HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-05-14, Page 2s.
THE 5EAroTtTfi.:-..gXpp$1-TO.R. -
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tThanges Of Advertisements) which are spe-
cially arranged -for weekly changes, by
Tuesday noon. .
Changes of Advertisements, which are not
' speeially arranged for weekly changes,
1')3r Saturday night. -
We cannot inarantee insertion unless the
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BuSiNESs. Norieit.—All accounts- for ad -
r ver aging and Jobbing must positiliely be set-
tled Quarterly, on the. 15th clap of March,
Jane, Septeniber and. December;
Official Paper of the Con tye
FRIDAY-, MAY .14 169.
great topic of the isresent day
oe should. be, the opening tip of the
North West. Evetythingi at present
goes to °indicate - that the cities of Eu-
rope ere over-c;Owded, 1be iinmense
arrivals of emigrants by ever Y ocean
steamer, all bound for the Western
States, shows that the tide of mien,-
tion, like evenything else,' i regulated
- ;
by circumstances. The feenaties effort'
od by the Americans in the -way of
Railway transit, and the liberal induce-
ments to settlers alsd shove that they
thoolghly understand how 1.-,o populate_
their new lands and develops their in-
ternal resoneces.
'Under eipaila,r circumstances 'what
should itlanadians . do? The Hudsbm
Bay Territory will mbst undoubtedly
be ours soon. It contains several bun-
dred million teres of -fertile land How
9e -tee to get that land tenanted'? We
ans*er by liberality. Let us build a
railway to Fort Garry or some other
good point Let us afford every facili-
ty possible to the settler.' to convey his
family to the place -chosen as this future
home. . And let us else show him tht
we are willing to deal liberally with
him regarding the lands which we Wish
him to occupy. :Such a! policy would
soon fill up the., 'vast prairies of tbe
North-West with the , intelligent hardy
emigrants from the eld country.
It is Telt° useless for as Bow -a -days
to attempt to settle out' wild lands
without giving_ liberal inducements.
J ust now as the Pacific Railway has
opened up the Western States, enabling
foreigners to pees through the heart 'of
the country, how can we expect men,
with families to trundle along on ox
carts Selverathrlidred miles, ' exposed to
. r
cold and danger.
- The most accessible way at present to
-the Red Rives is by St Peet Let set -
tiers once get te! this point- by railway,
and unless. absolutely -. compelled they
would never think of going anover-
land journey of three or fout !hundred
tniies,' rather 'than make- the at-
tempt, they will settle in Minnesota or
Nebrteske. Now If Canadians wish to
control the coarse- of those settlers, let
them at once open railway_ ,eomMuni-
cation. The Coramittee appointed at a
public ecieeting recently held it). Toronto
to co-Usider this matter; I eport that $6,s
000,000 would about connect Toronto
with the "Fertile- Bett." -This surely
fs a small sum comparatively, The Ita.
tercolonial will cost at least $20,000,-
-000, and, ay cost twice that sum, and
that t3o, with little or no Imo& to the
- -
eoeut.ry ; whereas je railway to the
Arorth west would . be of it, estimaole ad-
vantage. •
We leepe ouegoVernment, so good to
promise, wig take this, matter 'up. If
it is true,- as Byron *laid, that There
IS a tide in the affairs of men, which
taken at' the flood leads sat to fortune."'
it is no -less truenationally than.indi-
trichially. Golden opporturtitiee do not
frequently occur. The California Aloe
blossoms but once in a hundred years.
Now is the time for our (1-avernment to
make afayora,ble impression, abroad.
Give emigrants a good road, free grants,
arid we will not - lack for a share
of thosewhoask to hetter their condi-
tion by crossing the Atlantic.
TtiE pinition which John A.. a,nd his
eepporters assumed on the Governor
'64etseta1's salary, was ore that woald
lebd !people enacquainted with our p0 -
ion to believe, that Canadians were
*40 of ontoeye
- •
THERE iS a wor.derful strong sylnpa.-
between the people of America'
and insurrectioaists all the world over.
No matter what the standing and
prestige of a iation may be, if any of
their s;bject4 iebel, they are sure of
sympathy, abc1 covert aid fromthe
citizens of this great republic. .4 few
years ago, lreece was involved in a
terrible war. King Otho had to abdi-
cate his throe aud leave the country.
No doubt hiiGovernment was despotic,
and his real claim to reign over Greece
forfeited by inj ustice and intrigee.
