The Expositor, 1869-03-19, Page 8a • CHESS. t;riee PROBLEM ,- NO. GI: — • BY H. It- AGITV,,L, -Chess "'.1`lie'rl3ayonet Charge BLA OK to4 Ff/A //'/A rA. A A r IwY 11/ hl / /Z4 // / 7„4 /7.0 • / 4p-74' /",•14' / , ,Hze-, v A r/' r A • / ( Ak, ‚4 / A tr7 / WHITE. White .-te play and mate ---in six nioves. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM No. 66. -4 / EL.A.CK. • 1 KttkP P tks Kt 2 Kt to Q 7,(ch.) K tics R 3 P tks Kt - - K moyes 4 P to K 5 -mate. ENIGMA, No. :42h Kli•6 QB7,- KB6 K Kt1 KR 7 KB 2 KRsq. MatewithB 13 in four moves. • Toirname,nt Oantis at the Brookly,p, 011e8:9 Olub. GAME NO, 71: WgITE. BLACK. MB 14;itisn.A.N. C. A. GILBERG. 1 P.toK4 PtoK4 - 2 Kttolil$3 KttoQB3. •3PtoQ4 P tk-s P 4Bto QB4 BtoQB4 5 Kt to K Kt 5 Kt to Kt R 3 6 Itt to B P Kt tks Kt 7 13 ties Kt (ch.) K tics -13 8, Q to R (ch)- P to K Kt 3 9 Q tks B P to Q 3 10 QtoKKt 5 BtoK 3, 11 Castles Q tks Q 12 Btks Q Kt to K-4 13 P. to K .13.4 Kt to -Q B 5 14 P to -135 P tks P 15 P tleS P .B -to Q 4 lBPtoQKt3KttoK4 17 BtoKB4 'KRtoKKtsq 18 P to K Kt QR to K sq 19 Kt-boQ 2 PtoQ 6 20 PtoQB4 BtoQB 3 21 PtoKR 3 PtoKR 4 K to R' 2 Kt to K Kt 5 (ch) 23 P tks Kt R to K 7 (ch). 24 K to R. 3 P tks (eh) 25 K to R4 R to R 7 mate. GAME NO. 72. WHITE. . BLACX.. F. E. B.LENZINGER. 1 PtoK4 2 Kt to K B 3 3 BtoQB4 4--Pto Q4 5 Kt tits 13 6 tks Kt 7 'ttoB 3 8 to K 3 9 to Q 2 10 to Kt 3 11 Vasties 12 ttoQ5 I3 P to Q B 3 1413 to 132 15 Qto B sq '- 10 Kt tks B 17 13 to Kt 5. 18 P to Q•Kt 3 19 Q to K3 20 R to Q sq 21 to K B 4 22 -I to B 5 V3 B 4 .24 to Q 6 25 .to Q .26 tks: If' and - M. Kul= PtoK4 Kt to•Q B 3 • P to Q 3 tks P Kt tks Kt to X 2 PtoQR 3 Ktto Q B 3 ,B to K 3 B to K 2 Castles B to B • Kt B.,4 - Kt to B 5 PtoQB 3 Cl-tks Kt • Q to K.4 Kt to Kt 3 Kt to Q 2 •PtoQ4 QtqB 2 Q R to .K sq Q to R I Q tksRP P to Q 5 wins.. .4...tombstone in Maine, erected to tha - memory Of a wife, bears the inscription: "Teatrs cannot restore her ; therefore I weep." —You and your wife s• hould be one," said a friendly adviser to a hen-pecked husbafid. B61;01116 one exclaimed hen -peek d ; "Iwhy we are ten now." PHOJA ,' "She's 1, and Tin 0. —Young lady ; dOh ! I am so glad you like birds; w.hieh kind do you • ad- mire most? Old Squab : I think the goose, with plenV of ste...freig, is .about as good as any. Nno is in-vii,ed to tea and _ evening parties, mid told to drop in just when it is*..eon4venient The bachelor. Who lives.- in clover all his- days, . and when he dies has flowers strewn on his grave by ti.e girls that could not entrap him The bachelor. The ilerks and ineehanits of Montreal are iibt, it &said, displeased at the. ex- -fleeted .exodus of 4, 1arg9 ..s,nfp114, popu- lation, which will throw a: huinher of tenements un the market. There will be no ii;xiety fe4in. securifig,h4iises a grtigt‘deal less tent than the'lildror'ai have hithertrto-exacted„ 1,k_p..9ffieer in : garrison. who tuts offiefal opportunities. - of judging, makes the statiement; pat • ful1rjrie'hun:494, Ai.dAttrhOsea,wili I,e vacate4 by regimental and •staff caeors!at the Olose Of the'liouse' letthig • iu ontre0.' J. .SEATTER. E tiLVNG E BROKE'R - ,• _ And. dealer in Pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS & DYE. STUFFS. s- The Drug Dcpaitment is uader the sPecial care of an experienced CI) ein is t, 1.3.. M. PEARSON. January 21s t, 1869. •59- fy. SEAFORTH MILLSI Flour and Feu( JJA VINCI. received. an A geney f tem , J. Stable, for the sale of their unri ed Floar, I am now prepared to fur , purchasers with an article WHICH WILL DEFY COMPETITIO ell- ish Rarties ordering Flour or Feed from me, can have the same delivered. in any part of Town on the shortest -notice. WM. ,AULT. 5p.