HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-05-28, Page 3Iiti-oderieh streets . it is a frame bnild' Ox36,ih gal.eries on either -led and at th fniit end. It Will saki i about thtee iundred. The eirtireb wee 'eres.ted in 1 -,'s and in` the latter at f 166 todeled, eo fee aa teint sements atv. eoncerned„ ug retioore, pewee' painted ineiee •1 out, and au elegant pulpit, with astitiion was eret-ted, aStetaelts sae, furuiehed, ULail Uoutlay ade,,. of one thousand dollars via8 ttl zO vhiele has twell paid. 121 1016 a Stslot WAS purthased t thoktwhieb the ehutr h stends, ;sad a tsemmt dime pareoPage has Leen e=reete with stable end letrn. A. neat and subetaetial 'fence enislosee the two lots„ whi,..11 are perhaee the meet dt-sereble- ' in the whole village for chureh sturpos se.. In the recent lint:roe-emelt ts ;Itiout,'$14,30o was expended, and in oper- tv new preeer ts a very the appeerence. congreesittion wurehipping in this eiuirch is good and the catree appears, to •te ui a" 'healthy state. Ihe pre-eent aster is the Rev-. Wm. 11eyhersa The Baptist C1111.1ch is a very free .ough east buil'iieg, was erected in ttt a cost of two thotreatal dollers, sand ie 30 feet in RiZe, It Will seat !eoutfortably three hundrtal persona, Ile congregation wee organised in `6 during the reittietretien of the Rev Chai lesNorthtop, arid worehiped the Masorde hail up to the time of ;ehe erestiou of the preeent edifice. ;the Revs skeehibahl SVteDonalct is the '..ittittieter LOW ill ella4c4"- lie Common Sehool is a handsome ve story itri(-1s, Jan:Witte, 60x3=0 feet, ereeted in 18,67, for ..$3,5110.- it eon- eists of two departmeztts, where about pueile are in attenchtere. under the chsrge of Mt, .Aratiletld I:fewar, Fret, Class Provineial esehool Teacher, and rrincipaI of the school, etssisted aky Miss J. thrthrie. Bi —The Boyel Canedian Bank' hag an agency li e N. I'. Hays, Eree, Nanat);Pr,. Charles- Hurster, ac- 'soriutant, Frank- ,Erie telly-. -- It[Aote —DrLt 1odge. Nce 170 of A. F. & Ae holsie its re - solar eetrng oi.(vr ztfter. eael full 11 moon, the :Mesonic Hall, John leleszeres W. AL ; ASlimmost, ; Grey„ secretary ; E. N. Brett, eeeettreis estiaese.—L. 0. Li No. 937, Meets et the rt NVelleestiey- hleturish, it tlte .tsr:IEdl, Thomas 4terte, :W. M. ; Gorge W. Spar - 0, cf G. T. Hur- Iersse.le, No_ 30ez, wee oe. 'seized 4 and Meets on Friday even - ug e in the Htsla„ - N “EXPesel TO 11, " the tIiitikip-r-of the coney. -lt is pub - 'relied weekly alai toes e larest eirou- 'stion. It ie eettriereed 'by T_V-4.z,srs d4QL.UX`,Vin, editor's ft nil Vrir• est eterro Met Les ree I eset tsr FAND.‘ .IBRARY AseteeseTrces,--sPreeheent- J. sae, Esq., ; Viee heseitleets A Pew-. rs' sret: try, W. Oil: et ‘.01 ; A seist- a e Seeretsry J. H. Ctel lee ae ; Tr eesur- Mi. P. Iiees ; gerion, F.• u tee ; number of t h..rf4 2.(So. No, 3 Coe 33RD _BATTALION, S#A- pvat, Geseereen Nov , Ja62.