HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-26, Page 7RArci CLUDAY -8i SOK r etitr iiug thanks for vast favors, have he p€easar i f announc ng to the mcr- ts and l)us loess men of Seaforth that they rreparetl to.frecei-e ordersfor all kinds of DR AY RK. Goods handled with care, and aatisfae grraxantc- nd, unary 2lst,, IS69. 8 LL CHAIR MAKER U DERTrA K ER' &c A Large Stook..; LL k$ I4 '- L furniture -kept c(Icst ..Ttt1yon han.l, e=k �.: tnbi4; ' t brie, f't;�,t \ «rtt:tI(' . it a ��a yu F. S4 tt� C[±� E ' }L1 t 11 ra:�t s 54'1'FrIrE�Y 11a15i41.64•1 -t•V.i'i `.- l:.C.1 'u 1I,S r ay.es. ('In kept con -tartly on hand. (Irk mat1,9 in the l)r> itliscs. A If s , for hire. Wa r :room op- "Kidd r" i. IJ'.1S. III L L, 24,IF OFA 1-04 T —A: STEP Serre p rR kt }� 'S t f f ,; OK O D AN FANCY A GREAT on Price. afA)rth. Fat 4th., 1869. 61-tf.. SADDLES, SADDLES. EE subseriLL>r begs to inform the public t1i tt he. ham „fust received a. great variety c Saddles and hick he is prepared to sell 0 L 0 OK Il fl RE! :tattte, Lri dee and Martingale for the shall supe. of : • ' • a 0 1 the way of H ari1ess OF ALL. KJNUS, ,as lecrt,tdc,tt; in aL_ position to'giti=e �. i 4r I t (( value ) 1 aLl ><e ft tIIE;I zmoney �,t, any other esl.a l lishinenrt int Ontario- t�- �of v or_ 5, taut material €in Ioyocl P y 1tAi. nv t hide. .-'1PPOt `ITE KIDD (1 CULKISt. JO -HN C,1.I IPI SELL., t12 f [f TZ. 9 1) 3-tf. " F/OE TO LET' t It exc,c•1Ie nt oftiE c;; to let it Scotts. Thick aloa- - AVI11-,YaLt Mert tU1n & Ilu•l M::TED'S. kili, Jan. 27, tEittE . - 60-tf c F�1 z OYS-TE (D3 f 7• re;5.,1 t �StErx, q artui8es, Lobsters, Pie t:, . s, ai t SW*A.s Of every d& cription.. CALL: AND ��EE Stock I f )i xlE()site .tee 'A N Ohl Stand. •tls Feb. 1•-. i - i;[. - (33-tt. =K M T r C Ti Of i S WATSON { i nform the. p=ublic generally that he carrieson general lllaeksluithing at his :Old Staled. L' OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL AI LE VlLLE, €:Lad attentionpa d to -Horse -Shoeing. villc, Feb. 9tli, '69, 0:1-.1y THE EAFORTH- EXPO ITOR4 4 PROVI cIAL. - - - - Over $43,000 have t,ee), already sub ascribed for the Queen's College endow- . • luent scheme, The snow storms pf h ist week have teen the severest felt -iii: Quebec for _many years. ,Some :of t ie streets were blocked up by, drifts 12 to -15 feet deep. The RomanCatholics of Almonte are getting out in toiial for he erection of a now church on the site ot. the- former one, recently, de'troyed -by` fi re: - `Mr. Jannes Young, M. P. for Water- loot has been treating the Londoners with a leetur9 the" F otmar=ks,oftlie " f ,. people speak (,re�ator, c l �� Lich will tl>ke 1 col p very highly. - The Campbellfotcl Past Office was robed on Monday night of its wail, and the safe of fire Postmaster 'was rifled of _$10,000 No clue : to tir.th perpetrators. In proof of the richness' of .the lana around Lake-ELche:ziia, ln. Lca%iigevin County', it is stated tha4 47 .lmsizels of oats were there harvested to au acre last season. it - A Church Printing_ Cornpa ay has been organized at St. 'Catharines in the -interest of the Church of 'ngland. Some 600 shares at $1O have b en taken, and °it is proposed to issue a- weekly paper in April. The GreatWesternRailway- Company of Carnada has paid into the hands of the Receiver ;General $500, 00; being the first instalment of their i iclebtedness to the Government: - A large body of medica men collected in, the .Mor tre.,1 General ospital recen- tly, to witness the alai lg. out. of a' middle-aged' tuan's ton; ue, on' account of MD der. Somebody has invented &Saw:- which cuts as smoothly as a -plane. Lumber cut with this- saw