The Expositor, 1869-03-05, Page 6-
From ourAymicul. 1 Correapondent.
.-, 1
Businesa Alas been -% Verjrdullhere
this -winter. Mr. Fisher's new woolen
factory has Commenced 3peritioni and
will be a great advantaf,,Ye to this section.,
The saw mills are turning out immense,
quantities of _lumber. Frames and
timber are being laid„ downailioivaiffer---
ent vacant lots Mr. AN m. Bowert oui
enterprising saddler is intending th er-
ect a new shop ancl'clwa,ling as soon as
:the spring opens. .Other buildings are
also in contemplation, The firm, of
McKnmon.& Bro's has ehanged to Mc-
& Theobald, ov/ing to the remo-
al of, Mr. S. F. IVIcKinnen. to. George:
town., A new feed and provision store
has just been opened. sly Messrs: McGib-
bon &Co. The Wesleyan Methodistiof
this missicn -here have been fa. veured
-with a. lecture froin.the ,Bev. Dr. Tayl-
or, upon the Holy. Land. Rev, Mr.
Sinclair delivered a lecture on " Suc-
cess in life." The Wesleyan S. • 8. An-
niversary took place On Tuesday, evg.
This is preeminently the childrens day,
as they are the principal speakers
Some of them acquit themselves With
credit. Revs, Cleworth- and Sinclair
gave short, Pointed; and pity addresses.
The Presbyterians of this neighbonr-
"hood are feeling much regret at the con-
templated reincval of the Rev. W.
Hastie„ whose labors after April are to
be confined to the churches ab Blnevale
and Ea,clies. The Wesleyan% are about
- ter:Seat their neW church in-,Winghatn.
They have a thousand dollars subscrib-
ed. towards the erection. . 'of a brick
church six tulles from Wingliam, on the
10th- concession of WawanOsh. The
new bridge on the Main road over the
east branch of Maitland is Complet-
ed and seems to be sut?stantial. It is
several feet higher ths,n the old struc-
ture, we trust above the reach of any
fiiture freshet.
From our /Special CorrArsponeten,t.‘
Professor Trott of Seafor0, lias had
an adult- and juvenile "sing* classin
-this Village during the *idler, which
has made very rapid progress, much to
the, credit of the teacher, who is unre-
mitting. in _ his labours witu 'his class.
All havingany m:usicaiorgans under
his superintending ,will have. thern mil-
tivated, as he is an excellent-teaeh r.
On the closing of the term his Ford-
wich and Ainleyyille juvenile .ehoral
o3ssez-gave a concert, which was held
Feb. 18th the C. -church,
'The little singers gave; an evidence- of
their being thoroughly trained, .farlth,ey
acquitted themselves. nobly. The col-
! lection'of pieces was very- goock
- • ,r!, • :le
Tuckersmith Council.
Th, Municipal Council of the to-Wns- hip of
ThTikesmith, . met at West's Hotel, in the
-villag of Bruc,efield, Feb-uary, the l'OtleinSt.,
at the hour of 10 o'cloek; a. me pursuant to
oxljournmentfromlast racetipg, Themiuutes
of last meeting were read and adopted.
law No. 1, respecting the conveyance of
County Road allowance was read the third
time and finally passed. By-law No. 2, ap-
pointing Health Officers for the. Township
read and passed. Moved by Mr. Jackson
seconded by Mr. Cousin e That the stun of
$1 be refunded Ebenezer Forsyth, being the
amount of .dog tax colleeted- migtake. —
Carried. Movedby Mr. Dallas. seconded
by. Ma Cousins That Daniel Clark be ap-
.0e.seseasseneentedeCollector of taxes for this Township
'for the current year. Moved in amendment
by Mr. jaakson ThatAndrew.Storey be ap-
pointed Collector for the present year, pro-
-viding he get the necessary security --.Lost.
