The Expositor, 1869-05-21, Page 7STRAYED. 1D, iron Darronbk. about the. `ay, Three Colts, two of which and me oae.year old. One; Ler Isrof a sorrel color, whits face Leet—the other is a dark bay, with head - The one-year old is a dark person giving such information to their recovery, will be suitah= JAMS WILL.MS. May 20th.. • 'SUS, .ORBS, Co, ;ate opti4ans & oculists, great Britain , Harttn i, Ur ... S., and ) &ntrectl, D. C. r appointed Mr. M. R. Counter, `huraker, Jeweller and Optician Seaforth and vicinity, for the Er Celebrated Perfected Spectacles, e been extensively used m Great ',d the United States, the past ei =Lt for -which the, claim. .the un Ber- 1 advantages over those in ordinary roof of Which may be seen in their increasing business during the ars. fat iron the perfect construction ses, they assist and preserve the Bering frequent changes unnece- "haat they confer a brilliancy and, sa of viaioxt, with an amount of comfort not hitherto. enjoyed by wearers. `hat the material from which the a ground i. n_anufactured specially purposes, and is pure, hard and and not liable to become scratched - `hat the frames in which they -aro her gold, silver or €tealL, are of the lity and finish, and guaranteed per- ery respect. re the only Spectacles that preserve assist the sight. And are Cheap- :se the best, always lasting nay hout change being necessary. - the firm will visit at Seaforth, at of their Agent, every six months, urpose of ratting those having (Wil- ts,. when any spectacles sold by itduring the interval will be ex - !I -ea of charge if not properly fitted. EMPLOY NO PEDLELRS. - May 21st, 1869,, 76-1y empeamilemeleasamossosseememessamem 'F THE THDAY 11 DIATORTIL Town Hall and march on units use.—Prizes of $4.00, 3.00, & 2,00 troupe. & LAIDL•A .. Visitors, beam by the Band will sure ground. Fite de : aie, -at 12 o'clock, MENGE WITH RAGES ! $2 00. 2nd $1 54 Do. do laneou€sly and continue travelling to till itis reached.- The last two Ifs IS AND HALLEY Ez. 1, 75 2nd do do AND McCLEART . 1 25 do s. do $1 50 2nd 1 00 NI1 eCLEARY. 1 75, 2nd 1 25: 1 00 2nd 0 75- 1 75 2nd 1 25 2.00 2nd 1 00 1 50 Ind 1 00 150 2nd 1 00 barrows) 1 50 2nd 1 00 N: AND MORAN. RACE. ize----EXPOS.ITOR for one year. SON AND RUDD. Lze $5.09. Eorse, and the last horse is take ;SON AND RUDD. MAIN in the evening. JATI Y. wale during he day cents- will be charged excepting . and Donkey Race wh ieb will be (tries and three to start. No Stands exhibitions allowed on the ground. TON o., Tres_ c - LATEST FOREI GN FRANCE. BRITAIN. London, May /13, inidnight__In , the House of Lords this evening Earl Russel . enquired what plan the Government ;proposed to adopt for putting a stop to, the outrages which had- lately been so frequent in Ireland. He followed his. inquiry with some remarksi:.n which he 'deprecated the land scheme. of = Mr. Bright as nicely to unsettle the Iris people. He ?"called upon the Govern rnent- to disconntnance any visions ry schemes, and to state clearly what i intended to do. Earl Granville, the Colonial Secre tary, regretted the continual recurrent at the present time to this 'topic. H said the Government was not prepare to state its*policy, nor was he author- ized to give an opinion on Mr. Bright's plan. b Lord. Derby urged an exposition of the Ministerial policy, and a disavowal of Mr. Bright's opinions The course of the Government was dangerous to the test interests of Ireland. Atter a sharp passage between Lords Derby and Kenl ierly, the discussion was dropped. A t the close of the session this even- ing, the House of Loads adjourned u ztil 27th May. The Irish Church Bill was reported from the„Commitee. 'Several amend- ments were proposed, and the Bill was recommitted, with! the uinderstanding that the vote on the third reacting hould be taken on the 31st May. London, May 15.—Mr. Johnson, the American Minister, took formal leave, of the Queedby letter. Dublin, May 14.-The=remains of Daniel O'Connell were to -day re -inter- red in the cemetery at Glasnevin, near --this city, where a splendid mausolurn had been constructed for their re- ception. The ceremonies -were very imposing, and were conducted by Arch- bishop Cullens.. e e d CUBA. Havana, May 14.