HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-19, Page 5Gold Medal, Lando HE HOE For Families Sg L. CMEPO Rossin House B1t.;ek 1ing Et4eot V (it, _Toronto, and St. Paul's Sti—et, mines. Br11101 Agerig for Seaf rth, N. 'WATSON, .1 'WWII LOCK Tell. LETTER' LETTER 1-1---:-F1mi13 and 'Manufacturing achine. • -LETTER 0—Best Leatherk and C oth nifaeturizig, Machine. LEITER E --or Cylinder Maelline, far e.rness making; Boot and Shoe (3 Sf.uldlery Nv''(-)rle v,7here the form of the rk must be retained while Stitabin , is st (trout -ete tmd perfe...t m the wo . WORLD. .1(1/V...Vo Sz 11,41:1W E.5 were awzullea the H remit -on at the Werhts Fair in Lon on, tiol' Medal ktt •Pari e Exposit, on,. , hey are celebrated, for cloino the ')est rk, using a nmeli smaller needle far the ..rue thr...41 than any ()ate? maehie.-, and by littroducCen of the niOtit ii111,1-0v4ina- hiraTy, -we are TIOW able to :supply the very 'est machines in the world. -‘7'111;- fICAT,177A?S WHICH _111X10.111 - I D Tif 31 ARE : 1. Beauty aud Ex - Jitney of ti ii alike on bath sides of he fabric, sewed.2 trength, Firmness . utd Durability of Seam, th:vt -will not Rip u• Ravel. 3. Economy of thread. 4, At- aeliments and wide rznige of application to Ku:poses and materials. - • The above can be hod at the Branch Office • Seaforth, ,from W. N. \V 'r'' XVIto is also Agent for the celebrated [TASZI:ti: -11.4(Trit‘ ES, which or facility of management, neatness and [arability (-f stitch, ariel -wide Te...nge f seams nd unrivallcd as a Family [-:cc-swin:. :s.dachine. Thread, SinKtles,Bcbbuis ecd1tSprinC,%; Oil, and all machine ap- aianees far Sale -4 the Braaich Office at Sea- •4rth, where machines may be ',neatly re- dired. .N. WATSON, Seaforth_ L'prii litii 186S. 19-1y. ,ICTIONll FLOU SEAFORTH_ MILLS. r E Sdbscribers are:naw preps -red tas-up- . .• ply the filial 'ants of bolordi With AT RATES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE - JUL OFF Or at W. Scott Robertson's It altan WTare1iouse -will have immediate attention, and be de- liveretl at the residence of the part Seaforth, Dee. 2nd 18-68. 0. FRANK PAL:TREE) Old Established elteRAPH GALLERY!! REMOVED, Y nuraerous customers andIthe public generally will plase not fo get that 1 .have Removed from the Old Sta1d to the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STREET, Into Seott'S New 3 story Brick Block, next .= to -411i(1(1°& Al'Muikin's gore, a d directly Guth of Iiickson's new gore, wlu re I have • • buil t the best Gallery in the Cou ty especi- ally for my ewri work, being larg and coin- modieus, and with the pi:01)er adt nic light ; being the wily Gallely in Scafortli construct- ed on truel photographic prhicii les. The ontu light titat ccui'rellect the true Features. I 'latter ruYalf that I can satisfy all who ma.y call. Remember, I don't want your money for nothing; I am bound to please or no pay. As many have had pictures in Seaforth, but . were dissatisfied, having confounded my name with another, I would :request if you. want a good picture, properly macle and • durable, that you ask for Frank altridge,..• Don't ask for PaItridge's, only, but Frank Paltridge. I am thus explidit,because many think they are going to get a picture made by Frankyaltridge; but by a mistake,ill - not going to Frank P. 's, get sadly disap- pointed. 1 ti -ASK FOR, AND GO TO FRANK, In the Brick Block, up one flight of stairs,. and turn to the right hand. My specimens at the door are all my own _make,and are not bought or borrowed to decoy the public. Come any day, Frank is alwaysat home an:din-Good Temper.' Pictures of deceased carefully copied into any kind of Picture desired. Remember, it is to Frank Paltridge's yott hay( to go to get a good Photograph. New and rich Funiiture, Scenery, &c., that will make your picture look rich, and worth • sending to your friends. Who does not f know FRANK PALTRIDGE ? Seaforth, Jan. 6th, 53-1Y THE SEAFORTI4 EXPOSITOR. 'The Inter-Oosianio Canal. 