The Expositor, 1869-03-19, Page 69 LE SEAFORtli txpasi 1/1ISCE14.4.41NEOUS. The eSiamese 1wins have fared" so 'badly in Eng1end4 that it ..is 'said they Neill be emberraseed for need Of funds -j to pay .their passage The. teed% principal rartway com- panies in England, own -0,596 locomo- tives between then, the. value- of which is estimated at ,Z16,187,500. The name of .Ensign Whitaker; of the 53rd likgimenteilately "ShOf in Que- bec by yout, Ch'a4oner; appers the London Gieettedfrithe 26th ult., gazet- ted to atLifisixtenarley, by purchase, vice who retir4s. A new gold coin is to be added to the French. currency. Thispieceis to be of the ' act .ev ,,ight, of an English .eovereign, and Will -Consequently be worth twe ty-five franc's. I It will be called an Ernperor. Haussin the Rails executioner, has made exporimnt4 and concludes that there is d -dal . and rather indistiact sensibility in th heads of decapitated persons or anitreals for three or four -hours after their decapitation in. 'warm • -weather, aid twenty minutes in, ,cold • -weather. •Emigreitl.orr From Britain'. The nimber of' emigraait; who left the ports of the United Kingdom id. Which Government agents are stationed, [ in the qtearter eliding September tlite 30th, 1868 was 52,625. ' The ntsne.ber in the corresponding quarters of recent years were as follows :-33,240 in HO, 5'8,320 in 1863, 46,467 in 1864, 65, 054 in 1865, 47,183 in 1866, and 55, 807 1867. Of the - 52,625 emigrants. it the summer quarter of 1868, 35,720 sailed from the pert of Liverpotil, 3, 823 from London. 1,107 from Ply- mouth, .3,911 from Glasgow and Gree- nOek,6„005 from Cork, end 2,059 from Londonelei7 The numbers ,enabarkeci at these last two ports represent total emigration from Ireland, and .show. fin Irish emigration of only 8,064 souls ; while the numbers for the correspon- ding period ofrecent years'were 11,341 in 1865 8,242 1866, and 12,146 to • 1867. Of the emigration from Irish ports during the sunamel quarter of 1808, 7)332 were boundlor the United •States, and 732 for British North Amer- ican. Of the emigrants from Scotch pots,- .2,727 were bound for the United Sates, 8@6 for British North America, old 57 for the Austrian colonies. f the emigrants who .emkark-ed at Lie- ntol, 29,368 were bound for the Unit States; 4,862 for British North Ameri- 1 c ia, and 1,048 for the Austrian coio- n'es, The destination of' the 4,930 in -ants who embarked at the ports'of •ifdon and Plymeuth was as follow; To the United.- States, 1,346 ; to ir. itish North' America,, 260; to the ustralien colonies, 2,686 ; and to other laces. 698. 'le emit mporary says: •",A. -Chicago -paper conq udes an.account of a mar- riage inthat dity- with thedeclaration .that thepartieswere -then united for iife.' If they were, it was certainly the -first thmg. of that kind that ever occured --$114e. Two physicians rn consultation at the bedsidb. of a patient .disputed as to Of the disease. .eitt last one dal the discussion !ley saying, 1! have it 'your own .'way now', but the ,post mortem will show that I am right." The patient was not much. encleurged. Wisconisin lately had a hard -times party, 'eh sinVitations and dance pro - )..3 grammes 'eing printed. on brown. pa- per, and alico dresses for the ladies be - incl. indispensible. The supper eonsist- lof crackers, carried by the dancers, an.d dried herring and bean Soup from a corainon fund. . e A men in Des Moines, Iowa, has erected a dwelling house foe hinaseff, built mostly of pa,per. The weather- boarding, inside walls, ancl. shingling are of th, reateriellnown in the West as the- ‘‘Rock River Company,s building , paper." The cost is about two-thirds of that of -the ordinary .material and the house, it is said, is warmer than where weod‘ared plaster ie•nsed. ' The solar engine, invented by a Frenchman named Mouchot, hss proved successful, it is said. A donca:fe re_ • fiector is used to concentrate the sun- shine on a boner blackened with smoke. It ia computed' that in the latitude of Paris the }eat reflectod from a surface of a square - meter, or 10.74 square foet,- will make a quart of water, taken tt the free2ing point, boil 'in ten min- utes A area of 100 square meters -gil1. fur h as much heat in 10 hours t• olsaeia.be