HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-04-30, Page 3argued nii:orv notee whire/e, ssued ment; have no dation umuiuted capital lite s ed ks. When. a Gov- ent u e . notes, so far frorn cg capital it is often deeply in debt. suing thet inotes it becomes a stil s delteor t* --the pubiic. mid by and *nd that even Govern Mitt become subject to * irt the meney made - the Why is this? Sirn- !cause it Lea promise pay NVitti-- oaf tedet-beiner, aveihtble to re - the proneee, whereas a bank note le on demend, represents, not only it Of &es' corpenelon issuing it, I in or monefe worth ioed capital and marketable se- oIer anI f.he only way- Iikelv. au1d tliint.z, to be /proposed 'LT veru eu t,.••by whit to super - banking system of ling the bunk eireu- polt natioinal securiti es, lifter the of the United States National • The mem feature of tius sys- ;hat, 1fliss.turn forthe privilege nctee, payetlele on demand, iional Rinke deposit with- the y gavernment Weds somewhat • it value the aniount of sueli Lae The -National Bank notes reeelved by the eevernment in t of domestic. taxes, and of he bent s receil-e interetA of the RArt bonds, Should any or thfr the bonds are eeld for what fetch, U1 the proceeds go -to- wing theltotee. templated change toduld pkic dolLus in. the hands meruinent. 'What would trie• do with it? A banker ,targe deposit would 4rtvest t portion of it, 111 productive n his hands it would be of inonsy, and, lent by him •cantile teeurity,,it would flow ky innumerable rills, fertilis- tinicaiti. all the lend. And t wit4°Canedit needs. She -brd to lock up be, capital. A de hie moiler+ but what dose lent de with it? Does it 1eid Does it lord -est it? No. What then- elvernment do.? IT- SP2N1)S IT; eed thq money for the operations qicommerce. Who e the evil consequences of • the.conatry at large ? Thie t(-sztd ofi esirrulating through aising the price of wheat and uets of the sal, fertilieing ICA of trade, eoriehing the titling the storekeeper to pay in t enf. oueaging t. • =1,cterid opr cities and towns, ehe dwellings of the people them with contracts and inviting enterprise, would as. I y atpeocessOf blood - :swell the receipts of the cal to tempt ambitious min- ed fonign natiens in their emdi ures. The country diesatisfied and its pro - riled. The rice of wheat L.. of houses-, and the value would fall /ewer and yet • bankruptey lists would arid larger. The sound of Id grow feinter in the for- • a buer ware -hi -use would And through all this bap- reritig the counter would t s.Towly,, shape itt1f to Lr of thin. e - k note isted upon eh se - rep esits for erla h -est. The S the govern - aa to pro - eminent die petal te to le fres first siey and rest ape,. it. • It is ob-- the interest' of the leaqi -* prineepa es ow as r, that that Pbrteon of the COULI- ltes the largest share of Would -14at the heaviest iational Widen. 31T LTAlti-OS - ;ra(a.ar §-Xiiit.-Departed e rd xi t, at the ripe -ears. eceaeed wag one resi:lents f th9 Township aniongs,WI m his falai- maintain i high, repute - wrist thetpreeent Reeve Ife ell'e a reitive of possessed i an extensive cdibleehare terietift of that -mark thet in every part By an J nest industry tiligenee ia Wall for im- !atives a 'tattle 'whic is ver krtot n „ aged eight and half Mr s'antes Darr. • of ,O Prideee1t r a .id* and minfo wieh a-treelqui. ss -01"-- q- person., Th ), aly of thi ent etiore THE SEA oRni EXPO ITOR. T Eke txpotTor. DISTRICT :MATTERS. Kinn & AtoMuseistes Si)ring •Steck is partially re,ceived. See advertae'te-- - meet next weelt. tit 'PROF. tAiLEY to be in town -I -wit Tuesday to e eiv'e ede Exhibi- • . •ttee. Seeadvvertieeinent. Tiestite: is a elnisige in the running time of the trains on the Grand Trunk. 