Original 'patron carried. Moved by Mr.
seconded by Mr, Cousien That the
application of the Trustees of School Section
Iso 8o be authorized to borrow the sum of
e-300 f r improvements in ,schoR house be
granteft, said stun to be. paid in four equal
instalments, commencing on the 31st
day of December 1859e -end the remainder
three rears thereafter, -end that the Clerli be
instru tea to frame a By-iew to that effcct,
to be jassed nextaneeting of CouRcil.—Car-
tied. Moved: by Mr. Jackson, seconded by
Mr. Dallas That this Council do now ajourn
to Tuesday next, 23rd. inst., in respect to
the memory of Mrs. Bleck, deceased mothee-
to George Sproat, Eeq'
, Reeve ox
Tueliersnaith, the meeting to be held at
Brucefield in West's Hotel, commencing at
- 10 o'clock a. na—CaiTied.
Townehip Clerk..
TUGKERSMITH, Feby. 23rd 1869.
•, The Council met this day pursuant to ad-
ijountinent from last meeting, there being
present, the Reeve in the chair, and all the
montbsTs ; the proceedings- of the last meet-
ing were rcal, and . adopted. -Moved bY Mr.
-'41eLki, seconded by Mr.- Dallas That the
'mount of non-reaident Stetute'Labor tax on
lot No., 7, Con. 8, for the year 1861, be re-
fundedte the party who paid the same. --
iardedc )3y law No. 3 authorizing the
truistee* of School Section No. 8 to loorroW
the sum of $200 . was read and. :pa,ssed.
'Cloved. by Mr. Jackson; secOnded by.. Mr.
Dalae That the . Clerk be; authorized- to'
trame aBy-law for the regulation of TaVenis
end Shops for the sale of -uitaxicating lignors
• iii the municipality of Titekeaamith, ar d
contain therein in addition to the rei-u-
'eitions inforsed h Vic r.A.`a.vern and.
ecepee A et of I SC8„the falleasieg rules :
tt nenaber ef otel lieeusee grante(
2,-1411 ItOt eXCeed ami "p licenses four
:2 That ea el s'avece s1.1:1 ,h2V.1.1 a.rVIT:p CRON(
11:e-141,5E0i fee road forst:Tic CeliveDIGree of tie
frayellieg setb:iet.', 3 That each 'lave. in
an Glen Sheet :11 feet ie. 14 a.L.teeheil
ILC;stabilise 4 Teat b 111 s. Wei
''ave.:en ;tt1CTISt7S, Proviaei.0 due; lad -Xi. •
tile::: De ew3 , and foe Sleep 1.ieease.
sum inforeed be tiles' Tavern end shots Act
of 1868.—Crrried; Petitions were presented
Susan Robertson, John Daly and Robert
.West preying for certificates to obtain
Tavern Lib -eases, :also from G. & A. 'Jackson
raying for avertificate for a shoplicense:
oved by Mr, Cousins, -seconded by Mr.i
McLean That the petitions of Susan Robert-.
son,. John Daly and Robert West, - praying
-for certificates to obtein Tavern Licenses be
granted, and that they be. provided with
such certificate, and that the Reeve and
Clerk be appointed to receive and examine
the petitions of any other parties who may
desirous of obtaining certificates for Tavern
or Shop Licenses and granting the same,
providing always that su h,. parties comply
evith the requirements of he law and of the
'lly-laws of the municipality, but in no case
to exceed the number allowed by such By-
law, also that the petition of G. & A. Jack-
son praying for a cerbificate to obtain a Shop
License be granted, and th t they be provid-
ed with the same.—Ca ed., Petition of
Jetties Brydon praying for a redaction in the
amount paid by hien for a cortificote to ob-
tain a Tavern Lieease fok the year 1868.
Moved by Mr. Dallas, econded by Mr.
Jackson that the sum of 8 be refunded to
James Brydon out of the reerise fee paid by
him for periniesion to retail spiritous liquors
for the year 1868. •Moved by Mr. Jackson
seconded by Mr. McLean hat the requisite
nmnber of Tavernkeepers Fence Viewers
and Pa hmasters be a:ppo ted and. that a
ed next meeting of Council confirming such
By-law e prepared by the Clerk to be pass-
appoiltments.—Carried. Moved by Mr.
