HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-06-11, Page 3DOT NO „N; The House of Commons went tette: Cout.inittee of Supply, ply, acid agreed ,te several items: FRIDAY. Sir John A. Macdonald intreduced ill for the temporary govei•i:ixaent of eNorth-West. A message ways b` tlow n from His Excellency ciac:loam resolaitiolrs on the`subject of ti:e 'nio _.v.�(1 1Id with the Deni >ron h resolutions on the: =inion orf Prince Edv aai•d's Island. Tile terms for the reception of Newfoundland in the U Ilio°ll demanded -than. as should assume the liatbility of tine alert s of Newfounclandd at the -time o€ the union, and that... the interee t on the debt should be placed on the same foot,.. iete as tlett of the -other Provinces its r the Dominion , aUt interest is tet be • payable by the General Got erIUeL . zi . t ° 4�, half -yearly, at the rite of 5 per cent. : per annum, on the difference bete -tett the indebtedness of Newfoundland Ana. ttiat of Nova Scotia. and New Bruns- -trek rute-trek per head of the population- --=lie-s population of Newfoundland being e st tim a -ted et 130,000, The power of r ' taxation i to be transferred tat the De,, t minion, in return for which h N e e-foun d s land shall receive yearly tit35,0l0,.'}d r an annual'. gent of 80 cents, pi .a head of the papulation—provision being tirade for the iria•reatse of Population—and also- _ also an aniiva l subsicI', of-$150,fila)( in tee r turn for the traan'fer of unoccupied heads, the Coleby retaining control over roa=ds and t}ridges, and the privi- lege of cutting tt ood free of cha=rge, ' This last ole aase, however, reinidii ;auly. jest to reservation. The resoltitiofa • leo provide for the protection of the t l fisheries, of the Colony, the mainte :aance by the General Government of araail steam service between the Do- s € mrsmioit, Newfoundland, and the Ueited Kingdom, a coast mail service, and the ( defraying of certain services of the c Colony, Newfoundland `is aal° to be exempt from e xceptiontd export duties, a and shall be i e -presented in the bora- 111011% by eight merlml ers, and by four members in the Senate he House then went into Committee on the Bill re: petting Criminal Procell ere. Sir € tag:: E. Oa—tier moved concurrence in the amendment' made in Committee 9t. the \V hole to the Bill repek-ting Pa- tents. of Invention. An amendment '. was moved by hon. Mr. Galt and lost: upon a division, ,is was also .an amend- -- meat of Hon, Mr: Tupper, allotting any British subjectto take out a patent' in the Dominion. Mr. Cha .uberlin's amendment, providing against the eve S1OEII of the clause respecting ;mar ufao- tur:ers, and an amendment of Mt Blake, stood over for consideration till the third reading. MONDAY. Mr. McKenzie moved the adoption of - the nth report of the joint Com- mittees. on the Printing, recommending - the acceptance of the tenders of Messrs. Hunter, Ilose cit Co., fur paper printing and binding: Mr: S.tepheneon moved x in amendment that hthe report be refer- red efer red back to Committee with instrate times to recommend the acceptance of the tender of mit B. Ta v i or for lalanting On a division, Mr Steven- 4on's amendment was carried by 115 t¢ 22. " Mr. Pellerose moved that it be recornrra meet to the Committee to ac- ceptt the money security offered by L Mr. Taylor. Atter some discussion the motion VMS ruled out of order, and the original motion as amendett wee agreed to. A discussion then ensued on the subject of navigation, and the question of Provincial jurisdiction on that point., Severad private bills were introduced,: and others advanced a stage. ar �t. r - n TUESDAY. The Patents Bill was read a third time and passed. Hon. Mr. Rose then moved. the House into Committee on the resolutio=nsin relation to the reg c;eptiou of Newfoundland into the Union- After a lengthy debate, the House went into Committee—concur-, renee in the resolutions being reserved until Thursday., WEDNESDAY The House of Commons yesterday tent. into Committee on the Insolvency AOL, On