HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-26, Page 3„indulges in pleasantry, artd etimes to the ntost pitieing Sarcasm, ; replying itsone of the occupastes, Treasinstr benches, all of whom Ines-- hav'e been made to writhe beneath ' ) Iash, till their faces have Rushed h the sting his irony infflt.. He 1.0 equal bri the Ministerial benches ; vest the ff Premier, -with his thirty- • ears of ParIitunentary experience, often quails -before the young _leader of the ppositions and acknowledges hirirs defeated by his stntagoniat._ It has heeii noticed by he .ruernbers of the ioue that whenever - a Alinisterial .1)111 is introduced, no matter by what 1.11,enfiler of the Cabinet, the first effort lin tzts forth iseto propitiate the ruetrts air for South Brute. This, in fact, is 'the homage wilielt inferior minds yield superier intelleetual power. 1\ot a •e bill is introduced but it is r-t.'ree• s scanned kiy Mr. Blake ; and there Feely. an instance on -record in he Ministry have not been coni- c ()strike out numermisincongrui- fr mi'their most matured' inehares„ rid to SUbt.i.ut.' the Wise and practical, uggions of the leader of the Opposi-.1. Lion. -indeed the Attorney -General' runself has agin and again, in privte nversation amongehiS friends admitt- d that he was molv indebtec to INIf. lake in the perfectiiig of his IN and res titan to el' the Membe of the se, together. wriAng fr :hiding hi1ngj.ies, put, This involuntstrv t4timony an opponent who as been so often humili:tted by the Copat res isoning and seething eloqukice of the Jp1Wsition leader, is entitled to more eight darn the eulomies of Mr. Blake'S . et .e, ['lost. eurhusiastie and admiring' friends; tud it must ')-e most grateful indeed to. he feelings of the young and° rising tatesman of Onterio. It last° be re- s-ette,Lthat Mr, Bizike. has found no ' I in the ministerial ranks, no oppo-- ent worthy of his powers, beczruse the. est stimulant to great intelle,,tt al ef- > t is -wanting. Indeed, F...- Meld iacdonald and his colleagues are little. ore in the hands of Air. Make than sodles would be in the grasp- of al mas- -When the ministerizdists a\t tack rr. Blake in the House. it reminth one . , . the ai-my of Lilliputians at t' king ulliver with ths,ir puny bows al d are 4vs ; and the effect is Much the ame 'While, h nreveri we render the h .- ge justly due tf› the tnuasce/dent idles of Alr. Brake, we cann t be ind to the defects of his mental tem - Talent. He occasionallywhenra noy- v the pursistent stufridity and follv- his . opporrenis, and their failure to ,prciate the plainest comman .erise- asoning, manifests more temper than computable with true dignity A ttesman should never lose comr and ., . e MS temper, under any prnioca, ion, debate,becnse. it diminishes his Leuce, and, sometimes' Iowei.s him in, I own and others' respect . He i also, 1 s free and mire reserved in his -in- ['course with -his friends in the . (Abse- nt' a leader should be He sh ould Be- e raor.e treclu,-..ntly with them hail= lis hitherto done, consulting heir ingons, and embracing the oppo uni- t o impart his own. It matte not gr -eat may be a mans genius' au& c-rtts, he _can accomplish Mae ith- t the co-operation, of Ogre, and that 4r5ytion` must be solicited, or it can- st ways be commanded. But these - venial faults and are almost lost 4. of amid the brilliarcy and splen_ . of his moral and intellectual endow - Like the "spots on tin, surface the sun, they may _diminish, but not destroy the brightness of ita I Blake is no less exemplary in private- chal-acter than he is honest - sincere in his public and political duct. He battlewhat he considers, I)( just and sound principles with the