The Expositor, 1869-03-12, Page 5ndu, 18 QAC and .i4 an .trek. . MENDON, House Block, Ia. .Street to, and tit. Pahl s. Street, l anch'Agency for ftN. . _ E LOCK STIT I - E amity Machine. = wilily and _Iantf Best Leather and (loth nig 1tfach ne.. E ---or €: ylind ?[:chine, for - Boot .Boot -and Shoe ittings, y Rork where the form of the work mist be regi .ed white' Stit iifng, is the mos s o npiete and perfect in thy: world. _ 8L ENO W VD` t�'. l€', t.Ar � cligivss were awarded the High-. Mt Prenarall at theWorld's Fairin London, 1862_. an-a.Gold Medal at Paris Exposition, (8;7. 4 They celebrated for doing -the best ork, aing a much smaller need e+ for the me th oal than any other maehmc, aaud by ne lintr luet ion of the moat italri-oved mit- hiuery , we are now able to supply the very est 1 :sthi es in tie world. TES ])'ITE -if ARE 1. Beauty and Ex ellency of Ststch, alike on both tides of he fabric sewed. L. Strength, Firm/leas; ins Dar*iliry of Seam, that will not Rip r Raave. 8. Economy of thread F 4, Ata elimenUt and Wide ranga of application to a '[rpcl9es and materials. t The acv e can ho bad at the Branclh Office Seaforth, from: W. N- WErs0.7a. -t Who it also Agent for the celebrated A :4'2'B ,S` ' WINO alfal CHIN ESci which or foe le of management, neatness said urabilitl; of stitch, and wile range of seams d unrivlRe€l as a Family y Sewing 11acbine. Tiread,. Silk, Twist, Shuttles, Bobbins, "`eedles, 1 prings, tail;, and all machine ap- liaancesfo-sale at the Branch Office at Sea- Orth, where maclazes may be neatly re- ;.`,h{. _ (/moi (((yyy_ �(`� W.N.WATSON,. S-c:afo(r�th.. p it 16 i iS. - 19-1v. $ADDL1ES $ADDLESI. IE ser scriber begs to inform tte public that he las just received great variety of Saddles and Which he is prepared to sell t Frites Almost likparatkled. 0 LOOK- H.E , E !.. Saddle, Bridle and Martingale for the small sum of the way of Harness, OFA L KINDS, tee s, ras heretofore, ni a position ,to- give:: Tis customers as good value for their money as an -y other establishment in Ontario: '4uality of ` work and material emp f oy ed indisputable. wSHOP OPPOSITE ILD-' EI„, Wolf UL2tliV4. `OHN C IP` ' eaforth, Feb 12, '69. FcRGjS Old Establishecr ►PH GALLERY r r 0V -E! numerous, custonierrs acid the public genera sly wall. please not forget that 1. ve Removed from the Old Stand o the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STP,:: T, to Scott';New 3 story Brick Bloc, next Kidd & 'Mulkin's store, and directly atth of Ittakson;'s new store, where. I have lilt the beat Gallery in the County especi- ly for my twn: work, being large and C0312 - odious, and with the proper actcnic light ing the only Gallery in Seaforth'construct- 'czn true photo4raaphc principles. The fq tight th it can reJteettthe true R;r tans. 1 tter my said that I can satisfy all: who may 11. Remeinber, I don't want your Money r nothing > I am bound- to please or no pay. s many hues had' pictures in Seaforth, bat ere dissatisfied, having confounded n_y e With /Mother,: I would request if you ant a goo; picture, properly made aria table, that yoti"- ask for hank Paltridge. on't ask for Paltridge's, only, but Fra k raltridge. 1 � thus explicit, because �xra y ink they are going to get as picture made - I"raid Paltridge; but by a mistake, in nt going to Prank P.'s, get sadly disap.- Muted. ASK R, AND G0°TO FRANK, i the Brick Block, up one flight of stairs, and turn to the right hand. My specimens at the door are all ray own Laker and are not bought or borrowed to reey th.e parblic. Come any day, Frank is aIwayls at home id in Good Temper... Pictures of deceased carefully copied into iy.kind of Picture desired. Remember,* it is to- Frank Partridge's you tv t to ga tort a good Photograph. New- all rich Furniture, Scenery, &c., that will ake your picture look rich, and worth. nding to your friends. Who does not sow FRANK PALTR [DGE ? Seaforth, Jan. 6th. 53-1y HE Parr 'vatai omb•` -What a Boston Weizman saw in Viviiret ito yourself au,-. winding Mair- way cif tone that goes down, iclvwn, .A. lady from Boston, who started to. down Nits 1, a spiral twist,. For a time- go to California by the overland route, the viole colored flasks, of suu.light are and is unexpectedly detained in Utah faintly ;1•=rtrplccl upon the cold gray by the illness of a oompinion, writes • a wall, uilt, .: in. your v, andel Ings you ;letter about this peculiar people; from .loose the:. grateful