—Cap- Bull ; Lieutenntsnt, Ct. 14'11 ; Ensign, T. iest AFORTA CHESS CLUB, OBC.AN1ZED„ fr —President, _Major Cele/eels s • retry and Trati.surpi., T., P. r,41.1,11; ram i tree for conduetieg te rs i c nes, Drs Smith, T. P. _12e -r11. N_resi.renser., ectoseee, S— S G. McCaughey, Is L B. neiliors, A. Strong, T.. Lee, E. J., Beattie ; Treasurer, Julia can s Clerk, T. P. Bull. t is stated that a new complication - risen out of the arrangements with. Scotia. It is that Ontario and- centend that the- departure e Quebec resolutions, by the gates in England, was without. er, and unjust tey them, and that (Wit Scotian proeositices opens the 7 quE.stion, and earrnot Fie sub -s" e ta -without The equixelent suge They will COD.qE•cpently oppose oposed special sulesidy to Nova, unless an equivalent amount be. 'ed in the reduction of the debt or ate Province of Canada. This; not appeer unjust, yet if it be eon. d to the speeial advantege graited °via Scotia 'v ill. dissapeer at one& possible renewed dissatisfaction be clereti. The siturttiori is a trying r the Goverament..—Hamiitost Twin Smith is begining to learn erecter of his American friends ho has lately an idol with them, Ise he was a semi -traitor to•Ins owu is now beir t'a vigorously abused se of mild against the- ptions ecntained in Sumner* Good We hope they will lay XI on withal' their streiesthe so, when he goes home'thought. isze , o with sore back he may ak go with opened 4-v..es.---ilainitsq7k. - \ \ DISTRICT mATThrgrI. Seatorth Woolen V'aotory. Ti -rt stAronn-1 EXPOthTOR. Dining the present week we paid this establishment a 'visit, and Were shown. through tat its vaisous depart- onents by the proprietor, Mr. A. as REv. Mst. INGLIS preaches in Le vet) Bensond, Presbyterial) Church next Sahhatie of otber institutions ofa, similar. kind From our observation e . Ten or twelve emigrants have arrsv- 1 . 1 .: ; we could not but admire the sup° ior • , ed in Goderich during the week, the ; ity whesh it possesses. The primary &gnat Sys ROYAL CAVADIAN Bills are take o pet of tbc propreetot. has evidently been to put in no machiner bat tt e at very •be8t. During the year many int - pee, foressood.s, by the majerity of the provements have been added. Seaforth ,Merchant,s. . n the attic we find two • "pickers" THE EKeur-dan Mondev Fist to ' • the fibree of wool in th • covered but 40 acres, should go •to school again," and according to 'Vie Carroll's own calculations =we shriiild certainly say so too We did not Wish to protect our Leechville correspondent against truth, and so. far as doing Mr. Carroll justice, we have done so, ex- cepting in oriel particulais which was a matter of oversight, and that was our neglecting to lave said, that, he denied having ever said that the pond covered but 4-0 acres, as was averred by the Wt oxeter correspondent. We too well know the nature and probs ble con§eq er Ides, of an unchecked (j rub, from Brantford and way sta,- P , - t er, to be persuade o give such erfeet manner - front which it rtsses • nee:Reaper COITespondence on a, petty tions. was but sparsety patronizeu. e to the 'carders,' of which there cl t are, productioet unlimited latitude, whether eeeeeesly Goderise sleeeee, out:, three custom machines to the stmy hee, Ore nerseasives to do so, conee in the low, front which A issues in beautiful a 1 • If a THE peeeetee Reseewis the - male 11 • , earding be all that is requir- way o coaxing or t rreatenine of a new, nea-tly-up paper, paths, . eel, this