HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-05-28, Page 6Tuekerarcrith
The Council met this day, May 14th
1869, in the house.of John Daily,, Vil-
lage, of Egmandville; at the &tar! of 10
o'clock a. m., pureuant to adjournment
All .the members- present; the Reeve
occupied the chair. The minutes. of
-the last Meeting were read and passed
Moved by Mr. Jackson, seconded by
Air. Dallas That the account of, _qr. G.
McPhillips for-surveeying and running,
the lines of the side roods between lots
5 .and 6, on the 7th Stn conceesiorsi
amounting to $18.00, be ptud.---Carried:
Petition of John Co.ok and others praY-
ing for a grant t f money to be expend: -
ed on the -2nd con., line L. R. S., order
ed to lay On- the tables. Moved by
Mr. Dallas, .seknded by Mr. Jackson
That this Counail do constitute -itself
dub a Court of Revision, coneistin,g of
aU theenembers, for the purpose of ex-
amining- and revieing the ttesessment
Roll and hearing and deciding on the
several -appeals against aseesements.--
Moved by Mr. 4ac1csan, seconded by
Carried. ',Mr. Cousins That this- ccaut-
cil do now adjourn to nae.et again at
the hour of 3 o'clock p.
The Court of Revision met this day,
the 24th of .May 1869, in the house if
Jehn Deily, Vil lago of Egmondville,
at the hour cf 12 o'clock noon, pursuant
to public notice. George.Spro.st, Esq.,
in the Chair. The several appeals
against the. assessments Was laid
before the court by the Clerk and, de-
cided as follows : lst. The ,appeal of
;Thomas McKenzie, lot 39, con., 1, L.
R. S., against the assessment of his real
property as being too high, after exam-
ining the RolJ together with the assess,-
- ment of the appela4t, the court decided
that the real property of the said Thom-
as McKenzie is veined in proportion. to
the general assessmeli% of the rinownsItip
and that no reduction be .madei ,on the
same. -2nd. A Ppeal of Than as • Men -
roe, lot 29, con.I2, L. R. S., against
the assessment °f real property, sarne
cle-liverance as No. 1 3rd- Appeal of'
;James Alitrruay, lot no. 1, con. 1st- L.
. against the assessment of his real
-property as being too high, on the same
grounds as no. 1, the court decided that
_there be no reduction. . '4th Appeal of
the Rev, john Logie, lot 2) cone,. 1, L.
R. S., a-gainst the asSessmeut of his real
property, sueh appeal being. grounded
on the 8th sec., of the Act 32, Vic.,
Chap. •37 of the Previrce of Ontario,
exempting the dwelling house with
the lands thereto attached of any minis: -
ter of religion from taxation, the
court.having considered the. same, de-
eided that the appelant be not taxed
for`real property aild that the 'yttluati-
.. on of his house and land beexemptedfrom the assessment Roll. The court
examined and passed the- Roll and ad -
aimed Si* di,e.
The Council resumed pursuant
adjournment from mornin% meet
Moved by Mr. Dallas, seconded by
Colieins That Brnerd Thompson ,be
• &opted from working statute labbr
t le present year, and that the 01
notie.Y the Path master to that ef&et
Culled. • Moved by Mr. Jackson, s
Mr. McLean -That W. A-Iceonn
salary as A.ssessor ior the year 1869
paid at once.—Carried. Moved
Mr. (TI,ckson, seconded by Mr. Dall
That John. Topple be noti6ed that .t1
Council will at it its next meeting to
into considelertion the propriety
opening up thosideread ,running fro
the 7th con. H. R. S., between th
London and Huron road survey an
that the clerk be instructed to that e
fect,---Carried. On the motion of M
Jackson the coencil proceeded. te 14
off the several works. to be let by tenc
er on roads and bridges throughout .th
Township for the present year, direct
ng the Clerk to publish the same by
AlovJd by Mr. Jackson
ec..onded by Mr: Cousins That parties
iving on, the sOuth side of the bridge
t Egmoni-Iville, on the Mil Road be
ormed into Patbmasters. beat, and
lot Henry Colbert be appointed Path-
asttr._aciaied. , Moved by Mr. Jack -
in, seconded leyi Mr., Cousins that the
leek be instruded to have 50 adver-
sementa for tenuers for jobs printed,
d that the jobs be • let at tha village
Brimfield, on Friday MO' the 28tb
t., to which time and' place the - Conn:
do now adjouru.- --Carried.
ex -
ty. Moved by Dokle, seconded by -:.--
That Fulton's bill for lumber, for 12th
concession, amounting to $5.50 be paid.
