The Expositor, 1869-06-04, Page 2_r
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BUSINESSn NOTICE.—All accounts for ad-
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tled Quarterly, on the 15th days of March,
June, Septembet and Dee.ember,
kc xpooitor,
The Official Pa,Der of the County.
FRIDAY, JUNE 4,18-69.
Sir John A. Macdonald's Election
ill has peen very generally discussed.
in the public. Press, with evident tokeile
of approval.' • It is certainly a step in
advance of.aeything ever offered totthe
,people of Canada before. The • Nova
Scotians and New 13runswickers, how-
ever, complain a good deal that the
ballot is not conceded to them. .11av-
ing used- it for a number of _years, apd
believingit to be advantageous, they ldo
hot by any means wish to go back to
the old system of open voting. It does
seem too unjust to deprive them' of
privilege of this nature, and if the gov-
ernment could not concede this modern
• innovation, as it is called, *to.the whole
Dominion, they might at least permit
J -
the Maritime evinces the exercise of
t . ,
t their own choice in the matt+ -
Some journals object to the propetty
qualification of members: f They _urge
the example of the Ontario Govern-
ment, and wish the utmost • feeedorn of
choke to be allowed the people.. We
have no hesitatiOi in saying that such
freedom would be perfe. ctly safe. It
would be difficiilt to make a worse
choice among those having no property,
that is sometimes made; even ‘eeliere a
property qualification e is required.
'ihere is, however, an apparent
sistency in requiring a property quali-
fication for voters, and not for repre-
- One of our western journals has gone
eo far as to advocate manhood suffrage.
To this we object, under present cir-
cumstances. e We can imagine a condi-,
time of soCiety in which every person
arrived at maturitywould be qualified
to takepert in the, legislation of the
country. But that „time, we believe,
has net yet arrived in Canada. Man-
hood suffrage; to be safe to society, re-•
quires a high state of moral and had:
lectual culture. Otherwise, it Would
be the•stronghold of demagoguism and
corruptiom. Wee trust, however, the
day is not very far distant, when the
people of Canada will be so well .edu-
cated, both mentally and" morally, as to
legislate.'wisely i-rrespective of a quali-
fication which is by means a, fair
test of responsibility.
ILOWE.--The-explanations made
lee Mr. liowe regarding his acceptance
of office in the Dominien Cabinare
r •
somewhat ipeouliatt Pe complained of
want of sympethy both from the govero-
ruent and the opposition ; thought his
country very muel abused; and expeCt-
el that theiT would- be a general' Slob-
: baring" over the sad fete of the Blue-
noses; They were a free •people, and
were not accustomed to a secendary po-
eition, and as neither Party cared. but
little about .them, he of course, *as
net goiug to telee. either the gay --
erten -eat or • the: opposition Benches.
Hiving found that Sir. John A, was
N41.- m to do thejustice, (which meant+
good -deal in political paeieneeybe act
ceeted the "Sit -nation," and is now a
ter of the Dominion Cabinet to
I . • •
the- tune of $5.000 a• year. Another
etrikiner' example -of the omnipotence of
legal tender.
The Torente 'elegraplt thinks Mr.
A ems -Morrison would make a first
rate- Cabinet. Minister. - Well perhaps
-he would. He is certainly gifted. with
the peduliar, facilityof "'hanging . on"
agalnet, all odds, If he got into office
once, Whether he could End a constitu-
ency to accept him or no, ho would
eneerfuily held his seat, and like all
etractzeat pohtimans, would no doubt
4he discussion -in Parliament on the
accession of the -iNoreh-West, has
brought out nothifeenew.tegarding that
important tertitor . From the fact
that the Hon. W. McDougall was but
the beconder of t .e resolutions to accept
the terms granted by the Hudson Bay
Company,- it is juite apparent tha,t
Careier is still mater of the, situation.
