HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-19, Page 6tj
E ..$:g.A.rwt74.g..„=„gxp..p.s.t.T.oTto
- REV. EZRA FIALEY will -Preach mor.
..ning and: evening, next sabbath, in
the W. Chmeh. .
E. WHITNEY has remov'ed, his 'Tin.
and Stove snop to opposite- his ,old
istand. See
SCO'i RoBEItTeCaa has just received
a large stock ofjellies„ marinalades &c.
See kis adta,
To TOWNSHIP GLERKS.411.- kinds
Munieipal Blanks, ready for delivery in
a fevie day* may be obtained at the
A °Asti Btix was stolen Lona the
trunk orMr. John Cnrry, last Tues. -
day, in his "room, in Lancaster's* Hotel.
It contained 'tsome twenty-one dollars,
The grist and saw mill- 'owned by
- Wm. Murray, near „Mildiraty, in
• the -tett-mint) of Carrick, was, on the
eetening, of 6th totally destroyed
by fire ; the large water wheel beinse).
the only thing saved.
TEA: MEETnero.te-The Congregational
Chairch at Gernmei's Ccriiers intend
holdine a -Teattreeeting on the 2-4611
inst. °Many - popular speakers- are ::ex-
peCted, and Mrse Gibson. willt preside
'at the melodeon.
- THE. CARNIVAL-L.:Tcarnival lcist
night was well attencldtl, the ice *es in
excellest order, and ttte characters Were.
-very good, We are.p'easecl to sO6 the
energetic proprietors tbe, link so'
.- liberally patronized) ,ta the ' energy'
which they have martifeted in making
artmeemtnt for the.\-wintei• `evenings,.
nmeh merits a Kearbet support
RATHER Cu ItioUs.—On'WedneSclard
lot of select D
an _. '0110e0Upi
The thing
Gooce Were -found, in
d hens° Harptirliey.
°came .g4intrally noised
Opening of the New Baptist Chureb
As previously announced it would,
the Dedication Celebration of this
Church took place during the week, ar
report of which is oublished, below.
At 10:30 a. -m., the Rev. Mr. Bates
of . oodstook, gave . an intellectual
diScourse on the ," Gospel Plan of Sal:
ITAlion;" basing his remarks on Verse 5,
chap. 1) -of Leviticus. He Elaid in the
Jewish worship, ' three things were
very noticeable,viz., Five from
Heaven,. _Blood, and Sweet Incense.".
,Thd first. nlialt be supposed to typify
the Spirit of Godethe second the Blood
of Christ, and the third, the Interces-
sion of the Son with the 'Father. _Blood
iS,cons aieudus in .J6wis worehip ; but
not in ilea -then- Blood an essential
of Salvation. Christ, howeerete. did
away withi ell -such. The speaker in-
tended dwWling More on the Blood. In
the first plhCe he would eoneider the
• thing itselfe secondlY, its use •'Under
the iirst heed it .mieht be obserVed
that nope but the priests ,were privi-
leged to sprinkle it. From its .earty
Divine introduction in. religious -wor-
ship, ib Was easy to conceive that. the
f S t f •
g v ng o ie on was no an a tet
thought' on the pub of Cod—et the
same time it does not. imply that See
-preme fore -knowledge of the* fad, co-
erced man ieto sin. ,A11 Jewish cere-
monies terminated in the death o C 014 rist.
The essentiality of blood in thdancient
ceremonies) 'Was only typical of the ef-
ficacy of the blood of Christ, whieh wo
know- ,parges fr-eine all sin, thro6gh
which only salvation coritee. The ex-
ereise of ,Christia,t privilege, and good-
ly feelingS, are nOthineein themselves• ;
butlit is the ,blood of 'Christ alone upon
whip]. is based the livhole ed.onomy of
•Salvtation. Freeness is a marked char-
a,cteiistic of the bleed. To . all des
,salyatian. come—as the, water of the
-wayside broek quenches the thirst, and
the rays offthe sun illumine all without
price, still more freely is the saving
- power within the reach of all. Sone
around and on the followingimorning
_ , d' ,. . look upon Salvation as being - free; Sret
when -some of -1.1e officials we_Te about- I . , ,.
taking the matter in hand; .the_ good - ,
1 not obligatory.; this is ft ft0Se -p0Siti011.
