The Expositor, 1869-05-21, Page 3ft ff3►lI'fFlST, untneet Mr,. Rym;d moved for information t pulling the purchase of property HansEtou, for the Deaf and Dumb y a Asy turn, and -the sines removal of that lei stit€rtion. In.doing which, he die} slat. forget to give the gevernien t some' hard thrusts. The motion of Mr, Ol� ver- relative to the Governor Generali Salary,: was further discussed. FRIDAI ' a it The great feature of this days p Ings was the introduction cif At Rose's Banking and Currency ScheIDe A Bill limiting the rate of intereet was al. o introduced thisday by Mr. Fuse ,i- x MONDAY. Aft ` Routine Business, Mr oxo_ enzi opened up hi. s �nteir 1 olo -, nr �l Railrojd Route discussion, to which Ise spoke 'most effectively, Showing in the clearest possible manner that the route determined on by the Commission was in every sense of the- word, the' least desirable. This question occupied the entire day. Many of the membe rs tf took part in day. €aiscussion, and from what was weld, it was apparent that an were well aware of the folly which characterized the selection of the North Shore Route, costing nearly, or quite r't doulie the .stoney, without even ans- rwering as e good. a .purpose. Still Mr, l Cartwright submitted a resolution to the effect, . "That under these eIrcun stances the House considers that any discussion as to the Route of the In- teicolonial Railroad would not ansa -erg any good purpose, and would greatly prejudice the credit of the Dominion at home ane abroad," which was carried by a vote of 114 to 29. TUESDAY'. After Routine Business, Sir John A, McDonald introduced his. Election Bill, the provisions of ' hie Ii: ere mLiin- 1y, that in Cotettiee an elector for sap Mer tber of Parliament shall be Freeholder' to the amount of $200 ; and every tenant having a written lease for five years, who has been in possession at least one year, and who pays a rental of $20. In Cities, Free- holders to the extent of $400, and tenants of dwelling houses, monthly or yearly, paying a rental of- $30: Per- sons having en ;messed income of $400 per annum, are also to have a vote. The House resumed the debate on the motion for the House to go into Geinniittee of Sr illy, and en Hon.. Mr. Down's amendment thereto, with ref;rence to Reciprocity: The amend- ment was lost by a majority, of 111 to. 19. Ff WEDNESDAY: The Commons did not meet until 8 o'clock, in order to allow the members attending the funereal of the late Mayor of Ottawa. On an enquiry made by Mr Stirton with reference to a certain payment, being part of the sum voted for unfoeen expenses, a debate took place on the subject of the long delay- ed arbitration between the Dominion and the Provinces. The House then: went into Committee. " on the Bill re speeting Bins of Lading and Ware- house Receipts, and on a resolution of Mr. Anglin respecting the Inspection of Hides, both subjects involving the question of the jurisdictions of the House. TLE Ottawa. Citizen of Friday last Ember a glowing account of the great ball in the Capital at which the Gov. General was present. The rink where the dancers danced, was "most grace- fully" decorated ; the table at which. they dined " literally grand" with the excess of viands the ladies were dazzling' pith their beauty and jewel- ry ;,and the whole affair was one of the. most " brilliant" ever seen in Ca- Enda:. since the visit of the Prince of Vales Well, perhaps the Citizen iw `ght in. his description. 1 He might, kowever, with great propelietety have el --- w' added, that n was a great exhibition :af "fashion- and folly, coquetry and THE Goderich. Star has; dosereted the Stain question which we have had tee - ler debate for some time, viz., thr `Salt Tars" and resorted to fibbing tbout our statements, We need not; ray wherein, as the Star know,, and eta rust the -readers. at both paper' hie resort of our eonfrere ist one of ,he strongest proofs possible, of the eeakness..of its position. Gxrete excuemept hes leen created iy the Government's proposed new yanking scheme. The opinions of ale nost all disinterested business and risco Lied rhea are decidedly against it. A lunatic named Mansfield ha* e- aped from the A ealteretburg astogoet, xpaoz#ax. DISTRICT MATTER. THE County Council meet on the 31st inst., (Monday week.) Benches brick: stores are to be built ori the sites of those destroyed by the fir in Goderioh. THE Township . of Tuckersmith is about letting a lot of public works. RASSIE has his shops rebuilt onthe site of . the late fire. He may antici- 1,ate & general rush of business from his old friends. See adv. JACxsees aiat Egmondville, have to hand ,an excellent stock of Dry