But whether or not, the disaffected
were soon assurred that America, was
watching .with anxiety the reeult of
their efforts to organize a new Govern-
ment, and if necessary, to assist them
in their emergency. So it was in the
case of Spain. No sooner was Queen
Isabella compelled to quit her court at
Madrid, than Secretary Seward -pro
ceeded at once to compliment the rebels
on their efforts to vindicate their rights
and exterminate Monarchial tyranny.
And so, when the disaffected Irish
growled at the British Lion, even
American emissaries, ainong -whom we
might mention, George Francis Train,
sought, by their immediate presence, to
foster rebellion, and overthrow every-
th. the. shape of Constitutional
ow that Cuba is in a state of re -
be lion, -we naight expect a repitition of
th same conduct., And so we find it.
Co per Institute is scarcely large enough
to contain the excited crowds that
nie t occasionally to have their enth
sia .m fired by Henry Ward Beecher,
W Lloyd Gairison, and. others. These
ge tlemen maintain that Cuba is mis-
go erned-- that the rebels deserve their
sy Whir, and that with the assistance
of he United States they could speedi-
ly overturn the Government of Spain.
uch advice is certainly very lump-
sist ait with the "Alabama Claims"
Ail pending. Surely what is sauce for
the goose should be sauce for the gan-
der If it was , wrong for Britain to
allow a ship of whose designs. she had
no !cognizance, to leave her :ports, it
mu. t certainly be wrong in Americans
to e courage in an open and, unmistake-
able' manner those who have rebelled
against a lawful, Sovereiga. TI:ough
`-* 0
Spain is somewhat unsettled, still her
presentgovernment is quite legal, and
no neutral power has any right to in-
terfere with her foreign possessions.
Cuba belongs just as. truly to Spain as
ever did those vessels to America
which the mischievous Alabama cap
tured and sunk in mid -ocean.
But why look for consistency, if in-
terest points in an opposite direction.
Should the rebels establish their inde-
pendence, they would no doubt set up a
Republic,- and thus another step would
be taken towards the realization of the
,A,Ionroe Doctrine. The American
Eagle must spread her protecting wings
over half a Continent. Anything less
would be an insult to those who, in
drafting the Constitution, provided for
the annexation of the adjoining coun-
tries, "Let us have pe,ace,", may slie,
Grant's motto, but evidently, -"Let us
have America to ourselves," is the mot-
to r the Americans.
THE reports from the different town-
ships of Ontario so far as yet received
show a demand for emigrant labour, of
eleven thousand and fifteen. This be-
ing the requirements of 55 townships,
what must be the aggiegate of the
whale Province ? It is quite evident
there is room in thie country for many
more labourers than those now etnploy-
ed. We have quite enough profession-
tid gentility, but not enough labouring
industry. Theintelligent painstaking
emigrant will be very acceptable.
JUDGING from the speech made by
the Mayor of Cork, at the dinner given
there on the . release of the Feniane
Warren and Castello, we would suppose
that Ireland is not yet restored to tran-
quility. Dissatisfaction has certainly
taken a deep hold and it may take several
years before the Irish will fully appre-
ciate' the advantageconferred upon
them by the presen, Reform govern-
So far 4e can judge by what we
see, thoelnment of the day exhibits
the utmost c evardi:ce in dealing with
tohoi3e who d in the capacity of ("leeks
itt the diferent. departments. It is
seen time and- again that they are in
many cases filling offices that areal -
ready suffieiently supplied, and that its -
stead of canting their wages, they are
flittering away their time at the public's
expense. o discharge such men to
seek empl yment elsewhere, would be
tbe course whirl' decided Cabinet
Minister slould pursue. In the debate
on this subject last week, the Hon. Mr.
Rose under the most pusilanimous and
childish excuses, regarding supernumer
ary officials said: "It would be too bad to
turn them out:" They would have to
look for employment elsewhere and
may not easily find it, etc." Too badto
turn them out! 'Why? .Do men be-
come so'helpless in govetennient offices,
that like snails turned out of their
shell, they soon die ? Do men so loose
their menlinees that they cannot seek
employMent elsewhere? Ale they as-
hamed to beg and unable to .lig? Stich
tawdy ballyip is perfect nonsense.
It is demoralizing. Yet public 'nen al-
ways feel tlaat their position is one of
trust, that to hold it they must work
honorably Ind faithfully, and let us
have no whining about low wages and
inability to do anything else, and so on
adnauseam, paitcularly while salaries
range from $2,840 to 600.
The Cuban Now.
