HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-04-02, Page 3_
z unovEzaz
Lone it *March 25. ----The pope halt',
invite 4 Soverigna to send ecelesias--
. ics to preaent then inethe General -
If the Church of
eni:t Os March 2-5.—Sir Staffora ••
Northe4., has advised the %Wawa Bay-.
Corapa4 ttG wept the proPosition of -
eel Glistiville, the Coltiniel kc* Lety
to cede ttieir Territoriahrigh tg in British
Orth Adinericafor 4a00,0G0--ccmsid-
,ing it the best offer they can
New •-t mks March28.—The bre)Ydd's
4madravecial sz.0 that the committee,
made a, Mixon tO the 'Cortes to -day.
The &aft of the Coustitutien; made a
proposarthat the future finen. of Gov -mu-
- ment elia, be monarehicad, and
consist of a Senate and Congrek Tae
senatoriziltterm shall he thirteen years. ,
I The senators are to he elected Isy Pro-
onal Cenneila, comnoeed f four for
I each Prdvince. The seasons f Congk'ess
-itt-e to he triennial, and universal •
stiff -le -tee tab) be the rule in regartl to .
voting. The reign of the King Shall
be firnitkl to eighteen years.
The Majority a the _Cenunittee re=
iported in- favour of a seperation of
Ulitueh from State while a minority re -
Tort advocated the Rottian C.Ltholic aS
Om State Creed, with toIeratitni towards
;all other- religious profeteions. The
liberty of the pi egs . and the righ t of
n'uTtings. will be guaranteed.
•Jeoriclori, Mareh 28.—Ad vices from. \
dip-ein render it, certain that, Montpensii -
Let. pita laimed King. Ile will adie
lye ni Spain witlifin a ttirthe igtit o.t),,,t40
iron -clad Vietotdee now at Lion. -
r;. Ar.q.ii114.0AN.
- ilavartiat, Alarch 2-1.—Captian-Gen.
• .,
italee hts,,,titseued a proclainedoe clia bar- ,
,ing that 411:vessels captured in 'al anish
saterse :tie in the seag neer the
-.1slancl, witil men.: mine and munitions'
4* -war on hoard, will be treated as
; A tipz1441 man -of war has brought
C) - thiS peit the (mile _Naas •&melt from
Nueritas,T• .:The va.rite ( f, the cherge of
'ilie prize -1:trig ta oetimated et.;•t-200,000.
i t consi ;tt-- aif cannon, stnall ar111, .8111111- ' f ._,
anitio! , ziall tither. small lalteri..!1, -
; New ittt.k.11etreh 542. ---The Ereming '
:Mail pul t.-.--litst- letters crAD. mereliaxits
d' Matailai a, diteci I et t , wilir-11 give
letails of tit; battle of die Catites. it :
ippears th 'i,t the *paii Genend Leca
teia clefeatiel oy (bede; and . driven
,a k to -tt. itemija, that he then made:a
Itstour anti attacked a sit-et:11er 1.cydy a
lrisUrgentsi-u-nder C.16n Lucia, and after :
kaatag. ci7'.dellieers• anti 800 111111, fc.rced
-‘tis. way threugh the dtdiletand att.-acted
thierte Print:vet lie is now in thi.
as ring it will .ost him as clearly as
'..kee.trt a the 11, flan devoted to the : Cu-
-1,11 catwe,' atm the lietters say be Tan -
lot rene:in entre and liVo-, Avhile his
kie reaelii.ti4., it
, New YOz4c, Mareh 26.---tThe .Tri-
tt)te.'S special says that Re4,vs cornea
rein Ni-issuzi, that., a Spenisti war steam -
✓ has outraged the British tied Ameri-
an-flega, :The Nary Lz)wel was eap-
trod ov her when under the charge of
tiritisli etliciai. Both the English and
I ierican adthorities are indigant.
Washing' ton; _Aiareh 2-4th.—In the
•wit& ..tt a Beaks, from the CoMM itee
U Foreign attairs,. reported a joint re-
tititien, deehiring the synitettliy of the.
eopIe of the -United States -with the
ttdple of Odin, in their patriotic efforts -
t seeure ' tlikr independence, and to•
-e &dish a ittpublican f aui a govern-
F-nt, and guaranteetig i he personal
-betty and 'die equal po,iliical rights of
:1 ti.e.peopiti- ; and that :Congrcss win
,ve its eortet.:dtutirfnal suieseat - to the-
- eeident of -the United States- where-
-er be ioav deem it eapedient to re -
?graze theindependande and sovere-
eittr of gt*.lt republican" Government.
