HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-05-14, Page 5busines in a'lowe by tber, poe - WANTED _rd. for Fruit Tree Zte, daring sumnicr, fo.• 4 eirst-Clatia iery, at pr‘sint doing a large County, Liberal Vonunit•s. requzr.ed. Apply to - 1. CAMPBELL. Gen.Jit, Uoderich. -70-3i - TO • D.IPQT1 reeh Ovstera, ardiates.1 Oter8, Piele. Calaas,and ,NVes.-ts of eve ry deeeription. LI. AND s',:ry Iis TS.8OC CZI 7A! jut€ Me `ANN*6 OIa Stand. Feb. 63 -ti ••e of Those ilalt_SIAN I AT OLEG 11-, 74,7-7 ALi0 ChoikT filk-raixed and West of England .).ST WEEDS! T Y LOW PR TC A ft` w Machines. far Sale , , that eave been re o for a. ihort efface Just the th no- for 're ilexes car Dreser, oakers. Call and :ice, theet weraing. eaforth, 2.7a.r.;11 18. FErvoe it 67-3m, x PAL DC, -E'S Old ,Zstablished TAPNGALEY V RiD n ercus customers and the public ,enerally Av.(11 nut forset that 1 Ve itcla0Ted from the 01(1 Stand to the OPPOSITE SIDE OF VIE STREET, Neott's New 3 story Brick Block, next !te-Jamd & aluaken atore, and directly south of Eiekson e new store, wIn re I have built the best Gaikry in, the e minty especi- ' ally for my ovo work, being large and corn- : nualious aud with the paeper actenie light ; ' being tile only Galley in Z)t,4fortheististruct- ed on true photographic pralciples. 91/e Vulit thot foe rei,!ect the true Feetta?-es: ter myself that: I can satiefy ail wlio may eall. t&.miuib-€r 1 don't walit your money fer nothing; I ani,boral to please or no pay. L; As niaut have had incturee lfl .aforth, but .,verce (fiseatisfied, haviror confmnaled my n.ame with auoth(r, I, would request if you [ want a goed picture, preperiy made and durable, that you ask. far Frank Paltridge. Don't ask for Paltaidge's, 01113,, , but Frank Paltriclae. I am thus explieit,because many think thev are gffilk,2,' tO set a pleture made, by Frank Paltridev ; but t'hy a mistake, in not ping to Frank Ws, get sadly disap- pointed. Css-ASK FOR, AND, CO TO FRANK, in the Brick: Block, up one flight of stairs,. and turn to the right hand. • My specimens at the or are all my own 'make, and are not bought or borrowed to :decoy the public:. Come tinv day, Frank is always at horas awl in Gof:,;:r T rt.rer. Pieturts- of deetascd enrf.fullY copied into; any kind or Picture desired. Remember, it es to _traria: raltridge's von haw to p forret-a good -Photograph. Reee aui rieh Furniture, Scenery, &c.„ that wiil oar tdcture 100K TWO', and worm -sending to your fri( ods. Who does no :know FRANK PA TaT ID; ? Seafortk Jan. 6th. 53 -iv ote The Fact 'MAT res-• tr9da GALLERY, Is now complete with a new Mt -CFI -ANDER INSTRUMENT., "NTEW Backgrounds, c&c., &e. None but fint-elass pictures taken,, anel satisfae- tion guaranteed. GALLERY over Dr. Smith's Office, next door tor Meyer's. Sea.forth, Aug. 13, 1868. 3G-6ret. „ -SEATTIER EXCHANGE, BROKPAT t • And dealer in Pure hIICS, CHEMICALS & DYE STUFFS,. The Deng Department is under the spec care ,an experienced Clumiat, • It. M. PEA.RSOIL a uary 21.t,, l$G9. • Thaw* The Petnoenttic principle in govern: Meat is 4stinedto change entirely the, flee of sOety. The mend is almost in- Onpetitnt to coneeive the changes • . a sing1e. cent:till are possible under a s Oet oer‘ttie go vein. 1111 en t as *co n- tra4cd with. a mon trehi.d. aristoeracy This principle is ole of the Mightiest safeguaiils of power., be a Ise returning. to Often 40 the people, it tends to equa- lize onilidons, to represent* in geivern: trient p 4i v th 6 comoined wisdom of the nation.