—The usual ac- counts of engagements between. the Spaniards and Cubans have been re- ceived, all of which are magnified and arranged, to skit both parties. Charges ,. of atrocities, : assassinations and crimes ` e.re'made by the journals and private lettere. ' Altogether, the war news so far received is unreliable, and fighting aceordine to impartial correspondent , insignificant. Citizen Villam,il, with 1,600 men marched in sight of Trinidad. He was •attacked by the Spanish troops,who were routed. The Spar lards fled, leav- ing 20 dead, 30 wounded, and 25 Rem- 'ington rifles behind them: The patri- ots lost 24 men killed and wounded. `Qa the 15th, Gen. Aquilers. patriot, attacked a Spanish convov and captured it. , The retreating 'Spaniards were at- tacked by, Aquilera, ,and, before they 'arriVed in. the city they lost one-tenth of their entire force. - They rallied in Lastuin:is, and leaving 200 ,men to guard tho city, sallied forth in< quest 'of the patriot forces. These, more as- tute than .their opponents, disappeared and attacked the city by the opposite aide from ..which the Spaniards left; and after a vigorous defence, forced the garrison to surrender, taking I50aj pris- oners. Paris, May 15....T'gltieal meetings in the city continue to be attended with' disorder, and the police are frequently called on to interfere. Several arrests have been made of parties prominent in making a disturbance. The Perfect of the Seine -has issued an order prohibit 'ing, gatherings in the streets in the vicinity of the electoral meetings. OVER 700 emigrants arrived in To- ronto, on Wednesday, from England. THE May number of the Canada Farmer is an excellent one, cram full of seasonable articles. .Hamper's Thee rely contains portraits of the late Ensign Whittaker, Miss Chal- loner, and J. Challoner. • IT is said Mr. McDougall will be made first Governor of the North West, when it becomes a Province of the Dominion. THE Rev. Dr. Wilson, of Morpeth, has been appointed to the incumbency of St. C— orge's Church, Sarnia, at the unanimous request of the vestry of the parish. THE first through train from Sacra- mento reached Omaha on Sunday with about five hundred passengers. Of course, these were not all through pas- sengers—probably not half of them-- Ail', hem—still, this is a good beginning. IN discussing the relations of Eng- land and the United States, the Lor, - don Times says :— "The Americans know that our duct was intended to be void of offe If private opinions, or sympathies ar be made the subject of Internati litigations, the Americans, must con er what counter -charges they are li to in a cause so founded. The w course would be to put aside such m ters and confine the negotiations to fairs within the recognizance of pu law."l - I THE golden spike and silver noun tie"1;that our American cousins m such a fuss about, had but a short-li exaltation over their ordinary b ther spikes and tie8, being removed safer quarters 'as soon as the first tr passed over them. Any one w has contemplated making an excursi to. see these wonders had better po pone it. They will of next in connect- Museum. --when h some where else. VICE President Colfax in hisremar n Chicago at the opening of the Uni Pacific Railway, said that :. "-Canad was coming over . the border as fast he could." He said further that " elieved in - the power of gravitati mong nations �as well as in natur hilosophy." This we suppose' mea that as the United States is the larg body, its power of attraction will ufficient to absorb Canada.. Evidentl there is among the Americans wh osh Billings call a tremendous han ring arter" the Dominion. Our fin oil, our superior water priveleges, an ur invigorating= climate are constantl xciting their cupidity, and althoug ey possess the boundless prairies oi to west, ` the golden hills of Californ- most majestic even on the globe e geatest commerce,and the most ener °tic citizens anywhere , to be found till they must have little Canada reedy, isn't it 1 con- nce. e to onal sid- a.ble ser at- af- blic ted. ade ved TO - to rain ho on st- ksor on a as e on al ns er be t k- e d y h f a, ,probably be heard on with ,Barnum's i s b a P -s J e s 0 e th tl th th ge G gets another, SPAIN. Madrid, May 15. --The Cortes -have rejected the amendment to the consti- tution. in favour of making Spain a Fed- eral Republic. The vote .:stood .182 against, and 64 for the an.endmen t. Madrid, May 17.