HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-05-14, Page 7ESTABLISHED 1867, THE MOKIWI. TEA COMPANY Haspitat Stret<t. Montreal.: The coutinued success of this Company is only attributable to the quality and purity of their. Teas= Over a hundred - thousand boxes of Tea have been cent to different parts of the Dominion,; and. upwards of a, thousand testimonials can be shown, bearing estiony t■o the quality and purity of the pear A great saving can.. oe effected lay put :teasing direct from us, cattier of 5 and I2fbs acid upwards. Every package warranted to xaa=e satisfaction:. Club together and send or four or Live 51b. 'cattiea, which will --: l nt carriage free to any R.ailw; y Station in he Dominion.. The money `carp be collected Fn delivery. Try our fresh ground steam Roasted. Coffee, n 5 and. 101b. tins and upwards, the flavour f which is really excellent, and every pack ae warranted. 20lbs. Tea and 5 or 10 lbs. coffee, sent to any Railway Station carriage• R€ e. Tea and t"offee deli: eyed five tunes Wily in the city: Silver taken. at par: . BLACK TEA, ---p iglish Breakfast, Broken af, strong Tea, 45e:., 50c.; Fine Flavored _` e,w Season do: 55e., G0c. and 6-5c,; Very. est Full Flavortd do: 75c.; Sound Oolong t. lc . ; _Rich Flavored. do. _{tile, ; Very 1, ine de',. �j r Lie. ; Japan, Food, 30c., 55e., Fine 60c,,. ery Fine 65c., Finest 75e. RENTEA. Twankay 50c., 55, Re ; Young .€Tyson 5t0c., 60c., 65c700 ,. ery Alio E65e., S {perhne and eery Choice Fine Gunpowder- 83e. ; Extra Superfine 0 -FF.-No- 1, 30c ; No. 2,5e.• }, 20e.; No. 4, 15e, per lb. , Nothing less than a Cattle sold by this kmpany. A. YEAR'8 TRIAL re Montreal Tea Company : INIon`real,1863. GENTS -It is nearly a year since 1 ptirehas- the first chest of Tea from your hose. cave purchased many since, and .1 am used to inform 3-ou that the Tea as in ;rk case proaed most satisfactory, as well being exceedingly cheaper Yours very F ir- `-� F. D..TE E, 4lciitreai Tea Company : .tENTLEMEN-TI e Tea 1 purchased of you !quell has given great satisfaction and e ur of it is very fine. Itis very strange, &Mee l leave been drinking your Tea I e been quite free frora heart -burn, which :tlel always pain zine after b_eal fa ,t. I at- .tite this parity of your Tea, and shall unite a easterner. Yours respectfully. FRANCIS CCS T. WREN.. 54, St. John Street Montreal. rcontrezal, April 18€ 6 -To the Montreal "Company,.6 IIoai at -1 r•treet,, ?llc'ntreal : e notice with pleasure the large amount 'ea that we have ardeI to you to rent parts of the Dominion, and we are to find your business so rapidly nereas- We presume your.Tt as are giving; gene- aitisfaution, as out of the lar:. e= amount aided we have only had occasion to re- one box, which, we unit castanet, was out through a mistake. jf ��{{ G. C HE EY, F ictt f independent Journal devoted Sews, t: kris'tianif(f, Literature and tr Country,-ta Good, lineal), and aada le Papier, Or every man, Wo- and Child, in City Village and Country. isl eel rn Tore nto every tawf4 day at 12 o'clock. Noon. will have for its object the material and eiev ate and advancement of the pea - our country. The publishers are de - tied that it shall excel iii all -h. leading 'tiara of a rant -class progressive news- , and no efforts or expense will be spar - make it the best and Safest Family in Canada. It will always have sonic - interesting and profitable for every cc.r cif the family, not forgetting even tidal -ea, and will constantly advocate ant interests of humanity, tenipc ral and cl It is d desi me � to be rirzstizpa,ssed in a value, and variety by any Journal Dominion. It will be made thorough Mable from beginning to end. In the ige of an e in cent writer, it will know g of the Et dignity of dulness."' It -ntencl a rainst all :the crime s, evil's,; and follies of the,day,. and present without fear or favor, in all their deformitie. N gtvs DEPARTMENT I:TMENT will always con - freshest and most reliable telegra = h - other i.ntel:igence from: all parts of he RELxolous DEPARTMENT NT "will be Evangelical and flan -Sectarian. The r clergymen of all Denominations -will. lite to its columns. 