-72 Seaforth, San. f.),Qth, 1869. Note The ,THAT Fact -1. Co aro 1Palten NEW GALLERYJ • Is now complete with a new. • VOIGHtLANDER INSTRUMENT \---.EW Backgrounds, (C.c., .&e. .None but li rst-class pictures taken, and satiefac- t ton gu ite ed.• GALLERY over Dr. Smith's Office, next door t� 'F. Meyer's. Seafoeth, Aryi. 13, 1868. 36-6-e). CA NADA PEMANENT B UILD- ING & SAVING SOCIETY • S prepared to advance money- on Improved ▪ Real Estate, on the most favorable terms to borrowers, and to buy Mortgages. For particulars, apply to their appraiser, W. I\1:. WATSON Insurance Agent, Seafo -fh. Seaforth, Feb. 20, 1868. Il -J WAGGONS, BUGGIES,.Ii ND all implements for farm use raana- fact used by . WNAUGHT & TEEPLE Good and 'Cheap. Remember the stand. • NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. Seaforth,Feb. 20, 1868. • 11- rE rafrilifit AND HURON -ADVERTIStR, iThiNE of the largest papers published in !thei kJ Co au by, els 7' RANTS D AN D E LASE Ep EVER FRWAY MORNING. ROSS 8c. LUXTON • EDITORS 1AND PUBLISHERS. MAIIH A521.1?„§'ET, SEAFORTIL TE1MS.—$1.50 per am -min, in advance. If not so paid, $2,00 will invariably be charged. .• RATES OF ADVERTISING-. TEAR EX AO I EEMENTS. The following rateS will be chargetl to mer - Chants and others who advertise by the year, 'aud in no case will exceptions be made: One column for twel-ve months, - - 860 00 for sil months, - - 35 00 " for three mouths, 2() 00 klalf-column for twelve months,' - , 35 00 for six months, -1 - - • 20 00 for three months, - - 1') 00 Quarter of a column for twelve months, 2Q 00 for six months - - 1 00 • for 'three months, - 00 For each line over ten, first insertion, 08 Each subsequent insertion, - - -Q 02 Tho number Of lines to be reckoned by the pee .oceupiod, measured by a scale of slid Br. evier. Advertisements ..without spacific directions will be published till forbid, and charged ac- cordingly. G EO. ' W. ROSS, Prop -le' o;.. STRONG'S LIVERY & SALE STAB4S VIRST-tLASS,TORSTS' GOda:VieTii= • des, a all hours, on reasonable terms. -ggi-The Iargeht and best Livery in SeafOrth ;.Siiitable Riga tor; Commercial Travellere. Two doors North of Sharp's HoteL _ -`t_ FEW Heittektibill*Ift'Fillliiit Seaforth, Dec..14, 1868. 53-1y pUBLIONOTICE.' THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY 6, "HospitalStreet, MOrareal, after the most severe -teats by the best -IA. -authorities and judges of Teas, have been pronounced- to bequite pure, and free froin any artificial coloring or pois- onous substances so often used.. to improve the appearance of Tea. They are unequalled, for strength and flavor. They have been chosen for their intrinsie worth, keeping in mind health, economy, and a high degree of pleasure in drinking them We sell for the smallest possible profits, effecting a, saving to the consumer of 15c. to 20c.- per lb. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12. 15, 20 and 25 lb. boxes, and are warranted.pirre and free froM poisono-us Substances. _Orders for four 5 lb. boxes, two 12 lb. -boxes, Or one 20 or 25 lb. box„ sent carriage free to any Railway Sta- tion in Canada, Tea, will be forwarded im- mediately on ice pt of the order by Mail containing mon.ey, orthe money- can be col- lected on cleliv ry by express -man, -where there are expres effieesin sending .orders below the amou t of $10, to save expense it will be better fo send money with the order.