The Expositor, 1869-03-12, Page 61 p- colijigs-ppn DENCE I lard and others requestint aid. to opeT up a I STAMPS ON NOTES, ---The Glob says a rPad between Lots kiIt e 21st an 22) d• decision has been (riven rn Ba er TS. Con. formerlI purchased 0)' the municipa B own in the Sn rior Court 'roronto TF SEEAFORTI1 GODERICII., _Fr In our Spepial Correspondent. The m terials for the enlargement of Ore W sl' yan chtitth are being deliver ed, t e work will be commeneed ferthi th Such an enterprize•has be- come n 'spensably necessary, as the size- of th church is whelly inadequate for the -acbomodation of the 1:-uge num- ber wh desire sitting_ for the purpose ty, '1.;e pante and that J Mollard let tl • r Pe contract immediately. 2nd That the Reeve and J. Kuhnsee to the opening uo Of the -road north of Lots 15 in the 4th and 5th Concessions 3rd That the petition ,0 Fur- gason and others, requesting aid to make a bridge on Soble Line and Lot 1 being grant- ed and that J. Mollard and J. Kuhn let the contract of the same. 4th That the Collect- or settle up before the 15th of March Motions made and seconded by Coghla H. Doyle. 1st That J. Wilson's petiti 1369. and n for. alterations m boundary_of S. S, 10 be lOoked of list mina to the discourses of our at, at some future time. , ri , Council loan the Trustees 02fs. a dTlia7t6tcts, very popular and eloquent. pastor tae for a few months. 3rd That Wm. Mitchells Rev. W. li. Pool. A meetine- aiti be paid the sum of $3 and 2c. for repairing of the endowment, •fund of tirictoria College *as held in the above-ehurch, on. TueSday, the 9-th' inst." Rev'. Mr: Pool first addressed tne: audience and strongbk. advocated the continuance of of the grants -to the College. He said that one :million acres of land was granted ,or set apart by the government for the .stippors of Common Achools, 204,000 for Grammar Schools, and 63,- 000 -fix Poinnion School for aid to su- - Aoerior education. The'Rev. R. Jones ex President of the conference gave an able antl thorough history of the Col- lege, and the introduction of Methodism into this country, and claimed the honor of being the pioneer • Of superior edu- cation in Canada. He reviewed the history of Tipper Canada Academy, the rt granting of a royal charter by William IV, the grant of £4,000 sterling by Lord Glkelg-Secy..of the Colonies, and its incorporatioa as Victoria. University iri 184Ve About $300 were raised and the Meettng adjourned. On the nig-ht of the 1.0th inst., about 11 p. na., a destructive fire broke out in some one of the wooden buildings -between SaVage's block and west street and which :were consumed in a few minutes up to the brick building in which are Mr. E. Jordan's drug store and Wm. Harris' dry good stem Messrs J:orclan, IT- Davis, tin Smith, rtnti. Miss. .McMurchey's grocery awe the principal loosers. Buildings and stock partly insured. • toe IYIelKillOp Council. T1 e Council met pursuant to adjournm.ent - at Alexanclet's Tavern, on Monday March 1st 1869. Present the Reeve and all the Council: . Minn bes' of last meeting,- read and adopted. _Moved by- Samuel Hannah, seconded by T. Dividso.n That the Council grant the Milli of $ao, to aid the Agricultural Soeiety, towards , the erection of a hall on the . Society's grounds, at Seaforth.