The Expositor, 1869-03-19, Page 341:11,02:010 Th d 0 shooting -witneseee for his llefencea- e quostiom he desired to being written 4own •resonteci to the k`,Nonter, they were, e ruled, because they_did not relate irttly to;theatt of shooting, but era pertaining to the deceased and: piellous to the commissfon: of tfio evidence haling been, osed, the',iCorner tddresod the- jury at idera.b4 lenath, and ivet.•ornmendect. tei to ulm prisoner- John Henerr .er, feraaniou4-, wilfully-, and ot ••11ice aforethought, take the fife o • dt.....east.fd, F. C. Whittaker Tho • - thn ketiretrat 11.41 The Cor- aited nnd the jury baving.',VE'turned, he dtelared an ad - Merit tilt 1 30. two .te!clock, the jitry retuniect with. the folilowig verdict :that Fredrick (harks Wii!ittaker came -to his death,. 't the lOtli"Alarclitinsk Irom., a pistol ot wound.bir the left temple from the - ids of efOut lelenery Chaloner. he-teletAple from Quebec atIXIGiliteeM at on StlAtlay; Lieliterlair4iWliittaker- ts buried eriels military honor. The streets throkteh whit+ the funeral care eee passed from the Citadel, wem t.hi.ckiv Hued with speetratore, Whose- betelierrad 'flea italiiTeace ap.u' from the solemnity of :he ocetteion, they felt for the anfortunate . deceased. body .was borne by a gun -carriage, vored. -with the 'Union Jack drawn he- ir horsesevith drivers of the net:TO rtillery.. Six subalterns of the .53rd. cted :as pallbearers,a.nd the bands of he deeeasecrs regiment and the Roy4I ArtillWry were present. Tie o.ffice`rs. of t.Ie .53rd followed immediately atter the corpse -with °facers of the...,ifle Brigade, oyat •Eritineere, Royal Artillery, and stir with tlie Commendant and citizens —abo-et 30 -fn number, including a feW prominent ; merehatts; the Doctots the deceased, Mr. Coker,(Lloyd's in - specter hetie) and Air. Bellingham, mem- ber for ArgentuiI. Like all t,Inilitary funerals, it presen- ted a most affecting spectale, rendered more sa by the recolTec-tion- of the , Un- timely death of the deceased; a.rtd 'ea the mournful processiort wound its way to the Iast,:restrrig place of the remains (Mount Hermon cernentre-) the sight. .1 was .truely impressive. -the trete.% of the Dead March played by attendant bencl-e anct. the measured tread of th.tr mourners *Zed to the impressiveness of the occasion, 1\ppl16ati0n will be inacte.on. Monday to admit Chelener to bells The refusal of the jury to renderanything else. than an open -verdict is regarded here Setis-e factorlv as proof that thte sympathy of e puldie is with the prisoner. Is Chaloner is repoated to be .chmgerously Z/1 with brain fever. Thue, for. the present, doses the incie dents of .he; late . -terrible' tragedy at Quebec-, afFordiDst aix additional twation, of the dirbeful consequences flow- ing from the inclu.igence of ungoverned passions. V 1 .7`csa. thfltn. Young is ill Theo ate ten -velocipede rinks ira. operatioa, in Mentrea. e'er Beetatswickers are agitating the, construction...of the Bay Verte canal. Thorold pettery was clea.royed by rfire on Saturday night. Mr. 