% ; as the imitation is clothed with
Were not there.
-vine authontv, the neglect of -which is
a ,
ECONOMy.-----lasewhdo w41 be seen' fatal. Though Salvation has thus been'
an advertisement of 0:ainpbelfs StON-0 1:p1:0Vided.,for all, it is not .0 at. man, has
Damper and Ventilator: 114.2 lioirt, i the least claim for the amu upon the
agent for Seaforth) put, one up for' as ' (heat Ma -ter of the world ; but it is
gratuitously bestowed.- Wickedness is
no ,disqUalification foe a recipient of the
Same. . The Pharisees said of Christ :.
"Ile rac.oiveth Ph -11101'S." - AlTliat would
become of us, did he not :?
•Scconeltit—"THE -Ushs OF THE BLOOD."
At a look intd the,,IcwiAi Temple, we
I, see Oxen -waiting for' the. sleughter,
. Priests arranged in snow wilite \(,t;
MANY farmers* ifi Thekersmith, iNro- . t 1 -in 6 uit _Ez -1
' Y Men S, alit , . 1 _z ad. 00( MiS
Killop, Hallet, Staab 9,nd Hay are :,•ii./ ,/ , , - 7, ,.
.(1! MI 03 a ,ar SeVen (AMC'S .
-priding themeelves in procuring 11°- * Chrgit-dyiu • once Ives niore, than et i
• recently; and having thoroughly tested
iA-we give it an. unqualified recommea-
dation, as an economiser of fuel, and at
the same Awe' health.preServer. We
know of 'T-10 iavention for domatie use,
-which is a better investment for _House-
keopers. It is equally servicdable for
reughbred stock. Last -year and aeleat thereto. juetice. Wtifi
Geoiige Spi,•oat beought up. two youngt there/ a,- God AN't.IS satisfied. ,It
$ from Tra,faigate George pieseuy !•epeteeided u- Me Jferrly ae there is
brought a pare Dtirliam.bull and heifer
no -mere 1.)100d. A a I It) 8 ga 1'
from Campton near Montreal, and last, ionents, (41-il vaits,of 7„:8 bod .*1 I#
- .7)
Hay,„ brought up • two pitre LeiOster I 1.y. &Voted. tO the Service of Godit
ewes, eeltieli he beught joh4 -1\11114T'll7111.St We 40 Sprinkled -No th'' the Blood
aede in. the Township of .)..farkbain on" ,catiee to et pterttet from oursu
t ;81.,11;11,3art of February. Ti coet e;15.---.--; The Book vos sprinzge,/, .;(3 under the
. Clirrstien dispensation t10 .11Ook
„ • .1 . 7)1, c•
N. rL Aciticuvrtm:u, 17,1).1'111/KieCt lu.,1 -.1,100tt
Saitanay Mr liugh -Love, r-roviThhil). ; Zied, incliCafin,r that he wa3 to be whoi-
.sE__TLe utrti tuttaiIirr Which:remit:I s c ommende '111; )(Tat -iv.%
110 t. rinkled e it b. Ae. tined;
-Ned 1 coiu a off this:teeter :11; tile • UOIMIJer-
on wodc.,e„;_ 01nnot:answer the peneete, preeta
eial Huta of this villagt,'.
day evening next, at• tko ittRt's?Le tf..stle -eeti'lliefeet,
golden and eattlien, Chel ;Leavitt:the eiit,
T:Lere is every •likeiihood that it will be
Lee one beeettee it wee phi, no, rejeet-
an, anusuelly pleaso.ut .1.11.1.kf ,prontaidu
gatherin(„r, as wad; • edit,,n, ell the other beeanee it reite r h ; the .