--rthider this fortil of govern- ment, &int vigae:sm„ that ten riltle curse of.an sto ;racy, is re,Ilty turned to a good account ; and A\ 11 in a ,man p telders to the mjudicea of the peeple for 'Oleo, his divett.0 ac.3o1nt.1.bili4 to the'people a, gmir.tutee th tt he ern- repretent 00- o.. DenooratiQ Prind riThe Disendia- There is one fet stoile'a Disendownieint scheme which is o pecular siatiiticittry, a ind calitv solutipa 6' the Land Qnestion —and whilx evidently bears the im- presi of Mr. Beigh 's hand. The Glebe lauds—with the, xecption of fen acres Whi:th. the. now 'go erning body' of this e itabliehinetit will e 'empowered tu pil r- aSe for el.ch par,. oaage,. if so disposed, at A fair valuation and all the church lauds ate to be tr, nsferred 'to the corn-. mission wee.oitiet to wind up the Church 'revenues, ti_d by them disposed of—the right of -1 re:emption being re.„ served for the. t mink in possession. This would form a. precedent for a: distribud )1) of th land- on the Fin Ole sketehed out I y M. Bright wnen 111 D u bl }laid N‘ Melt has been found to work benifi.3iellv C,ernisny. The prevision is p and simtde. The -Gallant is e .t ,c1 to pay down one fourth of the pill. th:tse. money—the 1e- -.10 lining three ths to be left on the Seeurity of the laa d, to be liquidated by insttom efts ex•en ding over a perd ioof twenty yea.—'I'le 'Premier does not mask the imienti( n of the Cabinet in proposing thiz_scl eme for the dispos 1 le,k 1 old prop.9: y held -by the Onur11. xperiment on a limit- u‘p pi•operty safe, -easy and. unex- le is so confident of ffect of this s.letne'— ill other wut ds, e011[1.dellt of the *in; rinise of the tenant. THE SEAFOR'rli EXPOSITOR. is ertt Scheme ture in Mr. Glad - their s ieV".,•1, an I obey thir:be'lests. In t where o er is'oft6.1 conferred for life, when Onee a dema- gogue is su ;tcessfal, then he is itretned. Alt:1y ail ay,d ag-tinst the people,. and on the side of the aeidteary the aristocratic or hereditery principle of go vet n in en t. Another gteat change growing Out of this`'.t rep e at olisti ige of et'S that practical knowledge comes down from " govurninol- 14,m ri . to thc) leov)le instead (af • , ta . • „, -1 e ( going up in the shape of prrs lYemid 16.1 settle of bre-dc.i. putiGion[s- for .. r?d eses of grial evienres . , littler per te,ctly - froirt the, p-ople to the tlit•one. Not- eention d. "kral. withstiit 'ing the. vre 4 preva(1-en•tur3es the ce....ollorilical of layei s in Clongress, the helding lett- 4 ture of that thAly iu pn6cticatis1fl, Lii- C) yeari; • 'MARC(' ill Millity Welt -Imes 11;elf about to becom of G.:T.ek and L ttin pur relers base the ltiod he fotnierly been deep in KU :11 qt eitions as the soar- tilled at ;1-rent---Ithat be has no climb': ees of mutional ,W t.Ith tlie relations -of of 'materially imJroving: the to be - foreign: trade, the enr•ouraginnei.t, .01 fr -for the land. This is a, testimonv manuftystures anti agri-n nature of1 taper money, parisail t•txatiou Dd seuret indastri-d triumph lies in the mil in peded deyelopMent‘ of :human- entet•rwise. D,-,.-mocracy 1S the true, prineiple of government, as it coat:4115 Withild itself the povir to (renerate and pr(;ser\!