HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-05-07, Page 5S ANTED,, mO take °Akre--; for Fruit Trees, &e, daring the coming summer, for X First -Class ehester Nursery, at present doing alarge ; business M this County. Liberal thaam ion 110 ed References required. Apply by letter, post-paid, to W.,11. CAMPBELL 1 Gen. Ag April Oth, ise; 70-si ent, Goderich. GO TO simoNs7 ITIT OYS'11PR'' 1.3 C) lit For Fresh Gysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pies, Cakes, and. Sweets of every deteription. CALL AND SEE ts Fresh SEock ! Opposite MeCANN'S Old Stand. ;afrth, Feb. 12, 1869. 63-tt r More:- of Those IDOIIaI Stilts: LE GII017,A AL:A> Seleetiob of Silk -mixed and West of England TWEEDS!. T STO,TISZELVGLY LO W PRTOES —A few Sewing Maehines for Sale that have 1-...etfa run for a ethort 1st the thew fkAr Tailors' er Dress - Call and see there 4orking. b. March iS,- 67-3m - FP nik PAL, 171,71/'`Fm'S outatabiished :GALLERY. 1' numerous customers and the publie • gener23.113.- will please not forget that 1 i.ve 14F...creed. from the Old tIteeld- to the - 0.--eP9SITE SIDE OF TIM, STREET, .0( *'.eett's New g story Brick Block, next Kidd & leX.Malkin'zstore, znd directly ath of Ilickson's new, store, vitcre I have ilt the best Gallery ta the Ceririty ezpeci-, V for my awn work.'; being large and f.',0131-• ldious, and with the proper aqtenic light ; ing the only Galle7 inSeaforth construct- - -; On. true Dhotogratthie principle& The, ry tight that can aatt;:ct thP true Features. 1 der myself that I can satisfy all wh.o may 1. Remember. I don't want your money nothing; 1am bound to please- or no pay. ':-roany have had pictures in Seaforth, but re disSatisfied, having confounded my rTi3 "With =ether, I would request if yon. t good picture, properly ntade and rabic, that you ask fte- Frank Paltridge. n't ask for Paltridge's, only, but Fro.rdt. Itridge. .1 ani thus explieit,becautie many' lak they are going to zet pk'etere rnad if.•-aank Paltridge'a,but Ly a mia-take, i- E going to FreekR.'s, get sadly disap- e ate' FK FOR, AND GO e FRANI- the Brick Bleck, up oue flight. of --. e., - and tunr-to the reit nand. _ speeimeas at t1.-4.3 door are stAirsi and are UGt b'oag,ht or `• the pal.4ic. all C' OWE& :-iMe any dy, Frank is 0ortewed -tti -n. Good Temper.- _- -ctures of deceased alweeTs , at hone* -kind of eicture cl - ireialie.r, ic is 4. carefully copied leir ,e. te get : t .esired. A Furnit. - ..-9 .V`rank Paltridge's 1 - your T . A good Photograph. ' 'ON gKa are, iSoeuery, &c., the ,.4.trer FP Acture look rich afid 340 friends. Who -rforvek eANE. .PALTRIDG.E. 2' _toes eolt Xart. aT0 a'a101-41Ir xt, E'S Bac 4DER INSTRUMENT. 1st -e &c. None but , crave .ass Pictures taken; and satisfae tio-P ,-- . over Dr. Smith's Office next door .4,111,Thr - r J,Yezts.. • ' Seraforth Aug. 13, 1868.- 36-6m. 5347 _Fact ! tidgs 4ALLERY, ymplete -with anew SEATTER EXOTIANWII BROKER! And dealer in Pure DRUCS, CHEMICALS & DYE STUFFS. t The Drug Depertment is urtder the special Care of an experienced Chemist, January 21st, 1862, R. M. PEARSO/C. - SEAF Ett:FJO-SII*14011 AO-ICUtTURAL CAB - The tobbago requires a deep, rich wit, and thoVough.wofking. If these requirments are met and good seed ob- tained, thetei.-% is no diffieulty inobtain ing fine, solid head.0., For eaxly nee the plants should be gar* n a hot-ued O r cold-fmtne, but Seed for winter cab, . bage shibuld be sown_in a seed -bed early in the spring. Some varieties seen to do best if the seed is sown in the hills where they are to reirrain, and this is. particularly the case with the • Marble - headed Neeiefies. Sow two or three seeds where each plant is desire, and then pull up all but.,- the strongest. The large . eetrieties require to be plant- ed about three feet apart ; the small, early sorts, from a foot to - eighteen inches. Alwava gi-ve cabbage a deep, rich soil, and: keep it xnellowe For - early -winter use, keep a few in ,a cool cellar. The main ci-op will be better 1-ati t oat a doors, set in the earth close- ly, and covered with straw or leaves, with a little' earth over •a11.