HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-26, Page 8• rtA .; THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR' CHESS: , .to CORRPSPONDENTS, • I— • Q. E. C, Tarrytow-n.--Letter PRaPIABI NO 6,4; .S.y H. D. Smitit,rJack8011) Mich an. BLACK* v 11/ fi" 774 V i , r.",;;z,; .. A. A -_,..2„,,,,,, , / • - . ‘ /2..7% :/// /'• ,.„..... 4 4 040 . e A / • /, 1:,,,,,A,,,,-; / / -, • /A' ' • / A., w-, •r/g, , / '.,•,/ , - 4,41•(, V/Y * - 7 % 0 ,'/ /4 /.4 WHITE. White -to play and mate in. five masses. SOLUTIPN, TO PROBLEM No. 6' . WRITE. 1 R to It sq P to B 7. 2 Q tks P mate. • s 1 2 Q to R 2 mate. 2- Q. te B '7m.a.te 1 K to Q 6 2 K to K 5 Mate' - 1• KtoKt 6• 2 Q to R 2 mate. $01,UTION TO PROBLEM No. 63. 1 R to Q Kt 6 - B tke R 2 R to R 5 (eh) K to Kt 2 3 R to. R7 (ch) K moves 4 R to B 7 mete - A 1 Rto K. B sq RtoR 5(10 eKtoKt 3 B. tks R ( • K tks Kt 4 rnates P to Q K to B 4 ears. 1 2 R tles 3 B. tks R. (ch)( Kt interp 4 mates - .Kt to Kt 4 Kt to13 2 0 1 2 R tkeiR • 3 Ktolet 3 4 Mates. to Q sq 1.1 to Q 5 (oh) Any. PROBL GHE .11 Puffin°, Q 13 5 Kt K 2 M NO. 63. S HUT. 1631 &brio. P Q 3• P Kt 6 Q Rsq QKt 2 - QB2 QtoB4 White to play and. mate in nine moves . GAMEN. 67. GITESS IN CANADA. _Evans Gambit. WHITE. BLACK. 1 rtolt4 2.Kt to K B 3 3litoB4 4P to Q K1 4 5 PtoQB3 6 Pt0Q4 '7 Castles 8 P tks P 9 KttoQB 3 10 B to Q 3 - 11eY to K 5 12 Kt to K Kts 5 13 P ties P 14 Kt tks .K.13 P 15 B tks Kt ' -16 P tks P 13 :Kt to Q 5 18 Qtolt 5 - 19e13 tks P 20 Q B to K Kt 5. ,B to K 4 •Ktto.QB 3 B to B 4 , B tks P }to134. 1* ties P P to Q 3 B to Kt 3 Kt to Q R 4 . Kt toR 2 Castles • Kt to Kt 3 13 to It 3 R tks Kt Itto 13 sq Q P Q tii.Q 3 BiksQP .1-ttoB 3 • Resigns. GAME NO. 68. " WHITE. ST. eCAT1iA.T411 1- Pto K 4 2 Kt to K :13 3 1- 3 to Q I 4 .4 PtoQ.B3 5 P to Q 41 6 PAO K 5 7 t'tks P 8 BtoQ2: • .Q1ZttksD. 10,B.to Q Kt 5 11 Castles 12BtkSit 13 PtoK1t3t R to Q B sq 16 Kt to 112 16 P to KB 4 Q P tks 18 Q to R 4 • P to K 6 ; 20 Q -Kt tolK 133 21 Q ties Q B P 22 Kt Cm Q BLACK. BuFFALO. • • t6.K. 4 Q Kt.tp B 3 BtoQB4 KKi tO B 3, P tits P Q to K 2 D to (Kt5 13 tits B. I: to 0, 4 Caseles K Kt to Kt P ties B Kt to -K R B to Q 2 P to K B ;3 e1i P tks P Q 1- to K • B to K tics -B P B tilts Q Drawn game. J.,SEATTER EXCHANGE BROKER! And dealer in Pure DUDS,. CHEMICALS & DYE ST_Un The Drug Department ia under the speci care of an experienced Chemist, MR. R.. WALTON. - January 21st, 1869. 59-ly SEAFORTH* MILLS. lour and Feed ! d AVING received an Agency from W. te J. Scobie, for the sale of their unrivell- Flour, I ' am now prepared to furnish purchasers with an article WHICH WILL DEFY COMPE1ITIOH I Parties ordering Flour or Feed from me, cati have the same delivered in any part of Town on the -shortest notice. • WM. AULT. Seaforth, Jan. 20th, 1869. 59-72 Note The Fact ! THAT L Pal ridge's NEW GALLERY Is now complete with a new .. VOIGHTLANDER INSTRUMENT. lic-EW Backgrounds, &c., &c. None but IA first-class -pictures taken, and satisfac- tion guaranteed. . GALLERY Over Dr. Smith's Office, next door • to F. Meyer's. , Seaforth, Aug. 13, 1868. 