The Expositor, 1869-05-28, Page 7Dewe; eitred-by wing Dr= Colby. Costive and Tonic Pills They regulate-.: - - e Bowels, greet the utter, Blear tike Ccs., exion,: and renovate the system t the > y a4e uf active ingredient;' in a highly ncentrat d farm, .strike at the root of cease, curing almost like m` lee, Moue - ds testify to their ,oxia-aordinary curative epert es. Sold by all dt ale r& 743ely eArreere r SP -LEN -ran t! is the scriber" t -n by ali who use tfunt's laanire Bair` -ies. It makes dry,- harsh, etiff"hair soft. ss t* anti bt aatiftri. It cleanses the scalp, es pimples, strengthenst vents the hair from. fallingand will ce tI make it dl ter.. �T€xw str� n , Iuxur!.-cit and StiEiil� and it is only 25 cente pr -bat t e.ever�where. ..1 I kIi'f s.31 and ail ()Nur achesard pains he 1x4h on AplElit atiiah of J .eohsf. it IiirptifL We w li warrant it to Eirn z, I'rolt Dice tJ-hloo : 'Sore the cures it has effected f' d art: aimost tic:ftli for belief. Many have been bee it from un tndlrter death, aid to life and health. o family is e = v ' ithitut it t l arndrt.ds of vai nab3e and thousands of cioli are ma,F be sa e & ally by its use= AS S a prvviintive ae t'o€iS tliSea.SNS, r (r `inz e t• hh Etre, in - can cat compar: with it. 1 `e . t=thoriee alt•re to rt'f tn4 the money, if it toes entire ,atisfactii:n- A :e. 'tE )f r.tt r of gather Car Load of Fit YI ' t l rason Er a April 9th. _Y. r a Ss ESS GOODS, NE W PARASOLS, NANI,'LS; NEW BRAWLS,;- NEW HATS, NE BONNETS. 70 72. NEW FLO--NTEIZF`. P COTTONS, OAP S.FIIRTIN€xS CI'IEc p PRINTS, CHEAP- CLOTHS, EEDS, P HOSIERY,; - EXCHANGE AT RATES.. Wanted Inkt ated tacanvass every Ta-wa.- Uoty of Huron, for RTW PATENT F Cr; mission 141Zotte l '27d8 for 'Sale: the exclusive right for tet for the awe invicentioi is mag or vending t etrted according to law. ES i 1JRVIS,, Seaforth. 694m. ION PARIArF'!VT.. 8:PAIN: T'fitTRSD1 'Sr. May 20. --,-Despatches have Sir John A. Macdonald moved._ the re i°ed here, announcin that house into Cummitteee on a - iesolution ahca t. 2,000 of the adherents of ueett fixing the Governor -General's salary at, 1-1 A To Isabella under G-asfietl;,iid Puela, have L10,000 stg. 141, Oliver: rrr,oved in aur-, �.���� asseoabled aft Perpignan City, France, endment that the salary should not ex- on the Spanish_ frontier. At last ac- coed £7,500 stg. Air Jonesj' moved a counts they wet e 1 early ready to cross further amendment $32,000 as a suffi- the boide =, ;The Government has tak- 'tient salary. After a iengtby debate en the necessary stepsY to prevent such .the House -divided on Mi Jones' amend an invasion if possible. ° ment, whir h was lost -yeas 56; nays 90. Madrid, Mzay 21 -The debate on Mr, Orivet's amendment was also lost the future form -of government for the' by 59 to 91.. Tlie "original resolution country was continued in the Co nstittt- ent Cortes yesterday. Admiral Topete;. Waggc.ns, R :uggles,. AND was then ed feted en a division -yens £•9 ; nays' 0. The: House theii went "the Minister of Marine, spoke mode, into Committee on the res:>liitiun ately, though at considerable length, which was reported, read a first time, ,mainly in reply to Ctrstelar, who had.; and carried. made *powerful sp 'ech in. favor . of a r<ItIDAV Republic the day before. • ,, Sir John A. Macdonald introduced a In his reply to Senor Castepew's i Bill --relating, to the tl ' �. . �. iiiini5tr.�tiuri of ,speech, A.diniral Topete declared that Justice iu vntario. '`the 13i11 was read he was opposed to the restoration of a first time:, as was also that for the Queen Isabella. He thought the epee -.i establisliuu nt of a'Supreu e Court for tion of the Duke de Mor:tpensier to'tlic 1) Minion ''Ttie .bill relatingin the throne was desirable ; but said . as , Offences, al air st the person was re id a a, member of the Cabinet he should,, third time thud passed -Mr. Dorm's strictly sul)oitlinate nis action .to the : amendment; ; that the, Bill be Prime � raw, red policy of the 'i ram Minister and the ` back to Cotnmittee, lieiligslost _oLn..a cii- Minister of. ar, who with - himself vision by 40. to 76. Several other Bills And all the other members of the Mine ' were a:uvaneed a stage, and the liouse *alit into Committee of supply. TUESDAY,` In the -House of Commons vesterdey