--Vicles Grztide, HAIR AS, A FERTIbIZER.—Refuae hair .is a good fertilizer to apply to any kind. of soii for any crop that farmers and .caaalners can raise. i-Tair is also e_acel- ent. attimad around fruit trees or TEM bAlViti. ThsSatanic Majesty' ha had many titles. `The Egypfians called him. Typ- hon ; the Greeks, Titan; the Persians, Ohrornaze. The Scotch' have - given him several naaues, as :Auld Clootie," which is supposed tO allude to his eimiert Ad. They also call him the 'Auld -Ane "(the Old One) ; and till another- Scottish appellation for him is 'Auld Elornie,' which is based on the popula,r belief that his Satanic Majesty is supplied with horns. ACcording to a a,.learned German theologian there are 44,435,556 devils.. The usual German expletive is ten thousand tuyfels,' but this calculation renders it a used up ex- clamation. 1- Our ancestors firmly be-, lived that it was possible _for a person to be possessed by a devil. For thous- I and ofi years, indeed, humanity has he'd this GT e6d, of this superstition ; nor , the face of the many instances 'af de- mortical posseasion reeorded in tar • rictir, tures, can we refuse without in' have been. mitaculbusiv out.. tils which inen. and ' • eiety to The credit the stot•ies of MEM) vr a - children who have had dr • good men -Who traelated :f..eie Bible into the English-thugue WO' e contemporar- ies of the witelafinde- The -King a whom they dedicate ' , • to tio ./ their grand 1 -5 had huueelf writte - a ponderetr. . . . grape T. e iees. teattered 'in the drills Ise ae,unst eh -craft. The- '• Labor 'where turuip seed is to be planted,. the iront thei.r task their brains trea- ./.. y came itoparri MILLARD ayer TM akar I loissale Str di n GENERAL BrxxsuidDER Acooun SCHOOL - 330(J1( 11.4.1111FACd.UB,Y,R2 po-.7tex and dealer in 0 oKS, 114, STATION.E4T . TFIN_FS, 14'.'41:)°141V - 1 'ArD Paper 'Hangings. 4.0E.1172 FOR 1°1801 01 ; es ecv id the .AT'ew Series of School ; Danville iSichool Slate C 0711- 296affnr g ; Carter's Combined Writing & ipying 397 otre Da7ne Street; _Montreal. H1113.11,e fibres tae groxving _plants wal lay hold of the letix and devour it, and thus develope large and sound turnips." Hair of any klud is weeth. leetst as Dili& per ton as bone -dust. --As the pieces aro F.I`O small, growing plants wili feeapn the nourisheeents \-e.hich is afe _forded, -do that a ht.:Ili:eyed poands of hair will produce a heavier crop - of grass or grain.. la the first season 'after the ba. -..ies applied, than V.: eqo amount ofhoneclust were applied. is a larger parqentage of pliosphati ilel'e „e ma- terial in hair. The best rnannce plyintr it to the land is to F ir of aP- broadCtet over the lead and epread it in, as it is clesiraVe to hav harrow it SUl-face. anplied /T,' it near thc _Len •a, 1110.... • , ' ery and unal- iaeated by to ctraw.nic - ' ' i diStilleti0I1S 1 °le, an,at perhaps, aiegorY ad naked fact oetween loftly• siiiii.,pe.r.nral in -every . i, to detect the ad so . find e relation of social ., 11111e `1- r . ild fiend of -'-h • .frevils every where the . Gothic devil, ..e M diaeval 1 ,gends S l'. ;I With . horns and hoofs, - Jucer eyes ane ' 'en the brieht et a tail—was resus itated b tant Reforr - • morning of the Proter- of James . - .nation. From the accession