)1 opt %sets tile; cols With in (.11,
of the _Fariner's pre -
Sent to address the company,: and the Co t nO reele oe ot. pereonS----,:hat
band of the -village has been secured to fi'eY ildded with 1 &aid te the
entertain 'them witlittlIeir SetiktiiTing a13-1
C pc vile were to he Niii•iiikivd /he -
music Admission 16. centS'.—aniatert 11
Voted, (elt the spe.Dker iteih'eeeteed figu-
_Yew .EVa.
xativrel,y),; F4alvation onlv is,
AURQN*RIFI4E- AsSOGIAT1ON.—,As per to theca: who accept Christ it‘i tbeir -
, announcement, a meeting tookipleee at t prea.ehe,d CM( led. 1 and ado rt,-
,iutotri f , _ cietv eta- A committee was appoint,
especial work for His own people in all Freer, and that the petition of H. Jo -
ages of the worlt1 ; -the Jews bad the lin and others be granted.—Carried..
Temple .at Jerusalem to exect---Chris- Moved by N Woods, seconded by W.
dans of the present time have the great J. Biggins, hat the following parties
'Moral Temple to ereet. - eA knowledge be paid the stuns opposite their respee-
of the:Divine Being, gives strength and tive names foi, sheep certified to have
faith. Examples of faith may be been kilted by dogs, viz. Jas, Baird $3,
seen- in. Abraham and Moses, •• An ele ' John Maarlane $19, John ,Cameron$9,
mmt of spiritual strengthe-is, "A firm and Jaalohnson $1—Carried. Mov-
eonvietion of duty," as exemplified. in ed by N, Wood, seconded_ by Jas. Mc -
the Apostlee, which abstracts the tho'ts Leod, That if a good) substantial bridge
from earth to those of Heaven. " Hu- be built and completed where requi-, e 1
mility .and . a Reliance noon Divine by the petition. of Walter Molfat• aim
Power," is an element • of strength. cthei-s for the sum 'of ;:i`iil 00, the Reeve
"Possession of the Spirit of Prayer," is be empowered to Jet the job ; if not for
another element—the _most powerful that stini the job be not let.—CalTied.
m en ' have been men of prayer. For the _Moved by Niman Woods, seeomled by -
successful prosecution 6f the Christian Geo. Castle, ThatJohn Morgan has paid
Work—Activity, Wisdom, Zeal, and taxes- on lot 52, :Bayfield for 1868,-,
Unity mi•e repiti,ed. Stich elements OtaTied. AIoved by N.. Woods, second -
increase the facilities. There are men ed by W. J. Biggins,. That a By-law
in the church who have I'lever wrought be formed and passed 'fixing the s- ra
to the greatest advantage_therein; t payable for Tavern license ab 83.0.
requires au apprenticeship ; for,' though chiding the Provincial duty, aul C50
the raw recruit of td -day may, make a for shop license inalnding provincial
ivaliant•soldier at some future'putet he duty, also that the, 1) umber of Taverns
cau: only be a victorious one Lty a ti un- be limited to foie teen 1-entl the number- ee
mg._ There is a peiens,1 gall in this of shops to five--cdriject. 'Molted by -
course, a$ those who follow it, have a N. Woods eeconchel by IAT • J. ili:_,N-insi
happy consciende. and a- rich re\sWx1 Tliat $2-81 IV •paid to Rev. IT. (in
Jr returning thanks for past favors,
the pleasure of annonnei9v, to the
ch -it and inniness Mennfeaforthth,
we prepared to receive ordos for all k"
0-0oods handled -with catc, and: B
tio gua ran fee •
1/4'1111r‘r 21st 1850,,
await. them. There ftr0 encouragements being,back -6.xes ',ot 2 range 6, for
ie work. "I m 'With you," finial
the Lord,—God •and one makes a Ina-
jority. He 'VMS With the (TOWS in
Wilding the -Temple, and with the
Apostles in preaching. the Lord Jeeus
Christ. There are many dissuasive ar-
guments. to pursue the work. 1. olden
times God said, "Fear not' And crown-
ed the labors. of his servants with suc-
cess. He:says the same 1;6 us. 'I here
are, many conflicting influences, 'but by
reflection on the pad, •wo may safely
hope to See. them cleared away. "The
Juitt shell live by faith." • The speaker
terminated by. an earnest injaction to
those upon -whom the church rested- to
.`work," fol. said he "All W11.0 -are called
are to be up and '
The T. eve Mr. Bates again officiated
kind deliVered a very practical serinen
on " Prayer,'' from . Psalm. 118, and\
N7erse :25. The sermon iVasef e nature to
make it particularly -interesting to the
professor of religion,. being.: one that
aqrd food for- thought -aillq.,yeflec-7
tien, a. this important the
ciattin of Christian re:igien.
