The Expositor, 1869-04-02, Page 5011, 188 uis, 1 ENDON, 3 1ii Houe Mock, tg- Street Torontoi -mid _St. :P4 I's, Street e& Branch rs, TE S TO --Family Machine, Family and Iranaatturiii —Best Leather and Ofoich Manuactur Machine. fi TER h --or Cylinder Machine, for Harliess making, Boot and Sho'ittin aid Sddlery Work where theform of e work 1RUt be retained whileStitehing, he mc»t cornplete and perfect in the world. TH E:WORLD REXO IF.N.V.D SEW - X0' EIRLITS8 were awarded the e.t Prcniurn at the Worhl's Fair in London,. Gold. Medal at Paris Exposition, i8t'. They are celebrated for doing the best, erk, using a much. Smaller needle for Vlia. same thread than any- other machine, and by. the fintroduction of the, most improved ma- chinery, -we are now able to supply -the very *hest machines in the world. ?H4 Q UALITIEg WHICH _RECOM, ITES* THEM ARE: 1- Beauty and Ex. celleney a Stitala alike 011 both sides or the fabric eel -ted. it Strength, Firmness and Durability of Seam, that -011 not Rip - or Ravel. 3. Economy of thread. 4, At- tachments aud wide reap of application to. a urposes and Materiala, The above can be had atithe Branch Office in Seaforth, from W. N- Waasoa. Who ia also Agent for the celebrated WAX ZER SEWING' MACHIN Es9,1which for facility of -management, neatness an& durability of stitch, and -wide range of seams. and unrivalled as a Family Sewing Machine. Threa0 SilkTwist, Shuttles, Bobbins Needles Springs, Oil, and all machine ap-- pliancesifor sale at the Branch Office at Sea - forth, where machines may be neatly re - W. N. WATSON, Seaforth.. April16th 1868. ore of Those 2 Dollar Suits! AT ORAT'S, ALSO A O1ioie Selection of Silk -mixed and West of England TWEEDSI T ASTONISHINGLY LOT PRICES. Seaforth, March 18. 67-3m CAME ASTI3AY. Amg into the premises of the subscriber, sometime in November last, a. yearling Heifer, nearly white. The owneris request- ed to prove property,pay expenses, and take ilier &WAY- HUal LOVt, Lot No. 10, N. -Boundary, Tp. Hay.. Hay, Feb. 19, 1868. NOTICE. HEREBY notify and forbid the public - 1. against trusting my wife or other mem- ber or member& of my family, an zny ac- [ couut, as T will not be responsible for the same after the appearance of this notice. • HENRY SHEFFER. Hay, Feb. 1869. 64-3 FRANit PALTRIDGE'S Old Establighed PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY 14 RUM ED ivrY nun/mica:Is customers and the public IV" _generally will please not forget that I have Removed from the ou Stand to the. OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STRIXT, Into Scott's New 3 story Brick Block, next - to Kidd & M'Mnik.inla store, and directly south of Hiekson's new store, whcre I have built the best Gallery in the County wiped. ally for my own work -being large and cone. raodions, and with the proper actenie light ; 'being' the only Gallery in Seaforth 00'28th:tete ed on true photographic principles.. The oak tight that can reflect the true Factures. f flatter myself that I can satisfy all who May. call. Remember, I don't want your money 'for nothing; I am bound to please or no pay, As many have had pictures in. Seaforth, but Were dissatisfied, having confounded my name with aaother, I would request if you. wanta good picture, properly made and. durable, thatyou ask for Frank PEdtridge. Don't auk for Paltridges, only, but Frank. Paltaidge. I ant thus explicitylaecause imply think they are going to get a picture made, , by Frank Paltridge ; but by a mistake., in not going to Frank P.'s, get sadly &sap - pointed. g?ASK FOR, AND GG TO FRANK; In the Brick Block, up one flight of stair!, and turn to the right haud. My specimens at the door are all my own make, and are not bought or borrowed tae decoy the public. Come any day, Frank is always at home.: and in Good Temper. ' Pictures of deceased eaaefully copied ihttr 1 any kind of Picture desired. - ° Remember, it is to ,Frank -Paltridge's vest ' have to go to get a good Phetograpu. New and rich Furniture, Scenery, &e,, that will make your picture look rich, and -wortk _ sending to your friends Who doer nor know FRANK . PALTRLDGET forth, Jana 6th.