—Cariecl. Moved by Same el Hannah, seconded by John, Malone That the Petitione of Francis Ilich.paelson and otheee, tte,&e.,e Molony and Others, ,Thompson Morrison and others, belyled at present, and at some eilbsegitent meeting be reconsidered, waen we are aware what funds there are at , our disposal. --Carried. Moved- by Robert Pattison, sqoOtlecl by Thos. Davidson That the Reeve do issue a debenture of $1, to John Grieve for dog taxes, saidi dog not belonging • to lune—Carried. Moved by john Malone, seeondstel by Thos I.r.tvidson: That the Reeve do issue a debenture in fee-our:of John Melt- roy, late Collector for $50, being an error of the Treasurer.—Canied. Moved by Samuel Hannah, seconded by John Malone That:the Reeve do issue a debenture in fesvour of Itobt: Hays, Treasurer for the sem of 4'4187 and 99e, sa concession o line between d sum .being paid by him on a der, far work doiee on the town- MeKillop and Huila, in 1868 also the su of 533 and -92c. paid County tasurer formerly- as per reeeipt.—Carried. Moved by Samuel Hannah, seconded by John Malone That Rolicr,`,. Alexander be paid the Bum of $2, for the use of his lioueefor the elution in Januaty 1869.—Carricd. Moved by Samna Hannah, seconded by john Ma- lone That a debenture be iasued in favour of itc•Cht Pattisoo, for the sunifof $28 and 8ects. being an error nr, levying the trace on the No. 4, Lot 27, Con. 14, in the year 1b9, and Goderich Tp. Council Proceedings - that the Clerk be instructed to write to the County Treasurer, requeethig him at the The Council met at Helmsville, on the 1st same time to correct the error, and collect' inSt •Ordars were given for the performance the Taxes —Carried. - Moved by Samuel of certain statute labor. Innkeepers Licen- Haimah, seconded by Thos. Davidson That se fee a was filed at $30. exclusive of the Ime •dehenture be issued to Peterlfawthorn for perial lieense. The Inspebtor to receive $3, .$14 and 65c., for word done on the townline for each Tavern. Arther Knox was granted' between McKillop and nutlet m 1868.—Car- a Tavern license. James Hicks was a,ppoint$ ried. Moved by Samuel Hannah, seconded; ed to oversee the work and let the contract for bhilding the drill shed, and $14 is to el- 1-ett Robt. Petition: That the account of An- 41rew Govenlock for the sum of of .$2 and 37clowed him for his service. Each of the re - lel paid,- foreluinber given to James Hender- turning officers was directed to be paid the son, Pathmaster.-- Carriedmoved. by sum of $5. '. The Auditor was ordered to be Samuel Hannah, seconded hy Thos. David-. paid $5.. It :Vira8 resolved that the West eon That the sumpf $12 be given ,to Mat. half of Lot 31 Con. 5 be exempt from taxa hi she being an :aged and infirm -pion for 1868. 200 copies of the assessment individual, in deetitute -eireumstances., and awe ordered to be published for distribu- %ion. A petition for selling a side road in also that a By -1a'* for levying and eollecting the tent of: $100, in all the rateable property the Bay on was laid over to the next io this township, for charitable. purposes for meeting. - The Reeve was ordei ed. to iustruct the present yeat--CarriedMoved Mie A. Bay to surveY the road allowance . , ROA. Pattisont seconded by ,Samuel Hannah between Lots 32 and. S3, Bay Con., a,nd send That the folloaing persons b.! appointedto • alis . cription of saidroadto the Clerk. Mrs. the offices al Pouedireepers aad. Fenceviewers Lavin was ordered to receive $2 for the use for the paceent year .—john -Aitchison, her bouse for election purposes, and Arthur ..ru -.6 IsefeQuade, -Michael Tully, Richard Knox for the use of his house for nomination and election purposes Council adjourned to the. second Monday in May. JOHN SHAW. Clerk. gravel tools, and 17, Boys the sum of $10, for ditching. Motions made and iecondecl by D. Coghlan and J. Mollard. 