• -Where a 25 lbbot would be too much, four families clubbing together could send for four t lb. boxes, or tWro 12 lb; boxes. We send 5hem to one address,- carriage paid, aid mark each box plainly, so that eachpartyget their own -tea. We warrant all the tea we sell to give entire satisfaction. If they are not satisfactory, the expense. • can be returned at our BLACK TEA. English Breakfast, Broken Leaf, strong Toa 450., 50c.; Fine Flavored New Season do. 55c., 60c. and 65c.; Very Best Full Flavor' it do. 75c.,; Sound - Oolong. 45. ; Rich Flavored do. -600, ; 'Very Fine do. do. 750. ; Japan, Good, 50c., 55c., Fine 60e., Very Fine 65c, Finest 75e. GREENTEA. Twankarti0c., 55., 65c ; Young Illyson 50c.; 60c., • 65e 70e. ; Very line 85c., Superfine and Very Choice ; Fine Gunpowder 85c. ; Extra Snperline do. $1. • , Teas not- mentioned in this circular equal- ly sheap: Tea only sold by this Compasiy, 0' An excellent mixed. Tea could be sent for 60e. and 70e. : very good for common purposes 500. Silver taken at par. For notes and post - office orders the Company will add the pre- mium in tea to. the order. A complimentary box of tea will be given to parties foliating Clubs and sending for 251b -boxes. Each box will be marked plainly,' SO that each one will get his own tea. Beware of Pedlars and runners using our name, or offering our Teas in iia1I packages. Nothing less than a caddie sold, NOTE THE ADDRESS—The Montreal Tea Company, 6 liespitd Street, Montreal. Out of o -ver one Thousand testimonial; -we insert the following : A YEAR'S TRIAL.' TheMontreal Tea Company : Montreal, 1868. GENTS—it is nearly a year since I purchas- ed the first chest of Tea train your house. I have purchased many since, and 1 am pleased to inforni you that the Tea as in every case Proved most satisfactory, as well as being ,exceedingly cheap.. Yours very truly, • • • F. DENNIE. Montreal Tea Company: „ • GENTLEMENL--The Tea 1 purchased of you in March has given great- satisfaction and flavour of it is very fine. It is very strange, but since I have been drinking your Tea I have been. quite free from heart -burn, which would always pain me after Inealfast. t'at- tribnte this purity of your Tea, and. ellen continue a customer. • 1 •ours respectfully. FRANCIS T. GREEN. 54, St. John Street Montreal. , • Montreal, April 1868.—To _the Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal: .We notice. with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we have forewarded to you to • different parts of the Dominio,u, arid we are glad to find your business so rapidly iicreas- ing. We presume your Teas are giving gene- ral satisfaction, as out of thelarge amount forwarded we have only had. occasion to re- turn one box, which, we understand, was sent out through a mistake,. G.