HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-26, Page 67 CORRESP s N/J.EDicEis, -Wrox6tOr 1 .FrOla our Special Corivepoodera., . Advertisements are out calling for tenders to .furnisn poles •for the . tele- graph line between this place and. Sea - forth. This • line will no doubt be a givat advantage _to the businessmen of Wroxeter. Penton &co., are now se1li4, off their stock of dry goods and groceries, by auction. They intend closingbusiness in a' few ' clays: On the _evenings' .of Thursday and ,Monday th 18th and 22nd-inst., a Lady -ow travelling through. this section of the cortry, lectured -in Chamheq gall, uponithe Revelations and Gospel of Jesus Mist. i 1 • Pigigs Price claims to be a messenger coramissioned . by God. to 'preach the Gospel to the JeWs. Shp says that the little book ' spoken ' Of . the lOth- chap., of Itevalations was delivered to . 7 'her at Ingersoll, .in the Year 1-866, and that for some time she -1-00.prophesy before many peoples, nations, tongues and kinfs,sand -afterwards deliver the message to the -..Tews., She says that -when she first received tlie littlebook, it was in' her mouth ssweet .fts ha1ey, but its after effeets she has not ;, et experienced. Shesaysthat she will be followed by two other messengers, the two spoken of - in the Ilth _ chap. of Revelations. We think she must be a sister of- the prophetess who , was found in one of the coraidors of the White House, at Washington, with an unloaded, old fashioned, double-barreled pistol, . who said she was commissioned by Almighty' God to shoot Andy John- ston. .Frorn, our Special Corre6pondeht. Business in this village has improved considerably within.this last week. Two .farmers living on the 2nd Con., are takingadvatntgea of the Ba-nkrupt Act. -Mr. Thcs. Hubbard having sold his fsrra, intends going into hotel keeping at Lakelet.. The contract for the Drill Shed. has been aWardad. to mr. McLaulin,his tender being the lowest $665 • . I -ie. Bye-law he pitied for , the same.—Carried. Moved by Robert IP,attersozi seconded by Samuel Hannah That 'hawk *oung be re- appointed TaVerll inspector for the current ieavr. —:Carried. 'lived by John Malone Seconded by Thomas -Davidson That John O'Connell be appointed to the office of Clerk , for the present year. Moved in amendment by Robert- Patterson seconded by Samuel Hannah That jonn O'Sullivan be reappoint- ed . Clerk for the present : year. --Amendment corried. Movedby Samuel Hannah, Second- ed by Rebert Patterson That Mowbery be appointed. to the office of -.Assessor for the, for the present year.—CaaTied: Moved in .araendment by Thomas Davidson, seconded; by John Malone. That Donald McGregor bq appointed Assessor, and in the event of hiin! not accepting the office, that James Kerr bci .appointen to the office. —Amendment Carried. Moved by JohniVIalone, seconded by Thoraa Davidson that Michael Murdy be appointe to the office of Collector for the presentyear —Carried. Moved in amenelnient by Saraue Hannah, seconded by Robert Patterson Tha. 'Samuel Smith be appointed. to the office o Collector for the; present year, and in -th . event of his not accepting of the office that Finley Ross be appointed. --Amendment lost. Moved by Samuel Hannah, seconded by Robert Patterson That the Clerk be and- is hereby instructed to draft a By-law limiting the number of Trvern and Shop "Licenses in the Municipality, viz.., Tdvern Licenses '60 Seven, and.