- *asonri eamastaramms Tt were profitlesa-to enquirewhether Adam, Nimrod, Alosetror Joshua belong e.1 to the Masonic Order, as sOme have -sYc d and others it 'denied but our tradition says that St. John -the 'Evn- gelist. who was -an EssenittriRreeniaAort,. inAtittited a theological -soeiety-, -,11 Mystic rites and MarNoniCiefriblems, and that Clement, of Rome, Wilo,was the diseiple of Peter and Paul,. got posfs- essiopat the death of St John, of the books and papers of tho sOcietyattatched to the Christian religion, and by means of Missionaries propagated it through the world; that Polycarp,wa, presiding officers; and -that sticCessive , Roman Emperors.tonived at its ex,istance. And it is a fact ' something: `more than . traditionai that in thegg'rifh century, in tL hris e coue of an excavation iu the sa mines of Prussiafthere was discey- at the depth. OT fifteen_ eupids, the foun- dation of a tranguiar- edifice, -in the centre of which WM it‘ small pillar of marble, on which was inscribed . the history of the , building, of the 'tower Of '. Babel in Hebrew characters A ' :tomb. was also found,_in which apnagate stone was encrusted contaning these WOrds "Here are doposited the ashes of the Great Architect of the tower of Babel. God showed his mercy; because helium - bled himself " And. these _monuments are in possession of the bags of Prussia, one of which. the gthat Fredrick was. once Grand Master of Germany. - The -Jews preseved their sacred Socie- ty during the captivity of Babylon' and had 'Grand Lodges aftertheir dispersion though, of course, aft% a diffirent name ; and Eulid and Pythagoras practised societil y of this nature iu Tyre and Italy and,they called it Geometry, and these lodges were called communities or schools, 27,000 Masons , accompanied the. Christian princess in the crusades to recover the sepulchre frora - the infi- dels. , The name of ,freemasonary seems not to have been adopted - until some- time in the middle ages, . probably abeat the close of -.the 14th centuary. • But -though the name may be compara- tively recent date, yet true Masons may . discove,r the antiquity of therparent of the lineaments of the offspring, . and Freemasonary of the day has the same vide scope and high moral aims of the Geometry of Pythagoras, while its light has been diffused whenever man adores the truth and worships the true God. The Properties of Tea. The phYSioiogicals.properties of tea are similar to those of coffee .; it is ..slightly,etringent and ionic, and when ,used without milk or sugar i8.. a simple 'remedial agent in nausea and indiges- tion ; but if sugar is added i4 is con- verted into a thin syrup, which lis More apt to produce indigestion tl4in the .ccsistunption of many times its weight of pare eandy, since sugar is niore di- gestible in the concentrated than, in the 'dilute state. It is a mild stimulant to 'tile skin and kidneys, it prevents leepiness, counteracts the effects of al- cohoIf reduces the rate of waste of the tissues, an action supposed to be -- due to theine, or peculiar principle of the plant, the quantity of which is va- liously estimated, from one half of one -to four per cent., and which closely re- sembles caffeine, or the principle of icoffee. It is a,lso an aphrodisiac' of con:- - siderable-power, and the rapid increese of the poptilation of China, by some, supposed to be due to itsuniversaluse by all.clasSea. la addition tiO its other properties, the Chinese .rega,ra it as a preventative of gout and calculus. It no doubt has the power of preventing the atter,lbut this action is probably due to the