.ON motepAer.eiVE>.ii,NO
A. tea Meeting took place; which went
off1with all that was neceSsaiT to make
it a grand success. The tetstor Of the
clit!trch oecupied.the chair, and Verv.ex- bushels kiree'peas, lst prize 2 00, ;
, e
eClient addi•esses Were deli v ed by .1.-1,cvs, 00. Best 8 bushels smell pees, ;
liaylimeit, Graham, Dates, iitentlerion prize 00,- 2nd 1 00. Beat 2 beaheis
wad Stueipli, and. Met-ers. Grey . atd tietetlite 1st prize 2'00, 2.nd 1 00,
Roes, and excelleat nietie was diseoure-' 17,tee bushel of clover seed) let prize 1
(ell ler the choir, under the letiderehip of ,-2 -(10, end. 1 00. Best 3 .:beeet. ls of
Jr. Trott, with Mrs. Dr. ilittcer at the Carley... 'potatoes, 1st nrize' 2 00 21.td
A Late gtook •
k 0,F
LL kinds of form iturek.rp eonstan lvon
mer --
t they
Ids of
hand, •can.e...,.,:4 /4 t'..,..: 1.,,=,- .,-.,r:
lnl,ff'el - -7,-rir;n:4 ;
avs. C(41;1.8 Ir.ryp4; emi...,...-.,..' 1
- -Ae. Kidd e,:., '2,1,17-yiull,;171,3,
ii -Ar A. I lettr.,"3 f',),r - !lire. NVarer( o
_.,1*.k. nr.24.'e 031 1110 i .1rVilli0:.
•1:-' ti t, -....--i T, 7- 1
:eel, ot. 1,t(ee. .3. 1....,‘....,0.
1 .
for the year 1 86;a: wrongfully pet t by _ -
him to the county- 'Preetee-cr.------Ite•riW 13. a
e e tett
-loved by W. J. .15i,urins. se,-.:Inled by
Woods That - the nam of 1.;z75 ap-
proprtated to.each colleession line, anti
i. e slIM tOlhe village og Bay
Carl ied. Moved by (deo. Castle, a -Tend-
ed by jai. -.A.Iclicod. The t the Trceeett (T.:
ellow- the Colleetior for a bad
taken in col lection.—Carried. •i eve
by Geo. Qastle seconded by Jos. Me-
Leod That the Council do now af..i3):1171
to meet at Mr. John RatteabultV HO1.
tel, Brucefield, on the fourth .5iondav
ia Rfarch 1 o'clock p. ied.
To wusli ip. Clerk.
Varna 10th Feb. 1860.
• -
SEED. SHOW.- 'rho, Tuckersmith
Blitnelt Agriealtnral Soeiety will hold ;
their annual seed show, at the villa:re
of Seaford), on Friday the 2,!Ith of
Feburary, 1869, when the fodoweing
prizes eyill be awarded 8 bu-.1a.ls
sluing wheat, 1st prize 231,1 (10
2-00, 3rd. de 1 00. I3est 8 bu:1“..ls ,
rowed barley, lst prize 00, 2:1,1 do
2 00. Be St 8 bushels 4 or 6 ro,.-ed
do lst prize 3 00., 2nd • 2 00. reeei
hindiels, potato oats,, • 1st pri:f.e 2 00,
1 00. • .1.3gst 8 bueliels common oh4,:c
2st prize I 2 00 -- 2nd 1 00. *1',e•,,t,
Meletleon. • .
