HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-04-02, Page 67. 1 t crA,4asiteemia41.34.44.14. txpo5itor. IMSTRICT MATTERS. ) Tovesesme teouNcre PnoozEnieres.— We have mislaid! some _minutes of Township Conneil proceedings, hence their non-appearance. MRS. SIMMS give one of her populaf . Concerts in Sharp' Hall, on Friday evening, the,9th iLsts DEATH OF THE IRISH PIPER.—Mr. Charles .F. Ferguson, the well-known blind piper, of St. Catharine, died vei y. suddenly at his residence in that titvrn on Ss torday: • VESTRY M EU] Net.—At this meeting, in connection with St. Thomas' Church, Messrs T P Bull and W 4. McLeary, were appointed Church Wardens,- and ItIesers Holmested mad McLeary, Lay Delegates to the London Synod, • • DRAMATIO.—The membe-s of the Eg- mond-till° Dramatic Society gave one of their entertainments to a crowded house, in Sharp's• Hall, on Wednesday evening. The talent exhibited by the amateurslis very noticeable. We 4e pleased that local merit is sie Well sus- tained, THE Signal deprecates the action of the Globe in publishing the evidence in the Meledy case, whieh had not came up in court.' The Signal sas's that it "could have pliblished more than that two weeks before, bad it been. so minded." Of course the Signal knew it before the Globe; it always does. ALL'S WELL.—The Globe gives an account of a man 'whie was missed from near Baytield about a year ago—which awakened thc suspicions of the neigh- bors—tas having turnedoup in Perirtsyl- venia, after having been hunted up by a Detective at the wish of the suspici- ous. The "missing" left because he couldn't pay his board. • THE VERY BEST.—Mr. E. Whitney', will please accept our thanks for a gais, lox' of the very best Goal Oil we ever us -1 ed. It is almost colorless and .odor- less, and burns exceedingly bright. We presume friend Whitney has a lively idea 'of" the '"dark" path -which editors generally hale to travel. He has certainly done 1 is part towards • dispelling that "darkness " • SUDDEN DFA511.--‘—'1.1iiriy on Sufi& !nor ling an old Ted:lent of this section, Widow Whealely, who lived near th toll -gate, on the t London Road, -was -foen -dead, int. her bed. It- appear mai a member ofthefamily calledl to her, but receiving, no answer went up stairs to see if anything was the • •Snatter, and found her cold in death. A. grand daughter sleptwith her, but wss not aware of her death till she w ftwoke in the rrioreing. New Era. THE StA.FORTH EXPOSITOR. ab adults :Young people were prone to say that could they have seen Christ on earth, how gladly would they re- ceive hun, but -to all such he, would say, that Christ 18 as Willing to receive them to -night, as, when he said, "Suf- fer little bildren to come unto me." • ' , Rev. . Kellum said, the present age was one in which most scrupulous attention should be attached to incrl eating ,prineiplea, of Christianity, as there was so much semi -infidelity aoroad. • The moral and Christian character is the oleo to educate for all honorable position p in life. Rev. Mr. byre rxpiessed rapch plea- sure at occupying a position on a plat- form -which be tonsidered as brOad as the atonement. • He. held that for a vigorous and useful Sabbath Schcol, there were . required, pious officers, regular attendance, and correct teach- ing,—.not fearfully dogmatic, but posi- tive, He considered -Denominational far preferable to Union Schools, as doe - trine is the love of the church, and without its being inculcated, he was at a loss to know, where the church was to look for recruits. At this