completes the opr rection hut in *• b Gissing es Oltrke,everv success, in their 1 tgbin,In4iluign.,t1.)1-11.117heirthlIce'31-R'e:litl-t-leilaldg of 1:113.,:m7r snoe;;Letiriisiveisillicuodluarn;i:ttefeteri•ncoal uniyir n jobfi; ncipeair,- undertaking. ; put theemei either of the custom cards, whose course we direet. ' 1-37 We may explain that because. we. th, publish "special" correspondence in person- is at any tirne pet in a false el at that place. , position y any statements appearing We wish mesere marry -cases new, the farmers are be- , in our • '11 -.Fere him but paper, 1,e -"------T-------:—'— i NV AcespENT.----Mr. Leidatoo fell oft a ,it is. SUbjetted to a sniffler operation .cragon a few days sine. e; the wheels passing through two machines; will(' , eishing him Severely.. 'We ire pleas- inetead of ma kihg the'short rolls nes eJ to know that under the treettent Of ssery for hand spinning, forms one co Dr. Smitl he is ref -over -Mg rapidly. • iiinious roll, WhiCh iS wormd off , spinineg maehine, whieb works eigh I Heaissit'S. Aleoezisse -for June is a 1.e ' .- 1 arm thence( is worked on to t sarperb number, containing an exeell: a . taper ou. "The Aurora Boeradis;" vshich . threads. at (ACT If it 'be desired to , is alene-worth the annual price of (tie 1, .,..._ „ • ma4e into cloth, the yarn is passed puhlicatim, to any person of a - shilo tee ssury belew, Where there . r 1 ex- . seehieri i.11113 of mind. = cell:elm Crempton loom, by the aid - I which any kind of weaving may be pe , f netted in the !host perfect mantle TH.2 CANLDA SO TSMAN.--We were ehe felline and- sheatiee e e machines a "- that IS 110 why we sheuld 11- do the same with "casual ;' for •while 111 the former is, or should be get tip with often, is nothinr but either an effort to im a view to giving "news.," the latter, too tv . be figure in print, or prolougecl rigureroles t° on matters affecting not more than. one to ten • l• -.dud s o The hundreds -who °f 'pay ar the pet. rer. r - r. MILITIA APP0,114TMEN:±8. thiS Week waited .0n by Mr. IiiSholsoee also of i•ut. improved model. Whin en- REGIMENTAL DIViSlON OF THE SOUTH RID- ont!, of the poblishers. of the. Ca`Radal- ables this establishment to perf,aan this fro Scotsman. . We Were pleased to learn'''. .k • et 111 a 1:1 - a;,s manner. INC OF HUR0N. / me re m him that the .0enadia.n Scotch-- 1 _List year '1 Ur/Wards of three hundre M n are suPP°rt-irg ehem• E'o heart -LY = bundles of wool were carAed ; and th per their' uudertakinge Already the I a- • ' , , . Misou a Bluer) la a reer business is iud • li l 8 a very lar..,,re eircelation, whi 1 ' I eated The °Teat success which mark ' b d David H. ,Ritohie, Lieut. -Colonel •; is Dr. N. Woods, 1.tlajor. _ i- No. 1 Qoinpany Division, (Town_ of s Godericsi,) To be Captain ---Peter e Adarnsen, Esq. To , be Lieutenant— e Li el 1.T. 1.) ktli Csientleman. To e be Ensign—George. B. Johnston, Gen - dermal. a s- No. 2 Company Division, (Township t of Goderich.) To be Captain—Cap- tails Donald IlIcKenzie, -from late 2nd Non -Service 13ateilion. - No. 3 Company Division, (Township. us Tuelsersieith, not including lots 10 and 11 in the 2nd ani 3rd concessions.) To be