HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-06-04, Page 5TO .SIMONW JIT OYSTER- ') Foe Fresh Oysters, Sardines,' Lobetera,iie Oakes,. and Sweets of every deeeription. CALL AND REV, resii Stock / Opposite McCANN'S Old Stand. Worth, Feb. 12, Ma. r More of Those liollar Suits ! Tit r AT_ OR S, ALSO hcce Selection of Sitk-mixed and West of kugIand TWEEEDSI ONISHINGLY _LOW PRICES. Ct --A few Sewing Maehinee for Sala that have been rua for a sheet time. Just the th na- for Tailors r Dress.- mai..ers. Call aad see them working. Seaforth, March IS, 67-3ra K PAL, "FUDGE'S Old Established PH GALLERY MOVED Y numerous customers and the publ▪ ic IVI generally will please net forget that 1 have Removed from the Old Stand to the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STREET, Into Scott's New 3 story Brick- Block, next to Kidd & l‘I'Mulkin's store, and directly . smith of Hickson's new store, -while 1 have built the best Gallery in the Counts- espeei- ally for ray ewe Work, being la.rge and eon. modious, and mith. the proper actenie light, : being the only Gallery in Seaf.orth construct- ed on true photographic principIE.s. The crag tight that can reflect the true Features. 1 'atter -myself that I can satisfya.1.1 avho may call. Remember, 1 dont want your money for nothing ; 1 am bound to please or 110 pay. As many have had pictures in Seaforth, but were dissatisfied, having confou?aied. my name with another, 1 would request if you . wanta good picture, properly made and durable,. that you ask for Frank Paltridge. Don't ask for Paltridge's, only, but }'rank Faltiidge. I am thus explicit, because many think they are going to get a picture made by Frank l'altridge ; but by a mistakein not going to Frank P.s, get sadly disap- pointed. Pis -ASK FGR, AND GO TO FRANK, in the Brick Block, up one flight of stairs, and tarn to the right hand. My specimens at the door are all my own make, and are not bought or borrowed to . decoy the public. Come any day, Frank is always at ham* and in Good Temper. Pictures el deceased carefully copied into any kind of Picture desired. Reraeniber, it ia to Franz. Paltruige's von haw to go taget a good Photograph. and ria Furniture, Scenery, &c., that Will rmaxeur picture took rich, ants worm. . sending to y=oar friends. Who does not know FRANK FALTR [DUE. Seaforth, Jan. flth. JL SEATTER RANGE BROKER. And dealer in. Pure ORLICS, CHEMICALS & DYE STUFFS. r The Drug Department is under the special are of an experienced Chemist, It . M. PEARSON. anuary Vet, 1869. toJeir OS. BELL :ET & CHAIR WIER UNDERTAKER &c. A Large *Stook or LL kinds, of f arnituse kept constantlyow hall& consisting of the best vatietie.s. Krughruff's Suring Mattrasses7 Children's- Sarriages. Cottins kept constantly on hand- '. Work made on the premises. 4.-r. A Hearse for hire. Wareroom ors- peite Kidd & MeMulkins. 'EROS. BELL, March 24, Die& OFFICES TO LET. OUR excellent officee to let in Stott's. - Near Brick Bloek. Apply at MeCA.UG HEY & HO T.MSTED'S. -eaforthe. Jaa. 27. 1 8Gg. 6 AGRiCJLTURAL U SOAP StrDS,:7-A ,cistern, or tank, cf - froi . to to four hogsheads, 'shOulci, be constructed in the vicinity of th,e_:. sink or laiindry of every farm house, ankl. a. system of conductors so as to lead '-he suds and slops intO it as they are -made: This liquid matter is a powerful' feta_ lizer, containing the food of plants' in a -state of solution, and, consequently :in a condition to be'readily taken up • and - absorbed by yegqtable4i Soon as I ap- plied. Irrigating gardens with soap suds, after the liquid has become stale, is a powerful Means of promotitig veget- able growth, especially in. dry Weather: Some have considered suds to be equal ' to that of the same weight' of manure. This, however, is probably an exagger- ated estimate, yet,. we want no addi- tional corroboration to satisfy as of its intrinsic worth 'as a vegetable stiniul-• eta.' Great care should be observed that the decaying rn-4tter oa suds Ido nut taint tht air about the dwelling, as in the process of fermentation and fle- composition, sulphurated •by hydr'ogen g Is is thrown off. This is an active poison. Wh-en inhaled it acts directly uponthe blood, thickening and t r. dog it blaek. A single gztlloW of it, mixed witl- 1,200 of air, will render it Poison- ous tog'tiirds, and one gallon in 100 wili kill a dog.—N. E. Kr Lei.. , , PoTAT0F.s.