'Howe isrecovering, and will re- sume his canvass of Hants in a day or two. ' The Chaloner- Vti hitaker case is to come before the Judge of the Sessions at Quebec this week. as. T. Laagevin, urtole f tits, Seeretary of State foa the Dominion,. died at Quebec, aged 29. The Skteehrooke volunteers hay% uarrelled with the town fathers, and e latter have dosed -the drill shed. Canfidd Derwin, an exchange broker- Kloareal, Las far York rather unexpectedly.. ,EXtent of lie:- titlesnot yet ascerta'isted. _ It is stated that the writs for this three -vabincies in Nova Scotia, viz Yamouth, EfantS and Richmond, will be 'returnable on the same day. A man named J. -E. Sterling was ara restedat Streeti-vilIet. on the I3th, and committed to Brampton Jail to await trial. at next assizes tor rape committed on a little girl of thirteen. Consider- able excitement Wae manifested by the inhabitants and Lynch Law was strong' ly advocated. A number of lottery circulars, isattettt by Gilbert & of Stamford, county of Welland, induced many vetdant pco-f pie to forward money to the swindling concern, - The Welland Telegraph...FAY& the post o ce inspector _at 'Loud= I stopped all money letters addressed to. the firm, and returned the money totha sender. The sum returned so far about $2,000 DISTRICT Tit Assizes open cTuesdey next /"‘ ATTER& t -G-odetieh ors . - , REV. MR. HAWKE et each in the W. 8abba.th. ef Clinton, will . Church next R. PEARS q?eell secured by Mr. pensiag assistant. S a's services haVe clatter, as a. tlie- his 'cede' - A SON of Mr. Jon of this saillage, had a very narrow escape from Cheldng, by swallOwiag a iialt-eouel on Monday last. Dr.'.0oleratte. beintesPeedily cktlii. ,ed, undoubtedly csaved the -boy's life; ' Lutuott Casesee-ais Wedonsday last two. persens_ were tharged with violation -of the Licenr-e laW. One was establisned other case, eviderce was wanting to and p.; fine of $20. Imposed. • In the :sustain it, hene2 et we t to the greund. • At a meeting, of i.1e Presbytery of London, -in conaectio with the church .of Sccalend, held. on Friday last, 'the Revs David CaMeron, of Goderich, 1.ii.guifiecl Ids intention to- accept the .unanimouscaligivea him by the aon- -greed= of St. Jame.' church, Lon- :dort. Bliud Piper lerguson gave oae of hire truly' natienal Conceits on Wed- nesday eveniug- lasl rn. Sharp's hall HIS perforrnaneeeu the Irish Harmonic pipe is very skilful, while in his .song s, ainng is blended t ie comic -antic he pathetic. ' No Irrlin an should •raiss appOetunity of hearit g him. • Two men; on Tieursdity of last weela, F. McCrackenband hrs hired man, .4o1ii prepared for , themselve's a *lough mixture, th indigiedieets of which we. e pi oeure • at different Clritg stores. Shortly aft takittg the meth - thee they. were takeu suddenly ill.' The doctors say they a e poisoned. Pie druggists say nothit poisottoue wete sold them. There no ho pe for O'Neil and very slight hop for MeCackn.e, Stratford Beacon.. . THE "CANA,DA. Li e —The advertizemen of th once Company will e fou Ttee standng o pany is too- well knolwa to require coni: meat from us. As home institution it has claims upon tie support of Cana- dians over other ce paniee. The rates will be found, to b very low. For - further information itpply to the Agent, . Mr. Archibald McDougall. Aastateeroa Co:" ;Life Assur- in another this Com - COUNTY DiaaceoltY.—We are pleased, .to learn that I'vlessas. Armstrong and Macfarlane, agents; for 'Sutherland & Co.'s Gazetteer and Directory are now in this town c4nvassing subscriptions and- advertisements for the work. We wish the enterprite success, believing -euch a book is much 32.eeded, ad ihope • . ear townsmen will displaythar ,ty manifeated by ot)ier towns and yifT .lages dnring the canvass, whielL 'nearly completed. WV,SLEYAi METHODIST SABBATH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY' 'SRA FORTH-. — :-Services irt connection With the "above, will be held as ,follows.: On Sabbath the 28t11 inst., sermons will be preach- ed at 101 a m. and ‘,61.p. M., by the :Rev. W. R. Dyre.of Mitchell. Collec- tions to be taken up at the close of eaCh eervi2e. On monthly evening fellowing the anniversary a -meeting eetil be held. The meetin Will, beaddressed by the Revs. W. R. Dare,- Mitchell, Kellon of Oliato, .Mnsic by the children. EXE,I111 ation 'of ithe children. at the close. Tic ets. 25cts,, „children. 