1st That Mrs. Richardson receive as charity $5. thad. That months of April, May and June of 869. A. McGenis receive a like sum of $5 f .lr the Moved bet J. Kuhn, seconded by J. Mollard That this Council -grant the SUM of $00 to aid the County grant in gravelling Crediton road, Yeas, J. Kuhn, J. Mollard, II. Doyle and T. Greenway. Nays, D. Coghlan.- Moved by D. Coghlaneseconded by11 Doyle That the Court of Re -vision be held on the second Saturday in April. C. PROUTY. Tp. Clerk. , Hay Courzcil. Minutes of a meeting of the Hay Council, held in the TOM Hall. on Friday the 19th ult. Robt Brown Esq., Reeve in the chair and a full Council pi esent. The minutes a last meeting was read and\ approved. The Council having appointed koundkeepers, Fence viewers, Pathmasters, Robt. Fergu- son Moved. seconded by John B. Guyher That the Reeve and Clerk grant certificates for Tavern and Shop license for the current year to the following parties, viz:, Taverns, -William Simpson, Travellers Home, on the 8. W. corner of Lots No. 23, 8. boundary ; William. Reynolds Farmers Inn,ScrePta village, S. boundary Henry Steinlaih, Zurich Hotel, Zurich village ; Casper Hlll, Vicboria Hotel, Zurich .yillage ; Christian Zapfe; Farmers -Inn, 8. E. corner of Lot No. 20 North boundary; Henry Bockenhaur, Bern Hotel, N. iBoundary. Shops, Davice Line Francistowa; 8. E. corner of Lot No. 1, doneession 1, of Hay.—Carried. Wm. Turnbull Moved, seconded William Cairick That the arrears of -taxes $3 and 13c. charged on. C'ollectors roll of 1868, to the north half of Lot No, 11, L R. E. be charged instead of the 8.• R corner of the north half of said Lot 11, it being charged, to the wrong paiel of land by mistake of the Clerk. —Carried. Wm, Turnbull Moved, seconded. by Iloht. Ferguson That the sum Of S12 be granted to Doryald Smith. an indigent person, and the sum of $12 to Jacob Bremer for keeping an indigent person. e—Carried. Robt. _Ferguson Moved seconded by Wm. Carrick That the sum of $5 be refunded to the Reeve, he having- expended the same in, Charities. -- Carried. Robt. Ferguson Moied, seconded by J. B. Giyhur That the sum of $4 be paid to Eli Dusharm for work done on. boundary Lot No. I. L. B. ,W—Carried. Wm.- Car- rick Moved, seconded by J. B. Giyhur That ,the tender of William Broad -wick and Henry G-reen for building a bridge over the river at Hyrocks mill Soble Line for $280 be accept- ed.—Carried. Robt. Ferguson Moved, se- conded Win, Turnbiill That the a im of $3 for a sheep kilied by dogs, and the sum of $1 for justice and -witness fees be paid to Rich- ard Fetlock out of the dog tax fund.—Car- ried. Wm. Carrick Moved, seconded by J. B. Giyhur That the sum of $5 be paid to the Collector for losses sustained by discount oia small sums of silver when collecting the taxes.—Carried. Wm. Carrick Moved se- conded by J. R Giyher That Harriot C be refunded his taxes on. aceount of indigen e,Carried. Robt. Ferituson Moved, seem ed by R Giyhur That Mrs. Chaniberl oe remitted one half of her taxeS on account of indigency.—Carried. J. .B Giyhur:MoV- ed, seconded by Wm, Carrick- That • this Council do adjourn to meet again is notified by the Clerk for the Court of Re- vision.