Second Until the end of reign of the with , ° Charles, 'the State Trials' teem mar i ecovds of deviltry. Let a WO - ax, . be old and ugly and cross-grained ,d espeoially rheumatic, fiend was im- mted to her. ' Many such miserable old era] i Is, who had -been scourged duck - all tat is reetuired is t grass geopr . a and pelted nearly to death's door . ly aa d thin on the S177 JO sprea . . " eacTlere fain to avoid foriner torture before, d it e- .d; had colleagued with the devil, in the they reached the stake, to confess they likeness of a black man, about a foot and a half lligh.' In France at the per- iod, the nuns of Laudun were 'possessed lay a devil in the shape, of ii. tomcat speaking tolerable Latin. In Sweden children were plagued with the Evil -one, who was regularly exercised out of whole troops or Urchins every Sunday. morniug at the church door by means of a birch. rod. And the devil even crossed the Atlantic and caught hold of people in Virginia, and the .washer wo- men and cooks of Salem and other parts of New En b 0•1 and. ' • - ° The imagination of the Chinese Ilas invented no fewer than ten devils and hells, One presides over a hell stuck full or knives ; another an iron tank filled with boiling water a third is a i eell d ice ' in another the punishment, twelve I c.s pullina out the tongues of those . Wile b are keat in each ca,npartment, , feat by three feet, and' yet there is nc-) tell lies • another a 'hell of poisonous sieell cc teece ce. recasture. It should sereen's, in. another a hell of blackness 1.. ..t and darkness and in praying they say; 'May I not fall into the hell of se-0-6rds or into this or that plsce of torment. March 18 h, 1869. SEAFORTH FUNMTURE WAREROOMS! 5 PU-BF4-10 NOTICE. THE'!, MONTREAL_41EA COMPANY.' Hosteital Str et, Montreal. ti• Oeia Teas, after the most severe tests by tha best medical auth rities and judges of I T_eas, haye been pronou ced to bequite pure, and. free from any artifipial coloring or pois- onous substances so often used to improve the appearance of Tea. ' They areunequalled for strength and flavor. Ihey have been chosen for their intrinsic worth, keeping in mind health, economy, and. a high deg,ree. of pleasure in drinking them. We sell for the 'smallest possible profits, effecting a saving to the consuraer of 15c.-' to 20c. per lb. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12. 15, 20 and 25 lb. boxes, and are warranted pure and free fxona poisonous substances. Orders for four 5 lb. boxes, two 12 lb. boxes, or one 20, or 25 lb. box, sent carriage free to any Railway Sta- tion in Canada. Tea will be forwarded im- mediately on. recerpt of the order by mail containing money, or the money can be col- lected on delivery by express -man, where there are express offices. In sending ordere_ below the amount of $10, to save expense it will be better to send Money with the order. Where a 25 lb. box would be too much, four families clubbing together could send for four t lb. boxes, or two 12 lb. boxes. We send nem. to one aal.dress, carriage paid, and mark each box plainly, so that each party get their own tea. We warrant all the tea we sell to give entire satisfaction. If they are not satisfactory, they can be returned. at our expense. —English Breakfast, Broken &LACK TEA. Leaf, strong Tea, 45c., 50c.; Fine Flavored New Season do. 55c., 60c. and..65c.; Very Best Full Flavortd do. '7 5c.; Sound Oolong. 45c. ; Rich Flavored do. 60c.; Very Fine do. do. 75c.; Japan, Good, 50c., 55c., Fine 60e., Very Fine 650., Finest 75c. GREEN TEA. 67-3m settle clowa \vital e v'ea- . 6 , taken. up by the cf. at will decay so -on eleszeities of h,.