'Thedeprtiue of the Hon. - Caleb CaushinsesouthsVard on some important niiisien for our Governiment, ha been the aubjeet of flinch speoulatton, itW- hig eurinised z-st first that he had gone tp negotiate for the purchase of the. isle of 'Cabo- :He has since, howe.if cr, turned up t11 foils whieli point he was in)mediately forwarded by thetr. steamsr of war Yantie'to Carthagears, ti:o impression. - on the that he sseis sorit to carry on negotations in regard to the protseeted 'rsurtl. , aC.rosa the :balm tis ef De.ritne The subject beiag thus resiVecli- ,it is a ptoper J.1TflOtO repeat the, escpresse ion of th`e Opinion:that this is ono of the moil; imptaut public werks hi h has ocear)ieci the attention, I either of Tea and Sawdust—Adroit Swindler Soule months ago Visoyoung melt opened. a stoi,e in one of . the principal businese thoroughfares of this city, with a large stook of goods, and a grand . diss play' generally. I The business was ..that of tea, and - down. the spacious store thebranged. long rows of tea . chests, and the wiliclows were replete with fine samples of. Oolong, Souchong, Young z.viid Ohl flys-Oa, J Van, &c. The firm seemea pi operons They made their pt1r1Loe.,. from the prominent whole: side nouses in the city, wbo gave them • eredit, and the amount of goods pur- dated was lerge. . They had a trade in the country, load, boxes of tea'were seen leaving. the Reese 'every day by express and freight for the rural dealers. Still thelong line canit.iliets ni Coveiturents dame' a et- tea chests smiled csauplacentiv upon. tentul.y. whist. has been prolific m trams{ commereial enterprises. That. it iss practicable, has been long since demon- strate. cl; that it NsiOtild bavoayti.fit San: elitso upon the. commerce. :and lacy course of the world, no, one eau "doubts siof as .t\v0131::acaTiocidGtuate(5-.11•Te!l'sfsiig'ileg:eor there -toast sooner, or later come a day largest Vessels; o'rateassay culPi07'd ii •QfbrfPlickof210-1j111(tof. altl ae \Vl1oiesae houses felt due, and it was presented at -the (lest of t'ae tea ;ism, wlk a the collector was Coolly informed that the ,firm to whom the bill was ramie out had no the lookerm upon the scone of seeming thrift aud commendable industry. The debts of the firna Were daily growing larger and hirger, aud still the whole- sale houses, having the strongest faith ill their integrity. and ability to pay, trusted them more and more. BLb the traale atlas 4as, (the ,only scale on which it shorild be undertstiken),..iL would at WC Tevohitionize the corns melte of the whola World,. east :.anci- west 'islet as thes new PaCific "Thtilroad atnge, las soon as cotes legal existanoe, having sold out to is clestine,d. to pleted, the roate of travel, Etuaieean as ,prosent proprietor some two w 'well as American, The ..31.1ez atuar sowe. Here WaS an, eye—opener Would be a, small affabecompared -with th,a, and the clerk . hastened back a suitaIsle ship etundraelsose the IStbITI us inferm his employe -1.s the:1a the grea betweerrthe Americaneontineaits, which- houses of & with tibeir tLow meeasiataos a voyage, 91: W6eks rOws of chests and eaddies, their flani- or- months, and which is exiseedingly tug door -posts and lintels, their mons - 1 . 'perilous at that. The. energy wity 4. slams T s and scaidet trimmings gene - which. the Pacific Railioad has he.en ridly, Were '12.012 est ---were gone up---incarried through., now almost to , complet- feet "busted." Bads haitened . the , ion and the freedom. 1t11: whicheapitei business man of the wholesale firm, to has flossn in t� soeure its accomplish- find dell, hie double of another - house mut; shows what can. be dime wLen Wzi..91.1 the spot, astounded to learn .anch a work is &illy undertakenthat things . were as 'they were. A. , m- great public which are. emieeltation was held,. and they b'° the eks in- to tea, ---.--i brinsina the nations so closels.r tsaset.h.- asssured by . the • selitlemanly b O er, and whieh are promoting suali: fre-e-, and -Urbane" proprietor of the establish- doni of intersourse, have a incead aspees meat that the previous- firm had .sold and a promise for the frtare -vhia.li the out to lura, and left for where he knew Chrtian cannot osterlk They are not, it was deterrnined to seize I the , is . , developing More and more the spirit of goods inethe store. And here ' cOmes a -cemon brotherhood among the- the best part of the story. The Vexes nations, and are opening- up .the high- of tea, those long rows, , with . heir - ways pi edicted. in the - Word of GO *offing appearance of immense usi- and thus preparing.the way of the Loll, ness, when opened were found to Icon - and fulfilling the prophecy that " maset tain, not Japan and Young. Hysons net shall run to an& fro and knowlet14 the .bat from which is distilled intoxi- shall _be -increased. • eating Gunpowder and English 'Weak - Since the above was written we fast, ndr the amber -colored juied,s of find, in one of the sclaily papers, the Iniperial or Oolong—none of the'se- a: following estimate of the grand impors butthe mest common of commonsaw- tance of this canal o the commerce of .clust, tea chests, and the good will of t the the Worldk one can queseson he former -firm, says he come into ower by, notes held by him, ,and the immense advantages to laa deeived by the word's commerce through. this enter= ayraent of large sums of moneY.