1.irEt-r 4.ay DEPARTMENT Will Contain? Pt`'s• �i. us fro. m the pens of the ablest c in the T: zzited States and Canada. cri.l eta s zt will be; strictly independent. .. r no favors from either Government or - tion. Its inclepeindr nee will not con- 'ia-itig a sy eophaiitic support to all the of the day, but while always will - it erfui'ly recognize honest efforts for al and mo: a' rc.forin and improvement nt ''au'nlian people, it will ever fearlessly c<l aI the evils which may attach to r the prominent political parties of itry. X11 faitlafirliy advocate ti=e ciauss of suee in all its bearings, and fearless ince the drinking usatresand customs is :With their attendant e i14_ Lilture and -Horticulture will receive Ettcintien. (lrertisements anuounciug elsezs.. theatrical and other questionable I=or=al purfrrznane .s, will: be faithfully L frith, its columns. Annum. $3.00; per Week,. Siegle Copies. I cent- CLIB aarice Organizations or others sending 7.11 be furitishe;d at the following' s sue= year (per cop •1............52: 5 vnd upwards dei .. ..$2 40. k511 iu all cases in accompany the or•- OY E.R & CO, : FIcIETORS. SEAPOR-TH EXPOSITOR. • � It ET G� REI • !Ft) . BRITAIN'. Loindon, May 6th. The House in (Joutmitee resumed the consideration of the Yeah Church Bill. Sit George Jenkins, Conservative member for North. Wiltshire moved that the clause providing cohfensation for Maynooth College from Church' Y finds be struck out. Mr. Qtadstone protested against the inconsistency of the conduct of mem- , hers, who vowed for the grant to the Presbyterians, and who offered compen- sation om pp en- action for the 'Catholics, consenting to make use of religious prejudices in their s endeavors to defeat i Government which was dealing out equal, justice to both. A protracted discussion ensued on the advisability of -drawing the compensa- tion for Maynooth from the:: Consolidated. -the Church Funds. or Mr. Blight opposed placing any ad- d tional burthen on the tax -payers Mr. Disraeli supported the grant ; but urged that it be paid out of the Consolidated Funds. A division was finally had on the amendment offered by Sir Geo. Jen- kins, Jentoins, and it was rejected by the follow ing vote : For the amendment, 192 ; against it, 318. Government majority, 126. London, 1VI• y 7 midnight. -The House of Co mons has. finished • the consideration of the Irish, Church Bill in Committee. In the House of Lords to -night, the Marquis of Salisbury wanted ;to know if Icer Majesty's Government endorsed the policy •aclvccated by MT Bright, to ' the effect ct that the people must be placed in possession of the laud in Ire- land in greater nu ni bets. He said the present uncertaintyas to the position- of the Government on the land ques- tion was injurious. Earl Granville, in reply, said he must decline to open the question. A Bill qn the subject wouldbe intro- duced at the next session of Parlia- ment. Tia assureu the House that the Government would maintain the rights of property. UNITED STATES. New York, Mav 10. ---Collectors of Ports have been authorized by- the Se..i eL .i y of the Treasury sury to pass free of duty waggons, ploughs' and all agri- cultural implements belonging to Can •adiann emigrants, provided the Obllectc r be satisfied that the emigrant will settle in the United States, and make his permanent home here: • • The Tribune's special says, the state Department has succeeded, through. our. Minister in -England and -the evidences forwarded to him by Secretary Fish, in transferring responsibility in the Mary Lowell case from our Government to England,' The -latter Government; it appears from information . which has reached the State Department, has pre- sented claims arising from, the seizure of the vessel by the Spanish -Cuban authorities, to the Spanish Govern- nnen.t at Madrid, and densanded a settle- nient. 