- CHENEY, • Manager Canadian Express Co. ANOTHER. WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. MESSES YOUNG & CHAMBERLIN, —S rs, I feel it a duty I owe to you, as well as to the public to inform you of the most wonderful cure of Consumption, accomplished in my person, by:the use of the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills, I coughed a, great deal day and night, expectorating a great quanti- ty Of Matter, and had a great pain about my left lung. I had. cold chills every day, and severe night sweats everynight, and between the racking .cough andgreatsweating, I was almost deprrv-ecl of sleep ; by these miscries as well 'as the loss of appetite, 1 was so le, duped tha could hardly stand alone. I was' undeA the care of- a physician for a . lerigth of time, and finding no relief, tritd different receipes, but all without any good effect. Squire Peterson of Bath, re- commended me to use the Great Shoshonees Remedy I procured three bottles at On ce, with the Pills, so soon as I commenced using it I began to get better, and when I had,fin- ished this complement, the cough, .expectora- tioni of matter, pain about the lung, chills, sweating, &c., left me; and by continuing its use 1 became strong and healthy. It is no-kover two months since 1. quit the reme- dy, and there have been no symptoms of the disease returning, and. I have been, and. am now, healthier and. better than I have been for years. 1 trust you will make this known to the public, that they maybe aware of the peculiar *tiles of this truly wonderful In- dian. Remidy. t: PETER C. V. MILLER,. Ernestowia, County of Lennox •'and.Addington, Ontario. To all to whom it may come.—This -is to certify that 1 have been acquainted with the above mentioned' gentleman, - Teter 0, • V. Miller„ Esq, for many years„ and have known him always to be of the very high- est respectability a.nd a very eaildic1 and creditable person, mull ani confident that I can safely vouch•Tor the truth of the above; •or.any otherf,statelne4 made by 'him. ILE1.1V.T. S. It.ABITtiti, WI* " Rector of Bath, "Ontlirio., /VIE ZIMMERMAN liOUS.F, WA.OX.E. _I_ TER.. JOHN Z131211E1M41.N$ Proprietor. Dec. 14, 1868, 53 -if Sarsapard Ian la. i..la. k GREAT SENSATION._ A GOOD - SENSATkON. FAIN CIUMED IN ..4k1NT INSICAN10-4 CIME. AND' I.TS LESSO$TS. rwenty Years .Experiencc and Study in PerfOing a Good Medicine Secures a now solirce cf Happi*ess• tcr Millions 1 1 I iVONDLifiC4 FUL 11110PROVENER IN- RADWAY'S.READY RELIEF. Dr. Radway's newly discovered prod* for 'miring medicinal extracts (in vacuo)i::from regetable substances, adds greatly to tbt im irovement of the Ready Relief. , IN AN INSTANT it stops and en.rthe post violent -PAINS, ACES CiarnIPS, MASNIS, with eleetrieftl veldeity. - It removes eirtn.y Ache, Cramp, S sm, pr Pain that May exist in the INSI143 Or )IITSIDE °Man, Woman, or Ch7,14$ • HOW TO Army rr. Rub the part oft the body where pain': ,,xises Preely with the Ready Relief, soak a fitainel n the Relief, and lay - it across 'parts where there is a pain or Inflammation. E01:f the - ?arts are too sensitive for rubbing, bat4 t he )otly with the Relief with a sponge. Pe.52,1 t.he noNstexE. csruciatibg will subside in a illuTPEW CONGESTION OF TI -IE LU Bowels, -giclneys, Bladder,—and in all caws v.,1ier4 there s inflammation, the Relief should 1)3 applied freeleitlicar Kith the band by rubbing, or a sponge by bathivt;:i or by kilannel soaked with Relief, and laid aero::is t'ae iarts. In a le* inoments all pain will cease, a,d the :a.use that occasion' the pain removed. TAKEN INTERNALLY. Ten to 30 drops in half tumbler et watey, wilL in five nbiutes, stop Pain, Cramps, .a ns, Collo -and nilamma- of the mucus membrane of the intefueal viszert4a.'this lose repeated every 15 Infinities, Will cure the woreiqorins Canada. Cholera, Cholera Blot?, US, • lharrhea, 