HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-04-30, Page 6CORRESPONDENCE, HOWit.)IC. Af'OM our, Sice?ial Cm -respondent Coarse grains have got a to be quite scarce in this section, and anerchan.ts are °ringing in seed from Seaforth for their customer's use. . 'Moors Kaine, W. ;M. Gray, land R C. Leech, are euazetted as Captain; Lieutenant, and Ensign,. respeptively of the Leech -4.11e Infantry Company.— Congratulations. - The Orahgemen Leecliville having sold the# h:di intend erecting a new brick -.one this summer.. For the pres- ent, both they; and the Good Templars ,meet in the school house. The Messrs Gibsons saw mill- in Wrox.eter, is 'running night and day, and turning out an itnmensei quantity of lumber still the ,supply scarce ex- ceeds the demand. I believe they have given up 'the idea of lipilding •.new grist mill this summer as was in- tended. ' • Meesrs.)Stinson and Ross f Leech- ville, ex& manufacturing on .wlieeled velocipedes 'by the score, and quite a. number of 0.,,ersens liave got them. Thus far Mr. VI. Magill is the moat ex - yea in their use. .1 'understand Mr. Voght of Wroxeter, is also tet4ufactur- jag two wheeled one, Which'I'peeeunie • -will be more ornamental but .ess use- ful than Messrs Stinson'arad ._A building in- Leeolivillee occupied. by Mr. Adams as _a atm and -owned by Keel., Broavrt tit Co., of -ton, WAS nearly. destrued by- fire on, Monda'y last. The chimney, it seems caught fire and some of the si2arks fal- liug oa „the roof ignited and as the wood waa.quite dry, the flanies increas- eclrather rapidly. _ It was extinguished hofev-er, befere any. great damage was done. - The enterprising:Tinsmith of Leech- ville, Mr. Sanntel •Watson, who .very sucldeely disappeared last week, turned up &dew night.s Ago having with hun a blooming young bride.. As -usual on such Ocea4ions the ra,bble of the village and viciu:ty turn out and eharivari him. Stidi proceedings are outrage.ous • and should- be`discoontenanced,. and if I need b6-, foreibly;prevented as they are ! - a diFgrace to any plice. HOWICK. f . The Council met to -day, April 21st, pursuant to adjournment fr m last meet- ing, in Mr. Gilmore, inHo ick The Reeve -in the Chau, members pres- ent, Messrs.. Wier; Ferguson and Wade. The minutes of the last meeixig were read and approved. By -la No. 3, ap- pointing Township Officers 1 for the cur- rent year was read and pass d. 13y -law No. 4, granting one hundr d and fifty dollars towards buildays a Drill Shed itt Howick village was read and passed. An account of Andrew Kid 1 •of PO for work on side line 20 and Al, con. 16, voucher Mr. Ferguson. A4 account of WiIHam MeKercher, bridge COn.inaiS- sioner of $22,50; the forgoihg accounts • were ordered to be' paid. Moved by Mr. Ferguson, seconded by Mr. Wade That the motion made in the year 1857 by this Municipality, grant` g £30 to assist in bnildiog the Wrox ter Bridge and in the advise from Paterson and Harriston said to be since c arged, ap- peara in die records to be in its origin; al form, and that the Clerk Ie th.eretore exonerated from any suspi ried. Moi7ed by Mr. Wieri secoeded by Vire Wade Tint Andrew Hoo,dbe THE $EA.-70.TITH -gXPOSIMis. DYSPEPSIA cured bruising Dr. Colby's An- ti-Costive:and Tonle Pills- They reguhite the Bowels, correct the Liver, clear the Com- plexion, and renovate the system, they are composed of active ingredients in a highly concentrated form, ansisstrike at tlae root of disease, curing almost like -magic.' `Thous- ands testify to their extniordiii-Ory curative properties. Sold by all dealers,. 73-ly BEATITIFUL! SPLENDTD ! ! is the Verdict given by all who nee' Hunt's Empire Hair aloss. It makes dry, harsh,' stiff hair soft. glossy and beautiful. It cleanses the scalp, removes pimples, strengthens the glands; prevents 1110 hair from falling, and will cer- tainly make it grow strong, luxuriant and beautiful, and it is only.2e cents per bottle.. Sold everyvvliere. 