvertisenzent
AFEW persons can be accoodated with
m• board by the undersigned, one door
south of MeNught's shop, Seaforth.
• Seaforth, June 4, 1869. E. PLUM.
A SPLENDID New House, situated on
• /1 Lots No. 148 and 149, South side of
St. John Street, 8( aforth.
• For Particulars apply to
Seaforth, May 20th, • 76-4in
For his Stock of
Never Excelled
In this Market
The Manchester House
Then is the place for Satisfaction
• in Dealing.
• Seaforth, May 4th, 1869. 6141,
T7 you want a Watch that will keep the
• you
time, purchase one of Thomas
Russell & Son's celebrated Watches. A
large stock of them for sale at
He has also on hand a large assortment of
Clocks, Jeweliery, Fancy Goods, Toys &c.,
all to -be sold Cheap for Cash.
SirEvery description At Watches, Clocks,
and Jewellery Repaired on the Shortest
Notice, and Warranted to give satisfaction.
The highest price paid for Old Gold and
• . M. R. COUNTER.
Seaforth, April 27th, 1869. 53-ly
-In the Matter of THOMAS CURRIE,-
of Seaforth, ait Insolvent.
troHE creditors of the Insolvent lt.re
1 ed that he ha f made an assi,,,,trnent of
his estate and effects under the a,beve act, to
me, the undersigned Assignee, and that they
are required to furnish me ivithin two
months from this date with their claims,
specifying the security they hold if any, and
the -value of it, and if none stating the fact,
the -whole attested under oath, with t,he
vouchers in support of such 'claims.
Dated at Goderich in the County of Hur-
on, this 29th April, 1861-...
JOHN HALDAN. Official A3'12.110.- 74
American Conflict,
work is published in two whines,.
and Contains about 1,400 pages, illustrat-
ed with 144 Steel Engrayings, besides plans
of battlefields, prepared by Topogrophical
Engineers, also a large copper -plate kap of -
the Seat of War, 28x38, engraved. expressly
for this, work at an expellee of over $2,400..
'Ibis is undoubtedly the fullest and perhaps
the most impartial history of the war yet
written, and one which should be in the
hands of all who wish to post themselves on
the stirring events -which transpired in the
neighbouring Republic during the Southern
Rebellion. This work is also published in
German. '
"Itis the clearest afid. most compendious •
account yet published of the operations of
the 'war, from the beginning of the year 1862,
to the suppression of the rebellion. ',North
A tizerican Review-
" The late rebellion will doubtless call
forth many other histories, but none that ,
will impair the value of this."—Independent.
With all the shortcomings, • Mr. Greelv
is the best historian of the war as yet—the
most valttable in matter, the most diligent,
and the best in point of literary execution."
--New York World.
"As yeais roll on, its pages will become ,
more valuable, and be a priceless legacy to
the future patriot and statesman."—Provi-
Awe Press. •
SoId by subscription only.
Canwssers wanted in every county in On-
tario, to whom the most liberal commission
will be allowed. and exclusive territory gvien.
Apply to WM. DONAGHY,
• General Agent;
June 4, 1869. • 78.
London, June 4.--11-
Lora Broughton-, forme
War) *leretary..tor Ireli
missioner of V4)44 , ai
limiting the number of
ated under its proeieien
ailly. 1 -
1 In the I-Ifilise of Leh
Lordtafferd de Radk.,;
'c, opy (-fille .1pLabanta 11
-Vroveruinenti Ilea shov}
-onciliation in its des/'
1Tc.t e, awl he trusted •
eaeione, ee,tre resulted,.
spirit than that whieh
Sumner's :lipiel!nlwould
ence, and -eitat Amelia
that here Were .aeinae
laud could i ot entem
sucl negotationg wou)
/ations upon; a satisfacti
All would rei,joi( e if tie
attained by F the able
1:1v-omijidic'lelLe'dtlr:yiltiiiull fill;• ii
!called for. . lie traee
the negotatiense and ea
•Commons Wa.s-not en t.
that a majority of the S
,of the -Th_ited StateF,
-Suenne.is demand.. II
A-Li:ill:1ga.: ii,,,i,tiftdrv-7,etoidoteseti,
-would ul,ireateltt prevt
feelings of the United -1
tciprocated, , Helwould]
.sacritice to; maintaizl
flatiena_as ilhonor t4Qir-Mti I: eS t
instructions ; but pet)
loccurea weeld Promote,'
inegotations, se the ter
:was willing to uoaied
iwerteswell known.
1 A'further reduction
been ntadb by - the
!Atlantic Cable whieb
June .1st. :- The rate
rioi.v• reduced to $16, A
-*dditional word. Thei
sianatnre are all colintE'
c'A meeting -of the -CO
-w-a..s held yesterday to
coursetshonld lie pursit
the Bill for the di'eestall
IrishiorCd1,)e-t7i,erhi.;s `urged :
.be made to ithe Bill onJ
ing, and th.?A it fawn
and the leaders- of the i
'-wish to Iiietate, and wi
the judgment of each
main unfettered. He ,-
...gaull.try had 11.07et-' pri
preeene Bill, and as th4
House of Lord s Was
the most pelitie,1 cons
course to . pursue, aim
eis,7.0-ii:d be
Lord -Salislearry 1
eonrse recoil"' meetlea
The agitati'pn which! v
rejection of the Bill i
--elisaetrous to the count
, , 1
not/ling to -ave the er
evenld. be Vetter to ace(
it iiiec''thi:tinittei
Lord Carnarvonenp
mend-ado/1 i of Lord t
urged the Chamber af
it was able, to malt
Irish Church—they tn.
opportiinity hereafter;
Lord *Derby was in:
, jectien of * the i Billet
personal fears skoula (
- doing rig,bt. •
The majority of tit
' ipproved of the views,
leknel it was *agreed that
ing of the Bill shouid.'
1 It is estimated tha
tenajority of 80_egainstil
1 Bill on the second reali
I.emdon,; June 7.—'
tservative 1deputatio
Derby said he spoke
House of Lords, not .1
-vice his friends. Wit
tef the Irish Church ,wi
. to reject, ehe Bill for
nient, he was per*
. vets the -only course. '
,-*Ahe Bill would be rej
' majority, Such a tom
:asslienet feloIf ''Itthisefie. 'lit
-country, who would. c
, their support if coer
. was attenapted. At a ni
, vatives held in Loud.
, utione were aelopta
Irish Church En J
' that Mr. 'Gladstone 1
, the House Of Lords i'
prorogue the present!
nient immediately a
. etession, in forder to e
of the Bill. It is
batch of Peers, inelud
eat &ties of the ntliat
ofHalingten, Loi