The Expositor, 1869-03-19, Page 2f_- NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. • • 1sTew AdvertiseigeRts must be given in by Wednesday nottn. - Changes or Attvertisen▪ tents, whicli. are _spe- cielly 1.1a:ranged for weekly eitanges, by Tuesday nowt 4 Changes of Aiivertisemently Which are not Vecially arranged for Weekly changes, ly Saturday night. We °mine. _guarantee insertion unless the above be complied with. BITSpIES accounts for a vertising Jotbing Must positively be set- tled. Quarterly, on•the 15th da3fs of Mateh, ne, September- And December. The OM FRI - MO ILL'S DEFENCE. - • In last week's issue we -annou that Dr. McGill was condemned at meeting at BrooklYn, to which he invited by his constituents to.ma•ke tete planations. The defence whicle he mace ivas about the weakeet ever en- tured by a politica/ renegade, and.den- the 1," ce. op - de Ys.7 on ced the 0.6 teined about as much . logic as speech merle by the "Saint of Cornwa a feete wee'.ks pee viouS at the same pi He admitted that lee had acted in 3osition to pledges frequently m during his canvas, but then he s er#00-tote man's "course• depend% very much u tat Paper of the County. the st'asedeeant from which he vi certaie objects. He expecled a_ la sge AY, . MARCH .19, 1869, majority' against Coalition, but on the assembIling cif Parliament he fot nd that Sandfield waS to be petty ell supported, and with this altered St te of affairs he altered his opirlions.:' Is there any thing in th-'6 history political' desertion, more dontenipti 0-0; SURPLUS REVENUM _ e„c,,00A dcal of boastirg ie indulge) in by those Who. are the. sufeeerters of •the Patent Corabination, on account of the, sterplus which the Provincial ao: mints, ex But whil plus does ibitecl these two laet years., we freely admit that a stir- ettist, and eiso that it rs wise- . ly inveeted, does E. B. Wood et. al., de-. serre credit for economy bemuse of that surplus? We say -not. Ancl why It be adreited on all hands aintenance of three, Legis - t expensive as one,. tly the expenditure now' cart- - tort of what. .it waiebefore ion; It will aka be admit - d have no source of revenue evinces whieh aid not former-. xce0, the increased tax on Nor having no new source aird an • equal expenditure, re a surplus '1 Just in this e cents per head from .the -together with local revenue, Onteria really *requires to isary expeediteres Hence ocre surplus is not so much ef his economy, as it is the an excessive revenue. To able finaeciering when you have more money thrust upon_ you, ces Over which .you have no an is required. for anything 'orrable'eutlay, is, in oar esti- teking credit- for honors. tes' reaLci can be established. the.t the laturos is • conseque nee fell • Confedera Jed that in this P • ly exist, whiskey. of revenu how is th - way. t . Domini° is more tLan meet nec E. 13. Wo the residt ; result of Loast of • front sou control, t _- like a rea matioey • whieh • TI -IE EL CTION OF PRESIDENT, •Teeee f mous manifesto, drawn up by Jeffereon, .A.clains and others, and now knoeen the tteclaration Indepene - been vei.y.irraterially altered • since it p sed ft -cm their hands.. The peen;le of' the United States are now n totpass the fifteenth ame d - the constitution, and if ve ly• interpret pnblie opinion, called up mane to ceu righ they will soon be called even, to pass anether. • The Method of electine , the Presi- • dcpt,is folmd to be generelly unsatis- factory. *, iThe round about way, . by which a majority is' obtaiated, often ehows that he may not be the choice -of , although he may receive the. a Eleetoral Colleges For in - the ease of Grant's election, es in seven.etates 7ould have ymoni.