Goods, Groceries etcf, all to be sold cheap. Highest prick: paid for country pro- duce.. THE Queen's Birthday wilt be cele- brated in--) Seaford', Walton, Ainley- ville, Kiubur r, Leecheville, Wroxeter, Clinton and Bayfield. WE have to hand a communication from C. iarrol, P. L. S., Wroxeter, },eirg on the Wroxeter mill pond gees tion. He shows that the pond in ques- tion covers 921- acres at high water, and 75 at low water. T T -I E.SEAFOR WROSETE. • (From `our Special Correspondent,) ON Thursday, the 1 3th inst., our usually quiet neighborhood Was thrown into tt state Of great excitement'by an affray between Henry Cleg and Samuel Rae, which resulted in the latter_ stab- bing the former with a knife, near the region of the heart, which was feared would .terminate fatally. The quarrel appears to have arisen about . a field of some tw my acres of -pasture ' land, which Rae had rented last year, and still claims to hold the rightful posses- sion. Cleg thinking' that Rae possessed to -rightful claim- to the land, allowed his- sheep^ and cattle to go upon it ; these, Rae frequently had turned off, and it appears had abused some of them in - so doing. During the dry weather _a portion of the fence was burned, and -tae suspected Oleg or his father of doiipg it. On Thursday morn- ing ' Oleg called upon Mrs. Rae, and warned them not to abuse the cat- tle, or drive teem out any more, and used . some very abusive language to Mrs. Hae, and also made some very im proper threats against her husband. Henry Rae was engaged . in traveling a horse. Mrs. Rae that forenoon sent for him to come 'home, which he did about noon. He went down to the field and drove out the .cattle which were in it. Cleg carne aloof the road from his Lather's place to where Rae was, when an angry altercation took pi we between there. Clcg standing on the, road v ith a knife in .his hand, either whittling, or paring his nails, challenged Rae to fight. Rae drew his knife' from his po.ket, rushed upon Oleg, and stabbed 'him. The affray was seen froma distance, but there was no one near them, - 'Rae shortly after fled, and although he is supposed to be still in the - neighborhood, the authorif es have not succeeded in arresting hi . Medical aid was: immediately sent for to attend the wounded man, who was carried home in a state of great pros- taticn. When the wound was exan - ined, the.knife appears to have struck the bone at the end of the sixth rib and 'glanced, passing through the di- aphragm towards the stomach, inflicting a wound some three or four inches deep. It was thought for some days that . Oleg could scarcely recover-,. . He has been attended by Dr. Swale of Wroxeter, .under whose skilful treat- ment, he is now doicg well, and it is thought will survive. The affray hap- pened on. the boundary line between H.owick and Turnbeiry, about two miles south of Wroxeter. IN Seaford( several excellent ' build- ings are in the course of erection, amongst which are the Roman Catholic Church, Caarm chael's Hotel, the store of Killoran. & Ryan, and the New Post O Fuse. SUTHERLAND'S County Directory is being delivereu by the proprietor, and' ,one of the cavassing agents. It is got up in excellent style,- and so far as we have been able to examine it, we be- lieve it to be very reliable. Mr. Suth- erland is establishing a reputation for his directories. A NOVELTY.—We have to -acknow- ledge a present from Messrs Johnston. Bro.'s, of this place, of an improved coffee pot. It is an invention which we are wire every housewife would take advantage of, did she but know what excellent clear coffee it makes.. f WE would remind the public of the Railway excursion on Monday the 2 4th which will be a pleasant way to spend the Queen's Birthday, and -give to many an opportunity of seeing the celebrated salt wells at Gcderich, have a short sal: on the lake, and witness the per, formances of; the County Town. I A STABIt1NG affray T took i place in Wroxeter on Tuesday. L week. :A man named -Siegbung the sufferer at the hands of on Rae. At first it was sup- posed that t e woundwould prove fat- al but hopes are now entertained for Clegg's life. Rae has escaped. For further particulars see Wroxeter cor- respondence' in another column. QUEEN'S 1IRTHDAY IN SEAFORTIH,— As will bejseen by "adv.," elsewhere, the amuseirjents in Seaforth for the 24th, are such as cannot foil in attract- ing large numbers from all parts of the country, of such as love a day's' relaxa- tion. Seaforth has hitherto sustained a high reputation for the pleasure of its " fete days," and the determination of the committee is, not to allow it to be one whit behind on this occasion. DYerErsm