go_t from burning 60 pound f co, fil.s. the natur eif them e • "Very we Some time ago, the store ‘: of Mr. Hodgins, in''Aelthstr, was broken into, apd $3,000 said to have been taken. The creditors ofMr. Hodgins, not satisfied .wi,th thisstatement, at rested. and confined him'id jail. This was a lamil enough state of affairsi but the sequel, says the Fergus Hews, is inanite- ly worse. ;married roan• named Richard Brandon was employed as tlerk and general sqesman in Hodgins' store. After the ari.eet of -the proprie- tors, and Close of the establishment, Brandon took his wlife to her .parents in East Garafraxa, and reburnin to Arthur, he and Mrs. Hodgins .e oped, taking with them, it is allege $3,000 which has been. the cauee .of so much trouble. ROBERT-10/1—ILLER r- Tan ELOCIPEDE OUT-D:NE.:--A sprig w gOn. has been inven.ted by a gentsema in Mbvelich; Ky., which • is propos d to run wi... thout any sleind of animals o steam power. He has al- ready co strueted.a. small model, whidh runs up or clown hill Very raPidly. The powr is received from an immense coiled; steel spring, w-hich will run for half an..hnur withoet being wound up. - in going up :hill the spring .exhausts i itself, bit .in. going •down hill it wiiids -itself up. The inventor -al-aims that he can carry heavy loads over an ordinary '-rol.d. - - RED IVER DISTRESS. , We'have -re- ceives:1 a eommunication. from Rev. John Black, dated, Red River -.Settlement, February llth, acknoviledginel the last ef, ic-mittance from this conntry, of $70.86, and giving some particulirs of the state: of destitution then pievailink in thei . colony. He states that the. committee' ,. • had the 4 previous ,evenm. g to increase their Vote of flour, -which now amounts to over thirty-three .barels per. week. They were just about- sending off an agent to purchase' Seed wheat du -Min- nesota. The people at tne Iniiian settle- _ inent (a few miles down the riven) ,had caught a- good • many fish by anglieg limier the ice,sand ha.d found these to be of great assistance to them BCCIC0714. Ounards •lowered their tate for .pas. sae.ge across the A.tlantic, and.have d.ater- mined to carry steerage passengers. The dud fares are cabin passage $80 and and itererage passage $30. Hitherto this lin? have declined to carry steerage, paseengers, but the close competition ot. other ary•. • from b • A New NO.11,TH POLE EXPEEeITION,17- he steamer 131eneekorp, whose deeer- um flom Bremer haven on a new P - ir expedition was announced by the elegraph, is to proceed 031 the swims our.e as that followed py the, Germ4n- ie ast summer. The expedition.- has been fitted out entirely at the expenSes of Herr -Rogenthal of Bremerhaven, who usually sends two steamers every year to the Whale fishery in the Polar Seas.- The Blenenkorp is to remain during the fishing season. of the Island of‘Tan Mayon, and will then :proceed about the end of' June OR its voyage of discovery northwar.d along the western •Coast of Greenland. The scientific member of the expedition is -I)r. Bo€tst, of Julish, an experienced astronor and geographer, who has long ta Special interest in Polar diecoyeries. Is to make observations and measure- Menth both by sea and land, an.d is liro, - . . vided with all the necessary appar- etus. The Blenexikrop is a screw steam e 2 of 99 -horse power built express- ly for polar seas, and is named by a crew of 25 persons. • It is to be the percuser of a sesond expe lition to the North Pole, which is new being or- ganized by Herr Keldewey, Captain •of the Germania. 1 i 1 A strange death occured at Ottervale,. it short timeago. A man named Brdwn miller in Parker's mill, by some mens a,delds right hand caught between a 1 revolving shaft and an adjacant beam, Which caused him to give a violent ljerk to extriade it, by which the back Of his hand was severely lacerated ; but ilia wound healeu ;rapidly so thet in a few days, with his hand lima sling, he •Wag able to, fresume his :occupation. While fillies, a bag with his deft hand, : 6 it! Wafi sceetchethen a look, which ;ers use be hold the bags. Eyriip attackedIthe minor veound, going itie arm and then down thwards rhlea,-rt. causing his death. A str- Ifact in connection with this ioccur • was that m the beginiag (of .Fehr , , , ; he stated to his friends that he la lunhappy .preseniment that tsomet • was about to tappealhine, "for;" ssai 1 "I have lost my wife and six child •en, and all in this month ;" and now hp is added to their number. i er, en akar Y Wholesale St.aiioner, GENERAL BOOKBINDER, • AND BOOK MANUFA.CTURE11.1 Aocourr • Importer and deslerin SCHOOL BOOKS., STATIONERY; INKS,' TWINES, WINDOW. SHAPES, AND Paper Hangings. AGENT FOR Lovell's and the Neiw Series of School Books; _Danville School Slate Com- pany ; Carter's' Combined Writing d; Copying Ink. • 397 Notre Dame Street, Montreal. March 18th, 1869. 