-Shori Licenses to two, and the !sum to be paid for each- Tavern License in. - chiding the Province duty shell be $30, and the sum to be paid for each Shop License shall be in accordance with the License Act, passed in the last Session of the Provincial Parliament of Ontario, also that the follow- ing parties be granted Tavern License, pro- viding they comply with the By laws of the municipality, and the License act of Ontario viz Kenneth McLeod, Robert Alexander, • , . W. W. Bowie, John A. Johnson and James Kennedy.—Carried. MOved by _Robert Pat- , terson, seconded by Thomas, Davidson That a debenture be issued in faciour el John Mc- Millan for the sum of $25 as partpayment for work done on the hill between the 12th and 13th Cons. —Carried. Moved by Samtel Hannah, seconded by Robert Patterson That the acct of A. Bay P. L. S., of $13 be; paid, also the acct. of W. T. Case of 7.5ets. for N. Roll be paid–Carried. It was Moved and . carried That tenders be receiVed for the erec- tion of a frame . bridge over: the Maitlaial River, known as Cowan's Bridge, in accer- dance with a previous advortisomeifb. After examining the different tenders it 7 8 IVIcRillop CounoiL =found that Thomas Fox's tender was !.-6 • !lowest, . to cOmplete the contract for t - The Omen met pursuant to adjournment from last meeting at McLeod's Hote1?'.Fe9. 17, 1869. Present the Reeve' and all the Council. Proceedings of the lest meeting, read and adopted: 'Moved by Samuel Han- nah, seconded by Thos, 'Davidson That' the sum of $180, and was accordingly duly ac cepted. Moved by Robert Patterson, se- conded by Samuel Hannah That the Coun- cil do now adjaein to meet again on tltie first Monday in March. next, at Robert Alexanders' Jun.r. formerly Rebert;Hannah'S. - Reeve be instructed to call arneeting Of the —Carried. Reeves :and. -Local Superintendants, some JOHN O'SULLTVAN, time between now and -the 1st- of Oct. next Tp. Clerk. for the purpose of redressing a grievance of parties belonging to Union S. S. No. 1 Mc- Killop. --Carried. Moved by John Malone. Seconded, by, Thin. Davidson, •That -the- Reeve do issue a debenture in favour of John, :1'..1-eGroy,:for the slim of $58, for his service as Collector for the year 1668also that an- other debenture be issued infavour of the same person for the sum of $16 80, being an error in the assessment, of Lot 8, Con. 13 in 'the year 18681—Carried.• Moved by John Malone, s'econded by Thos. Davidson That the Reeve do issue -a debenture in favour of the follow -Mg parties, for there services is Returning Officers for the" year 1869, : for ; George Diekson $3 0, Dennis Downey $3 50, Etlward. Aoaeli $3 59; john Morrison 3 50, John O'Sullivan $3 -50.--:--Carried. Moved I by. John Maloneseconded, by Thos. David- ; son That the Reeve do issue a debenture in , favour of Francis. Fowler -for the sum of $21 55, for gravel for the }iron -Road. --Carried. Movel by Samuel Hannah, seconded by Robert Patters -on St, Thomas Burton be ' paid the sum of $11 for building a -stone cula Vert andAigging a draM in the.14ronaBoad certified by Alexander Cameron, Pithraastier_ to be paid out of the boundryqine appropria- ., tion. —Carried. The. Auditors trepOrt being then submitted and. the Council having ex- amined it when it was Moved. by San -11161. Hannah,' seconded bv Johnellalane, That the Auditor's report be received as eerrectand that the Clerk be instructed to get 50 copies' of the abstract of the ;Auditor s ileport print- ed and published, also that the Auditors be paid the sum of $3 eaeli for their s4viees. .Moved by Robert Patterson, stkconded. by - Thos. Davidson That with respeCt to a dis- puted expenditun of money on the Town line between Mc KilloP and Millet in the year 186.3, that bef::.)re this Council take any i action in the -matter a deputation composed - of the Reeve an.1 Dept. Reeve, be authorized ta visit the Huila Couned at its next meet...! in anal mvestigue the raitter.