HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-04-30, Page 84:17 7 •• EE SEA.FORTH XPOSITOR: CHESS. NEW CHESS COLUMNS. PROBLEM NO. .72. BY E. Pg Come, BL -A -CK, - - / //J.' ' F11 eew • ae WHITE. .' White to move and draw.. /./ /17/ SOLUTION TO PROBLEM No. 71. BLACK. 1 KtoB 5 K moves ; 2 K to Kt 6 K moves 3 K to Kt 7 _ K moves 4 K to Kt 8 K inoves 5 KtoB8 -Kmoves 6 K to Q 7 clis. 'mate. SOLUTION TO ENIGMA No. 5. 1 KtoB7' 2 Kt to B 5 ' 3 KttoK 3- 4 Kt to B sq "5 Kt mates BLACK. • K to 8. K to .R• 7• - K moves P. Moves ENIGMA No. B 3 glit 3 QRS K White to play and \mate in four moves. GAME NO. 80. Played between Mr: P. W., of Boston, anti Mr. Schaller. Q (TEEN'S GAMBIT REPUSED. WHITE. BLACK. Mr.4 W. -• Mr. S. 1 P to Q 4 P to Q 4 2 Pte)Q B4 KttoK133 3 P to K 3 P takes P followed by Kt to Q B 3 or P tc K 4 would have gained White an inportari 'time.". • „3 • B to K B 4 e4 Kt tet Q B 3 •P to K 3 . 5 ,P to Q R 3 P to Q B 3 6 P tits P P tks P We slould have preferred- taking with Q B • 7 Kt to K B 3 B to Q 3 8 Wto K 2 • Castles 9 P to K 3 . Q Kt to Q 2 IOPtoKKt4 B to K 5 11 BtoQ.2 .--QtoK2 12 R to K Kt 13 to K Kt 3 -13 P to K It 4 Kt to K 5 14 to K R 5 Kt tks Kt 15 B tick( Kt BtoK5., A good many moves have bean lost by this Bishop. without his having . accomplished anything very remarkable. 16 BtoQ 3 PtoKR3 17 QtoK2 QtoB 3 18 B tke B' P tks13 19 Kt to Q 2 Q to K 2 20 P to Kt 5 P tks P 21.QtoKlit4 PtoK,B3 22 QtoB 5 He could not safely take K P With Kt, -although he might have done so with the Queen. • 22 QRtoK 23 Castles Kt to Q Kt 3 24 RtoK.R KttoQR 5 25 P to K R 6 Kt tks B •, 26 P tks K Kt P ' • An error which eeight have had. serious consequencee had his opponent profited by it . t,4 P. 26 Q tksKt P He ought first to have checked at K with Kt 27 P tks Kt - 23 Kton 2 29 Kt tks K P 3J Q to K 6 ch. ,Q to IC B 2 A fatal blunder which loses off -hand: 31 KtIke P ch. - K to Kt 2. 32 .11, to It 7-ck. And wins. B tks R P. ch. R to Q R to Q —A. --. BEAtiiiitiL TnOuGHT.—llicken wrote : "There is - nothing beautilid that dies and is forgotton. An infant, * prattling Child. dying in its cradle, will: live again in the better thoughts • cf those who loved it ; play its part, though its body be -bnrned to ashes oi drowned in the deepest sea. There is • -not an angle aclded to the hosts of hea- ven but does its blessed 7ivork on earth in those tha loved.it here _ Deod ! oh, if the goocldeeds of human creatures could be traced to their source, how, beautiful would even death appear ; for howh uch charity, mercy, purified • affectioicwould be 'et an to have their r - growth m dusty graves!" , Tartu' re, virtually b...:—"A good telescope, with a 3i-irings.the moon with • pich sip-. in 1,200 mires .of the observer, or with- in of.e two-bunilreth ()fits real distance. Lord „Ross€0 tsiescope brings it wfthil 42 miles, sk that objects 2n feet ion& are discernable. Baer has calculate. Withi has tri est* and fronted knowled peal her tederacy dant Sta nently-e no part c sition to 'ority, of The ri birth or United States, to the full enjoyment of "life, liberty, aid the pursuit of happiness, l' until he shall forfeit the right by crime, is also es- tablishedon impregnable foundations,. Our fathers p Oclaimed it in justifYing theirsepa- ration from Great Britain e it was left to us to establish as a fact what they merely affir- med as a principle. What the cannon of Saratoga and -Yorktown proclaimed as an absteaetion, the cannon of Gett liburg Vick•bur , and Ewe Forks esta,blish •cl as a - bodied, enacted truth. Widely as now floats, still more widely as it hereafter, there is, there can hence - (illegal Master, no fettered slave.. THE‘ -YORK MIMI For 