36-6m. CANADA PEMANEN T BUILD - INC & SAVING SOCIETY S prepared. to advance money .on Improved I Real Estate, on the most favorable terms to borrowers•, and to buy mortgages. For particulars, apply to their appraiser, •W. N. WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. Seaforth, Feb. 20, 1868. • 11-ly •'WAGGONS, BUGGIES, A ND all implements for farm use• mann- factured by & TEEPLE, • ,,Gooci.' and Cheap. • Remember the stand. • • NORTH. ROAD SEAFORD!. Seaforth,Feb. 20,1868. 11-ly THE .tafortit expeottor 'AND HURON ADVERTISER, NE of the largeskpapers publis County', Is PRINTED AND -rentisnEn dm the, • EVER 1 FRIDAY MORNING. .ROSS & LUXTON • EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS. MALY STREET, SEAFORTIL r,rraaa •puBue NOTICE. THE' MONTREAL .TEA COMPANY, 6, Hospital Street, Montreal. . Ouri Teas, after the Most severe tests by , the -best medical authorities and judges of Teas, have been pronounced to bequite pure, and free from any artificial coloring or pois- onous substances so often used to improve the appearance of Tea. They areunequalled for strength and flavor. Ihey have been chosen for their intrinsic worth, keeping in mind health, economy, and a high. degree of. pleasure in drinking them• We sell for the smallest possible profits, effecting a saving to. the consumer of 15c. to 20c. per lb. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12. 15, 20 and 25 lb. boxes, and are warranted pure and free from poisonous substances. Orders for four 5 lb. boxes, two 12 lb. boxes, or one 20 or '25 lb. box, sent carriage free to any Railway Sta- tion in Canada. •Tea will be forwarded im- mediately on recerpt‘ of the order by mail • containing money, or the money can be col- lected on delivery by express -man, where there are express offices. ln sending orders below the aanount of $10, to save expense it will be better to send money with the order. Where a 25 lb: box would be too flinch, four families clubbing together could send for four t lb, boxes, or two 12 lb. boxes. We send 1p4si1IS, with 3.ectrical velatee 5hem to one address, carriage paid, and Mark /t m re , a a Crare -eaeue oven ce el, e 5 ir .rain that may ex.Ist in Cie 11-4Var.D.k.u' )1CITSI OE of fan t Woman, or C11 ti. • Sarsaparillian and -'is 1. rz. I. G2EAT $ENSATION. A GOC..)D SENSATIO . PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT. CIME AND ITS LtSSONB rwenty r.'411 Experlowe al' d Study in Ibilt 2.4.. a • Good Methane Srevrcs a ut.:1, may, cj Hc.kfax-r to 11T :Togs 1 ! WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT . N RADWAY'S READY Drreadwity's newly discovered process :for ecurin medicinal extracts (in vacuo), fon regetanle knbstliner greatly te the iee• movement of the Reeidy Relief.' TN AN INSTANT it stops and cures Ole noKt violent- PAINS, each box plainly, so that each party glet their own tea. We warrant all the tea we sell to give entire satisfaction. If they are not satisfaetory, they can be returned at our expense.• - BLACK TEA. -English Breakfast; Broken Leaf, strong Tea, 43c., 50c,; Fine 1F1avored New Season. do.' 56c., 60c. and 6f\C.;' Vcre Best Full Flavortd do. Thc.; Sound Oolong. 