1.,yseptery, and a painful clischargee• froM • the Liowels. A Great Medical Triumph NEW PRINCIPLES IN PURGATWN SECURED IN DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative Pflls, t -A Vegetable Substitute for Calomel ana treury. „ 2— Counter -Irritation, made. perfett in Radway's Pills, that withdraws inflaMation from Congested Blood Vessels 1\torves Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and ther viscera, and purging all excrementpous, corrupt humors and diseased deposits from the system. 3.—In these Pills a nourishing anct-iutri- tious principle is secured, by whit4 the blood, juices and fluids of the syste# be- come invested with the vigor of 1ife-'74they are the only purgative medicine 71 that strengthens during the process of pnrg-ition. These Pills act as a solvent and toric to the gastric juice, enabling this solve -it of the system to properly dissolve the tubs- tances taken into the stomach, and, ad di- gestion, and the convertion of said substan- ces into the proper constituents to Make pure, rich and wholesome blood, the d4cien- cy of which is the cause of Dyspepg4, in- digestion. Diabeates and, many urinari diffi- culties, etc. 4.—They regulate the organs of thd sys- tem; restoring functional harmony a3id se- curing the secretion of the proper ,e‘sti- tuents of each organ ; by their actio* the Liver secretes its allotted proportion: cf bi- le—the Lungs Carbon—the Skin, Swat— the Kidneys, Urine, &c. I 5 —The aged, and persons subject to Constipation, Costiveness, Paralysis4 and Weakness of the Bowels, Kidneys and tlad- der, &c., that have to resort to injectic* ;— by taking two or three of Radway's Pills, will enjoy natural discharges, and by the occa- sional use of them have regnlar operations. In these cases their strengthening andirlutri- tious principles are exhibited '• everv 'dose will add new strength to the bowels, flyer. Kidneys, &c., that may be worn or depleted by disease or age. • 6.—In these Pills, a want that scienizt has ever faded to supply is secured, and Olat is ta thorough purgative that can be gin in safety in cases of eruptive fevers, as Oman Pox, Erysipelas, Yellow Fever, Scarlei and Typhoid Fevers—when the MUCOUS Orem- bz•ane- becomes ulcerated --now these Pills purge thoroughly, and heal u14ratecf and excoriated parts. 7.—These Pills are made from' extracts from -new ingredients --entirely vegda,_, ble, superior in every respect to the oral, na2r powders and substances of the comm4 a - 'vertisett Pills, Two' of Radway's PM will act quicker than half a dozen of the cotimon drastic pills in general use. ELEGANTLY COA.. T_ED-NO TASTE OR SMELL. SCOURING THE INSIDES. Persons ' who take Pills for the p ose of getting "a good scouring out" are pOhaps not aware that they are wearing away 'their intestines, irritating, the Mucous Membrane, and laying the foundation for Piles, idward Ulcers, Sores, &c. MANDRAKE, that is claimed by some to be a substitute rot Aer-- eury, will produce this effect it w cour the bowels like any other drastic, arL will wear them out (see page 606; WO) d & Bacties, U. S. Phannacopia). liateralce, as a constituent. of a purgative pill, r ge: neral or. continued use is hurtful, and in- troduction into a gill secures no„ new incl.