HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-19, Page 8THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR' CH, 1: TO CORRESPONDENTS, PROBLA NO. 62. By Ge ▪ R Carpenter. BLACK-. 7,1 . ar -, rp tf lip /4 r?./; ; 1 A 7 / ., -/ Lri,:%-• 7,7 4,:t=ie , / ja-/ ; • ,/....,. /.. i,,A„/ ./2. fV.j / ' 4 / Ft • / r/z,1"6 .17 /7 • a.3-ia 4;7• e / • .•.41,/ • i -a” • ;;;.„ •WHITE. White to play end mate in two moves. SOLUTION trO PROBLEM No. 61. Lr3IIRST SOLUTION, (WHITE BINS) WHITE. BLACK. 1 R to 13°6 (eh) R tks R .(best) 2 Kt to Kt 7 (eh) K to his 4 3 Q tkis P (eh) . R tks Q 4 Kt to B 4 mate SECOND sour -elms, (mee_cie nEthess. 1 Q to B 5 (ch) • K to his 2 2 Kt to B 8 (ch) R tks Kt (a) 3 -13 to Q 6 -.(ch) K tks B (b) 4 P this R mate 2 : (A) k to Q saf 3 Q to her 5 (ch) Q to her 2 4 B to B7 mate 3 • (b) k. to lc, q 4 P tks R. queen 5 mate •' SOLUTION 0 'PROBLEM No. 60. 1-Qtd Q 2 Q mate sq Anything PRO LEM NO 63 Br. Mus. M.,§S. 7515, fol. 84, - KB 4K-Kt5 Q'B 6 KKt 5- KB 5 K 6 i A. KR,sqQKtaqQ.Kt 2 Q R 6 JiKt 5 Q6 White to play and mate in four moves. GADO NO. 64. - CRSS IN CANADA. CHESS.—The following lively -game by telegraph between Buffalo and St. Kitts re- sulted in another victory for the Saints BU1F.A.L4), ST. CATHARINES; -WI-UTZ. BLACK. 1 PtoK4 PtoQII 4 2 PtoQ4 FtkeP 3 Q tks P , Kt to Q B 3' 4 Q P to K 4 5 Pto B4BttIQB4 6 KKttoKB3-PtksP 7 BtksP QtOQKt 3 8.BtoICKt 3 1CKttoB,3 9 P to Q Kt 3° °K. -t tlts P 10 QtoQ 5- QtoRaels. 11 QKttoQ2 BtoKB7 ch ; 12 B tka 13 and resigns GAMENO.65. Played -at E °LI avine last -week between Dr. Smith Of INew York, ancl Mr. Gr. E. Jack so of Egmondville. JACKSON. 'SMITH. lPtoK4 PtoK4 2 PtoQ4-11.PitksP 3 B to 13 4 B Kt=5.(ch) 4 PtoB3 • P tics P 5 -P tles PB B 4 - .6 B tks B P (c11). .K tk-s ,7 'Q to her 5 (ch) -K to B 8 Q tkal3(ch) P te Q 3 9 Qte134 • ,KttoQB 3 10 KtceKB 3 , --KttoK4 1I Kt tks Kt P tics Kt 12 B to R 3 (ch) 4 to K sq 13 Kt tO,1Q 2 - .Kt to 13,3 14 Kt to•1B1 • 'Kt to Q'2 15 Q to K-6 (ch) resign,. GIME NO. 66. CHP.SIS IN MICHIGAN. WHITE; ' Ptok4 2Ptoli.B4 • 3KtqCtI3 4 P to Q;13• -4- 5 'QtoKtB 3 6 P, to 5 7 PtoQ4 8 K Kt tks P • 9-PtoKKt 3 B P ths P • 11 1.0 Kt fits, Kt 12 Kt to K 4 1 ., P to Q 3 liQBtoKt 2 1115 QQttoo:l;33 13 Q to Q.B 31 18r -B -to 4 19 Q to I ;B 2 20 K ties (; . 21 P tks Reipas e 22 Q Rato Q sq 23 to Q 24 Kt eleS 13 2i ss • 26 RtoQ6- 2 . . .o 13 7 29 K R to Q sq 39 a so. tt, ks b 4. I Kt • 33 Tr., +.0 T.; '3 :41 R tSks ch :35 tks R 36 K Q 4, 37 P to Q It 3 BLA 'K. - SWAN. P to Q B 4 P•toK P to K Kt 3 ) Q Kit 3 :KB to .1-2 P tO • , Q P tks P Is. Kt to K Q Kt to 13'3 • K Kt tks P Kf P P • Castles Qt6 Q,B 2 . KR to Q stie Q Kt,to Kt •littO Q 4 ,P R 4 Q to Q Kt Q tke Q • P -to K B-4 • BtoRsq K Rato sq B tks P • Kt tks K ' R tks B I K• . to B 2 •B to Q K to K sq •it to B-2 E to t;..1,1 • Q Q, to "'Ales R K._tks 1?) 3 J. SEATER EXCliAli GE BROKE And dealer in Pure '4 - DRUGS, CHEMICALS & DYE STUFS. The Drng Department is under the sPeeiad care of an experienced Chemist, • MR R. WALTON January 21st, 1869. 59-ly SEAFORTH MILLS. Flour and Feed.k! I'AVING received_an Agency from.W. & J. Scobie, for the sale of their unravell- ed Flour, I am now prepared to furnish purchasers with an article - WHICH WILL DEFY COMPETITION 1 Parties ordering Flour or Feed frqm me, can have the same delivered in any part of Town on the shortest notiCe. WM. A_ULT Seaforth, Jan. 20th, 1869. 