HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-05-14, Page 3:e ••••urd. ION E'Aitisi kaftENT. FRIDAY; • The most Important part of thie claw proceedings was Mr. Rose's Ifeldget. The revenue- for the past per tu is; out to be neatly a million and -one heti less than he estimated. Ile effected, to 1544 sanguine of the futuie, still the nouse- appeztredte have but little confidence in his assumptions. Hon. Mr. Holton then rose and sal e desired to subinit a questioniwItich ias something of a novelty.: Re envie lion, gentlemen opposite to consider e propriety of moYaig an address to er Majesty expressive of the deep j_ rest we feel in the passage of that a„, healing ineasteee before the Eng - fish rartiament—the di,eestablish• ment of theirish Church. • It Wasa question deeply concerning khe:Empire to whiell we belonged, and which deeply Con- cerned a large portion Of out own pee_ e. Ir.sh discontent in its remote, but ilos in (tiled consequence, had mete_ ced our owri country during the last three years; every measure tnereroto, aiculated to remove that .idiscontent had an interestsfer the people of thia comae} --an ieraportant part of thee Bri- tish Empire. He held that ky„such expression a opinion we would ezqueste iclIably exercise a very important morel inilueuce over the branch of the Legis- lature the English House of Lords—ia_ hickthere was some. danger of this measure. failing to pieces. If the HOU, gsretlemera opposite would not tztee the lead in this matter, he himself would do so. ;. MONDAY. A rather important discussion took place on the assiTailation of the cur- rency," and also on the government printirtg. TUESDAY. he principal part of this day's busi- ness was the second reading of the In- ney Bill. wEnNesneY. Oliver moved for a committee of the whole to consider the pro-priety of reducing the Governor emend's- salary ;$4-32,000. The mover was strongly supported by the ot)position, and as- stronely opposed by the government - party. THE INTERCoLom.4.1,--The papers on the Intercolonial Rtilway route haver been submitted, and are looked upon at Ottawa as exhibiting no satisfactory' reason for selecting the North Shore ratite. Something may have been con- cealed, but the information furnished certainly dces not justify air John A. Macdonald, Mr. Tilley and Mr Me - Dougall n giving in on the Frontier Route. t TUESDAY'S Globe gave the Signctt the on Borne statements relative to - the suspension of salt manufectnring in Goderieh. The Globe has been as - mired that saIt can be manufactured for 50c per barrel.; if so, it concludes that the manufacturers can bid defiance to an opposition, Me.• MoCo:Nleer has for the present wi'..ltdrawn, his hill to make the 'first -of July a legal holidaY. The Nova Sco- tia members, among others, ollected on: lithe grounds that many of their conga-, tuents consider iteetther a day for lit - mentation than repicing. is A ROBBERY at the Rank* Houss- Cciatlikra7of $2.0D0 took place on : :Tuesday:. The thilef was caught in London. ON Saturday last at Petrolia, a mast -While at a Marivarii was shot in the Leg TRE OntarioM. E. annual Conference opened at Newmarket on Wednesday. se„ NINETEEN persons have gone to Bed sver, vict Fort William. A _yeitrig man was drowned in ths Toronto Bay on, Wednesday last. ROYAL Canadian Bank Stook is ris- ing fast. O. Constantinople, May 7.—On Wednes- day the 5th of May, the first day of the ohammedam new year, the sultan tccording to custom, received tlie Min- -eters of the foreign Powei-s at Con- tautinople in a body and made an &tress of the most pacific character,. e referred with satisfaction to the veurable settlement of the difficulties Rh Greece the pacification of Crete, nd the friendly relations of Turkey -ith All foreign powers. He said he should contieue to insist on economy a the administration. the improveent of judicial procedure, the exten- on of the railway systeir, and the qual participation of all classes of his abjects in the obliterations and benefits these