—C, -Noved by Robert Patton, seconded by John !I. 161a1one That the Reeve do issue a d.eben.- titre in favour of •Ja.s.. Henderson to the araotta;,-, uf J 23 for gravel, certified by Jo:iii.e..rlita„ James Henderson., !James Nicol, (.eo. aleIn:osh and iti.ehard Thomsen, Path - :a . --Carried. Mo 4J by John Malant sc. col...IL-A.1)y IE. ulnas Ii.ay:.11sen.l.'ha,f the sala arer- -Collector, A.,7, t Tovaan .Inspte"....or lie as follows ft. c..e t.Ut yr : :-.80,2Treasurer ;7::•-i 6, Taa-tru insp . .%.1 , Mallet Council - The municipal Council of the township Of Hullet, met at Lan desborough, on Mon- day, the 31st :inst., pursuant to motion f adjournment. All the members prosentj. The minutes of former meeting were read and athinted. It was nioved by Mr. W. Warner, . seconded by Mr. H. Snell That the Clerk instruct and authorize the Count Treasurer to . cancel $5 of • non-residen slatute labor. on Lot 32, Con. 14,for 186 as it appears the work has been performed —Carried. Moved by Mr. II- Spill, secondi- ed by Mr. W. Warner That Andrew Sloa be appointed C011ector f or the current yeal. (William Grant having refused to take Office and. that, tbat part of Bylaw No. 1, 1869 fixing the Collectors salary at $60, be repeal ed,i and. $65 be substituted, once a By-law b , prepared and passed to that effect:—' -Carried Moved by Mr. A. Monteith, seconded b j R. Stephenson 'That the following follow ing amounts be granted -to be expend. _ ed on the bonndry lines viz., $100 boundr line Linnet and McKillop, :,',400 boundry lin Hullet and. Morris and $100 boundy lin Huila and goderich, provided that the ad joining, fores4clro.unicipalities grant an qua, a1-mount—Ca ried. 'Moved by Mr. w War . , . Jae; seconde(,1 by W. It ;Stephenson That Tavern Licenses for tho present year, inelnei ing the Provincial duty be $35„ and that Shop Licenae, including Provincial duty be $50, andthat a By -low be prepared and. pass- , ed for establishing the same, and also, thati1 I334aw 'No. 77. passed in 1866, entitled " all By-law fof making provision for Shop and. i Tavern License" be repealed.---CeiTied. I Moved by • W. A. Monteith, seconded by! H. Snell, That Alexander Callander be ap- pointed. Tavern Inspeetor for the current year. —Carried. . Moved by Mr. W. Warner, seconded by Mr. A. Monteith That the fol - g 1 etitiens for Tavern License be grant- ed viz., John! Lashan's of Londesborough, and Chammon Yeo's, ef Kinburnprovided they comply with the requirements of the Provincial, 'Statutes and township By-laws. 7.---Cairied. The township was laid ont into road divisions, and' the Clerk was instrneted to prepare a scheilnle thereof for the ua of the Assessor. The Council then, adjourned to. meet again at Londesborough on the eeond Monda; of 4;Fril next at ten o'e1oc11 A. tr. JAMES BE AITH W A inf.; .flaillet„ Feb.. Litt 14:J, , gr).(posprp:R. GreatClect, ring Sale oF Three Immense Bankrupt Stocks at Original Cost Price, for ThirtyUntil the whole is disposed of ; w M the Days, or Stores of West & 00x, and H," W MeCartn, Seaforth. • The subscriber being obliged to return to Hamilton, 11.48 instructed his agents to offer the remaining portion of the Three Bank- rupt Stocks lilt Original Cost Price, andmany goods at half price. • SALE OF THE STOCKS AS. FOLFLOWS : - Thos. Meares' and West & Cox's stocks will bo found in the store formerly carried on by West & Cox, an,d, H. W. Mcepn's stock will be sold at hi S old stand. A *ge lot of neNv and costly goods have been.adcled, having been pur- chased