'Wlaehington, May 11. -3 -Parties here in th'e interest of tl_ e . Cu'bans, state that theta are now, in the Cuban army, 25, 000 Tien, 2,000 of whom are Atteri cans, Itis said, by representatives of ,, the revolutionary army, , tlia t success would be placed beyond a doubt if rhe United States would recognize the belli- gerent rights of the -insurgents ; and in that ease men and money, already promised, would be furnished in atbun- dance. The-- subject of annexation of St.. Domingo will ieceive `-`othcial consid- •enation at an early day. Prof. GaLb says he has prospected 200 esluare miles -of gold bearing territory on that Island surpassing in richness -any known- 'per - tion of California and .Australia. -St; Louis;. May 10. -•The' last _spike 'was driven inte the last tail of the Pacific railway•at Promontory Poitat. -At noon all the telegraph, wires -aa ere put in ` communication so • rfhat every office in the United States ,should know the moment the spike was 'driven in, he having . laid a wire up to the rail for that purpose. It was s accor dingly arranged that one of cult should be es�,abIi,hed, and that as tlje i ' was sp ke as • struck he should say •'Donee' so that it would be known m every town in 'the' country that the work was finished. SPAIN; Madrid, May 6.-A. Carlist conspi- racy has been discovered in Barcelona,•. 36 arrests have so far been nude in connection with the affair. Many army officers are implic-gated, \Important` papers containing details of the plot have been seized. • In the Constitutent Cortes yesterday, the article of the National. Constitution guaranteeing liberty- of worship was. adopted by 164 to 40. Madrid, May 9. -Yesterday Gen. Print alluded to the rumors that he meditated an attempt against the liber- al regime, and pr nou. ced them utterly useless. He declared that the future 'would prove that honor an liberty was his motto. The condition of the nations' finances causes much anxiety. It is. stimated t'iat the expenditures would e cesd tl.e revenues by twelve million reals. Madrid, May 10. -In the ortes on Saturday; Senor Lorenzana, t' e Min iter of State, replied that the Goverr- ment p fully . recognized the importance of the Gibraltar question, buti that before .� ttoo aloin: of C- 1 , e otation • opening n g s or its cess - i )n, that nation\\ ust be strongly con- satuted and financially !reorganized. In England it is no imager illegal for a man to marry his deceased wife's sister. In the debate which. arose in the House of Commons a fortnight ago on the subject, Mr. Bight de- livered one of the most forcible and eloquent ,speeches. His phrase •' ecle- siastiral rubbish,"la > l died to the sen- timental en-timental considerations advanced against . the Bill, though sufficiently apt, was Unnecessarily- severe It is well to respect honest diffeience of opinion, even when it hasits found- ation in prejudice and want of infor- mation. But we are entirely of Mr. Blight's opinion that the •e can be'no reasonable ground for cobtinuirig the interdiction, as : their can be no reas- onable ground for:'its imposition. -The London Times co dexnus the Bill as likely to lead to .further infringe-_ h ents on the degrees of affinity ; con- sidering _it, also, mischievous to lega- lize marriages • which important reli- gious bodies will stigmatize as unlawful. To the first oojeetion we propose the experience of Canada and the United States ; the social inconveniences pro- phecied by the Yirnes h e never c ver - taken these countries. With regard to. the second point, we Will only remark that so long as a certain act is not ex pre -sly or inferInti, lly fn bidden oy Holy Writ, merely humanstandards should not seek; to trannrnel men's con- ciences. For 4obvious reasons; mar- riages of the scrt we are clisui sing are not likely` to become very g'LLcrl. But if the parties chiefly conwei ned are atx- ious to be - iii• ed in marriage, why should t'.e law in'erlaose ? Tire •de'iate in •the House of Commons has confirm- ed us in the view that there is no divine or natural l .t, w against marriage with a deceased wife's sister, and the, New Parliament has manifested a spirit of wisdom and of justice iu removingtbe -stigma of illegality from such unions. The Bill was -carried by 243. t-) 144, and the result was hailed by the f •r occupants of the ladies' gallery wi manifeatrtions of approval.