cured by ti -Costive and Tonic the Bowels, correct th plexion and renovate. composed of active in concentrated form, an disease, curing alinos ands testify to their Sold old by BEAUTIFUL ! Sree ID ! ! ' is the verdict given by all who use Hunt's Empire Hair Gloss. It makes dry harsh, stiff hair soft. ,glossy and beautiful. It cleanses the scalp, removes pimples, st engthens the lands, prevents the hair from falling, and will cer- tainly make it grow strong, luxuriant and beautiful, and it. is only 25 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere. 73 ly • RIiEUMATISM and all other aches and pains leave the body on application of Jacobs' Rheumatic Liquid. We will warrant it to cure Burns, Frost ites, Chilblains, Sore Throat, Lame Back or Side, Sprains, &c. Some of the cures it as effected are almost too wonderful for b lief. Many have been saved. by it from im ending death, and re- stored to life and he lth. No family issafe a day without it ; hundreds of vahiable lives and thousands f doliars may be saved annually by its us • As a preventive of contageous diseases, othing ever before in- vented can compare with it. ° We authorize all dealers to refund the money, if it does not give entire satisfaction. 73-ly S J FOSS & Co. TH XPOSIToR. using Dr. Colbyt's An- Pill& They regulate Liver, clear the Com - the system ; they are edients in a highly` strike at the root of like magic. 'Thouxs- xtraordinary curative 1] dealers. 73-ly SEEDS, SEEDS.—Received at Scott Robertson's Mammoth Grocery and Seed Store, , the following Imported fresh and prime seeds. White Belgian Carrot; Sk.ireing's Im ported Seeds, Sharpe's do do Purple Ttrapleaf Turnip Long Red Mansel, Rape Seed, Early York Cabbage, Fiat Dutch do Drum- head do Butter Beans, Early China Beans, Adams' Early Corn Early Sugar Corn, Gherkin Cucumber, Tom Thumb Peas, Dianne_0'Rouke Peas, Red Clov- er Seed, White Dutch do Alsike do Yellow Treyfoil do Hungarian Grass, Mixed Lawn do Tares or Vetches. SPECTACLES AND SPY GLAS SES. — 1 azaras Morris Az. Co., the well known andjustly celebrated Occnlists ,and Op- ticians, of Great Britain, United States and Canada, have appoiutecl Mr. M. R. Counter as their sole agent for Sea - forth and vicinity. Too much cannot be said as to the superiority of -these glasses over the ordinary ones worn. `The brilliancy of the lenses renders the vision perfectly clear and distinct, the hardness of the glass renders- them rot liable to hecolne scratched'', and the firmness of the temper of the metal and e the great strength of the frames obvi- !.ates theme becoming out of repair in other respects. These glasses are itot the ordinary :flat simple magni- fying glasses commonly worn, but are rounded like the ball of the eye and thereby give- a scope to the ' vision and ease to the wearer, and are termed pe- riscopic_ In fact they are said to be the best spectacles manufactured in the world, and those wanting help in this way would do well to give Mr. Count- er a call. See advertisement. Meeting of the Medical Associa- tion of the Co. of Huron. USS A.R �I� � D Another Car Load of PECK'S )lontreal Cut Nails. At Johnston Bro's. Seaforth, April 9th. 70 A meeting of the Medical Associ- ation of the County _ of Huron was held in Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth, on the 20th inst. Dr. Cole, President, Dr. Coleman,. Secretary. Communications were read from the Medical. Association of the County of Perth, also a deputation from the Me- dical Association of the County of Perth consisting'ofDrs. Hyde, Horni- iprooke, and Davidson were introduced. There was a general conversation up- on the nomination of a candidate to re-. present the Association in the Medical Council. . Moved by Dr. Vercoe, seconded by Dr. Tracy, That, Whereas we the mem- bers of the I1'Iedical Association of the County of Huron, here .resent, have heard with pleasure of the nomination of Dr. Hyde, of Stratford, as -a fit and proper person to repreaent the Mala - hide and Tecurnseth- Divisions in the Medical Council, therefore, Resolved, That we, the said Medical Association,' pledge -ourselves to use. every exertion to secure his election. —Carried. Moved by Dr. Tracy, seconded by Dr. eicMurchie, That Dr. Cole be President, and Dr. Coleman, Secretary, for the next year.—Carried. Moved by Dr. Vercoe, seconded by Dr. Tracy, That Drs: Cole, Coleman, Wood, McDougall and McMurchie, be a Committee on Organization.