The Cuban cause has been iramensel
strengthenel by the reported orders i:
sued by 'Count Valrna.seda„ the Spanisl
-Commanderdin the eastern part of th
island. No 'civilized nation will suffe
so savage a policy to be pursued wit'
out forciblerotest, and its executio
in Cuba, i
will do for the Cubans all that a singl
it be really
aet of heroism upon. their own par
would do, it would. arouse the sympa
thy of the world. •There are plenty o
men living who recall the massacre o
Sciol and the intense feeling it kindled
tor the cause of Greece. The crimes of
Claverhouselare among the blackest up-
on the reign of Charles II., and the
bloody assizes of Jeffreys sealed the
hatred of the ;English for James. A po-
licy of cruelt;y, always crimival, is in
this age and pi such a cause utterly in-
tolerable, ana the Spanish minister in his
country may safely assure this Govern
ment that Valmaseda is a more fatal
foe to the Spanish rule in Cuba than
The Mexican Congress, by a vote of
100 to 12, has recognized Cuban belli-
gerency: This is what England did at
the outbreak of the revolution. The
Cuban flag is admitted ,and recognized
in Mexican ports. This was to be ex-
pected; for the memory of the long
strpggle of Mexico with Spain is yet
fresh and 'warm in the traditions of the
country. The recognition, however, is
thus far merely a declaration that there
is a war, and that Mexico will remain
neutral. The next step, of course, is
recognition of the independence of the
• Cuban Government. That there is such
a government is aseerted Ls the Cuban
address to the American people: The
revolutionists issued their beclutation
of Independence ct the 10th of October
1868, at Manzinello a atid their army
is now stated to _comprise some. 42,000
men, under Cespecles, Commander -in
Chief, and "tbe bead-bf the Republican
Government, duly established within
the lines of the Liberators." That go-
vernment, however, is probably merely
thehead-quarters of ! aa army. It is
not A government like that of the cOlo-
nies in 1775, nor of the rebel States in
1861. It is such a government as
Prim'e when he raised the standard of
revolution in Spain some years ago.
But such al policy as that proclaimed
by Valmaseda will soon, give form and
importance to the Cuban government.
Oliver Cromwell, indeed, smote Drog-
heda and Wexford with fire an sword;
and subdued Ireland. But Valmaseda
is not Cromwell, and Cromwell's i policy
is indefensible. The horrible memoriee
of Andersonville and Belle Isle are to
fresh in this. country not to inspire a
deep indignation with belligerents that
proposes to carry on wkrefare by un-
speakable critces.--Harpere Weekiy.
VirenTas.Eit's body e which had been
embalmed, was taken to England by
the Nestorian, from Quebec last Satur-
THE rumor is revived and widely
credited that life Peerages will be of-
fered to Sir ..fohn A. Macdonald and
Sir Geo. E. °wilier.
The Toronto Teleyraph, contain sthe
followiug 111 relation to the embzg1w
among the Officials of the Royal na-
dian Bank. Of course, not being -ton-
versant -with all the facts Of the 4se,
we can neither confirm nor gam. ssef the
statements coatained in the extract& we
"The first virulent attack on one of
ourcity barks was Made :by 0, Yaffilsee
eonunercial writer ; Or recent attittals
on the crdit of our commercial $aen
generally came' from the sa,me quarter;
and we have the assurance of one .1ho
eas peculiar sources of ieformatic - on
s ich matters, that Mr. McDonald de-
clamatory assault upon his fellow direc-
tors wasaindited in a, New York deiily
newspaper office. Taking all these OM
igethee, there is strong presumpttive
evidence of a conspiracy—a conspititcy
of the most malignant kind. PersOal
revenge is partly at the bottom or,it ;
aanexation agencies are doing the 1st.
We warn the public to be on their
guard. Our banks are healthy; there -
(1;t of our nierellfmtS is soued—with
few and unimportant exceptions--4nd
no combination of badly -advised orJna-
licious persons should be allowed toeiis-
turb the confidence of businese meri„i or
of the community generally. Phe Wes-
pect of a good harvest at this early efea-
son of the year was never better ; let us
realize that in August. and then crak-
ers of every degree at home and aniOad
will be utterly coefounded. The eisail-
way expenditure (in co )etruetion):al-
one will probably amount from eight : ta
ten million dollars for the current ya.r,
and these alone will give such an iiatie-
tus to every branch of trade that, beires: re
the season closes, we shall have,
most forgotten that we had paSied
a period of temporary depression.: Let
us, meanwhile, maintain the credf4 cf
all our financial institutions against ihe
attach of insidious enemies.
The Pacific Railroad.