,ecosa1rnitte4 and ordered to be prines,
4. - ..
- Washingtto, Marcle',9-,eirt the .
-mac. to-dat Judge Noah Davis, of
,ew Ycrlt, Ilityl.,0 a powerful -ri-- taiel-
'0`: speech in: favour of the, total repeal'
the Teniti.e-ofteriet Act Ife was
,tened to with the deepest attention,
id evidentty created a profound im-
:esaion. Messera. Garfield andi
Ilienele hate spelsen on the other sidee
' - t dtdee t . b. t J 1 f 1.)- -lea
(daily Sri ' -ng G COM a, DI i..,,C aN
aliments. , • •
, •
Now Yorke Mare1.26—Ja1I]ea Haar-
-r of the firm of II,arper cCiltxx., who
as thrown from hie carriage a few days
,AC'e, died en Saturday night.
Tew York, March 2,6-..7—The Herald's
'eciel says it is .stated that :Paesident
. the House to ree de from the pdt
'ant, last evening. advised ills friends
ion they hawe. talen la opposition to.
e Senate. Ile ktya that he .is. heartily
,ed of the present war of the II? ortsesse
'd has been. troeriea by ofliee seekeros
:severelythat he would cot go through,
trereble tie has bad since tate
arch for $109,000-
San Franeisco, Mai ch 29r--Aii-zents
yices state that the railita.ry are
verlesg apinst• the Indians, who are
11 armect And 'supplied with sammts
tion I -
. .
Mie W. A. Thomittone of the Erte
and Nittiara Extentien atittCopia
_ •
pany,, and the Erie and -Niagara R. R.-
ttompany, gives fledge :of application
- to the Dominion Parliathent for power
autherizieg both or either of these.
Railroad Conipanies to construct and
operate foi railread d other purposes*
at bridge over- or tuna34 -under Niagara
River at or hear Fort Erie, in theconn-
, ty of Welland, to c$ -operate in con-
nstriictions ancl m an; tg anent with any
corporate pow n..s existing with-
in tlse State,of New orke or to be ore-,
_ ated by the tiongi7e s -of the United
States. .
, •
Notice is given that application will,
'be Made at the enstiijngi Parliament of
the Dominion tor an A.ct ta, revive and
amend ehe .Act to int: tpmette the Cana-
dian and Britieli i• Tel graph Company.
The rBylaw for Zthb Clifton Suspen-
sion bridgd Co. regulating the toll _ to.
be taking, foe croseinh. their Suspensi-
on Bridge, has been approved cf Iy
Government in Co mail, :—For
each carriage or vein te-drawn by two
licrseg, Llusting driv r thercief,
for each single horse c, rriage and driver,
35cts ;'for each othe person, 25c.
- ^`•
- '
, •
At a meeting- of subscribers toe the
-Dominion Telegraph' : Company, great
dissatisfaction prevailed, and the im-
plied conclasion:is that they, consider
the affiir swindle.
The 'father and brother of the late
Ensign Whitaker, 53rd Regta, are said
to have left England en route for Que-
bec, to be present at young Chaloner's
trial in April.
• " •
TORON .120.
A tire took place in a bua
ildine near
the Eosin Reuse, oa Monday night
last, whi b wa'seltlltgunhed, not.bow-
ever without considerable loss.
A n(iW sed called, the '"Christadel--
phiaus"„ are making a sensation in the
eity. •
On, Saturday morning the body Of
inf tut was lfound in the trunk
of a girl maned Mary Jane Colgey, a
servaet in- the family of M. J. A.
<tDoboie. The girl was arrested.
new sa ire being erected on the
- •
Claurcli of Stjoba the Evangelist, to
treplate th it wnub was hiOWII down
•tabout a year ago, „
James Svmett was sentenced to one
year's imprisoned- at the reeent sssies
rfor Biganty. The case was defended
on the ' plea tlet.t the prisoner suptses-
ed his-tirtt wes dead, whieh idea
it appears slie desIgn(Ix1 to iinpress upon
him He has 'the .synipathy of the
pal bl ie. ;
An impeachment was nrought a-
• gains -t the Chiof of .1.'elice, but the com-
inissiouers have deelinel to enisertaie
as. ti e, -y say that the .charges, if .sus-
tained, eleke it a crindual case.
