The Expositor, 1869-03-05, Page 5T h1.1�1\TDON. i osn Nouse tock, King Street Toronto; and St. Faure Street, . Brandi Agency for Seaford A1SONk ' R LOCK STITCH.' Machine. Machine. mity and Manufacturing •Best Leather and Cloth aanxifaotrtring 1a chine. Ll'TTER 1' --•or Cylinder Ia bine„ far 1 =ess. making, ing, Boot and Shoe I`ittings • aad Saddlery \\"ork, where the, form of the work must be retained whilj Stitching, th is emccomplete and , e txn the avorid. THENE / WORL., ..REi) i\>L1> ''1i% J1 CILL L'" were awaited the alinh_ est Premium at the Werhrs Fair in Loudon /862 and Gold` Medal .at Pax Expos€tion, 1867. They are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller nee :e for the same thread than any other machine, and by : the liutrodaction of the most ill «r•'ved ma._ chi _ ,x we are now able to supply the � �F very 1) Sbmachined in tJ T [l'( he wo7rld.x t .1. TIM AL TII ir ' oM- t ttr T.I E'Ji AKG : 1. Beauty and Ex- „celleitcy of Stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed. 2. Strt.n ;th, Pithiness and Durability of Seain, 'that rill net Ril, or Ravel, 3. Economy of thread. 4, A.t- tachments and Wide range of application to purposes and material's. The above can be had at the B rE aex>< Office in Seaforth, from: \V. N- \- _ ' seee Who is also Agent- for the celebrated Tia ZER s_girEv-61i1.i 4 0if/ :,t' 1-.f?, which for facility of management. 't. nea{mess and durability of stitch, and wide range of seams and unci jledd as a Family Sewing Machine., Thread, Silk, Twist, Shuttles, Bobbins, Needles, Springs. Oil, and all machine ap p?: aneasfor sale at the Branch Oface raft Sea- forth, where machines may be neatly re- paw d. W. N. WATSON, Seaft April 16th 1868- l 1 SADDLES/ SADDLES0 SADDLES. Milt;subscriber begsto inform the public that he has received agreat variety justY of Saddles and Which_ he is prepared to sell lees AlmostUnparalleled!. 0 LOOK II N RE ' A Saddle, Bridle and Ma.dingale far the small sum of $8 00. 4 the way of Harness, OF ALL KIND, He is, ras heretofore,- in a position to give his. customers as good value far their money as any other establishment in Ontario. Quality of work and material employed indisputable. --SHOP OPPOSITE KIDD ,ct- MaillULKINS. JOHN CAMPBELL. Seaforth, Feb. I% '69. 63-tf. :FRANK PALT'RIDCE''S Old Established CRAP : GALLERY ' I REMOVED Y numerous customers and the public ,.1 generally will please not forget that I have Removed from the Old `aancl to the OPPOSITE SiIE OF THE STREET, F Into Scott's. New 3 story Brick Block, next to Kidd & 31'Mulkin's store, and directly south of Bickson's new store, where'.have. built the best Gallery in the County especi- ally for my own work, being large and coin- nroc ious, and with the proper atter- light being the only Gallery in -Seafortl'construct- ed on true photographic principles. Thea. only. light that can 'reflect the true l''eatures. L flatter myself that I can satisfy all who may call. Remember, , 1 don't want your money- for nothing; I am bound to please or no pay. As rosily have had pictures, in Seaforth, but were dissatisfied, having confounded my name with another, I would request if you want a' good picture, properly Made and '” durable, that yob . ask forFrank Paltridge,' Don't ask for- Paltridge's, only, but Frank 7'aridgeI ant thus explicit, because many - think they are going to get a picture made by Frank Pa ltrzdge; but by a mistake, in not going to Frank P.'s, get sadly disap- pointed, • £ASN FOR, AND GO TO I� RANK, In the Brick Block, up- one light of stairs, `and turn to the right hand. My specimens: at the door are all my own ake, and are not bought or borrowed to decoy the public. Corrie:any day, Frank is always at home =din Good Temper: Pictures