450.; Rich Flavored do. 60e. ; Very Fine do. do. 75c.; Japan, Good, 50e, 55c., Fine 60c., Very Fine 6c;,Finest 75e -- GREEN TEA.TwankaY 50c., 55., 65c ; Young liyson 50e, 60c.e 6ec 70c. , Very .eine 85c., Superfine and Very Choice $1 ; Fine Gunpowder 85c. ; Extra Superfine do. $1. Teas nob mentioned in this circular equal- ly sheep. Tea only s.old by this Company, Cseie Au excellent mixed Tea could be sent for 63c. and 70c. : every good for common purposes 60c. Sliver taken at par. For fiel-es and post - office pillers' tile Company will add the pre- mium in tea to the order. • • A complimentary box of tea will.be given to parties forming. Clubs and eending- for 251b boxes. Each box will be marked plainly, so that each one will get his own tea. - •tek-Beware of Pedlars and runners using our name; or offering our Teas in mall packages: Nothing loss thaii a caddie sold. NOTE THE ADDRESS -The Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal. Out of over one Thousand testimonial, we • A YEAR'S TRIAL. I • r i1heMontreaiTeaCo'fl.PiiY: Montreal, 1868. ENT -It is .n,barly a y ear. since I pu rchas. cd the first chest of -Tea femn your house. I have purchaeed many since, and 1 • am pleased to • inform you that the Tea as in every case proved most satisfactory, as well as being exceedingly cheap. Yours very FeDE.N Montreal Tea Company : GENTDEgEN-The Tea purchased of yoe in Merch has given great satisfaction • and • flavour of it is very fine. lt is very strange. but since I have be611 drinking your Tea 1 have been quite free froni heart -burn, which • would always pain me after Ineakfast. I tribute this purity of your Tea, and shalt continue a customer. . . •'V_ ours respectfully. • FRA.N CIS T. GREEN. 54, St: Jelin Street llentreal. AlontrealeApril 1868. -To the Montreal Tea Company, 6 'Hospital, Street,: Montreal : -We notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we have forewarded to you to different parts of the Dominion, and we are glad to find your business so rapidly ncreas- ing. • We presume your Teas are giving gene- ral satisfaction, as out of the large amount • forwarded we have only had occasion to re- • turn one box; which, we understand, was • sent out through a mistake.- • G. CHENEY, Alaataaser Canadian. Express Co. • • , TERMS. -$1.50 per anmim, in. advance. ff nob so paid, $2.00 will -invariably be charged, -. RATES OF ADVERTISING-. vnenesse AC,REEMINTS. - I The following rates will be charged to Trier-- • chants and others who advertise by the year, and in no case evT exceptions be made: One column for twelve months, • - - $:30 00 . "• for six months,. - - - ;15 00 " for three months; - - 20 00 Ralf -column for twelve months, _-, c.3: (0)(0) • for six months, - - - 20 00 •‘1 for three months Quarteriof a column for tweIvemo.n_2 ths, 210 0000 4 & '•for six months, .. • for three months, • - - 9 00 For each line over ten,- first insertion, 0 08 Each subsequent insertion, - - - -0 02 . The number of lines to It. reckoned by the. 'space occupied, measured by a scale of solid. Brevier.• • Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid, and charged -a°- . . cordingly.