59 ' -72 Note The Fact THAT 2Paltridp6's NEW GALLERY Is now complete veith a new VOIGHTLANDER INSTRUrifIE "t\ ---EW Backgrounds, &c., • &e. None _1 first-class pictures taken, and -satis tion guaranteed. GALLERY over Dr. Smith's Office, next door to F. Meyer's. Seaforth, Aug. 13, 1868. 1:36-6 T. sut ac - CANADA PEMANE T BUIL INC & SAVINC SOLIETY 1 8 prepared to advance money on mpro ed. J Real Estate, on the most favorable te to borrowers, and to buy. mortgages For particulars, apply to their apinaise , W. N. WAlSON ' Insurance Agent, Seaforth Seaforth, Feb. 20, 1868. - 11-1y WAGGONS, BUGGIES, A ND all implements for farm use n.s. nu - •et -X__ facture(' by • .ErNAUGHT & TEEPLE, • Good° and :Cheap Remember the stand. • -NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. Seaforth,Feb. 20, 1868. ••El- ly • THE. • - raforthtxpoOtt" • AND HURON ADVERTISE ONE of the largest papers publi hed in the County, IS PRINTED AND 'PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY M.ORN N ROSS At. LUXT EDITOR$ AND 11:33LISHE /VA S:EA.F.OR TERMS.—$1.50,per annum, -hi ae Vance. ff not so paid, $2.00 will invu bly 1)( charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING YEARLY A (.11 E EM ENTS. 1 Tht following rates will be ehar&ed d mer - •chants and. others' who() advertise b st :10y0oear: sescl in no case Willexceptions 1)e ;rue e 1 • 35 0t. 0-0( 36 ft 20 oe 12 00 fi 00 2 0e. s00901.0(0:i y the 3ne coltunn fpr twelve months, - " • f ir 'six months, - • - t three. months, - hIalf-column for twelve months, ir six months, - r threemonths, ohunii for twelve mo )r six months, - ire:three months, For each line over ten, first insertion, Each subse fuent insrtion,- - • The number of lines to be reckoned space occupie , measured by a scale o Brevier. • Advertise ents without specific direetions will be publi ed. till forbid, and. charged ac- cordingly. • f f Quarter of a- , ,• f -; ths, pusLic. NOTICE. THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, -6, Hospital Street, Montreal. Our Teas, after the most severe -tests by the best medical authorities and judges of Teas, have been pronounced to bequitepure, and free from any artib.'cial coloring or pois- onous substanees so often used to improve: the appearaneeof Tea. They are unequalled for strength and flavor. !they' have been chosen for their II:Arm= worth, keeping in mind. health, economy, ancl a high degree of pleasure in drinking them We sellfor the smallest possible profits, effecting a saving to the' consumer of 15c. to 20c. per- lb. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12. 15, 20 and 25 lb. boxes, and are warranted_ pure and free from poisonous substances.' Orders for four 5 flb. boxes, two 12 lb. boxes, or one 20 -or ,25 lb. box, sent carriage free to any Railway Sta- tion in Canada. Tea will be forwarded im- mediately on recerpt of the order by mail containing money, or the money ,ean be col- lected, on delivery by- express -Man, where there are express offices. in sending orders below the amount of $10, to save expense it will be better to ,send money with the order. Where a 25 lb. box would be too lima, four families clubbing together could send for four t lb. boxes, or two 12 lb. boxes. We send. 5hem to one address, carriage paid, and mark each box plainly, so that each party get their own tea. We warrant all the tea we sell to give entire satisfaction. If they are. not satisfactory-, they can be returned. at •our expense. BLACK TEk—Englisili_ Breakfast, Broken Leaf, strong Tea, 45e., 50C.; Fine Flavored New Season do. 55c., 60e. and 65c..; Very Best Full Fla.vortd. do. 750.; Sound Oolong. 