Captain ---George Sproat, Esq. To be Lieuterrant—Hugh Chesney, Gentleman. To be Ensign—Robert McMurdie, Gewlernen. - No. 4 Uomparry Division, (Village of Seaforth, and lots 10 ane 1 1, in the 2nd and 3rd coueessions of the Township of Tuskersmith.) To ,be Captain-- Geo. Edward Jackson, Esq. To be Lienten- ant-L-James Ileery Benson, Gentle netu. To be Ensign—Robert Nathan- iel Brett; Gentleman, well merit,s. it has all to reoom-; ele -van- E.4mor ces exert:jells to pew, nd it that the Scottish, American, lets, more besicles. .Every Scott:lei-tan I the pliblic, may be attributed, in th ! mane to theft et, that every ite '4 of th uld be a subscriber. Mr: R. Dunes- 1 ememeeey ie kept ili the most peree; is "gen't for S3af°1th 'aid v'cillaY• i order possible, without which, stroll I delicate erocess as working kvool canno A PARE CHANUE.--Otir reaeers will b r ' A . r. e pertorrueu SauisAactOrlly, not fereet t,o attend the great auction.' me and don sale of engraving, fruit pieces, ossl frau es, bu ins, , cou eerti en as, etc. THE Meares old= stand. . The goods /1,111 sold Wit.14-011 t reserve 6risi extnioedirra ry . low prices. The engravings, fruit t a communication from our Le(Thvil V.TROXETtizt MI.L.,L POND C:•N the 2314 of April we ublish sea and hindscapes ar.e ehoice and beau-' cler'respondent, in which he said; 11 ti:•ui. The sale will coutintlf; this week ifereaking= cif the Wroxeter dam : only. This may be your last ch‘ance 1 "The water covers about fl to adorn, your homes with choice en- gravings and other gems for a trifling amount. Private ecles during the day. Auction each evening at 7 o'clock. un, le( acres .Of land every flood." - lo - this statt- merit a gentleman in Wroxeter took decided objectisms, arid ci , sent ss a courmunicasien accordingly, but not deeming it necessary to publish -, • SEEDS, SEQD5.--Received at Scott the same in detail, we gave the gist of Robertson's Mammoth Grocery and ' 1., -Iv. -1-c'is as f(-)11°ws : P, .j•.' bli - ', . - ' 6 , . Seed Store, the following Imported - ' "As *regards the cerantity ;fresh aud plisse seeds. White Beleian e°wed by the Wrexeter Pond of Mr Gibson; of land oVer- Carrot, Skirvine's Itneorted Seed§ I upun b meal the authority of Mr. Oilmen and Mr /- a ar', ;Vs do do , P urpi 0 Ttrapleaf Tu en ip , acres. ". Lung Red Mengel, Rape Seed, Early 'To -this our Leechville Correspondent Yorle cabbao-e, Flat Dutch ?do Drum,. , saly: : I . ' 7 f arro,l, P. L 8,, it is said to be only 40 I • head do Butter Beans Rely • China c. ==,• 'Is recrards the Wroxeter Pond th P' -Itearta.Arlints es trly Corn E.ftly Sugitr IS Ssf., who° „says the water covers 'Lute 40 Corn, CA' herkin Ow:umber, Tom -Thumb 1 atres. hadI „,o tase'llool again' . I cal - Peas, Di:inita gitotike Pc t, Red clove.; ciliated it e-o)ev4etiL'eTdcrabout that much in "11 1 , r Seed, VI bite Dutch - do . been since Informed that (4° I r cee;:e'llelutthla,ht have eve.ry day in the ..ve°:;,4 yellnw Ti•eyfoil do Hungarian Grass, : and fully 1,000 acres are covcred at high , Mixed. Lae's' (10 Tares do Vetelies: I water." - liext in turn we g Oeleot a letter from 'eration of the Queen's Birth- Ale Carroll, denyine ever bevieg stated