sless boldness and unwavering con- rtey that ctraizAterized the Roman riot in the best days of that ancient unonwealths P.ossessed of personal I p,eeuniary inclependance ; an MIMI' Meta} character ; great powers of urance (both plrysiez7.1 and mental) ; Draftable energy and preservance ; scholarly. erudition ; great cam- bensiveness and keen, penetration'Of sleet ; extraertlinary powers,. of ane and thoroughly logieat in all sal:ions ; intimately acquainted with stitational raw ; well .Versed in the ;Vice and the fundamental principles. sund legislation ; bolt/1y caurageouSt the adyocacy of truth,. en inen4 Aka! in Lis views, and tolerant of opmona of others ; .een and reap- lebater; fluent, impressiye and con - Ls a Parliamentary' spealeer- rard Blake stands, as we have said, tout a peer in the Local Legisla- rid with no superior,' in the total '..t-tre of his'abilitv, in the Dominion lament.' Ile is emphatically the It0- s' mb an to lead the (treat Reform y of this country, a position he can - fail to occup3r in a few years • him for an in all, he is a man of the Province of Ontario,. irre-. Ave of party, may feel heartily and who is destined to wear the st honors to which a statetanan 1k; (4 4 p couot , eN...f.‘ /1: $eN$ f"*. rSL/st I DISTRICT MATTERS, DuNceN & Co. have received their first instalment of new style of Spring. Hats., Tin Annual Dahmer of the N. R. Agrictiltui-al Society; held at Clinton on -Wednesday night was a grand. suc- cess. Full report next week, .. --erre : rers , OCIAL, given by Mrs. Hayhurst, will be held in the -Wesleyan -Parson- age, on Monday *evening mkt,. March ist, 1869. LAST IVCO.k1S -i.SSno-, the, " Ext,osr- Ter." contented more typographical errs ors than usual. We trust however our readers will overlook- it, as we were se pressed for time that e coirld not gi v -o the proofs, that personal attention, is•hich is our wont. ' ciAINLIIYViT.T;E. --The Soiree advertised for. the 18t1 rust, came oft in Knox Church, andVeVas very large11, attended, over, $14-0 being realized, to go towards the liouidation of t!‘ e debt On the church.. Great credit is!dne to the ladies of the eOngregatioli for the lively interest they- displayed on this occasicm. Grant's, Aiu1eyvilc, isthe illace to I, y Drir gs, Patent :jmedicines, Dye stlas, etc. A large st:ocli.- constant- - \. ly on hand. Books and stationary, English arid American inagizines. A splendid sttA of Bthles, Testaments and Hymn BOolcs. • COMMERCIAL CoLLEGE.----psewhere will be found an. "adv." of the Goder- ich Commercial College. Mr. McKel- lar, the Prineipal, is a gentlemanrvith -Whom we eve been personally acquaints ed for Many years. As an Ed ncational, ist, we know lrim to be one of very few equak To young men intending taking a commercial course, we Would heartily recommend thiscmstitotio LisTowee.-The - Banner, , d d not know that the Commeriftal 1fbt1 of that place was burned dowh, 'till 1 it ap- peared in the EXPOSITOR. If that be the case we expect the ('ii-,it,iiercjal must be still on this "Terrestrial pi in.' In short the announcement t-liat ap- peared in this paper to that effect was. incorrect. We do not knovi, how we made the error. 