-PreSidente althengh Grant wo ild still have' a popular ma- 1)(xIA itete. of th stance, 30,000 v Made 'S jority of 280,000. Now the chnnge pro- . posed isle!) take a direct vote of tbe pea, file an& abolieli the Elec1tora • altbgethe Most -COM •MOSt COI cellists). of le than such cowardice? Simply .beca ise he supposed his party was to be in minority, he would go- over to camp of thee Philistines.. If those le ho for years, .battlecl. for tbe mair.tena ce of principle and just legislation ad exhibited the same pusilanimity, wh would good government and natio prosperity be to -day? To desert he, he re ial cause because it is weak,, or to ba ay your Party/ through 4ear of oppositi n, ' is baseness of the very lowest order, and no man posseesing the elemerits of true rn.anliness would ever be guilty of such trea,chety. His explanations; about the .let published in. the Toronto papers nouricing the so called- dictation. of Globe was also weele and unwolith.y any Man professing to recognize fr done of speech.. He said as elem he regarded newspaper inteeference our Canadian institutions unjuetiflable, Its ,legitimate tendency was bad. • It militated against our rights' as repres tatives.', . What a homily on. the liber- ty of the press ? . Are we to go back to the times of Juniosi or are we to inaugurate in t is „Domisaion the despotism of Napoleon III., and not to allow the press speak out boldly and distinctly on matters of public interest'? Has come to this, that Canadian Statesnien *ill stand up and tell ns that the legi- timate influence of the .press .is bad. rime what Burke once said : " Give them a. corrupt House of Commons ; give,: them a venal House .of Lorde ; give •thein teuckling Prince ; but give me a Free Press and.I defy them. to encroacla one Bow on the liberty! of England." No wonder, however, tat. Dr. McGill decries the influence of the • press. It has been found dangerous to him. It has interfered with his deser- tion; and beeits influence he -has been. humiliated. We 'naturally hate that which tends to thwart us in our. selfish designs, and eot unfrequently do we rebel against :4thfluences which, Aid they not exist, the dishonest could in- dulge their mischievous propensi ies with impunity. 1 We are iglad to see that the peopl South •Ontario _have in such an o way brought. Dr. McGill to account. Most certainly now -a -days, there should • - be the strongest.: declaration of put lie er he e of e- nt of 11 - to all •it of 0011ege .1 opinion in all cases of , political nal ea - salmi. . Every violation of pledges sheuld be boldly expressed, and every poseible means used to keep the poi ti,- ; cal atmosphere pure. No man silo ld be allowed to desert with impunity, and if there is no leget mea.ns of redress, there should at 'least be the peat' tri- , banal of public opinion, as opened through the press, and also by Con -Ven - tion to ',demand those - explanati las which v iolated pledges render neces, . This course see s to us tatible with justice and also patible with true republi- . immemosommommaisrasniammAr IT Will give pleasm'e to all Canadians • to learn that Prince Arthur, the third son a the Queen, is to spend a year in the arrns, MTH serve for • °minion. 'He his beenereg- tad f 'tli • f io f nca or , e Imo ess n o , at the Queen's desire, will a year in Qeneda, with the Belle Br gade (the Prince Consort's Own), pat of which will consequently remain the Dominion another year, and be s tiont,d in Montreal `-• Tura OM IN I ON' FARLIAMEN r. ----This . , Parliament assembles on the 15th of neXtinonh, Many important matters will probably. come up during this ses- eion,lento gst which may. naturally be expeeted "Dual Representation," and the , rtle West"- question. And perhaps requires no extraordinary stretch a imagi.tjo_. ,to, anticipate, "consider ble.talk," roil the purchase of Joseph ovie. — 2 Au.tia2 a -2- • J. NEWFOUNDLAND. FY. ' THAT PA,RAGRAPH I THE. New Era is . disgusted with us. We need not repeat. the *circle of the paragtaph which is the bone of tonteit- thin, as that is pretty well _known to our rea.derst In the first lilace, wes repreeei have to say, that where've- we cro't• the 'beadmil* h`eiter actnainted witiv.' his to witnesses leeing written doevn met Riding, and each may exert a saltitaty nreSented to the Corner, th-ey were• , - overruled, because they did not relater - , P * . 