45c.; Rich Flavored do. 60c.; Versa Fine do. do. 75c.; Japan, God, 50c., 55e„ Fine 60c., Very Fine 65c., Finest 75c. • GREEN TEAS T4rankaY 56c., 55., 65c; Young Rpm 5pc., 60c., 65c 70c..; Very eine 85c., Superfine and Very Choice $1-; Fine G-unpowder 85c. ; Extra Superfine do. $1. Teas not mentioned in this circular equal- ly sheep. Tea only 8014 by this Company, GO" An excellent mixetrefea could be sent for 60c. and 70c. : very good. for coin/not. purposes 50c. - 1 Silver taken at par. For notes and post. office orders the Company will add the pre - mute in tea to the order. • A complimentary box of tea will be giVen to parties forming Clubs ancl sending for 2511, boxes. Each box Will be marked plainly, se that each one will get Ins own tee. . SeisSeware of 'Pedlars and ninners1.usine eur name, or offering our Teas in. sinal paekages. Nothing less than a caddie sold • NOTE THE ADDRESS—The Montrea Tea Company, 6 Hospital -Street, 'Montreal. Out of over one Thousand testimonial, we insert the following, : • A. YEAl.'S TRIAL. TheMontreal Tee, COmpany : Montreal, 1868. GENTS—It is #eaky a year sincei purchas- ed the first cheat of Tea from -your house have purchased litany since, and 1 am pleased to inform' you that the Tea as le every case proved Mott satisfactory, as _well as being- exceedingly Cheap.. Yours vele truly. F. BENNIE. Montreal Tea Company: GENTLEME,N—Ile Tea 1 purchased of yot in March has given great satisfaction an flavour of it is very fine. It is very strange but since I have been drinking your Tea ; have been quite free from heaa-t-bern, wbici would. always' pain me after he eakfaSt. I a. tribute this purity of your Tea, and shal. _continue a customer. lours respectfully. • FRAN U 1.8 T. GREEN. 54, St. John Street Montreal Montreal, Apri1,1868.—To the'. Montree Tea Company, 6 HOspit31 Street, Montreal, —We notice with pleasure the large mouse of Tea that we have forewarcled to you to different parts of the Dominion, •ancl we are glad to find your business so rapidly ncreas nig. We presume your Teas are giving gene ral satisfaction, as out of the large amounl. forwarded. we have only had occasion to re- turn one box, which,' we understand, waE sent out through a mistake. G. CHENEY, Manaser Canadian Express Co. GEO•. W. ROSS P:rop etor. " • • STRONG'S LIVERY & SALE STAB4S. • lIRST-CLASS HORSES and Good Vail- . des. all hours, on reasonable terms. Pr -The larg st and best Livety in Seafortb ; Suitable Ri s tor ComraercialeTravelleis. 1 Two doors k orth of Sharp's p..9.-te1. A FEW HORSES MO BOOGIES FOR'SALE. Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1863. 53-ly ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. -: 1- SarsaprIan lEt. GRt AT SENS A T ION. A GOOD SENSATIbN. PAIN CURED IN AN iNSTANT. LIME AND ITS LESSO S. rwenty rears Experience. ad Study la Purp ,4 Good' iliedicine Secures a acvu source cf. Hap -1;744 .1" : . •to Mitons1 ! • WONDERFUL IIIIIPMOVEITIN Ix NADWAY'S READY !ICU rHadsvay's newly discovered proce* for ecurirtg medicinal extracts (invacoo), rem regetable sebstances, adds greatly to )rovement Of the Ready Relief.