` ,rowing roots ; and be .c.,btained for Air ma•Y frere 1-iaxge ae bare expe' 4uently • be :ate of tart- , DEY The ez, _drill FOR. fe earth, ..ployment c' ,ULTRY ll_ousB.— appe as a deoderizif dry, pulveriied -var ,ars, says the ,er for poulttir irthy of more • Lonclon-Fielii,;1 to be Litherto recei- •-tttention than it has four hunclre: .eed, The fact thdt from by this aid ,d to five hundi ed.- fowls pan mentlis 4 _ be keit in mal building for to be f cogether-with 1 ssmei1 than is ava' .ound in any ordinary fo-wi h.ouse eh; de of accommodatieg s. dozen .kens, is erc•ry conclusive as to its ulcaca. In the buildi-ria• ▪ cf the Nat- ional Comvany, -where this fat been ascertained, seven or eight Jowls M. ROBERTSON, Importer and manufacturer of all kinds of HOUSEHOLD • FURNITURE, Such as , SOFAS, LOUNGES. CENTRE TOLES, iT,ATTRASSEF DLNING & BREAKFAST IPABLES, BUREAUS, , CHAIRS, andi BEDSTEADS, le Great Variety, Mr. R. has.great confidenbe in offering his goods to the public, as thy are made of Good Seasoned Lumber, an.d. by First -Glass Workmen. be gr,atfl.c1 that the de-opp.ings thich fall from the perches during the night are removed from the vreaS each. mornieg, and that foe dry earth only-recc...i-ees the manure that fails during the day; this New Oceanic Telegraph. COFFINS MADE iro ORDER - On the Shortest Notice. WOOD TUR IING with Neatness and. Despat..h. War erooins : TWO DOORS SOUTH SliARP'S norm Main Street. Seaforth, Jan. 6th, 1869. 574. Done has its moisture absorbed so speedily 1. • by the eaath that it at once becomes TA___'e probability now is, says the Ha- aal.tYei-ized 2 mixes with. the soil, wed inilton. Times, that in the course of two 'ceases •to smell. So -i,-owerful is theaYmrc; more there will be three distinct a- , Atlantic cables laid on the bed of cleocloriiing effect of the - earth, that it bed of the ocean between Europe and does not reciuire to be renewed in the Ameiica. •The French line from &est runs foe many week.s together.. - e to the coast of the United States will f FRENCH FAR1,1W1.—T\VO great be laid. during the ensuing summer, "revolutions" in French farming have making the second lin.e - and Mr. J. tah-ea place' within the last fe ity years. Young is now distribating petitions - a The first was that in "rotation" of cropsamong the members of Parliament at An. old three course was -,f:'ollowecl, GOD- Ottawa, which set forth arrangements : sisting of the division d a farm into to continue the telegraph line viaa. Belle two portions, one being in nibadow, the Isle and Labrador, the Fai-o Islands other was. subdivided into - eva1. parts, and Iceland to the continent of Europe, one of these was under grain, the other which failed formerly because the Da- fallow•-, that is r emained -unproductive nish government was pledged for ten 01103 in every two or three years. ' A' years to other projectors. These ten root crop, generally potataes, has sup- .years are now expired, and he desires .1 ersedectthe fallow. A five Course, ro- to revi e the Scheme with the assist- tation, comprising roots, wheat,- clover, ante o , the gOvernment. Whether wheat,and oats, is the favorite at pre= Mr. Yong sueceeds or not, there is al - sent. The second revolution, dating, most an. absolute certainty that another 'SOtile thirty years bac,k, has been in and more northern cable will be laid manuring, that is, the employment of before two years, .because it is absolute - artificial or chemical :manures, as ad- ly ,. necessary in order to supply. at a juncts or complements to that , of the cheaper rate the demand for intercortie farm yardr--Letter Troth., France.. .. - nential telegraphic COlTespondence. : , 0 1,.. ...........,-.., HOME DID lit 7--.A. poetical