'We are plehed that it was not so. , XITST A.1301.1T 13;40IIT:-Oite evening this week a man was indulgiug-iv the very common and dangerouspraetice, of furious driving 6n the streats, When he ran into a pile of timber and trans formed his cutter into " smithereens." Ii shows gross -stupicliclity on the part cif those who are °constantly-. racing on, the public thoroughfare, as ithey on- &Inger the lives of children and others,. whyse safe keeping is of More ' Unfree- - ta4e than their own, It's a pity.that theY don't aU run into a. tirnLer pile BURGLARY. -On Monday night last. the watch and jewellery shop T. P. Bull was entered by some unauthor- ized person or pertonir. Mr. Bull, how- ever, takes the precahtio of removertg his watches and other most 'value, de stock,. at nigbt, and they did not deem_ airything left, of sufficient \Title, and convenient enough in size toi'run he. risk of detection for, by- talrmg, save the tool cabinet, and this was Ifound on the Post Office steps in the :-morning. -Mr. Bull is of opinion that the depre- dation was comthitted by means of false keys, as no other meansof en- trance could be discOvered. . - -RELIGIOUS INTELLIGEN01.7-W6 are inforMed that the result of .the series of protracted meetings; which have been carried on by Rev. Mr. Williamson, at the -14. E. Church, on the Town Line _ of Tuckersinith_ and Hibbert, is, the church has been increased by an addi- tion of:fifty members, and the awaken- ing of Many more, and at the last gath- ering the whole debt remaining, upon the church was provided for, byi the new converts. We generally see the religion that loser's a man's purse strings aliricere. The circuit, on. which the above named Rev. gentleman labors possess in hiM, a zealous and faithful iisster. Cm-Ix:err ANNIVERSARY..-The Dual Anniversary Services of the M. E.' Church, Seaforth, will be held (D V) on the 7th and 8th of March, 1869,. Sermons on. Sabbath at .10:30 a.m., anfl 6:30 p.m., by tile Rev. G. .Abbs, Editor of the Canada Christian Advocate, Hamilton, and' at 2:30 p.p., .by M John Gray. Collection at the Close o each service. , The Tea Meeting or .Monday evening to be addressed - b, Revds. G. Abbs, IL B. Palmer, A Milne, . •Graham, W. Hayhurst and .A. McDonald and John Gray The Chai to be occupied by Mr. Ro- of the Ex OSITOR. Music by the choi to be served at 6:30 p.m. • Ticket cents, to be _had at the-, principa es ant the post office. VELOMPFXES.--110 newspapers of Wine, 'very .pretentious towns- and cities M Ontario, _come out with where col - Ulna' artieles, on the progress of the "velocipede movement in their respec- tive places : We do not purpose doing like ise, though we have perhaps just as good grounds.' which the first fine weather, in spring will Verify. :Messrs. '11./flantosh Sz Morrison, carriage makers, - are getting up one of those -modern lo- comotion machine's, of the two -wheeled persuasion, after the most approved Models, With this in vievi, Seaford' may look forward for better days, when d spite the railroad, we may at least be able 'to go to Goderich aud back in the same day: UONNECTIOUT MUTUAL LIFE 00.--4n other : columns Will be found the advertisement of this Company, and an •editorial notice from AMeriCall paper of the promptitude with which a Claim was met. - Life As- suranke is one of those -institutions, the utility 'of Which, is an axiom of the pre- . sent age; hence we need say nothing undeirthe general head. But a very im- portant question, is, does any one com- pany possess advantages over another ? From our acquaintance with the work- ings Of several, -sip are in a position to 'saes, without he!sititation- yes. A.nd had we space to devote iiu this subject, we could easily show what they were; The tWo paramount qualities Of an' ASSUran.Ce. Co are, firstly-Solvenoy, or safe ty to p-ol ic v -1161 ders. Secondly, Low Preinsiums. The Ocmpany above • named1can justly lay Chinn to both. Parties] about assuring, should constat the papers of the Connecticut Mutual, 341d-the1eby serve the,ir own interest. 