-e its own power. - t'Po YEW wfl dtVzty:1 f01.0 leA,rninig aud talent, lea -I. -ling And t;tlen' •owill be. c al tivat4 for the sake of power. ROBEI!TIVIILLigR, a sr Maker *I Wholeoale Stationer,. -GENIEriAL. BOOKBINDER, AND AC,'COUNT Bow 11ANUFACTOUR, Importer and dealer in SCHOOL .B00 ICS, dustry and elite when he finds hi: the proprietor of IDUre, the tr,;e tonoprly, INIU- ebt. The real and the constquit retnru of that power to-tliepeople will oper?tte as a c-mvithrt cheIL to the in tnity of an nhoty am- bitton.! democr Ley ra ke the torn. of the world, and atnib il te the to O as trella err:rs and abuses Which now weigh like molten teltd nn the minds, and he IrtS of the labor- ers of tl-e worla intl'estiga4ar: • Morality: angkiry ; tostinl•niy of the c 11 fide,11Ce reposed in the energy 'and self reliance of the I triple, with th diate p,ssesSion f the LI nd before t! em and an 11S111 \' that the, 'weer:la:PS of pe -'0dinion. is se. >plug the fou i ins of thee f(. tidal sys en), and thtt it ili int p el legi 1 ti n 0 a the -r.tdical -i- pie:ofj.i.ud tea die At no dist.mt abl Nation.. STATIONERY, • NICS, TWINES, WINDOW SHADES, TH.Ta G)BratiT CAY ES. 7 --The rernar1-.- al)le ro k of Gib a. gray ac ria;er-ule, .whith risesfrom 1,400 to 1,be0 feet above the A edite,rrtialettal, has long - been 0110115 fOr its curious caves. Re • cently some pm. tty thorough Oxplora- tions have been made of some:of the43 c;wes, Jinder he dire••tion. of UAW- Bioome, c‘f the -.1ritish army. One . AND •Paper Hangings. A .7. I: NT FOR iovell!s and Inc New., .Series of School • Books ; Danville !S''chool Slate Com- pan,y, ; Carlo Coinbined Writing d; opyiv g nk. 397 Notre Dame Street,. .liontreal arch 18th, 1869. ••67-3m SEAFORTH FIMMTIIR! •"VAREROOM1 ehem su as on the eastern. Does not the ria" itaphrsical merality .c.-tts evidently of the old school., put the youth from though now up the &kit on the wrong ro td—that interested actions are sh;teful audidis- tLe Afediterrarit voted to th6 enough there -w ,• .:),/, . ....:7—„....„ I I, 1....„7,,,,.. ,:zia:_. ..„,...,_ . _ ,t -,. • lt.V•i. ' t. ,....:...... .. .40 ..Z.•• , ,putituo NOTICE. • •s THE, MONTREAL TEA_ COMPANY, 6, Hospi al Street, Montreal. • 1 Our Teas, af erthe most severe tests by the best medical authorities and jud‘es ei .Teas, have been pronounced to bequite pore, and free from a iy artificial coital mg or pais of Tea. They ale unequalled mc, , mous substans so often used toiNinTepbro: the appearance for strength a d flavor. 1 he ha chosen for thei• intrinsicl worm keeping in mind health, etionomy, and a hili degree of pleasure in drifiking chem. We Sell, for the smallest possible profits, effecting a saving to the consumer of 15e. to 20,e. Per lb. Our i. Nast axe put it ) in 5, 12, 15, 2oi and 25 lb. boxes, and are warranted pure and free frem poisonous substanees. Orders flor four 5 lb. boxes, two 12 ib. boxes, or one •20 or 25 lla bo.c, sent carri.41ge free to any Railway Sta,- tion. in. Canada Tea will be forwarded im- mediately on receipt of the order by mail containing money, or the money can. be col- lected en delivery by express -man, where there are express offices. in semLng orders below, the amount of $10, to Sa.Ve eapense it will be better to send money with the order. Where a 25 lbbox won d. be too mueb, four families clubbing together could send. for four b lb. bo.;es, ortwo 12 I. hoses. We •send 5hem to one address, ea Tiage paid, and mark ea,ch box plainly, so tha each party get their own tea. Wel warrant ull the Lea, we'sell to give entire satisfa,ctioi . if they are not satisfac:ory, they can be returned. •at OUT expense. •. •gLAG,*-C TrA1—Eng1i h Breakfast, Broken Leaf, strong Tea, 45c., 50c.