fact that if watek is boiled, the greater part of the carbonate of lime it contains, and Which would entei into the composition of -a calming, is precipitated ; therefore the drinking of ' boiled water would be equally effective ,43' 2 influencing the ,prevalence of this disease. It is also narcotic and seda- tbisre, like kopium ; but like it, its action varies with the individual and the doseff'o. -some,_ it is exhilerating to the tier - 'you% Anil ',calming to. the vaseualar sys- tem. In the words of The Muse's friend, tea,. does our. fancy aid, Represi those vapors which the headinvade. `To others, on the 'contrary, it is highly (deleterious, producing headache, and •sometimes even causing"- paralysis 'and Aiabetes, when. used to excess as n tea tasters.i - The 'me of day at whichtea is in diff rent countries -varies wit taken h the custoth, ,of each nation, as does most ever other human habit. The Chinese drink it all times, and key the pot on the flit-so:that they "may rutten their A Curious Instrument Some Week's ago we Were startled by an anneuncenient in the Military 'and naval intelligence of the' rinieo that *an ; - instrumerif,whidh.. could measUre the hundred4housandth' part of 'a: second VAS employed by the authorities at Woolwich in expertMentsongunpowder. at that time one might have thought that the leading journal was merely under one Of those p.ts ;of: inaccu .acy to which We are &l1 ‘Oecasionally liable, but having -since had an opportunity of examining the instrument in question, I am lead to belie -ye that its power wos not overrated. This machine is used for measuring the velocity,of a projectile within the bore of a gun, and, as far as we could judge, is quite capable of re- cording the time that a shot, travelling at the rate. of one thousand feet a se- cond, will, take to pass over one inch, The apparatus consists of a system of toothed wheel -work, beutifully made, and driven by , means of a decenclitig weight. The velocity with whicb each •wheel travels is progrescive in the proportion of five to one ; that is to say each wheel travels five times as fast as tee one in the rear of it. :The last wheel turns a spindle to whieh six brass discs are attatched. each disc being thirty-six inches in circumference. When the machine is travelling at full speed these ditc ; move at a rate of about twenty- eigh revolutions *a, second, or in other woi ds, about one thousand inches a second; an inch of disc, therefo.re, represents the thousandth part of a se- cond. The passage.of the 'projectile is recorded on the edge of the disc by means of a spark deriyed from: a Rhum- korff's coil; thus the interval. between two sparks denotes the time taken by theprojectile in passing over a known distance in which it ruptures two gal- vanic circuits, and causing a correspon- ding number of sparks. Each disc has its own coil, marker, e.nd galvanic cir- cuit, by which means the time of pass- ing over five distinct: spaces can be re- corded. The actuaJ. rate at which- the wheals are moving 'is ascertained by means ofa. stop -watch,attached to one of the slowly moving,. wheels. As the thousandth part of aleccond is repre- sented by an inch on the disc, we can easily understand that the hundreth part of an inch, which:is by no means difficult to measure, Will represent the hundreth thousendth part of a second. • Cure for Love. I have a friend: at London -super Marc, a dear old lady, who keeps a school where young ladies are "finished." The ages of these damsels rage from fourteen to eighteen, :"sweet sixteen" being. the &verge. Having a confiden- tial chat with -my friend during the calm quiet of her last Christmas holi- days, 1 a.Sked her if she was not often troubled by her pupils falling in love, ,She answered me unreservedly, ‘‘1 have to contend against no greater difficulty. In a town like this, where