1869 1 the last • eight -years our tountry phantly passed through the grayost trying perils which haire con - r since her Independence Was ac- ed. She 1 as vindicated beYond ap- ieht to be regardedas no m 0 r league Of jealous, envious, es, but as substantially -and re eon- discor- perma- ation wherein the ereten ions of n be admitted or upheld in oppo- he integrity, the paramount auth- he One Republic. t of each man, by 'Virtu is naturalizatien as a citize of his of the, living, ell eqr iiag inav float forth be, Wrongs and , buses, sevihty and oppression, may still exist ; but -the Feder el Constitu- tion is no, ionger their shield; and the folds of our flee no longer emblazon nor seek to eonceal a he. The humblest American,- so long as h ' violates no law, is master of his own limbe and the sole owner of allhe can honestly eat n. ('f these immense results, the importance and bend' ence will b come more palpable with every added year. Distance is equir- t d' to enable list to measure and appreciate the magnitude of the pyramid of Four Milli - ens of shackles, stricken from the scarred Firths ' of our countrymen, whith folan the enduring Monument of our struggle and our _triumph. 'New arts, new industries, new de- velopments of natural wealth, too long un- lieeded and unvalued, will year by year stand for&h in attestation that non of us h es yet a eq ately realized the nt _ litucle and the bon nity of our National victory. No grea good is ever achieved without effort or without cost. Four years of patri- ate struggle , ud sacrifice, Half a. Million 01 uen slain in battle or dying of the priVatione ad exposures of War, Millions of bereaved ones, Five Billions of property destioyedi eud near hree Billions of debt incuriad, at- - 1 est the magnitude of the contest and thc c.nyielding valor of the combatants, At leng h the smoke rises from the hard :von field, showing that the last intreneh- eient has been carried. The election of l -rant and qdfax giVe assurance that the oorm is over -that the lk,w of Pr mise areh- a the sky. There are still obstacles to silt.- ' mut, perils to avert, noble ends to be a.ch- veil ; but the ship of state has ridden out ie tempest and has her haven fall in view. he seven States reconstructed under the ;cent acts of .Congiess will stand, and evil' y followed by the three that have hitherto - . eod. aloof ; the lights ef the Freemen will'. e upheld and respected, end Inapaxtial Suff- tge throbighout the land will soon plant ern on foundation that eannot be shaken. 1/Le. Tr'bune will contend, in the future 1 ,Well as in the past, for Univtrsal Amnes- as well as for impartial eaffrege. it has o faith in veugance, in proseription, in con- ecation, nor in the shedding of blood other- -rise tha 1 in actual and necessart wax. • There is a tinae for War and a tune for- eace,"e arid the latter follows quickly oi. tie heels of the former. Whenever those ho fought ofainst the Union shall have. ir • oil faith given -up the contest they are m) he '0fel trust hat Grant'ste ectioe )1 nager our toos but our countrymen. In t. :as given the clef eh -blow to Ku -K lux Clans encl all in nner of outrages on Unionists ain: reeclinen as suela and that Impartial Suff- r iee will u louorur be seriously resisted. we ho ie to se the next four y 'ars signalia (1 by en, u .pre edented expansion of National In- dustry a d • a consequent inerease of the National width. We hope to see new cab - ;us dot he prairie, new clearings che- quer the forest, nem' mills, factories, fur- naces, ere ted, North, South, East and West., until our mival product; shall be -ffindrede of Milli° s -greater than at present,' whili mines of Iron and of Coal, of Gold, Silver, ;Copper, & ., shall be opened and worked, with an e er y and to an extent that defite- precedent. 