day. Ithat the Wroxeter Porid onl cov • The Fiftieth Dirtlicley of }ler -Ma- I jesty was celebrated a he trty.manuor. by the peepte of Seaforili. and.surround- iDg country. I At 10 o'rlock the Kalithumpians rn all their oddity, begeutheir perambula- ticns of the village. Prizes of $4, 83, add were awarded to the best ch -i acte 8. The volunteers, under Ceptain f Bull, marehed to the resi 'louse of nr;or ; Coleman, e-her.e they weee put throizgh Is leans Military evolutions, after whieh they proceeded to the please •e grounds . fi:nd fired a fae deijoie: Coutemporaneously this the ve- , locipede races took piece On the Huron ! Road, WeRt of nail street, the • "fast' s prize,s beincr on' by : 1stHugh Cani- tl ei 40 acres and showing that it actually covered 921- acres et high water, and 75 ordinarily ; but as the letter in ques- tion, beyond the above facts, was made up entirely of personal reflections and ineendoes, we contented ourselves with rublishing the folio :sing in reference hereto: "We. ha,ve: to& communication rom C. C.arroll, r. L, S., Wroxeter beiun- th Vroeter mill pond question.. He hows °that the pond in question covers iinety-two and a quarter aares at high - er and seventy tive at low water." We imagined that were it only the act of the quantity ofletrd' submerged eat this would be satisfactorIe for we ay that "he (gr. Cerroll) W:02.08 that re pond covei's, etc., etc." 13y whiel) eron, 2rel, 1 -;Pattison ;- the “slow," 1st I we cannot thinks but that every reader A. Pattisole 2nd Hugh Cameron. ' 1 of that paragraph, would conclude that in the aft,r10011,tho sports begenonlitr• Carroll's figures were.c6rrect. '-• the grenud, ashieh were won as folloWs : ' this does netsatisfy him, so he nds Running ,[e6sp---lst, J. Lamb; 2nd, it us the following s , -J. Tool. S'tansltr g .1 u ppi-:-.1st, Geo. i 'To the Editor of th! Seaforth1,positoy : • , iCni gin; it; iii91.:d, 1st, Carter. rtei. s c-T,hree Stand -1. €‘81 -re —Has your . Gorria cr4fesPotriderit a oloorn ; ..Aid 'special privilege' 01 you 1 or the pur- -enee:7.e.rii- " Feet. Rase—les, Q..eue9ne '; ! pose of ibusieg utee,,sard do'ye.oins No doubt lrefuse to al - Kam `I ulsutrdtf.. 1 -10* an answer in your ,col.. you are the best7jUdge Of whsai ' ItateatioleYl;Ltae2111eildb: l 'AB ..7.YT$'ayRIOarc.e— exm se ,of your : discretion,. (or indi - t -,t, J Limb - 9nd- It I , , , . eretionY,',you have seen fit to publish. to the Diekgon. Teree-Leg.ged Race..—;lst., werld that,I ought to go to sehod again' to nSuildls-2,1.id Aicetillogh ; 2nd, Casneren-irie corresponlent did a very learn surveyina. . If (you thought your Gor- . Llso.n. Blindfold R . ,:T. 'you certainly might have id tuA oe. a 11 If 1 i3117,0gu. want ; 2n1' n1"-* Cain" el.°1•Lace—Fai'lllistti;'-1.V ' avt. already done me justice, &sae to say to protect him; or it you think you so: I ani your- obedient . servant, CYRUS CARROLL." 1Vroxeter, 25th,May, 1869. -t 0 r shalli and po e—ht, J -as. elide 2nd; J. Lambe. 