-Advertis r. • CsAioNER'S A CQUiITTAE.-Th:efollo•w- ing statement of what transpired in and arround the Court House on the morning young Chaloner was acquitted will • be read wi h interest : - Before the Clerk of the Crown put the question to thein, the Chief Justice warned all per- sons present, that any display of appro- bation and disapprobation wo'tld be promptly ordered down -the words not guilty," however, were hardly ut- tered, when the crowd, notwithstand- ing the warning of the Court, cheered vociferously. The cry was taken up in the corridors and passed along the street where the people also cheered. The jury and the prisoner's counsel were congratulated on all .tides. After the Judges had left the Benehs, a general nisi' ayes made 'for the dock and young Chaloner was almost si ffocated with congratulations, which. were warm mild numerous. The sheriff and his officers made several atter.rpts to clearthe court room, blit without effect, and the peo- ple remained fir nearly an hour before the excitement had subsided sufficient- ly to restore anything like order. The prisonleft the dock at last, in . the compa,n of the jailor, andforcing his way thiough the crowd to the private staircae heP assed down to the base- ment of the building, where he remain- ed for half an lout• enjoying himself at a luncheon which had been his friends. providedby fiends.. The crowd outside increas- ed every moment, and at this time numbered over 2,000 persons, t com le - ,g p comple- tely blocking, up the yard and door through' which Chaloner had to pass. •On - his appearance accompanied by his father, the multitude again ' took' to cheering, and eheer•after cheer succeed - ted in rapid •ssa ct essson. The prisoner looked remarkably weld ; his face Was slightly flushed, and a •strii`ltr played up- on his lips, wh'eh :ga've 6i'i'ent 1'iroof of the-gratifieation he felt front 'the ovati- on. He returnedthe cheers of the crowd by occasionally raising his hat and bowing to the people. A carriage was tbrought shortly after, into which he' jumped, and immediately drove +o$ atatis• _ irseR. W. R.MITIY.1#Hi�SICIA N, SIJR- oEox, &e. O ice -O osite Veal's s Grocery. Residence, -Main Street, North, Seaforth, Dec. 14, 18418. _- J3-ly TRACY, M. D., CORONER FOR the County of Huron. OFFICE and ItEsIfENOE-One door East of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Seaforth, Dec, 14, 1868. 53-ly Seaforth, April 9tla LEGHORN A T S FOR , STIMM'R THE EAR est &Cbapist0, 1- avelties IN ALL AT J. DU NCAN &CO'S. 'S.. Seaforth, May 13th, 1869. THOS. BELL. CABINET & CHAIR MAKER UNDERTAKER &c. • I ALL kinds of furniture kept constantlyon hand, consisting of the best varieties. Krughruff's Spring Mattrasses, Children's Carriages. Cons kept constantly on hand. Work made on the. premises. Com' A Hearse for hire. Wareroom op- posite Kidd & McMuikms, • THUS. BELL, March 24, 18o8. A Large Stock GREAT STOCK OF NEW PRIN GGOODS Containing all THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, At Hickson' s. aaa 1 0 4 CfQ CD td0 cn a o. 5 eithU1 gig 4te Lit old CD Q eD U� /140 Cat LADIES, CALL EARLY AND SECURE ,13 _A_ AZINT S AT HICKSON'S. JUST ARRIVED ! Another Car Load of PECK'S Montreal Cut Nail's At Johnson Bro's. AN APPRENTICE WANTED, INS+ ANTED, a smart active lad to learn the Waggon Makin 1' 1' Apply to Geo. Grassie, opposite osite the- "Expositor" sitorp' pOffice. April 22. P72}3in OFFICES .TO LET. OUR excellent offices to Iet in Scotia 1 New Brick Block. Apply i at MBCA TIG HEY & y HOLMSTED'S. Seaforth, Jan. 27, 1869. i 6{)4 COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF HAY. HF, Court of Revision for the Township of Iia will commence in the y Town Rall on Tuesday, the 18th of May next,- at 10 o'clock a. m. WILLIAM .WILSON, Township Clerk. Hay, 14th April, 1869. 