HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-19, Page 7�i eak fe past -Elvin -a% ha -,tit.nlr.. fa � � } E f�iE`t.tlIre ctf't1,nnee.nems t.T the .Me 1.a+1 g;i ;iithaat`th ja1;z.ef ; to receive t.rtic a' ' fox .:a.1 Hil is •a '# Ir- O .i1t tl ,with e rte, ea tisfa k .. 1 7P, • X15-1 is MET OHM MAR' UNDERTAKER tee.. Large Stock is ' 1441. 4,1 ' 1 � f —.. t'4 • ._ 6aI" v Fcms.' < ik @ t C i- arr Y Y kp F poi a c. yf cir tile - hoes t ! r -• ti: (Fa t(Y a- z' -r.,,. F.a i1 1t7.(ney F : 1.4 t ?w t., ra.. ebtrivet' ' fjs t KI DD ce tx*: TO LET. • TELL, t Fu, t 1cf�tt' a, E ; Ed,' •* (,a) -i Eq� r dee, .L -. . -• St:r4i11(. • L,.FtF. , (.t • .Pies �.:t., as (e1' (:t s kit: (rr: tiiffn. c•.;.L L AND s - ! g the lit• F;It; !,1f 1Ir ▪ ';t(t i that he [lit: t•`t 't'11t;ra1 1,1atek.utitliing at lff3 Old Stand,. �t�-i�-� �¢n es, i f S 3 E Ai1.�STFD v�.f S HOTEL L.YVI L LE, ij I1ti i1 pitid to i1ora4a-: `infeing li t o Dth, 'o9, Ga." E The wedding dress of.M'lle Caandallo, .n. Fren:;h ,lad i, , with as fortune of two z . Tiiilf�(�1IS, e�t.+�t $11,0v0. ° L xtdv 1ideDonald presented the Pre- -�, . 1week ' h 'a; daugh- ter. �ti ith . 1•i, t .111,,t.i of {.�etli�i(kai, laga 3_,e r. A 1-. Williams, ' of St Catharines,. lost; :,-,35,000 in a New Y,�rk gambling • &aloun., a'isi,o1.•t time since. • A iiif:-Albeta of tthe-'Smith family i s just lfl U t;`��icd at tli ;, age of unity -two e. H. was afraid the . }•5 , Ali family would; run out. The congregation yf •the; Gcitc Street (0. 1:.) Un aireh, are, ek0.lniele ring as 1?1'C- 'po;ii ion to giv.c a call - to the Rev. Dr. D.tz,1;i e"..` 011ic'azge. • An old veteran, who served in the lie- niiis'ela from. 1808, to tate , close." of the war named Brennan, died in Hamilton last week, aged 80 \Vihin the last few clays the.price of -. bread in `ioront.) has 10,311. • reduced two. (cents on the 1 }a' f, aamprospect. thero is a proect of the lift `0 falling yet. - Iit; `hu,:iness mel at T .uiistown ate pushing the telegraph e .telision from Elora te:'their" Villa:gii. At a meeting a few days ago, 1.4 was -silbse-riued for :.tile purl Jose. Sir ,I911u A. Macdomtld, Ifoxl, _Messrs-. `'Illev, Ruse and LauigeN7in are to con- stitute the 11.1d1Way, committee.:of the Privy Council, Under the new :ra lway act of 1868. ' - � lie house'. of George- Ftonehouso; Treas."of -;:►i Gijllvery was broken: into lately Cilzcl .?�fi{) t atken aL ti ay. A re- ward of a x:00 i:� " ;-1:(.d for tiie apple hensitni .of the guilty parties -The Scr.it:I1':iy .I)C'..t,<1CGitch, says that a large grey y l . -oil was killed in. the To;w n- ' -hip of r' qtr ri ia: c on the 15th dist., by_ Mr, T. 1 oiiw air 1. 1 -lis wolfehip had been lui•l=itiag i. un(l the nei llbdurhood•. for some-wocks•-p1`eviouslY. • Ten Quebec Li-,a:n=dense have eubsc1 ib. ed $107000 eaehet'or tile- coestruction of a i." lef,'aph lime. from Quebec to Otta- was ., t.i .M10 into ()petition early next sumril ee, to be ( esign:1.ted tL'ei "People's les. s'ldi t`.1,1, ColepanV. Ti1FF. y .11 teeen.cl ing: Town -Treasurer of St. - IU,i.t <iariiioe -, i11 Camp, h,1.;. been. lie irtl feoiti at Suceaifl onto California. I1e is out, of cmpl(`}yiiti.tit, and very low spirited. His (lolk'it Ia ;3,117,000. he a ii's body was interred" in the Ottawa jail yard, The Privy Council refused to ,hand it over ii his wife for - buri.it. Preparations ka1:d been iilaid6 for as gni.ild t', a11w" Ill Ottawa. aid pilb114 fun: ral in )I0ntreaal.: 7'lie Lcildun Advertiser says that the' Free Press and Ottawa Citizen are quarrel.lifig about (t-Who',pay s . the ilei /a' ;let'(' ii tetei', John A., never tlllul. (>t troubling himself about such a silly trifle- -." Who B -, g5 the Game." is the problem he stu(lie- to solve." The re eipt5 of. the Dominion Govern met_t f n the _month of January. were ;:,;78'2, i 00, - -1lile the .expenditure amounted.'to $2,016,482, At this rate the public debt is