2S-te time .tebte. TILE QUelee'S BIRTHDAY'-fs now at tand. it is about time, OA nreenge- meats, were being made for its celebrae tisen- McICillop Council proceedings; lest WCk CODtTlilled n. few mistakee! John Brown's selary should have been instead of :st6(-3.• M.T.,ese advertises a very laree eteek of lumber for • Rale at els lumber yord. This should ase est the attention of parties about linildiug. Ma. ),tesDciteiseet, advertises to bey plc Sug'er and Batter et the highest spricee, and to Aell nny part of his stook at the lowest. „e The Canada Ware - MR. Deueeass, lett.: of this place, end now -re'sident of Dendase was_ in town. vesterdeie. -We are pleesed -to know thet he is sueceedine exceedinely well in his business. Leonose.--A meeting for the pur- pose of orgatieg a club, Will tike place at the Downey House, on Mon- day evenine, next:- All iuterested pleaeb atten d. ° Dissoeuaeoe.-'By advertiseinent, it w'll be seen that Campbell & Smith . have d itsol ved pat tn ersh ie. Mrs - Ca p - be I G trrying on the old business, and Mr. Smith hes established himself in the :shop letel v ocenpied by Mr Ewing. Counes OF Revrero-ea will take place as follows :1McKili p,May lOrle ; 1 -tow ifek y 12th ; Tnekersmith, May 14th ; Flay, May _18th; Usborne, „May 3rd Seaforthee May 4th. For ,particulars see advertisemeets. THE Base Ball Club is fully organ- ized for the peesent year.. The follow - mg is the (official list : Presisclentt- .lanees ElliOtt ; Vice do. J. D S11s; ptain--1-1. Cat; eron ; Secretary-- Jfi es Cline Treastirer-Thomes 13e11. COI1Oert CURIOS Off On nietlay • e s ening next, it Sharp's - -Some people are going immedi- ately after 'dinner in osder to. seeure a seat. They are sensilde, 7as room will -be a star 'commodity that evening for a certainty., . The programme is a c(plendid one. - 1V13310HAtirICS • A general meeting tbok place on. Tuesday night, at iwhich the following report was presented by the committee along with the list of books selected for .the library, ail of which were adopted. The annual meeting takes Place next Tuesday evening, at which all interest- ed are tequesteu to take.notice: "Intending this report the cthurnitteef cannot -omit to ackia•wledge the • obliga- tien the peOple of Seaforth are tinder to some of the enterprisieg and intellegent ladies of the village,. for the. lively in, terest they have taken:in the intelectu- al _improvement of the young mee of this pi e, for whose benefit this SoLe- ty was chiefly intended. ° With these ladies oresinated-the idea of a Meehanies' Institute in the of Seafte-th ; through their exertions‘he principel part of the funds eeere. sT scribed and Collected, and to them -w*4.