Sorse time ILA wetk the Churth of
the Ase,ensien was sacrilegiously plun-
dered, end the money contaiued in the
childeen's missionarY boxe stolen
Griggs is elreatly pronounced
out of clanger ; but n attempt to ex-
tract the ballet has been made.
The Inapeetoi. of LicenSes- ,iatimates
that in .f.ittre, p selling liquor
without It enee will be strietly and
severely dealt with. •
It is:said that the Chief of Police
has a list of prqfcsaient.111 thieves, belong-
ing, or professing to belong to this city.
. •
., •
At a meeting recently held at West
River, Pietou County, to appoint a
Councillor for the Repeal League, re-
solutions favoring anit4atioae
named. •
HoWe is expected to resume the
canvass in H-nts next week. te. •
-1 :There seems sto be some doubt as to
the •date of thet„ elections, Some pa-
pers say the nominations will be on the
5th of April, and the election ou the
13th,, while others put he nomination
down for the 13th, and the election on
the 20th. _ •
(From our own Qorr*oncleAt.)
W1TIIINI-the'paSt yeattIli'ete has been
a nett increase of 57 in the population
of Leechville.
r THN # ;
THE Leechville Volunteer COmpaoy
hate engaged an efficient Drill4-Sergeant
for a month; aaid they noivddrill every
CA PTA I. N Geo. Gibson and Lieutenant
Young, are engaged at piesent in enroll-
ing the militia a,ecordiug to law
- HAY has tadvanced very- materially
within the last two Months, in this sec-
tion, and is now difficult to get at, from
$15 to $16 per ton.
, •
A GREAT many sheep are dying in
•the township this spring, . the cause of
which is Iii.456sedto be a grub in .the
PERcONS who are curious to know
the origin of the lst 9f April being,
called "411 Foolii* Day," I refer theni
to the 6th t hapter of Ruth, for the de-
sired infosmation
Tlls Weelettens are carrying on a
very 811CM:it-fil1 l'rottacted Meeting at
Gough's School: House. ,The Rev. We
Tiudall (M. N. C.) is also holding Re-
vival Meetings ati Orange Hill, and
thus far has every reaeon te feel 5atis-
tied wish the result.
MCLEOL--.MccAsEzel; -77.A t41119ilrhey, on
the 23rd- of 'Aii0c111.1Y the Th4 Mr Grali-
am, Mr .• Murdey McLeod to Miss Sarah
McCaskill all of Seaforth:
MITCHELL2L-NICH0LL.--On the 1st inst., at
the res14onee of MY.--Ofithrie, Main street.
by the Rev. Mr. Graham, Mr Alexander ,
Mitchell to Miss Isabella Nicholl, all of
T0oikBS—BAITR,D-011 Wednesday, March
24th, At t he rus ideme of ..M.T.,Baxter, Leech!
ville, by the Rev. Wi 1rttdt1f, Mr Fank
Toombs; :. to Miss M. E. Baird all of Leeche
ilkre 40<av •
e.”4. .
CampBELL —At Pitlochrie, on the 1st March;
David Campbell,, merchant, late of :Bruces"
.iiot, Canada, 7„aii.
,c.:i1:* form
er)y f
K ,
0 0
"Nimno's Popular Tales,"'
"Tales f the Borders,".
"St. P trick's Eve,"
, "Head. -Times," -
"Morn g by Morning," by Spurgeon.
"The Prodiga1 Son;" lay •Piinshort.
``Light -to th.e Path," by Hamilton.
"Kingl ke's•War in the Crimea," :
-`0hase s Receipes," ,
Bible and Testaments in large and
sinall print, )
British and American Magazines supplied
to Order.
'Secrets of the Great City," expected -very
shortly. i: : , ) .
CIt '
O 1, " BOOKS,. Foolsee , Letter and 1\ ote Paper, always on hand ,:` also Law
For , Blank Notes, Day Botiks, Ledgers, &C.