1 7htl:t shall(nbt' aPPear in ; y. u papqr.. In . Csovenlock. Donkey Race-- II IL Surith. . The awards were, on the whole gen- etre y satisfactorys The crowd was I Pi No 5 Company Divioion (Township of St: treley.) To be Captairi—Charles William Piekford, Esqt1ii.e., To be Lieutenaet Thomas Sinipson, Gentle man. To be Ensign—William Woods Gentleman. No. 6 Company Division, (Township of 'Hay.) To be Captain ----Lieu ten- ant John Petty, from late. 2rid Non - Service Battalion. To , be .Lieutenant —Thomas Wilson, Gentlethan. To be Elisign—Allan Mitchell, Gentleman. _No. 7 Company- Division, (Town.ship of Stephen.) To be 'Captains-Thom:re Greene -ay, Esq. To be-Lieutenanr— Timothy t'saughlin, Gentleman. To be, Ens'gri--Forendo Ernest Krouse, Gen - an. No. 8 Company Division, Nownehip .of Usborne.) To be Captain--Rb. ers D. Bonis, Esq. To be Lieutenant —David Mill, Gentleman. To be En; sign—John Gleen, Gentleman. / CCART WRIGHT, Surgeon entist, . Stratford,- Ontario, beg most re- speettally to inform the abitants of Seaforth and surroun country that he has opened a NTAL OFFICE over .1,‘,1.11.. HICKS° 8 DRUG STORE Main Street, Scafo and has procured the assistance of Mt . A. Ellis, Surgeon Den- tist to take c rge of the same. 3fr. Cart- wright wil continue to visit Seaforth the second. -eek of every month. All work warra ed to give perfect satisfa,ction. Teedr.extraOtecl -with little or no pain by the of the Narcotic -Spray, which. produces local aria,sthesia, (want of pain, ) 'Charges Moderate. 'Terms Cash. REFERENUES :—Dr. Smith; ' Seaforth, Dr. Shaver, iStratford ; .1. Daton, Chemist, Stratford ; R. Jarvis, Esti; Stratford ; Dr. Whiting, Berlin ; Dr. Rowans, Dminbo ; Dr. Bray, Chatham. • 11/r. C. will be at the Commercial Rota, Clinton, the third week Of every month Seaforth. Dec. 17th lfi68.• 200,000- FEET OF IVI 13 R TO BE Sold Without Reserve MITE underAigned begs to intimate to Far - 1 mers and others, that he has :a large stock of Lumber in his c yard, adjoining . . am questions require plain ans- Messrs Shears -on & Co.'s • Mill, Seaforth, -quite large, bet eery good order ani , werk.therefere we say first, neither our comprising all the va behaviour were m.int•ained through the I Gerrie coreespendent, Mr.- -Carroll, nor building purposes, which he is determined to riefies' necessary for - -day. `The Egmondville Band enliven -I ariv. other person has a Privilege ‘ °I tending to builft would do well to call and ,.. sell at very low rates for Cash. Those in - Rd the proeeedings of the day. Ao will , abusing another, in out paper if we be seen tat fund placed at the disposal ' know it, hence,one refusal to publish If the Committee was limited, out that 1 IVIr..*Oarroli's first letter. True, oar' giE far tis possi;21e. I veyor,' who said the pond in question Seaforth, It ' 3rd. . 74 eta 1 Carronbrook, May 20th. THE MARKETS. SEAF0RT1T, May, 28th, 1869. Wool, ir? pound Wheat, (Fall) 0 bushel, Whea-b (Spring) 111 bushel, Barley 0 bushel, Oats 0 bushel, Peas 0' bushel, Petatoes 0 bushel, Hay 0 ton, . Eggs 0 dozen, Butter 0 lb 00 ® 25 85® 90 .„ 80® 85 NI 70 ® 75 48® 52 58 ® 60 60 65 10 00 @1? 00 10 ® 10 15 ® 16 TORONTO, May, 25th, 1869. (By Telegraph.) Prices cleolieg. Wbeat (Fall) buslael, o (Spring) lit bushel, Oats a bushel, Barley 0 bushel, Peas 0 bushel, 95 to 1 00 0 88 to 90 56 to 56 75 to 0 75 6,0 to 65 ,w!ll_aqatweamoicsraarmnismeaoszvol21"ria CHURCH DIRECTORY. WESLEYAN MET1TODIST CITITRO/1.