light of day, then whien.the ;following arel extracts a= -Too ,. .slowly, byalantei�nlight, we picked. our one who=bas..long since become blace in :steps aloe a eta -k and.. didiclt road its avel, this a:ty for the past month _Imagine- the sound of Bothered voices ',has been one of interest and excite,. growing, fxi.;nter, and shudder as you'. ment. Brigham Young we saw at the fancy the Fcold burs idity oozing . from tabei•nacle the first Sunday after our the crevices, and .d stilling iia, cla.rk vap- arrival: When. he rose to deliver his our around :yom. p rson, until we come sermon, I saw a mkt apparently forty -to the. :'. of da knessi 9 down which yoars of age; (he is really sevent) of our feeble llantein will" not throw its light complexion and light hair, and light a ya td. ere yawns the obscure .pleasing address; with a strong voice, mouth of ion llery that engulfs, well Modulated and clear: - His style one by one, the li. -fits=.which precede of oratoiy,seenis more of a, conversation, you, and w hi,; , su tdenly go out as you 'alstyle, but it `,was characterized by observe them.—T enfollows a long :gentle dignity, T was 'disappotnted, march. under a hi b. arched vault, un- for tri e discriptioti 1 had --read of the til suddenly you. stand Yhefoe two man always.represented him as a course, .columns,' (won whi h is written : ` Be- illeteerate ,swaag ,ever in the pulpit. I .Fond these limits they. rest in peace, ,'was also astonished to hear_ the success awai i g !the rea ization,: of a happy. of the prophet—a Aman of equal talent hope.' Be; and'these signidcent ionu- 'as an orator to Beeches; but with an .rnents, th4 city of he dead elbtends fog- easier style,, a more graceful flow of -ward, and on eat l er hand is divided 'language .,• but in almost; every sentence into ,streets and sornetim.esexpand in- reminding one•strongly of the Plymouth - to large srjautres and courts, orna ent- church divine, while in magnetism that ed 'with stagnant f untai:ns or mem tial attracts, enchains, and holds . you in pillars. rReligiou i sc'iptions 1 and site of %.prejudice. I saw in Brigham dates relive the alts of rock, and by ,Young the orator 'that' surpassed all your side ;rise up ordered piles the. ` that I ever listened to. " No trade ,decaying Jbones d quaint looking with gentiles," was the burden of his skulls of those wh died so long ago. iSermon, on the ground of self -defence. The bronzed skulls arranged in crosses, jioi•, said he, "if we encourage these set-in a serried wa of high bones, and. ontsiders., there may come a time. when -long lines of othe osseous members,r, -they otitnumber us, and then we must disposed in artistic ,figure, attract the. pack up and leave." He even. stated_ ,curiosity, rather than provoke reflection2, to this congregation of thousands, that' 'There is a wonderful differende in these if they did trade with outsiders, they skulls: Some are colossal` temples of must expect to be cut off- from the thought with giros expanding brows, church. The tabernacle is an immense sometimes knitted to a powerful. fur- building, and it Rill. probably seat -6,- TOW between theeyes ; While others, 000 persons. It is supplied with a fine diminutive contra ted and significant organ, and: a choir that would d cred t indicate the former abode of little ideas to, a metropolitan `.church. The ladies .and undeveloped faculties. occupy the centre row •of seats, while These Cataticon bs are something to the gentleman are in the side row of be seen once, mid there is nothing abso- slips. The- dignataries; ,nd officials oc- lutely revolting of terrible in them, for cupy a semi -circular sort of low gallery -one can scarcely -iia res, these dilapidat- at the end opposite'ihe_orchestra, in the ed fra.mes:with imaginary forms ; they -centre of -which is the pulpit. The seem so quiet and respectable, and lend communion *begins each Sunday -aftcr- themselves so readily to ornamental al. -,noon, after the opening prayer and rangement, that illusions of all kinds hymn It is remarkable simple, Just .are; ttoriughly dispelled, .while the in front of the pulpit is a platform and damp chile air freees back - all elan- long table, perhaps twenty feet, .on choler sentiment, at.d you accejt 1r.ost which are silver baskets containing with a sight of reliieE your gui 'as an- bread. A prayer of consecration . is- no_uneement that,' it is time to return made of the