d{yes not require plan,' Mg ofteiT ards to give.it a smooth sur- face. Now that Whalen is haa,agecli specula..; tion is rife`a is to who shall get the $20,- 000. Claimants must soon present their case, or: forever remain silent. ft Is not often that aan oaince of cola excel becomes the so rce of so much litiga- tion -and expense as -in, this case. Petroleum has, been discovered at Lake Ainslie, °Crape Br 315611, 'flowing r *1 the rock on them :gin of the Lake. The C. B. people Say it .s superiors -to ' any petroletun yet discovered either in the United States or :Canada. The operation of removing the bed rock in the Welland Cauad, near Stone Bridge is expected to give a constant supply s of water to the • railisit. Welland wand Portobirison, and 'give. eueonr. agement t1.o the erection of more mane -- factories at these . places. The weather id British ' Columbia up 1 to -the 19th December, was wondrous mild. The grass - was scarcely- less igt•ten thaaii it was in July] while "the last rose -of suns still! • s user s 111 lingered on the leafless branch, as if a iwilling t -o. depart: The weather - as such as would have become September, `lather s th an hoary -headed December.- The small. -lox has broken opt in ;the- Eastern Townships.. era l .cases Bade occured at Haley and Sweetsburg, : Ii had also made its apperance -at-Fre.iighs bang, and the 1.1unibipal Council had blocked up the roads tend requested Judge Johnson to adjourn the Courts. Vaccination wars becoming, in conse- quence,' onse-quence,' :the order of the day in many of the s trron n cling 1 ill attes,' OTle Episcopalians are cO nmenci «an e#fot°t to erect a cathedralin Halifax, on a lot of•'cround on the Spring Garden Road, . presented eSGll ted for the fan -pose ur: ° i. s b r Y. Judge Bliss. The sum des recd is $l00,- 000 or $112,000 to�}-ar•d w ich a listner of a. sermon dela ei'ecl by Rev. Mr. Edghill, at midnight service in St. Luke's on New., Year's -eve, presented ,`200, and this was supplemented by an- other of $4,000 by the Bishop. A Young married woman, ' named Harriet McFarlance of the 9th con- cession of Kenyon, put an end to cher existence by hanging, on the . night of Tuesday 10th inst. Iter husband left home about four o'clock in the afternoon,. Her mother -in- aw saw her o going to the stable about dusk, and a. short time afterwards bier husband Arettu ned and found her suspended to I Le hook on which he limg his har- ness. being -attached to- it by a `"cir- ciugle, thr9ugh a loop of which slie put her head. ':Her feet were au the flour, and her:knees nearly touching it. EXPLOSION IN AN 'O1L REFINFIIY.• An explosion took place early on Bion-. day horning, in an oil Refinery. in Guelph. The _roof was blown. -off and the building..considerably wrecked. Three of the- wrkmen were considerably injured. It is understood', . that the ac- cident arose from one of tlae workmen carelessly scratching a match upo. n the stone, in order td light his.pipo, The apartment must have been full of in- flammable gas, as the explosion took place immediately;' and the shock was d , • severe, LAT ST OREIGN. DUROPEA* 11(4drrd, Yell.,:17:--ConSicleri bee ex- citement was creted .yesterday by an un9ucessful'pfIoi t to assn si 'tate Gen: 'rirtr. Three arrests were 'made of persons supposed. to . he imj ]icatetl the affair. Paris Feb. 17.—The reports that ex King Ferdinand, of Portugal,' has con- seated -,to be a candidate for the Spaish r atu;.majority throne � are prematurth. . The ma ouP.l of the . members_of the Constituent Co/tet, now it x,ession at. Madrid, are opposed po the Duke of _ 1VIontpensier, and there is little prospect of .his sue cess. Madrid, Feb. 17.