—The majority of the Cortes, fearing that civil war is imminent, is ready to acdept the pro- positi.,n for a Regency. UNITED STATES. . New York, May 14. --The Ikrald'8 London special says :-Revvrdy John - eon te-day telegraphed to Washington, informing the United States Govern- ment of his formal withdrawl from office After repeatingthe friendly farewell addressed to hien by Queen Victoria, Minister Johnson concludes by saying ---`` Thus terminates a mission con- ducted on my part with zeal and ddel- deiity, which fulfilled the letter of the instruction given me byy Govern - went, and .which aimed to proteet the •rights, preserve the honor, and promote the interests of my country.” St. Louis, May 18.—Ground was broken Bear Ogden City for the ttah Centr l Railway, and it is expected to 'be con pleted to Salt Lake City- by %October next. .Wa.hington, May 17. --The' British Minister had a long interview with the Secretary of State to -day. Minister .(Motley's instructions are completed. `1 ie Assistant Secretary of the Legation .Mr. Badeau, will accompany Mr.. Mot- •leyto .E+ ngland. on the 19th, `Iti-s:ascertained from reliable sources •thab no, ane in the executive of diplo- .matic circles apprehend ani serious e 4iiloulyy�with England. • Mn, ROSE'S Bill to fix a rate of in- terest, found a fitting eulogist in Mr. Sandfield Macdonald, who exclaimed exuitinely that ne had lived to see his youthful dreams on this subject realiz- ed. He had always been "down" on money lenders, and had always been opposed to the freedom given by law to usurers.. There are one or two -reasons why Mr.. Rose's Bill should not be- come law. It can be easily evaded, and therefore encourages trickery. It is opposed to the principle of free trade and to all sound commercial maxima Money, like any other commodity, is affected by the law of supply and de- mand, and is consequently dearer at some times than. at others.. And we contend that the rate of interest to tie, paid is a matter to be settled, like any other bargain, between the negotiating parties, and this is one of those things in which Government interference is not only tyrannical, but impertinent in the highest degree. The price ol mon- ey can no more be legitirnaTely Presorlh- ed by statute than the price Qf . '6 real ester:—London Advertiser. , srA ortTH O E Pa IT GREA STOCK OF NEW SPRIYQ GOO1I Containing all THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, At Hickson' s. I:MI MBI •� f kZ Maizs Ad 05 M 4 }..1 Cie till 0 Ufa tml U p ot (-4. . crg 0 ter ,, m c 0 m NN 21; ;I: c o N. ei+. cc?; iv e4c11 b. c, t -t. pa ut co ,.. . kw*. .. t. LADIES, CALL EARLY AND SECURE PARG,A.1INT S� AT HICKSON'S. CCAR]. 'WRIGHT, Surgeon Dentist, . Stratford, Ontario, begs most re- spectfully to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country that he has opened a DENTAL OFFICE' over MR. HICKSON'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Seaforth, aiid has procured the. assistance of Mr. J. A. Ellis, Surgeon Den- tist to take charge of the same. Mr. Cart-• wright will continue . to visit Seaforth the second week 'of every , month. All work warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Teeth extracted with tittle or no pain by the use of the Narcotic Spray, which produces Iocal anasthesia, (want of pain. ). Charges Moderate. Terms Cash. . REFEREN(;ES :—Dr. Smith, Seafo Dr. Shaver, Stratford J. Dutton, Chemist,` Stratford ; P. R. Jarvis, Esq,, Stratford ; Dr. Whiting, Berlin ; Dr. Rowans, Drumbo ; Dr. Bray, Chatham. Mr. C. will be at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, the third week of every month: Seaforth, Dec. 17th 1868. 513-1y; DRY PI\E LUMBER. E undersigned have on hand at their T HMill, one half mile NORTH OF AINLEYVILLE, 100,000 feet of dry inch pine ; over 20,004 feet of dry inch flooring, 1 and 14 inches thick. Also about 30,000 feet of board and g, two-inch Plank d Hemlock, all of strip Lath ; a lot of and green lumber, Pine which will be sold AT VERY LOW PRICES 1 In Order to make room for piling the many thousands yet to, be cut. Orders from a ,distance will be promptly attended to. M. k T. SMITH. May 12th, 1869. 