• , • Breathe= the word tenderly, "Fare - 1" 'Seal it with a prayer, and I guard it, with a wisb.. that heaven May gentrd and _bless your absent friend. Then, when death shall still the throbli- lug pulse, and the "dads of the valey" ttouceal :from mortal pm all. that ve- nlains Of that loved companion, be your trust that those who ha vt so tenderly eheri8hea here below, now wrapped in fadeless dranPry. , of et,u1-mil rest, Lve gone t) receive their reward. • GEO. W T1OSS, 'LP eoprietor. STRONG'S LIVERY & SALE STABLES VIRST-CLA.SS' HORSES and Good Irsehi- II• des a all hours, on reasonable terms. PeeThe largest and best Livery in Seaforth Suitable Rigs tor Commercial Travellera. • Two doers North of Sharp's Hotel. A FEW HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR SALE. Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. •53-1Y r". ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN`CANADA. • Youeto & CassernEnuese-S rs,• I feel it a di -04 1 oWe, to 3 oil, as well as to the to inform- you of the mcist wonderful 'cure of Cone -Limp Lion, acaomplished in My .persen, by thee use of the Great .Shoshonees -tleenedy and coughed a: great deal day.end night; expectorating a. great quanti- ty of niatter, and had a great pain about my left lung. 1 had cold elid,ls :every „. day, and severe night sweats eveeynight, and between thse red: ing ought and great sweating; I was 7,1m0St del:wive( 1 oX sleep ; by heseeMieeriee well as he ls of _appetite. I was see e- hareny stand ,alone 1 'deiced that 1 cou I was ' under •the pare Of a, physician for a. 1 length • of time; • and i finding no relief, 1 tried. different reccipes;,' but. all without any good effect.. Squire Petersen of Bath, i c - commended. me to use the Gna& fehoshotice s pewfee thoroughly, and heal ulcerated and 'Remedy; I produred three bottles at mice, exe`oriatecl parts E.OW TO APPLY IT. Rub the pert oF ti)c boO.y where pain ea -it; itely the Rriuly het fi soak a flannel n the nelitd; and lay it • across iho palls Kbere there is pale or inflerem :thin. It be )U:3 tiro t 0 V rsiiive for rubb ng, hetLe 1he ioey :with the Relief with a spouge. Pain the inneNSturitIes1.11eiliting stibsich ia FEAT m•••••......••••.. • CONCECTION OF THE L,LINatil. Bor,21.-,17.'iThry , ia all rale :cra s t'v) ; 11-3 .c"..„-; • e 3:a.3(11 r e 1 I ;41 Emma f:011,1_:".1 _A. 1 11..f.:(r).41.,-f ic e'sar I xirte ni 1.Av ).loroc-X ; will eza,a, and -lhe amso that occasion 3 Vac 1.1..;1rnaxed. 'TA KEN INTEr_NALLY.r • Ton to :0 Crr: lrf.f avo ninr.te . r 3 .t.11 , Crat.1:- ; frtfla.rtr.ta.- A oa Cfn r Lael.:31_ra• natl. era eais io ,c3 r34,,eatca every 1.5 minutes, ‘711 cur() Cie worst itt-Ilus holerre. si.ncl from • 1.11.c A Great Medical Triumpb. NEW PraNcIrrirs IN PURGATION" • stcURED IN DR, RA-DWAY'S Assocai .eonnnuniqirting its tura ive properties ihrouah the BLOOD, SW' EA ftINii, ant.1010.:ethtectl• lisiplipaosi;ful ord nary eases is I del3e-Two tea spoonsful-i: chronic disease that bat the pat'Tent fir ve;:rs, It is n powerful Remedy of 11111111. It i6 unlike all preparAions 0 Sars.lpa ri I a. heref re, always ask fo • Dr, RDA Sarsaparil ian-take no oth hat tilt -word Sars. parillian is on t] lahcl of cad beale--a d R. R. 11„. Ivont. THE ITEiLtrir 3 BADV1A7" EARSA.P.1111.1LI: • 77: Properties ty' if MUSA -t• pr:ok ,)f llama ;. tion CPT: 1. AV : 3. an c ai;13_,,xion. LI. I 1 17.'122ot-03 ;n • 1 • • 1- J.,,•Afa •, LINIV.i. . FUC1.--71" Fiat tnt 1 .11 0.Vt; '','N 4. -1...: :,i.'...\ . • af...,.1'11.c v.; Allri! ,..31n 11 •Cr :. 