67-3m las up the ge ce. ary an mg he, weaves- 11QW renders it nece.es, new .ikeltn _line i4 projected ettin in"Igcramny to New forki 91" SIMONS, HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER. -HOUSE TO LET COMMGDIGIrS and comfortable den -31 - ling house, in a good position. JOHNSTON & BEG, Seaforth, lifer& 12 1869. 66-tN PJA:ASTE S le At SCor±T ROBERTSON. tS Seaforth. Feb. 19. 63- FIRST-CLA8S k SHINGL 14, • FOB, SALE .A T SMITH & BRO'S. FAGT011t Al N LON I LLE. THE subscribers have on hand a 4uaub3y of shingles, which they offer for sale at moderate prices, at their Ster Factory, Ainleyville March -4. hit rfiAll work done in Eirst-Class Style. Or- ders to be left oneelloor North. of Pr. Smith's office. 417-3m. Mrs, Kaulbach, the mother. of Sher- iff Kaulbach, of Lunenburg, 1$ -ova Scotia, celebrated her 100th bir4day on the llth of \February. She is 'luck and hearty, can knit scad,read without, spectacles, vind••40 about the house -With-: out any tesaistance, She received a • large number .of visitors dining the • day, 4 and in the emening hel1/' a re -union, when as many .of her , cendents , as could get together . assembled to, greet her living ancestor. .She is the mother , of .14 Chihli en, 61 grand -children. 82. greatsgrand-chihiren, and 2 great - great -grand -children. There are liv- ing within seven miles of each other, in in the co' unty -of -Liinenbiirg, sixl, ?er- sons ever 90 and .six over 80, which would seem to indicate that the *Ian- ticshore is a healthy.plasse to ;live.' More of Those 12 Dollar Suits! • FIRST PRIZE CLOVERSEED, AT Scott 1obertson's4 Febrnary 19th, 1869. 63-tf. • ONTARIO HOUSE„ The Only General Store in Seafoith. :FRESH IITEAS, NEW Mgt, AND CROCERIES OF ALL KINDS_ AT GLEVHORN S, ALSO A .Choite Selection.•of Silk -mixed and West of ngland Instructions were sent :last week efrom Ottawa to Mr G. Wyati,ktun- boat agent, Toronto to tit out and pie - '1 x% cbmiri ay .1, lite,' leis ..fou e pare PI-ovincial gunboats in ease it may ma it r tid,.000100() in gol( oe ciesirable to man them froaLia frigate i• , u.uti idaey . are _9 wti.‘c a in opal. IL liddi:aou „-C11 bt d1). c1tt'd„ nth 1))) tile --Han. b uNrge .d -_Nt• -% 1 (0- • „ — ;a4c1 to be stationed at Quebee. The )rdere to -:Talifax next month, t ie eerial reiboats now at I3ermuda are tot knowiii yet if any Of these wi y, tem, (lee eat,. eiey _ taent back _to statiowo. the Lake 1 be 'TWEEDS! AT• ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. Seafortli, March JS. 67-3m Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS,. Suitable for -all Seasons. erA. general stock of • , HARDWARE & GLA CROCKERY & LAMPS. Furniture Rooms, Spinning Wheels. &ei On hand .a fine lot of - CLOVER AHD TIMOTHY SEED: CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. EDWARD CASH, God.erich Street, Seafotil. Seaforth,, March 4, 1869. 53-1y. T R. Ross, Proprietor 'New Dominion , Hotel, begs to inform the:people of Sea - forth and the travelling community general- ly, that he keeps Du•st-class accommodation in every thing required by travellers.- .A good stable and willing ,hostler always on hand. Regular Boarder.receie every necessary attention.. Seaforth, Feb. 8th,1869. 