It -seems from the tenor of the remarks
of these two gent men, that it is de-
igned to open up the country for set-
tlemeht as Speedil r as possible. Some enticipated from the Indians
who are said to number 200,000: 1
is hoped, howevei, that__ by kind an
generous treaeruen theyceuld be con
• The cost of th territory (000,000
sill net press ve y heavily upon the
resources of the • )ominion. - The cus-
toms -receipts of th Company is all'ead-y
£20,000, and as he interest on the
purChase money w 11. not exceed 112,-
000s a moderate s rplus will be loft to
apply as s Slaking Fund.
Mr. McDougall 'hinted that a rail-
road to Fort Garryl would, in the mean
time, be too great n undertaking foe
the government. The plan proposed
by Mr. Dawson, ti which we alluded
last week, would, le urges, -answer all
purppses of denim nication for a short
time at least. -
Glowing referen es were made to the
importance which this vast tetiitory
would 'give to the Pounnion, if the Pa-
cific Colonies are jt st waiting the com-
pletion of arrange ments to join the
Confederatione wfoundlan d teie
gates are new enga ed in drat% ing up a
basis of Union, an should negotiations
on all sides prove ccessful, we would
be part of a counq t
greater in extent,
than the whole of Europe, and capable
of sustaining a pop :ation of nearly one
hundred millions. Thiscertainly is a
pleasant future for oung Canadians to
contemplate. The rich prairies of the
Assintoine and S• skat(,hewan will af-
ford Ceinfortable ho nes for those who
do not wish to tra- ler their allegiance
to the. American f14,g, while the • tdern-
iiig thousands from Great Britain•luad
Ireland can eiejoy the same institutions
as their forefathers did, with all the
Vantages of a fer,tile spit, fie
steads and a genial climate.
We would have preferred thet our
oocupation of this teri;itory would net
ba hamperecl with any reservation on
the part of the Company, but still we
may possibly gain 'largely by the many
advantages of mineral wealth and' other
resources which it affords. .
WHO -in the world can pckesess the
Star to tell such monstrous 'falShoods
as it has been guilty of, of late 7 A
few" weeks ago It defied us to .name
Canadian industry, save salt, that was
not protected ; accordingly we cited a
Jong list of articles which are admitted
duty free, amongst which were, ashes,
.pet, pearl and soda, latoOra corn, drain
tile, gypsum, hops, plants, trees, shrubs,
elate and wheat; and took particular
:pains to add, that all named were such
ae tte he'd every facility for producing ;‘
yet in theface of such a statement the
mar turns around and says that we ,
forgot to say that none of the articles
mentioned interfeared with our own
manufactories. Now in the first place,
everyone knows that those articles do -
come tinder the head of our own indus-
tries, and in the second place, we said
so at the time
'The Star arrogates to iteelf, that we
have surreuclered our position in the
matter, of "admitting. American Salt
duty free into Canada." So far as the
discussion has gonet we are willing to
Allow the readers of both papers to. ren--
det a verdtot thereon; ,oaly addiligAhat
we stand prepared to combat Any argu-
ment that the Star may at any time ad-
vance against it, but it must stick to
the truth, give our statements as they,
ei .
are, Otherwise it compels us to review
our whole groUnd, which is tee tentous
an operation for the gain of an object
so small, s proving a confrere
too& oire for numbe one. I- It takes a hood'
epreetete smart fello to get ahead oi •
John A., but eny ordinary man ma_ ;Hite Bank of Commerce
_Amy vitt wow' the 0 Iowa la breath at Simcoe.
. „
On Monday, the 31st ult, a deputa-
tion of the First United Presloyteria,n
Congregation, MeKillop, Waited on
their Pastor, the Rev. Matthew Barr,
and in behalf of the congregation, pie
sented him with an elegant buggy, and
the following address expreseive of
their feelings of high appreciation and
'esteem :—
HAIMUallEY, May 31st, 1869.