72-3in Cr.) Cti e~+ 1.4 r^+ .04 Zwl Onima 1-1 owe 0 2 m w 1•4 A 0 w m a soioniol ell ell Family Drug Store. J RLU MSD E N has just received his ■ Spring Importations ortations of Pure Drugs and Medicines; Chemicals and Patent Medicines French English and American Perfumery ; Hair Dress t s, Oils, and Pomades ; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shav- ing Brushes ; Dressing and Fine-tooth Combe; Toilet and Shaving Soaps, dc., &c. Horse 4 Cattle Medicines, Condition Powders, etc. DYE STUFFS / Of very Superior Quality, PHYSICIANS' Prescriptions accurately PreP, 1. LTJSDEN, oaforth. April 22. Pharmaceutical Chemist. 53-41. SHOVELS, SPADES, SPADING AND MANURE FORKS GARDEN RAKES, HOES, ao., In Great Variety, At JOHNSON Bug's. 70 j Seaforth, April 9th, 13u9. 70 VENT ACT oF.484 In the Iter of NOMAS CL''I RIE, of S Orth, an nsolvent.T. HEditors of the Insolvent are notifi- ed ed at he hay: made an assignment of his esta and effects under the above act to me, the dersigned Assignee, and that they are ret i ed• to furnish me within twoZ' months rom this date with their claims, specif ' the security they hold if any, 'and. the vat , of it, and if none stating the fact, the wh e attested under oath, with the voucher an support ,ort of such claims. Dated!*t Goteach in the County of Hur- on, this nth April, 1869. JOIN HALDAN, Official Assignee:74 NOTICE. TOTSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. THE urt of Revision for the 'I'ownsl• ip of Ttekersmith will be held at the V- -lage of ondville, in the House of John Daly,mi. riday the 14th dayof Maynext at the hr of 12 o'clock, noon, for `te pur- pose of v trio e Assessment � ss ssment of the said d Townshi andhearing and deciding lappeaLs against same. WILLIAM MUIR, Township Clerk. T4ickerssth, 20th April. 72 Sin ;do - WAGONS, BUGGIES, A ND all implements for farm use mane - faired by NOUGHT & TEEPLE, Gdod and Cheap. Rcmei ,r the stand- NORTH tand- N[ TH ROAD SEAFORTH., SeafortFeb. 20;1868. it -1 - OI ONTARIO HOUSE, award. Cash JJAS "Mai pleasure in announcing to his cust niers that he g is . opening upone of p, ti best assorted Stooks of S5rz and Siemer 1' o S To be foul in .Seaforth. Prints and Muslin Dresses of the most beautiful patterns. La- dies' Bon'ts and Parasols of the latest styles. Wks' Straw and Felt Hats 'by hun- dreds. TSAS and General Groceries that cannot be excel ted, always on hand; also_ sV good stock Id Hardware, consisting of Paint Oils, Mon•eal Nails, Harvest Tools, House Furnitu'r Wheels Crockery and Reels, C ockery and. Lamps. Seaforth. pril 14, 1869. 53-ly.. TIME' TIME' TIME' TF you wit a Watch that will keep the correct "time, purchase one of Thomas Russell ki Son's celebrated Watches. A large stock:,°of them for sale at M.R COUNTER'S SE:AFORTH, He has.lilso on hand a large assortment of Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy Goods, Toys, ire, all to be s Id Cheap for Cash. Eve .' c description Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and Warranted to give satisfaction. 'The hi,liest price paid'for Old 'Cold and • Silver M. R. .COUNTER. Seaforth, April 27th, 1869. 53-ly 1" -AN A_DIAN ANNEXATION THE dersigned has annexed a large quality of New Goods!! To his old stock, and REIYIOVED e 'whole across the Streets- TO CANN'S OLD STAND. Combed, they form the Stock :of d ts) • 1111 t selected Ever offered to the inhabitants of :Seafortb, and parts who trade there, comprising La- dies; Gats, and Chidrens' wear in great variety, the. very Latest . Styles and best - quality d which will be disposed of at the Veryy:.owest Possible Remurative Prices for CASEL, Also a large quantity of Home- made Wc.k always on hand. ORD. ,ED WORK of all:kinds got u in a style tit cannot fail to give satfaction. REPA It,ING Neatly Executed. N. B. uDon't-forget McCann's Old Stand. ICN OF THE BIC - BOOT 'THOS. 'COVENTRY. tiafortho April 29th. 73-tf. 7 SEAFORTI1 MILLS. 1 los"' and Feed ! reoei!ed an Agency fro=W.11AV1G J. obie, fob; the sale of their 1anrivel€- " ed Floe; I am' "now preparedto furru prchaaerai with an article WHIC WILL DEFY COMPETITIO$I Partie( rdering:Flour or 'Feed from xoo, can have .he same delivered in any part of Town ono he shortest notice. W. 4.ULT Seaforth. Jan. 20th; 1869. E<