124- 'The proceeds to be devoted to • the library fund. J The Tulilie axe .in- vited to attend. -; South Huron Stuiin' g Show. THE South Riding of Huron .igri- t-enitural Society's second Annual Spring . Show will be held in the village of Brucefield, on Wednesdav.fhe „lstth.day .of April next, . When. the ..fUlloeting prizes will he awarded, .viz e _Beat `tdraught stallion $12, 2nd do. $10, 3rd Ile: $8. Best agricultural stallion $10, 2nd do. $8, 3rd do. $6. Best 'carriage stallion $7, 2nd do. $5, 3rd do. $4. Best Durham bull over 2•Yearl ' $8 _ f t 2nd do: $6, .3rd dct". $4. , Best - urham bull under 2 year, $6, 2nd do $4, 3rd do. $2. Best Detron bull over.2 years, $8, 2nd do. $6, 3rd do., $4, B4st De - on bull under 2 years, $6, .2ndi do. $4, tid Jo.. $2. Best grade bull 'over 2- yeatiel $6, 2nd do grade bull under 3rd do. $2. The for any other breed not mentioned dtt tile above list • of breeds. All entries toJatemade to the Secretary,- previous to 10 t o'clock 01 the day of the exhibit itiore__ Pedigrees of thorrngli bred *took must oe lodged with ,the':.Seore- tary at the time of making.the entries. The Fall Exhibition iteto 'come off ',ire Seafortle in connection with the Tuck- 411.'4(1ft-it Branch. $4, 3rcl do. $2. Beet 2 years, $4;2d do.' $3, ta,st prize being .alse Fires in Goderich. ######## Since the fire on Wednesday night, the 10th lust, two more have taken piace, oiaepn 'Saturday and anotintrr on Sunday. morninc: The former destroyed two stables belonging to Mr Wm. Can- trell and Mrs N. lioyle, ausing it loss of 15000 or $4000 ;elle latter broke out -art the square and destroyed $15,000 or $14,000 worth of property.. The fire - was first discovered in the block o�cn- pil by T. Jolt:sou & Son di y goods,' ; WM. Martin. Saddler ; and H. riorton, groceries and liquca's., When discovered the fire had/obtained such headway that there was no possibility of. extinguishang it lend the only thillg tOr be done was to save as matt y of the goods. as possiblo and prevent the fire, spreading. Happily the 'fire was con- fined to the block in, -which it origin- ated, during the fire a catastrophe which might have destroyed' several: Byes, happened. To preeeat the fire spreading the vertu lah itt front of the buildings was. cut down, andfalling quicker than anticipated caught a nu- mber of perseas under it, but aone were seriously injured except Mrs Gardiner, who was immediately, conveyed to Mr. People's tesidence and medical assis- tanee obtained. It ist expected that she will soon -recover. Them -was about $7,000 insurance on the buildiags and st. ck desbroyled. • j.REE FOIL—rube q gest ion- has often . . • presented itself am our xmnd, -why can not Seaforth have a free fair ? We now of many place as far inferior for such an -institution as it is easy to im- agine, yhere it is a perfect success. Few places in Canada possess advanta- o Seaforth, inasmuch as we ted by a repeh larger and try, in which large quantie are raised for the .mark -et. nfident that periodieal fairs e of live stock weld be at- ges equal ,are surrou better, com ties of stec We are for the sa tended with.marked euccese, and would prove a threefold benefit, first to the seller, seeondly to the buyer and third - 1v to the business men. Of this place. 