, . • . . , 1 00. Best 3 busivds late .potatoesel
SABBATH ecarooe FESTIVAL - - 1st prize 2 .00, 2nd 1 00. ' Th 0 So X r
04 TueSday•evenine the scholars of the --eietY reserve the „right_ to sell tfm
','4.-bha,t2b. School si in , connection ..with Prize grain, seede and roots, at twenty -
the. ch erch, hailed . the opening of the - cents per. bushel -over the, enarket
.A.11 articles to lie :
ana 011
.Ilelir b lihling With their MenTy -presence, Prises f01 that dn:Y.'•
aeeoceitted with th&ir parentS and.friendb entered :with the Seeretu`,Y, 1
and spent a few hours in. pleasure, and, the ground, before 11 a. m,, on day of
profit, inleasting, -singing, and listiele. Exhibi-titm. -
. to Addie -os from some of ,tthe, r
INST.TUTE.—A lne.Cting
above nientioeed speakors. took plake On Wednesday night, in-
‘,TO rerret tle v petal ee expected accordance with -prev.:Ous Notice; at
mal ter, a t a - hour; • 101.601 (ules du) .v.hich the folio -wino-- otricersWere
.•. r,
poSi-ibility ef a )11.0M eXtell(i 1(1 -report of jeep toe. President, air. John Giety ;
tho Litter pert cif the abovte Suffice it Viee do, Mr, Dewar; i'iO.c. Mr, Camp -
1.1) ""''' 11. 1.1 the' 1:)."11tis c'"'grega1i°n (-1" bell e Treasurer, Mr. Etys ; Librarian,
:-;6., Forth have a very flea. commeous; -mr. Lax ton. A. '%7/333j ..'v etmittattlt t
. ,
-7-`1 -
t'N "L'' •
lit a:ea:
ST3. r LE
o R" -
_1=a- to
:CD FA,... -Ce
AT _A_ 7)
7742' N.- 107 -4
- 4-,
, • I
• tit,
.1? -1•1
sukeribcr begs to inff.rm ti.le
he has just rs v -
of ;Saddles and
Which he is p epared to sell
vices Alm oet
Ti 0 0 Bcr.
SAldle,• Bridle and 'Mr.r 1;ale fo
snail join of
. 7
0 .‘1,1 V,Y" a
111.1 co:nforb.d2lo pldt. e of wor;.5hip, was- appointed coneisting of all the -
In t Re way, ox
. ,
itt; tile (1(d '119116W11g , is above-named, and Mesees 13ull, Brett • - OF ALL
tie small, considering 030 total cost, -awlcashi watson ITe t'as heretofore 'in to
. . 4*
wh4.1.1 ed,:unds much to their credit.
tt •
Stanley Connell.
• Council met. pursuant to adjourn-
ment at Mr. Elliot allotel, Payfield, on
Dermid end D T
_ , - , • hit c4storner$ as good ritilli!" 10." ilICIrcTil-nek
, , lacy. macaw, -
a4,4 any ota.er e,...tabEsInneLt ontarip.
11,1 0U1. 3113(J until called again by tin) Quality of Wkitk. iwtteri:d envlbyed
couimittec. After the adjournment indisputable
committee meeting took place, at whit h `IttrtiirOP OPPOMTE KLD
the 6eeretary was instrueted to coin- al_t mays
'cate with the -ter of Agri- . •
e, JOHN CA .M1P13E
n. All. tit e titembetel . present.
culture. to scour 3 the llteeSSary inior-
, e'aiath Feb. 12,. 62-
ion- o • te st- '
1W11111 •
Monday the 8th inf-f.,.at 1- o'clock p • -
illation for the format`, f
euve in the chair.
0 t I a. /Lot 111 ,
011 consieting of :A.tesers 'Watson and •
Sharp t,.Hotel, FridayJast, to trans-- for which te,ati rejected him,---)11;nly ulyte,r:itip)(1 ail IreTairS.of
act business connected with the Asso- du the same at the peesent day., eejeet.
eiation. A very mspectable ntioniber that in Avhich the essence Of SAlvai ion
were present, ftlId.a lively interest mani- viz., xicm. . The Blood.
fested. The tollawing were the officers Ch+t -will seind for all time (filteic
elected :—Preeiclent, Alajor Coleman ; It britigs saly:Ltio11 tO-tlte soul
Vice do. J. H. Benson_ ; Treasurer, W. 1 ig el'. can- Moettic ordinances did not.