63-ly HIRAM COLLIDAY Sz. SON t TN returning thanks for a..st favors, have I the pleasure di announeing to the mer- chants and businesa 'teen of Seaforbh that they are prepared to receive orders f0.1' all kinds a DRAY WORK. - eugGocels handled. with care, and satisfac- tion guaranteed, - 58-12r .Jaimary 2ist, 1869. Make Your Own StJGAR 1,00o Sap Buckets • At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, FebrAary 19th, 1869. HARP'S HOTEL, Livery Stable, and General Stage Office, Main Street. R. L. SHARP, Proprietor. Seaforth, Jan. 8th, 1869 LOOK OUT OUT FOR The Sign of the CAME ASTRAY. riAME into the premise,ssof the subscriber, Vy sometime in November last, a yearling Heifer, !nearly white. The owner is request ed to prove property,:pay expenses, aud take' her away. HUGH LOVE, sew., Lot No. 10, N. Boundary,„ Tip. Hay. Hay, Feb. 19, 1868. =64-3in. • NOTICE. I HEREBY notify .and forbid the public against trusting -my -.wife, .or other =em- ber or members of my, on my ac- count,- as I will not be .reaponsible for the same after the appearance.of,this notice. HENRY SHEFFER. Hay, Feb, 24, )869. • 64-3 BOOTS & SHOES. 6 WHERE THOS. ELL CABINET & CITAIR MAKER itiNDEATAKER &c. 0A Large Steck A LL kinds of furniturekept COnstantlyOli hand, consisting of the bast varieties, KrughruiTs Spring 'Alattrasscs, Children'i Carriages Coffins kept constantly on haul Work made on the premises. for ,A. Hearse for .hire. Wart:mon:toy posite Kidd & McNiulkins. T110S. BELL, March 24, 18O8,, TO CAPITAL 1ST& FL0R ..SALTE1 The unexpired LEASE OF LOT NO, 9, COUINLOCK SURVEY On the East side of Main Street, in the Village of Seaforth, MOGETHER -with. the .buildings erected. thereon,- viz --The store and. dwelling occupied by Mr. William Ault, the buildbig occupied by Dr. Smith as an .office, the one occupied by Mr. Paltridge as a Photograph •Gallery, the one occupied by Thomas Simons as an Oyster Saloon, c.;& -, also the one °cm- , pied by the subscri1ber as a Flour, Feed, Grocery and Provision Store, together with the stock and fixtures -contained theriire Also 16 acres of land south of the Railway, which will be sola. in Tillage or park lots, in - sizes to suit purchasers, and. on reasenahle terms. , &DUNCAN ik CO ARE SE LING ALL SORTS OJP William Mc3Lal1y AVING lately purchased the business of William Barker, itiWroxeter, will:keep on hand a large assortment of Boots and Shoji. None but firsttclass work Jihann- factured on the premiset W Orders will receive particular attention. .Repairing done on the shortest,notioi. 3, .1868. ;20-1y. PCifif COPY HA, & CAPS, BOOTS & SHO ATA Greatly Reduced Prite FOR , ONE MONTH ONLY* OrTo make room for Spring Stock. Seaforth, Jan.__28th. FARM FOR SALE. N. B.—Fleur, Feed, Groceries and Prez visions c all kinds kept constantly on hand by the subscriber. G. T. JARVIS. Seaforth. February 3rd, 1869. 61. tf 0.•••••••=0.1•40 NEW MILLINERY • RS. GLOVER, begs to announce to the. IVI inhabitants of Seaforth, and surround - g country, that she has opened a ncw milli- nery, in the shop OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE STORE, Where she will attend to all orders in her line. Millinery, Star:ping, &c., and 41 kinds of Fancy Work done on'the shortest notice. Seaforth, Feb. 25th 4869. 54-tf. BLACKSMITH SHOP. THOMAS WATSON Begs to inform the public generally that he still carries on general Blacksmithing at his Old Stand. NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL AI N LE YVILLE, Special attention paid. to Horse -Shoeing. Ainleyville, Feb. 9tb., '62-, 63-1y DEMO South half Lot 'No. 10, ConeeSsion .1.) 9, Township of Morris, 24 mila,from Blythe, containing 100 acres. • For further iiartieulars enquire at the.store of John Braidwoddc Seafoith. R R CLAIM January 8ih,- 1869. J7 -6n 1E413TIF1114 RAI% NATURE'S CRON. You lust Culf te it GRAY HAIR Jar, a.eertaiai.indiettOon nectezr `aiit the .1:too1*. MRS., _S. .A. ALLErlit'S . • Hair Resorer Ittestores gray hair do It; natural color and teauty ain4 producecluxtuiaut growth. It gives ass hair t beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance., Manufactory and'aules Offices, SPECIAL NOTICE• . THE tONNECTICUT MUTUAL ic tontanct IIARTFQ111:4, C MTN% PHELPS, President. ZEPHANIAH PRESTON, Vice President. WOODBRIDGE S. OLMSTED, Seeretary. 1.newalr W. BRYANT, Actuary. 