the first clause, Mr. Ross of Prince 'Edward moist d that the wo `t nontrader r be struck out. Mr. Bo` well's amendment to the amendment, I- that the latter portion of the claw prohibiting e oluntary assignments itt the ease of noutraaclers: be struck outt. was lost. Mr.. Ross's amendment W . earned, ()n the second clause, _Mr .Blake moved' to strike out the portion t}f the clause requiring the consent ofd- certain portion of the creditors to a vol:- untary- assignment. The amendment was agreed to: A lengthy debate ea - sued on the 148th clause, excepting the: rovince of Quebec as regards: the asrial v jury of eases under the Act The ouim ttee reported the Bill a s a4C" ed. ## h • �arSTR:I CT MAT ISE RK THEP rospects for Goderich beim- made v. harbour of refuge arenot very bright. Mx. - .A. STRONG has the old estab- lishment stab-l shmenl of Mr. Carding 111full run- ning -order. B amEs' carriages and perambulators (?f all kinds and all prices at Thome Bell's, - THE general Sessions for the County of Huron' began on Tuesday last. Re- port next week. A communication has been received from Blnevaale, which is too much of a business matter for es to insert. • L. it. CO:tBE Y is aetain in Seaforth, personally. He has purchased the Banl,rrapt Stock. of Mrs. Ault, which. he is selling off by auction. Pilot th4 Signal we !learn that the St Andrews congregation of Goderich gave an -unanimous cAl to Rev. Sever - eight of Chelsea;. Teen Send hails with `delight the prospect of a Sal=. Duty. We shall see who will be benefitted by this measure, beside` the salt men Ti3te Bev. Mr. Eastman will preaa'•h in the Methodist Episcopal ehua.••h in this' place on Sabbath even- ing next at half past six o'clock. J. CAMPBELL has a lot of most hand - sem., t ranks. They are complete. Be- , fore starting on a tour take a look at them. "AI r DAISY," wiIi"please accept our thanks., 'e- subject all slick produc- tions to the "test." Next week 'will tell w nether or not hers can stand it. ORANGE.—The .- serri-annual meeting of 'South Huron County Lodge will - be h3Id in the Lodge Room, Seaforth, on the 22nd it st Ma \ illiaixnson came up Erg=o Sea forth on a velocipede, mounting ail the Bilis except, that on this side of the Salt Works in ore hour and a: quarter. Distance WI miles.—Cliff on ...I'm w Era. - THE Aslifi''ld Gravel Road is to he completed. From what we hear it is not before it is absolaatdy necessary. This completes the chain; of gravel roads in. the Counties of" Huron and Bruce. Meefv parties have be4n talking with us on the bad state t of the Market Grand for want of completion ey`lay- ing on the gravel. ; We understand the contract for the same was let some time ago, and hope to see it finished shortly. YESTERDAY Caw., Bull's Volunteer Company underwent the half -yearly inspection by Brigade -Major Service, who complimented both officers and men on the eifi ii€ncy of ;the Company, and very partioulaa ri y onthe proper manlier in which the arms- were taken cafe of. DYSPEPSIA cured by using Dr. Colby's An- ti -Costive and Tonic Tills ' They regulate the Bowels, correct the Liver, clear the Com- plexion, and renovate the system ;,they are come o.ed of active ingredients in a highly cone :t' .ted form, aria strike at the root of disea-se, curing almost like magic. Thous- ands ..e,,tra.i.ty to their - extraordinary curative properties. Sold by all dealers. ' 7 3- ly A MMEET1-G' of - - the officers and dir- coto, s a f the South Hiiron Agricultural Soci tv. and the directors 'of = the Tuck - smith Branch Agricultural Society, will he held at the Tuckersmith Hotel, in the village of 13rncefie-id, on Friday the 18th inst., at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. to snake arrangernents'for holding a Fall Show and other matters. IT will be observed by the proceed- ings of the County - Council, that Free - Fairs will be 'held three times a year alternately, in Clinton and Seaforth. The first will be held- at .Clinton in October next, and m this place m De- cer Tier