----The North, Brit/sit Agri- culturalist says To improve the size of potatoes TA hether planted with small or large, whole, Or Oven eut po- tatoes, -Aer.: the plants are only a f4vi inches. high, let the shoot be reduced by pulling them up to one or two., or at moat three of the strongest. The tu- bers will, consequently, be fewer and very much larger, in measure, nearly all fit for the market orthe taliFe.” it is easy to try -a few rows by way of ex-' perinient. TREE RooTs.—The editor of the ,Vardener's Monthly says he found, near- ly twenty-five years ago, that the root fibres of trees were (uy annual,a—like the leaves, they die every year. They have the same relation to the main roots as the leaves have to the branches except; that while the iaaves are the preparers of food,"—tliew fibres a re the' -p rovid ers—th e husband - men of the cooks. Take up very care- fully a young tree, and we find that the fibres are nearly all on tbe surface, and that they decrease in number ,and importatme with. every i•neh of denth• In the largest trees scarcely a fibre will be found one fret from the top. Large ti ees---:-tap roots—you may and will find, but no root that is to the Slightest benefit of the nutrition of the tree. -SELECTING .Cows. ---` A Vermonter' gives tae following as his rules , for se- lecting a cow : First, I get a broadside view of the animal, at the distance of S.bout two rods, as I have noticed for years that there was a great similarity •in the general proportions of all first class milkers, being very small in girth just k of their f,rward lgs, as com- pared with the girth just forward of their hips. I never knew a first rate milkerof any breed; not thus pro- portioned ; so that if this firm is 'want- ing in an animal reommended to me, .1 - • do not care to look at hermore, unless want a breeder for some other pur- pose than the dairy. For breeding ox- en I ghouid want a cow of reverse pro - e. 1,arger girth foi ward,.4 next feel the size of the milk veins, and trace theni to their entrance into the chest, which, in superior cows ai.e large schnitting the ball of the larger finger; if divided, or subdivided, as is some- times the case, 1 judge of the size of -.each orifice, as I care less' for; the vein' :itself; than the orifice. Next I ex- amine, by sight and touch, the udder ‘or bag, -which must be capacious in .order to hord much milk, with teats wide apart and free. from large .seed 'warts, or sores of any kind : I then in- quire how long she goes dry before calving, as I don't want a family cow to give milk less than foaty-six weeks out of eveLy•twenty-two ; also to the qu_ali- ty,ofinftk .: and to close, I milk her with my, own hands. SCRAPING 'APPLE TREE-S.—A farmer le - tiding in the western part of Massachu- setts had, many years since, •an old orch- ard, many of whose trees were encased in a rough coating of bark. Their pro- ductive days seemed to be- over, • and the owner ‘was counting upon a good. supply of firewood from thein the ensu- ing xvinteP. It was suggested to him that if the bodies ot the trees were well scraped, an improvement in yield might' redultIrom the operation. Some twenty ofthem were subjeAed to a Vigorous application Of the hoe and the rough coating thorouglily removed. The ensuing season showed- a marked im- provement for their production, the .credit of which, whether -correct or not was assigned to the operation qf the hoe. He who 'is slowest in maloing a prom- ise, is generaliy more. faithful iia per- fornaing it. - Scalping a Woman. TR:E. :$.EAFORTH gsxposT.7'r611... .RoBERT:mtuitRi An Irishman, named Thomas Dur- ban), was brought- before the Woliver- hampton borough magistrates recently, charged with an outrage Upon a.woman who is lying at ..the point of death. A few nights ago he had displayedquarrelsom behavour in the Shalcespear public house, whieli is in the midst of iron works aud iron boundaries, and he _was turned out. Outside he continued to manifest his bellicose disposition, and deelared that ,k,e would show the English what the Irish could do. Turn- ing the corner of the first street be came to lielmet a woman and assulted her.. Ber part was talen by ont Mrs. Fan- ny Churn, who reinonstrated with him. Upor. this he. left uff assaulting the first ,wornan, and, turning upon Mrs. Churn, pulled her back by the bonnet, which came off: . He then laid holt of lfer back hair, and with what is believed to have been a razor, as