reforms. The Cretan chief- • na have been pardoned and set fie% the (t. rpagtor. prSTRICT MAT'rERS. •-KiNstune celebrates the • Queen's Birthday, Me. OARZWRIcgIT, Surgeon .1.xenvisel iS Seaforth this week. THE building of the Catholic Church in Seaforth, begins next Week. THE Mechanics' Institute Reading • Room is now open to members. TIIE Masket Clerk is going to law 'with the village, on the Market By - Law, it is said.. YESTERDAY After1100r1 Dr. Strait's horse ran, away. No one was hurt, but the buggy -was Wily smashed.. MIL• Wisereeisoer has removed his blaeksmith and plough shop , to his new aid commodious building across the street Aire VITAL MOCoNNELL, while plougl ing in the Fair Greunds, on Wednes- day last, had one of his horses drop dead before the islougu. leeTackersin tie on the farm of Mr. • Ramsay, a little boy was very badly crushed, by being run over with a land rolier Under the care of Dr. Vercoe, howeyerehe is doing SFAFORTH AREA—Last Tuesday a Velocipede Rave came off at Clinton, between one of Pi of Bail'ey's Troupe, and ILi Hugh Cameron, of Seaford], • resulting in favor of the last named. QtiEEN's BurrimAY.—A meeting to take btlie matter of celebrating the Queen's Birthday- in Staforth, was to have been held last night in Dow- ney's Hall. but up to 10.30 it was not fully organized. We hope something will yet be done. -Weather for the east few weeks has been most favourable for seeding. In this pa t )f tie c m_ itrs it Is almost got through with. So far es we have been ]tbIe to learn, more attention Ilas been paid to the coarse grainthis season than hitbekrto. Spring wheat has been avoided by, so: le f inners in tak Lest evening a, most refreshieg rain set in whict will, be very bene- • ficial as the fields and. roads were get- ye/7 'dry. And dusty. The woods ie 'beginning oto 1, ok quite green. AcorDENT.----0n Simday lAst Franets -Rands, ofEt -nley, was out driving with three other persoes. For some reason the whiffietrees became detaped, and • the horses ran awayethrowing all the occupants Of the vehicle to the grounde Nene, howeVel, were injured, save the above muned, who suffered a. fracture of the collarbone, and a diSlocation cf the shoulder. • Dr. Tracey was immedi- • ately sent for, and the patient is doing THE Clinton Hew ..e.r6 says a meeting of 110-41 Canadian Bank Shareholder..., took place in that vilLige. The unani- mous opinion of which was that the . cry against that Institution was ground- less, and attributed the low:quetations of, stock to the actions of. Brokers, ini. order to frighten stockholders in the country, thereby leadine `them ro selid their sheres ,to Torento, for 8a1e, upon' which these iedieiduals -were thus en- abled to realiee a handsome profit • SEEDS; • Szens.--Received at Scott Robertson's Mamineth Grocery and Seed. Se re, the following •Imported fresh and prime seeds. WInte Belgian Carrot„ Skirving's- Imported Seeds, Sharne's clo do Purple Ttrapleaf TurniP Long Red Mengel, Rape - Seed, ,Early Yoik Cebbage, Flitt Dutch do Drum- head de'Butter Be ns, E.u-ly China, Beans, Adems' Eerly O.nn E i,rly Sugar Cone Glanikin Camel bee Tom Thumb Peas, Diantut O'Roeke'Peas, Red OIov- er Seed, White Mitch do Alsike do yo ow Treyfoil do Hungariee erage, irixed Lawn do Tares -or, Vetehes. 'THE loyal subject, of Bluevale and vicieity 'lave su iscribed a bandsome sem of money tci celebrate Her Ma- jesty's Birthdayon the' 24th, as esual. An -organized band of ,Calithtunpians will much in regular procession, ac- companied by music .suitatile' for such an occasion. A allelic ,games of almost. endless variety and deseription I will commence immediately after mid prc- cession. The ga,mes ate to be of a harmless nature, and to be contested for in an inoffens ye manner. The prizes are very liberal; and 'have hith- erto', been keenly contested forin-this p1 tce, in consequence of which a let and 2nd prize will be 'Awarded to the ,euccessful competitors, in shnost eveky instance. A Pic-Nic for the Sunday EXPOSITOR. liVftlkertotint ASsizeS. ' Foesler vs Grand Trunk Railway Com pally. This was a case tried this week t the Walltertiown Assizes, in which John Fowler of Huila was plaintiff, a d the G. T. R., were defendants: It- eems that the plaintiff during the past win- ter was crossing a side line abov Sea - forth with shis eam—the defe dants did not whistle efore coming tb the crossing, in consequence of which they came in collision with plaintiff's team and killed his, borses. Veroicti for plaintiff. $333. McCaughey & HOme- sted, attornies. Ex6nesroN.