73 ly RHEUMATISM and' all ether aches and pains leave the body ' on application of Jacobs' Rheumatic Liquid. We•will.1warrant it tai cure Burns, Frost Bites, Otilblams, )$ore Throat, Lame Back or Side; Sprains', &o. Some of the cures it has effected are almost too wonderful for belief. Many- have. been saved by it from impending death' . and re- stored to life and health: No family is safe a day •without it.; hundreds of valuable lives and thousands of debars may be saved annually by its use As a preventive of conta,geous diseasep, nothing ever before in- vented can compare .with it. We- authorize all dealers to refund the Money, if- it does not give entire satisfaetion. relieVed- froth, paying arreard of taxes_ S J FOSS 8r Co. for the year J863, on lot 33, con.. Ai being Crown Lancl.--Carrieci. Moved by Mr. Wade, seconded by Mr. Fergu- son That rrolin Moss be relieved from paying arrears of ,taxes for the year g an err - Ferguson, he inspec- 1863, on lot 31, con. 11, beii on—Carried. Moved by Mr. seconded ly Mr 'Wier That tors -of-taverns, do notify tie'Ta v ern- keepei an(' licensed Shopkee ers That. if they don't immediat ly pay their f the Towr- eip ed accor- hey be prose - w. Carried: Elyah Themes' account $150, for Mak- ing and putting a sign boerd on Ford- wieh bridge ordered to be paild. Mov- ed by Mr. Ferguscn, sec tided by Mr. Wade That the $400 gran -edIto erect the Wroxeter bridge be not paid until the Messrs Gibsoa'a fere s this Coun- cil witle a bend Linding , s- id property to keep up the approaches thereof and be .accountable for any airiage that said bridge may receive fr m the .da.m 1 �r pond, and to keep the r ght of way • money to the Treasurer ship and get the same re d ng to the Stat,tte, that cuted according to 1 across water street in suffi ient repair. for teams tolPm* ty Mr. Fele' 41.) and clear of inciimberances West Wfa,•,;v-anosb.. tra - gli The council met this day, .4pri1.13, tbe aS a Court of Rev-isioa and \Appeal. pei All the meinbeis- preselit.' bri McCabe appeeled against assessment of I str, personal property.- A ft er a, der la ration in by Mr. McCabe that his personal pro - an perty, after the payment of his just debts, is below tbe "able of $100, said amount was strtiek ufl the roll The court,then adjouraed till Tuesday the prox.- • The council then took up 9rdinary municipal bueieesa. A Govt. tavola' license to Robert Sturgecn was exhibit- vel.—Carried. Moved on, secbndecj by Mr. tt,de Thai woids that a connhiss'oner be ap- nred by this council to ii4ect the dge at Wroxeter whm 1ui1t,' be tack os t of motion made a last meet - of this council. - Carri d. Moved 1 seconded that the Court or heVision flotel, itt Scilly the r4.1 Ci) el.1 to the councilit was moved by Mr. Cummings, seconded by Mr. Hun- ter That as there has not been any i.e eiLicate granted to Mr; Sturgeon by th Reeve or Clerk, eequested byetatut eirif 'dries .be made to hew said licen 3'3 NI as. -ob bain ed. Moved b Itire tit:tuber, secr nded by Mr Cumin ings That the Clerk make all necessar , enci'airies, without delay, respecting tli issuse'sef the license mentioned in th precedieg motion, and act with disPre ation according to circurnstaires.---10ar oetation from Henry Douglass (78 years old) aad iu dslate deereptitnde W(15 presented, prayiii,,e for Support. :The petition respect:;.bly'zind numerous- ly signed, ;Vat; Liken in to.considera.tion. It Was thereupon . moved by Mr. M.1- Ihrain sea. by Mr. - Hunter "'hat the slim of $15 Las -a ppr priated forDouglass' preF.,ent nueesSitie.., and that W. Wat- son Esi., • , L3 respe lly requested to expeo.d said sum ;:t his diseretion lor the benefit of D ugl ass. --f-Car. Petitions weie received from the reluisite n Jer 0 e of ratepayer.