Jackson, seconded by Me, Cousins That
Mr. McLean, Deputy Reeve and Mr. Dallas
be authorissd and directed o .let by tender
or otherwise the building and repairing of
certain bridges in the S. 1 E., part of this
Township, viz., a bridge n ar Aubrey'n on
the 12th Con. line. the repairing of a bridge
and culvert near McLane's on the side road,
13th Con. .11. ir S.—Carried. Moved by
Mr.. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Dallas That
the Reeve be authorized to have the line run
on the side ,roads between lots 5 and 6 on
the 8th Con. 'Puckersmith. —Carried.
Moved by Mr. . Jackson, seconded by Mr.
Dallas That the Auditors report of the re-
ceipts. and expenditures of the Municipality
be printed at the "EX:POSITOR" Printing
Office, and that 200 'copies be printed' for
distribution in hand bill form, andalso that
the Clerk be directed to publish the minutes
of the meeting of this Council in the Seaforth
, "ExPOSITOR".—Carried. Moved by Mr.
Jackson, seconded by Mr. CouSins That
John Smith be paid the sum of $1 and 25cts.
per week for the n.ext two months, providing
he give board and lodging to Gerald Morgan
during that time, one half to be raid at once
and the other half at the end of the term.
• Motved. by .-Mr. Dallas, seconded by Mr.
Cousins That Dr. Oremus receive tne sum
of $5; being a person in indigent circum-
stances. --Carried. Moved by Mil. Dallas,
seconded by Mr.. Cousins That this Council
do now adjourn to meet again on the third
Friday of March next at Mr. Robinson's
Hotel, in the village of Egmondville, at' the
hour of JO o'clock a. me -Carried.
Tp. Cleik.
• Tuckersmiti, 26th Feb. 1869.
0 . •
Grey Council.
GREY, Feb. 25th 1869.
1 The Cou cll. :inet at Daints Hotel, Town
Not, accor mg tie appointMent, members all
present, Re ye in the cha,ir. Minutes of last
meeting having been read and adopted, it
was moved .by Sm.. Stewart, seconded by
A: McDonald That the account of Mr.
Cs- Cameron for ' advice in 1867 for sum of
$5 be paid, and that the -Reeve do grant an
order, for fthe same. --Carried. Moved by
John 'Strachan, second:ed. by I. Stewart
That the a‘unt of John Cosmark in sum
of $30, being balance of contract on bridge at
lot No. 4, Con. 12 be paid, ancl that the
Reeve do grant an order for the samee-Car-
ried. • Moved by A. McDonald,' seconded by
S. Stewart That the Reeve or town -ship
Clerk shall grant certigcates to obtain a
Tavern. License for the year 1869, to tie
eollowing parties viz., Wm. Stewart., Oren
McTaggart, James Tuck and Mi hael Long,
they having the necessary accomodaeions re-
quired by the new License Act, likewise a
certificate to John Deisoii to obtain a Shop
License. and that a certificate to the other
applicants for Tavera License viz., 'Thomas
Frame, Sashes Mills, Wm. Dahins and Mar-
tin Moore, be granted a certificate on a re-
port of the Tavern Luspector, that they have
prepared the accomoclation required by law.,
—carried. Moved by Jno. Stewart, second-
ed by A. Mebonalcl That the amount charg-
ed for Tavern and Shop License foe the
ensuing license year shall not be more than
that imposed by Statute vi -Z„ for Tavern
License the sum .of $30, and. for Shop License
'the sum of $50 inclusive of Government por-
tion thereof.—Carried. In the mAtter of pe-
tition of Donald MeLauchlin and 20 others,
praying the Council to take steps to form a
Unioii. School Section from parts of School
Section No. 3, Grey and No. 6 in Morris.
It. was moved. by S. Slemmon, Seconded by
J. Stewart: That the petition be ]aid over
till next meeting of Council to give petitions
an opportunity of providing the Council with
a Bv-law of proposed boundaries of said
-union, and. that the - Clerk (through the
Trustees) supply petitions with a copy Of
Ohs motion. —Carried, Moved by A. Mc-
Donald, secondel by Jno. Stewart That the
Township Clerk: shall enter on the Path -
master's list for the puma year 54 days
additional Statute labor, to be performed by
Moses Ashfield, where the Patimactster raay
direct, he having consentea to this arrange-
ment, assettlement in full for pine taken
I5-th Con. fronting Lots 30 & 34, and that he
shall likewise insert 2 additional days for
William Atchisons—Carritd. Moved' ' by
John. Strachan, seconded by jno. Stewart
That Francis Brydon be notified by the
Township Clerk to attend the licit meeting
of the Council to give an account of pine
sold on 14th. Concession, as there seems to be
a, misunderstanding in the matter. —Carried.