3e1ieving that the systematc efficient P ot ctiOn of Hom t Industry is the corner-sto e of a wise, ben itnant Nation. Policy', a id hat it is essential to the rapid develoum nt pf onr latent resoirses, to tla nosperity of1 our country, the m eintenanc( of our Cr di , and the honest payniept oi her Debt, Jwelshall give it our Most earnest and active su port. FI • DAILY TRIBUNE. • 'ilea been Lu known as the leading politi- cal newspape of the country, that its special featiires nee no elaborate description. It contains the f Hest and most acurate eports of the procee ing of the Congress a4d the State Le isl tures, careful summaries of news frem ill quarters of the gl be, corres- pondence fro all the principacentries of intellcgencc a home and.abroaid, lettere from ravellers iin arelgn lands, reviews of new books, drama ic, musical, and fine art cri- ticisms, lit ra, y, scientific, and religions mis- cellenies, an all the multitude of ;items which make u,p a first-class daily paper. It is printed with better and clearer type than any other daily journal in America.It is • published. very morning, Sundays ex pted. • Arms, $IQ a year ; $5 for six months. : THE EMI-WFEKbYTRIBUN. n rpublishe every Tuesday and Friday, and contains all the editorial articles, not ere - e ly local in haracter ; literary reviews and art criticis s , letters from a large dotps of foreign an dornestic corrrspondsnts ; 'special and A ssoci Press telegraphic despatches; a cartful an complete sun:unary of fo:eign end d.omeet ews ; exclusive reports of the proceedingsthe Farmers' Club of the American ii tude ; talks about fruit, and .other hortieu ral and agricultural inferma- eion ; stockt aneial, cattle, 'dry goods and teneral n arkeu reports, which are published in The 9 ily tribune. The Igem;-Week- y Tribune, al gives, in the course , of a o four of the best and latest te 0 st lt - - eea - three that an instrument of . ten times th, 1.), la - novels, power of Rosse's would be required t of these al IDe briliii, the moon within a German mile '4' 'la be s' ° at which ckistanee the hxly a a mai In. the Enzli.li . re carll can be perceived. • :00-1.0,0.00 000 y livthg authors. The cost if brought into book form •eight dollars. If purchased atrazines, from which they elected, the cost woul4 be r times that sum. No 111 .r.c I else can so mu& current intelliegence and permanent literary -Matter be had at-socheap a rate as M The anti. Weekly, Those who believe: in the principles and approve or the character of The Tribitne can moreaie its power and influence by joining with their neighbours itt forming clubs to subscribe for 1' a aeoi.- Weekly tdition. It will . in that way be supplied to them at the lowest price for which such a paper can be printed,- --- , TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRI- BUNE. -• • Mail subscribers, copy, 1 y•ear-104 numbers . ,•... $4 00 Meil subscribers, ! copies, 1 year -104 numbers. .... . . -ea- .. . . - ......... 7 ti0 Mail subscribers, 5 copies, or over, for • each copy ..,. • 3 00 • Persons remitting for 10 copies $30 willre- ceive an extra cepysix months. - Persons remitting for 15 copiee $45 will re- ceive an extra copy one year. For $100 we will send thirty-four copies and the DAILY TRIBUNE. • , -- t THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. • Has continued to circulate a greater number of copies than any other newspaper in the country. We appreciate this confidence and shall labor to retain it. It previous attrac- tions will be continued and increased• The. main featui es Of our