not likely tt, be paid offor some time to come, A private meeting of ;;Dine of the Most 1>r(imi.neilt c it if e I is- of 'Toronto took ,placo there ou Saturdays, to consider the best' method to be adopted to retain a a portion of the regular troops in that city. . The ' Toronto Mechanics' Institut- have decided- to erect a new hall capa- ble of holding 2,500 persons., Thees- till at -ed cost 01 the land and building is ;30,00(), 5otie . $12,000 of which the Institute- hopes to obtain by s• ubscrip- tion from the citizens: • Tea o convir ts, Duce and Clark, es caped from the Woodstock , jaLil, a few days ago, by manufacturing 'wooden keys with which each unlocket 1tlie other's cell -door. Tile �y then lockdl'" i.17. a the turnkey, first talking his pistol and key, and then decamped.. Quite a - lively fracas occurecl the other day in „London bet een a you g, Banister, and an attache, f the .Press. Some vigorous " exchanges" took place, but after a 'brief' time, the Press ap- pears to nave been victorion-S. The Ad'Lrr'tiser says the prompt and decisive action of the Press should be acknow- ledged in some public manna. nil A -constable at Poet . who ought to be struck from the list by the magistrates in session, a few days.ago followed a poor woman from the ton,` who had inadvertaniy carried off a •broom, during lie trading at a store. After ove hauling e woman, without • a warrant, hedemanded.$1 for his chase, and extorted from her a promise .to send hial a load of wood to - settle the matter. - - • Mr. Robert Brown, of the township of Minton, met with a severe accident on the 27th . ult. Ile . was engaged in getting saw, logs out of the bush,. and the binding chain broke while he. was sitting on the log, when ib rolled off the sleigh, breaking one of his - legs. As there was no one near to render - assis- tance. Mr. Brown lay with the log en his leg for upwards of an hour. ' , TiiZ, SEA.EORTH= EXPOSITOR. TIE coni Plete retu.iins of,:the e election in South Lanark give IVT. Code, the Conservative candidate,;,` Majority of 180 ove' Mr. Doran, the -numbers being Code 824 Doran. 644, At ;the close of the first day's polling Code Was 409 • Dui'aan `348; €171tl IIatgga l -198. '1`he �:a latter retire.(1, and thus left a f�:i.field between the other two::—The laoil.ng was not heavy,/owing :probably to the roads being blocked with -snow in ivaily plaices til \ Toodsto.ck: on Thursday, .while 1\11,7, Hardy wNa i working at tiie bottom of a well, fi> 11'g. a'puinp for. 'Mr. Good- all, the stone;` €and earth gave- iva,y, foriniug an arch at the depth of -26 feet —tile well 36 rfeet cle(T. Many Hien worked • -a11- night, and mains eel 1 o got the unfortunate - 'man out between Six and seven. - next morning 'without being hurt, only weak and numb. Ile waas'iu tiie ;ve;ll fifteeen hours, n two feet of water. - - 1 - Mr.t Duw tail, nlaanagcr of the Rich- ardson imine, e hibited in 'Belleville, on Tuesday, a brick of gold, the result of two weeks' crushing, - ending Feb. 2, 18669. It weiglis 1D oz.: and -1 dwt., valued at x;381, the product of 70 ton of rock. This gives an average of; $5,75 5 per: ton, benig somewhat above the for- mer yield. Mr. Dunstan says the rock cres1}ed during the last to or three days yielded oyer 20 per cent more of geld than that crushed formerly. The . 'eiegraph says there is a livery and buxom lady in the market in To- ronto, -w110 has followed td the grave, her fifth liiseal.i-id, and is again. in ,the market, prepared to become the better - half of any niK.,triixionially inclined gen- tleman. She is supposed:- to be the. champion -widow of the Dominion,- 'a s -there-is trot thought to be anotherr who has. five defunct h us1.