The Expositor, 1869-03-26, Page 6:.t 4 6 THE CITIES. „OTTAWA. --e--- The Indian Depaftment is about to construct a roadthroturtth to the Saugeen 1 a Peninsula, ' about 40 miles L. length, and runniiag in a northerly 'direction i froni the terminus of the road.. It will • be only about 20 miles to the south side of the Manitoulin ISlend. The Dominion notes in circulation amount tofour million and thirty-four thousand dollars. The specie held, to -nine hundred and se een thousand dollars. The debentures held by the - Receiver General to three million dol- lars. ' ; ' Railwai contractors are begirming to arrive for, the letting on the 5th ,of April, The Railway Commissioners are not expected here until next week. i t' is reported bei e toelay-that Sir John intends to meet Parliament with- out filling, up the vacancies in the Cabi- net of Ontario: It is stated farther that he d es not intend to increase the represent tion in the Cabinet from Ontario, but the vacant offices will be given to :Newfoundlend and Prince Edward island when they enter the - Union. 1 TOTION-TO. QUEBEC. In the Legislature Mr. Ross expresS- ed his belief that wooden railways would prove a gigantic failure, and the money expended on them would be thrown away. They would not even 'be servicable as a step to iron roads afterwards, as the latter required an entirely different bed. To his mind they were cheap but nasty. Government intend adjourning Par- liament over to Saturday from Wed- nesday, from Satnrday to Tuesday, arid to proregue towards the end of of neXt week. On the 22nd inst., the School Bill passed its second readieg. • Tenders for construction of the firSt seution of the New Telegraph Conapany's line (the People's) from Ottawa j o Montreal, have been accepted. Tend* for the second sectiqn, from Mcntreal to Quebec, by the 'North Shore, are to be called for immediately, and tie whole line is expected to be in opera- tion by the 'first of June next. ,KINGSTON. At the assizes for the county of Fron- tenac, the case of Mr. &melt al -rested for bank conspiracy and fraud was poet - polled till the next assizes, at the ee- , f-" riz SAFOTITH EXPOSITOR :•CORRESPON.DENCE, THE VoN. - -Of THE COLDElf• The expenses- of the Police establish- ment for this city have been, returned. The totel outlaylast year amounted to $28,894,75. This is greater than tnat of last yeti by $1,000 On.Tuesday a young lad, a messen- ger of Miss Hodgin's Millinery depart- ment,'`entered the, City Bank and pre- sented a cheque for one hundred dollars, parportin' g to be , drawn by Mr. Lums- den, a:depositor 41 the bank. The lad's manner led to no suspicion, but the teller at once pronounced the signiture a forgery. He was suspected and ex- amined ; ihe .replied that he got the Cheque from. a man outside, 1V -ho was then waiting for the money. Mr. Man- ning walked out with the boy to test the truth'of his story. They had not gone ar befo se the boy pointed out his employer, evl o was pursued, but up to the P -meet time has not been arrested. 'MONTREAL. There ie about three feet of water on the lee crossing to Longueil and the road. will be woo giver.' up. Doewineis said by SOrtle to imee car- ried off not more than $10,000.. The liabilities ot the house are about $25,- 000 cep.sietieg of noes discounted -andin . the heals of the Rinks, priacipally Molsen's ; and l'uople's, who,lield gooJ • seeueity. _ , The contr.:id fur re -building, the roof of St. Patrit-I's Hall has beep. awarded to - Mr. ',1-levticy fin- $15,1e0, and the work is now preeeedinge . . , Mrs. 1)r Li Mae a .widow women, who L ie fe bjeet to - fits of; ies.initv made- a . / . furi4113 aSSzt,U1'.; Oil all 0 tlit; r wourau itItlatt 8 Ilitil, wed -ettemptea to cut her eheolt 'N; LI Li razor. ' _ . Beee:Tellt.211011- Hamilton has been considerably