WEEKLY Will be agrie aulture, literature, politics, anitthe markets, with the latest summary of the daily neWs, We have made special arrangements to in- crease its uscfullness as an agricultural Journal. The 'Farmers' Club will be fully reported, and Special articles on agricultural topes contriboted by the best writers. No faelner who desires to till the soil with pro- fit, and to know the progress constantly made in the science of his calling, can afford to neglect the adyantages of a newspaper like The Weekly 'Tribune, especially when it unites 'with agriculture and other features of interest andi profit. The Weekly Tribune contains a sumntary of all that appears in The Daily and Semi- Weekly editions, While in addition it is made to addr -,. tiseie in the wants of the great farming class. Reviews of all the newest publicaeions, and of all that is new in music and -the fine arts ; letters from all parts; of the world -some of them of rare interest to the farmer, as showing the progress of agriculture in other countries; editorial essays on all topics of home an foreign interest, together with fuli and care -- fully reported reports of the markets, will be furnished from week to week, and at a lower peiceithan that of any newspaper in America. s By pursuing this pollee, The Weekly Trilpale has already attained its pre- sent commanding influence and circulation, , and We enter upon the new year with au as- surance tO1 urreaders that no pains alai no expense -wil be -spared to give it still greater .thefulincss and power, and to mtke -ie a welcome visitor • to every fireside in the i and The Editor of The Tribune proposes to write, during the year 1869, an elementary -work on Political Economy, wherein the policy of peotection :to Home Industry wili lie explained and vindicated. The work will first be given to the public through sue- eessive issaes of The Tribune, and will ap- pear in all its additions—Daily, Semi- Weekly lad Weekly. • We wil thank those who think that the influence of The Tvibune conduces to the profit and well being of the people, to aid iif in extending its ateulation. 5 :, TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ,To MAIL SUBSCRIBERS One copy, dne year, 52 issues eive copies,' to names of subscribers at • OBC Po t -Office • - - -• Pen copies, to names of subscribers at one Po t-Offine. - - - - - And one ; •opy extra to the getter up of the ?ub. '1"wenty copies to names of subscribers at one Post -Office. • : - And one eopy extra to the getter up of the olub. c01)ie.4, to name of snbscribeia at one 1?o4-Office. - - - - - - 55 Ot e'en copies, to one address, in on e order 15 01; And one Copy extra. ':wenty coiiies, to one address; in one order 25 ( And one copy to the getter -up of the clu tiftycopies to oneaddeessin one order 50 fe ne hundr d coies, to one address, in one orcicr. -----------100 0 r 00 9 0( 16 tit • 27 Of, • GODERiaH •COMMERCIAL 1 OID MATHEMATICAL .kOADEMY LIABLISHED OCT. ISL, YOUNG MEN Wishing to qualify themselves for bps), ness; would do well to attend this '• institution. • For Whole' Course, $20.00 in Avance Books and Stationery, $9.00. 'For, Course of Study, please send fo; .ciroular. / J A. M'KELLAR, Principal. Goderich Feb. 24, 1869. 