`Moved by Doyle, seconded _Coughlan
That Te.Carry receive $10 for rePairin te
crosswaying on 10th and llth Conees-
-Sious. Moved by Coughlan seconded
by Kuhn That J. Lewis bo Collector
for 1869, at a salary of $100 including
Whatever loss he mah stistainby dis-
count'On Small change. Moved by
Doyle,' seconded by - Mollard That the
Auditorsreport be reecivcd, • tind that
100 copies be printed.. Moved by
Coughlan, 'seconded by Mollard That
each Auditor .receive $12. Moved in -
amendment by Kuhn, seconded by
Doyle That each Auditor receive $10.
—Amendment loht. Moved by 'Kuhn,
Secondedby Doyle That Wm. Mitchell
receive $4 for repairing bridge near
Switzer, also that J. Matheweon s e-
co 1 e $2 for repairing crosswaying on 1 ence again. The ladies- behaved very
Orediton side: road. Moved by Mol well, and went for the life belts and
lard, secended by 'Kuhn That an order 1 put their on.
of $20 be drawn in favour of lasbn
& Co., for 4 Scrape.. Moved by
Hollard, neconded by Conghlan That
the ;Reeve expend $1.00 in repairing
roads in 1,2, :;, 4 end 5 con
The Lose of the earecian.
I did not think I should be writing.
to you so soon, when I last said "o�ct
bve," and it is aemercy that 1 ain Lyre
to write at all. We had got on very
welt indeed after leaving Toronto'till
we got to the last rapid before 13eau-
-homis, and then just as we were going
• between the Split .Rocit the boa rufus-
ed to answer her helm, and we went
crash trporr it, and in two or three sec-
onds: the fires were out, the boas back
broken, and the wire rigging snapping
all over the ship. • Luckily we pivoted
on the fore part of ihe boat and settled
down in fourteen feet of watee at the
stern, and more at the bows, in the very
centre of the rapids and at the .swiftest
part of it It was an awful moment,'
and one which 1 hope never to ex Jeri -
Coughlan expend $100 in 6,7, 8, 9, 10,
and 11 con., from S. B. to Orediton
side road, and that Kuhn lay out an
equal amount in same coneessions from
Crediton side road to N. B. That H.
Doyle lay out $100 for same purpose
in 12, 13; 14, 15, and 16 con., and that
A/Iolla,rd lay out an equal amount west
of con. 16, with a special grant of $50
for con. 19. Also that each of th•e
boundaries, viz: N. and S. 13., receive
special grant of $50 on, condition
that Hay and AlcUilvery grant an equal
• ,
amount for same. nurpose. Moved by
Coughlan, secoaded bv Kuhn That C.
Prouty receive $6 for posting up notices
and sundry writings in connection
with the, gravellirg of the Crediton
road. Resolved that the Council do
now adjourn to meet again on the se-
cond Saturday in. June.
C. PROUTY, Tp, Clerk.
Devon P. 0.
Council met 'GO hold Court of Revisi-
on at Varna, on Monday, the 1 ith May
at 10 o'clock a. DI.. All the member's
present. Thomas M cCli ot and Robett
Millis each reclaced $30. Wm. ,Egle-
son's slut to be charged if he get an-
other dog, if not to be tak-en off. D.
Haac.kie,. lots 831, 832, 853, 836, • sub-
* isiens of lot 7, range N. and lotsim
856, 860, sub .division -of lot 9, rarge
-N. to be put on non resident roll and
aseement reduced $12. -William Stin-faf
.on burnt inill, valite $8u0, taken of1'. I tu
Thomas Alitchell, and _Mam
_Mary Cael-on I t'de
7)0 apj earance to show came for reduc- ab
tion assesment was sustained. This J t,11-
cloled appeal cases. Council adjourned u°
till 1 o'clock.
It was a. very critical mo.ment as ehe
swung around, for had anything caught
her stern we must have turned -over,
and then no one would have been
omm uni.
We -were
ds from
e knott-
eget]] 81',
ats from
let her
O then
ith the
d. Ev-
tn with
saved. • Various means of c
cation with the shoie were s
but all were imprLictisa.ble.
more than 'four hutidred yar
the ne7asst point. !Finally IV
ed all the ropes ell board t
and lowered one of the life Ito
the • stern, to try if- we could
• down to the island; but the
Iswept her .away from- it. W
wait •away the other boat w
ipurser and two men, with a t
I to Mon treal. We then wed te
en* tal'y an old French Canad.