S. Robertson_ e Secretary, Capt. Bell. 1 Le (the . speaker') asked. men, not to
The subscription list is still open. at the come to the judge, but to the. Savioui ;
Seeretary'S office. We hope it may be Lot to the Law, but to the Gospel.
-• rapidly filled up, Membership , fee is
only one dollar.,
21he Rea Mr. lienders'o 1. of Paris, de -
Elopement. --:--About a week ago a .1'. cored zo11 address on c!Chiristian Wo, k,"
man w -ho lived in the township of Col- t Lking for hiti text -the1 ittli and 51A
Lorne, and Who was on the shady -side verses of the 2nd chili\ ,of Haggai.
of 50, was so stricken with the charms The _Elev. speaker introduced his sitbject
of a middle aged dame, the wife of a I y glaneing it the hist ory of the Jews
116bS"libbr, ' that he prOposed, and that ie. ereetiii 00 * . tile Temple, showing the
she should elope, with'. him. for -dear e. ftl is hiell. temuled the ancient Hpatri-
and under the shield of r- rellS EA' the wk -r
eie of 'Zion. . e said
the ,ksakeieeaitelc'an. eagle enjoy . the rap- further, that, fitness or on, ahristian 1u foree for imposing a, tine on all path
'work, entailed time 6-L1alit1es than one. iiiasters who do not make returns to the
' treated] of purnese •cl'faith as to the 'Jerk before the 15th day of August
t, 0 c t , (. t
e.erdt, v. -ere vole- impoi ant ones. Those _Notice of a By-law to amend By-law
vim letve designated ti emeelves in the ''esPeeting duties of Pound keepers, so
tee'vice of the :Lord, at all times have fir as to firovide for the keep of pigs
be -en po1sessors, in a •g eat measure, of .ilnpotnicled, and imposing a fine en
those et-Leh...les, Fait]
• 1:- . ey eta otic mo
I• h 0 (tali) is nee\ 6 joyir g his Loney 1:10 :things (.1* the v. orld, proportionate- ed..by Geo. Castle, That John Pollock
Luxton, to colloet unpaid subscription?. TiOtTP., eyeenent efteee to le+
melemente be paid for out of the grant , .„ • 4..11 ro jj % pl
eommittee eujourneti. aui oursdav teew .eet- t iaoca, tipiey
Robert Snowdou to be allowed to work ' . ,
• We
each _Robert Doak . at
eyeliner 20th at 8 o'clock co meet in -
clafozth Jay 27; 18uo.
GO TO " 30-tf
the same place, (ExPosrron Office.) •
heir statute labor'on their respective
id& lines :under the direction of the 'TH. E. iNIARIceer QUESTION' SETTLED.--
. .
)ath master. The pettiOns This vexed question is at length Fettled,
%.(3) (3 rOe'eived :---(1 )- From Walter AIof- by the action. of the Council at a special
ie erect ed over the river bewtween
at and 43 ethers, praying that a, bridge peeiting on %.,,, etnettay evening, _when
it was decided to lay the petitions over,
he 4:11 iiiti 5th concessions, north of for the abolition of the feti, or any put
he Bayfield road. (2) From Henry therek until December ilinft. We For aresh Oysters, Sardines, Lolg.tcrs •
()slip. and others for permission to - -
vork their -statute labor on. the road.