stage of the proceedings, Mr. Bill, on behalf of her scholars, preserted Miss Ilayhurst with a hand- some Album, accoinpanied with a -few terse and feelieg remarks, which the worthy recipient acknowledged in terms of unexpected pleasure.. Rev. Mr. Williamson endorsed the greater part of the ideas of the previous tpeaker, and congratulated the officers of the ;school on Ls prosperous and healthy condition. The proceeding's were interspersed by singing front the stholars, in a man- ner which redounded rauch to their credit and to that ef „Mr. Smith' for his exertions in training them so ex- ceedingly well. • With the usual votes of thanks, a happy meeting terraine,ted. THE Grey Branch Agricultural So- ciety will hold its Second Spring Show for the exhibitioe of Spring Stock, at Ansley ville, en Friday, the 16th day of April, when the following premiums will be awarded : Best heavy draught Stellion, $3 ; 2nd do $2. Best '.Stal- lion for general purwses, $3, 2nd do $2. Bulls—Beet thorotesh bred Bnll, with pedigree, 3 ; 2nd do $2, Best grade Bull $2 ; 2nd do $1.- Show to commence at 12 o'ciceli, noop. J. J. MCIACHLAN, President, 1)TEWART, 'Secretary. ee DiEuHANICS' INSTITUTE.—It takes a little longer to get the wheels of this institution all in motion, than many. people expected To !such, lowever, Are.,would.say that . the work is quite complex ; but a very short time, now, will stiffibe to complete the arrange- ments We tiraticipate seeing an excel - Ault institution., as there is no doubt but that a working capital of at least four hundred dollars will be secured, Many of -the meshani!'s of the place have not yet added their names, but. it is hopta the) soon will. One dollar constitutes any person a member. Names are received by all members a the Committee, and the. Secretary. A general meeting-, will. probaidy take THE Spring how of horses and in conuection with the N. R Agri: • cultural Society will take place in this. viIlage ou the 21st inst. Prizes will -be given raneing from $5 to $10 for horses and from $1 to $6 for bulls. We have received a communication con- eerning the omthisien on the - ot :igrieultural horses. This was overs eight, the president. has 'nformed ns that prizes will be offered for that class. New Era. W. M. Sa.bbath Scb.00l• Anniversary • This a.nniversaey took place on Sab. bath and Monday last. On the firs • day . sermons were preached by the •'Rev. Mr.' Dyer, ' bearieg upon the abject eel early religions training. Monday. evening the tea meeting too plaee, which was very respectably a tie lel by. a well entertained audience. Lin,iestice were ever done viands, we 11 ve good reason to say, it was so on . • .this_occasion. • The Chairman (Mr. John \Gray) in taking the position, said, Sabbath! 8(1001 iustruction • ehbuld consist of. three things, namely, "To know God," "To love God," and "Tp -serve God" • Those three objects beirig keptin view, .sa,obeta. School Teachers would have LeOed reason for anticipatinrs "the reward that passeth understandi Cr" for their •eeholars. The Superintendent, Mr. ill, being ealled epoii for the report, gave the :IA lowing pleasing statistics En tire aumber of seholars enrolled, 75, aver- attendanee being 51 ; dming, the -ear 5,095 verses of , seriptere . had eeri. committed to memory ; number -4' teachers. at pregent employed, 6 ; eserage attendance; 6%, forty volumes lid been added to the WIrary, ata cost • ,f about if 27, and eome $10 had been xpended in proouriog periodicals and )sher literature. Rev. _Mr. McDonalci. considered beripture, a very impori a it matter, eepecially if at be 'done ..h aeni;Illy :raj ia .early ;Years. ve3a,tiou t S. .