The following- tendere for the office of Town-
ehio Treashaer haying been received WM:
‘7penecl and stood. as follows : Tho as Lead-
.)eater.for the sum of ;',.34, and M. rSmith for
.iic eum of $29 and 75 cts, when itwas mov-
d by -John Stewart, seconded by S. Slemna-
• e' That the- tender of Thomas Leaclweater
or the sum of $34 be accepted, the position
telg the inost conycnieat for the ratepayers
f ‘Che Tewnship.—Carried. John McNeil
'eying the 10.i-esttender at last meeting of
ou Led frq: the o4ce of Collector, and havine
ended i11 lhe names of satisfactory parte
pteicerg their willingness to llewme se-
e:Tics, It -was Alovid by A. McDonald,
cl. by ,li , . St i wart "That the toads]
Jell), ler ti e of 08 of Collector foi
, curie niece.: i'or tle, elan of *29 be accept-
. ;
ed, add that the Clerk do 'drair up the bonds
and have themeXecuted as SOOn- as possible
ecl. Moved by A. McDonald,' second-
ed. hy Jno. Stewart- s That . the Township
Clerk be and Viinereby m• etructed to draw up'
the necessary bonds to be executed byYhein-
as Leadbeefer,;-'and that 06 soon'as said bends
,aa -e executed, and thee accenats of - the past
year audited,'the books, paper, monies, &c.,
belonging to the Treasarer s office shall Ite
handed over to,the spiel Thomas Leadbeater.
—Carried. Moved by A. McDonald, second-
ed Jno. Stewart That the eeve do grant an
ordee in. fayour,of Beujamu P_yle for the sum
of $4t being for '2 days servilco examining Pine
cut an the 14th and 16th Ooncessions.—Car-
ried. Moved by S. Slemetton, seconded by
L. Strachan That the Connell do now ad-
journ to meet again when called by the
Reeve .;-.Carried < ;
Tp. Clerk.
East Wawanosh Council.
This'Council met on the 22nd ult. A
law was ordered to be drafted for d.efming
the lines of alltheSchool Sections in the
Townehip, Seine tax arearages were settled,
several accounts were passed. A petition
for recoinpensIng. jas: Graham for iron int-
ployed On the bridge on the 10th Con. was
received, and; in answer thereto $63 and 65e.
was voted for a clear receipt. 'Geo. McGow-
an was appointed Assessor at a Wary of $45.
The Assessor is to be instructed to value
good land thirty 'cents less per acre every
two Concessions from the 1st to the 14th
Con., end also thirty cents less per acre every
sideline from east to west. it was ordered
tha 250 copies of ti e minutes of last year
Auditor's report and Taeasurers abstract be
printed and also 5' copies of an abstract of
the new Registration Act. It was resolved
'that -when. the library is divided . between
Ease and West, Wawanosh, it be divided and
given to the Trustees of each S, S., the,Uai-
on School (No. 6 excepted) to receive one
half as much as the others,. Connell 'meets
again en the 22nd. inst.
Tp. Clerk.
The idea of-inembers holding meetings
to ascertain the view of their consti-
tuents, on the new -School Bill, the Chat
ham .Banner thinks a good one, and
hopes to see other members adopt the
same plan. The Conventions held by
Dr. Ryerson cannot be an in-
dication of the opinion of the People
generally, Few people care to expose
themselves to die attacks of the Rev.
.Superintenclant, by suggesting improve
ments to the scheme in the presence of
that immaculp,te worthy. It hopes their
mem )er will H a; meeting at on.ce,
and predicts a very different verdict
concerning some- sections of the Bill,
fibre those pgad at the meeting for
Be not all etigrar, or the world will
swallvir thee up., nor all wormwood, or it
4-il1 spit thee
The Sign of tile Big
J. DUNCA tte CO.
_ • ATA
Greatly Reduced Price,
firTo make room for Spring Stock.