1 . (lel. 11.:3•Ir ?.. f.,.rol '.-3 • . :-:11 rt,;=ti.1:1 .,\'‘V:1;...•t, i-Fi ::: '. (1'• i) ri*3.:41coml)itt'at:. an,11. :f- 11 I 11 i'l'' itoioivenc po-,s;.bili,i4.1 a d ,abt. • VAIIIE3 EA innikv.A..—T r. 2 r,l. /2.., 2 1311 4\ ,.1. 2 1 .r.';11.1."1.11'.31 )(t- iiiit i .> 2 s 1.3•2 ' IN )1 cr.3in,.1.tt; •::: CV ,n,r; c 7 .I.. r -, -• n11, 7.'a.I -.. . i ''Ir. rde:-.1, .., 4 • ii .• r Ju:i ., ..-...^1: ,,1r.r., c t_ -Ci• t, t b f *" : t.t 3;.'ihr •-..-. 3 ' . " .... ••• It 1 c :- .. 4 ;,1 :1-,.‘ 1,1 -:. : : 2 3 3 11,1:: -..:ii.11:111.1,1....). 1(71,2•':.;,:,13:...1;.,5, ... c, a 1 Li c-.1. • A.13. r 3 t ::. 1 • .- t 1..t. 1 `c: C.,: ,,..)17 .1 4 i'. 1 r.- i-' ' Ii.' s.':. '. ; ;.:: ' .1. ft.'..? 1 t ‘ . 7 1 ..,..... 11:r .34„ .y. t / t - 3 1 :: i n.-..1 1 1 :.,:z _1 .1 i .1' - .1-1 t '2 1 1 1.:.*:•,11.-; ). ' •111, a. v. ),I•.....c. , ) -.r• -.1, I -2,fli 1. e -.,., , r (7. 1:1; .1,... N. :I. (.. (1.3.3-• 1 i > iv ?Ifni.* sn.:1; r r 11 t 3:;.*•.: 1 i . • ; 'I' :L. • :01-r„:.nt; )1 i '2 r? . ir Ear...K.,.).......dialaio c1....t 1 crr) 1.4USL , NEV/1.14 Dt.s=3(.:0V.722.7.1.7, *. 1 t 3' 13,t3 I, I VI-) r •' 3.3. n •FOR BILIOUS r Not 0110 in a, thou •tiatfrer 17z6orri =not's cy. 13+r. 17.206-a-Vvray'S 1'1,011..11 I:"V Trjr3CL1731tIT Tredie • f; ass!) , • ; t. - . ?, luit r 1 • ;.1. ur'a . .r .3‘.3.3r3 ,•z t 3•3:ne 3 1..r. -oc,t113- ; a :seise ba.elia 7.1 fir.1Q t;.• • and: -Nrovitid 3.13 •ca.) - Perfect Purgative Pills• served. n -d all tlo ja a y ( IF.• elzed It la 3311.10 -tis - 1.—A Vegetable Substitute fer Calomel mut Mercury. 13.0Tis • CalinS and M'e'Verl Pc -'16"-4,r a,n4i 2 Counter -Irritation, inade perfect in 4, int e-i?mit Radway's Pills, tit withdraws infinn-laLin 17venl?-1:1-ant ar4 from Congested Blood Vessels, Nerves, tapt le;-'-es-er. In. fact ,fanimai Liver, Stomach. Dowels, Kidneys, and oeaer ancl'-venetetaible fewer,: f_t;;C/ T'Xis <yv-ext- viscera, and purging all excrementiticus, ted unit euxed Arkyys 3. --in these Pills a nourishing- and nutri- .1)-Y th° 'As3C"..- 13r-1 tibus principle is secured, by -which - the blood, juices and fluids of the system, en. - come invested with the vigor of lice---tliey are the only purgatix-e - telat strenp•thens during the process of p ration.. corrui)t humors and diseased deposits from assIsteat recruji ed the system. • Tr"ir nAlfriEr"Pr •PE. - ' As a prevention„ when melaelies prevail, Take one p These Pi:ls act as a solvent and tonic to will reeruldte the liver. ' '1" 1 •-) ' - / ''.:.:-. the gastric juice, enabling this solvent ef eency of tile hcaltly concut: the system to properly dissolve the. salx:- juice, the haturzil solvent o "tances taken into the stomach, and aia di- secure lialtly digestion ; .-.' drops of , \ eady Relief, in -Fate'. :13 a drink, t'lis will isecure inv4;oritilon and strength where there is weakness, Ls-situde end lan- guor, angl neutralize the i olz--cnous acids, 9;encratedi from the gases of indi ,..ested food, irritant and morbid humor : - &c.. and if seized with any gestion, and the convertion of said suhSttm- cis into the proper constituents to titke pure, rich and wholesome blood, the deficien- cy of -which the cause 'of Lyspepsiaw„ hi - digestion. Diabeates and many urinary oiffi- eulties, etc. 