-;, paving that certificates be grant,e,1 x.n.• tavern lit:01;14% to Robt. Sta-geou u t James .Campbell Moy, ei by Mr. Moll -Wain, eeconded by M?.. `Curaraitess 'flea elle Au di tura Le -paid .$4 each for their ervices' folthe cur- -rent year. -Movediti amendment by Mr. Gaunt, s J -01i led by Mr.° nunter That the foi.:(3go'lig motion ue aniended by Striking ()us; four" and su bstituting ‘•five. in et. d inent car. : by vote of Reeve. ..1Aveil by Mr. Gaunt, seconded by Cummings That John 11. Taylor 6.; dd iurnpik-ing 20 rode (tittle tu ,e -e 6r leas) osi side lino betWeeti lots 21. and 25, coil. 11, the work to be 16 feet, wide and 2i feet high in centre, t) be paid - for next autunin.--0.ta. The eo a r•il . ..,. • thea aJjauraed till Tee.sclay -the Vil-,1) ' " i)roas. . • JAMES SCOTT, Tp. Clerk. , I MA, V.A.:4 .1_1(..11 )s.t) 3 *.,V7ooleil Factory lesa e teieegarets a thorough o% eel: aulie e- arn! r El .1.1 e t.l.i..g, : and a large tit i al ility ef I, nc.:* nia,;:-:.:41(./.7 118,3 imdn. audod. i Vik t .4graund. will 'Jo se -•e to mon. :i than lir *Li :-o./.1 ,.s ; k 1. ....... 1,..,.(...1, .“;4: Lee is 1 -4.4--a asa east- he: held la IVIr. Zimmernian'- Wroxeter on- Wed 12th day of 3Yley next, at 1 the forenoon, and that this now adjourn to meet the san , ONE PRICE ONLY. :NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PARASOLS, NEW MANTLES, NEW SHAWLS, • NEW HATS, NEW BONNETS. • NEW FLOWERS. 'clock fin pcs", midi do day. GEORGE D NE, T . Clerk. M. E. CONFEREN I. (Reported ft,r the ..expos.tor.) THE Niagara Annual do fel reiice of the M. E. Church -in' (nlailda, com- menced its Session in the Ci4 of Lor._ , don, on Wednesday, April 21st, 1869. . , At 10 a. tn.., the Venerable . _Bishop Smith, D. 1)., took tee chair. 1- Bishop Smith is t1ii3 Oldest effective. Methodist Minister in Canada; he waa assisted by BiShop Richardson,- D.D.' This branch of the Methodist Church, in canade, Consists ef three Conferences. Tile -Niagara Conforenc.1 embraces all . the territory west of a line drktwn froin klaanilton, northeast to Lake ETuron. There vete present, at the Conference., 4bout One hundred rainisters ; the busi- ne'ss passzed 6ff lively and 'very iq,iree- ably-. The valious pulpits of the city , wei e occupied oil of the Cenferenta; of the proceeditigs 011 Sabbath, was _Ministers. A nu Sabba h hy members. An important port iii tne M. E. Church, the Ordination of A mber of d on trialRevyoni men /A were admitte. . , Wild, M. A., Prof. of ilebrew. iu Alberti z 11$ner CHEAP COTTONS, tftEAP S4IRTINCTS,' -CHEAP PRINTS, CHEAP CLOTHS, CHEAP TWEED3, CHEAP HOSIERY, CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES. FRESii GROCERIES. PRODUCE IN EXCRANCEAT CAEN RATES. pm, 0414 fard• Igavi saar DISSOLUTION OF PART RSH1P.- HE pirtnership heretoforo;jexistang be- tweenWine Campbell & II. Smith, and carried on under the firma f Campbell _ 4 & SET , *93 this day- dissolv' zby mutual °wise ts All Notes aiul Booic.1Accounts due to the sad firm must be pai41 to William Campbell, ,who will also settt+ all chams against the late firm. - :. :WM. C/01PBELia •Seaforth, April 'I6th 111.869Er. 8:4'4ML . 73-3in COURT OF R1EVISION. . TOWNSHIP -OF HO CH. I sa MHE Court of likViSitIll for tg4e Township 1 of HoWicleavill hold ita fi '''. sitting in rat :Nr. Ziminernaan's MAO, ,,in IN: :axe -ker. at 16 o'clock a. ma on Wednesday the 12th day of May next, to examine and refrIse the As sessnaerit Rolls of the TownahiAl GEORGE DANE, . Town,' 1) Clerk. April 24t1b, 1869. : 73 -.td. FAIE 3 FOR A PAIR OF 'SHOES 170 SPRI&G A ND SUMMER WENA, Go to J. DUNCAN c5 TF you want a Watch that alma keep the correct time, purchase one 1 Thomas Russell & Son's celebrated Witaiiiss. . A lafge stock- of them for tiale at SEAFORlit R'S . , He has also on hand a largo asssialirnent of Clocks, Jewelliry, Fancy C- oods, revs, all to be sold cheap for cash. • , isrEvery description 4-10 'Wet ehets, Clocks. and. Jewellery Repaired on the s: Shortest Notice, and Warranted to give sa0ufaetion. The highest price paid for Old pold and Silver. •. M. R. COUNTO. Seaforth, April 27th, 1869. 