* mainly owe the existence of thisassoci- ation to -day. • •-Thie association it is hoped will _af- ford- to young men especially, the means of ace uirieg knoWledgoiliat will be bothp1easug ard profitable to them... By availing themselves of the opportunities which this inetitithen supplies, they will becothe more and ITiOl'e acquainted with- the leave, guttes, and .history of life.. The study of lite- rary and scieetific subjects, elevates and exaande the mental ,feetilties, and iei's creases our stock of ideas, which when acquired becomes a fund of intelleeta- al weelth and adds beim ensly to the pleeert rev Of our future life, as well as etiable es mere cerepetently ourpnlujc and private thities as al and intellieent beiege. .A. deplicaterof declaration deawn in eccordariee with the requirement s of the Statutes WaS duly reeistere,d in the office . of the County -Register, and • a certifiette of - the same be returned to this institution. The comniittee have endeavored to neike a judicious selection for the lie biery of such beolts in the departmert of seieneee literature and history as they believe will be acceptable End special as well as general readers. The villege counril here kindly granted $10 in aidof thielnstitutilou. • The following is `the flnaneicil state- ment. Amount subseribed to date $181 50 Grant 'from the Council.... 1000 Books given the Institute.. 51.00 REerovere-AS will be seen by our report of the M. E. Conferenee, in an- other columit, Rev.\S. Williameoe is to be removed from this place to ten- don. While we very much regret th,t,t tliis town is to lose such a universally ftsteempd member of cur soeiety, we • most heartily ccitgratulate the peoPle of L )ndon upon eeeurieg the services of a man so worthy of the position. May the same success attend his labors • in his new field. that -Iris nnerlred thin •on this eircuit. The Rev. gentle en, carries from this village the v-ry het wishes of all our citizens. Next Sab- bath evening he will preach his• I:fare- well sermon. • SERIOUS AAJCILLNT.- SIThday • .1a,,t, while Mr. •ThornaS Stevens and his wife were- -driving in a buggy, along the, Huron Road, rhe bore took fright at a Velocipeue, throwing both to the • ground. • 'Mrs. Stevens suffered very severe injuries, gettiug boh her thigh. • and writ broken.- We regret to know thet her positionis at present a very • eriticai. oue TJiider.the treatment of Dr; Tracey, however, her life is not totally Jespait.ed cf • • SEAF0R111 ORT1CICET CLU.13'..-At the an.atutl meeting Of the whey° Club held last evening at Sherp's Hotel, the fol - slowing werecappoiettecl officers; for the present-, year ; li_redent J. II. Benson Eeq ; Vice do R. •Ferternson ; Secterary and Treasurer' T. • P. Buil ; Com (place of .1NI; negemene Messrs; I -hinter, Fers - guson MeDougall Blaidsdale Holme- eteci an. dBeneon. • SCEDS, 6EkIDS.--Reoeiiied at Scott Rebertsion's Mammoth Grocei-Y and Seed Stere, the following Imported fresh and prime seeds,. :White Bel eine' Carrot; Skirving's Imported Seeds Sharpe" s do do Purple Ttrapleaf Turnip Loug Red Mengel,. Retie Seed - Etrly York Cabb eges Flat: Dutch do. Dr urn head do Butter- Beane Eerly• China Beene, Men' E trly Oru Eerly Sugasr ,Cora, Gherkiu Cueninber, Tom Thumb •Peae, Diallit4 0' Reuke Pees, .Red Clov- er Seed, White Dutch do ..•klsike do Yellow Treyfoil do Hungarian Grass, Mixed Lawn do TaTres or Vetches. 12 - A RESPECTED coreespondent writes from Wroxeter, a critique' on the- corn- -municatious° of our ILeecliville• conti buten He tikes eaception to the anioulit of damage done by the recent freshet at Iseechville. The Loss to Messrs. Leech, Was stated to be about 0,000, tine is argued to be at least -$1,800 j,ti excess, and as regerds the quanttti of land overflowed' by the ttVieixeter Pond of .Mr. Gibson, which has been laced at 500 acre, uponithe authority of Mr. Gibson and Mr. Car- rel, r L s., is said to be really only ;Leres ; and as for this pond ,causing it is asserted that only one death has taken place in o.' 