were unrl,le to unite. .Ar=ticle 32 of the ronsiderution of they Estimatesv:'as the Constitution, declaring • that all resigned in Committee of Suirl+ly, clue - powers that emanate- froir_ the nation - ing the course of which the ,licks,, en- was iadopted by the Cortes -to-clave by gliged ill a long debato on - the subject acclamation. Article 33, de lea ing that of In' nrigr it6b . On a division oi''- 30 the form- of• the Government of the to bl, the amendment lowering the Spanish nation is file 11loncrrcl y, was sara.i'ies of the emreigration.agelits at passed after a protracted debate, by a Halifax was* lost. vote of 214 affirn iati'%es t. 70 negatives WET DNLSDa.Y, lviadrid, May 22nd. ,The RcpuIFli- In the House 'of -Commons yester- -ean newspapers of this city assert that day Sir John. A. Macdonald gime notice the reeelit vote -of the Cortes hris only of a series of resolutio„s 'respecting the deferred the scheme for a Federal ,Re JaidjeS.of the Superior• Court. Mr,' uublic, not defeated it.:. A Republic` -Wright, ' of Ottawa, moved. the re- sooner or later inusti come through tiie alyoiutment of the Committee appoint- want of a Monarch, and the .absence of _ ed la. -t sessio;a to > inquire into curtain unanimity on the part of the majority cl arges trrougLt agaia,st Mr. Justice of the -C :rtes_ Lafontaine. The- 1.1301i411 'was carried, Queen lsal.e?la - las proposed to alai , a; was also the motion cf-Mr. Oliver (ideate in favor of her son, the Prince -fir ci selee;t Committee en the Ann.ri- Asturias- Gonzalo Bravo, her . former eau Silver Question. . e . ° Prime Minister,. Rind others, have; ad- vised her otherwise. Adela-rtio Lopez de Ayala, the Min- ister foe the Colonies, haS resigned. diadrid;May 23.7 --Admiral Topete have Leen requested, in justice to the _bags been appointed Minister of the.: (;halon€, family, and by unr of its Colonies, acd interim, • f fiieiids, to . publish olhe' following : lst. It is :rumored that Prince Augustus, : t;b.tlmier's father sought redress in the •of Portugal, will be lint foi•v: a d as 'a Courts, and, after thorougli in' estiga- -candid to for the Spanish throne, and Lion; found that the law was'l+owerless that negotiations are on foot for his to give him "redress 2nd. Long before n axri ige tai �a daughte•r of the Duke of the 'Clbaloner fancily knew anything of 'Movtpe isier. 1 '\V] itakei. s conduct under their roof,. he Madrid, May 2G The -Cortes is - and his brothel -Akers had, at their 'now debating the clauses , in the Con- i mess "table and in the houses Of ill=fame. :stitution which refer to: the Colonies. l'peblic;ly boasted that he had ruined Senor C:istelar, allotted to -Cube;; said Miss Chaloner, and intended that elle if Spain had, followed the example of should become an inmate of one of England in her treatment, -of C.: ntidc1, t i ere dens. _ 3rd. Whitaker conchaltl y by granting the liberties which thearried firearms on his, person, and Col.. nips now claim for themselves,. tboi Ye steel that he intended cncistising a. I -.outbreak in .Cuba would have been pre- I young gentleman of this city;' for ii - vented. Marshal Ser •anb replied that snits offered to a brother officer. The .,Captain -General Dulce granted the re- I pistol" vas carried m case he was over quirod •liberties when lie entered upon ni itched:`, . On interviews with Mr. -- Y .the govei nmeet of Cuba ; but party Chaloner he was a1 ays armed. spirit blinded some of the inhabitants . . to the intentions of the Bogle Govern- TgnL are el idences of commercial iatry awaited the decision a the Cortes, for their guidance. I3e - concluded by. advising the tortes to take care th; t no daring man Bat the Iteot wh eh they The Quebec"Trage:dy. The Quebec- Chronicle says :-' We armommisameconananamornms HE undersigned is now manufacturing a large number of Patent Arm Waggons Of -the most thorough firnsh, and will posi- tively guarantee the tiree-to remain tight on the wheels for at least Ten Years . I am also %urning out Buggi es and Democrats of Various Styles Fr m the best quality of Hickory, imported expressly from. Ohio. • As all my AXE LS both Wood and [ron, are set by my Patent Axle Guage, 1 can confidently warrant my Waggons and Buggies to Run Lighter than any y other built in. t.;anad a. TERMS LIBERAL! To responsible parties. All orders by mail or otherwise, promptly attended to. , G. MINCIN. Shakespeare, May 5th, 1869. - 74-4in • 15173 riLsi t oat e-+ 001 esot� t� '`J erd .ment, the application, .. of i °siciel 1 ._ 3' PC 13 3 difficulties just now ,all over the world, force, _rebellion had been srlppressecl ' The Bank of England.has'raised. its but the moral disorder Was disappear- P.n ng very slc}wl z a rate, and Mr.' Sumner's -declaration has Ct When the normal 'state of the Island had the. efec of causing American 01 a .