53-ly TABLE TALI: ----....1 . "My. dear Mr. Briggs,,visere did you ga those dentious P . Cakes e AT °MI" 1 IN, • "Why, Irs. Brirs,: I got -HICKSON'S. ; them at Scott Robertson's x ' Oh I he, has such d.(Iicious - -r" Pound Cakes,.a-n-d ' .. FLOUR 84 FEED THOS. BE4 ABINET & CHAIR IVIARER u-NOERTAxER •ksi .,„A Large Steck. or LL kinds ofi furniture kept cona& IV A hand, consistina of the best vi Kraf•hruirs Si -)ring "Mottiaseee, 04 Carriages. Coilinelsept conetantly oil Werk made on the preiniSes. .. c.o. A lfearee far hire.. Watero• ?Mite Kidd & liclattukine. 'THUS. BEL March 24. 180. -91,11N-1014 I) Y. ew BilIs of Minor ecl the first readings, a usSion of little intrest, d iti 0 i hs, tookl cknitaining AS outlay on - 116.-t5e. guilty -of tJ.it MCG(e Mill as.ked for.In the SenaSe. not fly acconnt trAnSpired. FlunAiy. plitition. from the Inter ige Company waS presentd. 'enzie and John! o the Cabinet IVezanci t's resArdliug the ned oy the Fenian itaid, tall Monday. Sir John .nadons -reg,ardi*g the 'Mal Law, and it passed mg. Containing all THE Itri FIXES OF TUE Nfts-4 21'0m:ult. fter engttiries ,7n. !general s a Gal'a introc,ineed ihs motion s relative bo tlie Eeiiiati Ji he added the • cOrrespontieliti..-er,- 11 Qapatia, • and the united ig the ItelJellioit. The ino%er loij:t0.1±%,.rato t-shose- 11:;.ti;Jia(itieat 11711114,11.6e1s1 --(1-wensell°14;r lie prozectioir: of .he gh tflo•6t: .AI .an Raid th4 t so in •ign , that; it -wild not De tail:apt/ coUnt-,ry knew- aeout case t,,tte Anierican property, were reiiiiiiktir,bied,..oy n4iOoverninent,. and.,tue iforsiei was atterWttrils kept On der to in 10.11ii recurrence]. an event, and also 1, thwa-o0ve 11 -aid WAS ytJi Canadins, Wit by Ail , that 111,1 taea refuy,,e, try. On the 'otiierpand, iie to know Yenaaitiie Ain • ,var,S thAvartalig tne ottle-ts I Venians, whose. pitylicly- aivov se was the voncidest of Canal the cOlidatt of taionconntr entan conside)-ed 1.0 Was eas necl,_whi3ii had tiolie -rad i1011 I iL 1..ue other.. '..11414 11,,I,1011 'lean 6,...notel 1Z rkt.garcied 13 it )- Canada m reparation f Lina dainageas, 1n„coribide g to Utn.tdah .14r. A.I.triiw rig] uatbafg tae inotion„ eiiikk-sed I. 11iAtS sit the inovesa -John A. and 0ners zt,roug speeches to tn.,: sante a. rae, ree:1; ” °.261/ei" g -Q o ('D e cf2 q.2 0 8 e+. 45§30 cf2 Waal Pat*, ttp- 1 et), reit CD2 LADIES,. CALL EARLY AN SECURE. 13 A_ It INT Sa. g • LIFE SSURANCE. University-, delivered his popular Lee- Established income ttne Babel, in the City ou 23 years. S: LI FE $800,000: Tue.selay nielit, there being. not less than six or seven hundred in attend- SokasTy. Annual ASSURANCE once. We oliscLve 1.y the 'city papers 4 . tlIZA Mr. Wild 'suapassed the expecta- Reserve Funds peonouneed to Ile the Lest lecture that Londou had -ever been favored with. The Ctillferaiice. 1) rok e u n V.v- 0 are sorry that 01.11' li.lnittai space Ill'eVellbS us 41:01.0 giving a fuller account d the proweciings. We gise aVew of the Stations of the Ministers, those that rill be • interesting to this locality :--- London Jssiii,t—A. Jone,,, Ind:Au-mg lamas. of the most sangu2ne. It was Profits Divided L;kii4. ; LoutioR CiLy—Rev. S. • 1 \VA- . •,,Is )n ; -3taillev---.ael,-. 13. C. M 1\-faitl ..1A----, Rev. •L. .i.aricial ; Go .. -;- ite v., ,I. ai Ili v. n ; Seaforth—Re .s3 . East • ; there is also:0 be a $oung tau on th:s eircuit to assist Mr. lEtfit- uau, tecre will. Le, afwr aobaaj, re..);a!Ir (Amu it preaCiiinz 10 31. 