—Car- ried. The mattes of a Delegate to the Medical Convention : in Toronto, was left over until the next meeting. . Moved by .Ur. Sloan, seconded by Dr. i'hompson, Thhat the next meeting of the Association be held in Clinton;, at the Commercial sBotel, for the pint- pose oipose of receiving the Report of the Committee on ' Organization. The. meeting to commence at 10 a.m., on the last Wednesday in June. -Carried. Moved by Dr. Monroe, seconded by Dr. McMurchie, That this Associa- tion 'meet at Seatorth, Clinton, and Goderich, in rotation.—Carried. Dr. Coleman, Essayist for the first meeting. The meeting then ad j onrnecL Other County papers will please copy and bblige the Secretary. 40.0 Cv u 4) C. C ern Cs) .0 ONE PRICE ONLY. NEW DRESS I GOODS, NEW PARASOLS, NEW MANTLES, NEW SHAWLS, NEW HATS, NEW BONNiT NEW FLOWERS. New CHEAP COTTONS, CHEAP SHIRTINGS, CHEAP PRINTS, CHEAP CLOTHS, CHEAP TWEEDS, CHEAP HOSIERY, CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES. FRESH GROCERIES. PRODUCE IN EXCHANGE AT CASH RATES. Waggons, Buggies, AND DEMQCRATS' -a THE undersigned is now manufacturing a large number of Patent Arm Waggons 1 Of :the most thorough finish, and will posi- tively guarantee the tires to remain tight on the wheels for at least Ten Years . I am also turning out Buggies and Democrats of Various Styles! Frim the best quality of Hickory, imported expressly from Ohio. As all my AXELS ! both Wood and Iron, are set by my Patent Axle Guage, 1 can confidently warrant my Waggons and Buggies to Run Lighter than any other built in Canada. e# J TERMS LIBERAL! To responsible parties. All orders by mail or otherwise, promptly attended to. G. MINCHIN. ■OHIN. Shakespeare, May 5th, 1869. 74-4in .A.CT1VP Agents Wanted ! GENTS A wanted to canvass every Town- ship in the County of Huron, for ROBERTS' PATENT 'HORSE HAY FORK, Price, $6 00. Liberal Commission Allowed, Township Rights fir Sale. Having secured the exclusive right for the County of Huron for the above invention, any person oi• persons making or vending the FIRE. —On Friday night Hollanu's same will be prosecuted according' to law. Grist. Mill Mitchell was burned. In- JAMES PURVIS, sured for $3,800. Loss exceeds that Seaforth. amount. Seatorth, April 2, 1869. 69-3m. SNOSiI]BQI 1100S CO tab c py E"' 112 owl pr/34 h 0 3 CONNECTUT ' MUTUAL ift O neat Co, NO11:0E THE appointment;` of Daniel L. Sills, as Agent of this Company for the Province of Ontario, was evoked by the Board of Directors on the 9t:nst, and Messrs Hod- ges Brothers, of Deoit. Mich., are from that date appointed General gents for the Pro- vince of Ontario, tow all Local AgeLts will please forward applications and reports. W. S. OLMSTED, Secretary. Hartford, April 17th, 1869. . 74-6i NOTICE OP _GUARDIANSHIP. 1iI' CE is here given that at the Ex- ` piration of twenty days from date I will make application to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, to be appointed Guardian of Mart ai, Margaret Ann, Wil- iam George, and Henrietta McSpadden, in- fant children of &baud McSpadden' late of the Township of teKillop, in said County deceased. THOMAS SHANNON. By McCaughey 4 Holmested, Solicitors for Thomas .Shannon. Seaforth, May 761 1869. 74-71a gEAUTIEUL NATURE'S' CROWN. Yon Neat Cultivate it GRAY HAIR cue, certain indication of d oay at the Roots. MRS. S. A. _ALLEN'S Hai ' R66tdrer Restores gray hair fns aatu and produces luxurisitt groat bountiful globs and tghtful Manufactory and Sales 011l 35BARCLAY TRE and 40 266 HIGH REBORN erSeatter and ells, oa' Seaf orth. For Sale ev January 28th. MO. color and bad It gives fire Bair rand. PARK ?LACE, ft. Y. • Undo*, Eng.: e Druggists, agent* rywhere. K0•lr, 1869. 1869. SPf21i1G IM PORTATIONS • KIDD & M'MULKIN ARE NOW ptepared to SHOW 'Hip (iitents of 40 Packages OF Dry .00ds MANTLES, MILLINERY, BOOTS &SHOES &c., &c., which be sold at the � Smallest Irofits! LISTEN 11! WHILE Q &Ai N SPEAKS. For his Stock of. SPRPGGOODS WAS T ever Excelled In this Market. The Manchester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. - SSeaforth, May 4th, 1869. 61.E OFFICES TO LET. OUR excellent offices to let is Scott's New Brick Block.AppI at bicCAUGHEY & HOLMSTED'S. Seaforth, Jain. 27, 1869. 0U -t Alwayop Hanc( A Mice tock of T'a it roceries. IttS a KgiD. & McMULKI i, Seaforth. May 7i_ 1869. 200400' FEET OF LUM 0 E R ! Sold W out Reserve t TlTF udrsi sld b, mereuand theree stock of Leuer in Messrs Sheazn. & 1 to intimate to Far- hat he has a large , his yard, adjoining, es Mill, Seaforth, comprising all f,the varieties necessary for . building purpoots, which he is determined to sell at very law4 rates :for Cash, Those in-., tending to bulk,- would do well to call ani examine the slick b ore purchasing . else where. ' P: 5.—He is also pared to furnish Bill Stuff, Lath, ant- all nds ' of Dressed `Lam= ber. Ts HOM S LEE. Seaforth, , 3rd. 74 3Ps..