4 0 peragraph -it Was -there- Credited to the influence npon the other. New Era. - But as the editor of that i - . . Mr lake has been making: a tone directly to the art of- shooting:), but tee paper denied being the author, we pre: in W st Durham. On Friday he. Ara..3 matters pertaining to the deceased and. , pared an explanation in keeping with' enterpt4ed at a public banquet in 00W- others previeue to the tommission of the . e above. recital. It w▪ as,' however, snaneillti., A,Ve need.. hardly coni-Oare hemieide.. The evidence having been, ' The Quebec Tra,gedy- e andehis Constitu.en • ; The pleaeant English practice o_4 it- The Corner's inquest in the WIratee tersessional entertainments to lielfrOaers Iter case was continued on Sallirday;. - .deSerre Canada.. and inte to be more widely 0004 in Quebec,' The young man thaloneee T116. people . become edueeted charged with shooting Whittaker, wisheste& in public affairs. The, ed to. examme witnesses for his defence.; tative has ert opportunite- of but on the q • uestione he desired to pn4. crowded out of the first issue thereafter, ereaf. ter, the gentlenianly arid respectful -*min closed, the Corner andresed the jury at Y/ . 5"' t heln to find dm prisoner, John Henery-- (hence the retteieand marginal explana- Chaloeer, did feloniously, Wilfully, and don alluded to by the .614e -t), and befote of malice -aforethought,. teke the life or the -following week we fell upon the are the deceaSed, F.. C Whitte,,ker The tide from the Ottawa Times, 'whieh j -airy . then retired' at 11.42. The . Cor - laid claim; to, the prragraph in disputer ner waited till one o'clock, and the jury and furthermore charged the New Era not having returned, he deekred an. ad - with pilfering the. same: From . the journment tilT 1 30. ' At two chlock, the jury returned honest convictibn of our minds,. we evith`the follow* verdict s that Fredrick - could 'not doubt the statement of the Charles Writtaker camete- lii.S deatle, , Tini,es,1 theugh _ of course until we got on the 10th Merck inst, from a . pistol t - shot. wonnd on the left temple from the - shell a statement, from SOMC other hand s of John Henery Chalonen . . journel, we were bound to 'accept thes , Thetelegra•ple front Quebec a anon n cedi assertion of the New Era, onthe quest that on Sunday, Lientenent Whittaker ;don, . but no longer. • The Kew Era was buried with Military honor. ' The - man, however, takes another tack, and of his, able address. with, the "fivratirib of 'considerable leneth, and recommended._ it"baldry :Premier vol ably • has good .presente ageinet. • and nonsense w no e of Ontario poured fol so at: Brooklin. Wet Duatam, reason to be proild of ital re - we Had the stupid biefitry but toot representatives prevailec in this Riding, the connty and -1 he• aturtry -would • at this moOttit be minthe the eloquence. and vieitelace of one 0 Mr. B jus const ed from finds it much ti as atten the ablest men. of Catiedae,', • ake's chief object in vis4 ng tuents was, to ask to be ',doe - his duties at Otta,wet 5-1.6 ;impossible to withdraw so e from his professional dies anc at two parliaments'. -de- mands. iBut the people of West nee hara would not hear of his resignatnm- They saic they were willing to a,c4pt whatever timee Mr, Blake could .fin* convenient to give. On this condi-am, and somewhet under protest, Mr. B4ke coneented to seive out the remaindett of hie tem.' Whcen, fleet is completede4he will undoO• btedly retire from the devote 'his political lere y to the Legislature of OK' .ta- streets -through which the funeral core. tege passed from the Citadel, were endeavors to prove that it. would be im- thickly lined -with speetators, whose' ' possible for the Times to have got _the looks leetokened the indiff:eree whit+ , - r idea from hie colunms, inasmuch as he a • part from the solemnity of the occaeione does' not exchange w• ith it, and further- they felt for the unfortunate _deceased. The 1304 Was borne by -a zun-carriane., More endeavors to show as , a necessary cevereel with the Union Jack drawn%y alternative, that it must have got it four horses with driesers of the Roval from us ; but for the same reason, we mons, an. exclusive