' This road, which has been in pross
of construction since _1866, is now com-
pleted. Its length from the Missetiri
river to the navigaele waters- of an
Francisco, in California, is 1,800 rnile s/
the whole of whicti has been complefed
under the management of two comeon
iese Tne engineering difficulties tobe
overcome wele of no ordinary kind, -es
'it its course the road crosses two moun-
tain ranges, each about 8,000 feet
above the level of the sea. Yet with
such enterprise was the work carrgd
on that in little ovec three years the
whole line is finished, ard a few cleeas
wid witness the first train passle
over its entire length,. From the .'.1,st
of January 1868 to the first of Miv
of the present year, a period a
sixteen months, no less than 1,00
miles were opened hp; or an . even*
of over three and one half miles per
day. !
Ihue a work that was by many con-
sidered but the dream of enthusiaets
has become a reality. The continenteis
belted by the track of the iron home ;
and the Eest and -West are bound lato
one. So long as the chief course of
commerce between, the Atlantic and
Pacific States took the roundabout wsy
of the Istbmits there could exist no iits
timate union oetween them , but neev
that"com.se must alfer and the bond
union is thereby made all the firmer.
The road will be a great aid itt openig
up the whole Nest region of count
along its course by the 'facilities it
fords to emigrants ; and in a velar fest,
years we may expect to hear that ati.-
othet million has been added to thle
population of the Republic as the
sult of the enterprise. Canadians, to
less than A.neericatts, are interested :fie
its success, as they too have an eye
a Pacific railwa.y. If the road nGtv
completed -is practicable there is no yea -
son to apprehend failure to one in oar
territory; and in no other way can We
so effectually settle the extensive pi -
ries in the valley of the Saskatchewan
as by the Construction of such a ro
IT is rumored that the Banking poli-
cy to be submitted shortly will pr; -
vide for the general extinction of batt
currency after July, 1871, at the rate
of twenty per cent per annum, to be
completed in 1876. The bank chartees
will be renewed for ten years, making
the double liability of shareholders 103-
media ly available. The GoVernmettt
wilt pay interest on bonds deposited fee
note ci culation. The bankswill be re
quired o keep twenty per cent. of gold
for the iredemption or their notes. Th -b'
notes wp1 be legal tender and not sub-
ject to iliscount anywhere.
THE Globe correspondent says the
mperial authorities are consider**
ti e achrisability of relinquishing tits
c lollies. -
JUDGE Wirsow is convaleseent
The most important part of this dos'
TPrh:cereedvielnit fwoarsthi:Ipr‘aetil;Steis
to be nearly a million and One Iialf ie
than he estimated. He_eflected to be
sanguine of the futui e, still the Boma
appeared to have but little confidence
in his assumptions.
Hon. Mr. Holton then rose and sal
he desired to submit a question
was something of a novelty. He intl.;
ted hongentlemen opposite to consider
the'propriety of moving an. address te
Rer Majesty expressive of the deep in.
tercet we feel in the passage ofthat
gr healing measure befote the Eng-
lish earliament—the disestableshment
of the Irish Church. It was a question
deeply concerning the Empire to which
we belonged, and whieh deeply me
ceined a large portion of our own pee.
'pie. Irish discontent in its remote,
but no in direct consequence, had mena-
ced our own country during the last
three years; every measure therefotte
calculated to remove that discontent
had an intmest for the people- of this
country—an important part of the Bri-
tish Empire. He held that by swh-an
expression of opinion we would unquest-
ionably exercise a very important morel
influence over the braneh of the Legis..
letnre the•Englisl House of Loads—in
which there was some, danger ofthis
measure falling to pieces. If the Hon,
gentlemen opposite would not take the
lead in this matter, he himself would
do so.
A -rather important.discuSsion took
place On the "‘ assimilation of the cur-
rency," and also on the government
Th 'e principal part of this day's bus.,.
uess .was the second reading of the Ina
solvency Bill.
Mr. Oliver moved fora cOmmittee of'
tbe whole to consider the propriety of
'educing the 'Governor Ceneral's salary
to $.12,000. The . mover as strongly -
supported by the opposition, and as
strongly opposed by the government
THE INTERCOLONIAL.-----The papers on,
the Intercolonial Railway route ha -vie
been submitted, and are looked upon
at Ottawa as exhibiting no satisfactory
reason for selecting the North Shore
route. Something may- have been con-
cealed, but the information furnished
Certainly dces not justify Sir John A.
Macdonald, Mr; Tilley and Mr Mc-
Dougall in giving in on the Frontier
TUESDAY'S Globe gave the Signal
tbe de, on some statements relative to,
the suspension of, salt manufeeturing
in Goderich. The Globe- has been as-
sured that salt can be manufactured for
500 per barrel ; if so, it concludes that
the manufacturers can bid defiance to
all opposition,:
MR. MeCoaxey has for the present
his bill to make the first of
July a legal holiday.. The Nova Sco-
tia members, among other.s, objected OR
the ground that many of their constie
tuents consider it rather a day for la-
mentation than rejoicing
. -
A Roam -env at the Rankin 11,0111.