agi- tated 1,),y adeent of late,: ora, notore- ous s'veindler froth the U. S. • He has brought elopg .with him a Confederate by the name of Sarg,ent, and corapa- nion in the person. of a handsome young lady- namo,cl Anna Tilton, who has eloped- with him, though he is a martied man,. and has a .daughter aged 14 years. The principal issin gaol, and some of Uncle Sam's detectives. are anid9us to get hold of him- under the "Pdtradition Treaty." Miss Tilton has connections in the city, who at the request -of are making vigo- roi.il efforifi to rescuele her from further degredation. But since Bragg's incar- ce tion;, Sargent has -removed her to a s all hotel, in .1 -secluded part of the city, and has armed himself to the teeth, to prevent' interfereuce. The yormg lacy's father it is said, is dangbrously ill,Ion account of the shock received by him because of bis daughter's conduct. Bragg has secured the servicea of M. Cameron,Q. C. as counsel. 130WION•• . Relit Leech, Esq., has resigned his position as Captain of the Volunteer Corepay. .Messrs Leech have paid over four thousand' dollars for saw logs this winter, There has been quite an excitement here occesionod by the rumors that the Ron' Canadian Bank had "buret," and the bills have been. refused in a num- ber of instances even at a 'big shave. A meeting was held last night (Tues- day) in the Wesleyan Methodist Church Gerrie, for the purpose of raising Money to aid in the endowment of the Victoria Collette. Speeehes were made , by Revs Messrs Price of Stratford. Dyee-of Mitchell, and at the close a collection was taken up which amounted to something over $50. The same gentlemen are to lecture to night. Proceed to be devoted to the Children's Fund of the Hoevick mission. One township council have granted $400 to Assist in building ei bridge over the river at Wroxeter. Would it not be well before paying over the the. m.oney, to bind the. Messrs Gibson to keep the bridge in repair, also to keep it passable as it frequently happens the street is so blocked- with logs as to make it almost impossible to get through, and in one instance when one of the above gentlemen were re- moinstrated with for keeping it in such a 'state, the reply was This is private property, if you do not like it you can go round,' which at that time was all very well; but what is the use .of us building a bridge if we are only allowed to cross it by :the courtesy of the proprietor of the same. I understand some of the ratepayers intend entering- an action against the council for their action in the matter. There is rid doubt but the townshipS have a right to build the bridge pro- vided Messrs Gibson will bind them- selves to keep the dam in repair, arid keep the logs out of the way so that teams may pass at any time. HIBIERT, March 21st 1869. To the Editor of the Expositor. • DEAR Sm. ---Would you allow me a •few * lines in your valuable celumns; re- specting your enterp,ising and-riiing village l Could you not persuade pone° of your enterprising .men to erect stab- ling or a shed in the locality of the ithirket, as it is the casein every other market, for I should think it would pay very well, and I am sure that there are too many on the front street. During, the lase six weeks farmers have suffeced a great deal for want of such. I speak, on account of the se- venty of the weather; while in surnraer the hot scorching sun renders it as bad, and not even a place to water our animals. Parties corning from a disb t ince, especially, feel the want of such accomodation, for they start when the moon rises and get in early with their horses steaming and sweating. For tee sake of the poor beasts, ta.ke any offer that's given, after which they go to the storehouse to upload, where per- haps they have to wait several hours for their turn. " I would