we cannot walk in any directon without meeting half a dozen boys'.schools—to say noth- ing of the hundreds of loiterersflaneurs, Who seem to think that a girls boarding school is fair game for their sport, it seems almost impossible to prevent flirtations from arising, and notes of love tokeh-Fs being clan.denstinely exchanged. I 'spare no painsor airs to guard against and conteract this; but the thing exists, and will continue to exist, so long as girls ere sixteen and foolish, and young men and lads are bold, and adventurous. My only plan, when I see that the tender passion has l'een devel- oped, is to,crush it in the „bud." What do you dor "'You will smile when I tell you; for my receipt is the antithesis of romance, It is a dose of senna tea." "Senna tear "Yes, \senna tea. When ever I perceive, as 1...)very quickly do, that one,.of my young ladies has fallen (as she fancies) into 'eve I:at once take her in 'hand • I never hint at anything connected with the tender passion, but treat lier as an invalid who is suffering from' impel -led digestion. I keep her .elosely to the house and dese her liber- ally with senna tea, standing by to see that she drains the dose to the dregs. This plan is always attended with stic- ces. ,Sometimes she gives in after the first few doses, ',Jut usually it takes two or three days to complete the cure. I had one obstinate and protracted case that lasted a whole week; but I was firm to my plan, and in the end it succeeded. 1 You may depend upon it, that as a cure for school girl's calf love there is nothing like Benne tea."—Onee a eek. lips" after the fashion of Sair Ganip -; FIRST-CLASS .others consider it almost saciilige th Itake it at any other hour than n the oayening and at tea', while many say F.Ayah Gay, ddi . At noon (the lady's main hours) 11 sip -tea's delicious flowers. • At whatever time it may be used there is og doubt that it acts much more I energetically .if taken on an enipt.y istomaeh and 'Without any other food.— Pr. C'. Draper, in _March Gala.v. H.INGLES. FOR SALE .A T SMITH & BRO'S. FACTORY, AIN LEWILLE. ITHopssulagseraighe, :Lir LioenT hovedr afoic!tienteitayt moderate prices, at their bteam Factory. 3 , arc . .65-1m • Ainle Yville M h 4 ‘.) EAFORTH gxfic)siTic)R. '11 AT HICKSON- S • - EMPORII.JM. 1 the 1st of March, WE WILL SELL DRESS COON,. CLOAKINCS, FURS, CLOTHS All TWEEDS, OVERCOATS, BLANKETS AND Winter Goods! AT COST! To make room for LARGil SPRING tilf.e01iTATIONS. COME AT ONCE TO Secure Zargains. E. HICKSON & CO. Seaforth, Jan. 27th: 60 CLEARINGSALE 0E1 WINTER COODS • AT ,J.13onthron & Son's E will sell WINCEYS, COBL1RGS, FANCY DRES S GOODS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, READY-MADE BOOTS & SHOES, and all Winter GOods, AT COST 1 To make room for Spring Goods. - A Choice lot of G11E:ICE 1E39 Always on hand. 'CANADA WAREHOUSE,' In Scoff s Brick Block, SEAFORTH, TT -1-111 subscriber respectfully intimates to the in' habitants of Seaforth and sur 'rounding Oulltrjr, that he has now a larg and complete stock of Sta le a Fa= WINTER DRY GOODS ...1SOME OHOIOE M SCOW Beaver Overoats. Body Coats, Vests and Pants. firLadies', .Mens', and Boys' iBOOTS; andl Felt . Overcoats. toHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY. IN GROCERIES. Robertson & Son's Celebrated Coffees, Green, Black, and japan Teas, Sugars,Spices, and all kinds of FRUITS, suitable for the combig Holidays.' Also . COAL OIL, all of which WILL BE SOLD OPMA.P. ARCITICALD McDOTTGALL. Seaforth, Dec. 15th 1868. 53-ly ROBERT MILLER, aver er Wholesale Stationer, GENERAL BOOKBINDER, AND ACCOUNT BOOR MANUFACTURER, Importer and dealer in SCHOOL Math, STATIONERY, mrs, TWINES, WINDOW SHADES, ANZI3 Paper Hangiligs, Ag -ENT FOR Loi,ell's and the New Series of School Books , Daart)ille School Slate -Com- pany ; Carter's Combined Writing & Coning Ink. • 397 Notre Dante Street, _Montreal. March 18th, 1869. • 67-3m To SIMONS, ElbUSE & SIGN PAINTER. jant o I 4 loti! "1".:114411 All work clone in First -Class Style. Or- ders to be left one door North of Dr. Smith's office. 