15:11,. Sills, Es ' q. of this place'sGenerid . •si Mol'isaeYer for Canada,, will be nost hap- pyitp give any and all persons all in- forpatiois 4. new kind of refrigerator has been itissented- in • St Catharinr. It will .freiezec warm water in a hot room,in a few minutes, if er equ ir ed. The Town of Dundas passed a by- law to exempt manufacte' inins- establish- ments from taxation ; but Municipal Corporations have no such legal 'powers, hence the by-law was quashed by legal process. Those desirous to aid manu- facturers by relieving them from taxes, should -pay the taxes for them. That would be bah just and legal. • A nesi-swing-bridge has been erected nt Beleol, to •replace .that where tho dreadful catastrophe to en igrants oc- eured Some years ago, and which had nce been condemned. BIRTHS. Alm -On the 23rd inst., in Ai Wife of A. Moir,. Esq., inerc MARRIED. blaanoN-FIsnEn.--On the ° the residence of the Brides f' Rev. Sinclair, assisted Cameron of Tiverton, and -PaisleY, the Rev. Arch. A Strathroy; ts Miss. Mary A. ter of john Fisher, Esq., of leyviile, the' iant of a son. 4th inst., at. ther, by the y Revs. -D. D 'McNeil of Cameron of isher, daugh- Vingliam. THE MARK TS, SEAFORTH, February 5th, 1869. Deliveries light, occasioned by the heavy snow.. Priees generailly on the d.ecline. Demand good. -Wheat, (Fall) 19 bushel, 90 @, 95 -Wheat (Spring) Y bushel, 85 4 87 Barley 19 bushel, -., 1 20 @ 1 27 Clover per bush. 6 50 @ 7 15 Timothy per bush: 48 lbs) 1 50 @2 50 -Oats -t, biaskel, 45 @, 46 Peas t, litishel, 70 @ -a i - dol '• (large) 1 00 ' ,I Pork 19cwt. . 8 00 @ 8 50 Potatoes 19 bushel, 60 ® 65 Hay III ton, 9 000_,/) 9 00 Eggs 12. dozen. Butter 19 lb 12 @- 14 20 @ 2:3 Turkeyper lb. 06 07 Geese 25 . 30 Cheese, Factory I/ lb ,( oa ® r 14 Do; : Dairy, 14 lb @ 1.2i Wood iri cord, 2 00 @ 2 25 CLINTON, February 24. (From the .117-ew Era. ) Wheat (Spring) per bushel, $0 75 a 0 80 (Fall) do 0 60 a 0 90 0 46 a 0 50 1 18 a I 20 - 0 WO a 0 70 0 20 a 0 22 0 65 a 0 70 0 12a 0 13 do Oats, Barley, • Peas, Butter, Potatoes,gs, GonEnwir, Feb. 23, 1869. 071t the Signal.) Fall wheat per bushel, $0 85 a 0 90 Spring do 0 75 a 0 85 Oats, 41, do 0 50 a 0 55 Barley,. do 1 -05 a 1 10 Peas, do 0 70 a 0 75 Potatoes, do 0 65.a. 0 70 Butter per lb, 018 a 0 20 Eggs per dozen 0 12 a 0 15 • Tonoaao Feb. 24th,. 1869. (Bii Telegraph.) ° Prices declining. Wheat (Fall) 19 bushel; $ 98 to 1 00 dol (Spring) 1-1 bushel, 0. 90 to 0 95 -.Oats' 19 'bushel, ' 50 to 51 Barley 19 bushel, . 1 32 to 1 33 i'Pea e 41/ bushel, 82 to '0. 83 Butter, 19 -to 23 . OHUROH DIRECTORY. -r---- ,,, ' *WEsLEV , METinaDisT unulton.,---Rev. Wm. Htlyhur t, Pastor. Servicesevery Sabbath t . . at 194 o clock, a in., and 6A, o'elock, p. m. SabbaSchool at 2 (Meek,. pmPrayer meeting Thursday evenings at li& o'clock. METUODIST EkS00i)AL C5lluR011.-Preaehing each .Sarbath at 10.30 a. in, and 6.30 p,m. • Sabbat 'Schcb12p.m. Lecture and prayer meetiri , Wednesda,y evenings 7.30 p.m Rev-. S. Williamson, Pastor.. PREsitYrrE111rANOWIROJI.-Services commence at 11. a.ni.j. and 6:30 p.m.. Lecture and Prayer- Mang on Tuesuay evening, .f at • 7:30 p.4. GRAOD TRUNK RAILWAY. Sit711912e1' •Arrangements. Trains will leave the SealorCh Station, as follows: - GO No. EAST. COMO WEST. 10:30 .A.m. 10:30 A. 2:00 P.M. we 2 :22 r.M. 6:08 A.1,4 9:20 A. m. , Leave ft) vine, Ba Trains in maasaarsza HAR Gene ".1 Ainleyville, -Wroxeter, Leech- ed and Exeter, on the arrival ()- the af6ernoon. "ir-VMVIT. 111MINEW110FICIII '5 HOTEL, Livery Stable, and al Stage Office, Main Street, R, L. SHARP, Proprietor. ,,e..... .. -,---------. ..•..- r.,..,. v _,,J VA.