• . IN AN -INSTANT tt stop A and ettre0e *lost violent PAIN, ACiLi, OPASIIKS, with electrical VC -I OC:ity. It removes ever y Ache, Cramp, ffip 122, pi- kali' that may eiist in the ING.EDgitil or 1113TSIDIE oil/Ian, Woman, or clii.thi; '; HOW TO APTLY IT. AIESSES, OUNG • & CHAIIIBERLIN,---S TS, I feel it lid duty -1 (.1W0, to you,. as well as to ths • publie to inform you of the most wouderlia cure of Consumption, accompliehed in 11i. person, by theeuse of the Great ShoshoiSese Remedy and Pills. j. •coughed a -great dea. day and night, expectoratieg a great quanti- ty- of matter,. and had a great pain about na left lung. i had cold. chills every-- day, am. Severe night sweats 'every night, and. beta -eel -the racking eough and great sweating, I wa, slmost deprived: of sleep ; by those mistricz- _is well as the loss e of appetite, 1 was so e .thseed. teat I couldhardly stand alone. was uniier the care of a physician for 0 ;ength of • time, - and finding' no relief, triedelifferent receipes, but all without any good effect: Squire Peterson of Bath, -re- eommended me' to use the Great Shoshonees Remedy; I procured three bottles at once, with the Pills, so soon as I commenced using it I began to get better, and when I had fin- •ished this complement, the cough, expectora- tien of matter, pain about the lung, chills, sweating,,,&c., left me; andby eoliths:trine its use I becamestrong and healthy. It is _now over two months since I. quit the reme- dy, and there have been no symptoms of the disease returning, and I have been, and. an now, healthier and better than I have been for years. 1 trust you will make this known to the rpublic, that they may be aware of the peculiar virtues of this truly wonderful in -1 Rub the part of the body where pain *istl; *reely with the Ready Relief; soak a fli.finel n the Relief; and lay it across 4110 1V--artS 'bete there is a pain or Inflamnattion. it; the sat's are t o s-nsitive for rubb:ng, bathe the iody with the Relief with a sponge1"u the nest eietueiating will subside in a. MW 11NUTES. CONGESTION OF THE LUN3. Bowel, Talneyg, Bladder, -and in all caze 813If1.ILU1 , CIO 11cl:el heal=1 rr.y.)3.;;; 1 frr,a1..-2,01'.1,.r vitit t'se hand Li ]-111;b:417; or a. 1 C 4 r1, itlann/1 soakcd whit I -leaf, 1 lakl g re t.;-te 1T-2-1.41•111 In a Via inenlents 41 1 r -Ca Win cca.z.;), tho' muse that eeeasion.s the pest romovel. TAKEN I NTEP.NALLY, Ten t O drcrin Li half ttun1-Asr f at,v.II iflre Cranzp-4, I e..:r3. ,lan. cf t'Aettir. ::"3 Inc:al:rano LZ t lo -,e repealed every. 1.3 minutes, 17r:1 tura the ircns,t-4nue Cianttela (h�lera, C holern, „:1-i::.r1.3.c•rz 1 ..;y:?.en.l.:..•-ry, 317. -id. all 1 .pt.iniu I di: •from. •• the 1._;owels. • A Great Medical Trium 1. istw PraNcirliEs IN PURGATIQN 1 - • SECURED IN DET..RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative , Pilis. Assilc2ug4„ communicating its eureti through the ILOOD, SW anJ other f3uii1. . • Ono tea spoonful in ordi, dose—Two tea spoensful in that have afflicted the patie Itis a powerful Remedy, of harm.