Chatham, of $2.000 took place on
*Tuesday. The thief was caught ill
Olt Saturday last at Petrolia, a mats
while at a Chaiiveriy Wes shot in ant
THE OntarioM. E. annual Conference
opened at Newmarket on Wednesday.
NINETEEN persons have gone to Real
River, via Fort William.
.A young man was drowned in the
Toronto Bay on Wednesday last. -
ROYAL Comedian Bank Stock is rite
ing fast.
Constantinople May 7. ---On Wednes-
day the 5th. of iay, the first day of the
Mohammedam new year, the sultan
according to custom, received ese Min-
isters of the foreign Powers at Con-
stantinople in -a body and made an
address of the most peel& character.
He referred with satisfaction to the
favourable settlement of the difficulties
with Greece the pacification of Crete,
and the friendly relations' of Turkey
with all foreign powers. He said he
should continue to insist on economy
in the administrationthe improve-
ment of judicial procedure, the exten-
sion of the railway systeir, and the
equal participation of all classes of Ins
subjects in the obligations and benefits
iof these reforms. The Cretan chief-
tians have been pardoned and set flee,
NBURN I ebmtes
is in. -Seafortli tbis wek.
TiE building of the
in. Seaford., begins next
° -THE Mechanite Insti
Room is now open to nicq,
THE Mai ket Clerk is
-With the villege, On. the'
117s: :a:
YESTERDAir afternoon
awy No 011
but tbe buggy was lently
thementr. eNvet.m.
ing in the, Eft* GroindR, ,
day laete had One of his
dead beforl the I)10II.
IN TrielcOrrSaii u1.1, Ofl t
Ramsay, a little boy vete
crushed, by being run ove
roller. 13Ver,the-teire
however, b4is &hie""f welt-
Velocipede' Raf'e e?ntle
between one of Prof. .13a
.and Mae Hugh Cameron,
resulting in favor of the
take the matter of
Queen's" Birthday itt .$
to have been held lasent
ney's Halle but up to 10.:
fully orgaaized. We hor
*ill yet be done.
THE weather for the
has been most fav'onrable.
In this pa t c itte
got through with, Su
been able to learn, mo
been paid- to ! the coat.
-season than !hitherto,
has been avokled by son
.too L ist "ening a • ino.
rain set in iln. will
ficia as the fields and ro
tine; very dri and dasty.
sae beginnipe to 1, ok
Aecepesere----On Sunday,
Rands, of Et .nleee, wae out
three other persons. For
the whillietrees became
the horses ra a'way,sthro
°pennants of lie vehicle to
None, bowev . —
above mined, eVho sufferet
of the collar bone, and a el
the 8houlder. Dr. Tracey
ately sent for and the pat
,! were nala
Tire Clintosa. Neve
of Ro-yal Caniclian. BzInk
took place in that villege,
mous opinion of which w
cry against that Institution
less, and attributedthe
of stock to the actions
order to frighten stock
country, thereiby leadina
their shares to Torento
-which these ijdividuals
&bled to realize a handsome,
SEEDS, SEEDS.----Roeiv
Robertsiii's Mammoth
Seed Stssi-e, the folio*
fresh and roiii‘ seeds.
Carrot, Skiving's Imp-
Sharpe'e do doi Purple Ttrat
Long Red MangeI, Rape,
York Cabbage, Plat Diatela
head do Better E
Beane, Adenes'' E r1y 0
'Corn; Gherkin: Cucinaber,
Peas, Dianna O'Roulse Pea.s
-er Seed', White Deteh.do
Yellow 'Treyfoil do Rung&
Mixed Lawn do Tares or VI
THE loyal -Subjects' o
vicinity have !sueseril/ed
_MUM of rnoneY fo telebn
_testy's ItirthdaY, on the 24
An organized bind of Ca
wreLIh1al. pr
companied by Musk- saitai
- Athletic gain
endless, variety' and.
commence immediately
cession. The -
harailess nature,
for in an inofThns ve
prizes are very liberet,
-erto' been leefenIy- contest
place, in consequence of w
and 2nd prize will be awai
successful ccuripetiters, iri
instance. A PicsNic for
School Seholars of the said
acme off at the:same time,
beauty and fashion Of Blu
einity, for which they have
Gersincethe prinieval ages