Seaforth, Jan. 28th. ., 46.
BfNG South half Lot No. 10, Concession
9, Township of Morris, 2i mile.s from
Blythe, containing 100 acres.
For further particulars enquire at the store
of John Braid -wood, Seaforth. -
January 8th, 1869. •. 57-6in
HEADACUE, NEURALGIA and Universal Pain
Remedy, is unquestionably the most a,gree-
a,bIe and efficacious remedy knownto modern
science. It relieves all pain instantaneously
and reduces infiamation with rapidity, crea-
Mg a healthy action of all diseased organs,
neutralizing all poisonous effects an t making
a rapid and radical cure of some or the Meat
distressing complaints to which mankind are
subject. Briggs' Allevantor is sold by Wm.
Rolls, Agent, and by druggists and country
merchants generally. GET IT. TRY IT. No
fenaily should be without it a dew.
Beepas' MODERN OURATITE, for COT118,
I Bunione, Ingrowing Nails,' Tender Feet, &c.
ft is the safest and, most efficacious remedy
ever discovered for the cure and prevention
of ailments of the feet. It is not potash or
acid, but a eoothing. softening and healing
ointment, warranted not to injure the most
delicate Let, but will soon affect a radical
cure of these vexatious torMents of the hu-
man family-..- 'There is no remedy equalto an
operation by a sk i1f1J Chiropodist. When
this is not convenient, Briggs' Modern Cure -
live comes as an angel of„. mercy. Sold by
;Wm, Rolls, Agent, and druggists every-
svhere. Dr. J. Baioese, 208, Broadway, N. 1.
Y. Address, C. 11. Witiotur sf• Co., fiaattil-
ton, Ont., General ,4e.rd§ for British Pass-
(55 ly
Township of Morris.
WHEREAS it is expedient and necessary
V V to build a Bridge over the River Mait-
land, between lots 10 and 11, in the 6th con-
cession of the Township of Morris. Be it
therefore enacted by the Municipal Council
of said Township of Morris, mid it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the same *at
the County Surveyor shall be forthwith em-
ployed to make a plan and specification of
said Bridge. .
Be it furth.or enacted that so soon as said
plan and specification are 1 obtained, that the
job of blinding said bridge shall be let by
public tender, in such manner, and under
such restrictions as may or shall be herein-
after provided by By -Law.
Be it further enactedthat the tinee and
mode of payment for said bridge*shall be fix-
ed by 133eLaw hereafter to be passed.
Be it further enacted, that said By -Law
fer the building of said bridge shall not be
passed until It is made apparent by a vote of
the Ratepayers of said Township of - Morris;
that they are desirous that said bridge should.
be built. ' -
Be it further enacted, that for the purpose
of ascertaining the views of the Ratepayers
of said Township of Morris, relative to the
building -of said bridge, that a poll shall be
opened at the following times and pLaces in.
the said Township of ."'Morris, to receive the
votes of said ratepayers for or against the
building of said bridge, viz:
At School House No. said Township
of Morris, at 9 o'clock a. in., on the 6th
March, 1869 '• and also. at Holland's Store,
on the North half of Lot No. 11, in the 8th
Concession of said Township of Morris'at 9
o'clock a. m., on the 8th day of March, 1869.
Be it furthee enacted; that the boundaries
for voting relative to said bridge, shall be the
same as at the last Parliamentary election
in said Township of Morris. -
Be it further enacted, that the Township
Clerk shal be the Returning Officer at both
places of- voting, and that said Clerk shall
lay the ilesult of the said. voting before the
said Council of Morris, at the next 'ineeting
thereof after said voting .shall___have taken
place. ,
' (Signed),
Reeve of Monis.
Township Clerk.
I certify that the above is a correct copy
of a By -Law passed by the Municipal Coun-
cil of Morris, at their reet'ular meeting, held
in the said Townikip of Morris on the 13th
February, 1869.