C3ir SE_ FORTE ' 'EXPOSIT° R." Daily
Globe and Daily Telegraph fpr Sale:
' William* Elliott.
Seaforthi. Ap‘ril 2, 1869. 54 tf.
' I '
. •
In Scott's. j3,ria Block,
THsEtalinetroiLber, has received his first in-
• - a
Brown, Black, COlored .aed White
;Canton, Panama, Felt, All -Wool
and Merino •
H T !
Decideil Bargains -in Union, Alf -Wool and
Also s me very Choice ,Gunpowder, and
I3 Q
ugirs; §yrnpe,,Coal Oil &c, •
A lar e, stock of BOOTS &,SHOE8 ex-
pecte n a:few days ;•
44-11i h if price paid for B4ter,- Eggs. 4-.c.
Seaforth, Apnl, 1869.
Bra(r0-7,4 CALM? CMS • tiOt yet came off.• 8.FavoEnr,. April, 2nd, .1869.
Ife has a lawyer _ftent 1JOSLQII.t01 1001
look after `it who asterts the charges
upon whieli Bragg 1 as been arrested
cannot be stistaititsd, but he coesiders
the nature of big being here in company
with a young lady a serious affair. .
Despateh from Detef.tive Hamer, of
BoStou, states that he has been en tit el v
successitil in procuring the requisite
evidence ueeessarz for obtaining the ex -
The city is lodets nich business'on
acconnt of the unsafe state of the 1)es
Jarden's detail bridge, farteets being
afraid to drive uver it. The couneil ha;
enter,:d. 41.11 action against -0-1 Great
Western' Railm-ey cull the matter, and
• the people outside tlal corporation has
done Ilk-el:vise againet the city.
• ,Th Ii712,15,9 ft)li;s hase seen a living
trichina utider t initeoseope and des-
▪ Cribe it ea re.aeu'il.ne an .augle worm,
but bech g a s dot' heal They de-
cide that -July emit want any; and con-
clude W1,01 the idea th:It we meet
avoid eadyg poi -k, if v e hope to be GRIO
food for- worms of a_ deeent and g•rave
Wheat, (Fall) V bushel, 80 @ 90
Wheat (Spring) bushel,., $, 0 ® 86
Barley ire bushel, 00 ® 1 05
Clever per bu s h. . 6 00,0, 6 00
:Timothy per bush. (60 lbs) 1 50 @ 2, 50
'Oats 1,'T bushel, • •
Peas V
do (large)
Potatoes V bushel, .
Hay V ton, -
Eggs 1P clozei,
Butter V413 ;
Turkey per lb.
40 _ 45
WitEtr. ailirzliz;,,othtahtes hlathis es oef
pared to eiceente all orders with neatness -and
despatch, and in the latest style ahd fashion
of -the seaSOn, ,
FrOM her experience in the above bilsinass,
she hopes by unremitting attention- to the
want's and tastes of those who may favor her
with a call-, to merit A liberal share of public
patronage. • •
ArROOMS over Corby's Store, EutraueQ
Secend. Deor North of the Telegraph Office.
Seafort ; April 2, 1869. • 69-3m.
ore of Those
12 Dollar '‘ Suits I
65, ® 65 .AT.
95 00 •
60 ® 65
9 , 00 (4) 11 00 ALSO
12 @ 14 A Choice Selection of Silk -mixed and
• 40 g - 22 West -of England
06 07
25 30
< CLINTON,, March 31.
• (From the xeto-; -row. 44STO117SlIIhTQLY LOW PRICES.
Wheat (Spring) per bushel, 80 80 a 0 85 p
• • ,
—A. few Sewing Machines for Mile
do (Fall) . do. , 0 :30 a 0 90 . . that Have been ran for a short
, • .
Oats,' - , ' -: - .0 49 a 0 50 tulle. Just the th ner for Tailors er Dress -
Barley, - ° - 1 10 a 1 15 mahers Call and see them working.
' Peas, .0 .65 a 0 65 Seaforth, March 18. 67-3m
0 22 a 0 23
• , 65 a 0 70
o 12 a 0
GonTmerr, March 31* 1869.
kind Wore tail Line Makes ends of us-"
The new etene-bre maehine, on
Dlake's pate -et, inzu;'0 1.)1. the Ceipera-
vicielse .e.
ration h`y-' E. It. (tile( rt, is in operatirn
and aatifaetorily
W iiettlay, :a fa m _ in Col 14ee
street e ate . borne hastily -fried ham,
been -lit ft)rii a 'carnet grocery, and
shortly lifter all -i,vhdtirteok of it show-
„ ed -the usual symptu s of trichinosis.