—:n addition to the large detachment .of reinforcements a- bout to sail from Cadiz for Cuba, the Government will send out, m. soon the necessary traansportati ►li is ready, an- -ether expedition, which will number at least mein.. London; Feb. 17. The address in reply to the Queen's 5 -ieeeh was agreed to unanimously in botl Houses of Part. lament, In the Hon: e of Commons, last evening. Mr. Di •r;aeli expressed his sorrow that' the it tificaton of. the convention with the Tilted States was not announced. He li oped,l however, for ai speedy completion.:of the treaty. Mr. Gladstone was sure that the nego- tiation ' would end in . the same spirit whirl wthey commenced. The final issue v1otrlcl doubtless be satisfactory to both countries. March fust bas been narued•for the opening of the debate on the question of the dis-establishment of the ltish Chinch. 11141.rd, Feb. 18. --The Cortes have re to std Prime Ministe r Serran o to i f - .tulil6r.ge the cabinet. All the 'present members are likely_ to continue in oFtice: M ad rid, Fe b. 18,—Lopez de Ayala, Minister of the Colonies, has issued an important- decree; to take effect in all Colonial possessions ofIt estab-` fishes a uniform system of legal j u risclic- tion, abo,.ishes ecclesiastical- courts and makes. ,various modifications in the financial adn'inistratioli :of the - Colo- nies. Paris, Feb:.18 —The Conference of the Great Powers met to -day to receive the communication from Athens, of;: which M • alewaski is the bearer. . The reply of the Greek Government to the propositions of the Conference was . satisfactory, and a resolution w :i,s adopted that Greece having yiel.lecl, the :Great Powers -reserve to themselves the right to protect the lives, property and interest of the Cbilistian inlhabitant, of Turkey,. The representatives of the .1'avVei.s finally ,favi their• signatures to the: Protocol, -and 'ttie Conference alis- .solved. General Dix pu bei hes a card in the OT tl this papers s c,ity.; to -day denying a story that lead been actively circulated to the-eff'eet.thaat he hau recently :made a speech sympathizing with the `Greeks in-rnattei'S at issue sympathizing Greece and Tarkey... The General calls atten- tion to the fact that the policy America, has al,lwa s been that f . Y -o bon -interference with European. politi- cal affairs ; and - affirms - that this had, isj, ancl has been his polscy. Par•il;; Fob: 21.—A. frigate fully man- ned hits been ordered to Cuba to pro- t3.t the interest of F. each citi,zens.' Madrid,- Feb. • 21.—The iron -clad Victoria is under orders to sail f'or . Ha- vana. By a recent decree of the Colo vial Minister, all restrictions are re- moved from the office of commercial broker in the Islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. Consiai tinople, Feb: 22.—The de- ci'ees and orders recently iSs ted t the Sublime Porte against the Greeks have been revoked and Turkish ports liaave been thrown open to Greek. shipping - again. London, Feb. 22.—In the Hou se of Commons to-chai, in reply to an enquiry of O'Connor Don, Mr. Fortescue said that the Government proposed to re lease from imps sonment 45 •Fenians who. were convicted of treasonJ year 171 England last 3 a' gland and Ireland, including `several leaders. London, Feb. 22.• --Baron Lionel de Rothschild, Liberal, has been elected to arliament for the City of London, in ,:lace of Mr. Bell, Conservative. ubliu, .Feb. 22. ----.