of deceased carefully copied into any kind of Picture desired. Remeiuber, it is to Frank Paltridge's you have to go to get a good Photograph. New : and rich Furniture, Scenery, &e., that will make your picture look rich, and worth i sending* to your friends. Who does not r know ° u PAL'TRT..DGE? girth,. Jam 6th, 53-ly' f a_. rO Si g• Bayonets' • a A re bayonets ever crossed in great battles ? has alaVa's been a -moot paint in military= eritica``.sni, as to . which . it aa11eat•� pv*ex• y ditnlc. to collect the unvarnished xactsThat the instances are vel -y: rare, and are -always On - a small scavle, and that "at the points of . C -flexible rat.se the bayonet" 1:5 al. most- phrase, seams to be as' near the truth as it is wcill 1 o, si ble to arrive .and such a co'aa scion i5: confirmed by a sort of contra v'-isy which has -recently. taken Plat between General Baton d'Azeniaa<r ancl-w whiter signing himself « Mo- t . 4 : aid In L. S e ateur �, eaol. I~€ .tt.on.a<1 Guard" P lay.tcire, aFrench non y military misteJu y-. ' The; °"Nat ional Guard" -, g -Ori-, says that, although madethe moa) and lt-Iliart, campaigns, be does. not -cons der his c, tperionce-Sufficient to decide upon the question, fonx whittle -lta he. bas least CU IE � concluded- that it may co not soon bayonets crossed.. with his, awn Teyes. -The General agrees With iYirn, and even a<mt4 flail the phrase "baivonet enc:ount ;r," . in )-,the ordinary laugi ge of the soldier, means in gene - al "Li pressure altogether m'oral," and •that . ho shook of trobps which is orch- naxI• called an attack oy charged at the pint of the -bayonet should be more a.ce it;itely n red -a ! "bayonet demons tration." Then the General elainxs in all the Wars of'`the firet Europe= -only two eatious Ina which troops actually met et the bayonet's point ; one was in 1505# at Auistetten, When Oudinot's grenadiers attacked the grenadiers of the Russian arguard and.the bayonet engagement la ;ted several minutes. The seeond. instance was given at Lut- zeu, in. 1813; i y'tlie; 25th regiment 6T the lick;, which, piqued that the E+ ni- peror s6emed.to deubt its powers, fought the 'whole. clay with the 11Stymaet'with- out burning a cartridge ; but here the case seers hardly proved. • we : should- kno' what its adversities did ; they might have been firing off their animu- nitiari or riming away, like the Aust rians at °eidhero described by General Dub srue. A. French an -an Austrian battalion had deer firing t each. other for a considerable Period without effect fincling that the latter would not give . way, the French commander ordered a charge, when the Austrians broke.; and ran, although they were •covered • by a: completely impassable ravine.. ` . STEAM TYPE -COMPOSING MACHINE., -- During the past three weeks a machine, driven by steam, has been at - work ie. Manchester setting type automatically. It has been visited by many printers and machinists, who pronounce it tided success. The inventor, 11 lack; a native of Manchester, who has already iia ade several `.mai for aistributin . •and setting type=ma- chines of singular -ingenuity--aims for the one to which we refer ' as fol- lows. bill blain work, except "justifi- cation,". may:be done anywhere, and by persaees wno never need see a type. Narbw . paper is perforated by a tiny machine with fourteen keys -only for one hundred kinds of letterssi and twen- ty keys . for two hundred. This per- forating- can be done it the rate of a Times' column of minion per hour. The actual composing of the type is done by a borizcntal wheel :machine, having on its rim as many kinds. of type asre- quired which are placed one .. on the topof f another in endless : lines,` atthe rate of two hundred a , minute. The