following, then again in Clinton at Easter. This is a good move, We believe this County well able to sus- tain such an institution. - A GENTLEMAN in this place rete a letter front a party who left this sec- tion of the country a fewmonthsago and settled in Redwood County, Minne- aot. He says, "the land is mostly rolling, and of a very fine quality, especially for hay. Game of all kinds abound. Everything is very dear: Lumber $25 per M shingles, - $3.50 per M. - It - requires a large amount of money to get a start." He paid for the following articles : One yoke of oxen, $200 ; waggon, $85 ; plough, $28 ; stove, $42. Tea. is $2 per lb ; ,coffee, 45 ets. ; pork, 25 ccs. ; butter, 30 cts. ; sugar, 4.1 lbs. for one dollar ; Bait, 3 cts..per lb ; 'flour, $3.50 per cwt. ; potatoes, $1.50 per bushel, and all -other things in proportion. We Imagine that at such prices as those, a roan is justly entitled to pretty high wages in order to make a living at,all. 1'4'H SZA FORTH EXPOSITOR. TI 'EQtT`ALIZATION. The f llowing le the eel talization . vat" ' ` ue of the the several MaincilialitQs in the County as -recommended by .the' Equalization Committee,' and adopted, q a P , by the County Gouncil at its recent session" Tuckersmith : .$799;"51 6j Stanley .... .• .. 839,724 Godericoneh Townshrn , ., : 898 I00 Usbr X757',465 Colborne 599,250 Hay..: 745,750 Stephen ' 768,250 McKillop 834,120 W. Wawanosh' 616,590 E. Wewanosh - 555,180 Morris ' ,. - 760,050 Ashfield... ': , 852,280 Grey:.. 60 ,800 Ito vie... .........., ... 815,600 Turnberry . 447,540 Clinton... -' 190,000 Sean forth. 140,000 Goderich Town 600,000 The County Bate on the above will be •0053. OARMICE GEL'S -.hotel has been in course of locomotion for about a week past. -It has now nearly reached its destination. Many persons were undea the impression that it would give away underthe-: operation, as it is very old and badly decayed ; but still, it stands. True, it-' is pretty badly shaken, but when fixed up it - may not he so ill looking. The fact that it has held to- gether at all, says a peat deal for the parties moving it. - - rose OFFICE REGULAI ION. --There are now two daily mails Imide up ,1 - on Toronto /instead of one as formerly. The first (for Toronto and places east of Toronto only) at 6:30a. in., and the second: at 10:30 a m., ae. heretofore. Two mails are also received daily, the usual mail at 3:08 p. m., and another at 9 p. -m (the last ` named, from Tor- onto and places east of, Toronto on]y Mails for the North S'taage close �, at 3 p. m., and from the N orth open at 10 • a. ro. Mails for the west close at 2.:30 p. m., and open at 10:30 -a. m. P. - C. - SOIREE AT K IRKTON.—The Sabbath school in connection with the P. C. Church, Kirkton, gave an anni- versary Soiree in Mr. D..Wisemaans grove, near that village, on Monday last. It -was a complete success barring the unpropitious state of the weather. The attendance was large.and the pro- ceedings passed over with great eclat. The meeting was addressed by Rev: Mr. Gracey, pastor of the Church, and Dr. Cam pell, the celebrated Vaa.1idictorian,'' -of MtGill Collage Montreal. It is gartifving - to learn that over $30 was obtained from the Soiree. -St Mary, Argus. A Jewish Divorce Cage. INTERESTING CEi EMONY. Yesterday afternoon a rathernovel religious rite was performed in this city by ..Rabbi. Phillips and Rabbi Miehler, .of New York, who came here expressly for the purpose. Lately there has been considerable talk among the Israelites of this city in regard t� do' mestic difficulties in the family of Mr. Bernard Burnstine, pawnbroker, on Thirteenth street. Mrs Burnstine al- leged ill-treatment on the part of her husband, and it is understood that her father and brothers aud-I.L!usband came in collision in consequence of ';the diffi- culties. Mr. Burnstine, on his side, made allegations against his wife, and altogether affairs got to such an un- pleasant condition that a mutual sepa- ration was deemed advisable. - It bad been reported that the service of