-Messrs. Costello an warren, Fenian Prisoners, have been sot free. -• • A MEEICAN. . .Uava,na, Feb. ,10. The rebel forces in the districts of Villa, Clava, and Ci nfuegos number over five thousand. Th y-.aave destroyed the railway and tel g aph lines. Great confusion . pre vai s Tr aihd ; railroad and tele- graph communication with that city, is cut off: Great number of young men ale leaving the cities and ,joining - tete rebellion. An engagement took place at an C ristoval, in which tire Govein- meet troops were defeated. 'Washington; Feb. 17.—The Jodie reported that the President's Christmas He fears no'competition. ary Ct inmittee of the Senate have �"i\=e hia all, and Save Your Money. WM. H, OLIVER. Seaforth, m Jam.Money. 7th, 1869. 57-tf: esty ,Proclamation was unath ri- d by either the constitution of l' ws. altimore, February 17.—The re o a- it s of the - assassin Bo th. will , be in- ter ,d to -day, in presence of his mot er a d two brothers. f - - ew York, February 17— he 2' e8; . special p says :—The question of the repeal of the Tenure -of -Office 1 et occt pies a large- share'of''tlie • attent on of s. nators'. and there are roan c o n tii t ng opinions : on -the subject. "he 1 bira" treaty was considered his mor ing in the Senate by the • Fore gn. Rely tions Committee, but no _ defi ite conci nasion wasi reached. Ai pampl let of a )out 70 pages; containing sev al d-- c moats, beari g in one- way or 11 - on the queston„ has been •distribu- te , mong Senators 'as a confidential co ni a nidation.: The whole 'subject Iv" 1 come tip agaim for _ consideration in the Committee on Tuesday next. =vana; Feb.- - 17.--7Transports ' i.= ri et -1_ to -day with reinforcements of re a atir troops from Spain. .The - - nu be ' f arrests for political causes ( re da 1 increasing. several officials ha e be n thrown into prison on suspicion of 'e olntionar proclivities. Enga P a e - b men s between the troops and the .1,:b els a 'e reported,' to , have taken plce. near Trinidad, Cienfuegos and Espir'to• Sant . The Diario states the ins r - gen near Sogua la rande are eco plete y surroundedY ni-Governe t tr o s, 'and -will be c mpelled :to s r- redrs ashington, .Feb,' 18.—The Sena e Co ittee on Foreig i Relations t . is morning agreed to reconainend to t 1e fa ot-.rable action of : that . body t ie• Nate rali ation Treaty made with Enn- la d ; ,also, the treaty.. leaving to t re Gove 'nnient of Switzerland the arbitra- ment of the San Jain.). Island dispu e betw en. the United ►:.tates and Gra it Brit' 'n. The Comms tee came to • n unanimous conclusion to recommend o the Sedate the, rejection of the Alab ma c aims treaty with England. n effort will be to -morrow' to go into - a ecuti e session to consider these repos s of th Committee. , H• vadat, Feb. 19. -The insur;en s held '•uanaja, a port south of the R.)_ lean Ca -s. They have fortified t e e town, and batteries rn innEd by Arisen- cans. • The .lJ le's • Havana: special says; t ie Spanish"force in arms on the R EA DY'' M A DE - � • CLOTKlHG t Islan number 70,000 Hien. The He-- cald'sj e -West, s ecie. , says the Pert - viai ron-clad fleet, with the convoy arrived here this morning roil, : Pe sacolat New York, Feb. 12.—R o - Janeiro ad vie s to January 26 stat that the wStasar, as considered ended. Aseuncion was o cupied by the allies.n Jauuar y I- Yana, Feb. 21: -On hundred Cuba ' . revolutionists are r ported -to have surrendered at Colona, heir lead er ha\ nig been killed. The -eport that a Lot y° insurgents are sur •ounded is confir7ed. • An incendiary.' proclama- tion, - ailing anion legroea -to rise, bias be-�n eized bythe . authoriti s. - .e Washington, Feb. 21.