4. -They regulate the organs of the SS's - tem ; restoring functional harmony and.se- take the in large ,dose3 t.) 6, every six curing the secretion of the proper consti- hours, a :few doses will e.:.,sure a cure. I , tuents of each organ ; by their a tion the have c:Ted the Avorst for; cf Ty - Liver se retes its allotted proportion of bi- phoid, Marsh, Ship, and Ist nnu3 Fevers, m le -the Lungs, Carbon -the Skin, Sweat- the Westi Indies, South .A reer:ea, al:d my the Kidneys, Urine, &c. treatment with the Ready 1 Cal, arr.1 Pills, 5 -The aged, aid persons subject to have met with the same :sucas.s.; t!.1: East Constipation, Costiveness, Paralysis and I ndies,---these fevers are 1 cf crle Weakness of the Bowels, Kidneys and Mad- and will imore readily yiell mikler der, &c., that h ve to -resort to injections.';- forms as they exist in tern-, erati, by.taking two or three if Radway's will than in their moie fatal typ s of the torrid enjoy natural discharges, and by the occa- zones. sional use of them have regular operations. cm4.-1.--1 -Apo -- AN In these CaSCS their strenn,thening and ntltri- ---- tious principles are exhibited • every idOSC Taken when symptoms of f•-14Ts. or pain I will add new strene-th to the bowels Liter 11 i the lical,r1se:!,at s'oui=h, xn, costive- ..szd 111 -eitheil of these 11 pen d.zy, this any defi- ..1 tille f.-,astric - the sli•stem, and Ten to twenty of stemach, • form of .fevers, , / . , • nes.a, ra_ r3 a ter el:413g, slee*:...n. - s. L.; I (..renr-,s..te..., I Kidneys, &c., that may be worn or depleted dirG.- a ) oar.. wilt Erion er,ro tkl's ‘,. I133.r11.:,/ Fills an unt.110 all o;_lier ; 11:s. 1:•:•..-zh 1 :il en:eta-me by disiaSe Or age. - - :e , e.- _ f be athivo e.".ra'ive -; rinei hi----; ( t vx:racts . - 6 7 -In these Pills, a want that sciencetas of dio rlres'il 1 roLines cf VION'27, .•11-!0 If.h::.01;),*a ? ever finled tee supply is secured, and tleet ir):Tre.:.1:e*: 9 tome of the:a npver eees Lent aeiedi . . clue. e,1 43.1) Loi,curic-Iyilev-% ...I-•''; !.01' 'rehave 1 a h ro ei* 1 ) •rn•nti • Or cnn e .iven pi • ' • 1, . ' --f• ' i -,- • • '- 7 - • : 1 . 1. t o tit) 1 L L,..... ire .....1 ...__ b g_ _ _._ mg.."' , , „cc; um,. cao c laic .... c. 3 1.3 /..f,u. . LB, ' safety Ei cases of emotive fevers es Smll :=N9- ;‘ IT 14E0 fitz-simno 6igna,:s •0,tf i it, 1.-tty k CO., 1. • / " * 1 Pox Erysipelas, Yellow Fever, Scirlet end ea the o lice label, tbero aro :. ) i• Hs 314 a, -i.). box., co - 1 Typ'hoid Fevers -when the Mucous 111.`em- veree wi h t.wcei-, grun. Pi Ito ,:. brane becomes ulcerated -now these :Pills by brufgis:s and Country .t..orcaun:s. .••- 1 .13r. 1..&IDN-cri\.-Nrs AR. -SAP A IR, ..i ..p....iu 14 I AN 1 FEcrl-x7,3-ror. 1 with the Pills, se seen as I e.ommenced using 7. -These Pills are made from extraels- ^ • r- d. t-• t. 1 - it I bevan to get better, and evben I had fi.u- f tfeis coinplement, the emigh, expectora- • y , 'This e:zt4ordipary metlleine malting eAtonishilat suPerior 11 e%e respect to the on.3.ziary ( Lr-lt 1 -hr" -111' tion of matter, pain about the lung, chills, powders end substances of the -commor., ad- Ii9MS1).1.4t 8-11 !or:- • 'IT 111:1 Sweatieg, &e., left Me ; and by continuing. it . vertiseet