—Carried. WILLIAM WILSON. Tp. Clerk. which is of considerable interest tO \the ct,mmercial community. This was an action bt ought to receive paymeneof a note made by defencnt and held by planitiff. For the defence it was plead- ed that the note not having been prop- erly Stamped when it. canto into plain- tiff's hands defendant was not liable. It was shown that before the note fell due it was properly stamped, plantiff having a few days after it cajne to his possession affixed npon it the roper staraps, together with the permit). It was, however, held by the Court that the stamps should have been affixed when the note first ca.me into pla tiff's possession and because such had not been done, the note was declared invalid and judgment given for defendantl, EMIGRANLS WANTED. --all e Victoria County Council have taken an impor- tant step towards securing laborers for their section of country. They appoin- ted a standing committee on emicrriition and issuing forms of enquiry bto the different townships, have ascertained that not less than, 35 men will receive certain employment on. their arrival in that co.untry. Of these there are lwan- ted 410 as farm labourers; 399 as fe- male servants, blacksmiths, 10, car- penters, 35 brick/aYers and stone masons, 27 ; shoe -makers, 14. Thfiir report has been trrnsmittecl to the e gration Department. An old resident, Me. John Leslie Of the Township of Toronto, had to shoot his first hoi-se this winter, He was 31, years of age, -and did a fair share of work the last summer, Who - s Canada is not favourable to longevity of man or beast? inawannormazonum HOUSE TO LET! A COMMODIOUS and comforta.ble dwel- l -1_ ling house, in a- good position. JOHNSTON & BRO. Seaforth, March 12 1869. 66-tf, FIRST-CLASS n LES! k FOR SALE A T 1 SMITH & BIM'S. FACTORY, AINLEYVILLE. • MHE subscribers have on hand a quantity of shingles, which they offer for sale at moderate prices, at their Steam Factory. Ainleyville, March 4, 65-1m. FIRST .PRIZE LOVER SEED .A.T Scott Robertson's. 034f. February l91-1, 1869. B. ROSS, Proprietor New Dominion 01 J-Ir+1 bees to inform the people of Sea- e3er.• Iet, that he keeps irstb-class accommodation 41" in every thing required by travellers. A ata all* fora and the tbravelline community general - 1 1' lard, Georae Dorrance, Christian leaner, thany Boyd, Jimes Kennedy. Pathma.s.- te a Archibald McGregor, William Evans, Fs axieis Morrison. Pathinasters,. also that a _lieient number of Pathmasters be apointed. ...:arried. Moved by 'Robt. Pattison, se- e 1 L .1 by Samuel Hannah That this Coun- cil (to now adjoarri to meet 'again at Kenneth M- Lead's Hoteh on the last Monday -; of the p i seta Month. -t arried. tat jOHLV 'O'SULLIVAN. Tp. Clerk, Stelffien.° 't!'tx-i Connell met ma the 20th ult. Mem 1..at all' pre sei t 7. Forel:a- MillUtCS duly 1.! Iti.)v,.1. 16/ Gbit ;hla n, seconded Kelm tst lltiat the patition of 1) Mole leasi and o:here desiring- nraileipal CotinCil to tepee up riledon ;n on _9,, lay over til. Militia Appointments* Reginwaal _Division of the Koreh of /heron. • To be Lieutenant-Colonel—Lt.-Co-. lohel Charles Widder, from late 4th Non -Service Battalion, Huron. To be Majors :—R. M. Racey, Es- quire, Cyrus Carroll, Esquire. Regimental _Division of the South _Riding ()f Huron; good stable hand. 1 egtii necessary att Seafortle F id willing hostler always on r Boarders will receive every tion. b. 8th, 1869. 63- ly CAME, ASTRAY. AME into the premises of the subsCcriber, sometime in le ovember last, a yearling Heifer, nearly white. The owner is request- ed•to prove property, pay expenses, aud take her away. • HUGH LOVE, eenr:, Lot No. 10," N. Boundary, Tp. Hay. Hay, Feb. 19, 1888. 