rio.. , We ar strongly apposed to dual -re- presentat n. We see no great irnp-o- priety, h werer, in Mr, Blake serving out theln lance of his unexpired term, Advertise • Artillery, Six subalterns of the .53rd beg to ' dissent, as we also da not ex- acted as pall bearers,. and the bands of the deceased's regiment id the Royal chainie with the Times. . , . ArtiThery were preseut. The officers of By way of t;pping off, this last peen- th e 53rd followed immediately at ter the gon of all good sense; het submits the corpse with offieei•s of? theRifle Brigade,' following logical chain of reason, which, Royal Engineers, Royal Artillery, and by he way, ie no mean attempt at rie —a,bout 30 in number, including a few staff with the Commendant and citizens val ing the productions af John Stuart prominent merchants; the Doctens of Mill, or Bishep Whately, and goes th Nova Scotia The Cord cler. atepel'et sensiAnti-Contred: erate hay ueen aisputing over the ddey • iri the elections- The Confederal-4es charge ti Local teo-yerninent with 6, structin_ the Sherrif of Yarmouth, :to ro3tpone the election, and the At4ie charge t e Dominion Government -With. blunderi g in issuing the writs Old witholdi g thee 'for Hants, in violet:km of the lae to help Mr. Lowe's electioe The Situ ff of Yarmouth issued aenoOce Wing that in consequence of an °On- ion of the Attorney Generale that 'Vie election would be illegal if not heldt the same time as- that , for Hants, resolved o return with the writ n - executed Attorney -General Wi es has publ shed a letter which thrnws some ligh on the subject . He says !he wrote to the Governor's private. scoo- t -ern call ng attention to the law, einl expressi g his opiniOn that, to be 1 I both, ele .tiona must be held the•seme day. Tl e Governor comirannieatectler telegraph with Sir John A. Macdon4d, and two, days afterwards received_ a telegrann'lin. which the Minister 'of Justice s• 'cl he would write. The DeXt Oartadia mail brought no letter, end the Gove leoet communicated with 'the Sheriff Yarmouth, without • siting any .inst eictions. The Sheriff, under the circn stances; resolved, on his �wn reeponstt;lity, to postpone the elecOl!ne. thael re ti e case. as ° presented by Xr. Wilk,inse and it eeents that all the. 4411e • bite has b caused, by Sir Sohn eAs Macdona d.. show, that, at some time, during his „ the •deceased; Mr. • Coker,(Lloyd's in- spector here) and Mr. Bellingh.am, mem- lifetime he has,. at least, been within - bar for Argentedl. - hearing distance of the demotistration Like all military funerals, it presen- e . ted a most affectine- spectale rendered of the propositions of Euclid. te ,7 niore se by- the recollection- of the un - "1. The.Expesiter's editors were either nn - timely death of the deceased; and an "intentidnaly careless orintentiouly culpable . .. " in inserting the paravraph and. giving out the mournful _procession w-ound its way e "that it was oars. 2. Were the wrong ca,ised to the last resting place of the re/mina "by carelessness, an instant and fall apology (Mount Hermon cementry) the sight , "shonld have been made, and would have 0 was freely impre•esieet The netese of " been made by honest men. 3. By not mak: , 'bag apology, these editershaVe fathered thethe Dead March pla•yed by attendant • " crime, ald by means Of their insinuations bands and the measured tread of the' "have tried . to, perpetrate the evil to which • mourners added to. the _impressiveness "tit has given rise. and is still causing; thus "making themselves wrong -deers ab i7litio1 , of the occaSion, "4. When true hearted men do wrong by e. Application will be made -on Monday "mistake they endeavor to make amends to admit Chaloner to bell.. The refusal "in full, and no true hearted men de wrong ofthejury to render•anything else than "and persist in it intentiona,lly.. Now the .. . . an open verdict is regarded here satis-- "eoroIlory: is this that the editors of the "Expes:tor are no good and true hearted factorly as a proof that the sympathy of "men, but on the contrary °false and libell- the phblie'is with