Pills. TWO Of IZadway's .will 'nr8. LeS2.14:e. lifts ilia, .0 C.C-rtio-3.tIst ^4' its use!). became strong and healthy. act euiciscr than half a dozen of the cominon Cf"1:13V-;1•C t Y.:111 mla now oli•cr two months since I pit the Tepee- _eisee- es: Dever-, crett, 131z.crs. ' `1.11rt-,) LI:innings of dy, and there have been no s3-niptoms •of the. drastic pills in general use. cliseaseteturning,, and have bt.on, aml .ELEQANTLIr cOATED-N0 TASTE OR SlipLL. tonclikrro:i„ 111111 t:i4:;,i^ris from the tile C. inn,134 ce.). 6or.e5 In ell en.?;es cf -weakening,4.1.11 now, healthier and better than 1 have been for years, 1 trust you vill make this known to the public,. that they may be aware of the peeuliar virtues of this , truly vonderful. i.".; it: the Inc$11::criseet,c;:a-ft,:‘ passagc3. 3;3 Diabeates, Ortivd. i;r1L:1:1.1.3 IP Persons who take Pills for the p • scoueiric TE -IE 11431IDES. inc.-4-ca.:.pstf tic lxidne-ys. 1•2t1 1 Urinary - ose • Luprr.ess.011 ani o get ti ng a good scouring out.' are pet4aps th3e-'\'`J, clian Remedy. • not -eware tnzt tacy ere .no tbit+, elanitly, see , an 1 PETER C. V. miLLER,. intestines,.irritatint, the ?Jucous •icat v:o1.410 -to lioN -rater Ernestoevii, Conaty of Lennox an q/ Addington, Ontario. 13'11-2: 1..3e -critie t c; and layinn-the 'foundation for Pile • LI‘e r1 s re - •4%•4f1 -----• cn 1 1)acca 2" (/t has cm.st,nlit (lecire to .1 T all to whom it may come. -This is to certify that I have been acquainted. with the above mentioned • gentleman, Peter C. . V. Miller, Esq., for many years, and have known him always to be of the very high- est respectability and a very candid and creditable person-, and. I am- confident th.at I can safely vouch fer the truth of the above, or any ot iterEsy-ta.1\einf.ep-tit. ms.alideAbRy_phEini.R., • ek). 44-ly • .Rector of Bath, Ontario.. Tam ZIMMERMAN ITOUSE, WROX E- l_ TER. JOYIN ZIMMER3141Y, Proprietor., Dec.. 14„ 1868. 53-tf 11J1cers, g.oreS, &C. AIANDRAKE,1 se;;:. claimed lk t b b ..y•sotne o e a su stinitc for. ler- u:.11 b pain in t o f • •• ' I le nr.3:tt. f 1:zur; lams, cury, prcduce this eact ; it will ‘cor..r irt-1.4--•vz7 il4e11341kIcr r -net the bowels 1'1- wiiLl wear them out1 eeany e optlegre d6ra6s6t,icx,vaontt wiii ::0:-::IftPliT'-:-icli.11171helisv:,.B`ef-r-°'..e.c:171:11i - i bit-1.1-"tt, IL ahche cane bin ii. Bathes, li S. Pharmacopia). ManC:!fake, scrirg dive it. a trial. Dun ....1 oi. er egen...s 1.:Fed in L. as a constittiLnt of a purn-ative pill, for ,o;el ,"te..v.:;°zeteb,nitivic3libt.s.? LI E: Cu llothcei esli "Ix ..., nere.1 or -continued use is hurtful, -awl i-ls in- telye4:3-4 ez i by ono te....s --„cc troduction into a pillsecures no new pziinci- klay. en3oye.i the felicity et pa,s 111h11e.11 ee earst 17, ple. Mandrake is inferior to.the same caa.stic Cf1S:CS s •t' n'tho label cf eneh be-- , CIO.; 11Q2l'ilhan, • 3 isetter 1:2.n13.1eha, 71.tz;irro; CcenWte, 1::`,3 giosrAt• te ',Trams who -...1.30harge bet3 nom:31,3- f; I, 1.11-0 • u?s pet irin• cr ▪ " ; ^ •diepensatory ; so there iahet3c pill cf the s ti * tir„label it R. IL RADV/Alt"1.1.Lcill,o't).9Alli°11.,'Vtit p , in the o,..icinal this agent, although its principal advpcate Address Price one dollar per belie, six bottles way's originaleiscovery, of a vegetable' sv.1)-ieses so„ 1)111°ItirAling17.1.A: presezts it to the public, tinter Dr. Mal- stituto for Mercury. n •nci )Ie , CO., ZZCZITTJUIAT4t. EOM DY LLDrUGGI.