* MONEY , Tii0tut- X rent pn to M Scaforth, WANTED. r five hundred dollars wanted tc good security. Apply at ono:, CA UG HE Y & If OLM ST illA D. Feb. 19th 1869 63-tf. . - CAME into soinetme heifer, ne ad to prov her away. L Hay, Feb. CAME. ASTRAY. . tbe premises of the subscriber, ill IN ovember last, a yearlinf 1`13r white. The owner is requess property, pay expenses, aud tak( IIUGH LOVE, senr., t No. 10, N. Boundary, Tp. Hay. 19, 1868. b-3 it ' T HERE I. against ber or ineinbers count, as 11 same af tc r Hay, Feb. , NOTICE. ----- Y notify and forbid the public trusting my wife, or other mem- ofmy family, on my ac- will not be responsible for thc i the appearance of this no tine. HENRY SHEFFER,. 24, 1869. 64-3 FARM I3EING No V.t on road survey, 50 ocres of House and ticulars apply at the premises , Tuckersmi roR SALE. 4omposed of the West -half- of Lot in the seventh concession, Hur- of Tuckersmith, containing choice land. 24 aeres cleared, log Barn on the premises. For par- to the undersigned personally of. Mr, James Chesney. ROBERT CAMPBELL. h, Feb. 5th. 1869. 61 -tf. 1NSOLVE W. CAMPBELL, , T ACT OF 1864 AND 1865. OF CLINTON, _ . Art /moment, M 11 S purchase of the stock of the above ont at SO MUCH ON,THE•DOL- received up to the 8th of March stock is valued $1513, consists ODS. amd is comparitively ne*. s can be seen at me, office of the , or of I Mr. William Cme, of o will also show the stock. A)IN HALDEN. , OR th 'I Insol LAR will Ie aext. Th if DRY G Stock Boo indersigne( Dlinton, w Clinton, 1Feb. 25th 1860. ODERICH COMMERCIAL AND MATHEMATICAL ACADEMY. ESTABLISHED OCT IST 3 06. 1 YOUNG MEN Wishing to qualify themselves for busi- ness, ssioup do well to attend this institution. ITE,RAIS For Who. e Courses $20.00 in .1,clvarace. Books and S tat ionery, $9.00. • For Course Of Study, please send for cireular. LI A. M'KELLAR, Principal: Goderie'll Feb. 24, 1869.. 64-3m. BOOTS az SHOES. William. McNally IIAVING lately purchased. the business of William Barker; in Wroxeter, willkeep. on hand a large assortment a lioots and. Shoes,- None but .first-cla.ss work manu- factured on the premises. Or Orders will receive particular attentitin„. Repairing done on. the shortest notice. W. IVIcNALLY. April 23i 20-1y. NEW MILLINERY!! RS. GLOVER, begs to announce to the inhabitants of Seaforth, and surroundmg country, that she has opened a new mffli- nry, in the shop OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE STORE, Where she will attend. to all orders in her line. • Staraping &c., and all kinds of Fancy 'Work done on the shortest notice., Seaforth, Feb. 25th 1869. 54-tf. AN.-QURNED .$ A. L. 1E - A N7 D FOR TIM SEE AT HY Scott Robe tson's. - February 1.9th, 1869. 63-tf. SEAFOR H FURNITURE WiREROOMS TAX ES. N-OTICE is hereby given that some lands 1 which were unsold at the adjourned sale of land for taxes, held on the 1st inst. will again be itired for Sale ! For the Taxes due. thereon; on • 4 Thursday, 4th of March` s AT THE COURT HOUSE, IN THE own Goderich At 2qo'c1ock p. m. A. M. ROSS, Treasurer, go. Huron, Goderich Fob. 20, 1869. 64-2i Dried Apyles AND Choice Nezv Prunes! At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. February 19th, 1869. 63-tf. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL cctifinonnutte Cow HARTFORD, CONN. GUY R Promrs, President. Zra13ANIAll PRESTON, Vice President. WOoDERIDGE S. OLMSTED,Secretary. EuwiN W. BRYANT, A ctuary.' Luaus 5. WILCOX. Medical Examiner. Organized in 184.6. Charter Perpetual, The Largest Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, numbering over. 75,000 members. Ilk purely Mut.li al Company, its Assets be- longing exclusively to its members. Assets, $23,000,000. Acquired by pru- dent and economical management of twenty- two years, without the aid of a single dollar of original capital. Surplus Assets over $6,000,000. All pro- fits di vicled.among the membaa s. Lach po- hey holder is a member. There are no s 'Lock hold t re. Its La,..