`zie freacher was one i very -kt.et m'-mt. • Tile prime bject of Se.:, .sijould 'be th t , . t.h.;:hiet le laity - t it t 4.4; • place next week. SPRING ASSIZES. As annoUnced in last issue, the As- sizes opened at Gedericli on Tuesday, .23rd ult., before Justice John Wilson. C. Robertson, Q. b. appeared for the Crown. • • The Grand Jury were composed of • Wm. Hall, Foreman. • W. D, Allen,, And. Cook,. Alexan- der Grant, Geo. Hacking, Jos. Jordan, 'Kt Mire] Jones, Jas. Matheson, _tend Moir, And w. Caa, Geo. 1lec4o w an, Thos. - McT enzie, R. McLaughlih, .Andw Rutiege. • -• His Lordship addressed the Gre,nd Jury at :some length, defining their in-obable duties on the present occasion, dealing particularly with the crimes of Murder, Manslaughter and Arson._ THE FIRST DAY The following icase s were disposed of: Swallow vs. McMallee. Ejectment. 'Verdict for stiff. Moore for plff. Mc: Caugheyr& il!)linested for def. • Brett vs, Fiord. Def. issue. VP1*- diet for plff. $281.28. Moore for Off. McCaughey AT, HelineSted for clef. Leonard vs. Mercer. .Def. issue. Verdict for def. Elwood and Moss for pit Robinson for def. • .Gordon. Vs.-Q;Lalbie. ',Defended issue Verdict by cougent for Off. $107.48: Gordon for Off. Lewis for de1. alarvey et al vs. Sit onion. Def issue. Verdict fn plfl 177.36. L-3in clair for Off. Doyle for def. Harvey.,et al vs. Shannon. sue, Verdict hy eonsent for Off. $146 lati Sinclair for plff.* Doyle for def. * - W r-DNESDAY. The Queen vs. Jno. Gusthart. On a charge of felony, pleaded guilty to coannoa assault. As announced • in last is ue was' sentcneed to one week'e unic-nt. To ie e, al v. Sills. Def. issue. Ver- diet- itiinekair foi plff. Moss for def.. McCoy, vs. Sills. Pet. issue.- Veit -cliCt'fcerplif. $10.30. Sinclair for plff, _ Downey ve„,. Balcliseirt.e ,This was an actionto tikivileilier or not promis- sory note was one .of,,accommodation. Verdict for plff. $353.84. s "Xfardy 'for plff. Woods for def., The Queen vs. Victoria Humphreys. Accused of larceny—two charges -7e' one for stealing ribbons and some butter and the other some ots, Found guilty on both chareek an sentenced, in all, two 'years and six days On, ment in the Penitentiary. - THURSDAY. Every part of the -Court House was densely crowded this day, to hear the MELADY MURDER CASE. The Queen TS. Nicholas Melady and Thomas Donovan, Murder. , The prisoners having been placed in. the dock, the Clerk read . the indict- ment, which ran -as follows: "The ju- rors for our Lady the Queen present thit Nicholas Melady and Thomas Donavan on the 6th day of June, 1868, at the township of nickersmith did feloneous- ly antrof their malice aforethought did kill and inurderftne Nicholas Melady. Prisoners pleaded Not Guilty. -As announced last week, on -a jury being called; Mr. Benison, on behalf of the prisoners, challenged the.. jury- men, alternately, for Melady antl Do- novan, until all had been struck off but five, and his Lordship ordered that the priseners.be remanded to jail to await their trial at the Lext A ssizes'and -an- nounced that the Sheriff would, be di- rected to sommon 72 jiirors instead of the. ordinary -48. The prisoneri were alto arraineed for the nartrder of Ellen Melady. tiTO- which they pleaded not. guilty. The rulieg of the Court caused quite a commotion tirriongstthe spectators. 