Mn. BARR,—
Permit us, in behalf of the young of
the congregation to whom, in
vidence of *God you have ministered
ter such a length of time, to express our
high a,ppreciation .of your valuable ser-
vices among us. The unceasing inter -
et which you have taken in our spir-
ituel welfare, is a source of gratification
• to us, and calls forth, thus, an expres-
sioneof our attachment to yOu, as our
Pastor in the • Lord. It is with heart-
felt gratitude to Almighty God-, whom
you serve in the Gospel of Hie So.n,
thet we would recount your unwearied
effoets to oeornote the spiritual good of
the young of your chaage, by your apt
and christian counsel, as well as by
your more direct teachings. Your aim.
to mould the chriseian character of the
young, it is to be hoped has not been
in vain. While we would thus ex-
press our appi eciation of your labour
among' us, permit, us in token thereof,
and as a mark of our, regatd for you,
to pi esen t' you, with the accompanying
gift With this token of esteem and
affectionate'regard, we wonlct offer the
earnest prayer to our common Father
in Christ Jesus, that you may be long
spared to minister the glorious Gospel
of Jesus ;Christ, and that yoer labours
may still be abundantly blessed. We
further beg to exprese our love and
esteem for Mrs. Barr, beim:, aseured of
her friendly feeling towards us, and
ezu-neet desire for our spiritual welfate.
Signed in behalf of the young of the
To which Mr. Barr made the follow-
ing suitable reply :—
lloKieeor, May 31st, 1869.
MY DEAR Fitienns,—eictept of my
warniest thanks for alit very kind and
unexpected address, and for the sub-
stantial and valuable gift which accom-
panies it. In looking back on the hist
fifteen years, during which I have be ,n.
your- minister, I have had abunda
cause for gratitude to God, for health
and strength—having been scarcely a
day laid aside fro sickness—and also
for sustaining grace. Of those who
signed my call, more than -one half have
been reinoved, either by icertificate,
death, or suspenelon. And though
there have been, during that period,
three additional United Presbyterian
;Churches erected in "the neighborhood,
formed, in part, froMours, it is .sui:ely
a cause of gratitude that the member-
ship -continues so large, Theie have
been great changes in the °inward as-
pect of things around use Many have
been carried to their graves, some have
passed from childhood to Manhood, and
Others who were in 'the vigour. of life
are now aged - and infirm. Improve-
ments in agriculture, architecture, aiid
locomotion, are very conspicuous, and
I rejoice that there .have been great
improvements in the character andan
methods of general .d christian eclu-
ceder. You have been pleased to refer
to my discharge of official, duties.' In
my own sight, they have been very de-
fectively discharged. It is reward en-
ough, if they have been appreciated by
the eongregation and Accepted by the
Master : to Him alone be all the
Glory. My wife joins tie in 'tendering
through you her heartfelt thanks to the
congregation for tilts -valuable and eic-
ceiotalue gift
Your affectionate servant Christ,
As will ne °seen in our "Foreign"
column, the Irish Church Bill passed
its third reading in the House of Com-
mons by a vote of 361 to 247, on Mon-
day. It will DOW have to be submitted
to the House of Lords, where it will no
doubt also pass. ° There will, however,
be Strong opposition thereto, and it. is
barely possible that it may be voted
down by that body, still, even if it does
meet with such treatment, that will not
prevent its ultimate consumation, as
the people ot Britain rule in this day,
and this be'tetite their measure, if the
. ouse of L meta, as at present constitut-
a falser ed; should ke se short sighted as to run u
so far-cm:infer of the populace, it will be
mater ally increased by the creation, oi f
,opened siich peers as will overrule their nar-
, ro winindedness.
Sir Geo. Cartier moved the House
into Committee on the resolution res-
pecting the North-west In answer to
Mr. MacKenzie, the Hon. Mr- Howe
entered into an explanation of the
course recently pursued by him in re-
lation to his accession to the Ministry.