75-3m. GENTS WANTED -•--- $10 a Day --2 $10 Maps for $4. Lloyd's Patent Revolving Double Maps, two Continents, America and Europe, and Amer- ica with the United States portion on an im- mense scale. Colored—in 41000 Counties. These great • Maps, now just completed, 64 x 62 inches large,show every place of im- portance, all Railroads to date, and thelat est alterations in the varlons European States. These Maps are . needed in every school and family in the land—they occupy the space of one Map, and by, means of th Reverser, either side can be thrown front, and any part brought lje1 to the eye. Coun- ty Rights and large discount given to good Agents. Apply for Circular$, TFrins, and send money for and see Sample Maps first. If not sold, taken back on demand. Also ready a $25,000 steel and plate illustrated subscription book, "De Soto, the discoverer of the Mississippi River." J. T. LLOYD, 6;- 23 Cortlaudt Street, N. Y. LEGHOR 1!1 T S! FOR ON EAR Best Chsa esto 101 N�ve1fjes IN eC:1 VIES ALL AT J.DUNCAN&cCOS. Seaforth, May 13th, 1869, y v seo CD 0.1 CC g e+ . 1 V '1J 0.4 imoz rind CiG i� Z rn 03 CD n 0 w m ■ SEAFORTH MILLS. Flour and Feed ! ! HAVING reeeived an Agency from W. e J. Scobie, for the sale of their unrivall- ed Flour, 1 am now prepared to furnish purchasers with an article WHICH WILL DEFY COMPETITION! Parties ordering Flour or Feed from me, can have the same delivered in any part of Town on the shortest notice. Seaforth, Jan. 24th, 1869: AUL 59-72 -7l SHOVELS, SPADES, SPADING AND MANURE FORKS, GARDEN RAKES, HOES, &O., In Great Variety, At JOHNSON Bud's. Seaforth, April 9th, 1509. 70 SEAFORTH DISPENSARY And - Fml y Drug Store. R L.UMSDEIi has just received hs Pring Importations Of Pare e kgs and Medicines, Chemicals and Pateit Medicines, French, English and Amcan Perfumery ; Hair Dressings, Oils, and .omades ; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shav- ing ushes; Dressing and Fine-tooth Combs; Toilet and Shaving Soaps, &o., &c. Hoose Cattle Medicines, • Condition Powders) etc.; DYESTUFFS.' ® Of very Superior Quality, : 'SICIAN8' Prescriptions accurately °pared, R. LUMSDEN, Pharmaceutical Chemist, °afore. April 22. 53-tf. AQGONs, BUGGIES, A. all implements for farm use mann actured by 1'NAUGHT & TEEPLE, Good and Cheap. Remember the' stand. NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. Searth,Feb. 20, 1868, - 11=1y ONTARIO HOUSE, •Edward Cash Hmuch pleasure in announcing to his stomers that he is opening up one of the best assorted Stocks of .S z and Summer GOODS To be Hund in Seaforth. Prints and Muslin Dressealof the most beautiful patterns. La- dies' Bannets and Parasols of the latest styles 4 Mens' Straw and Felt Hats by hun- dreds ;TEAS and General Groceries that cannot.e excelled, always on hand ; also a good seek of Hardware, consisting of Paints, Oils, 11ntreal Nails, Harvest Tools, House Furnitte, Wheels and Reels, Crockery and Lamps Seaford April 14, 1869. 53-1y. TONE. TIME. TIME. IF yowant a Watch that will keep the cor e4ct time, purchase . one of Thomas Russell 41& Son's celebrated Watches'. A large sick of them for sale at IVI. . COUNTER' SEAFORTH.. He haat also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, •Zewellery, Fancy`.Goods, Toys, &c., all to be told Cheap for- Cash. trEvy description o Watches, Clocks, and Jellery Repaired on the Shortest Notice, ,mrd Warranted to give -satisfaction. The highest price paid far Old Gold and Silver. M. R. COUNTER. Seaforth,_ April 27th, 1869. 53-1y CANADIAN ANNEXATION T HqEuar t~tidtyersofigned has annexed a :large New Goods To his old stock, and RE;MOVED! Tti.e whole across the' Street, TO MCANN'S `-OLD STAND. Combed, they form the best selected Stock of Boa and c;, ae Ever ofie'd to the inhabitants of Se.forth, and partiei who trade there, comprising La- dies', Geu4s, and Children$' wear in great variety, of the very Latest. Styles and best quality, and which will be disposed- of .at the Veryowest Possible Remuratipe Prices for CA f1'; Also a large quantity of Home- made Walt always on hand. ORDETD WORK of all kinds got up in a style that cannot fail to give satisfaction. 1 +'PA ,ING Neatly�+"xecuted. N. B.—n't forgetMcCann's Old Stand, N OF THE BIC BOOT THOS, CO'VENTR'Y Seaforth Aril 29th. 73-t f. INSOLVENT ACT of 1864. In the Kitter of THOMAS CURRIE,. of Searrth, an Insolvent. THE creditors of the Insolvent are notifi- ed t1n44 he hat made an assignment 'of his estate is4ad effects under the above act to me, the undersigned Asaignee, and that they are requi$d to furnishh me within two. months s, this date with their claim,, specifying f e security they hold if any, and the value 4 `. it, and if none stating the fact, the wholel' ttested under oath, with the vouchers in:support of such claims. Dated a* aoderich in the County of 'fur - on, this ' April, 1869. Vii} . RALi1AN, Offle Th