'Would it not he a tgood idea for setine persons to di e. a move itt the matter? HOWICK. (From onr Special Correspondent) The contract for the woodwork of the new English church, to be erected in Gorie, has beeit awarded to Mr. Mc- Laughlin, -$600 being the amount of his xeuder. The building will cost about $5,000 when finished. A number of parties in the township have gat themselves into trouble by lobbing a nonlresiclent lot of timber,' and, although thave very little bym- pathy ,itith speculators, yet I think it tithe an example was made of some amber thieves, or no man's lot will be safe. While two Wroxeter lawyers were squabbling about as to who was the rightful owner of .a horse, a third par- ty stele the animal from the Stable where ene of the 'lawyers had placed it. I presume the proper owner is a')out as well satisfied, as it would have been a dead loss any wey. -Do the . hotel keepers of Gorrie un- derstand that there ,is .a township by- law that makes themjiable to a fine for allowing young men, untler age to spend their evenings in the bar -rooms, or round their premises ? ,I „would ,advise them to get posted. and ikeeit within bounds, or they %will get into trouble. I understand that Mr. Foater, who had some thoughts of startiqg a woolen mill in Gorrie, is building one in Clin- ton. If Messrs. Leech would be more aiberal with parties coming in, the vil- lage would thrive bettera but when they ask such an outrageoas price as 800 (half that would be a big price) for a fourthdate pilivilege, atas no Won- der parties are frightened away. Mr Foster, I understand, offeredt$1,000 for the 'privilege and :ground, but their dog -in -the -manger -p4licy would not al- low them to elese with him. It is cu- rious they cannot see that such a mill here would make their property eo much the *more valuable, and :they be the gainers in the end. I am :author- ,ized to state, that to a resaonsi de party tanning iin and darting a .good Steam Woolen Factory, •a free aite'tfor the building and _e. c&sh bonuj isest their disposal, while the ,apening :is one of the best:in:Canada. i II/ Tim Nova Seale ." delegation'," now in Washington 'to vtalk about the annex- ation of their provilice to 4Ate fTinted States- may not amount to a great.deal. We have little faith in the average run of " delegations," as seen at the Capitol. But of the ultimate tendency of this and . neighbouring provinces towaseds the. 'United States, t Nye .make ,little doubt. The feeling may not he as strong now as represented-Lof'fhat we know nothing—hut it is certainly cpiite likely te increase. Meantime we .trut our, people willi diligentlyslet it alone. ),Vhatevee.our Manifest Destiny as to any of the ...British produces may be, it is not to ,be benefited "3T any hotbed !ening progress. TribuniL DIEb, IticCoxae, —At Stratb.roy, on the lth Ida Erma, daughter of Mr. Ragii McColl, Editor of the Stratbny A ge'. 1VlcCLE4cigA1g.--:LL13rampton, on Weilnes- • clay etlening, March 10, of the inflarnation of the lungs, after a short illness of ` two weeks, Thomas AleCleneglian, formerly of 'Goder/c1,, and Editor ard publisher of the are.t ton )Veekly Petiele, aged 46 years, .. 1VIA.ARIE13. PATISON LAING. —Oil the 17th inst., At the Nlew Dominion Hotel, by the Rev. M. Graham„ -Mr James .Pa, bison, to Miss Isabella Laing, all of Tnekersmith. THE ivtAnKr-iiTs. SEAFORTIL, Moral 19th, 1869. Rather light deliveries. Prices declining. Active clemand. Wheat, (Fall) $ bushel, ® 113 Wheat (Spring)- t$ bushel, 75 ® 80 Barley ip bushel, 1 00 ® . 