—On JMenday, Mai:24th, .1869, the - Grand Tnink Railwey will run an ExcursiofiVraie from Brantford and intermediate . ations to Gbderich And return, at single fare for the double journey, leaving follows, viz: Mit- chell, 9:10,; CarronbroOk, 9:25 ; Sea - forth", 10:05 ; Clinton, 10:30 ; Goder- ich, arrive, 11:05. Returning, • will leave Goderich at 6 p. m. Exoursion- ists will have ample time to 'visit the Goderich S. Works, and can avail themselves of a pleasure trip on the lake. Every effort will be made to in- sure this being the favorite excursion of the season. • . • THE inhabitants of Ainleyville, will celeorate the Birthday of our Sover- eign Lady the Queen, on Monday the 24th inst. The dawn of the eventfnl day will be heralded by a royal salute of 21 gues from a batter.), of Vulcan artillery. , King Ponocataporonhyate- khr, of the Kalithumpians will emerge from. his cave, at the hour of 9 a. sharp, foilowed by his suite. of 999 fol- lowers, and perambulate the principal streets. After which horse racing will commence on the connnons. At noon a feu de joie will he fired in honor of the day. In the afternoon, the following games Will be held, for_ which prizes \ 1,e awarded, viz: Foot Racing, m p Putting th e Stone arid amr- me.r, Sack, Scrub and -Velocipede Races, etc. A grand display of fireworks in the evening. HO WICK • (From, our Special , Correspondent.) Mr. Wright has commenced the Mannfacture of brick near Leech vine. -• Fish are vel7 plenty in the lake at Lakelet and , ang,lers are haying grand SpOT.L. ' Mr. White, living on Con. C.s, Set -fire to some log Ireaps and the wind being very high the spayks set the barn on fire, bairning his seed grain and some fanning impliments. No insur- ance. Sparks from the same fire ignit- ed some straw in Mr. Mci,eoci's. barn- yard, and he to ha i lost barn, seed, waggon, etc. Insured. Farmers can- not be too careful in such a dry time as the -presen• The Messrs Leech are repairieg their 4am, and to there credit they are mak- ing a good. strong job of it. It is ex- pected the Mille will. be all running by the .1st of Jane: Leechville is preparing for a grand celebration of the 24:.r). ; VOlunteers Will remember tne pli.rado at 8 o'clock, A. M., sharp. Wroxeter is also wide awake and making great prepara lens. A few words for the Wroxeter critic. I did not say the -Aressi's Leech lost $5000 by the flood I said the lc.,ss in Leechville Would amount to that, most of which would fall on Messrs Leech. Theii. loss will be about $3000. As regards the Wroxeter &An the P. L. S., who says the water covers but 40 aPies had best go. to school again. calculated it coverted about 500 acres in "flood tinie;' butif have since been informed that it cove diet much eyel7 day in the year, an fully 1000 acres are covered at high tter. Be that as it may, I have u.o wish to 'discuss the fact and Will-II:lye n hing.mere to say about- it as it doe mot mterest rae eithcr way or th other. MAR IED. FERGUSON——COOK. y the Rev. Alex. Mc Donald at his . resid nCe, in Harpurhey, Mr. John FergusOn of North Easthope, to Miss Elen. Cbok of Varna. GRAIL/pl.