hrotieh Di n el ey Terrace. - (3)FroinJohn
01.1(1,John, Joslin, John- Outs, Fritz
t.hrens, James.. Williamson,. . William
iing, Williatn Armstrong, John Mor-
• an tend Ddw. Di liott, for Tavern Licen-
te. It was decided to put the By-law
• T. J. snroNs/-
15 T
understand •that no equitable arrange-
ment could Le made with the market
clerk, and the Council did not. feel
warranted in relieving the -village qf so
large amount of insured reyenue, as
would have been necessary, - Now that
turousUiss for which each pined, in,
secret. The night was axed, and the
( - old Lithero having kept seber fcr
teC momenta s occasion, met his lady
lo, e. at the gable P d of her legal has
b:a With one hug Whia
NA; Ot. d 1.1„ e c er. ed. a gri:.zly. bear, -Clic strenothen- Tams at large after the first of Septem-
tr,q. lem E.t.a, et. w th his prize, and t) '14(r
we get aboveMoved by W. J.• Biggins, second -
1 •
Cakes, and Sweets of every dateripti
Presk Stock
Opposite :,\TeCANN'S Old Stand.
the matter is settled, vee hope tha• t we- Beafo41), Feb. 12, 1860.
have heard the, htst of the market quese
bon till next Uh.
..:.i ---
n_,Piwk__CCIM270M•C/MoWM; di. A IC K 0 p:
}3 LING composed of the West -half of Lot Begs t6 inform the public generally t -t he
I j No, 12 m the Seventh concession, llur- stiwcarries on general Blacksmithin
on road survey, of Tuekersmith, containing his Old. Stand,
50 oeres of choice 1and. 24 acres. cleared, log c ,
Haase and Barn on the premises. For par- -LL OPPOSITE APPSTROU S
tieulars apply tb the undersigned personally! AINLEYVILLE,
RoBERT CAMPBELL Sperm). attention paid te Hoe -se -noel
at the premises of Mr, James Chesney.
et. beiteett eat) • • eoet: feith .l ow God has had ail path master i.n. place of rfhomas, .Tuekereinith; Fel). 5tb, 1869.. Veb. 9th„
The wellding di'e
vo4 $1
1.41y Mc.I)onalrl
li)ier of .Canada. 11
A Mr, 'NIT, .fm
lost €.'5,000 -itra
saloon; a'sllort un
ite was
rjill out.
The eong
(C. 'Pe)
1)0111011 tt) • Vt.
Bainst (!:
ninstda froin
last week, aged
Wihnt e iast
bread in TOi nt.)
vents 03.1 t11 1-3
Alf the
- The Intenees tee,
pushing the teleg
Elora to their. viiL
fe-Ny -days lip, 4.-1-7
the pity -1;0;3e.
Sir JAIn
Tilley, Rese and
etitute the' railev
Privy- Connell, und:
act of
the heats° f C
Tie of31 '-i
lately 101(1-.
ward of f'.-!00 is fl'
liension f the gn.
The Sz'rar,hr:Jy
large grey wolf NV;
e•hip of Warm -1-k
Mr. T. Kenever,
been: lurLieg ia
for some weeks ni
Ten quebee:,,-7.,j:
ed $10,000-0 -
of a tc4r.-gr414h.11$ e
W5 tO f.ro.
:for a
t'1 Fj Fres
• atiri-elot4ul
thinks of troubling
Billy tr1fi "\V
• is the prObre'ip.
T,he re-feipts of tli
• xneLt for the 1130/I1
$782,760, while
amounted to $2,01
the public debt ki
olY for some tieue
A private
-most pri;minei
place there on Satu
best method -to be
a portion of the -r
city. "
The Toronto:
have decided to
ble of holding. 2-
timated test tile
is $30,00.0, soraInstitrite hopes to
tion from the- eitiz
Two coned, ts,
cape&from the lANN
days ago, by mar
keys with, which
•other's cell -door.
the turnkey, -first
key, and thtii decai
ite a livel
other day in Lon
Barrister, and. an
SO/Tie vigorous "
but -after a 'brief'
pears to II:IV@
AdVertiSer says the
action Of the Pre%
Iedgd in some pu'l
ought to be struok
magistrates in seas
-followed a poor Vio
who had inadvertl
bmom,_ during he
After overhauling!
a warrant, he denial
and extorted flan
send him a load ire
Mr. Robert Brcie
of Minton., neet
on. th.e 27th limit.
getting Saw 'logs o
the binding chain
-sitting on the log,
sleigh, breaking On
there -was no one n
twice. Mr.. Brown
his leg for upivarde