4 Township Clerk.
To the Ratepayers of
POLL'for the purpose of voting on the
1-1_ above -By -Law will be opened as fol-
lows: at School House .No. 8 at nine o'clock
a, me, on the 6th March, 1869, and at Hol-
land's Store, North half Lot 11, on the 8th
Concession, at 9 o'clock a.m.; on the 8th
March, 1869.
Morris, Feb. 18th, 1869. 63-3i
SHARP'S HOTEL, Livery Stable, and.
General Stage Office, Main Street,
• R. L. SHARP, Proprietor.
Seaforth, Jan. 8th, 1869 53-tf.
Scott Robertson
February 19th, 1869. 63etf.
You hat Cultivate- it.
Is a certain indiea'tion ol
Decay at the Roots.
Hair Restorer ,
Restores gray bair to Its nainial color and beauty
and produces luxuriant growth. It gives the huir
beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance.
Manufactory and Sales Offices,
f Amp
266 HIGH NIOLBORN, London, Eng.
Or Seater and Rolls, Druggists, agents
foa Seaforth. For ',Seale everywhere.
January 28th. 18S9. 60-1y.
returning thanks
e pleasure of ann
cha s and 'business ineti
are, efiared to receive
C-0,Goods handled wi
j‘wary 21st, 1869.
DAY at soft',
or past favors, have
uncmg to the mere
of Seaforththatthey.
rders for all kindle of
h 'bare, and satisfac- •
t 4
A ',Irv; Stook
kinds of furnit re kept constantly on
f the best varieties.
ettrasses; Children's
constantly on head.,
ire., Wareroom, op-
posite. 'Kidd & McMulls ne.
TI -10. BELL, •
MaNh 24, 1868. •
A_Mand, consisting
.Krusgfreffs Spring ik
Carri*es. Colfms kep
Wes* made on the p
Vis A Hearse for -
, ,
-The une -pired
On 1hi4 East side of Main Street, in, es e
',.., Village of 8eaforth,
00T1]ER with the buildings erec d
thereon, viz --The store and dwelli g
occupi01 by Mr. Willie Ault, the. buildi g
ocetipitil by Dr. Smith as an 'office, the oc e.
occupW by Mr. Paltriege as a lehotogra h
Gallery; the one occupied by Thomas Sim is -
as an cster Saloon, &c:1; also the one oe u -
pied -1)01 the subscribe as a Flour„ Fe de
Grocery and Provision Store, together Wi it ,
the • steAk- and fixtures contained there'
Also 16 acres of land south of the Railw ,
which *Jill be sold in village or park lots, lir
sizes to.Suit purchasers, and on manna ce
N. WI -Flour, Feed, Groceries and R °-
visions* all kinds kept constantly on h id.
by the asabscriber. 0
.Seaforties February 3rd,- 1869. 61. f
piiihr MILLINERY : I
1 i-RA-:dLOVER, be4s to announce to t e.
'l VI intia,bitants of Seaforth, and surroun l-
ing country, that she hae opened. a new mil is-
' -' - nery, in the shop ,
Where ii.t.e will attend to all orders in h ae
Stamping. &c., and all kinds f
Taney Wark done on the shortest notice.
'Seaford., Feb. 25th 169; 54-tf.
Begs to isform the public generally that
still carries on general Blacksenithing at
his Old. Stand.
Special' ettention pea, to leTerse-Shoeing.
Ainleyvite, Feb. 9th, '69, 63. yz
rm. 1 '
/ft gtiontlato
Gu lt Ri pntiaPs, President
WOODOIDGE. S. '.01,11-1ED,, Seeretary. .
Eoivree AV. BRYANT, etuary.
LUCIAIS. WILCOX. Meclical Examiner.
OrganizSd in i846. Chartcr Perpetu 1
The La/gest Mutual Life Insurance Co
pany, imenbering over 75,000 members.
A pure -4- Mutnal Company, its Assets b
longing eXelusively to its members.