bread, and then perhapse a to the outer world score of persons each take a basket 'of .4 you 'slowly retrace your steps, the bread, and it is passed around the as -- air, as it- eomes to ihs.from the aperture se mn �biy. Meantime the house is enli- , above, seems like a medium of transna- vented by one of th.e elders,, who preaches rent crystal, and the fax -off stars lante'•s . while th'e bread is ,being passed. This full . of the : splendors of the upper done, the'pieaeher steps; -a prayer. for -spher£ , pointing to . the home that a- its .consecration=(n0 wine or strong waits us Within the invisible,'the house drink being allowed -among the Mor - :not made' with, hands, eternal in- 'the mons). While the water is being car- heavens. _hearth ci•rict Home. riecl around, the sermon is taken up and finished. With the exceptien • of using water at the communion, the form of worship is almost identical with that of of New England Congregationalists. bf course; altthis is new and strange to me, The day. the services„ ,the speeches vvlere all subjects of holier in- terest than 1 have found in ai,iruart- er"of the globe. RT[ EX,POSITf -4 -VIOLENCE IN A. CHITROH.--Tliere was :a, great excitement in, the Catholic Awn of Bishop a.V.I Quald. in removing aierty, who has lab red among them 23 -years,. and to who a large majority of :the Catholics of t at city are warmly -attache& -The pe, ple; after assembling resolved theniselveS into a :meeting and unanimously- eondernned the action • of the Bishop =and refused to .allow him,- , or his appointee, tev. M. ',Kavanagh, to say Mass. A large number p' ushing. their vray to the Altar, and .taking the latter by the arm, led him out of the, .church. It was feared that violence . would be commiuted on him-;- but .by the interpositon of Father O'Flaherty and Father KaVanagh had - left the t urch, the. assembly Unanimously. re -- s dyed to hold another meeting at 11 ollo,-.17. At that tiipe' over 1,000 'Ca- tholics *assembled, , and paSsed. a .series' tion to.) stand by their pastor, strongly_ il conde ning the action of the Bishop, and e pressing their- determination no longer, to submit to abuses. of what they terrae4 a ,One-man pow-er` in. the , 'United .States. but Lo 'appeal at 'once to the ecclesiastical authorities of the countrY, and, - if necessary,. to Popo Pius IX. ...4aldresses were made by in- fluential Catholics „sustaining the reso- lutions, which, on a vote, were adopt- - ed without a dissenting voice. Further trouble is anticipated, as the . meeting - resolved that -the 1 new pastor should not be permitted to 'occupy the parson- age; Now sir said an austere schoelmaster to a trembling culprit, "have you day. eason 'to assign wh I should not birch you I" `Please sir, ireS* "What, sir -e 'Lot all the ends thou ainfst at be thy SAU 'CANADA WAREHOUSE,' In Scott' s Brick Block, SEAFORTH, T" subscriber respectfully intimates to the inhabitants of Seafortb. and sur- round4ig country, that he has now a large. and complete stock of K S ON' S and 17a2.-Lic WINTER EMPORIUM. Uniil the 1st of March, WE WILL SELL_ ORES GOODS, FURS, CLOTHS, BLANKETS, AND 11. Winter Goodsl AT COST! To make room fqr LARGE SP.RING INFO THE SOUTHERN CANADIAN RAILWAY. —The 3?etroit Tribune ;contains the follo-Wing,concerning the Southern Car- railwa,y, which_ it is proposed to build from Detroit to Buffalo, along or near the shore of Lake Erie: "The pre- -sent condition of affaIrs on the road is that officers have been elected.*subscrip- tion books opened, large amount of stock subscribed, heavy pledges Made by the counties through, which the road is to pass, and the prospedt is excellent for the speedyi construction- of the line. Its length froM -Buffalo to Detroit wi/1 be 220 miles, 35 'miles less than the reute by any line operated at present. The Western Canadian terminus will probably be Winsdor, and connection. with Chicago be made with the Michi- gan Central and Michigan Southern, roads. • The natural advantages of the tine are obvious and Unquestionable. The maximum grade will be but 32 leEt te the roile, and that required for only for miles, the maximum grade for the 'remainder of the route being but 26 feet The.maximum depth of cutting will be but 30 feet. Only three bridgps of any considerable size will be required, the largest over Kettle creek, in Elgin county, 1,200 feet in length, and tbe othet -two of about one-half that