4,6 1 $4,000,000; $3,0o0,000. tilOR THE SECURITY OF POLICY r HOLDERS IN CANADA, $100,000 in Cash is depoaited with the Dominion Goa- ernme,na , IA Rates f Preinium in the "Star" are ' Liberal, I'reil. 3 .Large, Manta;ement sound and efficient. • ±imety per cent of 12rolits di - -sided anaongst policy holdeis. 1 , For parsialulars and further information, 1 ali'V'il Lu Mr. N. WATSON, Agent for Seaforth and vicinity. Or to J. G REGO RY, ahager Toronto 1 M. pr . TIGHT BINDING Pic-Nic Cakes, Wire Cakes, a -n -d Queen Drops, a -n -d Dominion Cakes, a -m. Confederate Cakes-, a',n-d Ginger 6naps, a-n-thtI kinds, you like to mention.. Why, it. is so handy. If you •Lave a. 'visitor COMC, and short f pr.& serves,.yon eau get Jenks and Jams, and Jams and Miles, At SCOTT ROBERDi N'S. ;_!caforth. April 22. ------•..;--- -ff,...._,.....4_,....—..-- )1•11.R AM COLUDAY & ON, I -N returning thanks for' past fay* haiire t '_ thespleasure of announcing to to c] ants and bus -isms men of Seaforthlisat they are prepared. to mceive orders for all kin& of ' DRAY WORK. sWGoods handled with care, and the) guaranteed. • January 2hift, 18C9. • tisfao- :58-ly • CHET OF r111801. TOWNSHIP OF HAY. rpil.E Court of Revision for tie T00111814 1 of Hay will commence in Vi4: TGWU. I-1111 on Tuesday, the 18th of May at o'eloehs m. • WILLIA.M WILSOV;- . . 1401 April, 18lownship #41eric 69. 4 STOi.t IN CONNECTION WITII THE SEAFORTif MILLS] Oppoeite Sharp's Row. SEAFORTIL NV. A. tSliFicEollikoltv-Se°S3NtTo;: Ca olarhae setofeL FRESH SEEDS, Imported by JaincS Fleming .t& Ce men to the „Agricultural- Associations Canada, consisting of all kinds of Fieldand Carden Feeds, 'ass° a limited quantity of Choice t pring Wheat' and Oat direct from Scotland. - Caledonia Land Plaster cP7-00 per Ton T And all descriptions of Care Grains,. sis 2. well as Flour and Feed of the last de- • scription, AT THE MILL -PRICES; Seaforth, April 22. 524y. .0 AS FOR H. •2:7::ZIrtgf''37)TM ,TI.onled1,1fCK son & Co., is now 1.,rt-paiul to pay the high- est Calsh Price for any quantity of gou 'Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, Main; Seaforth,, DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, April 22. O HARP'S HOTEL, Livery Stables szta GeAeral Stage (Ace, Main strt-et, R. L. SI.I.A.RP,.Frepriet.lor, Jan. 8th, 1:.;69, 63-tt TUEsittLY.. comic fo,- the -v,-ant of progre inip.roveinent of the \Vella: vas asked by Mr.' Meiriiit,. 41neved for all addre's,s• f of the cokiifieation cniji ready been pi.,,x1 for th4-xt pat tliriuglit the 1--Lmse shoUld 114, inoved for dni.;e a Bill ifor the better ent of .frasitan atrlirs, vit might be f`.aiithised etc. a,1 J.jr BifIl was' consider ttee of .the Home wiiieh wa - to i)roviide for .ilogigit.)g in ceta s this clause liourever did iVith general appro. al. A 4ar A r of motions Aver (I amongst NI ))ieh was on L.c.-.ztzitt to the effect th.tt, go into Committee of the 1, itiverCOIonial Railway R VirEDNt8DA:1% most important )Winess as the Secon:d reading " intit-Tentit n Of Parlia el wli i -11 provides - for the abolitiO I1 with an able speech, an . ial Representation." He nv °Yu t. ffistie(711n:ioldli; obri4 wAna-strulae•a•I1Yj:niedtjeidl Al of 8,2 to 57. ; Olplic, is -down on the moveniet ee Trade, in 13ookS unless . ti minciple he eitctided to tbe hich outer largely into fihe action. We certainly think.ti is wrong, in the matter, furl v,. ginin every good work at So c point. s said the policy the with regard to tbe North we e to"organizie a Tenitorial (...1-0 with a Government at Red -131i' for the present only a maelt:nery and yepresen liouse of Commons, A3 t - tion inm-eas a Provii ment will be ol-granised, and portion of the Territory wil to come into the Union as ee. It is expected thst $200,00 0,000 NI il1 he voted this seisio .he completion of a road am on Lake Superior teJBe