'The Queen vs. Patrick Healy, lar- ceny. Thos. T. Wilson,. sworn, said the accused came to work with him in the eoweship of flay, about 21 days befdre the Queen's birthday last year: Healy left Ids cmPloyment on the 23rd .of May. The vest now produced is • mine ; it was found by the censtable several niouslis efter the boy left me. After he vas arrested. Healy, said he did riot steal the vest but had beughs it from my brothers The jut v retited, but failed to agree. The prisoner was remanded until next .Assizes. , FRIDAY. Thomas Little,: a man well knownein this ueigh bulhood, was discharged .from- -durance vile," The Queen vs. John C. McIntosh, -.Krsore The acted :was esharged With having fired his own house in town of Goderich, on the 15th day. ,of Novem- oer last. The jury being -sworn, Mr. ,Robinson openedphe case. 'He said the gene. ral features of be case were very simple; The bouseiwas onlireity'ree times in the middle of the cloy on- a Sunday, the ac- cused being in the house. at the times. If 'the house had been burned down, it must necessarily twee. destroyed. frame 'buildingeo eitNrig(A. :-•rhe're was in- surance on it. Tbe evidence in,this -case was long and tedious, and resulted in the jury returmeg a v-erdict _of "not guilty." The. juoges1.; Charge' tA4 hard against some of the conduct of the accused, but seeing he .was !drunk at. the time of the alleged crime, charged thejury to view the case accordingly. • ON= SATURDAY 'The following civil caseswere dis posed of at different times i pp ai d vs -Boyd etal.-.---Def. issue, Vetdiet for def. Moss and Hays for Hariison and Meyers for def. ' ,-eston Rankiu.—Withdrawn. Goatial4 for Off, . The Queen vs Mulholland —Lareeny Defendant was out, on bail, but failed to appear when called. The bail was estrea ted. • Weddell vs Ta,ylor.--Def issue. To be settled in Chatham. Wiggins vs Hollingsbead.—Def is- sue. Verdict for plff, $230.00 subject to the arlitration of Mr. McDermott. Hinaston vs Gordon - Def. issue. Set- tled. dooiliag - Moo* re: for plff. 80me eases ,f Mr. Gooding's were made rernamets, Mite' hell Sullivan — Defisene..Vreitlitt fa!: riff!: Itobinsen and Gooding tof 'Siticlair for deft. • Citinerem vs Cameron, Def, issue. Verdiet plff $500:00. .Cameron• for Off, Rolsineon for def. siiTm-Ktr Expreseed the entire satisfaction of the Gr.iit Jury with the J1i1 man :Igen, ent; but cuesislered that there wae a wanted euflitient i:fiistiktice in case of tiny ex- ' ieement asnongst the prisoners. gret wee expressed at the ineareeretion. of Iniligetit and-Tiff:al e sone. Pay- teut Crown-° WitteSses was also re- • mitten ded. HIS. LORDSHIP REPLIED, Tntimating that he did not endorse' the idea of neeessity for any further assist- ance on the jail premises. In the mat- ter of Indie:ent and Insane peoplp,he hoped to see a House 'of Kiifuge erected • POOR COPY in the county. With regard to nal ,wietesses, the practice in E was for every county to pay the p of its own crinainals, The fl rand Jury was then ci* crimi- nglendil xpensee T pe11 rs him n_ f for the s after dati said not NO+ICE. dersigned gives public not ns, notte purchase a note vor of WilliatliAushfield t In of $90; -coming due Mil, as I have received no val • CHRISTPFIIER; D Seafort ith,` Mar& 25th. arged.!- tHIRAIVI COLLf1PAY ‘41 SON, N returning thinks for past favors, :have_ 1 the pleasure, of announcuag to -the nier- °e to ant'ichants and business men of 3eaforth thatthey- nths e for the. be'lairfl,!rY:.!are prepared to receive ordels for all kinds of DRAY WORK. mo 0 rn Me above Blank Space 6lcni D CAN & Go a71,411 c 8en,c.1 in their copy this week, p in, the Eastern, Afarkets.,blei stock of the 1Vew' est Styles OAPS &c • g8 to " they are a4a,r 7f 1 PITC Store. to Le A• COMMODIOUS and eonve 1%_ to let, in a good position in W. S. ItObER, Seaforth, April 2, 1809. ient skin. aforth. ON. 69* dir Goods handled. with care, and satisfao- tion guaranteed. January 21st, 186P. 53-1 y THOS. BELL, CABINET &CHAIR.. 