SIX men, towed a 11,,t-oot;to7ed bateau
a long way above us, and droppec;
down past us. We threw a rope, but
it snapded. Luckily :they, got into the
dead water astern, wade °Y the ship,
about a hundred yards from its.!
let down- ottr boat b'y a rope td her,
and palltd the two alongside.- We
then put all the ladies and wont. D
and children of the battery into the
ooet, and they were loaded on the
side opposite Beaubornis, where they
(rOf another boat and rowed across to
Beauharnois village. The old. Canada
an thou towed his bateau up again,
taking about 'three ht,urs to do so,
during which time we were employ-
ed in rescuing a-11 the property that
we could ;Yet at, . All ou r beggneLe
Was in thZ hold, which was under
water, the floor of the main deck -
in levell-Aizh the Water. The I
an brought) his boat alongside, and
wt of the battery and the staff,. With
ipt. Sandham ancl Lieutenant. L ow -
d, embarked, and landed higher up
au the first !Fifty had dene. , 'From
is point they rowed in another bateau
out three utiles to Beauharnoie whei e
ey caught the St. Helen, op her way
WD to Meatreal, and got the Captain
to call at Beta 1;1111018 village for the
women and c iildten. This. party
reached Monti.° 1 about one a. ne,
where wi: all are now. Everything
was imexpeeted and uncomforta bl e ;
but everyl ody very kind. ' We .shall
not. Le able to gO bome la ..the Serapis.
From the hurried aLcount which I an
able to give you, you will Pee that we
are lucky out of it with our lives. ,
Council met at 1 e cloek- p. m., for
geueral businesa One dollar dog ttlx
retui ted nes (Jr)lit an Cl Andrew
Cook's dog taken off the :Roll. .1a t 8,
Grant's survey, assessed to George Die -
he, lots 1 and 4, Dinsley Terrace, eseess-
ed to Chas. Dayroent, lots 18, 19. and
S. part 20, Dinsley Terrace assessed to
Angus Johnsbn, lot 37 Baytield, aeaass-
ed to Richard Stanbury, south ball lot I T
13, in con., 4, eseessed to „Peter Alc1D- iflint
tosh, Lot 201 Baytield put on ton red- min
dent .Roll. 13v -Las- no. 4, conmititirm zens
statute Jabor .t one dollar it day adopt
ted. Petition of Sylvester Toupee ttek-
irig aid, read. -Robert J. Cook appoint-
ed Pathmaster in place of John Polloek
removed. .Moved . by W. Woods, se-
connded by Geo. Castle That Mr. Ross
be authorized to accept $89.20 in lieu
Of taxes due for they e rs 1864 1865
1866, and 1867,-(m lash' Bannockburn
being from 784 to 98 and from 123 to
1;31 inclusive.—Carried. Moved by
W. J. Biggins, seconded by Jas. Mc-
Leod ThNt thi. cou-neil allOW 5 Dapee
$8, as funeral experts of his brother
who died at his house in it destitute
state. --Carried. Moved by Geo. Cas.
tie, seconded by N. Woods That ti
'innati, Oltic$ .May 2C—A few
utes past 12 otclock to -day the citi-
The Council met, on May 22nd 18619
pursuaa to adjournment. Members
all piesent. Minutes of former ,meet-
ing were sieened. Moved. by Qotigh
- seconded by Kuhn That Isaac Carhng
be Patinnaeter accordance with the
first appointment, Moved by Doyle,
se.:otided by Coughlan That theirthabi
t wt.& of each, beat select their pi:Anuses:
t for the .ensteing vow: and notify.the
O erk maki,irg':the pathinastet.s
t.t ,z-;„) 4 8;t:'ll te tion but subjeet
the pproval of the Council. A:1 road.
petitroue refelted ut,e eet
inwieti. by H01174,111, seile'igled .K.uhsi,
- 4./ .1
were startled with, rum
ing explosive .S01. nd. It catne fro
the south-west pa st of the city, a
dense veltunes o smoke arose fro
that quarter. TIE engines came ou
but the.ir services were not require
The gasometer -of Le city gas worl
exploded, and the age holder, 130 fifl ee
diametei, And 52 feet wit
L capacity of half a cubic fee
, .a as torn` in pieces: The caus
novvn. The xploeion ,coartnenc
the north sisi , next tosFront st
r twelve work nen, who bad bee
ng the holder, had 'just des(end
d were sfandi a by the engine
but inirarul • usly escaped with
ryes, and with ut serious injury.
cKenzie, e nployee ef the gas
ny, was on the top of the
, on a level sith and nearly
tow:M.11g the top o the gasometer.