—it is unlike all Sarsaparilla. - Therefore, always ask for Sarsaparilliln—take no othc word Sersanarillian Le on th bottle—and R. R. R. Resol TIIE GENII OF JIE.U.TH I30 RADWAY'S SABZAPARIIS The Propel ties of its I, -e• pappeertiee A I PsiNk ary oses is I hron!At,ti iSeaSe It f. r .t rem., r.3 tions t.lat:111( eael- MED I' IN 4'• IT= '31.7_,V,1,7NT retlien sAit.s.APAERLLIA.N.-The prnpv. of thi 1,3- amt.:L.-A in:re...";;)..t 13 t 0 (4 , 1 varativc pen. 11.10 of nrilia), 'LI; 41 f vit.lato turapir anti ex,:,;1., 1'.v;) t 1) ti.I; f t9rrup re;11.A-c..4 17 ;a Va) 119 Pr... 1" .17: LT: i•z, AC, „ ; 11c J.1.1;:.f D 1•4 tr.1. F,-4.ne.. r • 11 .1 4 -1 h -tai. 14 ;1. 11: IL./ eoruiAexion. Alew doses \v.:IL:a-a 4....lar.,...3.1.1.).ohli13ge; Lint-trx • extrar; nyrry vr--'it, ao cVt3 13. i.1.11t.: 4•-: 3 (. 4. a 1 .411:44 cln: ;, a' varg ti 1;-: e:-. 1 1-4= •aria. 44.-...!.; 11 1- ;a I V- .• ; 11-. I "al = d ;13.711 coi4.:L3, ;IT 3:3 • '1. ..i. 3 i 1 1' . 11.e,e1ve4t, -places 1bilir; el - rETrt ✓ I 11.n la 117.- 1.11)".' 1.-1 '1 a If .4.11111:141 ) 1,14., a .) p, 1.1 .111 ro."..- • ."t t !: carA;• tic nry-r1'4. 31,eflit - St3p- - 1 • 1 1210,31 r; 4 f 1.;-r. : a -a..11; al.t. r e;t• .. 1.: 43.-.:.1tr:: - -, 4 .-.1...3.* r 3 3 11.:..1 , 1' ....italig j`Tfli',... f, Tar-, 1.--l'il .. i'' ._ 1 ", I,. (:13'1.- ", Z. ,, 1-, t ..)..3 ftc I -A-.1.r b .f..-:-..3 rf N..1.: -:,-, LI -Z.' -, a 11:'- 4.- -i. 5.4' z-aws rt..1 C::". t 3 ill C. r1--- 1,1 . -i-". 3 i 11 , ) L:•11. 1 37, I ' ;_.--. !--C11 01 i: ,...- , -.--1, ,.; ,-maris 11-....c114.tr4 n (f t"- 1 1:1 1 1.-4.- r, 1.; r 1 4-, . 1 r.' _ 1:, c_c_.antly it: -1 in f a - .. 1'.t : 1 ( .t, ..1 :„,:.' 1 1., ... ..; 1,• i i 1 ib nil I r.r44.r) a cr1.1 k cl" ; 1mr 1 4 e 1 7° • ''... 1 .4.4. r . .- ; fano- t.4'.•:-..al I: ir.n. 71) 1.14 ..r -t-,.-•-; :1111:-.) nr. 3 i 3 t ..` r :,,a c I" t t's. ) 7 t:::.5 fr ..-.,1 •Ct.) 1 1-:-.1. T .:- • ; x c l4..a...1.1=•_3 1-1, -I.: b'l. 1.17 . 1..".::..; 4.:4.1 or e 1),)•:, -. •A- 11 4. " .:: r. 1 . (1* 1-.:::-..4.ra-.:, ; i f 1 :.e. 1 t' LI ; i' i r: 3. lt -.; 1" .1r_ ,,iii..it-..L.14.- -31- 1.-Ir.-.4.114ar..11.1an and -illo Luc,: 1...--_.;.1 Tri.mriLlir tx.tr,c,o=nr: 17.r..t''..)7.7 1.- The -el-•t z t on. tilt ,InliC `- _ - „IA tilltt ) 1 _Ino-j7s nt3 ; flick • 'ratan CIE • tanz dA ; rre. ; c Z )-• ; 3-0...;.! 7.1.) t...‘=1,1 't 7- • L3 -3 • 3 : t LI' 1 137.1.:. I r: 7;111 ' '" • FOR BILIOUS MEM& 1.1•••••+ Net - one Jai rt, thsa sufrer from 33Ilious co Dr. fluid way's ' treatnj served, and Nvi seized -with 1.—A Vegetable Substitute for Calomel anti Wieur V. I iCVIIS 7r3ririll 2— Counter -Irritation, made perferAii • .° and roe -ver, Radway,',s' Pillsthat Itdraws * martlaso.Ague,licmithnt ILU ^.7 frorn (forig-ested Blood. Vessels, IsIctves, tant Pevcr. In fact Liver, 5lomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and. Gther and Nrep=;ei-able fe-vers viscera, and purging all exerementijous, ted and cured by it corrupt humors and diseased d. eposits from .1?-ima,s, assisted wia. tile3.111sItnemth.ese Pills a nourishing and vutri.- 13'57 tile it-A3C)Ir irt3E tiouS principle is secured, by whieb the blood, juices and fluids of the system, be- come invested with the vigor of life --.they are', the only purgative medicine — that strengthens during the process of purstion. These Pills act as a: solvent and toare to the gastric juice, enabling this so1v6t. of the system to properly dissolve the tube- TiEtEA rig cl. -we-0141 pia Ints,11 exit , is <lb- ° ntay Ito dc)14<.