skillfully as though he had been an Indian scalped his victim. That whieli is believed to be her dying testimony, has been taken, and the prisoner, who was arrested soon after the offence, trembling in the corn- er. of a cellar, in which he had taken re- !fuge from the police, who were upon his tract, -tvas remanded to Stafford goal for a. week. OneCause of High Prices. A correspondent of the Boston Tra- veller tells the following: A lady entered A's store one day, recent inquiring the price of butter, and asked: "What is it, Mr. .A., that makes but- ter so high ?" "Peering over hid spectaales at, the lady ,our friend replied : "1 ianos, madam." . She thought that he mast have mis- understood her query, and repeated it; sayirio,t', "1 asked you what you thought madebu tter so- high -I" "Yes," said the imperturable grocer, "itis pianos," and proceeded to explain himself in this wise -"Forfy years ag6 my father was Sheriff for the courts of this County, and:just before the session of the court he traveled about in a-',1 parts of the co in t.y, 1eai ngliis wi tnesses su annonses. Such days were iny riding holidays, as I was taken along to assist in leaving these notices , and according to my memory, we'ch is petty good, nine out of tenof the hundreds of calls thus made, brought to my view the ever - going, never -tiring churn, with a healthy and sometimes pretty farmer's daugh- ter attached to it. flanked by a spinning wheel tended by grandma, and a house - loom, before which sat a notable house- wife... n " those days everybody made but- ter, and it sold. for from 8 to 12 cents s. pound; but on a recent vist to.some of these old rounds, for old acquaint- ance sake, :what did 1 find I Not the churn, nor the spinning-lv heel, nor he loom. _They bad been long since banished, and in their place I found the piano. Now, madam, said the old gentleman, "You will unierstand -why I think the cause of the high price of butter is pianos." Sleeping Together. The Laws of Life says :—More quar- rels arise between brothers, between sisters, between hired girls, between 6choo1 girls, between hired clerks in -stores, between apprentioes in mechanic shops, between hired men, between buSbands and Wives; OviriUg to electri- i cal changes through which their ner- ivous systems go by lodging night after n'gl.t under the same bed-clothes.than by almost any other disturbing cause. There is nothing that will so derange the nervous system as a person who is absor'oent in nervous force. The ab- sorber will go to aleep and rest all night, while the eliminator will be tumbling and tossing, restless and nervous, and wake up in the morning fretful, fault- finding, peevish and discouraged. No two persons,- no matter who they are, shoald habitually, sleep together. One will thrive and the other lose. This is the law, and in married life it is defied almost universally. DEATH CP THE INVENTOR OF THE REAPING MAcuraTE.—The Rev. Patrick Bell, D.L.D., minister of Carinyllie, in the Presbytery of Arbroath, the well known inventor of the reaping machine, died on Thursday, Apul 22nd, at the manse of,Carinvllie. The - deceased gentleman was the son of a farmer in 4 Auchterhouse, 'Forfarshire, where he was born, And his brothers. -were suc- cessful farmers in that county, an in Perthshire. He attended the scladol at Murroes, and studied afterward a at St Andrew's University, where,asi)itougli- Put life, he distinguished himself in Mathemauics and their application to physics; He had a great hking for all the branches of natr.r.a1 philosophy. It was in 1827, while he was a student, that Dr. Bell invented the reaping ma- chine, which was first v'Sed in the field in 1828, on a farm in Perthshire, held by his brother,'Mr. George Bell: avr alter 1 Wholeoale Stationer, GENERAL BOOKBINDER At'ICOUNT Boox MANUPACTUSERI Importer and dealer in SCHOOL BOOKS, ISTATIONIRY, *INKS, TWINES, WINDOW SHADES, AND Paper Hangings. A,7ENT P01? Lovell's and the New Series- of Sch,00l Books; Danville • School Slate Com - 'pi; Carter's Combined Writing e Copying Ink. 397 Notre Dame Street, Montreal. March 18th, 1869. • 67-3m SEAFORTH FURNITURF MITAREROOM 110 BERM() iN", Importer and manufacturer Of all kinds of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Such as SOFAS, LOUNGES. CENTRE TABLES, MATTRASSEF, DINING- & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In Great Variety, Mr.. R has great confidence in offering his goods to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned Lumber, and by First -Class NVorlunen. COFFIN MADE TO ORDER On the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness and Despateh. Warerooms : TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL Main Street Seaforth, Jan. 6th, 1869. 