}iinds " platiited side -T , side, as she has. - Any one wllo is desirous of making the number lalf a dozen should Itpply at once. iia;st year; 11,000; cords of.i wood wei.e delivers d on the Grand Trunk at the'\r opd stations,between Granton and Stratford, and on -.the London Blanch. Of this amount, 5,Q00 cords were used at St; Mai,.y's station, for which 2 25 per cord Amari the averaa e price paid -- equal alid—ecquai,l" to $11,350, alit 6,000 cord were ue d on-tlae liiie between (Ironton and Stratford, and on the London Branch, for which .'`,41,70 per cord was paid, equal; to X10,200, or a grand total of 321,5 50 1-aicl by the Grand Trunk kailwav Cot:wood ixi that vicinity - A frightful accident oceured on the Gielnd Trunk Railway near Shannon- ville oil lltowlay hist. While the freight trai n was coming west and CToSS- :ing the Shannon river a flange in a wheel broke, and- tllre-W:a freight car and conductor's caboose over the bridge on the ice =10 fact. below. , A brakes - man naalltcal Gunn Was -so severely in= :lured that lie cannot live. The conduc- toi aud two others were also badly in- hired but not so ais to endanger their lives. The cars were completely, bat- tered. - - At a late meeting, of the PerthCoun- tv (Council, tli.e Committee, (Mr. Trow, chairman) - appouted to consider the dog tax, reported that `t;hely considered the tax highly objectionable to _a large inaijority of thre ratepayers, more par- ticularly to the farming community_ It was -iewed by them,as a - species of 'compulsory insurance and that in most cases the c ainaties recovered far exceeded the loss sustained offering a premium for negligence in allowing sheep to run:at large. They considered that . each farmer Should be allowed to keep mie dog free, and that those keep- ing or. -harbouring dkgs in 'towns and vi lases should be ` t3Yed.--AdoZited. - r A 1 � ct .v was 3 s then submitted .and pass- ed, based upon elle forgoing deliverance, abolishing the tax in all the rural municipalities ni the county: • Not Working Pleasantly We learn from the Canadian News that the Hudson Bay Gonapany has -given its answer to' time recent despatch of the Imperial Government, w1: ich set forth the terrus,upon which the Gov- ernment would Oe prepared to recom- mend the Dominion of Canada to take possession of the North-West Territor- ies. 'The reply of the Company does not amount to an absol ute refusal, though it does; indicate an unwilling - r ess to accept the terms. proposed for the suriender of their alleged territorial rights. There :is, threfore, a door left open for further negotiation ; but the Canadian, deligates will not consent ' .t o deparc from the principles of settlement heretofore laid down. It is•-:e-vident, therefore, that at the date of the :t�Tews the 21st of January, the Canadian dele- gates had made very little progress in their negotiations for the acquisition of the North-west Tei f itory. indeed, we Should not be surprised to learn that the mission of Messrs. 'Cartier and Mc- Dougall has proved an utter failure.-- _ lamilto•m 2 ijaes. - - Grat Cleariny Sale OF ea:Immense Bankrupt Stocks- at O ginal Cost Price, for Thirty Days, until a Whole is disposed of ; now in the stores of West & Cox, • and H. W. McCann, Insolvents, S.eaforth. - The subsCliber being ob1iged to return to Ramiltoxi, has instructed his agents- to offer the reaming portion of the Three Bank- rupt St eks at Original Cost Price, anclmany goods a half price. - • SAL. OF THE STOCKS AS FOLLOWS : . Th < s. Meares' and West :Cox's stocks . will be found in the sore formerly , carried' on by West & Cox, and H.