contributor •. MADE GUANO. —A correspora ii,tnt ofthe ,Anzerican Agrioatuiist says sends the. Zansville (0.) Signal a -pa- hMade a nice- pile of guano by putting duction, and asks—" Did Barna ever e -It1' , a few shoVels-tfull of di7 muck -over the write anything likehis? The " Sig- crepThe aviterage under potatoes nal" reliesthat ac4ortling-to the best 3. . is of their knowledge he never did, droppings from his hen roost once a A 1Wis8issippi editor-- and Justice of week during the fall and winter months. Peace married A couple in 1858, &- In the spring,the mass wasturixed over the voiced them in 1860, martied the man several times, and soon ftnely pulverized; another woman in 1861, ditto the dry &lid odourless. He applied a hand- to woman to another -man in 18;62, and ful of it to each. hill when. planting last week remarried the original couple. corn, arid found it made its corn grow so ta.st that the cutworm did not touch M. R. Murray, who raised potatoes it, and he had a splendid rirop ripened the past season. at the rate of 350 bush - early. This is a. simple way of makinabels to the acre, and onions at the rate a valuable manurelby having the fowls of 621 to the acre, stated at a late meet - confined to one place at night; and ex- ill cr of the Waltnam (Mass.) Farmers' n pending a few minutes' time once a I Club, that he had foued air -slaked lime wpek. . I to be a sure cure for the onion maggot. Twankay 50c., 55., 65c ; Young Hyson 50c., 60c., 65c 70e. ; Very Fine 85c., Superfine and Very Choice $1 ; Fine Gunpowder 85c. ; Extra Superfine do. $1. Teas not mentioned in this circular equal- ly sheap. Tea only sold,by this Company, tw- An excellent mixed Tea could be sent for 60c. and. 70c. : very good. for common purposes 50c. Silver taken at par. For notes and post - office orders the Company will add the pre- mium in tea, to the order. . • A complimentary box of tea will be given to parties forming Clubs and sending for 251b boxes. Each box will be marked plainly,' so that each one will get his own tea. co -Beware of Pedlars and runners usfaig our name, or offering our Teas in small packages. Nothing less than a caddie sold. NOTE THE ADDRESS—The Mont -ilea]: Tea Company, 6 Hospital Street, Iviontreal. °Out of over one Thousand. testimonial, we 'HOUSE 8d. SIGN Pt.'.NITER. eiArtlf14)) it,11 ARRIVALS AT TH141 IE:x3metazi,..4xxpi OK STORE! WINDOW BLINDS, IN GREAT VARIETY. "Nimino'Popular Tales," "Tales ofielie Borders," "St. Tat*Ies Eve," "Head Tiaes, " • "Morning by Morning," by Spurgeon.. "The Tromp' Son," by Punshon. "Light to ehe Path," by Hamilton. "KinglaWs War in the Crimea," "Chase'43 Peceipes," Bibles ad Testaments in large and ' small print, ALBUMS . AND FANCY GOODS. British a: :1 American Magazines supplied to order. W411 P.aper b11001 i0OIC.S, Foolscap, Letter and Note Per, always on hand; also Law Forms, Blatk Notes, Day Books, Ledger, &e. SEAF41RTH "EXPOSITOR." Daily Globeand. Telegraph for Sale. William, Elliott. Seaforth, April 2, 1869. 54-tf. insert the following ; A YEAR'S 'TRIAL. TheMontreal Tea Company : Montreal, 1 68. GENTS—It is nearly a year sinceI purcl as - ed the first chest of Tea from your ho se. I have purchased many since, and 1 am pleased to inforni you that the Tea a in every case proved most satisfactory, as ell as being exceedingly cheap. Yours ery truly. F. DEN Montreal Tea Company: - GENTLEMEN—The Tea 1 purchased of ou in March has. given great satisfa,ction nd flavour of it is very fine. It is very straA ge, but since I have been drinking your Ta I bave been quite free.from heart -burn, w ich would alwaya pain me after breakfast. at- tribute this purity of your Tea, and. s4all continue a =stonier. "Y ours respectfully. FRANCIS T. GREEN. 