< the Home Government is 1=es�orc,d; stock and shit:Ps to suffer seveily in. the - Acting in conjunction with the Depue money markets of the Old World. C°t ties of o Cuba, will supprees slavery, and .punish all persons engaged in the slave When the Ameiicans find that En -g= -trade. land refuses to give any more gold for , `CUBA- - .1 their bonds, in view of possible Com" New York, May 20. --Letters -from plications the collapse, which Inust ix - 'Nuevitas state that a Republican Gov- •:einment has- been .fully organized by evitably follow may be ' a salutary ler- the insurgents in -Cuba. Cespedes was son to the . belligerently-tlisposed of. elected. Xresielent Aquilera," 'Vice Mir neighbours. Things were never President, and- Quesadda, Commander- much in the United States. Trade is In -Chief of all`' ;the *forces. President 'dull , eveiything dear and over -taxed; CO II1ECTIu�T I �ITIJAI .Cespedes had issued an inaugural ad- --^_,' -_ ry •dress, full of hope in ti'lrimate success. , u v4aiwua, 111 recent• H�vanct, Aiay' 1. `.L'he English psis i. f 411151117110 TO., 'rollers who were oa. trued 'op.the wreck- ing schooners, by the Spanish authori- ties, have been set at liberty. 0 :w w n 0 ts34 cot 0.0 L'fl failure and the suspension of the Royal Canadian Bank indicate an undesirable condition of affairs here also. We hope, however that the storm will soon blow over," and the son of prosperity shine forth : ere long as brilliantly as BRITAIN. London May 26th. -The Der? y was won by Pretender, recently winner of the 2,000 guineas at Newmarket, „who beat Pedro Gomez, by- a 'short head ; Ertumrner "Boy, being third, by a length behind Gomez.' e A LITTLE boy named Parker was run over by.a wagon one day last week MR: .MOTLEY'S INSTRUCTIONS ON THE .ALABAMA CLAIMS.-Animpoi tant state- ment on, this subject comes to us tliro' the .new York Evetiiing Poat, which if well founded would appear to show that and badly injured. He is recovering, the action of the Senate on that head is not altegether.approved by the Presi- • dent,: and that it does not meet the From the latest aceounts, eche fine wishes of somepart of the public. If iron steamer Grecian, w ich stack in we understand the statement correctly, the Cedar rapids last wee is likely to the President's idea is that the pies - prove a complete wre k, She was 422- tion must - remain where Senate has tons burden, built ahout ve years ago placed- it, and that he is not disposed to belonged to the "Canadian Navigation trove in a matter where his acts may Company," and cost $70' oo. She has bo as,readily set aside as those of hi;t I been valued at $20,000, and insnred predecessor. Too Much importance, for $40.000 in eight offices, which will However, must not be attached to these more ; n cover the probable loss. newspaper - rumors. Montreal Hircald.+ however. NOTICE. THE appointment of Daniel L. Sills, as THE of this Company foe the Province .of Ontario, was 'Revoked by the Board of Directors on the. 9th inst, and. Messrs Hod- ges Brothers, of Detroit. Mich., are from"that date appointed General Agents for the Pro- vince of ro-vinceof Ontario. to whom all Local Agents will please forward applications and reports. W. S. OLMSTED, Secretary. Hartford, April 17th, 1809.. 74-6i NOTICE OF GUARDIANSHIP. KOTJCEis hereby given that at the Ex- piration of twenty days fro date 1 will make applicati n to the Snrr to Court of the County of ron, to be a pointed Guardian of Mart , Margaret Ann, Wil- liam -George, and Henrietta McSpadden, .:in - fent children of Samuel McSpadden, late of the Township of McKillop, in said County deceased: - THOMAS SHA.NNONr By McCaughey & Holmestedi Shcicitors for Thomas Shannon:' Beafortlie. May 7th, 1869: • r GREAT STOCK OF NEW SPRJYGGOOJS Containing all , THE NOVELTIES OF .TUE SEASON, At Hickson's, 1 Poi Old hid 0 0 gr • COn .110F0 0 ciz LADIES, CALL EARLY AN3 SECURE AT SEED STORE! 