composer is driven by steam, . by foot or hand, and • when :the endless perforated paper is attached to it, it works auto- . matically. The paper used for ;the per- forations may be old copies ° of the 2jimes new paper costs ld per column. The justification will be done by stick - fulls. Errors' are reduced to a mini- :enure. The composing machine makes none, and the perforating one only when. the. opera ,tor is carless. Dupli- acates may be perforated at one time, and lent, sold, ter used on'two or more machines, and ter different: sizes of type. MR, BONI R'S SuooEss. =-Mi? Robert. Bonner began to make his Ledger .pay by what met short-sighted ueople'dhai-' aeterized as an 'actof superlative folly. He gave Fanny Ferrer a hundred dollars a column for the first story she contri- buted to" his paper. Thai money be paid to her was returned to him a nun- dred fold by 'those very same people,` who, while lamenting his want, of :judg- ment, made Baste to i:buy and read -the Ledger. The liberal policy on which Mr.: Bonner cominenced the business he has steadily pursued ever since, and has succeececl accordingly. So remarkably has he prospered, indeed, that a good ,many people affect to be surprised at luck, as they his good term it. But hick ho had nothing to do with it. The results at which he has arrived are attainable by no patent precese, but with the same means that are equally within the reach of all. Mr. Bonner set out to make a popularpeople, irres- pective of price, to write for 4, and the- most popular papers, ectu.ally regardless of 'cost to advertise the fact. he moral of all, which 4 '. M a Make - ad is g thing that everybody needs, and then let the world know .all aliout; it by adver- a de - Mr." and shines tieing, SEA MONSTER CAUGHT. --A rare Ilsea monster, has recently been caught wiih a hook and line about three miles from the Fddystone Lighthouse. The fish is nine feet long and near four feet m girth, and weighs :about three hundred weight. Its color is of a dark ,,brown on the back, changing to a light brown with 4 tinge -of red towards and on the belly. `! - Every part of the fish is cover- ed with sharp spines, much like those on t e common thornback ray. The large t spine s are of an inch' in diame- ter. ,From the dints which are visible. arounid the body, it is pretty evident he monster has enemies, and been ;ed in heal s, M. Dunn, of isse whorites about the fish g yrb th aa,t enga Mese says : " Who ai its enemies I cannot imagine, but the dents and scars around its body tell of the battles fought in some iof its confii s it would seem as if several of the spies near the tail had been torn off, with a considerable por- tion of the skin, but these places are now healed, which give the fiish. a very ancient appearance. I. suppose the name of this fish to be the spinous shark. It had been cut open and halt- ed, and in itwere found seventeen eggs of various sizes, the largest I shoaald guess to weigh six ounces. From the forward state of 'the largest, . I should suppose it would have produced its young early this spring" Xt CURIOUS FACT IN ACCOUSTICs —A machine bas been invented in France by which the undulations in the atmos- phere tmos-phere' may be counted which take place between two individuals in conversa- tion. The 'wind in. passing over the water causes it to ripple, and the voice,. when an indivi ual speaks, produces certain vibration in the atmosphere by which - sound is communicated. An eminent philosopher says that these pulsations,. if they may be so called, caused by a male voice, vary from 200 to 500 in. a second,, while those for the female extend from 600 to 1,000.-- Journal. ,000,=.Tournal THE EARTH'S! DIURNAL MOTION.