- plei Mandrake it inferior to the same tic principle, in the officinal abetic pill itf the dispensatory; so there -is' nothing 'ft.:- v in this agent, although its principal adi*Cate. presents it to the public, under 1:)r Rad - way's �riginal discovery of g yegetatki - d its Associates, corn eati ng its curative properties through the BLOOD, SWEAT, DRINii and other fluids. One tea. epoonful in ordinaryea- scs is E rlose—TWo tea spoonsfal in chronic disease that have afflicted the patient for years.—. It is a _powerful Remedy, but is innoceir of hartn.—It is tualike- all preparations 0 al SS aa rrTsslaalpie) fii11°11.1:ca a.n' —11 vt :k3r*: a Tok oftahre' rpr—e el t at id:t aYth': word Sarsaparillian is on the label ofi eael bottle—and R. R. R. Itosolvent. • TIT IC:rill:3110°1;s Firt'ALfrian f111.e111T1). 11PvCtlilr.1)9°111;111E111-ttit'ciji!.i'Plili:Uitl, ;95: 1,1.1S% „ TETT31111-1,.ACNE, 351,_.1.t °K. sny°24;_- RADWAY7§ SARSAPABILLIAlf z:EspLv-im The Properties- 'of its Ingredients, SAI1SAPAIIIIALIAN.—Tho PrOPOrti93 thi irfirealotEingraresdailemnit.nc‘a,s1)..iceihe:ilseicliothool:tyb..)tf-,:ilect eli4railattivv. 3, and expels front the system tho enx.rnv it MS ivitirAn• LL ioAtai s lbre::: to siSe. ,te1x)E:tr we0:11,11:- nil .4.'briatrlmya .17 , IXIVJE altouizhing quielmeas, all varieties (if nie.urzd 1-tn.:cut 151tera, /Codes. Tataors, Swol zings, reVcr /jct. trel_ Berea, Rheumatism nod "Wanderily,. aael. 1):31.:413:3 higredient'S la tile Resolvent placea a cure bb.3'ead poss:bility;fa rIA.doubtn. tAitrtikv.A;_vits,rnorran.vi :rent like a 'new sun, II11fl.. w!th eftial:wut 1";t ap16:1 medit'allVOill 93 C9.zt in I ha s'..3,14aal1-e.a. r r 3e:ta PO3iieS:3 Lr proy,?rties:1*. L'::toll ,41 1 ,,ft.'ra).Lit • cminent pra...titionpr,4 6f Euro:).1 alt3rative, 1 itlirontriptie, ) I.Vzitalts Juniper, TraTe1t:11.). Z`3:•*., i ( ;:res vor. I_farms of 3- 1:)Y. t.=; 1).1.,,r4 - Its effCcii 3 in G;.u.1.-,1-, •:!...34noj 1. 'a ) Re'eRntii ai et trine, D'alant?s, CNrz.ini31 Inflaramatioweit tladder, i1Y.AII3Vi. 3 abut: t Lib;an117 awl wirni catliotcr 3 ha.3 1 1.3 jl ve:1 proeura a quick. d!.:;ehar-= ) 41. t tr-ne. 1: 3 a; -t3..latlrin -(t),1-6t"Kr )4-Lxv I lurks, ttkmal ttarmonyt.. J.% ) reel -Ain.; ; 1.3 r ie ami e rtrZn3 ti rrriAid'a of t pr nrin 1 f7orn Peraons v 1;.' urine Valek cloudy, 1.3arnl, tiarbht. denosirins albu=ca andotir:r d .nosit!. -will tater- a fz.v.r tie; C3, N;q3.2.*";; - (USan),X1117.1,:li: cf aljna 1.smr, paid the:.r Vt=t21 clativr:d t a c1ir-amb.r and b,althy tokr. D.= it ratriaf nat Rezolvent ia f.r.)cnj re7arady that telltafa ' Sarsaparllian paid tile u..o Pareira Brava, IDLISCOvkailtilD OS.--T1rat: propertie 3 t the -o root 3 ex...eii?,) a par crral a:2;:ion011. tilt - shin., an; puent", ac.tion erisee3e4, ves:31.-3, to e2:-i;z4x::;•_a4ncti cm:rcruentii;ious lay irr'itativx Cie ner.il, rpota, Thez?, combined with. othc.ra--enta, C2dUrt a quick.er DuLion of all IrurnOr 3 from tlic't,yzitena. . FOR. BILiorfq, ry,EAsEg- LP u Not one in a thousand 'would suffer from Jajitous coxupIniritsaf Dr. Radway's • treatmentis ob- served, and_ all who may- be seized. with Milloti.s Colle, Mid lious Vies -ver, .Pe'vers, Chins and. 1-'4 elver, 1704e'ver and Ague, Itemittant and Intermit tant roeNTer. In fact all ar-inal. and 'vegetable fevers are preven- ted and cured by ILADNIT..g'S PTT 4LS, assisted wlien vequiroti by the TREATIVIEZIT. • As a prevention, when either of these maladies prevail, take one pill per day, this, will regulate the liver, ancl supply any defi- cency-of the healtly condition of the gastric juice, the natural solvent of the