-; Fine Flavored. New Season do. 55c., 60e. and 65c. ,• Very Best Full Flavcirtd do. ¶5o.; Sound Oolong. 45c. • Rich Flavored (101 600.; Very Fine do. do. 75e. ; japan, Good, Very Fine tale., Finest GREEllklirEA. • 65e ;1 Young Hyson t Very eine Sic., 'Super il ; Fine Gunpowder '7.)e. ; Extra Superfine .lo $1. - Importer and manufacturer of all kinds aiousgmoLD FURNITURE, Such as SOFAS, LOUNG ES. CENTRE TABLES, MAI:1'RA S SEP, DINING & BRE.A.KFAST TABLES, ' • B UREA US, • .• CHAIRS, and. . • BEDSTEADS, In Great Varietal - Mr.. R. has great confidence in offering lr's goods to the public, as they are Ulful8 of Good Seasoned Lumber, and. by First-Cla.ss WoTk-num. . COFFIN ADE To ORDER On the Shortest Notice. e • W OD TURNING Done with Neatness and Despatch.. Wareroorns : TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL Main St of IvLu'tui's C ore, opens Ma reet. 57-r. face of the rock ; and Seeforth. Jan. cith. 1889. an an( ie se ;cave, rank of 700 feet above on. A. month was de- --)10 ration , and curiously graceful ; that .the only mein turio us is no evidence Of Any deeds are bottoua on e-enerositv, precious ex ploy: tion of tide cave. The lanthroey and the go. d of others 7 explorers first e These tx 3 rotes 'wide. for a. being that 41. feet of eartl has neither wants nor necessities of hi the cave Thi own, bad of cfmrse JturSt be broken ,talagmite,fioor through eve] y latent, hv a being Tvho some portions cannot exist without food; clothing' and lodging. The young man, frCed 11'01111 the trainmels of the college, . searches for such ideal perfection in the wOrht, and can only find the preten- sions te it .antengst hypo-2ey tett and swiudlers ; 11(..) o•iv•:g them hiscenifdence, is deceived., mica pend al tun -1 i e goes - the other extreme, Mad finishes ..by be- lievingi all niLtnkind _. Let an iim past•tial man e.t.a the nature of any a his actions, _and he onust find that he g.tve the preferatice, and coma not \do otherwise, to till acuion that he tho igut at the time afforded the great- est quantum of pleasure' and satisfacti on. One day, walking on the promenade along the flay of -Naples, a Ilar.j.Ve had - one out of liie depth and was drowning. A foreighner perceived his danger, plunge(l in and saved ltitti. The crowd on the shore g ithered round hint and were lavish of their pr:tises and thanks. Fools.!" skid he, "I have no merit in what T,have done ; did you not see that it gave rue more pain. to see him .drowning, than to save him T" The most correct nus'e I. of judging of actions. 7,votad be to give. credit for the effects always evident, and conclude that the Wii.ves are all SeltiS11, but with these a third Tru-ty his nothing to do, .as they must be forever hidden from him. _ A " veppary Yarn." caVated from three to along the south side. of revealed to them a on - which were found f the lower jaw., sup posed, to be -htu,nan, and, a comd.derable quantity cf-bonbs of Animals, birds and , Iwo tin e ated ; 11 axes, flint klliv ed bone, sea s't cell pottery, rude tairl Indies in d pots, stone ,S and flint Chips, wort. - 1 .', Lind sl.ells and wat- er.washed pebIlles. In a small eh am- !tc,r, off the 11 )It )side of the cave, wet f‘ 1 fOUnd two an Sword§ -and tv'' small enamelled :cop )er , plate; bei, ,tifal I y mtede.. and brilliantly colored, • :with a design upon it the coil of a se frirred to t'ie 1 art Aber 1: ro:e Uave,",-were remititis, stme On the north ing tin the stal were discoVere 