—If a line were carried round and round the globe, it would require to be the lengthy of 24,550 exiles ; hence this - is actual space which any given point in the earth's surface travels over in the course of twenty-four hours, a rate: exceeding somewhat 1,000 miles in the,l hour. This velocity, withwhich every( person moves continually, is greater, by 140 times, than that with which a can- non -ball issues from the mouth of a cannon, and we do not perceive it be- cause the earth, the air, and every thing around, is carried with us. --Facts fork the People. ICKSO EM PORi1IV1. Until the 1st of March, WE WILL- SELL . . DRESS GOODS, CLOAKINCS, FURS, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, OVERCOATS,. • BLANKETS, AND X11 Winter Goods AT COST! To make room for LARGE SPRING IMPORTATIONS. COME AT ONCE TO Secure mixes. E. HICKSON & CO. Seaforth, Jan. 27th: 60 DAN BRANT tells ofth, most com- plex family ever known, something in this wise " I married a young widow, who lived with her step-daughter,°and my father shortly after married the Lt. stepdaughter. , v `wife was .therefore the mother-in-law and the daughter -in - 1 . >.w of 'my father. . T � am fixe step father of mother-in-law, and my wife's step- daughter is my step -mother.. Well, mer step -mother, (that is to say my father's wife and my wife's daughter) had a son. Ile is nay step -brother, of course, but being the on of my wife's step- danghter, my wife is, of course, . his grand -mother,„ and I ani bis grand- father as well as his step -brother. My wife also had a son.. My step -mother is consequently- the step -sister of my' boy and also his grandmother,; because he is the child: of her step -son, :and my faath r is the brother-in-law of my son. I a of - fey mother's brother-in-law, my wife is the aunt of her own son, my son is the grandson, of my father, and I am any own grandfather," THE . ART OF BEING MISERABLE.; Kingsley says " If you wish to be miserable you must think about your- self ; about what you want, . what you like, what respect people ought to pad* you, what people think of you. ;; and then to you nothing will be pure. YOU will spoil everything you touch ; you will make sin -and misery for yourself out of everything which God sends ,you ,; you will be as wre,ched aa... jou choose." The petrified head of an extinct ani- mal was lately found tear Plesaiit Lake; Sullivan County, INT. *V, It was about -the size of a dog's head) bttt had a pair of horns jtit below the eyes, and another pair midway between the eyes and ears. One of the eyes was almost as perfect as when the animal was in the flesh, and : the socket of the other, with the' optic Italie ill the centre, was quite plan . The beast must have been as large as' a yearling colt: —Thl report that Mr Swirl' arch is to c Great 'Western i o$z a in the resign his Railway, is without foundation. e HAVE JUST RECEIVED 2,000 KEGS BEST MVNTREAl. CUT NAILS,: SLEIGH BELLS INENDLESS VARIETY, LADIES & GENTS RINK SKATES, Of all descriptions, CHOPPING -AXES' THE BEST MARES, Weavers' �.Supplies OF A!L KINDS, BAR- BAND &- HOOP' IRON CUTTER .& SLEIGH STUFF, 000K BOX & PARLOR S OYES. Also a large and cheap assortment. of g Sco1 Brick Block, SEFORTH; PUEsubscriber r�tfu` iy intimats to the inhabitants of Seaforth and sur, rounding country, that he has stow a large and complete stock of Staple ani Fanc WINTER DRY GOOD SOME CHOICE MOSCOW, Beaver. Overcoats. Body Coats, Vests and Pants. ,Ladies', Mens', and Boys' ,,BOOTS, Felt Overcoats. • SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY +INS GROCERIES. Robertso Son's Celebrated Coffees, Green, Black, lid Japan Teas, Sugars, Spices, and 11 kinds of FRUITS, suitable for the coming Holidays.. Also (�rOAL OIL, all of which SOLD CHEAP. CHICALD McDOUGALL, Seafort: , Dec. 15th, 1868. - 53-ly WILL SHELF HARDWARE, HA W , GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, fc., Ever offered in this part of the country. Country Merchants in need of Nails or any other article in our line will find it to their e'avantage to give us a call. ft-Renteidiber the place, "Sign of then. ie'tt1ar Saw," Main Street. Seaforth. N. B. Particular attention of Blacksmiths is directed to their large stock et WACCON BOXES AND AXES In which they cannot be unde:iuold in the 2romin ok.. D, tuber. 