1 25 Clover per bush. 6 00 ® *6 50 Timot rbush. (60 Ms) • 150 (.4 2 50 Oats bushel, 44 (4 45 Peas bashel, 60 ® • 68- db (large) 95 1 00 Pork .q cWt.* • 7 00.@ 8 00 - Potato e bushel, 60 (4 - 65 Hay $ on, 9 00 ® 9 00 Eggs $ 1 d?zen, 12 @ 14 Butter k Tb 20 ® Turkey per lb. 06 07 - Geese 25 30 C1ANT0N, March 17. the Zrew Bra.) (Pram Wheati(Spring) per bushel, do (Fall) -.do Oats, Barley, . Peas, Butter,, Botatok, Eggs)-- $0-80 a 0 90- 0 82 a 0 86 0 48 a. 0 50 I 20 a 25 0 56 a 0 60 o 22 a 0 25 65 a 0 70 .0 12 a 0 Go aziaoss Mareli 16, 1869. (Front the Signal.) $0 80 a 0 83 0 80 a 0 82 .050 a 0 55 1 05 a 1 10 .0 70 a 0 75. ,0 65 a 0 70. .0 20 a0 22 10 12a 01 srTheat per bushel, Spring ' do Oats, do • Barley, do do Potatoes, do Butter 'a-)er lb, Eggs pier) dozen Toiteerr.o, _March. 18,t/i, 1869. (By Telegraph.) Prices decling. Wheat, (Fall) $ buahel, do (Spring) bushel, Oats $ bushel, Barley $ bushel, Peas $ bushel, Butter, I ;$0 99 te 0 98 1) 82 to 0 85 51 to 52 1 15 to 1-20 70 to 73 20 to 25 NOTICE.. K1\ -OTE LOST. On or aboat 25th of . February last, a note of hand made by Peter t3nie1y and George Patterson, of the Township of Grey, in fityor of John Rod- dick or bearer, for the sum of $95 .00, dated 27th. October, 1868, ani payable 14 months alter date; This is to forbid any person oir pers s purchasing or negotiafmg said not a3payuaent thereof has been stopped. JOHN RADD1C1C. Grey, fAareli 8, 18o9. 66.tf. HURCH DIRECTORY., WESL YAN METHODIST CHURCH. —Rev. Wm. Hayfhurst, Pastor. Services every,Sabbatb at -1 4 o'clock, a. m., and 64 o'clock p. m.. Sabath School at 2 o'clock, p.m. Prayer mee ing Thursday evenings at 74- o'clock. METH DIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. —Preaching • eacl4 Sabbath at 10.30 a. m., and 6.30 p,m. Sabbath Se1loo12 'p.m. Lecture and prayer meetmg, Wednesday evenings 7.30 p.m. Rev'. PS. Williamson, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN ()RUBOR. SerViCCS commence at 11 a.m., and .6 :301p.m. LExture and ' Prayer -meeting on Tuesday evening, at. 7:30 ' GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ummer Arrang &Penis. will leave tbe Seatforth Station, as folio s.: -- GOING EAST. GOING 'WEST. .10:30 A.M. 10:30LM. 2:00 it M. 2:2/ r. t. • 6:08 A. M. 9:20 .4.. M. • ' STAGES Leave for Ainleyville, Wroxeter, Leecl - ville, Bayfield and Exeter, OR the arrival o Trails in the aftestioon.,, BOGGS' ALLEVANTOIR, tile great Ceetatur. 11 HEADACHE, NEfIRILLGIA anti Universal Pain Remedy. is unquestionably the Meat Vree- able and efficacious remedy knownt,ii pasnaivrn science. It relieves all pain install usly andreduces inflarnatien with ,rapidity, erea- `ing a healthy action of all diseased organs, neutralizing all poisonous effects anf making a rapid and radical cure of some of the most distressing complaints to which mankind are subject. Briggs Allevantor is sold by Wm. Rollo, Agent, and by druggists- and country merchants generally. GET IT. TRY IT. No family should be without it a day. ( , RIGGS.' mI - ..,,. PODERIIT CITRATIVE; for Coma, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, 'Tender Feet, Ate. It isi"the safest and =est efficacious- remedy ever discovered for the cure and prevention of ailments of the feet.' It is not potash or - acid, but a soothing_. softeningand healing ointMent, warranted wt to injure the most delicate feet but wal soon affect a radical cure.of these vexatious torments of the hu- man family. There is DO remedy equal to a,n operation by a skilful ;Chiropodist. When this is not c,onvenient, Biggs' Modern Cura- tive tiv comes as an angel df mercy. Sold by Wm,• Rolls, Agent; andidrftggists every- where.. Dr. J. BIUGGa. 