system, and secure healtIr digestion Ten to twenty drops of Ready Relief, in water as a dri this will secure invigoration and streng where there is weakness, lassitude and lan- guor,. and neutralize the poisonous acids, generated from the gases of incligested food, irritant and morbid humors, of the stoma &c., and if seized with any form, of fevers, take the.pills in large doses 4 to 6, every six hours, a few doses will ensure a cure. have mired the worst founs of Yellow, Ty., phoid; Marsh, Ship, and Isthmus Fevers, in the West Indies, South America„ and myi treatment with the Ready Relief,and Pills* have met with the same success in the East Indies, ---these fevers are all of one family, and will more readily .yield in their milder forms as they exist in temperate climates zthoannin their more fatal types of the torrid es. ' • 01\1-= f Taken when symptom of divines& fullness, or pain , iri the head,. nausea at stomach, indigestion, costive-. ness, Pain after eating, sleeplessness, bad dreams, ..t.c.; &a.. appear, win soon_ cure thiadifficulty : Radwart- Pills are unlike all other pins... Each pill contemn 3 grains of the active curative principles of extracti Of the rarest products of the vegetable Kingdom,—of ingredients some of them never before tsed as Medi. ' eine, and to be found onlyin -these pills. In pnrehas- _- ing I:ills, see that ono of the labels is marked 11.11.141, - No. .i, and 113.0 fac-samle signature of Rad ay & CAT °tithe other label, there are -SO pills in eat boy, PO° ' printed in Red Ink; and that Radwayls aguish:trill` vered with sweet gum. Price 25 de., per box. SOU' by Druggists and Country Merchants. Dr. 14,A.13-417-.A.Y"'S - .; S A RS A PARI LLIA lki RESOLVENT. , This extraordinary medicine is making astonishing cures of all kinds of _Skin D. iseasre_s,alt Rheum. Tet te.Rih Erysipelas. Eil, and all ERUP TrBtI_Bap o tu)ese, .., Millith, Throat, Eyeltrt _ lqart!, Legs, &e. it has made sonm of tho snost,astoo,, rtishmg cures of uncured Syphilitie and $erofulcuS Diseases, Fever -Sores, Ulcers, Tumors, Swellings bt the Glands, and. Mercurial Sores. • In all eases of weakening digebaiies in Ladles,. (et Leuchorrea, Vlourallms, and discharges from 11 Uterus, it is the most perfect curative known- . In diseases of the Kidneys, 131adder and Thin Nesages in Diabeates, Gravel, Bright's Disosse, igr Suppression of Urine, and in cases whore the mills, deposits *40Eyick Dust," Lime concretions, w thread, or albumen; like the white of an egg, otr 0" great trouble to hold -water with constant desire -tp tirine is thick, cloudy &a.,, and when the patient bal chseharT, and it conies away In (limps., cud has ili strong s ell o ammoniac, and sh rp artmg Veins At.' experienced along the canal of the Urethra Told - dull heavy pain in the small of the back, thighs o and over the bladder and kidneys, the 8arsapL. Resolvent will -soon change all these aliffievItins, Cure the paikont. This remedy is better than 2u Digitalis, Cubebs, Copahla., Turpentine, Cre and all other agents used nt these cases. Lot swuetiree4conginigIvIleeclittoksusetrit aLthelluntersdrioedsescDfure"arfl*Cmir of water, hove by the use of !six bottles- hem eon), .telyeared,- and by ono teaspoonful, three times 'day, enioyed" the felicity of passing their water uat TaitY‘fiann iatin fatsbeel :Le° ZI:top.thilkwailt 413417 gill tholabot R. lt. It. ss,A.DWAY--m, „riasis01, AT RES0,141-rE,NT. Price eas,floglar vilr-bottle&liia for tiro dollars. - ' "Address . - .. !JOHN AIDWAY,:k ft. tt-C�. tat, T. PAVSA.ST. 510Zarit • BOLD BY ALL LAUNG,ICA'a :BOSS & LIODkalT. VOL. B Attoriaey-ati-Law, _ Dec. 14, 1888. L. VERCOE, L U. . cIAN, ;surgeon, etc. 4,ertondville, Dee. 14, ,18'6 B. W. 1. SMITH, Ste. Oti-lee,-- Grocery.. - Iteeidenee,—Mail Seaforth, Dee, 14, 1868, : ID-r:".114AC M. D. C h• e Co layof Bur- - ki.'teiDENT'et----One door East 'Episcopal eK- •Scaforth, 1Yee.' 44, 1868. mccosii, -.A.Tronx ej .