11.A.KER uNDERTA,KER A Large Stook A LL kinds of furniturekept constantly.= hand, consisting of the best varieties. Krugliruff's". Spring Mattrasses, Children', Carriage -s. Collins kept constantly on hand. Work made on the premises. Pr A Hearse for hire. Wareroom pOsite Kidd & Mekinkriri, . - THOS. BELL, March 2,4, 1s68. • TO CAPITALISTS. FOR SALE, The unexpired LEASE OF LOT NO. 9, COLIINLOCK SURVEY On the East side of Main Street, in the Village of Seaforth, MOGETHER with the buildings erected I thereon'viz .—The store. and, dwelling occupied by Mr. William Ault, the building occupied by Dr. Smith as an obi the one occupied. by Mr. Paltridge as a Photograph Gallery, the one occupied by Thomas Simone as an Oyster Saloon, &e.; P -Iso the one occu- pied by the subscriber as a Flour, Fe Grocery and Provision Store, to.._;ether with the stock And fixtures contained tberein.. Also re acres of land south of the Ita,ilway, which will be sold in village or park lots, in sizes to suit purchasers, and on reasonable terms. N. B.—Flour Feed, Groceries and Pro- visions of all kids kept constantly on hand. by the subscriber. G. T. JARVIS. Seaforth. February 3rd 181i9. Gl.tf P E 1 AHL NO T10E. THE .CONNECTIOT UTLLiL ifiouratitt;,;L.,444,„ .HARTPORI?„ .0QN.N... • GUY It. PHELPS, President. ZEPriamart PnEsror., Vite President. WooDBRIDGE S. OLMSTED Seer ,i5at.y Euwi...,N- 'W. BRYANT, Actuary,. • - Luataitg S. Wacox. Medical Zgara:ner. Orga.ni zed int846. Charter Perpetual, The Largest Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, numbering over 75,01.0 illerni)trs. A purely Mutual Company, its AssAs be- longIng exclusively to its nienibe.rs. Assets $23,000,000. Acquirial by phi - dent 'arid:economical mana:gement of twenty- two years, withoutthe aiti of a'single dollar of original capital. Surplus" A.ssets over. $6,000,600, All pro- fits divided among the merallairs: ),..laeliyo-. , hos, homer: is a member. There are lea stockholders. Its La...-ge Dividends. They have average ed over 50 per cent annually. ; Total amount of cliviiends paid the members sinee its et- ganization, over $5,000,000 . Its Success Unparalleled.1 It hs arrived . at the extraordinary condition where -the in- • conic from annuarinterest alone is more thaa sufficient to pay all its tosse. Tial amount , of losses paid by the Co 'y, over $8,000,000. Its Responsibility. Po every e-10014. , . Liahilitics, it has $154 of Atscts. - During its last fiscal yea this -Company, paid to its living 'members, nd to the faun - ties of its deceased member, nep.rly :;;;2,000,-. 000, and at the slime time]added more thaa, Four Millions to its accum lated-Capital The Whole Record. di t is Company het' been one of prudent anar.a,s ement aAil pros. perolis advancement. Am. ii* the olcieressa - leading lite insurance comp nes its aVeratp, !.. ratio of expenses -to incoinel has.- through ill entirc history, been the lo est of an AniOnnt depositedwith the Reeeiver Gob- eral of Canada, $140,000. , Number et Poiicy holders in Canada LOB& Insurance $3,123,000. Pi-Medical Referee .-Dr. Atethetell -ani Dr, Tracy, seeaforth. Qnt. . . DANIEL t. SILLS, • General ManagerloieCanada Feb. 24 1869. - ' 6:1-tif. - BOOTS & tatiQgis. 