Assets $23,000,000. I Acquired by p
dent andtconemical management of twent
twayearst without the 'aid of a single doll
of originas capital. ;
Surphiti Assets over $0,000,00,0. All pr
fits divide4 among the Members. Each,p
hey holat.- is a naeraber. There are'J)
stockholders. I
Its Large Dividends. They have avera
ed over 54 per cent annuielly. Total amon t
of ctivilends paid the Members sinee its 0
ganizatioll, over $5,000,000.
Its Suctess Unparalleled, It has anise a
at the ext:raordinary condition where the
come fro* annual interest alone is more thth n.
sufficient to pay all its.losses. Total amout t
of losses paid by th.e Co. 'y, over $8,000,00 .
Its ReAponsibility.. ;For every $100 f,
Liahilitieg, it has $154 of ,Aesets.
During its last fiscal:ear this Coma
paid to--ifti living members, and to the fam
lies of its. -deceased members, nearly $2,000
000, and dt the same tiMe added more th
Four „AEC -Ions to its acctinulatecl capital.
The Iriole Record oil this Company h
been one f prudent maragement. and pro
perous advancenient. .Aimong the older a
leading he insurance coMpanies its ave:it•
ratio of ektenses to incoine has, through i
entirr history, been the lowest of any.
Amounf; deposited with the Receiver Gen.
eral of f.)anada, $140,000.,'
Ntimbest ot Policy holders in Canada 1,06
GWMedileal Referees -24 -pr, Metterell anti
Dr. Trecel Seaforth. Ont.
General Manager for 4fana
iFeb. 244,4 18694 61-th
e .4.5,4 bil
areLaleitre don in
"There is said to
salt at no very g
Sixty-nine ta4ern
twenty-eight stote
isined in Mallon for
surfae6 between the
lake, eastef
erly made in.
There is a saki case
man wandeiing amn
London, bevging fro
in his eaiisr lift had
be a victim than inhe
Mr4. owden,
insane niother who
son three months 'ago
every visitor to n
did it, and asserts sti
chopping off the hoi.,
John Parnell, tOrtV
lSeicialtidset rmaidoetursai
prisonenent, died in 1
Kingston. Peeti
th'e. /8th ult,
friends of the Rev. donation party in.'1
at Port Petry, an
his wife with money E,
the amount of t136.
LONDON is beconu
cited on. the 1Mocii4
principal carriage
the manufacture or:
tnachine, and we h
'even amongthe ladi
as popular as the GI
Mr, Thomas pan]
bisdeparture to
nation in. oonneetion
ting of the penitaiti
was presented -with
Some gold .watch,thai
by the members o
4 Ottawa.,
On Thursday
than Brev,er,
St. Catharines an
ing in the opposite
reaping machine.
ing very near to eac
- portion of the reapei
-with Mr. Brewer's fai
Wound on hia nose,
ing one of his eyes -!
ja-a t Vrnm Rivi
Island„ a, coloured ul
pard, finding his sonl
home -With a. load of
death bY the horses'
-came insane, and cm
on all /burs; threw
window into a. snow4
in the lunatiCtisylu
e Tilsonburg sa
feet deep, and the chi
previous to testing tl
ping it, it should be,
120 feet deeper, in-
to 1,6004cet deep „
expect to reach the
in the Kincardine,
ton Niells. The BA
purpose will be abo
Mr. John Milroy,
oldest settlers of E
kis death- 1 -ie was
young horses atts:.,
fitted up with stakes
ber or ookiwood. T
and Mr. -Milroy was!
with on of the stak
his body from the b-
veyed to a:" neighb
att-ended by-
a few hours from
'Kilroy was about
hake. He liras. from,
ifaimaur. aecalledr, STcoibtibeandl
the .
io,nof the
YeaG7uelph to
nn impudent tua
lewd. wtethelasseveunit.
ekuple ofvnen Iron&
Xr McIntosh, farine
%rho was the only°
4,0ne was -a little ma
Fjgoit fehow who
face, The little ow.,
one who spoke, told
downrth otoieel ]1r.rbim. toFif
aS (Mr McIntosh's
P.edtctlmt IfileoaortilythhiSen't
fe' fotim°rwriv:
wirile down, btt
Being thus. presse
cia to help, and at the
whp might have;
ssible with their p
*re nkiovn but e