64-3in. NOTICE. T HER-EBY notify and forbid the public I. against trusting my wife, or other mem- ber or members a my family, on my ac- count, as I will inot be responsible for the same after the appearance of this notice. HENRY SHEFFER. Hay, Feb. 24, 1869. 64-3 INSOLVENT'ACT OF 1864 AND 1865. W. CAMPBELL, OF CLINTON, Insoivent. s th OR a purchase of the stock of the above Insolv int at SO MUCH ON THE DOL- , LAR will b received up to the 8th of March I next. The stock is • valued $151: , consists of DRY GOODS. and is comparitively new Stock Book s can be seen at the office of the tind.ersigned, or of Mr. William Care, of Clinton, who will also show the stock. . JOHN HALDEN. (Vidal Assignee. Clinton, Feb. 25th 1E269. BOOTS & SHOE& Williara- McNally ITAVING lately purchased the business of 11 William Barker, in -Wroxeter, will keep on hand a large assortment of Boots and Shoes. None but first-class work manu- factured on the premises. • far Orders will receive particnlar attention. Repairing done on the shortest notice. W. MeNALLY. April 23, 1868. 20-1y. .ne:eatne. 2n T ...1.1% lhaeaty e in - Po be Lient,n1W--C•i1one1 • one if A ATTA 01 reverus. r.1 The t P. Lint, David 1-1.)ocl lidtchie, from. late 9111 PLAJSTEIt • . 3.,;. a( I .1 &Si $ ;3 'for rept iraa. \ion Service Battalion - . W oos At SCOTT R )WoRTS0 , GtarSeatter and Rolls, Druggiets, agents potitioh of a ". 11. *: r: 1 A ; . se- ,;.t.11.^1 the isea.,(,:dettt by tdiC - , "I: 7 Seaforth. Feb. 19.' 63-tt. January 28th. 1869. aon late e • 1‘. • .1' ill ; •Batu-alic:n' . I foa Seaforth. For Sale everywhere. 60-1y. 7:* ONTARIO 110 The Only General Store in 8 FRESH iTEAS, NEW - F AND - GROCERIES OF ALL KINGS rth. Staple and Fancy DRY GOODa • :3 Suitable for all Seasons. - IOTA general stock of HARDWARE L'ir, GLASS, CROCKERY Sz LAMPS. Furniture Room, Spinning Wheels. Oc. On hand a fine lot of CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. CHEAP AS. THE. CHEAPEST; EDWARD CASH, . Gederich Street, Seafaith. Seaforth, March 4, 1869. 534. PAIR,76/MIR,S, Make Your Own SUGAR, 1,00o Sap Backe s At SCOTT ROBERTSON'& yebruary 19th, 1869. " 63-tf. HARP'S HOTEL, Livery Stable, and General Stage Office, Main Street, R. L. SHARP, Proprigeor. Seaforth, Jan. 8th, 1869 ' LOOK OUT FOR The Sign of the B • 16°U J NCA CO. WHERE - ARE SELLING ALL SORT i OF ITATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, • ATA Greatly Reduced Pric0, FOR ONE MONTH ONLY d-trTo make room for Spring Stock. Seaforth, Jan. 28th. I 46. 'FARM FOR SALE. BEfNG Southlalf Lot No. JO, Concessicat 9, Township of Morris, 21 miles front Blythe, containing 100 acres. Fol further particulars enquire at the stord bf John Braid -wood, Seaforth. • R R. CLARK - January 8th, 1869. 517-6M, jusTRECEIVED, A CHOICE SELECTION 3 '441 OF RASPBERRY JAM, STRAWBERRY JAM, RED CURRANT JELLY, BLACK DO DO PINE APPLE JELLY, PEACH JELLY, -PEAR JELLY, AND -ORANGE MARMALADE, AT Scott Robertson's. February 19th, 1869. 63-tf. BEAUTIFUL "NATURE'S CROWN. Ton Li Cultivate its GRAY HAIR IF, a certain. indication ol fleetaky• at the Root,. • DIRS. S. A. ALLEN'S Hair Restorer Restores gray hair to its natural color and beauty and produces luxuriant growth. It gives the hair beautiful 00811 and delightful fragrance. Manufactory and Sales Offices, - 35 BARCLAY SlREET and 40 PARK PLACE, N. Y. AM) 266 HIGH HOLBORN, London, Eng. ow. ..... AN POOR COPY HIRAM ,COLLIDAY -et IN returning thanks for past favor, have the pleasure of announcing to the intr. chants and business men of Seaforth thatthey are prepared to reteive orders for ell kinds of DRAY mWOB1. ferGoods handled with care, and satisfac- tion guaranteed. Januaryinst, 1869. 