. An- ex;:itniaittion• of he hall] showed
of trieliinf.T. • None of the patients
allow sigas Of improvement yet. ;
The depUtatiOn which visited Mon-
treid for the 'metier. ttf cellectini for
e -
the Qiiei's College tendownient, have
ratted $12,500. •
Fall wheat Per bushel, ,.$0 80 a .0 83
SMITH Be BRO'S. FACTORY! A GENTS wanted to canvass every Town -
Spring do ' 0 80 a 0 62
...Toao*ro, Aprl, 1st, 1869. .1-1 ship in the County of Huron, for
• _
(Py Telegraph. ) ROBERTS' FATENT
• ..(4.1110(1)INAL,
Aid others interested, is called to the
following extract from
Dated Toronto, 2nd day of
- March, 1869.
That all accounts connected with the
Criminal Justice!
Province of Ontario is
Shall be rendered, in duplicate,' to
Of each County,
Or Union of Counties, on or before the
second Monday; next after the eittings
of tbe respective Courts of Assize and
Nisi Prins and General Sessions of the
i eace, and shall include all dem.ands of
ethe party rendering the same (payabte,
as aforesaid by the Province) up to the
ttiiie of sin+ rendering, and reference
to the authority for the charge.
That each account shall be verified,
by the oath of the party, that .it is just
and correct to the best of his :knowledge
and belief, and in cases where mileage
is charged, there shall be an affidavit
stating the p!aces from and to which
the mileage is reckoned, as well as the
number of miles, and in no case shall
more than the actual miles travelled be
allowed, or a great er number of miles
tuan the distanee front the Court House
to the plate of service. -
• •
QOM) Stand for a Tavern, in a rising
Villit4e. Enquire at this Office.
Seaforl-,t April 2nd, 1869. - 69-4
IN -u
onat is.hereby given. that the McKil-
lop Gloncil will -meet at Alexander'
Hotel. on Monday the 12th day April, when
they will ihea,r and decide the claims of all
parties againn
at the corporation, respeatig
tIie errortbn their taxes.•
st-OHN O'SULLIVAN, Tp. Clcrk.
McKillop, April 2, 1869. 69-2in
Ilayhttlit, Pastor. Services everySabltath
at IN 0,1ock,.a. in, and 64 o'clock p. m.
Sabbat4School at 2 o'clock, p. Prayer
meetinerhursday evenings at &dock.,
METtroD :44 'EPISCOPAL (tau -acre —Preaching
each Siii'bbath at 10.30 a. in., and 6.30 ism
Sabha* School 2p. m. 'Lecture and prayer
ineetinA Wednesday evenings 7.30 p.m,
Rea.. Williamson, Pastor. .
PRF,SBYTKit.. IANOITURCH.—Services commence
at 11 ahio... and 6:30 n,m- Ltetare and
Prayer-fneetma- en Tuesday 'evening, at
Sic!itmer Arra7zgeinents,
Accounts for which the Pro-vince is
liable, include tall charges in comma-
-Lieu with Coroner's Inquests, except
medical evidence, and all charges in
cases tried, or to be tried, at the As-
sizes or General Sessions of the Peace.
`Co. Huron.
April lst, 1869.
Agents Wanted!
Train's; .will leave the Sea,forth Station, aa
04 . ,
130 A.M.
10:30 A.M.,
222 P.M.
Leave fee Ainleyvillei Wroxeter, Leech -
vale, Ba,ylield and Exeter, on the 'arrival o
Trains ni the afternoon,
Bniodie ALLEvaNTon, the great CATA.RRIT.
flEADAGRE, NEURALGIA ai; (1 Universal Pain
Remedy. -is unquestionably the most. agree-
able and Offleamous remedy known to modern
science. It relieves all pain instantaneously
andreduet: s inflamation with rapidity, erea-
ing a he*Ithy action of all diseaeed organs,
neutral:ring all 'poisonous effects au t making
a rapid and radical cure of some o' the most
distressing complaints to Which maukind. are
subject. :Erigg§ Allevantor is told by Wm.