-!, ]31.. Id PeNeer„. eNe r and irIn. ermait all ,n313tn_a1 re p1rio-v-em-- X3DNViV3Zs.S fl irliX3E1'cicz. 1g) lifted I As a prevention, when idler pf these maladies prevail, take one pill per ay, this will regulate the liver, and siippiy any defi- cency of the 'welly conditioi of the gastric juice, the natural solvent of the syStern, and tances taken into the stomach, and id di- secure healdy digestion ; en to twenty gestion, and the convertion of said sift,: tan- drops of Ready Relief, in W ter as a drink, Ces into the proper constituents to make this this will secure invigorati n and strength. pure, rich -and wholesome blood, the dekko- where there is weakness, las -itude and lan- cy of which is the cause of Dyspep.(4, g-uor, and neutralize the p iisonous acids, digestion. Diabeates and many urinary diffi- generated from the gases of i digested food, culties, etc. - irritant and. morbid humors 4—They regulate,' the organs of OA sys- &c., and if seized with any tem, restoring functional harmony logd se- take the pills in hrge doses curing the secretion of the proper pvnsti- hours„ a few doses will ens tuents of each organ, by their a-tidp. the have cured the Worst forms Liver secretes its allotted proportion .of phoid, Marsh, Ship, and Isth Ie—the Lungs, Carbon—the Skin, Sweat— the West Indies, South A the Kidneys, Urine, &c. treatment with the Ready. R 5 —The aged, and persons subj4f to have m, et with the same succ Constipation, Costiveness; ParalysiA: and Indies,—thee fevers are Weakness of the Bowels, Kidneys an&Blad- and will more readily yiel der; &c., that h:ive to resort to injections ;---- forms as they exist in temp by taking two or three of Radway's Fib, will than in their more fatal type enjoy natural discharges, a:n(111)y the :occa- zones. sional use of them have regular4.oper4ions. 014 - In these cases their strenr-,tfleningandlintri- _twiioluisdpdrinnceilpvle:traernegtehxitioibtiitleedeR i);(mtreVisC7.1.,id\o_csre. nisznee;:iti:kalain:i,ena_.(waftellifea;1.1.isegocolet19en:grelfoil-:FhTii,11;issnie sl.etuatt.vIrla:an,l,s; bKyi 6d dnLes yepsns, te&in oce.rs;eatigpmeitilsm:y be worn br a want that sciente has of ih,e rarest .products of the vege able him; lo-yri,-01 -4. 3 grains of the 11.c-jVC curative r f e-e:racts rills are unlike all other pills. slid -contains at .is inwe e t cf tbeeineser be Ot 0 teed es T - • -; ' ever failed to supply is secured; and..41 a thorough purgative that can be given in safety in cases of eruptive fevers, ati Small Pox, Erysipelas, Vellow Fever,.4cart and Typhoid Fevers—when the Mi,leou$. ;Mem- brane becomes ulcerated—now:the.S6'Pills purge thorourably, and -heal uleerateil and eicoriated parts. 7.—These Pills are made frorn-Lexets-- from new ingredients—entirely vegidable, •fthe stomach; '-orm f fevers, to 6, very six o.. cure. •1. f Yelow, Ty; us levers, in erica; and my lief, . nd `P ills, ss in the East of o e family, in th ir milder rate- 1.in-rates ; of, the torrid dian Remedy: PETER C. V. MILLER. Ernestown, County of Lennox and Addington, Ontario. 5 To all to whom it may pome.