The Hon. Mr McDougal seconded the
enotion of the Minister of Milita rese
pecting the Nerth-Wes. A long de-
bate ensued in the course of which Mr.
Levesconte moved an amendment to
the effect that the acquisition of the
Hudson's Bay Teiritory was not desi-
rable. The amendment was negatived
on a divisson 15 -to 126. The resolu-
tions were reported without amend-
Sir George E. Cartier moved con -
cm react) th retolutions reearclingthe
acqnisition of the North West territory
After some discueeion the resolutions
were concurred and An address to
Her Makisty embodying the resolutions
wes introdut ed and read a first and sec-
concl thee. On motion of -Sir George
E. Cartier the Bill respecting Patents
of Inventions was read a seemed- time
awl refeiTed to a Committee of the •
Whole. The House then went into
Committee of Supply. Several items
were passed.
A message was received from the
Comthons with the follcwing Bills,
which were read the first time :—
Great Western Railway Bill ;
Bill 'respecting the Governor-Gener--
al s -;alary ;
Bilt respecting Malicious -Injury to
t e- Peron •
New -Brunswick Bank Stock Bill ;
danadian 'Vessels one equal footing
Personal Offences Bill,
• Canadian Bank Of Commmerce Bill;1
Senator Cambell moved the secconcl
reading of the Governor's Salary Bill,
After sortie discussion the -question
e as put and the yeas and nays being
called for, the Bill wee dechti-ed carried
Yeas, -39; Nays ; 11. The Bil/ was
then read a third time and passed.
In the House of Commons Hon. Mr.
Holten moved *that the House go into
committee on: his resolueions° respecting
the -disestablishment of the> II -WI
Church. Sir John A. Macdonald moved
in amendnient the previous question,
After a lnigthy debate, the House de-
cided tn
at the main question be put,
which was negatived—yeas 49, nays 89.
Hon. Mr. Rose moved the House in-
to committee to consider his resolution
relating to the Banking and Currency.
Hon. Mr. Holton argued that the pres-
ent system, which on - the whole, had
worked satisfactorily, should not be
hastily abandoned, and that time should
be given for the due and careful con
sideration of the change proposed ;_h
moved in amendment that further con
sideration of the subject be postponed
until next session. Mr. MacKenzie
seconded the amendment, and stated
his belief that the proposed policy, if
earned out would prove disastrous to
the whole commercial relations of the
country, and of Ontario especially. Mr.
Cartwright made an able speech, and
expreseed his desire for time for a . full
discussion of the measure proposed.
Hon. Mr. Galt exposed the defects of
theGoVernment scheme, and showedthe
disastreus effect it would have neon
Ontario Aspecially. Hon J. H. earner=
on moved in amendment to the -amend-
ment secconded by Mr. Gibbsethat
it is impossible immediately to obtain
'uniformity ofthe currency, it is. expedi-e
ent that the Several charters of the,
Banks ah -mit to expire be extended to
such a period as the House shall deter-
mine. Sir John A.. MacDonald then
meved an adjournmeut
In the House of Commons, after
some preliminary discussion, the House
went into Committee on the Patent
Bill: The Bill was reported with
some amendments. The House then
went into Committee -of Sapply, and
adopted several item% •
THE Cuban Constitution will be
found in our "Foreign" column.
.1m:we Small, of Middlesex, died a
few days ago at his residence in Lon-
don. He was buried in Toronto.
MINIsTER Motley has arrived at Liv-
erpeol, and has been officially and cour-
teously received.
Two shipwrecks occurred on the 16th
it., on Car,rilsean reefs, about 15 miles
rom. Cae;e des Monts, and all on board
both vessels, save;one, perished -32 in
TUE Governinent of Peru has r
nized the Cubans as belligerents.
Teem was a stight run on the On-
tario Bank a few days ago. It didn't
amount to much.
The •
Old and New School Prsbytete.
ans, kept separate foe a long time by a
uifference of vie .vs on slavery and other
questions, have agieed to a basis of
Union, The effect will be to strength-
en very materially the influence of
Presbyterians in the United Stars.