at _Bankrupt, Trade, and other Sales . for caSh, will also be spld off at whatever sacrifice. Merchants, Pedlars, Farm- ers and others.who emit m ?late visiting" Seaforth, to purchase, will do well to call at West & Co-:x's old -stand, or at H. W. McCann's, where they can de- pend upoii getting g ods at really half price, as th y must all be _ sold immediatelf—the subscriber being obliged to re- turn home—and rather than - remove the goods will WO them_at a great sacrifice. - Now is your tune to secure bargains. If you allow this golden opportunity to pass, it will be your own loss. The _stocks in both stores are well assorted, and very complete in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes Groceries Hats Caps, &c. Having been pur- chased at so much in the $, can be sold at what other mer - chants pa);-, and still have a profit. Yours, &c., L. R. CORBEY. P. S.—Stores represented by two large British Flags. Seaforth i Jan. 27th. 60-7 LOOK OUT FOR The Sign of the Big WHERE J DCAN & CO ARE SEIIING- ALL- SORTS OF ATS OAPS, Boortis & SHOES, AT A Greatly Reduced Price, FOR ONE MONTH ONLY! 4 -4 -.-To make room for :-.4pring6.tock. Seaforth, Jan. 2btli. 46. FARM FbR -SALE. 'ING South half Lo No. 10, Concession ‘1) 9, Township of Morris, miles from Blythe, containing 100, acres. = For further particulars enquire at the store of john Braidwood, Seaforth. R. R. CLARK. January 8th, 1869. • 57-6in ovmship of Morris. BY-LAW NO. 2. 4HIRAM COLLIDAY TN returning 1869. g.i- the pleasure -. .-A 1 chants and nisi TXTHEREAS it is expedient and necessary' ii axe prepreI to VY to build a= Bridge over the River Mait- -' land, between lots l 0 and 11, in the 6th con- 3 4 hanks for past fa of announcing to less men of Seafort eceive orders for DP.A....Y WORK. cession of the Township of Morris. Be it .! CO -Goods han lied with care, an therefore enacted by thc.: Municipal Council 7•-i tion gniante.d of said Township of Morris, and it is hereby January 1)3t, enacted by the authority of the same Oat the County Surveyor shall be forthwith em-. ployed to Make a plan and specification of said Bridge. 13e it further enacted that so soon as said plan and specification are obtained, that the. job of building said bridge shall be let by public tender, in such manner, and undera such restrictions as may or shall be herein , - after provided. by By -Law. Be it further enacted, that the time and mode of payment for said bridge shall be fixai ed by ByoLaw hereaftcr to be passed. Be it further enacted, that said By -Law for the buildin,e, Of said bridge shall not bEq passed until it is made apparent by a vote (A the Ratepayers of said Township of Mo3riS.4 that they are desirous that said bridge shouldi be built.. - Be it further enacted, that for the purposti of ascertaining the views of the Rattpaym* of said Township of 3.,lorris, relative, to thti:. building of said, bridge,- that a poll shall 1.)61 -opened at the following times and places io the said Township of Morris, to reccive thal votes of said ratepayers for or against Qui building of said bridge., viz : At School House No, 8 in said To-aoish , of Morris,- at 9 o'cloek a,. m., on the 6t March, 1869 • and also at _Holland's StoriA on the North half of Lot No. 11, m the 8tr Conc.?ssion of said Township of Morris, at o'cloek. a. m., on the 84-1 (hay of Mareh, 18,9„ Be it further enacted, that the bormilariel for VOting raltiVe to said bridge, sha I be tlisi same as at the last Parlianientary efecti(04 in said Township of Morris., Be it further enacted, that the Townsh4 . (Auk sha I be the Returning Officer at boti places of voting, and that said Clerk sh:t,:sil lay the result of the said voting before ti --b 'said Council of _Morris, -at the next meetij,-. r thereof after said voting shall have ta4:11. place. . (Signed), .