--,-This is to • certify that 1 Lave been aequainted with tIn above mentioeed gentleman, Peter C. V. , *for many years, and. heart uio wn Lim always to be of the very high- 4st reepectability and a Very candid ant*a zeditable person and I am confident that can safely vouch 'ft r the truth of the above, or any other staten ent made by him. • REV. W. F. S. HARPER, 44-1y Rector of Bath, Ontario. IIE ZIMMERMAN HOUSE, WROXE- 1. TEE. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Proprietor. Dec. 14, 1868. • 53 -ti or pain d'f,esdOn, restive- cc.441i Id Le founa _only in theserilis. In 1.....srehas i ,t, see that cue cf the lal;e1 is r..4arkeij'.3e. R. .;4.-1. and the I.:le-simile Eignatur cf lint.way 13 Co., piirttcti in Led liik, an.1, that it dtray,s l'en-t•lateri on the o'her label, there aro ::,) 1.i Is in each hex. co- verealri,,,h sweet ginii, Price -13 ets., per box. ,Soill by'l)rugg,ists and :ountry lierel) a • Is, . •Dr. 1--Z,,.4.13W-- 'SI S.A.IZSAPARIL14/114* no -3c:, -i.., -nn . 1 • This extraordinary rnedicine is akin,” astonishing ,superior ifl every respect to the oil nary - ct `li,n1,reac ' 'h ; eu-t lettr:. srAcar41.1 IfreneLlssieeine. i1:113"P- powders and substances of tlie, cominpn ad- ' DL.31:21131,-,3 cf the 1, eae. 01111r:r_rihrCatrlYeSt f 1 z; and rert Feleus ; the Clins,-an411.....e:enrial t3eres. drastic pills in general -use. Lef;s. ke,. Dints ina,_e of the 171.0f 0510- VerilS(.. Pills. Two of Radway's PW,s will act quicker than half a dozen of the ,c0--Mmonh.0 ,...e.olange of ittz;1 eas.es cf vier kening disc arees Lailes,ni ELEGANTLY COATED -NO TASTE OR i.S..UELL.; Leuelicrree, Ileurelhee,•- ae.1 d izeherg s ftnin ins• liters, it it the e.q perfect curt live Ic own. In disease:Stet' the 1,idne3s, 1, .1.1.1cr T.7rinarY SCOUF2Ifie THE INSIDE& Lial)eate.e., Uravel, Driebs'e Dieeese, Persons who take Pills for the pit'i-pose' TiEasipsearzeesssien cf Urine, and in e ses'AVIITO i7.10 UM. 0 r i„ 7) of gettin0- "a (rood sconrin,r out" are g-'• &resits eenee,.. one, winte b , b ;tr. tbrea:l, cr albtiten. like the ite cf cm. cr the not aware tnat tney--are 'Wearing awa., t.-leir trine cloudy,1 -t the pat:ent has intestines, irritatin(r the Mucous LIeeLrane, g -feat tre,.hle hell ;r 'r wi.h f.etiro to ;Ulcers, Sores, &c. • MANDRAII.0 that str.on5riet.11 a.11::clealac. an 1 ill ari;reitl;' ains are and laying the foundation for Inward alsebawe, • am 1 ie cones may sn (sole, anS has a c.laimed by some to be a substitute 4."a*.Mcr- hez-'7 P"Lti Ise rf ac iwela loing 1,1 ,r 4. 13 e,1:{.....-teueed r:lonr,, ersnr1 ck lire.fiza, end a , wrt . scour - -- ant over cr -11 1 17; •--4 cury, will procluce • this efrect 1'11 Le:Ole-eta A. id wort eliaizo Inere aad„ the bowels like any other drastic, and will wear them out (see page 666, Wobtl & Taches,, U. S. Pharrnacopiz). INIL-*'drake, as a constituent of a purative pill. for ge- neral or continued use is hurtful, an a its in- troduction into a pill secures no new princi- ple., Mandrake is inferior to the same drastic principle, in the ofiicina.1 alpetic pill 'of the dispensatory, so there is nothing tlew in this agent; although its principal advocate presents it to the public under .Dt 1?,.