64-3m .MILLINERY AND JPIR.ss mrc AIRS. GUTHRIE4 MISS CEOG •A RE now prepared to execute all Orders in Millinery, Driess and Mantle Mak- ing, -in the Latest Style and. Fashion. Par- ticular attention devoted to Straw; eil-oods. ()orders left at the house of Mrs. Guthrie, Main Street, will receive immediate atten- tion. • 170-tf. • Seaforth, April 9th, 1869. viva, DIVISION OP PROFITS NEWT EAR.1 Assurances Effected before the th of April Next, in the - CANADA LIFE ASSURAN4 Ca O.13TAIN a year's additional. proff4 over later entrants, and. the great suevess of -the Company warrants the Directors in re- commending this to Assurers. Sums Assured, - $5,309, 000. Amount of Capital & Funds, - 1,9-m00n. Annual Income, — - 200,000. Assets of about $150 (exclusive of *lie un- -called capital) for each $100 •of liabilities. The income from interest upon inveatnents is now alone sufficient to ine.et the eloihas by death. A comparison of the rates it.el this company, with others, cannot fail to $„`+mon.-. strate the advantage of the low premiums. which,. by the higher returns from its ilevest- ments, it is enabled to offer. If preforred, assurers need. only PAY ONE RATtV OF EACH YEAR'S 131t-EMIUM IN CAS iti dur- ing the whole term of policies on the it) pay- ment plan, or for 7 years on the whee plan, for the unpaid portion of preniums. - NOTES are not required by this Company, so that assurers are not liable to be eeallecl upon for payment of these, nor for etet sess- ments upon them, as in the case of Mutual Companies. Every facility and advatatage which can be afforded, are offered by this Company. A. G.RAMSA.Y, Maria#er. R. TRACY, M- D.,IVIedical Ade iser. ARCIAIBA:141) MoDOUGALL. Agent, Seaforth. . Ont Seafortb., March. 186* 67 -gm. FRESH ARRIVAL AT T.Idet, TPI E�RAP OOK ST011 WINDOW BLINDS, IN GREAT •VARIATY. • ‘Nimin. To'sPesoj„puler Tales "St. Patrick's Eve," "Ha d ina "Tales of the 13orders," "Morrnha°by Morning," by Spurgeon:, "The Prodigal Son," by Punshom "Light to the Path," by Hamilton. "Kinglake's 'Wax in the Crimea," • 'Chase's Receipes," Bibles and Testaments in large an small print, ALBUMS AND FANCY GOODS. British and American Magazines siipplital to order. "Secrets of the Great City," expecteit'very shortly, CHOOL BOOKS, Foolscep, Letter' and 0 Note Paper, always on hand, also Law Forms, BlankNOtes, Day Books, Ledger &.c • ate-SEAFORTH "EKPOSITOR." Jaily Globe and Daily Telegraph for Sale. , William Elliott zieaforth, April 2, 1869-. 544f. EXTENSIVE SAIR LIVERfSTO Comprising Horses, Carriages, B gies, Cutters, Sleighs, Wa .1116") Harness, Bmfalo Robes, etc. WITHOUT RESERVE. TYILL be sold •-•by public Auction, on VY AY, April 27th, le69, ea A. VI. Strong's Livery Stables, Seaforth.. . the tollowing valuable Livery Stock :-1 hse 9 ears old, 1 do 8 yrs old, 1 do 7 yrs. Old, 1 In 5 yrs. old; 4 Mares, 8. 5, 4, and. Ilibrs, ild ; 6 bugeies, (2 noarly new); 1 Pinektm, 1. Jemocrat tVaggon, 1 heavy four-spriiged waggon, 6 cutters, 1 light sleigh, 6 sett light .4ingle harness, 3 sets light -double Hans, i :overed carriage, 1 three -seated carringe, 1 • wo-seated. carriage, 1 lumber waggon ont deasnre sleigh, 3 pair bob -sleighs, 10 ltaffalo robes, 1 wolf robe, 1 bear skin robe, 1 itiddle , -lid. bridle, extra poles, whippletrees, *eek. okes, blankets, circiugles, halters, :kite' on( rrriaultural furnace, 6 bae-room chair*e one :ugareleettle, 1 iron scraper, 1 plough, -Ebeer ilinps and pipe, 1 heifer 2 year old, a tiantity of Household Furniture, ated a minber of other articles. The commodio-a Stables and Driviiietheel .vill he offeied on lease 1 or a term pf yetOs on :le da y of sale. The above properey will be sold without _serve. as the subscriber has leased theepre- eises of Mr, Cardillo, and intends canting a the Provision, Feed, and. Bakery business al 1 its branches -- TERMS -All sums of $10 ancrunder,tiash teove that amount 7 months credit, on fu approved endorsed notes. Ten fer ..nt per annum for cash payments ov$i0. ale to commence at 10 o'clock precise*•, A. M. STRONG. Proprantor. F. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. e OrTI-STM' • Agents "iirante AGENTS wanted to canvass every 'Nem - ship in the County of Huron,. for ROBERTS' PATENT HORSE HAY FOR Price, $6 00. •Liberal Commission Allowed. Township Rights for Sale. • Having secured the exclusive right- f*the• County of Huron for the above invengon, any person or persens making or vending:the same will be prosecuted according to'latta JAMES PURVIS, Seaforth. &worth, April 2,, 1860. Las. 44 • °ME afortit xpoottor, AND ON ADVEitTISLIt, ONE of the laigest papers published in •county, , IS PRINTED AND YUBLISTIED • EVERY FRIDAY • MORNING. ROSS & LIJXTON • EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS. • MAIN STREET, SE4FO1iT1J. TERMS. -$1.50 per annunn,in . If not so paid, $2.00 -will invari charged. RATES OF -A_DVERTTSINCet ' • vetney AGREEUENTs. The following rates will be eliartted to mere - chants and otheee- who advertise by the ytar,... and in no CaSe will ex.eeletione be made • 1:1e column foorr twelve raonitog3fi welvenhs,_ CeF„e i for three months, - oty Ralf -column for twelve months, - 3t for eix nioriths - - 20 tor for three months, - - - 12 Olt £uarter of afcoorlasixnmLornitevhz,. elvemonth!,%) far three months, •- - 9 00 For each line over ten, first insertion, tt 08 Each subsequent ineertion, - - 0 02! The number of linea to be reckoned by tha 3pece occupied, measured 1)r a scale of will Brevier. • ,Advertisementd without speteific directions will be published till forbid, and chargelp,e- • GEO. W. B•p?. e ance., 137 be: NEW MIL/wINERY erILS. GLOVER, begs to announee to th• III inhabitants of Seaforth, and surround- ing country, that she has opened a new ' riery, in the shop OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE STORE Where she will attend to all orders in 'her line. • Starping ancl all kinds of' Fancy 'Work done on the shortest notice. Seaforth, Feb. 25th 1869. 54-tf. BLACKSMITH SHOP. THOMAS WATSON Begs to inform the public generally that ygt still carries on general Blacksteithing at his Old Stand. NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG'S' HOTEL AINLEYVILLE Special attention paid. to Horse -Shoeing. 63-4 Ainleyville, Feb. 9th, '69, WAGGONS, BUGGIES, A ND all imp]emente for farm use MAIMr faetured by ,• M'HAUCHT & TEEPLE, Good and Cheap.. Remember the stand. - NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. Seaforth,Feb. 20, 1868. 11-1T TO CAPITALISTS. .F 0 S A:LE t The unexpired LEASE OF LOT NO. 9, GOUINLOCK SURVEY On. the East side of Main Street, ..it the Village of Sea.forth, T°"TH.E.IL wit& the buildings . - erected. thereon, vie --The store and. dwelling °coupled by Mr. William. Ault, the building `occupied by Dr. Sneith as an office, the one occupied by Mr. Paltridge as a Photograph Gullery, the one occupied by. Thomas Silnona As an Oyster Saloon, a.ce also tliei one occu- • pied by the subscriber as a Etour, etrocery arid Provision Stoae, together with the stock and fixtures contonitel therein, - Also J 6 acresof land eolith of the Railway, -_ whieh 'will be sold in Village or park :Lots, in, - sizes to suit purchasers, and on reasonable 'Germs. • N. B. -Flout, Feed, Greeeries aM Pine visions of all kinds kept constantly on hank by the subscriber. G.. T. JARVIS. Seaforth. February Srd,.1869. 