4 undersigned have just received IMPORTED DIRECT, SKIRMINO'S IMPROVED PURPLE -TOP SWEDE, A quantity of Early GOODER I OH POTATOES; Also a fresh stock of GAR DEIYI AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS: Will have constantly on hand a choice se- lection of Flower and other lilt-I:MING PLANTS. mew possesses all the qualities of Farina and Oatmeal, for Porridge. W.A. Shearson &Co. Seaforth, May 21. 52-1y. W. GRASSIE And Family g Store. D LU MS DEN has just received his ik Spring Importation's ief Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, French, English and and Ponia.des ; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shav- ing Brushes ; Dressingand Fine-tooth Combs; Toilet and Shaving Soaps, (free, &c. Horse 8s.Cattle Medicines,- - Condition Powders, etc., DYE, STUFFS ! Of)ery Superior Quality- DHYSICIANS' Prescriptions accurately -R. LUMSDEN, Pharmaceutical Chemist. eaforth. April 22. A ND all implements for farm nee maim - 1 -1 factored by ee* , GOod 'and Cheap. Remember the stand. NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. Seaforth,Feb. 20, 1868. Il-ly ONTARIG HOUSE, Edward Cash eustomere that he is opening up one of &reheat assorted Stocks of S:r 0: and 5u mmer 1To be found in Seaforth. Prints and Metitlin styles. Mena' Straw and Felt Hats by hula - Dresses of the most beautiful patterns. La- thes' Bonnets and Parasols of the latest dreds. TEAS and General Groceries that cannot be excelled, always on hand e also a good stdek of -Hardware, consisting of Paints, Oils, Montreal Naih3, Harvest Tools House Furniture, Wheels and Reeli, Crockery and Lamps. Seaforth. April 14, .1861 534y. Desires to inform his old customers. and, the public generally, that • lie his re- built Shops on the - OLD PREMISES On a more extensive scale than ever, and. is consequently- prepared to execute all ,,orders for everything in the way of LUMBER &. DEMOCRAT WAGGONS, 33T_TGI-CAIMS, SEC_ None but the best material used, and first- class workinen employed. BLACKSMITHING- In all its branches, attended to izra satis- factory manner. EmplOyed filpecially for this branch of the business. WM. GRASSIE. The --TVA) Good. Vil e Lots for sale, 0. one of which as a Dwelling House ancl other improvements thereon. Seaforthi May 21st. 76-3m. T I ME. TIME. TI E TF you want . a Watch that will keep the correct -time, purchase one of Thomas Russell & Son's celebrated Watches. A large stock of theen for sale at R.0 UNTER'S He has also on hand a lareee assortment of Clocke, -Jewellery, Fancy Goods, Toys, &c., all to be sold. Cheap for Caste OrEvery descriptioneej Watches, Clocks, and. Jewellery Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and:Warranted to give eatisfaction. The highest price paid for Old Gold and' Silver. ANNEXATION I THE undersigned ,has annexed a large quantity of New Goods ! To his old Stock, and , REMOVED! The whole &cress the Street, TO 111CCANN'S OLD STAND. Combined, they form the best selected Steck of Stab and S es Ever offered to the inhabitants of Seaford; and parties who trade there, compzising La- dies', Gents, and _ Childreits' _wear in great variety, •tt)f the very -Latest Styles and. best quality-. and which will be disposed- of at the Very -Lowest Possible Remutative Prices for 0A811. Also a large quantity of Home- made Wotle always on hand. -ORDERED WORK of all Idnds got up in a style that cannot fail to give -satisfaction. REPAIRING Neatly Executed'. ii'l N. B. -Do t forget McCann's Old Stand. SIC OF THE BIC'BOOT. Seaford; April 29th. 73-tf. INSOL: ACT °P 1864. In the. Matter of THOMAS OtItRIE, of Seaforth, a* Insolvent, mHE creditors of the Insolvent are notiff- 1. ed that he jaae made au assignment et his estate and effacts under the above act, .8 - me, the undersigned Assignee, and that they are required to &Mid! within twa months from this date with their claim". specifying the security they hold if any, and; the Valite of it, and'if none stating the &eta the Whole attested. -under oath, with the. voaehers in stwort of such Aaiun?. Dated at G4, erich in. the Counter of , cs; this 29da April, 1869.