Bis clothes Were al burned off anti
his entire bOdy wa crisped, which
caused his death in t wee hour3. Dick
t 'Sheridan,. w Nvere driving'
carts near the scene, -were
sev ane •ib their hor_see.
n AVIA recovei but the horses
obally die: Charles Kelly,
as walking n the , opposite
s badly burned.
distant were
scorched,. and the nei r111,3)111i14. bold-
ers were injnrned *. coneuision,
one , of them so bad] °
arge amount of gas. •
ndar--were scorched, b
iag the roof of One, n
was clone. The report
a• great distapce. Oro
have been to WitIless
of gas
• uni
ed on
Teu o
pain ti
ect, an
their l
tavern Inspector be ordeted to inspect 1.1-vt M
itil housee et' public entertainment in I corepa,
this Mnuicipality, and reaort on the I column
same as soon as possible, also to take'
Imrue e action against all parties
s -1 ling without license.–e-Oata ied.
Moved by J. Biggins, seconded by
a,. cLeod 'That- this coun •
_ e rant and Pa
$15 to buy elothing . for 'John Gill,"to; hunber
be ,spent at the discretion of the •Reeve._ buened
TerCarried. Moved by W. J . Biggins, I The me
secondad by Jas. McLeod That $10 1.e • will pr
. ;
who w
side • of the street, ' w
Trees fain' liundred*fe
p n rew Cook lot gravel. --Carri-
ed. Moved by N. Woods, seronded
by Geo. Castle That William Dowing
be. paid $1..50 fora, tin box -Lb hold the
kolls.—Carried. Moved by N. Woods,
iee, .)1(1ed by Ceo. Castle That $2.66 be
--p:dd Mr. Turner, being for statute labor
..,erforrned, an 1 also paid in back taxes.
..‘iovad by . Gdo. Castle, seconded by
_McLeod 'That the cobncil . do now
glIourn to meet on the first Mondtiv
July., at Mrs. Le ysdale's hotel at 2
t'clocol: m. --Carried. I
• "WILLTA 31 flit_iTE.ETT,
Tp: O'er)!
y as to I k:
much excitement prev:
to t he company will
The buildings
t except stat -
other damage
was heard at
'ds of people
he wreck and
uls The loss
e about P,75
A SPLENDID New House, situated
11 Lots Nos. 148 and 149,South side
St. o I, Met, aforth.
•For Particulars apply to
••R.. B. MOODIE.
Seaforth, May 20th. 76-4in
DYSPEPSIA- eared 'by using Dr. Colby's Air-
ti-Costiye and %ilia Pills They regulate .
on i the Bowels, correct theLiver, clear tl.te Co
of p xiop, and renovate the syston ;. thya ea
.1 composed of active ingredients in a highly
coneentratedform, ann. strike at the ro
-distmse, curing almost like rtialcicThous-
ot ef
ands testify to their extraordinary curative
• properties: ' Sold by all deal; rp.
. 73-ly
p --44---s, strengthens the viands,
BEAT:Tina, 1 SPLENID D ! ! i.3 the #erdict
given by all who use limit's Empire Hair.
Glosi.• It makes dry,. harsh, stiff.hair soft.
glossy and beautiful. It eleanses thf- scAlp,
removes pinile
prevents the hair from fallinz, and will cer-
tainly make it grow stromt, luxuri,olt; and
beautiful, and it is only 25 cents p_r bottle,
Sold everywhere.
73 It,
vented can comp with if. We au.4.horize
RHEIT144117331 and all othfr aches and pains
lcaye tlitJ body on application ef Jacobs'
Rheumatic Liquid. We will„warran4; rt to
rc Print Bites, eh1a a, a, Rare
gihroat Larry?, Back or Side, spralm,
Some of the cures it has effocted are A,173207:4
• too wonderful for belid. Many hart: bt,en
saved by it from inp)ending death, and re-
stored to life and health. No b,mily if, safe
a day without it ; hundreds of valnable
lives and thousands of doliars may 1)-! saved .
-annually by its use. As a prevuntive
contaiteans discatles, nothing evcr bt fore in -
all dealers to refanfl the money, if it does
not give entire' satiefaction-
73- ly •-` 8 ,T F0'3„.74& Co.
Another Car Load of PT,"*f.lc.'S
.1 _Nloatreal C1).t .,_ -I- CI I, 1. • 1
- .0
ti.t. k it .0
At Johnson Bro's.
S;eaforth, April 9th. •70
r I
ONE P. 141. OLLY.