67-3m. (1 CARTWRIGHT, Surgeon Dentist, U. Stratford, Ontario, begs most re- spectfully to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country that he has opened a DENTAL OFFICE over MR HICKSON'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Seaforth, and has procured the assistance of Air. J. A. Ellis, Surgeon Den- tist to take charge.ef the same. Mr. Cart- wrialit will continue to visit Seaforth the second week of every month. .All work warranted to give perfect aatisfietion. Teeth extracted with little °rim pain by the use of the Nareetic Spray, which produces local anesthesia; (want of pain.) Charges Moderate. Terms Cash. „ . REFERENCES f --:Dr. Smith, Seaforth; Dr. Shaver, Stratford; J. Dutton, Chemist, Stratford, P. R Jarvis, Esq., Stratfori ; Dr. Whiting, Berlin, Dr. Rowans, Drumbo ; Dr. Bray, Chatham. Mr. C. will be at the -Commercial Hotel, Clinton, the third week of every month: Seaforth, Dec. 17th 1868. 534v; CAMPBELL'S PATENT VENTILATOR!' DAMPER AND .DEODORIZEIL -DROMOTING Health, Comfort andF4 13n. oray, tie only complete Ventilator and Double Damper in use, for Kitchen, Office, Parlor or Bed -Room, flaying its cost in one month. It claims guaranteed or money refunded. See testimonials from ,scores of Professional and Scientific gentlemen, For Sale by WM. LOFFT, Agent for Seaford": February 11, 1869. 63-tf HOUSE TO LET I J. BONTIIRON ts SON. j A COMMODIOUS and comfortable &Ta- li ling house, in a good position. 1 JOHNSTON* BROI Seaforth, March 12 1869. 6644 • Seaforth, March 19th, 1869. g - t CHRISTMAS, PRES.ENTS ew Year's IT S Santa Claus has made his headquarters for the preeent season at the store of R COUNTER Wherae is exhibiting one of the largest stocks of _ gots & •tar•t oritto Ever *Ought into Seaforth. Everything . suitable for Christmas Presents encl. ' New Year's Gifts, ; AT PRICES - CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. viosewho wish to gratify their children or friend t by bestowing upon them a beauti, ful present, should call early, as a Great Rush w -Z1 undoubtedly be made. to Santa- ., k Claus' Headquarters WRAMEMBER rHE 'M. R: Counter's Tewdllery c6 Raley Goods Store, Seaforth Dec. 9th. v2-nl-1y SHEFFIELD" RDWARE s nc.m.. OH NSON BRO.'S ••••••••=1•1•1•11m.momommlimb.-1 Chopping. Axes, Broad Axes, I Framers' Tools, Carpenters' Too Coopers ools.. HARDWARE OF EVERy/DESCRIPTION. A eplentind assortinent of CROSSCUT and MA.CHINF1 W • $0 KEGS PECK'S ontreal Cut Nails GLASS, , PUiTY, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BEC'. ;_ktChe as any House in the Trade, at JOI-INSON BRO.'S S-TOVE81 __STOVES I 1 -,eentplebe.!assiortment of Cooking, Box, and Parlor Stoves, Stove Pipe, and Tinware of all descriptions, 'VERV'' CHEAP, At JOHNSON BRO.% W.SIVN OF THE IlAitlf071t ormt Astivrx Seaforthe ijan. 6th, 1869 NEW. HARNESS SHOP. 7111E nna4rsign4 WILLIAM 11. OLIVIts Begs to an4unee to the inhabitants of Sea - forth 'and Surrounding country, that be has opened:0 First -Claes liorness Shop, Opposite the Post Offices i MAIN, STREET. 1 Tfe nes had over twenty years expefienee in the business, and for the last seven years has been in the employ of F. A. Myer*. who A. • ,ks.hig4,y of his ability as a-workman- aamg iteNht out MR. -TAIT'S Stock, purchased a • • ROE SIMPLY OF. C000 MATERIAL, 03-18 prepared to sell CITEAt) AS ANY OTHER ESTAB- LISii$dNT IN 11414 COUNTY. - Ai Scotch and Fancy a 01 1,4 14 A. "ii3 If fears mrli Competition, ive him Call, AiNndDsaLIIM:y(T21.41.- FCARNESS ey rt10041: • 7th, 1864.; 57-tf. HARP'S; HOTEL, Livery Stable, and GeneraStage Office, Main Straet, R L SHA.RP, Promieter, $ a forth, AM. 8th, 1869, 53-tft } 7,