- W. -McC4iin's stock will be sold at his old stand. A large - lot of ue ancl costly. goods have been dded, having been pur- chase li at Bankrupt, Trade, an o her .Sales for cash, will als e sold .off at whatever saci°ifice. - - . ' . M .chants, Pedlars, Farm- -cis and others who contemplate . g Seaford' to purchase, �Tlsltli � , will do well to call at West & Cox's old: stand,- or at II • W. T :tcCanl's, 'where they can de- pend; ulnen getting. goods at roall3 half. price,. as they must all b sold immediately—the subs `rifer being obliged to re- turn ' e-turi' home—and rather than remove the,'goo is will offer them ata, great sacrifice. Nois your _ tithe to ' secure' bargains.w If you allow - this Sold - n opportunity to .pass, it will e 'your own loss. - The stocks` in both stores are 'well assoi,tecl, and very complete in Dry : Goods, i Clothing Boots and' .Shoes, Groceries, Hats; Caps, &c. ` Tlavng. been `pur- clias ed -at so much in the can be sold -at what other mer- chants 3� �a r - and ,.still have a pay, profit. Yours, &e._, L.- R CORBiY . 3. -Stores represented by - - two liar e l3ritish F'ags. eaforth, Jan. 27th. 60-7g LOOK OUT FOR e Sign of the WHERE • DU CAN C ARE SELLING ALL SORTS OF TS CAPS, Boos & sxorN, AT A . G�a r tl Reduced ed Prxce y -Foy ONE. MONTH ONLY! e -w -To make rogln for Spring Stock. Seaforth, Jan. 28th. 46. NEW HARNESS SHOP. THE -undersigned, OLIVEP wI.LI�IA1�2 H. , Begso announce to the inhabitants of Sea - forth and. surrounding country, that -he has o erred a :First -Class Horness Shop, Opposite the Post Office, MAIN STREET. He has had over twenty years experience. in the business, and for the last seven years has been in• the employ' of F. A. Myers, who speaks highly of his ability as a workman. Hieing bought out MR. TAIT'S Stock, and purchased a LAR E SUPPLY OF GOOD MATERIAL, He is prepared to sell AS BAP AS ANY OTHER ESTAI3- LISNMETT IN THE COUN'T'Y. En Scotch and Fancy Cb O L' Li A.R 5:_..� TEAM AND LIGHT HARNESS! He fears no competition. Cie liim a Call, and Save Youi Money, WM. H. OLIVER. .Seafo 1 b, Jan. 7th, 1869. • GREAT ATTRACTION THE LARGEST STOCK OF DRESS GOODS . THE NRWEST STYLES OF L THE CHEAPEST LOT OF awls THE BEST : VALUE .IN weeds and Goths. • THE NICEST STOCK . OF READY-MADE CLOTHING ! ! A� HILL'S THE PRETTIEST vaCL c! 1� AND THE GREATEST VARIETY OF AN€Y GOODS, AT `VCT_ ]JL 'S NEW BRICK STORE s a OPPOSITE THE LARGE ,BRICK .HOTEL SEAFOP.TH. BRITANNIA HOUSE. :3 MKRUPT STOIC' KD lULKIt TTAV'A just returned from the markgts ztAli the most replete, cheapest, and G Y EST STOCK 1. E � _ Ever nl1 orted into Seaforth, which, r _.price, style, and quality, - . Pt s Bankrupt Goods Into. she Sade The stk will be ionnd complete in. the various depaxtrehts, A PRICES WH'IC,H Challenge Competition 1 ; Consisting of - F . Slaaa,wis, Mantles, Breakfast Shawls, Pele�neal Ladies' "'tossov -ers, Lathes' Chest Protectors, Bonnets; 1 V. Hats, . Slaw Goods. F6 ,thers, F'iwers, Silks, Irish Poplins, F,renoh Merinos) Cobourgs, Lu sires, - - - - Baratlieas,1 - Prlince's Cords, Crape Cloth; Prints, Wineies, Cauibrics, Ticking, j Gree Cottons, Re ..ly-inadL Clothing, 3..rcitid Cloths, - Hcspler "Tweeds, Uvea coa><•ngs, - Fancy 'lannelsf Holm -imide Flannels, Carpet„: - H(tse Blankets, - aines' Satchels, Bots and ;Shoes, .And a choice . s assortment of Pirt 7,71, • 1 Fresh rioni the markt. - Also a large qua ,n> - tity of ONON ACO, COUERIWH AND CLINTON SALT. !ODD & McMMULKIN, teafoit October 20, 1868. SiLLING OUT: CREAT RGAINS�I 'Brctichcoo Would a•espectfully tender his sincere- tha' ins to tlf>a public of Seaforth and surround in country for the very liberal pa- •onage he has received since - co mencing business in SEAFORTH. And litit much pleasure in informing tla ell}.. that he intends OPENING IN c1'RIN 1 A verb ;Large, • Complete,- and well assor d Stock of DRY GOODS! AND RICIGERIES Whie.. will be sold on the ";Small I.'ro and Quick Returns" system. In order to make room for the STOC He will, (luring the two month .offer:the balance of.the WINTER .:GOOD AT Co =t Price and + nd Reme,iber! - 1G$ This till be a. genuine sale, Great Bargain 4 will be given. Give us a call. It is uSeless to quote prices,` as you most t o goods, to judge of their value, BUYS (ER & EGGS TAKE And the Highest P,tjice REItEMBER11. J h u' Uraidwood, Meares' Old Sta:d BEAFORTH. 3-3irt. Pebr ry 11th, 1869. 1 • r