1Lnobeir S. Wiecox. Medical Examiner. - Organized fin it 84.6. Charter Perpetuat, The Largest Mutual Life Insni:saicS Com. - pally, numbering over 75,000 Members. A purely Mutual Company, its Assets be. 1enging4exc1usively to its members Assets, $23,000,.000. Acquired by pm- dent.and economical -management of twenty- two years, without the aid of a single dollat tof original capital. Surplus Assets iev-er .,$6,000,000. All pro- .fits‘divided;amoug the Anernbers. Each po- licy holder is a 'Emma -8r. There are ni) stockholders. Its Large Dividends. They have avery ed over 50 per cent annually. Total amount. of diviiends paid. the =embers shale its or. ganization, over $5,00e.,000. Its Success Unparalleled. It has arrived at the extraordinary condition where the in- _ eome from annual interest alone is more that sufficient toTay all its losses. Total =onus of losses paid ;by the Go 'y, over $8,000,000 - Its Responsibility. For every 4100 14 Lialillititee it has $154 of Assets. During its last --fiscal year this Conapaur paid to ifeeliving members, and to the -fami- lies of its deceased lumbers, nearly $2,0000-e L000, and at the same time added more thew. -Four 'Millions to its aceuniulated capital. The Whole Record oi •tbis' Company been one of prudent matagement • and pros- perous advancement. Among the oicter and leading life insurance companies its aye ratio of expenses to incoine has, through entire history, been the lowesteif any:. . Amount deposited with the Receiver Gate erlal of Canada, $140,000. • 35 BARCLAY STREET/Ind 40 PARK puicA y. jusNuratunnbeeer4o3t,Piloii37 holders in Canada 08..! AND 266:11141141Q1BQR140 London, Ent,. liorMeclicaldWere*°8—Dr- Methrell ArSeatter and 'Rola, Druggists, ents.. D1.7117'9. Y' Seerthp' mint-Eiji.1..i.A11-8 jos Seaforth. ITter Stile everywhere. • • Gtneralenta4lie for C*;ad January 28th. 186. Feb, 24 1869. 44-h LATEST FC , London Ill” of Commons this eve!" ISeeretary of 1,8Ta ment iLt rectaralto the' showing a reduction pounds in the total- ain ed with last year. Governinplt proposed complish this saving forces 111 tne coloineg, e stations. • Dubliii March 11. eommittee of this .cit subscription to raise ft tit of the' Fenien convi charged from impri. Govermutsut Londan, 2,Teh of Cemmens, listt duce(' by• the Solicitors peal certain tests, and s feeting the constitutiri4 sales of Qxferd and Ca b:At sd at length, and ett. tion was read a second t London, Mewl 16, - of earthquake WaS :141 t of Loneashire a nage &me. London, Mar& 16 ef Comnions, die eve) of Dublin appeared at sented petitione pray biishment of religious laud, and that amitest -grtinted to all Fenians. question from Mr. Tot was informed by Mr der-Seere a yfheFort that the Gov trnment W in: a Bill establishing permanent law of extre The Timee of fildifj ;says 1 .:—"Lord Georgl ehargtd on Satuvlay it Police Court before -Mt with being drank. and ing care of himself; on A native p i'ceman that meening lying Ore aum roadandhe eves tal key -dose by. He had itt hie defence, and onl sent to Tanne. In eon ship of the offence &ail,: reminded him that he ;NI to him, bet as it as sine he (his lordship) fore him at Tanna on e he would only order tl on this 03Ca'40n, bflt WQ eolne before him azam. lf s rupee. RELTASE OF FENI.A. Signed petitiens were to Iltr aliajesty the Qin all p,ersons in prison ianiem be pardoned. day, seven Were releaise great deal has been said that many others will b loag. „.A1VIERIa New Yorlc, March I London special says, verinnent .has telegtei Deice to suspend the insurrectionists conden Havana, March 11.-. an expedition from Nassau and Inagua, iaJ 'Cuban coast The eap vesssel _which artived ports that on Sunday l'unte Mulas, ite saw -of one side -wheel steam and three other sthamei ged, steering north-east. wards he posse(' a side - bark rigged, -whieh wa -miles from Gruneho Tcti has been in --eircielation. past in -Caber' circles t was under way to /los& eannon,--ams, and am eruits for the ine.irgent of Conservative citizen heve been organrzing teers, who are sent o rections to scour tete :towns eeem disposed Ample' of Matanzas. the jiFisdietion of Cien able to the Governmeir nor of Segue, la °midi reinforeements from Nt •:marched witit all his against' the insurgents, some time past made th on tl,te Sap, Jose pl Eastern department Lit troops las very active. 'left San-galgo and .Ba main force of the I'm In the central depa ment is ,strengtke A battalion 25) Coltniir de St. DO113.1 Whieb are`,to convey Aoners to Fernando .day next, They by the Spanish Among the priSoners are ileum Castello, the ' Senor Embil eee:me, e -