= THOMAS KELLY, • Reeve of Morr THOMAS HOLMES, Township Clerk. , I certify that the above is a, correct ear' of a By -Law passed by the Municipal Coln- cil of MoiTis, at their regular meeting, in the said Township of _Morris on the 14 February, 1869. THOS. HOL.1.IES, Township Cie * To the Ratepayers of Morris. TAKE ,NOTICE, POLIt for the'perpose of voting on Jt abov6 By -Law will be opened: asi lows : at School House No. 8, at nine e'elOk thhl-farch 19 n IaIm.on.e6t‘86adat 110-'1 : t land's Store, North half Lot 11, on the eh Concession, at 9 &clock on the March, 1869. • TIIOS. HOLMES. Morris, Feb. 18th, 1869. 63-3i JUST RECEIVED, " A CHOICE SELECTION OF RASPBERRY JAM, STRAWBERRY JAM, RED CURRANT JELLY, BLACK pp:. DO PINE APPLO, JELLY, PEACH' JELLY, 1 PEAR JELLY, AND ORANGE MARMALADE AT Scott 'Robertson's. BRIGGS' ALLEVAN'ibRi the great Ca-rAnnar. February 19th, 1869. HEalatenn, .N...annaaes-a and Universal Pain Remedy. is iniquesti. nobly the most agree - •I able and efficaeions iemedy knownto modern science. It relieves all pain instantaneously and redubes intamation with rapidity, crea- ing a healthy Oction of all disased organs, neutralizing all poisonous effects an' making, a? rapid and radical cure of some of the most distressing complaints to which mankind are subject. Briggs' Allevantor is sold by Wm. Rolls, Agent, and by druggists and country merchants generally. GET IT. TRY IT. • IS 0 family should be without it a day, , BRIGGS' _MODERN CURATIVE, for Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, Tender Feet, &c. It is the safest and most eflica,cious remedy ever discovered for the cure and prevention I of ailments of the feet.. It is not potash or acid, but a soothrng. softening and healing ointment, warranted not to injure the most delicate feet, but will soon affect a radical cureg...f thesevexatilous torments of the hu- man family.: There is no remedy equalto an operation by a skilful_ Chiropodist. When this is not convenient,, Briggs' Modern Cura- tive comes as an angeI of mercy. Solcl. by Wm, -Rolls, Agent, and druggists -every- where. Dr: J. BR1GOS, 08, Broadway, N. Y. Address, C. II. WRIGHT co., <6 Co? amil- ton, Ont.; General Agents for Britfsh HPoss- essions. (551y 63-t' 4 pEAutru, HATIrit 3k.TA.TURVS CROWN. You Must Cultivate GRAY HAIa Is a certain indication Decay at tb.e Rom s. 19111,S. S. A. .A./LLENIS Hair Restorer 1 Restores gray hair to its natural color and heautt i and produces luxuriant growth. It gives the hair beautiful 'gloss and delightful fragrance. - , „ . bianttfactory and Sales Offlees, 35 BARCLAY STREET and 40 PARK PLACE, N. Y„i 266 HIGH HOLBORN), London, Eng. WSeatter. and Rolls, Druggists, agent foa SeafOrth. For Sale everywhere. , January 28th. 1869, 60-1y. II. Lc A Vs 1Surgeon,e OE,. e. t De ' Egin 01AVi11g, Dee. 14, 1868, 53-tt 1869. .13 CABINETe CHAIR U 'DERTAKER SON, ors, lave the mer- tb at they 1 kinds of satisfac- A Large Stoo * v, ATiri-nil,,„1:,:., fa miture kept' C031 -tant -on ba icclit.it.irgiaii.ci.relisff. 