divorcing! Mr. and Mrs. J. Burn stifle would take place at the Jewish synagogue, on Eighth `street, about noon yesterday, and -a considerable number of- persons assembled there, nut were informed that -the service would ial, e place in piivate, at the residence of the parties, about 3 o'clock. The Rabbis above named, Mr. J. S. Jacobson, the reader of .the congregation; Mr. Mund helm, an.1 a few- others, assembled at the residence about 1 o'clock, and arti- cles of divorcement having been agreed noon, Were transcribed on parchment. The formal separation stook place auout as follows :—Rabbi Phillips hav: ng taken his position, and Rabbi "Michler and Mr. Jacobson on either side, the pt tIeS were_ brought in, and facing the Rabbis certain passages of the Penta- teucl were read, as also the • divorce- ment article on the parchment: The. wife was then called forward, and her face uncovered and her hands ,were placed together, the thumbs upward and extended. Rabbi Phillips asked cettain questions of the husband, which were answered, and placed the parch- inent in his hands and he advanced to- ward her, placing it in 'her hands, and in turn the Rabbi took. it. Messrs.. Sacobson and Mundheim having attest. - ed thein names as witnesses to fyle- with the records of the church, the oerei n on y here closed, and shortly after - Mrs,; B. leftthe roof. ti By this ceremony, founded on Deu- teronomy xxiv, 1, `2, and 3, the prtie- are separated and free the husband to -n a Ty another at an,` time, andthe wife• to marry after ninety-one days have passed, but not 'a descendaa it of the tribe of Levi. _ li0nr civil laws,. l ova'ever, would pro- hibit either party from marrying again, unless they first obtained a decree .of divorce through the courts. - tt is understood that - in the articles of divorcement, Mrs B. -is well prcvid- eti for, and in a few -days the necessary legal papersWillbe executed ti esting certain property to Ler. - Both the parties are well known in this: city, and were married in New York about six years since, but have no children.-Washingtou Star. ossmermimmeissiovrm-rs.-1 ors BIRTHS.. ` =FAIRLY.—On Tuesday the 8th inst., the wife of John Fairly of a son. - FowLER.--In Tuckersmith, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. W. Fowler of a son. - :tt k ;*tS4`S:,l6F 1i'S3'f?:7Ydi4"."' V,iT'f32*A THE MARKETS. SEAPORT/I, June, llth, 1869. Wool, I pound Wheat, (Fall) 10 bushel, Wheat (Spring) 1f/bushel, Barley to bushel, Oats. {at bushel, Peas 1P bushel, Potatoes IP bushel, Hay Irk ton, k',ggs- to dozen, Butter 49 Ib. 30 @ 33 75 @ 90 80 85 0 70 @ 75 48 @ 52 60 Qa 65 60 @ 65 10 00 (e,, 12 00 10 @ 10 15 @ 16 TORONTO, June, 10th 1869. (By Telegraph.) Royal Canadian Bills - 95 Wheat (Fall) 19 bushel, - 94 to 0 98 do ,:Spring) tj bushel, 0 90 to 94. Oats L- bushel, 50 to 50 Barley 1P bu Bel, 75 to 0 .80 Peas 49 bushel. - 70 to 75 CHURCH DIRECTORY. WESLEYAN_METHODIST CHURCH. —Rev. Win. Hayhurst, Pastor.Services everySabbath at 104 o'clock, a: m., and (3 o'clock p. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evenings at 7i; o'clock. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.—Preaching each Sabbath at 10.30 a. m., and.6.30 p,m. Sabbath School 2p. m. Lecture and prayer meeting, Wednesday evenings 7.30 p.m. Rev. Eastman; Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN Ciumion.—Services commence . at 11 a.m.. and 6:30 n. m. - Lecture and Prayer-n}eetina on Tuesday evening, at -7:30 p.iu. M'GREGOR 81, SON, BOOKBIN ERS, MULLET, ARE prepared � execute binding in every style. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their • books a,, the Signal Book Store, Goclerich,or at the • " E XPOSITOR" office, Seaforth, stiating style, may .rely up- on them being well bound AT THE LOWEST PR,I ES, And returned without delay. Seaforth, June 11 1869. 78-tf. PRIVAT1 -BOARDING. m WO or three. boarders can be accommo- 1 dated with comfortable rooms. - ` For particulars, apply'at this office. Seaforth, June 1ltli, 1869. 