Apert, and by dru.ggists' anti country
m-:rehant4 generally.' GET TT. Twit rr.4.No
family sheuid. b.; without it a.day.
Ba.tooFe MODERN CURATIVE, for Corns,
Bunionsjugrowing Nails, Tender Feet, &.It is the.safest and most,effidaiious remedy
ever discittvexed for the dire and prevention
of ailments of -the fecl,. ft is not potash or
acid, but Soothin!.c. Softening and healing
o in tmenCewarranted not to in; ure. the most
delicate ieef, but soon affect a radie,a1
cure of *lege vexatious torments of thit
e h.
man family. -There is nO remel.v equal to an
operation -by a skilful r. leiropoits.. When
this is nail convenii.eit, Briggs' Al 0C1431 Cara-
tive as an.a.n4e1 of mercy. mercy. sola by
Wm, 1011s, Agent, and.druqgists t-very-
whzre. -Dr. J. BXLOGS.-Ig23. Br3adway, N.
, Y. Ad. fleas, a. Wateirr Co. Hamil-
ton, Ont,,T,Gencrel Agents for British Poss-
essions. : 53 ly
Wheat ( e p.11).,19 bushel. -
,S0 95 to 1 00„
, clo (Aprint,r)•bushel., 0 83 to 0 87
Oats 14 hi1in1,H it) to 52
Barley Iniehel; 1 10 to 1 15
Prices decling. • MIIE subscribers have on hand a qiwitity
1„ of shingles which they offer for le.e at I-1 DRSE I-IAY FORK
moderate priers, at their 6teain /actory.
Ainleyville, Mazeh 4. .65-1m
Peas V bushel. 70 to -75
Butter. ,T 22 to '27
HEREBY notify anti fox:bid the public:
Against trusting my Wife., Or other mem-
ber or members .of my family, on my ap-
count, as r will net be res9nSible for the
same after the appearanee ot this notice.
Hay, Feb, 24, 1869. . Ce( -3
Price 6 00.
TENDERS WANTED. Liberal Commis... Allowed..
MIIE undersigned will reeeivs Tenders un-
til 12 o'clock, noon, on f,e,aturday, the
lora day of April, 1869, for the ere,etion of
a brick building in the Village,of Seafortk
Plans and specifications can te seen at nay
office. The proprietor does not la:nd him ielf
to aecept the lowest or aay tenaer, unless
satisfaetory. •
f th. A ril ist 1869 C9-2
Totongq) Rights3r Aate.
' n MI
.SetiforA. Feb.,19!1 63-tt.
EtNal. South half Lot No: 10, Concession
9, itwnship of -.Morris, imies from
Blythe, einitaining 100 acres.
For further particulars enquire at the store
of John Oraidwood, Seaferth. „
R R. CL.A.R1K.
January 811, 1869. 57 -Gin
ircoa Li Cultivate
Itg 4--ertaiti indication oil
1,Jecut:ip at tivc Roots.
Hair Restorer
itostoreigy- hair to its natural cow- and teautx
*Lid prodtlees luxuriant growth. It Fives tho-kairi
beautifai .ss and delightful fragrance. "
ilatinfagttory and Sales Wines.
266 11111 HOLBORN, Loadbe; Eng,
VirSeW.er and Rolls, Druggists,. sifZen.ta
oa Seafeeth For Sale everywhere.- .
January 28th. 1869. 604.V.
Scott Itobei•tsar, s
February 19th, 1869; 63-4
t.TAM b, ii.liporbeK 01 .1.1:112,lisik
kloweriig,13nlbs,&e. Seeds, Roots, Shrutei,
and wholesale au 1 retail, London
Secd ore city Haft Buildies
treet, _London, Ont Grin 10.1508 nett
JAMES ru-1::. Grape Wt;61-nillster) near ' ‘2:3-‘•
69-3m. _Laza 25th. °1869. 6S.
Ire leh, and American Seeds, butte
Having secured the exclusive right for the
County of Huron for the above inv ..ntion,
any p3rson or persons making or vin ling the
same will Le prosecuted aoeording to law.
Claelds, Bri
ea or , p Se nini, pr 1 2, 186f.
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