01, 3013 isting _Mof fhe 111.:i3t, * rieirtes. ng attrasscs,. lildren's ns kept constantla on hand. elzii.A ork xn:Ihuflettrb, etft premises. fiiii,ii-..e. Warizoom op- posite. Kidd A 3,emulktt - T.Ii0S. DE L, March 'il-, 18o6. SELLING- OF AT BN7 fLO GI ivAIN STREET Fa .A._ V 0 IR., a" LARGESTOCK OF ST.APLE i.AN D FA -1\10Y 'READY -MAD= prr Sgeitv AT A GREAT itedite Seafortli, Feb. SAM:4.E% SADDLES, SAD 011 th, 1869. rrHE subscribe 1 that he has j of LES. egs to inforrn the public t received agree, variety Saddles and. Which hd is prepared to sell At Prices A most Unpar i-0 - L 0 0 c HE RE A Saddle, Bridl and - Martingale ' Sinall suin of In the -w 1 for the i • y of }-karness„ • •••,7 OF LL KINDS, . He is, ras hereto ore, in a. position to give his customers as ood value for thei money as any otber e tablishment in On ario. Quality of wor and. material eMployel in lisputable. CV -13110P d.P.POSITE` KIDD (e - Seaforth, Feb. 12 1 JOHN OAITA3ELL. .'69. . OFFICES TO LET. TJ1O'UR excellent offices to let mJ Scotts 12 New Britt Bock.. Apply at McCAUG IEY & 11.0LAIST D'S: Seaforth, Jan. ri 1869; • 60-tf FW' GO TO 'T. J. SIMONS' •••••-• FRt IT 14- -0 ST • 32 ==" 1 For Fresh Oyster, Sardines, Lobste s, pie*, Cakes,and Sw ets of every deeori tion. I 11 CAL11 AND gL'E' His Fr -sk S ILO C Opposite 'lleCANN'S Old. Stalid. Seaictrth, Feb 12, 1869. • • 63-4. BLACKS MTH SHOP. THO AS WATSON Begs to inforrath public generally ithat still carries on general Macksraithing,at • his 101d Stand k NEARLY OPPOSITE • ARMSTRONG'S! HOTEL AINLEYVILLE, Special attention Paid t� Horse-Sh. In& Ainlexv,ille, Feb. 9th, '69, '63-4y PROVI _ Over $43,000 ha scribed for the Que went scbeine. The. snow StOrin8 bteli the severest maim years. 3(..) blocked up by drifts The Ronantiath getLing out material new church o)1 the one, recently destro Mr, *.rfilleS YOUR 100, has been vett Avid). a kAure on the Creator," kif: which .1 verv The Campbeliforl robbed on Monday n. the safe of ih. Postai $10,000. No clue 111 proof around .Lake gtehen County, it is stated oats were there liarv sea on pf of the rie . A. Church- Print been organized -at St. interest of the Chu/ -- 600 sh.ares at $10 ho it is proposed to iss7Lt in April, The GreatWester of Canada has paid. i B,eceiver Ueneral :first instalment of th the Government A_ large body of int in.the ...4oritrejl Gene fly; to Witness the niddle-aged man's to cancer. „ Sonaebodv hos inv. cuts as smoothly as cut with this saw -doe ofterwards to giv. face. that Whalen. Tien is rife is to who 000. tiainiants :their ease, or forever, is not often that _on- : becomes the -sohree tion and expeme as Petroleum has h Lake Ainslie, -0.1.p r )in the rock on th The C. B. people any petroleum yet d the United States The operation_ o rovk in the Wellan 'Bridge, is expected supply of water to and. .Port _Robinson ogement to the erect factories at tit -este The, Nve4her id Br to the /9th. DeeeMb - mild. The grass green than it was in last rose of slimmer' the leafless branch, lt0e/114ha_ebecom rt,_lieNveoet.1 than hoary -headed I) 'The small -pox has Eastern Townships. occured at Ilsaiey an had also made its app h ablocked up the roa jar;gand Johnson 2 ok nt:lon. t� iai Vaccination. was beet quente, die order of t the surrounding villi The Episcopa1ia33s effort to erect a eithe a lot of around on th' Road, presented :for, Judge Bliss. The si 000 or $112,000 tow, of a sermon deliver EditeisonNN l)i11.,atri:iduyit JAa other of $4,000 by' 4irru 11.1A0r0r,iyeatno udp togh:mr_ s . cession *of Kenyon, p existence by hangin ' Tuesday , 10th ins left home about fa afternoon, Tier moth Poing to the stable 't'shtli tinie f taornar rey* the hook on wlael aless. being attached cingle, through a loo her head. Her feet and her knees nearly EXPLOSION 'IN „LW An explosion tool -I p ' -day moping, 'in an Guelph. The roof '‘ the building consi Three of the worlimei injured. Itis unde cident arose from on carelessly scratching stone, in order to li apartment must have flammable gas, as place immediate severe, - a