the prisoner. , rims and are unworthy . of the position as , Miss Chaloner Is repoated to be-, "editors and. of theecntidence of the reform COLD and frozen lie this country BAT be, their legislators have a, warmer idea of "people's rights," than can be said of ours, at the time. the Confederation Bill was adopted, for 'instead of forcing their constituents into the • Dorifinien, they are first going to, ascertain, what terms can be made with the Govern- ment of Canada, and then submit the issue to the result of the poll. •If by their admission into the Clon- federation, they will inneculate princi- ples of genuine liberty. into \many of our professedly people'smen, we may intieipate such an occurrence with no small degree of pleasure. "party:- dan.gorously ill -with brain fever. No. 1. We wereneither unintentional- Thusrfor the Present, doses the *di- , dents of the late, terrible‘ tragedy at y carless, not intentionally culpa,ble, Quebec, affording- air additional ilium - for, as has been. aliveady explained, wher-, teation, of the direfurconsequences flow - ever we got it, it, was there credited to ing from the indulgence of ungoverned the th'eso Era, theeefore, if the New passions Era be not the parent of the paragraph, we were misled by another. No. 2. The New Era's own exposition of our conduct in the matter of making •explariations, proves that lentil ,we hed collateral proof -of our innocense we were prepared to apologise. •. No 3. '" Not much." s; No: 4. From the nature of the case, the New Era - cannot.elaina an apology from us, but, rather an explanatiOrt, which latter: we 'hope it has by this time to its entire satisfection. Cerollary. Whether or not we are worthy of the position We hold, and the confidence of the Reform party is a ques- tion that, we will peineit the people of • the County Of Huron to answer, ere oiir connection with them be as lone as his has already been.„ GREAT ErFORTS are being put forth in certain quarters in the old country to s;ecure a large emigration to Canada the Movet ENT ON FOOT TO ANNECA- NADA.— here is on toot a powerful moveMei t in favour of the arnexatIon ot Nova Scotia and of the Canadian Province to the United States. -A two. , strong d putation of Nova &pawls -tylie The Chaloner -Whitaker Case is to were here last week,'speak fc.r the! Ke& come before the Judge of the Sessions ple, say that an overwhelming majority at Quebec this week. of the pe ide boldly prefer being acltred to the nited States, since they wire corruptl and against their will ankh" the face of. their; protest, sealed to; the new'Ca diaii "Dominion." They e- clare the connection hateful, andeee it seems to be the policy of England -.not to interp sse against any free imeiveneent of .the co onies to seet up for theMeel- ves, the do not anticipate any reiris- hence sh uld they vote for annexation to the lifted Stgtes. Jt is said on coming year. . It is found in Eng111134 good aut ority that. Hon. -'13). J. Wa4ter that pauperism is certainly greatly will sust1lin this movement in a pont:et:- on the increase. No less than 928,000 ful argn ent He is quoted as saying were fed by public charity the week of that Congress should Vote down Ithe • October, 1e,98, in England and Wales. proposedl reciprocity treaty with ,C4a- Now it is believed that a large number da ; tha , free-trader as he Is, he ' •t - of these would be a,ble to make a living pones a avadrite theory before the ne- for themselves in Caned, were they only cessify o refusing free -trade to tlie: de- once landed. here, and accordingly may pendencyof a nation that was so steiid- prominent men are endeavouringtoraise ily our eneroy during the rebellion. means by which ti:ey conld be sent out If Canada wants free -trade - she rust andoccupationat oneeprovidedfor them. join the American -Union. This is a We do hope that next year will witness new and startling view of an old etub a large accession to our population of eect, reed becomes an iinpOrtantingreeli- ,. ,the industrious, intelligent labourers, -mit in the adjustment of the