54, St. John Street Moetre 1. Montreal, April 186S.—To the Mon treal Tea Cempany, 6 Hospital Street, Montr al —We -notice with pleasure the large am unt of Tea that we have forewarded to yo to different parts of the Dominion, and we are glad to find your business so rapidly lie eas- ing. 1Vc presume your Teas are giving ene- ral satisfaction, as out of the large am unt -forwarded we have only had occasion tc re- turn one box, :which, -we traders -Land, was sent out though a mistake. G. CRENE1.1, Manager Canadian Express 011o. All work done in First- !lass Style. Or- ders to be left one *door brorth -of Dr. Saith's -office. . 67-3m. CCARTAVAIGIIT, Siirgeon Dentist, Stratford, _ Ontario,. begs most re- speCtfully to inform th3 inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding *country that he has opened. a DENTAL OFFICE over MR. - HICKSON'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Seaforth, and has procured the assistance of Mr. J. A: Ellis, Surgeon Den- tist to take chargea:sf the same. Mr. - will continue to visit Seaforth the second week Of every n onth. . All work warranted to give per ect satisfaction.. Teeth extracted with littl or no pain by the use of the Na,reetic Spra which produces local anasthesia, (want: of pain.) Charges Moderate. Terms Cash. REFERENCES Smith, Seaforth ; Dr. Shaver, Stratford ; J. Dutton, Chemist, Stratfkd ; P. Eg Jarvis, Esq, Stratford ; Dr. Whiting, Berlin; Dr. Powans, Dninabo ; Dr. Bray, Chatham: Mr. C. will be at the 'rommercial Hotel, Clinton, the third week oil every month: Seaforth, Dec. 17th 186S. 53-1v; CAMPBE4'S PAtENT VENTILATOR! DAMPER AND DEODORIZER. PROMOTING Health, Comfort and Econ - only, the only complete Ventilator and Double Damper in use, fOr Kitchell, Office, Parlor or Bed -Room, saving its cost in one Month. It3 claims guaranteed or money refunded. See testimonials from scores of I Professional and Scientific gentlemen. 1 For Sale by WM. LOFFT, Agent for Seaforth. February 11, 18641. 63-tf NEW HARESS SHOPu TILE niettor. sign. ed, - WI A'AIIVI II. OLIVER, Begs to anieunce to the inhabitants of Sea- fotth and rrounding country, that he has opened'a First -Class liorness Shop, Opposite the Post Office, MAIN STREET. it He has d over twenty years experience in the bus s, and for the last seven years has been i the employ of F. A. Myers. who speaks highly of his ability as a workman. Having 4"ed. aught out MR. TAIT'S Stock, and purch LARGE SUPPLY OF GOOD MATERIAL, • ke'is prepared to sell AS CHE.0 AS ANY OTHER ESTAB- • LISHgENT IN THE COUNTY. -n Scotch and Fancy C C 1.1 T-.1 -A- /R. S I • IEAM AND LIG DT ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. MESSRS YOUNG & CHAMBEELIN,—S feel it a duty I owe to you, as well as public to inform you of the most wond cureofConsumption, accomplished in person, by the use of the Great Shosh Remedy and. Pills. I coughed a grea day and night, expectorating a great qu ty of matter, and had. a great pain abou left lung. I halt cold chills every day, severe night sweats every eight, and. bet the racking cought and great sweating, I almost deprived of sleep ; by these tais as well as the loss of appetite, I was s duced that I could hardly, stand alon was under the care of a physician f length of time, and findieg no rel tried. different reeeipes, but all withou good. effect. Squire Peterson of Bat commended -me to use the Great Shosh Remedy; I procured three bottles at with the Pills, so Soon as I commenced it I began to get better, and when I hat ished this complement, the, cotigh, expe Ora - tin of matter, pain about the lung, e iills. sweating, &c., left me ; and by conti uing its use I became strong and healthy. 