-71X ROSS & LUX 1, EDIT VOL 2 Afa CAMERON„ Attorney -at -Law, Cee Dee 14, 1868. TT VERCOE, M. D. xi. CLAN, Surgeon, .11!,,g-niond.vil1e, Dee. 14, PA, TIR. W. R. SMITH-, PJl ij - AC. Office, -- -Grocery, Residence, -Mail -Seaferth, Dee. -14, 1868. '11 . 1) TRACY, M. ite the County of Hurol hREN-CA -One deer East Episcopal Church. S'eaforth, Dec. 14-e 1868. • MeCOSH, ATT-01Is311 e Solieiter Chancerv,C , Paris, Ont. ' Money to 'lea ity.. Terms easy. Office - Mar Building. Paris, Dec. 14, 1868, T)ENSON & MEYER, i _IL) sad Attezneys -at In Chancery -- and. Inso1--m-14 Notaries Public, &c. 4iiiei Wroxeter. .TAs. 11, )3ENSON, Sealorth., Dee, 10th 1868. S& W. McPHILLIP'S, t.• Lanel-Surveyore, Civ All 'rammer of Conv-eyan neaness and diepatela G. missioner in 13, R, Office -- of Sharp's Hotel, Seafortb. • Seaforth, Dee, 14, 1868. AYS & ELWOOD, iL a d Attorneys at L Cnanc y, Notaries Publ &c. 0 ee.-Over 3,1r. -A- (2rahb'$ Bleck, Goderi Lend. j V. TAXICRANCE HAYS ticaforth, Dee. 14th 1868. MeCLEARY, • Lw, Solieitor in ti •• ancer, &c. 01.fite-,0 W. S. Roiiertson. Money • cent. interest, on good Ale real estate. Seaforth, Dec. 12- 1868. W. HARRIS, SURG e Dentist. Artitleial tures inserted with allthe improveinents. • The geat the preservation of decayed. Teeth extrantel -without pa Collier's Store.' Seaforth„ Dec,. J4, 1868. A AMSTRONG'S HOTz EAU, Stage House, A rite This House offers the tion to travellers. Stages Seaforth and Wroxeter stages to Walkerton and 'th at Seaforth. •ARMSTS AinleyVale, April 23, 186 -A -50AUGHEY & MLA, RISTERS, Attorneys -a - in c aneery and Insolvency, and Conveyaneers, Solicit° , Assurance k,,SecaroctN.B.h, Agnts $ fo3r9i S X. Farms, Houses and Seaforth, Dec. 14, _1868. ATSON--CfA sura3ncc on Town a ty with, Thd Provincial 1. Canada, TiJ.c Liverpool -8e In. Co., for Life and Fire. triet Mutua Fire Insur. lapttisltirbleera,11yu''rialtFwiriethilLande°p. Seaforth, Feb., 20, 1868: TAR. LUBELSK-1, SUR romv, respectfully inf of Seaforth and. ;surrounchn7 he is preparta to eure Come blains, Ingrowing Nail% L all diseases of the human *successful treatment, 'with ness. Office directly .opposite Dry Gsods Store, Mam Stree Seaforth, Dec.- 14, 1868. OTICE--LITTI.E Cutting and. Shaving want a good Shave, or or Shampooned, as it ou the "Little Wonder," Sou Hotel, Main Street, Seafo Rooms jfl connection will b public on April ist. Lu making the hAirgroy P-1141. COMing out, was never irn in bottles at81each. Seaforth, Dec. 14. 1868. 5 OWN. EY }RAISE, CO and Huron St,s.', WyL ptietor. The proprietor wo the travelling public .and rounding emmtry that h house in a comfortable ma/me to ace,oinodate All who shall f • The table is banished the market affords, Liquors, best brands. There are good *A to the hotel. Seaforth. Dec. 14, The: ROXETER HOUSE BERS) Propriet.lr. lleen lately enlarged Ala tyleHis rooms arb large d, whiih eannot but Dia home for the travelling pu will be famished wibh all the season. Best brands -Cigars at the Bar. ThiAs general Stage Offtee., Wroxeter, May 14., 1868.