Aiatta- , c1aims4Adverti8er. t- • "-'15407ITINCIA4.6. ROM' •John Yoerng is ills There are ten. velocipede rinks operation in Montreal. Nev Brunswiekers are agitating time construction of the Bay Verte canal. Thorold pettery was destroyed by fire on Saturday night. • Mr. Ho -we is recovering, and will re- sume his canvass of Hants in a day or REPEAL.z—A repeal league Teas been organized in Atmopolis, N. S., .At its first meeting a resolution was adopted condemning Mr, Howe. It is belie-ved that there is something of Fenian sen- timent and Sympathy in these leagues. Chas. T. Laagevien uncle of their Secretary of State for the. Dominion,: died at Quebec, aged T9., The Sherbrooke volunteers ha-ve quarrelled with the town fathers 'the lattee have closed the- drill shed. CaMtield Derwin'an exchange brokers' of Mon tre 1 has 1,eft for New Yorke rather un xpectedly. Extent of Rae, MI:ides no yet ascertained. , It is s ted that the writs for th three vac ncies t Nona Scotia, viz Yarmouth Haute' and Richmond, will be returna le on Alie same day. A Man awed. J. E. Sterling was ar- rested at reetsville, on the ISth, and. committe to Brampton Jail to await trial at ie t assizes for rape committed on.a little giri. of thirteen. Consider- able exci ment was I manifested by thee inhabitant and-Lynieh leave was stronge V whole'sa d, b• yaAsbeumrt Co., ot ofIotterystcailefuolvkcounty ane,e of Well= induced many verdant re* ple to. • fo ard money to the swindhng cower/17c° The Welland Pe/wrap/0A Wm. Farrell was rim over near 4Ta- the post ii ce inspector at Londofl panee yesterday by a Grand Tr4n1r, stopped al m.oney letters addressed trainand killed. His remains *re the firm d returned the money taken-- to Tyendinaga, N; Y.-, wiere sender. e um returned fie his friends reside, for interinent. • about $2,600 ct DISTRICT ME Assizes open Tuesday next. Rne. HAW: preach in the NN Sabbath. Men R. M. been -secured by Mr.' pensing assietante Aisoee of Air, Jone lettl a very nereoty by mellowing a tish-1 last. Dr. Colettan •-ed, undoubtedly sn. Lr-Qtreit At \ vopens ,n4.„, were emir 'of the Licensh. laW, 0 eind„a fine of ,.:si"..20 other case, evidere -sustain. it, hence it Wei - At a meeting of -t London, in eennectio of Scotland. held- on Ile-te. David Omer gnified his intenti -unanimous; eel -gregation of. -11 TeeE Blind. per of his trUlY 33SatifMA DeSday eVenill;:t LIS TES perf nce0u t pipes is very skilful sineing is blended petletie. No Irielm opportanity ef heat h Two mere on T- F. McCracken and O'Neil, prepared eeough Mixture, the whith were procur- . etoeee. Shortly aft eine they- were taken doctors say they ar druggists say notine, Soil' them,. There and Very slight hope • Stratford Beacon, .THE 44GAITAMA LIF The .aelyertieem \-7— 'mice Company will --opium. The Standpany is too weft knee merit front us As it his ado:is upon ti •ditins over her com will be found to be -f rther information a Mr. Archibald MeD -COUNTY DIRECTOR'. •to learn that Mesa Macfai•lane, agents Co.'s Gazetteer and -in this 'town cetrvae and aclYerti.sements f wish the: .enterigi;e such a la'boii-is moch our to nszen'will d ty manifested by oth lagee during the /nearly =completed. WESLEAN Mi S CHOOL NM:XI:IRS/ :-Servieei itt cennektie will be held ai Salle the 28th inste, Seri* -ed at 101- es tn. and •:Rev; W. R. Dyne .of tions to be taken up servi se. On mondae -the armieersary te held. The meeting by the 'Rove. W. I `11. Kelion of Clinto child ren. Examinni -at the close. Ticke 121. The proceeds the library fund; vitea to attend. • -South Huron; DEE South Riclit reultund Society's sec ,8how will be held Brumfield, on Wedi .of April next, wl prizes will be an .draught stallion f;lf, $8. Best agriel 2nd do. $8, 3rd do. stallion V, 2nd -el Best Durham bull 2nd do. $6., 3rd do. hull under 2 years, BesieDeve $8, 2nd do. $6, Yon bull under 2._ys 31d do. $2. Best tinere,16, 2nd de. grade bull under e 3rd do. $2. The e for any other breec the above list of 1 to be -made to the to 10 to'clock of ti it ion. P -*wok must oe eary at the time • The Fall Exhibi Seaforth, ili conne ettrenaitlt Branch.