5741., T. SINI3N, HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER. All work done in First -Class Style. Or- ders to be left one door North of Dr. Smith's office. ! 67-3m. HOUSE St LOT FOR SALE. TilOR Sale, in the Tillage of Seaferth, a f good Frame Dwelling House, with iar- den and stableattached; near the Tensper- ance Ball. For further particulars, apply to MICHAEL MA.DD1GAls Seaforth; April 8th. /0-tf NOTICE. A LL parties indebted to the estate of the lie late Jonathan Carter, are requested to -settle forthwith, or else the amounts 'aud notes due wfil be given into the hands of Messri-Benson & Meyer for collection. L. MEYER, Receiver to the Estate of the late' ' Jonathan Carter. HarpAcy, May 5th, 1869. 74-4in CAMPBELL'S PATENT VENTILATOR! DAMPER AND DEODORIZER. PROMOTING Health, Comfort and Edon - wily, the only `complete Ventilator and Double, Daniper in use, for Kitchen; Office, Parlor br B-Roorp, saving Ito -test in one month. Its claims guaranteed. or !honey refunded. See testimonials from scores of Professional. and -Scientific gentlemen. For Sale by , WM. LOFFT; Agent forSeaforth: February 11) 1869. , 63-tf .5 EVENING TRIBUNE A strictly independent Journal, devoted - to News, Christianity, Literaturd and Our Countr,y—a Good, Cheap, and 1?eadable Paper/or every man, Wo- man, and Child, in City Village and C trg• Published in Torcnto every lawful -day at 12 o'clock. Noon. • It will have fo-r: its object the material and moral elevation and advancement of th.e peo- ple of our country. The publiahers are de- termined that it shall excel in all the leading essentials of a first-class progressive news- paper; and.no efforts or expense will be spar- ed to make it the -best and Safest Family Paper in Canada.. " it will always have some- thing interesting and profitable f?ir 'every member of the family, not forgetting even the children, and:will constantly advocate the best interests of humanity, temporal and eternal. It is designed to be unsurpassed in puritsr, value, and variety by any Journal in the Dominion. It will be made thorough ly readable from beginning to end. In the languag,e of an eminent -writer, it will know nothing of the "dignity of dulness." It will contend against all the crimes, evils, shams, and follies of the dayand present them, without fear or favor, in all their hideous deformities. 1 ITS NEWS DEPARTMENT will always con- tain the freshest and most reliable telegraph- ic and other intelligence from all parts of the worid TH-E RELIGioils DEPARTMENT will be strictly Evangelical and non -Sectarian. The leading clergymen of all Denominations will contribute to its columns. THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT will contain contributions, from the pens of the ablest writers in the United. States and Canada. IN Pourics it will be strictly independent. .seeking no favors from either Government or Opposition. Its indepench nce will not con- sist in giving a sycophantie support to all the afinistries of the day, but while always will- ing to cheerfully recognize honest efforts for the social and moral reform and improvement of the Canadian people, it will ever fearlessly Sennince all the evils which may attach to either of the prominent political parties of the country. . It will faithfally advocate the eausa of Temperance in all its bearings, and. fearless- ly denounce the drinking usaves and customs of Society with their attendant evil. Agriculture and Horticulture will receive special attention. All advertisements announcing circus, minstrel, theatrical and. other questionable and innneral performances, will be faithfully excluded from its columns.. TERMS :—Per Annum, $3.00; per Week, 5 cents; Single Copies 1 cent. CLUS. Temperance Organizations or others sending Clubs will be furnished at the following rates :— Ten copies oue year (per copy) .$9 50 Twenty and upwards do. .$2 00 The cash in all cases in accompany the or- der. MOYER & GO,, - PROPRIiTORS. THE SICH OF THE GOLDEN MITE subEcriber begs to inform the public 1_ that he has just received a great variety of Saddles and s 133 7C, S: Which he is prepared to sell At Prices Almost Unparalleled. 