228, Broadway, N. Y. ; Address, C. H. Wucirr& Co., Itam4-' ton Ont.t General Agents tar Alai& Poss- essions, ' .155 , RAQI :OF .TREASU QOUNT WITH THE,1 Municipality of the Vil ge o For the Year Ending January 31st, 18 By amount received from Assessment Roll,...... Hotel Lkense, .. . .....,,.... G-rocer's do ••.. pilliard. do ••••• Circus do • e • • • e Fines,... ..... lises40,1•••• Poll `; Non -Resident Lana ` Ta*,...;• • • • • • • • • • " Clergy:Reserve Funds,.... By 'Grant from County Council for Lock .up ‘` Amount of. Market Rent for0110 Rent of 30..14.0 " Received from Pound -keeper....... A. McDougall,•tunspent money refunded, f*. . •.. eilreee, e To Total,... • .6 "...0.A***41.* amount of Disbursements by Treasurer, viz : School account, • • • '1,70 Postage, Stationary and Printing 8 Repairs on Sidewalk, Gravelling and ° Drainage, hc. . .; • . Maxket House and Lock-up,...... Amount of Salaiies for Officers,. .•••. Legal Expenses,...........,.. Auction Fee, •.... Expenses for charitable purpose Licenses and Taxes refunded,.... •..•. Inland Revenue .. • • • • • • a •• " County- Fax •--•••- ••- •••• • • " Miscellaneous Expensesri........ Total .40 ,0 • • • • 4 • . •••• ••• •.; • , By Balance in Treakrer's hands.. Audited and found correct. 5 e • to. • a • * • orth CP $4,623 73 * 330 00 200 00 6300 .50 00 82 20 1280-. 18 85 54 75 200 00 1-5-8.75 16 41 1 25 1 06 00 ,47 86 56 1,577, 75 187 73 9 50 00 2 00 5 83 3 00 877 45 18i3 94 5,828 00 ,577 23 ARCHIBALD DEWAR, WM. N. WATSQN) I Auditort. Seaforth March 10th, 1869. 66 LOOK OUT FOR argains. KIDD & PANULKIN ARE Selling off the balance of their sinter Stocks, AT AVERY LOW FIGURFO 'Consis DRESS GOODS, WI Net es, HOODS, SHAWLS, SOAR FS,1 SHIRTS1,v; PANTS, AND -.HEAVY -CLOTHS, To make Room for Staring. Ireportitiona They we a Large &OA dr BOOTS & STIOES„1 Which they sae Very e.heap. Their Stock of GROCERIES] Is eery large, and will be sold at prices which defies competition.' GIVE Tll-Fan, TEAS! 8EAFORTH FURNITURE WAREROOM M. ROBE: TSON • 7 Importer and • znanufaeturer of all kinds of HOUSEHOLD fURfillitURE* 8 • LOUNGES. Such " ,1 - i:CENTitE 'TABLES, DIN.2:130-utzedittRuEsA.K, FAST 3:21.131.1RS, • and • BEDSTEADS, gNvoo'ltrodrii*s7Ltentli,hase, l'SaifidtehreeeYGiliraer°aefft..-th2iir Ge4,Seasont41. .and 'by' Finarelass . coAVIims MADE TO ORDER On Ile Sltortest Xetiee. I WOOD TURNING Iltossf iorsith -Nes/aeon and Itespetahl SOF- Warerooms e'WO'DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S .HOTRI, Main Street. ;8e:114th, *Tan. 6th, 1869. 1174S, NEW HARNESS HA\RNESS.,. „SHOP. To, undersign4 ILAAAm If. OLIVER,. • Beg taNinon*ce to the inhabitants of Seat -fertla.:and surroutiting eauutryi that he 14* ed Fieetetlass Morness -Shop, • 0 pbsite the post OfDre, • MAIN STRBET, Tr*Ithe hedstor twenty Akin oliperianpit the busine" aPAI for the Ioet.seven rad* hakeheen. in the employ of F. A. Myers. who afee34 highly of his ability as worlanan. itimght eat MR. TAM'S &vela, aucl,:teet:4.ased a ° LAICE -SUPPLY OF $000 MATOM He is prepared to soli kS 'CHEAP AS ANY OTHER ESTABt -11SHMENT IN THE COUNTY. Scotch -and runty: 0 1..0 tu ikt 0, TRAM, AND LIMIT ATRIAL. 'What they sell for a Dollaris tike -beat that can be bought in the -anailLet. irG-ive them a -call when fox oome to WPM, &nd ite for yourselweS.- 4.11.••••••••••••• They have a large otvasatity 011810ACO, COOERICII AND SUTTON SALT , KIDD it. itellia.KI/41,. Sesiffatia March 10, 1849, 1 ' • HARt4ESSS ears 110 C0113:PetitiOn: ye him a Ca,11, and litaveir WM- Seater4e, Jan. 7th.,180..