%ch ways original discover, Of vege sub- stitute for Mercury. C ure tSo pae:ent This ree-e-- - Seiler then eelebuy Cathebs, Capat,ia, crpen:ine, Creesotef: and all ether agents need in 11 CO cazes he; those( sue'ering give it e, trial. Item reds cf pere.....13 who, were coin ;elled to use Cathe;.ers teat:fano 41.:!harge Nvater. hovo by the use of se. boteles beee.ecesela- tely eured, alai by one teaseee tee -three treses Per day, eajoyei the felieity cf Pa Ina their weter nets - line is on WO label of eaeli bet e,Iven°1:11:-.); °th3orsia'mPsn rally. In all cas:es ace that th tfihrLal avolooLedkoi r st. T. 1.1 e. Ro • nA0D{107 A "Deb' r1.1,0EttieNT,srixAbToittiNesa- • Address JOHN RAOWAY, M. O. & CO., _ no Br. PLISL, ST.t SWITTEtritAt4e; BOLD BY ALL D UGGISTg "ttles'iwo=nowmotwocimmliramm, • ROSS ftt /2-4 0 ni- (.1. I: -%i ;:at0;i1 ,L1. ./4',.4...unrkly.a=i;-LaV, Dee. 1-1, -TT L. VLIII.t.VE, A1.1 11 4,“ A -). SErr .-:-,21113. k: I itgInottki,-;tiii-e, fide. 144, R.• W. lie 1.'e*"1411TII. a rOWN, ik..".'.3. i)tik tersieery. -_ lieselenee,---- Seafortii, 1.);:t.!. 14, ib' -I) Tl1.:.5..;;IT, IX., jt.- -tile l-''c/'.;io,'...•,.- i.i.t.',aibk!,'No1-.:. -- WI.; Episeppsj c.....L.,-4,4.,_•,:3. -Seafor;li,-.11L;z. 13, 1St•) e So 1-. t0 11t.% 43n..34.. Paris, t_) --i It- 21141/11::* ill ity. Tpras e:i..;„--,7.• •;Star Bu 13 ci aia. Paris, Ike. 14 if • 1) EN, & 1.) ant A.31o313eys .1...1 k..liannery ;ma. Iti4t,Ivi Notark. L'ub'iz.., IVroxert a 3:11.5. If- clii'Sl '').t3a,fortli, .15,24.), 11.111. 1' _ Git.., v,r. Alcrifl.f.f „ Lana Siirveyi.)rs, Ali menner of - 0:111V- Iteat1tt..‘-1s aliit tliSptitef-). 1 111i8s101r; r ija. B.: li.,. 1)11' of Sharp's IIotel he Seafortia Dee. "14, lei, : .21-1.-S3 & Ell,Vs1le and. Att.-ores:as la eery; N o' eries -&e. 0 .;e, -lvr. !Ali er,abb's i) 4)., (4,,l..,_ut Lena. w. To I: a -.xf._ E. Seaforth, 3.)e.e. 14th. lii .........._ ,.... . , ... , XT e 3 „sew, S):le:to-a ;sneer, See., isC. Ofiiest W. S. 1--tAbort,m- NT- eont. Irest, on • real estate. Sea,fertla, Des. 12. 1, —. ITI, W. HARRLS,': kJ-. lieati.A. ..--i.rti-i tures_ inserted With ail improvemen'z-i. Tho i -- • the preservation ef dee' Teeth A.:Nrimei,cti With*: COnier's Sterc-.A.; Seaforth, _Dee, 14, e RNISTRONO'S Elul. :Stage. He - 114) Tnis :Leuze c.iff..r Seafortli Wro;:, -stages to )Valke.rton. at Sealer:1. W. A. AinleyVilleApril 1CAUG3f it13111;11:4, tten haneery and Ineol and eonve,someers. Bank, b'eaforth, Agen Assurance Co S %. 1-‘arine,_ House Seaforil, Dee. 14, I. • .fe on T ty Witar 'rue Pwvu CAnatia, Thc Liverp In. Co., for I.efe and • triet MutuaI ,ire District, AIM LIMI 1:7Z-3 be liberallf dealt wit) Seafortn, 90, •1-113„. LUBL:iKl; _LU 1113 -IST, reepoesf- of S'eafereh este:•s he is prepared to -en blains, lngrowing all diseastS of the A sueeesbfal treatinz • rtess. •Oniee directly Dry Gaodatitore, Seaforehe Dee. 34, IN cutting ana evant, a good or Shampt)9Xlect, as the Livdc 'Wonder, Motel, Main 8tresati - ROOMS 411 eo public: 411 making :he h iirgross! corning 4.,11k ws 4t;:v. in be&trftt :69.• c.401 Seder 1, bee. 14. owN-rx -bala Iluron* Sts.i prietor, lipropri the travelling'priblic rounding coin.c.ry tl house in atannfortal to accainodate all WI call. The table is the market affor43. best brmids. -ed to the hotel, Seaforth, Dec, 1- TB.OX1iTEB. saw, Pro • beeu lately enLu style, }lis roo. 4 -which cannot I home for- the trav will be famished wi the- seaion.- Best Cigars at the Bar. general &wt..- Offive- Wroxettz May 1