—Atllarp• inst. the wife of the It of a daughter. • -SEGMILL ER. --At Se inst., the wife of Fred. son. ROB ERTSOIT. —On Fri sli9rt illness Mrs. Mat large concourse of irien mams to the Egniondv. day following. -Exley, tb e 13th v William Graham, fiorth, on the 13th Segmiller Esq. of a H. ay last, after a very hew Robertson. A s followed the re - e Cemetg 011 S -School S-..ybolars of the said village, will . J. P. BRINES AU ecrne off at the same time, on ,thepie- • Sale of Hotel Furnitu nic grounds on the river side :' and as usuaI, Will be attended by all the elite, beauty and fashion of Bluevale and vi- einity, for which they have been noted MHE zimmElmr` .i. TER. over since the primeval ages. ' ' .JOHS1 Zar Dec. 14, 1868. TION REGISTER1 e, etc., on the 17th and 1811 of May. R. L. Sbarp prop rietor Seaforth. HOUSE, VVROXE- n&IAN, Proprietor. 53-tf • THE MARK TS. Seeeoent, May, 1.4th, 1869. Wheat, (Fall) 19 bushel' 82 ® 40 • Wheat (Spring) 19 bughe ;T:kr1ey.19 bushel,. - Oats IP bushel, Peas ip bushel, Potatoes ip bushel, Hay 0 ton,• Eggs 0 dozen, , Butter 191b , V 80® 85 0 95 ® 98 50® 55 15® 70 60® 65 10 00 @12 00 10@ 10 15© 16 • TORONTO, May, 13th, 1869. (By Telegivph. ) Prices dealing. Wheat (Fall) tp bushel, 95 to 95 • do (Spring) Iff bushel, 0 85 to 90 Oats 0 bushel, 55 to 58 -Barley 0 bushel,- 98 to 1.00 Peas ut bushel. • 75 to 78 CHURCH DIRECTORY.. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH. —Rev. Wm. Hayhurst, Pastor. Services everySab ath • at 104 o'clock, a. m., and 61 o'clock p. m. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, p.m. Prayer • meeting Thursday evenings at 7./ O'clock. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. —Preaching each Sabbath at 10.30 a. m., and 6.30 p,n1. Sabbath School 2p. m. Lecture and nrayer meeting, • Wednesday evenings 7.80- p.m. Rev. S. Williamson, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN0111111CH.—Services commence at 11 a.m.. and 630 D.ra. Lc ct ire and Prayer-reeetuig on Triesuay evening, at 7:30 p.se.. • GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Summe). Arrangements. • Trains will leave the Seaforth Station, as follows:— , GOING EAST. GOING WEST. • 6:50`.4.4. 10:30 A.A.T. 10:30 'A. M.' 2:00 P. nr. 9:00 A. M. ST.A._0-15".JS Leave for Ainleyville, Wroxeter, Leech- ville, Bayfield and Exeter, on the arrival 'o Trains in the 'afternoon. "11111112M111• .81.11r1.6111 UMW fl CARTWRIGHT, Surgeon Dentist, k.).• Stratford, Ontario, begs most re- spectfully to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and• surrounding country that he has opened a DENTAL OFFICE over MR. HICKSON'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Scaforth, and has procured the assistanceof Mr. J. A. Ellis, Surgeon Den- tist to take charge of the same. Mr. Cart- wright will continue to visit Seaforth the secolid week of every month. All work warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Teeth extracted with little or no paiu by the use of the Narcotic Spray, which produces. local anasthesia, (want of pain.) Charges Mod.erate'. Terms Cash. REFERENOES :—Dr. Smith, Seaforth; Dr, Shaver, Stratford ; J. Dutton, Chemist, Stratford.; P. R. Jarvis, Esq , Stratford ; Dr. Whiting, Berlin ; Dr. Rowans, Drumbo ; Dr. Bray, Chatham.- • Mr. C. will be at the CoMmercial Hotel, Clinton, the third week of every month Seaforth, Dec. 171th 1868. 53-1v. • Skins Wanted. TEwNantTedf1:19pUtoSteN2DsthMorfiskthiRsatSkinsmonth, for which the highest market price will be paid, delivered at my office in Seaforth. J. S. PORTER. May 7th 1869. 74-3in DRY PINE LUMBER. 1 THE undersigned have on hand at their 1 e Mill, one half mile NORTH OF AINLEYVILLEI 100,000 feet of dry -inch pine, aver 20,000 feet of dry inch flooring, ti and 11 inches thick. Also -about 30,000 feet of board and strip Lath ; a lot of Siding, two-inch Plank and' green jumber, Pine and Hemlock, all of which will be sold AT VERY LOW PRICES! In order to make room for piling the many thousands yet to be cut. Orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. M. & T. SMITH. May 12th, 1869. • 75-3m. A GENTS WANTED _A a Day. -2 $10 Maps for 84. Lloyd's Patent Revolving Double Maps, two Continents, America and Europe, and Amer- ica with the United States portion on an im- mense scale. Lolored—in 4,000 Counties. These great Maps, now just completed, 64 x 62 inches