-.solicitor in Chancery,( Paris, 'Ont. ),Ioney -to Loa ity. Terns easy,. affice--- hitor ' Paris, Dee. ,14, 1868. ENSON & MEYER, and Attorneys at L (..sianeery unkl 3 nzolventy Notaries Public, zti3. ()face lvroxe-ter- JAZ- 13. RENsoN-, Seftforth, Deo, 10th 1868. & W. SI0PIIILLIPS• ' Land Surveyors, Civi .All manner of Convey= neatness and dispateh. u. missioneriuB,. °like— . of Sharp's • Seiforth. Seaforth., Dec, 14, 1868, e* - a Ays ETAvooD, JIT and Attorneys at Chancery, Notaries Publi &c. Office, —Over Mr. Crabb's Biock, t4oderich, Lena. Av. TORRANCE. -HAYS. Seaforth, Dee. 14th. 186$. ,T .),Iii'CLE.AR-Y, -.A V V LAW, Solicitor in el alacc3r, &e. W. E.obert,som.3,10ney cent. Interest, en -geed Aloi, real estate. ; Seaforth, pee. 12. 1868, 'V. rIAR1US,SUR( . Dentist Artificial tures inserted with, alltlie la improvenien W. The ,greate the preserve.tilm of decayed Teeth. extraetild. -without pai Collier's Store, Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. R. R.081.ze Proprietor A'Hotel, begs to inform t forth and the -travelling co ly, that he lee'eps irst-elass 111 every thing:, required b good stable anawilling hand. Regular Boarders w -necessary attention. Seaforth, Feb, 8th, 1869. 11-,CAUGHEY nwrgu,S, Attorneys -a in Chancery and. InsolVell3T and -(.onveyancers, Solicito 35ank, Seaforth, Agents for :Assurance Co N.13.-:-$30, 8 Y. Farnas,4, Houses and Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. N. WATSON CA„.. •_ surance on Town a) ty . with, The Provincial In - 'Can ata, The Liverpool &- In. Ce., for Life and Fire, triet Mutual Pile Insur. District Mitual Fire In, Co. be liberally dealt with and p Seaforth, -Feb. 20; 1868. IL LUI3ELSK.I, SIM( TOMS; respectfully inf of Seaforth and surround' he is ,p3.-epart....1'te tura co blains, Ingrewhig Nails, all diseases of Atte huina a succ-essful treatm-ntr, with ness,-. Office direet1S-, oppos= Dry 'Goods Ntoro. 1ainStre Seaforth, Dec. 14.- TQT1.(JP.,-.--,f.drgTLE, WO . . ' ......-eeng and Shaving want a gooili, Sli.ave, or or Shampooncidi as it oug the '' Little \Yonder," Sent Hotel, Manr Street; 'Seat) items in ermection will public on April lit, Lull making the hair grow iind p coining out, 'Was never kno-n in ibott,les at $'1. Oaerk Com Seaforith, 'Dee, 14, 1868: 53t i -----(-).NtiNiiiii-OTLI-S2—C-t)11, J) au'l- iliaion Sti:j•Ww prietor, .ene proprietor wo the travelling publi.e° and. ...per r-ounding country that „havi hoiise 'in A, ConifOrtabie mann to aceomodate all 'elm shall call. The- table is ' furnish -et the niarket afibr(1.3. , Liquors 1.e.Jstbrafels, There AT0 gOiX 011 to the hotel, Seaforth, I.,Ne, 14, 1,612. e .. , ., .._ . 1102% I?, .17E.:11, HO CSII , By.11;71; Proprief.‘)r. -'' been lately 'enlarged .0? style. His rooms are large ed, w1,ic-11 etuniot but ni home,for th,,),travielling will be furnished with all the season. .' Dest breads' Cigarat the :Par. Tlai general Stae , filed. Wroxeter, 3lzty LI, .t