-ge Dividends. They have averag- ed over 50 per cent annually. Total amcnint of divi lends paid the Members since its ( r- ganization, over $5,000,000. ik. Its hueeess Unparalleled. 1 has -arrived at the extraordinary condition here•the in- come from annual interest alone is more than sufficient to pay all its losses. Total amount of losses paid by the Co 'y, over $8,000,000. Its Responsibility. For every $100 of. Liahilitics, it has $154 of Assets. During its last -fiscal year this Company paid to. its living members,- and to the fami- lies of its deceased members, nearly $2,000,- 000, and: art- the same time added more than Four Millions to its accumulated. capital. The Whole Record oi this Company has been one of prudent niar.agement and pros- perous advancement. Among the older and leading life insurance companies its average ratio Of expenses to income has, through its entirr'history, been the lowest of any. Amount deposited. With the Receiver Gen- eral of Canada, $140,000. Number of Poiicy 'holders in Canada 1,066. Insurance. $3,12:3,000. . vs -Medical Referees: -Dr. Metherell and. Dr. Tracy, Seaforth, Ont - DANIEL L. SILLS, Feb, 2:4th, 1869G. 64-tf. eneral Manager for Canads. ND PLA ST AND 11 At SCOTT' ROBERTSON'S) Seatortla. Lb 19. ROBER Importer ;and manufacture HOUSEHOLD FU Such as SOFAS, LOUNGES. - • CENTRE • DINING.* BREAKFAST BliMEA.US, CHAIRS, asa BEDS - • Mr. R. a,s great confide goods to tici-publie, as t Good. Seined Lumber, an AVorkmen4 SON, of all kinds of NITURE, ABLES, MATTRASSES, TABLES, - EADS, Great Variety. ee in offering his ey are 'made of by First -Claes COFFINS MADE To ORDER n•the Shortest Totice. VVOOD TOR Done with Neatness and L espatch. ING , areroo TWO DOCIRS SOUTH 5 Main Stree Seaforth, Alan. 6th. 1869. S RP'S HOTEL NOT1 57 Ie., EALED TE DEI3S .1 - i ILL'Ue received by t veyer! on the part of 1 Council for t COIOEY eqf ' UNTIL 6 On Saturday, 2 FOR BUILDING A e County Sur - the Municipal uron, th inst., RIDGE 011ER. THE MAIT Where the toundary line b and Ifulle,t, intersects the Base Line„ Seven miles Fort OEN i? May be se 4 at the office o after the 20th twejen G pderich river, near the of .Clinton, , CATIONS the subscriber st • Two solnt freeholders w 11 be required as surety for ft4e completion of he work.. Signed), r.!Cunty Airveyor's Office, Clinton, Fobruary 13th, )86 TO CAPITA FOR S The unexpire LEASE OF LOT NO. 9, COW On the 1.st, side of Mai Village of Seal OCETHER with the b thereon, viz .--The sto occupied by Mr. William A occupied by Dr. Smith as occupied Ns Mr. Paltridge Gallery, the one occupied by as an Oyster Saloon, &o.; als piedbyte subscriber as Grocery awl' Provision Stor the stock and fixtures co Also 16 woes of land south which will.be solcl in villag sizes to-,s-dit purchasers, an terms., AY! Sur' veyor. ISTS. E LC -CK SURVEY Street, in the rth, ildings breeted e and dwelling it, the- building offize, the one a Photograph Thorna'4 simons the *use occu- a Flour,t Feed, together with tained. therein. of -the Railway, or park lots, in on reasonable F. our, Feed, Cro cries an Pro- visions of all kinds kept co stantly on hand by the subscriber. G. . JARVIF. Seafortb. /`'ebruary 3rd, j8tel tf TENDET. S mEND S will be reeet ed by the Tru - tees o4" School Section No. 1, Millet, _until Montlay, the lst Of M rch next, fer 0.4(.1. completing of , 13rick or Graval School Ileinse, 40 feet by 26, and 11 feet clear betaieen the Boor a d ceilmg Tile Toceruascteepstlie llisio not an tender emselvr es bol al . ecanescliosnp,ec=onf, can be 8 enteni()1Yera-P:tvia:1717 to Thoma4McMiehael, Lot '0. 2, 2nd Con, A. WALKER A. MeDERM D, Hullet, nth_ 1 TrusSeer. 63-2in.