submit that it is nothing more n.or less than cruelty. Now if stabling were convenient, far- mers would chive their loads to the market square, leave them their for inspectionevt up there horses at once, watching their lo`ad at the same time, and take there time about selling. Again many get in late in the evening, when the buyers are all gone except one or two. Did such accomodation as I allude to exist, the buyers could exaraine the grain, though they did not get a bid, until it came out on the square, and in the case of its being • raining or snowing, other business could be trarsacted in the meen time leaving quest or the defendant, to reeable him, to receive evidence from Ireland. ee At the same court, in the chargepf rape preferred against Dr. Fenwick,the grand jury returned no bill. The 'tee-, timony of several of the leading mem- bers of the medical profession examin- ed' befere the grand jury, went to show that the girl Wison was a subject of hysteria, and that it was, therefore, in the nature of the case that ,she should have fancied that the assault had 'really be,en committed upon her person. Only one medical gentleman held a different opinion. • -A very .serieus robbery occured in a, fLmall hotel kept by a man named Gigge. ,While he and his wife were asleep, some unknown person was busy extracting a parcel' of money from un- der his pillow, which awoke him, up- on which the inVader fired a pistol which entered the breast of Mr. Griggs, and the robber escaped. It is reported that the robber had an aecomplice in ethe person of some of the inmates of the house, and several an-ests have been made in oonsequence thereof, Mr. Grigg's case evas at first considered dangero but he is now recovering. On t e night of the 22nd, a thief got into tie Post Offiee, and took there- from about $30; The Times thinks he wae green at the "bie,Tas there was 1,u-ge =taunts in the safe which did'nt attract his attention. -B'-the alarm of a cat a robbery was proven eel ie. t'eti.e city a few eight LONDON., — John Carney, a yardstnan on the Great Western, got caught between two care which he was coupling 'on Monday, and was severely crashed. He was conveyed to his home in a sleigh, where Dr. Moor, tne company's physician attended, to his injuries, which are thought to be very serious. PRC)VINCIAL. IT is now understood that the Nova Scotia elections will take place on the 20th of April. Mr. Howe's sevel'e mess and long -continued inactivity can- not but tell heavily against him at.the election-. • On _Monday a row took place at Bothwell amongst a number of roughs, who had spent the Sunday previous in gambling. In the affray, one ma,n was dangerously wounded. Four of the pa- ties implicated have been committed to Chatham jail. On Saturday morning last, a tal- man Jeeping car, on the Great Western, ran off the track, and over, an embenk- ment, near Beechville. broken rail was the cause of the accident. Though the car rolled over several times, no one was killed, but seventeen persoes were more or less injured, some Of them quite seriously, but not dangereusly. f ,Cfn the 8th inst., a small boy, son o Mr. Edward Noble, of Peel, who left home to go to his grandmother's ni search of a sister, neer reached there, and is supposed to have perished in a snots, drift. - A man named Cameron, an old coun- tryman, in the employ of Lebon & Le - verbal St Jean Chrysotome, was found frozen to death on the road toethat place, on the morning of the llth inst. -Since the London Adrertiser has` ob- tained,sueh ,.mrrense circulation in that city, the public morals .have won- derfully improved, On Mooday there was not a siugleicase in the police Office of that place. Such is the power hia.d influence of a .widely circulating qour- nal devoted to the dissemination of moral aa well as political trutli.