'year to the knowlodge of the writer. BIRTH. VEAL. -On the 28th inst., the wife of Arthur Veal of a tient. DEATH. SPROAT.-At Carbton, township of Tuelser- smith on the 22nd inst., Agne§, infant child of Alexander Sproat, aged 5 weeks. PARINIti.''S AUCTION RECISTER. Sale of Hotel Furniture, . etc., on the 17th and 18th. of May. R. L. Sbarproprietor Seaforth. MARKETS. Seitecaten, April, 30th, 1869. Wheat, ' (Fall) V bushel, • 82 ® 86 ‘Vhe t (Spring IP' bushel, $ 80 "Cra 85 Bari -bushIel, 0 95 ® • 1 02 Clov r per bush. Thnothy per brish. (60 lbs) .Oats. Peas V bueliel!, 'IF -eta -toes bualiel, Hay V ton; , Eggs 1,1 dozen,! Butter -19 lte 6 00 ® 6 50 150@250 45® • 50 WO 0,• 70 6O@• 65 10 00 @1400 10 •@ I 12 15®'• 15 COL) RTOF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP. iseTOTICE is hereby given that the Court (4 11 Revision for the said Townslip will take place on lvTonday. tile llth day of May next, at 12 o'c ock noon, at McLeod's Hotel, Lot 25, Con. 8, for the purpose of revisine the A.ssessmeatRoll, and hearing appears agaiast the sJOs e.• ' • T .N. O'SULLIVAN, Tp. Ch ilt. MoKillop Apr 1130th. 73 i DURING the violent thunder and light- ning last week the fluid struck the house of Mr. • Christopher Dale, • near K n bu rn. The lightning run down the stove -pipe, 'doing little !damage, end passing near the bed in whieh tWo young men were sleeping neither of whom • being awakened bv the shock,- tLe ,day foil swing, one of the young men named Johuson, while riding 3 horse was kir,ked (n the leg by •a colt shattering the J.oiie seriousl,• Dr., Tracey w ts seet or, who set the fracte ere, and the yonrg Mall is now d3ing- • well.-C4nto12 New Era. • • G:RAI•iDti-RUNK RAILWAY. • SUilaMer Arrangements. Trains will leave the Seaforth Station, as follows:- • GOING EASii. GOING WEST. • • 10:30 A.M. 10:30 2:00 P:35'T. 6:50 A. K. 3:00 le 9:00 A.M. • S Leave for A iileyvi1e, Wroxeter, Leech - vine, Bayfield nd. Exeter, on the arrival o Trains in the fternoon. ILL KEEP A SHOD _TIML NEXT WIN- TER, by going to MAN J. DUNCAN & Veloeipedism PBOFBATLEY and Com •1 Mass., and late of Lo give a Grand Entertainment! any, of Boston, on, Ont., will IN THE TOWN HALL- S 0 R, rit 1-1 • On Tuesday 'Evening next For partieullaas see Posters. Seaforth. .Apr4 29th, 1869. 73 0,I N ADIAN NNEXATION THE undersigned has annexed. a large •quantity of New Goods!! 1%.AIIIyirAY A OCIDENT. 1 --On Fritlay this old stick, and night last the ten o'clock train reia °Vet. apile of wood that had _fallen on thes wk tn com•-,equence'of the snow bey- irlg th laved from under it, about wo' miles west of the villege. The ti in was going at a rapid yate, as it generk lly does at this point so as to cov;;r jthe steep grade at the Lkimesville cutting and tIT',3 locomotive was thrown in the ditch on one side and the tender on the other, and. the Cal'S sernewhat inuifei1. The only sufferers were the enain er, Robert, G ladders, and. Crawford, he firemen- trifling delay was .eausedj to the trains next, day. -Clinton. New ra. r -”,g• • . erver7111111 .CHUROH DIRaOTORY. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH. ----Rev. Hayhurst, Pastor. Services everySab at IN o'clock,. a. m, and 6. o'clock p. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, p. in. • Pr, meeting; Thursday eveninsis at -4 o'cl • • each Sabbath at 10.30 a. m., and 6.30 on. Seaforth, April 29th. • Sabbath School 2p m. Lecture and prayer • , meeting, Wednesday evenings 7.30 '133. ath m. yer ek. METHODIST EPISCOPAL ----Preae in E OV ED The whole across the Street, .TO M'CANN'S OLD STAND. Combined, they form the best selected Stock of oloot3 aw - oes) Ever offered. to the inhabitants of Seaforth, and parties who trade there, comprising La dies', Gents, and .Childrens' wear in great variety,. of the very Latest Styles and best quality, and which will be disposed of at the Very Lowest PossibleReriturative Prices for CASH. Also a large quantity of Home- made Work always on hend.. , ORDERED WORK of all kinds got up in a style that cannot -fail to give satisfaction. , REPAIRING Neatly Executed. N. B. -Don't forgetMebann's Old Stand. • SION.OF THE BIC NOT- • THOS. COVENTRY,. 734.. • Rev. b. IN dhamson, Pastor. PRESBYTERIANCHURCH.-Servoriefa eomra nee at 11 a.m.. and 6:30 p.m. teeter° nsi Prayer-weeting en Taesday evening, at 7:30 le in. •SEAFORTH „ PLANING MILL SASH, DOOR AND Blind • Factory! HE subscribers beg leave to tender their 1 sincere thanks to their numerous este torners and. the public at large, fox' the v liberal patronage received since commencing business ni Seaforth, And as they have new a very large stock of Dry Pine Lumber 'en hand, and having lately enlarged ,their 'Irises and. added New Machinery (there increasing -their fazilities for doing work evii' despatch), they feel "confident of giving ev satiefaution to those who may favor th with their patronage, as none but •first -el s workmen are eraployeds PartioulEIX attention pail to custom plains mg. BROADFOOT PS-An Eight-lIcese-Power E Boiler for sale, .all complete, of GoldieT . .sfigin7e,$4:1 McCurck o's M 0 ake. - -!1 TAMES G.E1-IFFIN'S, importer al Englith, el French, and American Seeds, Duteh Flowering, Bulbs, &c. Seeds, Roots, Shrill:a,. and Vines, wholesale and retail, Lonet4an Seed. Store, Lily Hall Building, Riehmold Street,London, Ont. Greenhouses e.ucl Grapeiy, -Westminster, near Clark's Brideepi ALL ORDERS PUIICTUALLY ATTENDED 1. March 25th. 1869. 68-4ital THE SIGN OF THE COLDE r-plIE subscriber begs to inform the public 1 that he has just received a great varie$ of Saddles and • Which he is prepared to sell A t Prices A /most Unparalle/ed. 0 cOar- ralantLed.AnoRS t to ohfureirt etz aheosrse,stni7c,kw. • • o In the way of harness, OF ALL KIND'S, He is, as heretofore in a poeition to eke his customers as good valua for their money as any other establishment in Ontario. s! Quality of work and material employeld indisputable. - • sllop OPPOSITE 1(1D.D Mc.AIULKINS.i • OTIN C A.MPBELY4 Seaforth, Feb. '69. 63-tf. ; ROBERT PAILLER, a:por liCaker v Wholeoale ,Staiioner, GaSNERAL BOOKBMICIEFII, • AND • ACCOUNT Bows. MASNUPACTUItlelts Itnporter and dealer in SC1100L BOOKS, STATIONERY, INKS, TIVINIA WINDOW SHADES, AND Paper Hangings. A 7,E NTFOR Lovell's and the New Series of Sara BooAv ; Danville School Slate eao- pany, ; Uarto-'s Combineck Writing A. Coliying Ink. 397 Notre Dame S‘iireet,Aliontrea".