1 t is erne - f the OF s, the rful my nees deal nti- my and een .. '... I was During els last listhis eal year is Company ries. paid to its living members, and to the fatal- . hes cif its Ok:e‘ ceased -Members, nearly $2,000,.- en.fl eels- 000, and t..4. the same time added more than r 3, re- perous'adOncementArocrig the older anl Four Milli4ns to its accumulated. capital. a prudent maragrenent and rros- leading 'lifo insurance companies its aver ege . c ee The Wilkie Record oi this Company ban any been one nee, ratio of ealenses to income has, through Ms eiatirc hist:4y, been the lowest of any. fin'_ AmounCdepositqd with the Receiver .Gen- eral of Cat‘da, $110,000. Nllinb'holders in Canada 1,Met. Insuranc(3i13°iiY 3,123,c000. . Pr Medieel Referee S—Dr. Metherell and r. Trac' . Seaforth, Ont DANIEL L SILLS, General Manager for Canadm Feb, 241869. . 644f, ARNESS! Re fears rlei competition. Give hr a, Call, and Save Seaforth, nn. 7th, ‘17616. 11. ' SPEVIAL NOTICE, THE ZONNECTIGUT MUTUAL nouraurt V,IAlt.TFORD, pcmi. Guy IL PHELPS, President. ZEPH..4.20A11 Pesseoee Vibe President. WOOD3MIDGE S. OLMSTED„ Seeretary, Eewree W. BRYANT, Actuary. Luelee S. IVrecox. Medical Exam -ibex Organized in 184 Charter Perpetual, The La -eel -est Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, nuethering over 75,e00 members. A pure Mutual Company, its .A ssets be- longing; exelusivery to its members. Assets . '$23,000,000. Acquired by pro- defit eadeteonomittal management of twenty- two years,7'Withelit the aid of a single dollar of origina capital. - Surplus Assets over $6,000,000. All pro- fits divide -4 among the members. Each po- licy holdtr is a -member. _There are no stockhold&s. *Its Lair; Dividends They They have averag- ed over 5(tver cent annually. Total amount of divileiRs paid the members since its or- - ganiz.a,tione; over $5, 000,000. Its SileetSS Unparalleled. It has a.rriv' at the extiordinary condition where the in - !come front'annual interest alone is more than 'sufficient 0 pay all its losses. 'Intel amount of losses piiid by the. Co 'y, over $8,000,000. Its Remonsibility. Fee every $100 of Liahiliticee it has $154 of Assets. now Over two months since I quit the de-, and there have been no symptoms disease returning, and I have been, an now, healthier and bater than I have for years. 1 trust you will make this to the public, that they may be aware peculiar virtues of this truly wonderf than Remedy. - PETER C. V. MILL R. Ernestown, County of Lennox and Addington, Ontario. 4 am been own f the 1 lie - To a,11 to whom it may come.—This is to certify that T have been acquainted leii h the above mentioned gentleman, Peter V. Miller, Esq, for many years, and have known him always to be of the very high- estrespectability and. a very candi and creditable person and. am confident -hat I can safely vouch 'for the truth of the bove, a any other statement made by hint. REV. W. F. S. HARPER, 44-1v RTOor of Bath. On mi -114 ZIMMERMAN HOUSE, •• • TER, JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Proprie Dec. 14, 1868. BOOTS & SHOES. lliata McNally fiAVIliG lately purchased the business of Wiaiam Barker, inlYroxeter, will ket on hand a large assortment of Boots and Shoes. None but •first-class work nigna- facturedeen the premises. s * car °viers will receive particular attentiooa Repaiting done an.the shortest notice. W. Mc:NALLY. Apri11.3, 1868. 20-1y. HOUSE LOT FOR SALE; "E1011,$a1e, in the Village of Seafert14 gooa Frame Dwelling House'with gar- danenceaundotable attached, near the Tempe,- OXE- For further particulars, apply to r. _MICHAEL MADD10 A X 53 -if Seafortit, April 8th. 704± •2-