---6/obe. ..The Town Council of St.. Catharines passed a resolution on Monday, that all manufacturies that shall be established in the town, where the capital invested MHE subtcriber begs to inform_ the publio 1 that he has just received a gilat-varietl. of Saddles and Whicii he is irepared to sell At Prices Allnio# linparcalelett .PC -7,— 44 • (3railmntlimedAnRot Ste ohfuretveti/Te4flalstni ncit.w. In th-e--w:ay of liarnessi OF *ALL KINDS, ' He is, as heretofore, in a position to girO his custoraers as good value for their inon4 as any other eotablislunent in On ario. Quality of *orlt. and material employeta indisputable. SHOP "OPPOSITE- If DD Me,MULIC1NS. JOHN CAM BELL. Seaforth, Feb, 12, '69. 63-tf. HI COLLIDAY ilk SON, TN returning thanks for past favors, have the. pleasure of announcing to the tiler: ch.ants and business men of Seaforth that they are prepared to receive orders for all kinds of . DRAY WORK, Goods handled with care, and. satisfa.c. tion guaranteed. • January 21st, 1869. 58-ly TAMES GRIFFIN'S, importer o ej French, and American Seed, Dulta Flowering,Bulbs, &c. Seeds, Root , and: Vines, wholesale and. retail Lon4eki* Seed Store, City Hall 13uilding, eichmoad Street, London, Ont. Preenho ses 4*,(1 Grapery, Westminster, near Clark' BridgA ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTE1OED UL March 25th. 18C\9. a 168-4in, , their horses in the stable. until ready o g6 to the stotehouse, and thence fume. By inserting this you will be stow a great favour on the -farmers and oblige A FARMER.. BOOTS at..SHOE. t William McNally HAVING- lately. purchased the bushiest Of William Barker, in. Wroxeter, will kat') on hand a large ;assortment of Boots aid Shoes: one but first-class work EtiaZu- facture& on the premises. Orders will receive particular attentina. Repairing done on the shortest notice. W. McNALLY. April 2,3, 1868. 20-1y, • CHORCH DIRECTORY. WESLEYAN Igeerionise undnere-e-Rev. Wm. Hayhurst; Pastor. - Services everttSabbith at o'clock, a. ra,, and 61 o'clock p. m. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, p. in. Prayer TIOS. BELL -0,03INET & CHAIRMAXER UNDERTAKER 31..c, A Large Stook vy A LL kinds of furniture kept constantlyon 1-1. hand, . consisting of the 'best varieties. Kra&hruff's Sprinti Mattrasses, - Children'a Carriages. Coffinst'kept constantly on hand. Work made on the premises. at•W A 1--learse for hire. 'Warerooni op- posite Kidd t McMuikina. THOS. tELL, March 24, 18118. ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL, AND G ERAL Stage House, Ainleyville, Otla- rio. This House offers the best accommeaa- tion to travellers. Stages leave daily .for Seaforth and Wroxeter, connecting with stages to Walkerton and 'the G. T. Railatay at Seaforth. W. cARXSTRONG, Proprietor. Ainleyville, April 23, 1868. shall exceed the stun of $20,000, Le meetina- Thursday evenings at i & o'clock. a • d 7 < METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. —Preaching exempttd froth taxation f. - or tue pero each, Sabbath at 10.30 a. m and 6 30 p7 m • ' • • of five years, when they do not cothe Sabbath School 2p. m. • Lecture and prayer directly in contact wite any already es meeting, Wednesday evenings 7:30 p.m. tablished in towe. • The champion says the many riends of M.r.W. D. Lyon, ex -Mayor , f Mil - top, evill'be g,lad to learn that he safely reached' Manitoulan Island on tne lst inst., after a rather perilous journey on the ice. He traveled over 200 miles on c SDOW SI) >es, averaging 16 miles a day; I and duri.ng the journey slept in a house 1 Trains will leave the Seaforth Station, as Bev. S. Williamson, Pastor. PRES13 'TERIANOHURCH.—Services commence at 11 a.na.. and 6:30 p.m. Lecture d an Prayer -meeting on Tuesday evening, at 7 :30 p.n.,. LAND P_LASTE AND S 1.• At SCOTT RoBERTsoN's Seaforth. Feb. 19. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Summer Arrangenzents. but one night, another night he found' ''''''' - refuge reethe wrecked eteamer "Frances . Smith,' and tie rest of the time camped in the i ew. ,Ille companion -eves Mei "Jock" , Leradiee, -who secias to ehave stood t,e, joarney equally well; the only tree Ile being 'a aliglic atta:k eF an0W-s-. , .:_t_ileut GOING EAST. .10:W • 2.00 P.m. 6:08 taxa GOINq WEST. 10:30 A.M. 2:22 P.M. 9:20 A.M. S Leave for : Ainlevville, Wroxeter, Leech - Bayfield and Exeter, on the arrival o in the afternoon. -FIRST-CLASS ,444. SITING -LES FOR SALE AT SMITH & .BRO FACTORY, AIN L EYV I LLE, MHE subscribers have on hand .a quantity of shingles, which they offer for sale at moderate prices, at their Steam Factory. Ainleyville, March 4. FIRST PRIZE LOVER SEED AT Scott Robertson's. TO CAPITALISTS. FOR SALk! The unexpired LEASE OF LOT NO. 9, COUINLOCK SURVEY On the. East side of Main Street, in ;the Village of Seaforth, TOGETHER with the buildings erected -thereon'viz ----The store and dwelling occupied byMr. William Ault, the building occupied by Dr. Smith as an offize, the Ione occupied, by Mr. Paltridge as a Photograph Gallery, the one occupied by Thomas Sinions' as an Oyster Saloon, &c. ; also the one o eit: pied by the subscriber as a Float-, Grocery and Provision Store, together vith the stock and fixtares contained therein. Also 16 acres of land south of the RailWay, which will be sold in village or park iota, in sizes to suit purchasers, and on reaeonable, terms. , N. 33.—Flour, Feed, Groceries and Pro- visions of all kinds kept constantly on litana by the su.bscriber. G. T. JAR V IF. -Seafortli. February 3rd, 1869. 61.1I February 19th, 1869.. 63-tf. FARM FOR SALE. WING South half Lot No. 10, Concesaion I) 9, Township of Morris, 21 miles beln. Blythe, containing 100 acres. For further particulars enquire at the 4ore of John Braidwood, Seaforth. R CLARK, January 8th 1669. NEW MILLINERY 4 • Al RS: GLOVER, begs to announce to fhe inhabitants of Seaforth, and surround- ing coantry, that she has opened a new milli-. nery, in the shop OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE STORE1 Where she will attend. to all orders hi he: rine. Millinery, Stan -ping. &c., and all kinds of Fancy Work done on the shortest notiee.. Seaforth„ Feb. 25th 1861 544f. BEATTIFUL paR, NATITil:EPS You 11121 Coltistoit GRAY HAIR BLACKSMITH SHOP. THOMAS WATSON Begs to inform the public generally that he still carries on general Blacksmithing at his Old Stand. 1 NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL; AINLEYVILLE, Special attention. paid. to Horse -Shoeing. Ainleyville, Feb. 90., '69, 63-1y- *SPECI:4L 'THE CO,IiNECTIOUT MUTUAL 44 01111/11ft Is a certain Indic:atilt:in of Decay at the 'Roots... , S. A. ALLEN'S Hair Restorer Restores gray hair to lts'natural color and baanty and produces luxuriant growth. It gives Taal:lair i beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance. Manufactory and Sales Offices, 35 BARCLAY STREET and 40 PARK PLACEI 266 HIGH HOLBOR, London, Eng. OrSeatter and. Rolls,) Druggiets, agents 10a...ateaforth. For Sale eeitrywhere. January28th 1869. ' • • HARTFORD, CONN. GUN R PHELPS, President. ZEPHANIAH PRESTON, Vice President. WOODBRIDGE S. OIAISTED, Seeretary. EDWIN W. 'BRYANT, Actuary; Luttaat S. Wfacox. Medical Examiner. Organized in 1846. Charter Perpetuate' The Largest Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, numbering over 75,000 members. .