•;:i . , March 18th, 1869. #67alm I ai . OFFICES TO LET. ONTARIO HOUSE, Edward Cash AS much pleasure in announting to his customers that he is opening up one of the best assorted Stocks of ring cim and Sumer . . �QQDS To be found in Seaforth. Prints and Muslin Dresses of the most beautiful patterns. La- thes' Bonnets and Parasols of the latest styles "Mens' Straw and Felt Hats by hen- dreds. TEAS -and General Groceries that eannot be excelled, always on hand also a good stoek of Hardware consisting of Paints, Oils, Montreal Nails, Hardware, Tools, Howe Furrdture, Wheels and Reels, Crockery alai Lamps. Seeforth. April 14, 1869. ••53-1y. ! T-1, OUR excellent offices to let in Scott's 17 New 13riek neck. Apply at Mee A I.1(„IREY 4 HOLMSTED' Seaforth, Jan. 27e 1869. Red SEAFORTH MILLS Miork and ...Rod. --0---- ---0-- I_TAViNG received an. Ageacy from Scobie, for the sale of their unrietll- ed- Flour, I am now prepared to fertesle purchasers witii an aetiele RUCH WILL DEFY CTINI9ETITION1 AN APPRENTICE WANTED. Parties ordering Fk,424 or Feetl. fr6m letTANTED, a setters ware la& to learn V V the Waggon Meleiee. Apply to Geo. Grassie, oppoattet the ‘`Expesitor" Office_ April 22. MUNI• CIPAL NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. TE Court of Revision for the To aeship • of Usborne, will meet in the Township Hall, on Monday, the 3rd day of May, at, Il o'clock a. m., for the purpose of hearing appeals and revising the Assessment Rolls. WM. EDAION I), Township Clerk. Usborne, April 16th. 72 I 0,i'n have the same delivered, in any part of 1 Tow.i on the shortest Iii0Dieg. k Wy4. Sint' 1 Seafoeth, Jan, 20.th 1869.. • MUNICIPAL NOP 6E. VILLAGE OF SEAFORT.H. TCutirt of Revision for the Muniei, 1_ pality of the Village of Seaforth, will be held in the -Council Room, Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 4th day of May, at 10;30 a, ms, when all parties interested will attends T. P. BULL, - Clerk. Seaforth, April 20th. ee A- 33•S IR. OF• reasurees Account ! WITH THE limidpalityt Grey For the Year 1868. • RECEIPTS. To balance on hand from last audit $ 388 42 "Cash from A. M. Ross, being • Non -Resident Tax. 732 11 do Land Improvement Fund, • 324 -50 & Co. School Grant, 890 00 do Boundary' Line Fund, '181 88. -de Tavern & Shop License, • 133 5-0 do Thos. Leadbeater, taxes, •at',.87` do B. Beer, Collector do 9949 23 do ,Charles Buirows, Fines, 3 00 • do Henry Briden, for Fine, 5 50 " Absentee List from Col_ector, 47 68 • $12653 18, DISBuitSEMENTs. By Cash paid A. M. Ross,' Co, Tax, $5649 17 do For Schools, .1505 3k, .do Fees and Salaries, 4WH. - do Sheep killed by dogs, 112,25 do- Roads and Bridges,. • i7343 do Charity and other peeks • tingent expenses, 44 03 do Printing to W. T. Cox. 839 - do Gov'tduty ori.teee-,T'License. 10 00 " Abstract List eleack &Iva 14ded Tax. 339 117 " -Balance iteheaele 762 17 12353 74 Examined the foregoirid Aceoniat, mad voters thereto find all eeirrect. ALEXANDER •ALEXeINDER STEWART, • Auditors.. 72 11rA1JTIFVL DART :ERE'S MOWN.. You Itt,t tultivate GRAY HAIR' Is a (Terrain lualention Grey, March 27th, 1869. - I ./ecuty- at th*t itoovis. RAS. S: A. ALLEN' - Hair Restorer Restorer gray hair in Rs natural root apd MVO? lad produce* luituriout growth. Li gives the.hair. /mem! glois and delighT fa -fragrance. - .Manufactory and -Bales Gifices, • 35 BARCLO MEET and 40 PAU PLACE i N. Y. . 166 01611 HOLBORN, London, Eng. Seater and Rolls, Druggists, agents:. oa Seaforth. For aie even • January 28th, 1869. NOTiCE. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERS AITH. EH Court of Revision kr the Towee of Tuckersinith will be held at the V lage of Egmoudeille, in the Honee f f John Daly, on Fiiday, the 14th cley of May aexte at the hour of 14 o'clock, nooe, for tie vete pese of Revissindthe. Aesessna est ef te frOW118ilip, and heat -ilia and &titling tepta 3 against the same. rsneith, 20th -:1414.LIAAL Toesne keit. _