61.0 TO SELL OR LEASE. COMFORTABLE Dwelling Hopse sell or lease, situated near tne bapt Church, Possession given -on May ist. • Apply to E °WA RD. kll'ASH, • On tazio flOnse.. Seiforth, April Sth, 1869: 70-tf. FARMS FOR SALL -- 1000.EING Lot No. 6, on the 14th Coet or el.) Grey, Co- Huron, centaining 100 Acres; 60 cleared and well fenced' with neW ced-k-i- - rails,. into ten aere fields. There is ontho, premises a good frame bun 40x00 feet, an a stable ; also a- never -failing stream 01. spring ,water runs through the property: It is situated 11 titiles from Sealorth, and 2t from Ainleyville, on the gravel ioa.d. Also:Lot No. 5, in the same Con. tuid ' Township, conta,ininw. the same qtantitv of .land, with 80 acres cleared, well fenced, and, in a good state of cultivation. There IS OA the premises a good log house, barn aud _ stables, ,ahd. a living stream- alsoriansthrough- this farm. , Situated the same distance fro* Seaforth and Ainleyville. Apply, on the preraises, to • PATILICK BLAKE. '869. 70-41e 1 IT 17. 9„ 0000t - CI, CA't.IERON, BA Attorney -el -Law, ( • 14, L. VERUOE, M. 1). CIAN, Surgeon, 3)ee• 14, ' - s R, W. R. itITH 1-11 jJ -GEON", •01h.v.e, eteoeel.y. Residenc(,, Seafortli, Dec. 14, 18(A 1 T) T4.1e,Y, M. II., It2. the County of Iftere, liEsiD,ENCE—thie floor I:4,st •,Episeopal Church. •Seaforth; Dee. I I, 1868. MoCOit-11, ATTORS Solicitor -in 4.1hiackr-, Pam% Ont. to; loa Te ins easy. _Oliteet &at Buikiing.' • Paris, Dec. i4,1368. ENSON & titIt'VERe ,f1 and Attoryie,71-4. :at II 1_,Itaneery ana Ineolveni;V :Notaries Public, &e. Wroxeter. jZ.DF,X.,491q., Seaforth, Dec, 14):11 1848. • & W. MoPIIILLIPS,". tL Land $1.111,,e2-er-s, Ct 1.11 roomier of (..1.2.t-e•var. neatness and dispatch_ Gr. Inissioner ni B. It, Cflice- of Sharp's .I-lotar,Sea'foeth. • Seaforthe Dec. 14, ISO'S. • AY'S & ELWOOD; and Attorneys at Li. Chaneeey, Notaries Public &c. Oilice,---,Oter Mr. Ai' ea v.bb's Liock, Geiderich, Lend. et. ToitRANCE: Seafortht Deo. 14th ta. J. MoCLEARY t Solicitor in Ch aneer,, Office-' Brick Block., Money to tent. Interest, on good Mott 'real estate.• - • Seaforth, Dee. 12. 1868. el• W. HARRIS, L. I). S. 1.) tures hiserted with allthe lat improvements. The greates the preservation of decayott Teeth extracted without') Collier's Store.- - Seaforth, Dee. 14, 1868. _ RMSTRONG'S 'ERAL Stage House, A. rio. This House offers the b1 tion to travellers. Stages 1 Seaforth and Wroxeter, stages to Walkerton and the at &aforth W. ARMSTRO Aioleyville, April 23,1868 lj R ROSS, Proprietor ft)„ Hotel, begs to inform tb forth and the travelling 'emir' ly, that he keeps irsteclass in every tithig- required by good. stable and; willing hos Regular Boarderei will necessary attention. Seaforth, Feb. 8th, 1869.. . _ 1CAUGHE'Y & IIDLMS RISTERS, Attorneys -at -I in Chancery andinsolveney, and. Conveyancers, Solicitors Bank, Seaforth, Agents for t Assurance Co .B -O,0( 4 %. Farms, Houses and Lei Seaforth, Dec 14, 1868.4 & CROOKE ARCH 0 Plans and Specifications Carpenter's, Plasterer's, and e measured. and valued, Office Auction Market, Court -House Godexich, April. 23, felat OMMFMCIAL 1TOTEL. dameeteirdproprie class accomodation kr the tin The larder and bar are -always the best the markets offor stabling in connection. - Analeyyille-, April 23 1869. I)LUBELSR1, SURG rows; respectfully infori of Seaforth and surrounding he is preporod to cure? Corns, blains, ingrowing Nails, Larg •all diseases of the human foot a suCcessful treatment, withou ness. Office directly opposite G. Dry Goods Store, Main. Street. Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1-868„ OT10E.-Lrrr1s WON Cutting_ and Shaving So want a good Shave, or- yo or Shampooned, as it ought. the 4‘ Little Wonder,” South s Main. Street, Seafort Room s connection -Will be public on April lst. Lubels making the hair grow and preve ooming,out, was never known in bottles at $1 each. Come Seaforth, Dee. 14. 1868. 53tf ROX.ETER . BUB, Proprietor, been lately enlarged 4024 IllitOMIITee'hfoierMslitr:tr31181tvb:u1:tibnnlalarge tt will be tarnished with aIL the season:. Best bran Cigars at the Bar. Thia general Stage Office. WI-or:der, Ma -y 14, 1868.