--ReV. Wm. Hayhurst, Pastor. Services everySabba.th at 10.i o'clock, a„ m., and o'clock p. in. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, p. Pra,yer meeting Thursday evenings at o'clock. MErrioDIST EPISCOPAL enunCH.—Preaching each Sabbath at 10.30 a. m., and 6.30 p, in Sabbath School 2p. m. Lecture and prayer • meeting, Wednesday evenings 7.30 p.m. 7,11,ev. tastman, Pastor. PRE8ii17TBR LAY CHUT ert. —Services commence , at 11 a.m.. and 6:30. D.M. .Lactire and Prayerwettingou Tuefivay evening, at 7;30 p.121. eseessesere , GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Suinmer Arrangements. Trains will leave the Seaforth Station, as follows :---- CI(03 AE. .4.J. T. 10:30 A.m. 4:10 P.M. GOINO 'WEST. 2:20 P.M. 3:08 8:42 P.M. Leave for Aiuleyville Wroxeter,- Leech.Bayfild andnExeter, on the arrival of Trains in the afternoon. „ ,e_losi-movyrt:myrrchlp.raest_ savemerivirsomrsiamismim!iist l'a)yal Canadian BILLS! TAKEN FOR ATS, CAPS, E3OOTS & SHOES, C. &O. All of the Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. AT J.DUNCAN Seaforth, May 26th, 1869. CO'S 5,000 OF InIARDWA TO BE SOLD FOR ROM!: CANADIAN BILLS! ,1117 -7 es THE -C-OUNM. OF THE 0 01:1,PC3,1:1, A1Io OF THE County of Huron, WILL MEET 'AT TH fi COUNTY COURT ROOK IN GODERICH, On Monday, 37Lst May, INSTA.NT. PETER ADAMSON, County Cleik. County Clerk's OffiCe. Goclerich, 15th May, 1869. SEAFORTH MILLS. Flour and Feedfl "--0777“--- ITA.VING received an Agency from W. J. Scobie, for the sale of their 7amivell-, ed Flour, I am now prepared to - furnish purchasers with an article MON DEFY COMPETITION 1 Parties ordeing FIonr or Feed. from me, can have the tame delivered in any part of Town on the shortest notice. WM. AULT. , Seaforth,J3. 20th, 1869. - 59-72 SHOVELS, SPADES, SPADING AND MANURE FORKS, CARDEN RAKES, HOES, &Ow In Great Variety, At JOHNSON BRO'S. Seaforth, April 96..1809. 1869. 1869. SPRING IMP RTATEONS ...LIVE NOW prepared to SHOW the s, Contents of 40 Packages OF . MANTLES, T., FULLER MILLINERY, 'BOOTS tt SHOES seVI l the above for 1\7- T Taking Royal Canadian" Bank Bills AT PAR Cut Nail& $3 per keg WO lbs. James'. No 1 Lead, $2 60, anci kinds of Building Hardware equally low Scythes, Snaths, Forks, Ste., ttc. Beit Glasgow Iron V 50. ' Spring -Steel, $6, 00._ ; Blpssburg Coal, $10 pet ton. .SIRA_TFORD, May 22nd, 1869. 77-2 •-• ' GogeiS StRAYEP: 0 TRAYED; tion i Carronbrook, about the ist of May, Three Colts ; two of which are two years, and- one one-year old. One of the former is of a sorrel color, white face and white feet—the other is a dark ba • exa,muip the , stock -before purchasing else- star in forehead. The one-year old is a dark where ba An - • inf ti y. y perbOn givnag site orma on P.. S.—He is also prepared to furnish Bill as will lead to their recovery, will be suit Stuff, Lath, Lath, and all kinds of Dressed Lum- ly rewarded. they had endeavored to make it stretch Gori correspondent said, "The 8112*- bee THOM_A.8 LEg. 'TAMES WILLIAMS. • • -4 Arca tfs . which be 'Sold at the Sinailest 14m:fits Always on I-Iandj Qhoice Steele of amily Groceries. *re KIDD tcrs, Mc ULK-IN, 76-3in Seaforth, May 7th, 1869