58-lyt THOS E3ELL4 'CABINET & CHAIR MAKER UNDERTAKER &c`.. A Large Stock ("le A LL knals of furniture kept constantlyort ,Like hand, consisting of the best varieties. Krughruff's Spring 'Mattrasses, Children's. Carriages. Coffins kept constantly on hand, Work made on the premises. ' 4tih A Hearse fer , hire. Wareroom op- poSite Kidd -8.6 Mviuikins THOS. BELL, - March 24, 18o8. TO CAPITALtS S. OR A TA TT I The unexpired LEASE OF LOT NO. 9, Ogileek SURVEY On the East side of Main Street, in the Village of Seaforth, MOGETHER with the buildings erected 1 thereon, viz ---The store and dwelling occupied by Mr. William Ault, the building occupied by Dr. Smith as an oiliee, the one occupied by Mr. Paltridge as 'a Photograph' Gallery, the one occupied by Thomas Simons as an Oyster Saloon, tth. ; also the one occu- pied by the subscriber as a Flour, Feed, Grocery and Provision Store, togeth.er With the stock and. fixtures contained therein. Also 16 acres of land south of the Railway, which will be sold in village or park lots, in sizes to suit purchaser, and oa reasonable terms. • -N. B. ---Flour, Feed, Groceries and Fre-- visions of all kinds kept constantly on hand by the subscriber. G. T. JA.RVIS. Seaforth. February 3rd, 1869. 61.tf NEW MILLINERY I RS: GLOVER, begs to announce to the, inhabitants- of Seaforth, and surround -- a country, that she has opened a new milli- nery, in the shopq• OPPOSITE THE POSt,OFFICE STORE, Where she will attend to all orders' in her Millinery, Star -ping &c., and all kintle.of Fancy Work done on the shortest notice. Seaforth, Feb. 25th 1869. 54-tf. OLACKSMITII-8110P THOMAS WATSON Begs te inform the public generally that he still 'carries on general Rlack-smithing at • his Old Stand, NEARLY OPPoSITEARMSTROiC'S HOTEL.. AINLEYVILLE .Special attention paid to Horse -Shoeing. • Ainley -Feb. 9th, '69, 63-1y SPEC,IAL NOTICE, THE CONNECTICUT •MUTUAL Tife nontione HARTPOILD, CO/TIST. GUY R. PRIMPS, President. ZEPHANIAH TrEsTozi, Vice President Woorentinan S. ()LAMM), Secretary. Eusvo- W. BRYANT, Actuary. LUCIAN S. WTheox, Medical. Examiner.- . - Organized in 1846.. Charter Perpetual. The Largest Mutual ,Life Insurance Com- , I pany, numbering over .75 ,utiO members A .purely Mutual Company, its Assets be, 4onguag exclusively ti) its Rienabers. Assets, $23,000,000.- Acquired by pru- dent and economical management of twenty- two years, without the aid of a single dollar of original capital. •' Surplus Assets over $6,000,000,. All pro- . tts.diviclecl among the members. 'Each pbt !icy holder is a .memher, There are no lts stockholders;ija.l.ge Dividends. They has% averag- Itd over 50 per cent annually. Total 'apount 4)f dividends paid. the members eineeits or- ganiz,ation, over $5,000,000. • • Its Success Unparalleled. It has. arrived • :At the extraordinary condition where the in- • •-come from annual interest alone is more than, Oufficient to pay all its losses. Total amount :4f losses paid by the Co.'y, over $8,000,000. Its Responsibility. For, every $100 •etf' Liahilities, it has $15-4 of Assets. . , During its last fiscal year this Company paid to its living members, and fo the fami- aies of its deceased members • riearly $2,000,- 400, and at the same time added-morethan Pour Millions to its accumulated' capital, . The Whole Record. al this Company has. been one of prudent rnatageneent and pros- perous ad-vancement. Among the older and. Dtading life insurance conipanies its average ratio of expenses to income has, through its entir( history, been the loweet of any. , : Amount deposited with the ReCeiver eial of Canada; $140;000. Nuinbcr of Poiicy holelerain Canada 1,060: R Lletr.Vsuralledeeiff 12-3ePeree. —Dr. Metherell Tracy, Seaf4thDA°NilitEL I . SILLS, Ceneral Aura; r for.t'aria la. Feb. 24th, 180. 