450 feet in a the very exist been unknown '4611 progres monstrate, tit the caves of G ted by a rece lia.bits of life, went to the Legi-Ilitaire last year," Tgaid a Georgian. "Well, I went t( • Apstit and took dinner at a havern • tight beside the s:tt a member from ont of the ba,,A; towns who had never taken dinner btfore at a tavern his life. Before his plate. sat a dish-, of peppei's and he kept' tokittg at them.Fivallv as 'the w-dt...1.r was very slow bringmc. on the things, he up with his fork, ant • in less'than no time soused one int his mo nth. As he I iro d wn • i , grinders the tetrs came into his eyelj At it -t, -spitting the pepper into bi hand, he Ltid- it down by the side to.' his plate, ard with a voice •that set th whole table in- an upro•tr, exclainittd, "Just lie their and cool." ronresOnting oird in pent. The relies all re tit or 12th eentury.•11) cave---" bt. Michael's mind numerous human axes, flint knives, &c. ide of this cave, by break- tginite floor, other caves_ whi It extended some torth-westerly direetint. nce of which had before The explorations are .but They seem to de - a t sonic remote period :oraltar were all uinthi- off me1.4 having nniform ,• THE THEOR latest and b aerorit boreali eertained by sleetriCity is tad that air nois-,Are, bu :-atiOp, is a. pc. IS C0)111)14%1(1 )thor conditi bat lectrici ion in great •:ntensity to )f lightning, ;rata of the ield, and 'ke 1 time, by a luetive qut• trata chzi.ng i more moi ;he ei.e;tri'fi tsses down 'tag at night ,the aurora. b • • szivoN, HOUSE 81..SIGN PAINTER. OF THE AUR0RA.—.The- st accepted theory a tin is base.l on the facts, noderu experiment, that enera4ed by evapcottion ; itieh has absorbed :some notto the point of satu- ir condtictor of electricity With the atmospliOre ii ns. * The theory sneposeF y, generated by ov4ora qu•it ttlies and of too lo" be discharged n tho IS collected• in the tippet atmosphere, where it i; jt fix,* passing down foi trate of air of poorer .00 0-- ity, below. -When • thii • FikES ARRIVALS AT THE 0 TOR INDOW BLIND) • IN GREAT V„ RIETY. • "Nimme's ppahr Tale "Tales of *e Borders," "..:)t. Patrick's Eve," Tint4s," "Morning Ivlorning," by Spurgeon. "The Pratt* Son," by Punshon. "Light to t.i4e, Path," by Hamilton. "Kinglake4 War in the Crimea," •Thase's P.iceipes," Bibles an/l. Testaments in -large and swall print, ALBUMS D Ft NZY coops.. _ British midi American Eaguzines supplied to order. • Wel • Paper ! CHOOL tii0OKS, Foolseep, Letter and 0 Note Paver, always on band, also Law Forms,- BlankiNotes, Day Books, Ledgers, &c. Seat SE AFO '‘EXPOSITOR. Dail3r Globe and Deafly Telegraph for Sale. Villiam Elliott SeafortIL 'ril 2, 1869. 54- tf. 50e., 55e.,• Fine 60e., •w Twankay 50c., 55., Oe., 60e., 63c 70e. ; inc and Very Choice • - HAF.INESS Teas net mentioned ii this circular equal - :y sheap. Tea pnly s ld by this Company, ;1-tt An excellent mi: ed Tea could be sent for 60e. and 70e. : ve ey good_ for _common purpos( s 50c. Silver taken. at par. For notes and post - office orders the Comp ny will add the pre- mium in tea to the ord 'T. A. complimentary bo e of tea will be given to parties forming Chil s and sending for 251b boxes. • Each box will be marked plainly, so that each one will get his Milt. a• . Oa -Beware of Pedlais and runners -using • 1 our name, or offerin our Teas in small packages. Nothing le 's than a- caddie sold. • NOTE THE ADD tE,Ss..