79 tf. HAZL +'HURST, Licensed Auctioneer .y for the County- of Huron, Goderich, �. Ont. Particular attention paid to the sal of Bankrupt Stock. Farm Stock Sales` at- tenied"on Liberal Terms. Goods Apprais- ed. Mortgages- Foreclosed, Landlord's War- rants Executed Also, Bailiff First Division Court for Huron. -Goderich, June 9th. 79-tf. • COW LOST: ,A THREE-YEAR OLD COW, nearly Black, strayed from the subscriber's as}out three or four wteks since. Any per- son giving such information as will lead to her 11 co -very, will be suitably rewarded. W. SCOTT ROBERTSON. Seaforth, June 11th 79 -yin PROPERTY FOR SALE. OT No. 9,S arlina s Survey of Seaf h T J with Store, Storehouse, art Stable and Dwelling on it, and wsi uted on the first lot North of Doney's lig e1,,kMaiin Street. For particulars apply to the proprietor, Wm. WATSON, Insurance Agent. Seaforth, June 11th. ` 79•tf. IF YOU WANT CHEAP pAINTS� ILS,. I1RPENTINE, T G RAINING COMBS, UT'I' Y, P ' •1 - &c., CoLo, Go to ROLLS'. FOR PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS,: AND PATENT MEDICINES,, Go' to' ROLLS'. TENDERS WANTED, AOR the erection of a Rotel and Two Stores for Mr. arm' ' R Carmichael, at Sea- forth. Plans, Specifications and Particu- larscan be seen at Mr: henry Watkinson's, Architect, Seaforth. Tenders to be deliver-. ed to Mr. Carmichael, not later than the 20th June, 1869. Mr; R. C. does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender. Seaforth, June 12th, 1869. a 79-2in. Olen rJ) At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. tund os ►aPa CDh Jo SI'A1JJY 4u009z-1 n 0 •ovi• 0 0 . pop TeaJB si, apc1S H FNRYitTKIQN,ArhitectBuilding Surveyor. Plane, Specifica- tions and Details drawn correctly. Every 4escrip tion of Buildmg Works meas= red and valued. Bilis etquantitiesre red. OFFICE, Neat door North' offrIr_. Hick- son's old store, Seaforth, Seaforth, June 9th, 1869. .9-tf - I� :JJj\JE NOT I C E, TO THE CR,ED=T-ORS OF THE LATE Jonathan URSUANT to a decree made in a cer tain en curse ding in this Court of pending , CARTER rersius CARTER, The Creditors of the late Jonathan Carter, late of the VILLAGEof EGMQNDV:LLE, IN THE County of - Huron, Esquire. deceased, who died on or about the: 30th day of April, 1867, are ill person, or• by their Solicitors, on or before'' WEDNESDAY, 30TH 30TH DRY OF JUNEr 1869, to send by post, prepaid, to Isaac F.- Toms, Esquire, Goderich, Ont., the Plain- tiff's Solicitor, their Christian and Sur- names, addresses and description, the full particulars of their clainm, a . statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securi- ties held by them, or in deult they hili be;. peremptorily excluded. ni, all benefit under the said decree. Every�reditor nolding any- security nysecurity is to produce the Mme before me,: at my Chambers, at the Town of Goderieh, - on Wednesday, the 25th day of August, 1869, at ten of the clock in ,the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudicatirg upon the etalons aforesaid. ' Dated at Goderich this 4th day of June 1869. (Signed,) , HENRY MACDONALD, Master in Chancery at Goderich. WILLIAM RUTHERFORD BAIN, Of Goderich, Agent for Messrs. Pater- son, Harrison & .Ban, Toronto, Soli- citors for the Administratrix. 79-3 Notico. TO COMRACTORS THERE WILL. BE LET BY PUBLIC AUCTION! 1 ` : V H rr • FOR DYE STUFFS, ROLLS CAN'T BE BEATEN Either in Price or Quality.. --o 0 FOR LAMPS, CHIMNIES, CHA.NDALIERS, BURNERS, - WICKS, and COAL OIL, Go to ROLLS', Opposite Foster's Hotel, Seaforth, Ont N. B.—Prescriptions carefully prepared, Seaforth, June loth, 1869. 7.9. AT 4 O'CLOCK P. M., On Monda. ° 14th inst., , s AT. KTNTAIL, Int TAE TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, CONTRACTS ACTS. FOR pRAVELLING. TAE. Lake Shore • Road. The Work will be let insections, of one mile each.. -_ Specifications will be read, and every - information given on the day of letting - Each Contractor to furnishtwo sol- vent freeholders as surety to the coma= pletion. of the Work. b (Signed), A. BAY. County mrve Pr: Godexicli, June 6th, 79 -live 0