6 'Pa:CW.1.NC The Strtitford town 0)1 cd the price tf saloon Ii 'exclusive, of the_ _goy, duty. The following telegra ceived from St. John, —March fith- Union - opted by a large majori4 * The stude ts attentlin *e1'ter4i1led Professor YO ,on Fri,lay last. The best ists between_ them and th abitutor. TelieRev. A. A. Cattier, the Itegula.r Baptist, (-)htt upon his return from his on the 2:3 nit, was pre -en bei' of bi fiend s witl accompanied by a piirse —The Canada of Oti many of tl.ie men employ( ber establishments have O!1 account of the impossil ing them Provisions, from ,depth of Snow in the woi ,other hand, lumbering in been still. mon effectually tantl throu.-h lack of snos Thep Mr. Trow was rrse t South Perth in tl isla me, he stated that .hould accept no pat of zllowance to-naembers for but would devote it to sel in the vari3us sections of The .Suratford Be -Trow has Te,deeined_ his -congratulates Mu. 1). MCLACHLI. House of Commons for & has resigned his seat in eo the demands of his priv requims all of his ti flan. The writ for a new probably% :only be is -me -areItiit.:acttwo vacant ton of Araprior, and a br - Mr. McLaehlan, is one of 'other is Mr. Donald Ste 31cNab. Thelfineree's. London mentions that the ..Canad' have addressed -a mem Granville, representing Canada -respecting the territories. and including the Imperial Government fer the territory to Cana leclainatiom which the Co be able to prove. Sir McDougil were iireparia lanada for the meeting o —Montreal Merchant covered that the Bankrup Aire, and petitions are now in that city, praying that pealed. It is said that th the dishonest tiader to SN itOr:S) and affords no prope the honest man. ,itecorkl cent disclosures there seem to be something wra ---Under itf3 prOVisionA eau swear himself throng his -creditors and re** PekA lett; ld farmer named 0 died a few days ago at 11 near, Quebec. lie leaves -,81, with whom he lived -6 .11 children, 113grand chi anake,1 0 a piece and th the lith), and •09 great gr two of his own children grand children had r.re!e - to ti e grave. His chil children and great grand iiiat and dead, 3aumber 28 —The following is a subject to enrolling and di with a statement of the sons exempt : lst clas men, or widowers with.otu tween the ages of 18 an years. -3rd class—Marr widowers will children ages of 18 or 45 years. 4 of 46 years of age, but no Seamen or sailors, or psr in or upon any steam or fof the Dominion; bona Aienahers of any company o MilnSa; those who, havi their seArioe in the tfron ba;liktt until_ again 'their tusi,as era -service. twAenu 3:2141r71?,r419rtlgelsi" bee d Britliletindge:toorineitionre:441rwoertilyzoi lo, by- which the c,ontrct! tion .of the -work will be of till:lirad,c42g:uiftaara:t1hluteeeecii7hiexeng ,„oh,s atoraonbttal iTztrim"4onktro,001-11, payto e1y:15a k°: :°t"alt:ra. yi.4411A8gteluinit-etltlie rJiken ts 'The b t hecouatnegilainatt:cit'YiYmetZbof there is 'Utile doubt of the Auld the bridge will be c Vioon as'possible;