• purely Mutual Company, its Assets be- longing exclusively to its members. . Assets $23,000,000. Acquired by pru- dent am.d economical management oft wentya two years, -without the aid of a single dollar of original capital. Surplus Assets over $6,000,000. All pro fits divided among the members. Eaeh po- licy holder is a -member. There are no stockholders. Its Lalageersbividenda, They have averag- ed over 50 per cent amtually. Total amount of divilends paid the naembera sinee its or- ganization, over $5,000,000. Its Success Uaparalleled. It has arriVeci at tile extraordinary 'condition where the in- . come from annual interest alone is more than sufficient to pay all its losses. Total anionut of losses paid by the Jo 1, over $8,000,000. Its Responsibility. For every $100 of Liahilitics, it has $154 of,AssetS. During its last fiscal year this Company. paid to its living members, and to the fami- lies of its decease(' members, nearly $2,000,- 000, and at the saane time added inure than Four Millions to its accumulated'capital. The Whole Recdra oi this Company has been one of prudent xnamagement and pros- - perous advancement Amon& the older lint/ leading, life insurance companies it 'average • ratio Of expenses to income has, through its entirc laistery, been the lowest of any. Amount deposited. with the Receiver Gen- eral of Canada; $140,000. . Number ot Policy holders in Canada 1,066. Insurance $3,123,000. Or -Medical Referee s --Dr. Metherell wait Dr . Tracy, Seaforth. 0 -nix - It"! It) rLL. &ILL% Feb. 24 1869. C(1.111.:11 tianlig" fC %* 67,1-14 ,111..11- 4 Lee:poise . test frorn bill for the dis-estab Church -ell -1111.1 heel signed OST ovet die ustal4isliturir C0111113.0118, to da an,:i1lAielx.D.edoi-ox.731eirsareh . .can11.3 up :for its seco 1.1\Ir. Pisraeli Re totalneneed_ right Refl. gentlem the oilI,.that this q the most; ;.gigantic brought before the sideration, demanded and niutual fol-beran to argut, that the e Cliurch. and State •-‘,.),;. —The. former rend investing jts higest sanction, T1i. ly to Ostroy relig- toleration., It was a of the rights of priva porate and private 't mately connected, al were dangerous I been followed by CiN thing \verse. the had only enriched strength of Irelawal ion " With ',England, Irish people were settlement of the would be inSufficien content. The land settkroent. The de were coMplicated present 'arrangement' with holders. of ves to be paid as regular klivicle'nd. These a compromised. 'Muer rityr against further proposed !grant to th•o was directly opposed: the hill. Mr. Risme course of; the present antaganiSni the for Whig party, whose rtligions freedom. preSseci the belief most dangerous to ti felt ilat he could prw:tence and patriot -He then moved that second time, six mon Mr. H. Ur Galfmay, followed itt the tast speaker Nv-i comparing the _speee with his 1 former de. Irish Church was a in to Ireland. ]Jr. Gre not squarly sum or thought an equitabl Church. property an irLsdPa,17sPFielI1) Iee 1distbulk Arrs4Aiaeh9. AndaluSia:Isti2.1 cont 17,1?Ydie're°taiNvInt(asIela:i)PititilkIPiee33.°4P° is tr cps. The.engag &luration, buttwas surgents were defea 600 of them were Meromon-ae the hecl • • Iad'"PieT.attred at iat-e tittin4n .despatched to that, ne London, Mat -eh. 20. Till to Put an7end to Eof the Church of grel proVision itt rev -sat ties thereof, *la :Jure eCollege of Alaimo*, tthe House of Conlin .and was .debated at g gelislreel `. SirJ: Gray,earegardednaL Li ailkany, IC web, in Ir as quest, 4olif assertea th frol‘mirB. tdradvfoardd, a' I mi so in a speach ofcons iwordNorthcote.asfollomin followed e Bright the dal -faYOUrai themeasure. igrgehu,rentifotivEng,af lante dhh but the au -Mao -3e whe was good fitA0 far the "Iti....o:ntet41113fP:13::::::ases/n4'194:tillIonisgetle-:BI:te, quoted Xiord Stani He referred to the con tvililf4'po.,,.,i14ti.:(1n.lai'lof Vita:an- Tt that pitrty had no pc questiox The Bill klcuee, ie continued, the mass of pee* 11:ntilvi:7-471.0:431VI-a;prolve here, the Astabihash servatives of the futn Fti,s is eki. -was. a "badge Of eon attitude of the present question with sw