24th 1868. aey, spoon LIG JOg ESNOS �8 NOIH.LNOB 'f CHP. R.I STMAS anti Claus Us made his headqu the prefent season at the sto - R.1 COUNT Where he is exhibiting one of stocks of .47: t vidritO & arg fiver wrought into Seaford". E v.eryt suitable for ' hristmas Fresent_ Ne Year's Gifts, AT PRICES CHEAPER d E T AN THE CHR ... �. ST Those Who wis to gratify their children air friends by bestowing upon them ties;q1- 1 early, Great ....resent sho ' � � calle 1 as a . Gre+ ush will undoubtedly be made , Santa- Claus' HeadquartersPL. f rsfor I\ Can er Jewel , ry &Scuniii Goo : She. 'eaforth, Dec. 9th. v2- ®1 tly TELE IL BOO STOR ATE undersigned lhaving ,purchsed' Mr:, ,Cull's stock of Books & Stale ery begs inform the inhabitants of Seafort ' and the Vicinity that he intends earying on he busti- ess in Mr, Cull's premises, and ho esby akt- ention to the requirements of the trade to Merit a share of their patronage. 1The stock at present comprises, ion to the auth$rrized A. large assortment of Day Books, Ledgers, Note Books, Pass Books, Pencils, c, Aso large quantity of Bibles, Te aments, Prayer Books, a d HYMN BOOKS, n great variety' of binding, together with an _ssortment of books in general aterature DIARIES AND CANADIANI4ALMANACS FOR:1869. DAILY CLO NE. & TELE RAPR CHILDRENS TOYS, t'l.11iar 3lliat,. Seaforth, Dec. 24th 18168. 54-tf. it SHEFFIELD STO►E JOHNON Bl Chopping Axes, Proal Axes, Framers' Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Coopers Tools. HARDWARE F EVERY DESER1PTL L CCARTWR1GHT, - Surgeon Dentists , Stratford, Ontario, begs most re.. spectfully to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country that. he has opened a DENTAL OFFICE"- over FFICEover MR. HICKSON'S DRUG STORE,, Main Street, Seaforth, and has procured the assistance of Mr.' J. A. Ellis, Surgeon Den,_i tist to take chane of the same. Mr. Cart wrieht will continue to • visit Seaforth the second week ' of every month. All wort warranted to give perfect. satisfaction Teeth extracted with tittle or no pain by the'' use of theNarcotlic Spray, which - produce local •anasthesia,' P (want of pain.) ChargE Moderate. Terms Cash. REFERENCES:—Dr. Smith, Seaforth Dr. Shaver, Stratford ; J. Dutton, Chemi, Stratford ; P. R. Jarvis, Esq., Stratford~ Dr. Whitin , Berlin ; Dr. Rowans, thumb Dr.ghatham: C Hr. Bray, will be at the Commercial Hol, Clinton, the third week of every month Seaforth, Dec. 17th 1868. 5 11v: CAMPBELL'S, PATENT VENTILAT.O ! DAMPER AND DEODORIZER.' Health,.Comfort and n ItOMOTING complete Ventilator -and �} omy,the only 1 Double Damper 'iuse, or Kitchen, Oce, Parlor or Bed- savingits cost in „`one month. Its claims guaranteed or e guY refunded. 8ee•testimoxtials from seor of Professional and Scientific gentlemen. For Sale by WM. LO111' , Agent for Satirical. February,I1,1869. 6tatf A splendid assortment of CROBSCU and MACHINE WS! 250 KEGS PECK'S ntCui a'r, a1 LASS, PUTTY, PA NTS, OILS, VARNISHES, As Cheap as auy-House in the JOHNSO BR' , .,'r STOVES + STO A complete as rtm _ t of Got►lzm Box and ,en' a�Parlor Stove, Stove Pipe, andw of all description VER" `At JOHNSON BI <'a,sir gig Oe Tillif itifq171 - e, COOKING TONE. Swler.TJan. 6th! —d