Iteineee attacks on stations of the
Pacific Railroad have begun. With a
m thod apparently modeled upon the
practices of atm late . war, the eavagee
.had no sooner killed the men at the.
station than they began to tear up tjle
track. Of 2ouise the pursuing caealiy
will soon drive this particuler band far
enough away fion) the line of the road;
but the possibilities which the attack
presents still remain unpleasantly sug-
gestive,—N. Y. Tribune.
• THE ladies who make suffrege the.
b alge- of all their tribe have a nice little
garrie on hand for the opening of the
n ect Congress. They are eoing to
Weshingt m with a monster petition,
ab d tueen to earry it boldly into the
•Honee in. their own proper persona
" Wee eve the rules are Wont the Hall
"of Reyre,entatives," gays The Revdution, "their/flue, ,be set wide for that
m:casiin " This is carrying out Mu
Dickineen's " Who cares?" ergeement
with a vengeance, We trnst, eotrever,
that the Sergeant -at -Arms will be Erni'
and if necessary call upon 1 be Com-
mander of the department of Washing-
ton for troops. There is net nauch left
es men, but at least we shoUld make a
stand for the inviolability of the door
keppers f the Capita—eV Y. -Tribune
As' predi; ted_ three months ego, Cab-
a7lero e de Rod ,s Will 'be the new Cep-
tain-Generel Of Cuba. tee . Dulee
vacates his po,t eq no 11 v. nn aceount of
his own deeperate health and the ex-
treme jeoPaiely of we Spanish cauSe.
He makes mom for elle notorious as
thelmtcher of the Republicans in Spain
and whose aepoiettnent wqu'el sienify
that the een,luct - of the war in Cuba is
abont to assume amore relentless char-
acter than ever—save as qualiiied by
thn inclubitalde success of the Cubans.
for this, hemanity and deraocraey have
now greater reason to pay _ Compen-
satory 'intelfigence, however, reashes
us from Peru. We are espeAelly ad-
vised that the Congress of that country
have decl.ared the recognition of ;the
Cubansas belligerents., and it is erole
able that Mexico and' others of Ithe
Spanish AMerican'republics will follow
Evidently the cause of Free Cuba re-
ports Y Tribune.
Country Sehool-IlUses.
There is moral virtue in soap ; there,
is health and hope 171 fresh ; and it
is. a cause for devout thaukfulnesi that
both of there are abundant and cheap.
Now, we want to draw the attention of*
School Trustees • in this. county and
everywhere else to the feet that they
have exceedingly dirty school -houses.
The few to whom ti is remark does not
apply need not feel offended at our not
stopping to make an exception in their
favor, for where the exceptions are so
exceedingly meagre they may be imag-
ined without being stated. Take four_
scnool houees out of every five, just as
,we come to them in travelling across)l
ithe country, and we shall find that'l
they have not been -whitewashed for
years; that the -floor is not scrubbed
more than once a year,, and then with -
_out seep or sand; that the ventilation
consists only of a broken pane of glass
or the opening door, in winter, and
that a sickly odor, as of the steerage of
a ship or a second class ear 'on the
Grand Trunk, pervades the Toone Is
thi a state of affairs consistentwith a
re ed and civilized people 7 We could
easily enlarge the indictment by dwell-
ing 011 the utter general wane of yard
accomodation as by decency demanded, -
but we stop to -day at the Hine and the
scap. Though Trustees may despise
the attractions and advantage of clean -
healthylime at home, do let the little
children breath an imtained atroospbere
in their school houses. Let them vote
a. little soap for the floors and desks of
their local aqademies. Now is the time;
the mop and scrubbingbrush are abroad,
the whole country is convulsed with
the social 'revolution that comes in
evety spring with the advent of the- e.
whitewash brush. Now. when every-
one's "clarin up time' has come, don't:
let the school -houses escape and remain -
a sore spot in our sanitary survey. Wes,
shah keep our eyes open_ to see if the:
Trustees do. their duty, we Shall at,
least do ouis. But they will net get.
offso easily next time; we limy par-
ticularize a few dozen of these diegraote
ful dirty echoer -houses by name.--
0"APA. C".. P.,/ ...e.5„../
Tinumber of Townshi
eeedings have to layover
for want of space.