large, show every place of im- portance, all Railroads to date, and the lat est alterations M the various European States These 'Maps are needed in every school and family in the land—they occupy the spaee of one Map, and by means of the Reverser, either side can be thrown front, and any part brought level to the eye. Coun- • ty Rights and large discount given ,to good Agents. Apply for Circulars, Drms, and send money for and see Sample Maps first. If not sold, taken back on demand. Also ready a $25,000 steel and plate illustrated subscription. book, "De Soto, the discoverer of the Mississippi River."• . J. T. LLOYD, 6 23 Cortlandt Street, N. Y. , Waggons, Buggies, AND DEMOCRAT MEE undersigned is now manufacturing a large number of Patent Arm Waggons! Of -the most thorough #nish, and will posi- tively guarantee the tires to remain tight on the wheels for at least Ten Years I am alse turning out Buggies and Democrats of I , Various Styles! Fr nn the best quality of Hickory, imported expressly from Ohio. • As all my AXELS both Wood and Iron are set by my Patent Axle Guage, I can c'onfidently warrant my Waggons and Buggies to Run Lighter than any other built in Canada. TERMS LIBERAL! To responsible parties. All orders by mail or otherwise, promptly attended to. •- G. MINCHIN. Shakespeare, May 5th, 1869. • 74-4in 'sIhelOS12l38021 Silva PAU LISTEN HI WHILE SPEAKS., For his Stock of SPRINGGOODS WAS Never. Excelled In this Market, The Manthester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction. • in Dealing. Seaforth, May 4th, 1809. 61-tt HARP'S J=f0TEL, Livery Stable, and General Stage Office, Main Street. R. .1.4. SHARP, Proprietor, Ses.fortle J. Sth, 1869. • COMECTICUT MUTUAL ite Orsitratt •••••,•,,m••••=i,maNui NOTICE. HE aPix1121 tment of „Daniel L. Sills, as Agent co, this Company for the Province of Ontario, *as Revoked by the Board of Directors on the 9th inst., and Messes Hod- ges Brothere,of Detroit. Mich., are from that date appointed General. Agents for she Pro- vince of Ont4rio, to whom all,Local Aget.ts will please forward applications and reports. • W. S. OLMSTED, Secretary. Hartford, April 17th, 1869. 74-6i NOTICE OF,CUARDIANSHIP. ATQT,TcE is hereby given that at the Ex- piratiog of twenty days from -date I will make application to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, to be appointed Guardian of Martha, Margaret Ann, 'Wil- liam George, and Henrietta McSpadden, fant children of Samuel McSpadden late et the Township of McKillop, in said 'County deceased. • -THOMAS SHANNON. By Medatiehey & Ifolmested, Solicitors- Ifor Thomas Shannon, Selkeitth, MO 7th, 1869. 74-7in • BEAUTIFUL HAIR, NATURE'S mows. You ILL Cultivate it GRAY HAW, ,Is a o ertairt indieation ol Decay at the Roots. IVIUS•1*. A. A.ILLEN'S Hair Restorer Restores gray *Or to Its nattiral color and bewail and produces iViuriant growth. It gives the hair t beautiful g1.s*id delightful fregrance. Manufactory limd Sales Offices, 35 BARCLAY BIREET and 40 PARK PLACE, N. Y. • 266 H141-1 HOLBORN I London, Eng. de-Seatter.41d. Rolls, Druggists, agents oa Seaforth. For Sale everywhere. January28L 1869. 60-1v, 1869. 1861 SPRING IMPORTATiONS 'KIDD 84 IVINULIKIN ARE No-iy, prepared to SHOW the !.Contents of . 40 Packages OF MAN -LE, MILLINERY, BOOTS & SHOES wh-kh will be sold at the Smallest Profits I. Always on Hand A Choice Stock of Fainily.0koterks..T ofikr 0,1 rib' ' e v..s KID & MoMULICIN, eaforth,,May.76. 1869. • 200 000 FEET OF E R TOBE , Sold Without Reserve! Ttttudersiqued begs to intimate to Par- liJ niers and. others, that he has a larp stock of Lamb* in his yard, adioirom - Messrs Shearson'; St, Co.'s _Mill, Seafort comprising all he varieties nedessary for. ‘. buildnig pulvosO, which he is determined to; sell at -very low °mates or Cash. nose *- tending to build, would de well to. 'call mkt examine the stotk before pup3hasing a where. . • - S.—He is &so -prepared to furnish 'SA Stuff, Lath, and 411 kinds of Dressed 141n1F- ber. THOMAS T,T01. Seaforth, Mae:3xd.