--The Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospttal Street, Montreal Out of over one Tho isand testimonial, we insert the following : • A YEAR 5 TRIAL. HE undetisigned, , WILLIAM H..OLIVER, Begs to annoince to the inhabitants of Sea - forth and suounding country, that he has opened. xi First-class Horness Shop, Oppose the Post Office, M 1 ;AIN STREET. .: He has had over twenty years experience t in the busine s, and for the last seven years has been in e employ of F. A. Myers, who speaks highll of his abty as a workman. - Having bkight ont !MR. TAIT'S Stock, , ., TheMontreal Tea Celepany Montreal, 1868. iS nearly a year since' purchas- ed the first chest Of ilea from your _house. have purchased Since, ai d. • 1. am pleased. to inform yOu that the Tea as in every ease provpd. mosit satiefa tory, as well as being exceedingly! eheto, . Yours very. truly. 1 F. DENNIE. _Montreal Tea Company: - GENT LEmi,.N-1.1:11e Tea 1 rur 3based of you in March has given great at sfaction and. flavour of it is very fine. It is very strange, but since I have been drinkirg your Tea I have, been quite free from. heartburn, which would -al -Ways pain me after b.ealefast. I at- tribute this purity of your Tea, and. shall co11tthuea customer. Yours respectfully. FRANCIS T. GREEN. 54, tit. John Street Montreal. Montreal, April 186g.—To the Montreal Tea Company, 6 1-foe1ot?1 a•treet, Montreal: —We notice with pleaenre the large amount of Tea that we, have fere-warded to you to 'different parts of the Dominion, and we are gladto find your business so rapidly nereas- mg. We presume, your Teas are giving gene- ral satisfaction, as out of the large amount forwarded we have only had occasion to re- turnone box, which, we understand, was sent out through a mistake. G. CHENEY, Manager Canadi.n Express Co. All work lone in laree- ()lass Style. Or- ders to •be left one door North of Dr. Smith's office. 67-3m. HOUSE 8& -LOT FOR SALE. OR Sale, in the Village of Seaforth, a U good Frame Dwelling Rouse, with gar- den and stable attached, near the Tenaper- lame For further partioulars, apply bo MICHAEL M•ADD1GAN Seaforth, April 8th. 70 and. parchastid a LARGE SiTTLY OF GOOD MATERIA.L, Oe is prepared to sell , AS CHEAri. AS ANY OTHER ESTAB-- LISENWT IN THE COUNTV• . U. Scotch and Fancy o T.J 13, s 74EAM AND LICiiT K1AR N S He fears noetoriapetition. Give him 4 OA and n4,ve S 010 :0my. Ji. OLIVER. Seaforth, J-4. 7th, 18G9. 57 -ti BOOTS ,8‘ SHOES. Witham - McNally ANOTHER; WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. Mcssus YOUNG &.CJIA/IBERLIN,--S rs, I feel it a duty 1 owe to you, as well as to the public to inform you of the most woederful mire of Consumption, •accomplished in my person, by the use of the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills, 1 coughed. a great deal day and. night, expectorating a great quanti- ty of matter, and had a great pain about my left lung. I had. cold chills every day, and. severe night sweats every night, and between the rackmg cough and great sweating, I was almost deprived of sleep ; by these miseries as well as the loss of appetite, I Vas so ie - NOTICE. ALla parties indebted to the estate of the late Jonathaat'earter, are requested to settle forthwith, or else, the amounts and saes due will be L?.iven into the hands of _\lessrs 'Benson & Meyer for celleetion: L. MEYER, Receiver to the Estate of the late- ' Jonathan Carter. 