The WeTtryoenntoCfmfe
711.:t 'eels Exeosrron, -
D tilv iri4vds of .Stre
all knd qfFeasonable;
$ ri1011',1-Flilit Depot
Mr. H. W. M,•0-mn,
forth, dS been appouvw
and i'y-nntster on the
A.mecting of 'Gni E
will take place in Mr
Scott's- Block on lion1LIN
at half -past Seven
In lest wi,ek's issue,
in nothing Itir. Van Eg
artois-se "welt -4y three
dies .4 le wool bad lyee,a.
have ',yen three thomant-
Sutherland Bro.'s, TuJ
eel a neat and •cor venien
erir-h street; next west
Dreg Store: where e e
alreedy repntable bus
mu ,h inereaeed. See eel
Heree 3IT-Fork-1R
It is claimed that this if
,easiest W()1 d, and les,1
out ,ff repahe than any 04
in 1-1-z , either hi Can;da
it is also said
have .eeen it, prononnee it
fork now in uee for m
Peas, or he Barley. 2
--apply to St S. Rogers,
In the usittl colamn
maret:ge of -our_ geniel
Dicheon, Esq., of Iteeelri
our Seeforth belles, the
Miss Trott. ! The happy
the same moi hing Ity tre
ding tour to Montreal,
accompanied ,Ae :far .ae
number of ;friends and;
May their life . be long -at
and tile SUR of Happinei
ine their pathway.'
The members of e ,
Chtirclt, of Seaforth laa-ste
tYiiisti, .ollfliT'illoil.:::-e. alill rt6
Ing .
known in ()Atari°, ;:as an
event preacher, an 'aceon_
ar, and a stern and uncoil
emy nf ;all that tends to
n-torl-Ilize the ,community.
is a blessing its 'any- plat .,
cerely trest, for the sak
and neighborbood, as wel
.tereet of the eon.gregatiim,
see his way clear in accept
_ SEEDS, SEEDS.—Recei-
-17obertson's ;Mammoth
Seed Store, ! the followi
fresh and priive seeds.
Carrot, Skirving's Imp
TiSlia.rpe's do do- Purple Ttr
; 'Iteng Red Mengel, Rape
York ;Cabbegte, Flat Dute
head. do Butter Beans
Ade -Ms' Early -d
Cern, Gheeltin Cucumber, -
Peas, -,Dittinee 0" Reuke Pc
Wreyhfir4 Duteha
Uilked lawn ido Taves .
ult., as two little ,girls
eroSsing the river at
lock's milldam, they both
pond, v hich is some 12
The cries of a third,
shore, attract -ea the at
Goirenlock's son, a lit
of age, who Was staiidin
He ran at once to the bail
time he reecho' it was 4
clothing, and in be p
out manfully for the six)
had fallen in, which wan
yards distant., He seized
came to, which was his sis
seven years, and rot Mucl
himself, and conveyed her
shore; and baela he went f
a girt of the same age;
could not see her, for she h
the second time,' Down h
when he saw' her slowly
top once more. She w
hold of, and borne safely
but the vital spark had al
it was a long time before s
Ilewever, both are um" w
is but se1d..A4 that even th
years perform such feats
; and Whell we conside
of 11 years of age bringing
years respectively out of
-14; feet deep, for distanc
Yards, we say•that the n
Oovenlock worthy of
place in the roll of Oat
heroe3. Long may lie li
the same- presence of mind
that he did on this- oef--a.s
'Correspondence qf Beacon.
• e