111eNallsi AVING lately purthaeed the. biiiinagior William Barker, in Wro-eter "on amil. a -large -assortment of Boots t; aul • bh06. ivailet but iirst;e:ass work f t.e.tairoa ti# premises. eee OrtierisSill redebire particular aitegiage. li au 111 'dou on.the saortesfi notice. • 4l'.* W: AleitrALL.Y. ,April 23, 1863. NOTicg, ]"OTE LOST. LOST. On or about the 25th of IA February last, a note of hand made by, Peter Emely and George Patterson, of 'the Township of Grey, in favor of John. ..11.otl- dick or bearer, for the sum..ofi$95 o0,.ditted. 27th OctOber, 1868, and payaole 14 menth.e after date. This is to forbid any person" or persons purchasing or negotiating seidisofe, as payment thereet *hat been stopped. JOHN RADDICK. GroY, Mar -el 8, 18.49. 63 tf. THEM.ETelelY'r Quite a zenittion. appelniin,,e' in the -ad of' interrsting developtu fairFor 4.318, We produce that L they aro -pot alrewAy In addition to *hi' therein we InaY t been re....-irressti) eausc -co11fession,3 o In:4e t. a For some time the in abeyance, and not bit -lione until Ihe neighbov the !perpetrators of a would escape .pn.riihnf the A+.torney -Gealeizal spe, c'17.i ilittetitive to el, v,hch ;U1 {'ti., cliargaiale tain siiiileiters facts r clearly home to them. with the relle;lei!,(1 which tool ives ecoriot ed es -a iw,son for not n inveisties.tion, Deteetive rival lit- at (Az -11 lm-eu /nem Taws of the fainikie; three datighiere, viz ;%fiuts1.1.21;Lits-1::,1 Titi)::rnri,. the fhostilet{:s (it the et -reef -ell -et Clarke:A-1 i. ken, Stipe trate, ahertly afterwerde 'baying ex !seined into tl et at oeise in the hale itmith, an olil end .tried own for-'. IIe at one upon a .new {mem "of Le'sa toning tlie :ervit'es of M wife (el/pale-1r detective placed her in gaol en e terfeiting, but with the ascertaining, how mat+ t Aleladv knew of tile fuel quenee ef the way bad been previously 11 1300 yeaiT very a/eoeg 016 reletis o and t uga!ri -teas a -,13ne to her ietereoeree with whom they et ,onee enepe to thie the gir1. was feonel „1.5ss,R oli,ierver ; and r weeks inter--.ourse3j wl. toseth---r eonstantly, .e.veU enee Oe charge. on m comieitteil.. Meanwhile, fore Mr. L'Ielliken. nail 1 to Scafor h. Six months from . the. time Wbert the beenstiosineilte.1, and ed fates had fseen elieit(d taineelt the 0 )1-o1le1's Stnithle ecitineetion -with however,. dated from the ber ; 6)1{114' the coultn ed to her the eed ca' two Iveeke fee eerati.•.im' 'the detectivee "time {remit relea in thinking tue game alp itt t whim. they &inlet that tip an acip`etintante With tile 'flowing Iior.f :- ities saw y with .':iter and,* 'Teal ...with you.- I notice bing the ether day in. the NICHOLAS The t gesi)-1111:11:eills1 gt .0t, oti e•gt8elitee"sip, ee:nrrii:11:nbleling11:,t111 /tom the feet of his eekine her in a- litter not ti thev web bad." warned him to be ce sp tat iahay. The jaii3a81,1!iiaangleteh:yttaieritdaticoiowtifAlijo thzildoLepveian cote- lay wtion ner ; while a la employ fuel to the eas was at o ef the day, made the p correspondence. In Arley's, Mrs. Bond led her (7...-e1'saand'that she was. in - ing, and that she was emu rich gantr. This led hira, that ler assistonce would L1 av•ail tit him, and stikgeS should' _obtain Jr brothe equine -defter) assistance b gtherwise to •bribe the jury and bay up evidence to p_ iShe acciniseed i11 the liad letters writtlen fro ohni Bhitifolvoolassetutteentriftt:gt.ototh, when 41easeel. Still time she never asked hien his incarceration. pivfeni hstlischearatfipleficinfromit; inhima more Gradually his letters be tailed and at last -they