--- he action of the Committee on Foreign relations whohave h e r esolvecl to i:ecom ecce the 'reject on of the Alabama clan Has treaty,. . has lit met with corres..Iiondi g unani- mity rom ether Senators: It is prob- able that the consideration of;the treaty... will bee deferred until]. ` next session. It is ! pertain that' . • the Senate will' act With clue deliberation on the subject. 11 GREAT ATTRACTION THE LARGEST STOCK ;OE' DRESS 0 THE NEWEST STYLES OF THE CHEAPEST LOT OF hawis THE -BEST VALUE TN . Tweeds and Goths. THE :NICEST 'STOCK OF Ev KI KRUP�i' STOCK. � a LK.c U- 1N AVE j st returned from tire mar w' with t e west reidlete, cheapest, an BAST. impo pr Pu Tato - The stock AT Ch .Ile ed -.into ce, stile, TOCKr- eaforth, which, nd quality, s nkrupt Goods - the Shade 11 be fou d complete in th? Sa 1!I B• e Pelees, Ladles' Gr Ladi ' (hest Bonnets, - RatE. Straw gods. .;Fes.. s, Flower:, ° rious departmehts, • RICES WHICH . ge C m etitio Consist' g of awls ntles, akfast Shawls, - ers, Protectors, Silks, - Irish Poplins,1 - ench Merinos, "obours, u stres, aratheas,l - rince's C rds, 'rape Clo F rots, Wincies, `C mbrics, _ T :cking,l Orey Cottons, r,teady-in de Clothing, oad Cl ths, Ifesp`lor Twe s, , - Over ooatangs, Fanc;•Flans Is, 5 Homs -made FIwinds, Carpets, • l arse B aukets, Ladies' S tchels, .lots and Shoes, Anel . choice a;ssoitlnent of AT HILL'S The, election of offices of the. Grand Orange Lodge took place at Stratfor yesterday: The following w..e.re_;elec tied : ' D. McCarthy, Barrie, Grant Master, vice J. Coyne, M. P.; resigned; W. W. Conner, 'o '� 1 Huron, r and J. ;Res Robertson. Tordnto, Deputy Gran Masten ; Rev. Mr, Smith St. Mary's Grand Chaplain ; Thomas -Keys, St Catharines, Grand Secretary ; :James H. Rossey, St. .Catharines, Grand' Treasurer ; W. • Parkhill Xing, Grand lecturer ; W. S. Fletcher, $t Cath- arines, G.. D. F. f •••••- EW HARNESS SHOP.. �1HIJ undersigue,1, WILLIAM 'I II.OLIVER, Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Sc a - forth and surrounding country, that he has opened a First1(>lass Horness Shop, Opiiosite-the Post Office, MAIN STREET. He has had over twenty years experience in the business, and for the last seven years has bee in the employ of F. A. Myers, who speaks highly of his ability as a. workman. Having bought out MR. TAIT'S - Stock and purchased a : - LARC - SUPPLY OF 0000 MATERIAL, He is prepared to sell AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER ESTAB- LISHMENT IN THE COUNTY. ' En Scotch , and Fancy TEAM AND LIGHT - HARNESS! • d THE PRETTIEST cryar ILLZ N c.2.99. hND THE GREATEST VARIETY OF a FANCY GOO1)S, AT -•w_ MILL'S NEW BRICK STORE, OPPOSITE Fresh' from' the markt.' - Also a large qua tity of • a'NO1I ACO, , CODERICH AND CUNT t{Y S AL K'IDD & McMULK:I N Seaforth, October 20. 1868. erg -or ‘IIN R :E AIX joitit RittidiVOOd troul ,:respectfully tender his sincere than ass to tale public, of Seaf th and- :surround:- country for the very libcral,la- ` tronage ille has eceived since c:onhmeueing usiness in SEAFORTH. And ltd much pleasurt that he i OPENING 1 in informing tea in tends - A very°Large, Coliiple ; and well nssrer d : • Stock of DEY :AND CDS! GattRIE Which :will be sold o the `Small Pro; and Quick Returns"- system. • . In order to make room for the NEW y He will, ailing the Next two= 1 months Offer the ' balance of the WINTER; 640D COSI Price. Ind RemeOrzber Unde 1 This till be a genuine i sale, Great Barg, will begiVe . Give usacall.F THE LARCE BRICK HOTEL1 It is itgeless to aluctte p*ices, as you must tliA, goods, to judge of their :value, BU.. E Ed TTE�# � ��GS TAKE'. SEAFORTH. 'And -die Righesf Price paid: ' 1 SRI TA NN I A HOSE. REMEMBER 11 j hn Br4ildWoOd Meares' Old Stan S1 A FORT , Februy 11th, 1869. is 5