length; each over Otter creek and Grand river matism which finally settled in his foot Tie bathed it, rubbed it, and swathed it ; but all to no purpose. Finally, tearina away the bandage, he stuck it out, anbd, with a. shake of his fist over it, etclaimed : "Ache alVay, it as long as you ken ; dehe away !" CONIE AT ONCE To ecure Ba,rgains. t HICKSON 84 CO. Seafmth, Jan. 27th: 60 DRY GOODS SOME CHOICE MOSCOW Beaver Overcoats. Body Coats, Vests and. Paots. • darLarliesi,* Mens', and. Boys' POOTS, and Felt Oiercoats. SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY. IN GROCERIES. Robertson & Son's Celebrated Coffees, Green, Black,. and. Japan Teas, Sugars, Spices; and all kinds Of FRUITS, suitable for- the coming. Holidays. Also COAL OIL, all. of -which WIL BE SOLD CHEAP. Segfo h, Dec. 15th, 1868. 53,1y • HAVE JUST REQEIVED 2 000 KEGS BEST MONTREAL 'OUT NAILS, SLEIGH BELLS IN ENDLESS VARIETY, Of all descriptions, CHOPPING AXES. THE BEST MAKES) Weayers' Supplies oF ALL KINDS, BAR, BAND & 'HOOP IRON, CUTTEll & SLEIGH STUFF, COOK BOX 4 PARLOR ‘,.;„ Ali30 a large -.'and. cheap assortment of SHELF IHARDWi^kRE, Ever offer4in this part of the Country. Country Merehants in need, of Nails or any other artiele in our line will find it to their, 'advantage to giiae us a clan. (rsi-R-emeniber the olace, "Sign of the Ova N. B. —Particulir attention of Blackiiniitas , is direeted to their large stock or WAGGON BOXES AND AXELS In which. they cannot be Undersold in the What occupation does everybody be- IJOU1111101L. gin life with 7—A minor. December. 24th 1868; Goods and Groceries. • SNOS NOIH.LNOe CHRIST AS S N New Year's Sant,. !Claus has made his headquarters for 1,41e present season at the store of R. COUNTER Wheaeche is exhibiting one of the largest stocks of & ancg ado Ever brought into Seafor#5. Everything eatable for Christmas Presents and ' New Year's Gfts, CCARTWRIGHT, Surgeon Dentist, . Stratford, - Ontario, begs most re- spect ally to inform the inhabitants of Seafo th. and surrounding country that he a as opened a DENTAL OFFICE over MR HICKSON'S DRUG . STORE, Main Street, Seaforth, and has procured the assist nee of Mr: J. 4. Ellis, Surgeon Den- tist take charge of the same. - .Mr. Cart- wria t will continue to visit Seaforth the sewn week of every- month. ,,,, All work .warr: • ted to give perfect satiefactima Teetl extracted with little or no pain by the use o the Narcotic Spray, , which. produces local anasthesia, (want of pain.) Charges Mode ate. Terms Cash. Stratford ; P. R. Jarvis, Esq., Stratford- • -ComIraercial Hotel, ( int n, the third week of every month; Sba orth. Dec. 17th 1868. 5811v: AT PRICES cHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPESt. Th who wish to gratif§ their children fu5 pr!asaenta should call- early, as a Great' Rush undoubtedly be made to Banta- - Claus' Iteadquarters. Jewellery & Faincy Goods Store, Seafc4h, Dec. 9th. v2-nl-ly BOOK STORE, 11 utdersigned. having purchased' Mr. stock of Books 8,6 Stationery begs,. to inftim. the inhabitants Of Seaforth and the vicinit, that he intends calying on the busi- ness hrMr. CulPs premises, and hopes by at- tentiork to the requirements of the trade to - -inentlt share of their patronage. The atock at present comprises$ addi- tion to:the authorized A ialge assortment of Day Books. Ledgers; Note Sooks, Pass Books, Peneils, &e. Also Prayer:,Books, and. HYMN BOOKS, In greAt variety of binding, together with an assortriaent of books 'in general literature PATENT VENTILATOR 'DAMPER AND DEODORIZER. p,RorMOTING Health, Comfort lnd. Econ - y, the only complete Ventilator and. Double Damper in use, for Kitefie4,_0ffiee, Parlo or Bed -R., oomw, emavin.ALggeonitstFrol::s,teain one mont Its claims guaranteed or money refun ed. See testimonials from scores of or Sale by forth. February .11, 469. 63-tf DIARIES AND CANADIAN ALMANACS FOR 1869. DAILY GLOBE & TELEGRAM CIIILDRENS TOYS, &c. William Elliot,. Seaforth, Dee. 24th 1868. 54-tf. ARDWARE JOHNSON BROa'S Chopping Axes, :Broad Axes„ 'Carpenters' To:" Coopers' 'Took IIARIAlikiiE OF EVERY, DESCRIPTION. A .blendid. assortment of CROSSCUT and MACHINE .250 KEGS PECK'S Montreal Cut Nails PUTTirl PAINTS, * VARNISHES, &C As theap as any House in the !Trade, at JOHNSON BRO.'S STOVES! 'STOVES! comilete assortment of Cooling, Box, and Parlbr Stoves, Stove Pipe, and. Tinware of all desseriptions, At JOHNSON BRO25; ,42,SIGN OF THE ilf411310Vit ettSie