0 CrlLLAltfevery scription, aiiteo.urttherereeeneeJar- • In the way of Harness, OF ALL KINDS, • He is, as heretofore, in a position to give his customers as good value for their money as any other establishment in Ontario. Quality of work and material employed indisputable. WISHOP OPPOSITE KID1) McMULKINS. JOHN CAMPBELL. Se,affirth, Feb. 12, '69. 63-tf. LIFE ASSURANGE. S'11..A.-.1R, Aminal, Established ' 26 years. LIFE 14 cm e, - ASSURANCE 01°,000, 86erny. ▪ 4 Re• $,000,000 .serve Funds - Profits Divided - - - $3000000. MIOR THE SEMBITY Of' POLICY r HOLDERS IN CANADA, $100;000 in Cash is deposited with the Donlinion Gov. eminent The Rates of Premiiim in the "Star" are Liberal, Profits Large,. Management sound and efficient. Ninety per cent of Profits dir videamongst policy holders. For particulars and farther information, apply to W. N, WATSON, Agent for Seaforth and vicitrity. Or to J. GREGORY, Manager Canada Branch, Toronto, .April 29th, 1869. 73-8m FRESH ARRIVALS ./kT THE BOOK STORE.! WINDOVV BLIND, IN GREAT 'VARIETY "Nimmo's Popular Tales," "Tales of the Bordtrs," "St. Patrick's Eve," "Thud Times," . "Morning by Morning," bp Spurgeon. "The Prodigal Son," by PUnshon. - “Light to the Path," by Hamilton. "Kinglake's War in the Crimea," • 'Chase's Receipes," 13ib1es-and.Testaments in large and sraall print, ALBUMS AND FANCY GOOD& British and American Magazines supplied to order.. Wall Paper ! SellOOL BOOKS, FoOlscap; Letter and Note Paper, always on hand; also Law Forms; Blank Notes, Day Books, Ledgers, &O. ca-SEAFORTH "EXPOSITOR." Daily Globe and. Daily Telegraph. for Sale. William Elliott. Seaforth, Apri) 2, 1869. 64-tf. N E W, HARNESS SHOP. THE undersigned, . WILLIAM II. OLIVER, Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Sea - forth and surrounding country, that he has opened a First -Class Horness Shop, Opposite the Post Office, M.AIN STREET. He has had over twenty years experience in the business,sand for the last seven years has been in the employ of F, A. Myerswho speaks highly of his ability as a workman. Having bought out MR TAIT'S Stock, and purchased a LARGE- SUPPLY OF COOD MATERIAL, Reis preparecl -to sell AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER ESTAB- LISHMENT IN THE COUNTY. In Scotch and Fancy 0 13 I...A. I TEAM AND LIGHT HARNESS! He fears no competition. Give him a Call, and Save Youi Money, WM. IL OLIVER. Seaforth, Jan. 7th, 1869. 67-tf. DRY PINE LUMBER THE undersigned have on hand at their Mill, one half NORTH OF AINLEYVILLE 100,000 feet of dui inch pine ; over 20,006 feet of dry inch flooring, 1 and 14 inches.. thick. Also about 30,000 feet af board and strip Lath; a lot of Siding, two-inch Plank and green lumber, pine and Hemlock, all of which will be sold - AT VERY LOW PRICES I In order to take room for piling the. mauy thousands y to be at: Orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. May 12th, 1869.31 75-3m. dr T. SMITH. GENTS WANTED $10 a., 1)4.-2 $10 Maps. for $4. Lloyd's Patent Revolving Double Maps, two Continents, America and Europe, and Amer- ica with -the United States portion on an im7 mouse - scale. t olored—in 4,000 Counties. These great Maps, now just completed, 64 x .62 inches large, show every place of im- portance, all Railroads to date, and the lat. est alterations in the various European States These Maps are needed in every school and family in the land—they occupy the space of one Map, .and by means of the Reverser, either side can be thrown front, and any part brought level to the eye. Coun- ty Right and !age 'discount given to 'good O Agents. Apply for 'Circulars, Drills, and send ni ey fey and see ' Sample Maps- -firsts If not sold, taken back on demands Also ready a $25,609 steel and plate illustrated subscription book, "De Soto, the dificoverer of the Mississippi River." • ' J. T. LLOYD, 23 Costlandt Street, N. Y. C .S H aobscriber having P;MOVED S9. the premises lmely occupied;:by E. 1.14 - son & Co., igt now prepared to pay 'die est Cash Price for any quantity .of good iresh Eggs delivered at his shop,r,Main I Seaforth. t•00 DAVID D;WItS011,. SeafOrth, April12-tt. Skins Wanted. TEN THOUAND 'Musk Rat $friii18 wanted, tip to the 28tla of 'this 3210.144 for which the highest market price wili ttb' paid, delivered at -my office iu Seaforth. J. S. POIITEPs „Maylth, 1869. 1-2-•