, •
For his Stock of
SPRING 0001)
Never tExcellktIn thI .
The Mancheskr House
Then, is the place for Satisfaction
Seaforth, May 4th., 1889,
rpicrE BLACKSMITH SHOP formerly
occupied by Mr. Williamson, Plough
Maker, epposite the Ontario House, Goder.
Ich Street, .Seaforth.
For particulars, apply, on the premises, to
May 20th, )1869.
Yon Li Cultivate it:
Is a certain indication of
Deoay at the I -toots.
Hair Restorer
Restores gray hair to its natural color and beauty
and produces luxuriant growth. It gives the het?
bsantiful Ow.; and:delightful fragrance:
Manufactory and Sales Offices, -
266 HIGH HOLBORN, London, Eng.
• Scatter and .RollS, Druggists, agents
()a Seaforth. Sale everywhere.
January 281;11., •- 60-1y.
. -
_Lek CT
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS wanted to' canvass every Tow,-
ship in the County of 4uron, for
.,. -
Price, , 6 00.
Liberal Commission Allowed;
.Tow,rtship Rights fir Bale.
'Having secured the exclusive right for Quo
County of Huron for the above =volition.
Iany person or persons making or vending tiaa
same will he progeeuted according to law-
ISeatorth April 2 1869
tvakid, May 20 —Th
replii‘.ed hem a
bultuiOundGet 004(1fr t.lizssah
nabled at Perpignan
,on the Spanish. frontier
cou:_tS they wet e earb,
the bolde the Clover]
ent Cortes yesterday. A
thi” ,rgh comidi
ettilloleuen.fiktUirty:LNIT'se::,:-40.1)DfIlt°:nfLtglef ;e:111
mainly in reply !to 0:14
made a powerful spt:ech
ole, day bikpre.'
In his reply to Lk7..!c4
,speech, Admiral Topete:
he WaS OppOtied to the.
-Queen ha:belizt• He the
tion of the Duke de
the throne -as AeSirii !At:
a. mentber of the .0abi;
strictly subordinate nis
policy of the Prime Mi
Minis.ter of War, whO
• and all the other inerebe
• istry awaited the &Cilia
tor their Ituidance.He
advising the Cortes to ta'
-daring man eat the kr:
'were unable to unite.
the Constitution, decia
powers that emanate fr;
was iadopted by the Col
aeelamation. Article 3,
the form of -the Govt
• Spanieh nation is the
passed after a protracted
• vote ot. 214 affirmatives
Madrid, May 22nd.-
-can newspapers of this'
Public, I not defeated it. d
sooner 'or later must co
want of a Monarth, ai
unanimity On the
or the 0 rteszQuen .
Prime Minister, a
Liter for the Covonios,
Marliiti, May 23 —A
has been appointed 341
Colonies,- -(q interim„
It is runtored-that Pt
atf Portugal, will be prt
-candidate for the- Spani-
that : Degotiationo are c-
m &Triage' t9a daughter
11,'.1a.v 26. -1 --
how de,batin011e clatis.
titutoa e
whieh refer t
Senor Castelar, alitmed
if ,Spain had followed
..Xngland in ber trCatm
Ly granting- the liber
Ool flies jiow (skim for
,outbredk in Ot.A.ba would
,vented. MaiShal"Serra
-Captain-General Duke
.quired liberties lien fr
the goverrune.it of Cu
spirit blinded some of t
Aothe intentions of the
.ment, By the appli4ttr
force. rebellion had be -
but the moral disorder
ing very slimly.
When the normalsta
is restored, the 1:Ipme
acting in conjunction
ties of Cuba-, will snppr
die.sh all ]persons enga4ra„
New York,, May .20,
'Nuevitas state that a, R
4e, renclnedPd
Gnt h::sibeenent
the instirgents in Caba
President, and Qum
-in-Chief of all the f�r
,Cespedes had issued, an
-dress, full of hope in iri
114-vana, May 21.--
.oners who were ,Capta
ing s.thooners, by the S
ties, have -been set at lil
London, May 261h.
won by Pretender, t ece
the 2,000 guineas at N
beat Pedro Gomez, b
Ertunmer Boy, being th
behind Goinez.
A Irraul boy nam
run over by a wagon on
and badly injured. ne.
From t
on stearger Grecian)
the Cedar rapids last v
pro-ve a complete wree.
tons burden., built abou
Lehmged to the "Canad
_ Company," and cost $7
been valued at. $20,00
for $40,000 in eight ofil
.4.Tnore than cover the pro