4arp-urhey, May 5th, 1869, 74-4in CA_MP.pELL'S ?ATE111" VENTILATOR! DAMPER AND DEODORIZER. . Dito6MOTING Health, Conafort and. Econ - y the only complete Ventilator and L oredittlble person. and I am confident that I )oubl Damper in use, for Kitchen, Office, can safely voueb for the truth of the above, 'arlor or Bed -Boom saving its cost 'in one or any otht r statement made by him, LTA.VING lately purchased the business el Barker, in Wroxeter, will keep on hand ;large assortment of Boots and Shoes. Nie but first-class work manu- factured on the premises. • °that will receive particular attentioasa Repairing -done on the shortest notice.- . W. McNALLY. April 231S68. • 20-1y. • Farm for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale the Fam being Lot NO. 9, in the 2nd Concessicn, Township f Tuckersmith, consisting of 80 acres, ns...aily all cleared. There is a good Frame Holtse on the lot, and a large Barn, a never failing spring creek runs through the farm, For particulars apply to A G VAN EGMOND, At the Seaforth Carding Mill. Seaforth, Tay 4th. 74-3m FLOUR 84. FEED IN CONNECTION* WITH THE SEAFORTH MILLS 1 0 posite. Sharp's Hotel, SEAFORTH. • 8.11EARSON & Co. have for *ale aft ;the above Store, -a large stock of duced that I could hardly stand alone. I F R ESP' SEEDS g was under the care of a. physician for a eno 1 trth of time and findinte no relief, I tried different receipes, but without any good effect. Squire Peterson of Batta re- commended me to use the Great Shoshenees Remedy; I procured three bottles at once, with the Pills, so soon as 'commenced using it I began to get better, and when I had fin- ished this complement, the cough, expectora- tion of matter, pain about the lung, sweating, &e., left me ; and by continuing its use I became strong and healthy. It. is now over two months sinee I quit the reme- dy, and there have been no symptoms of the disease returning, and I have been, and am now, healthier. and better than I have been for years. 1 trust you w make this-knewn to the public, that they may be aware of the .peculiar virtues of this truly. vvonderful In- dian Remedy. ,PETER C. MiLLER. Ernestown, County of Lennox and Addington, Ontario. To all to whom it may come.—This is to certil3r that I have been acquainted. with the above mentioned. gentleman, Peter 0: V. Ititliea, Esq., for many years, and have known him always to be of the very high- est respectability and a very candid. and s its condition by absorb! month. Its chums guaranteed. or money REV. W. F. S. HARPER, tare, or in SOthe Other w8N, (-funded. See testianottills from scores of 44.1v Rector of Bath, Ontario y above is set•free and Professional and Scientific gentlemen. . he peculiar appearance of • 1,4Fer Sale by LOFFT, n great quantities, form- • Agent fox Seaforth: realis, February 11, 1869. Ga-tf ; Imported. iay James Fleming (k= Co., Seed. - men to he Agricultural Association •oi Can.ada, d.nsistnig of all kinds of Field' loa Garden Seds, also a limited quantity of Choice z ing Wheat and Oats direct from Scotland, Caledonia Land Plaster 7:00 per Ton, And ail descriptions of Coarse Grains, 41411 55 Flour and Feed of the best de- scription, AT THE MILL PRICES it:1 22. Settfort , April 52-1y. MITE ZIMIVIERMAN HOUSE, WROXE- 1 TER, jOrfN ZPIAMERMAN, Proprietor. Dee. 144,A8G8. 53-tf A S 111HE subscriber having IINVIOVED •to 1. theepremises lately ocupied, by E. Hick- son & now prepared to pay the higb- est Ca.sb. Price for any quantity of good Fresh Aige delivered at his shop, -Main St., Seafoxtiti DAVID D.. ;SON. SealertIN April 22.. 7241.,