— prise. From_ New York to Calcutta 1$Yrdc7tse Jou'rnal• we shall save 9,600 ,miles ; to Oant011 COLUBIBUS.7-By,the Genoese an 10,900 ; to Melbourne 2,830:- rhe Spaniards he was regarded as a ma vane of the commerce whieh would solved upon a "wild dedication of pass trough the gap, wouldfor the self to impathed waters, un.dream United States, be two hundred Millions shores;" and the court of Pot ordollars ; for England -very .nearly endeavoured to robhim of .. . the same ; for France some seventy glory of his enterprise by sec millions. In fact,' , the total; :trade deapatchims0a vessel in the -cours .effected hy the canal would not be. less had pointed out He -used to a than five liunch.ed millions of dollars that he stood nin nea,d of God's partic annually, while the estimated .annual assistance -in that ,voyage of discovery ; saving of the world would be, to eelia,ble like Moses when he, led ;forth the peo- estimate, some fifty millions of -dol- ple of Israel, who forbore to lay violent lars."—N. Y. Obeerver. 1 the re- im- of usal the •etly he rm ular hands ripep him, becauSe of the mira- • 1/10,--4,.•••••1 I cles which .God -wrought by his means. &lid the aclmiral, " did it happen. FEEDIN'G-- THE Baam.4--The brain - s to me onthat voyage" "And so eadily .. . ,. , needs blood to keep it actilve,jtist is do eays a commentator " are the workings the•muscleW, and ail the internal viscera. of the evil one overcome by the power of the body. If the blood- does no,, •of God !" "His person," says Herrera, contain. he proper constituents for maks hacl an an of grandeur. ' His hair, .froin ing good brain, -we cannot expect the many hardships, had long been gray. properly developed' and working organ. In. him you saw a man of unconquer- H nee diet ni ch• comae as to its ca food people morals th not only their food, but the propera-lo- cation and ventilation of theirdw,illings, sold the character of 'companionships and associations. Take children of a .16w, moral condition, criminals Under the law, who are accustomed to deprav- ed society, and to the degrading influ- ences .of penury, transfer • them to a place of pimishmea.e'rand feed theni rio better _than they have been accus- tomed to being fed, give them no more wholesome an and exercise, and theY- will not be benefitted, even by moral and religidus instructions, however faithfully adrctinistered ;- for it is the unalterablelaw- of the nervous systern. of man, which is his vital telegraph, to cause one organ torespond to.the stimu- lant applied- to another, hence an tin- laealthy ira ession made upon the di- gestive system:will -prod.ee a similar 'effect upon the brain. and he moral na- ture.—Dr. Parrish. lad digestive system have tion with iinbecility,tb!oth se and treatment: The, ave more to dowith their Most of us imagine; and • At the annual meeting of the 1VIeeha- , hies' Institute, at Guelph, at was stated that the Ireceirts for the year amounted $770.82, including a -bala,nce from the previous year, and the expen- diture was for the year $388, $200 be.- ing invested in a building fund. Al prosperous Institute. able coal age and high thoughts ; pa- tient of wrongs, cairn in adversity, lever trusting in .God ; and had he lived.' in ancient times, .statutes and templeq would have been erected to him withl out number,* and his name would have been placed among the stars." CLEARING SALE AT ICKSON EMPORIUM. Until the 1st of March, WE WILL SELL DRESS GOODS, LOAKINGS, FURS, • CLOT!! S, TWEEDS, OVERCOATS,' BLANKETS, AND 'CANADA WAREHOUSE,' In Scoff s Brick Block, SEAFORTH, MHE ;subscriber respectfully intimates to the inhabitants of Seaforth and sur - 'rounding country, that he has now a large 1 and complete stock of tacpis and Fa ecy WINTER, Y GOODS! SOME CHOICE MOSCOW Beaver Overcoats. Body Coats, Vests .and: Pants. 41-4rLactiee, Mens'; and Boys' BOOTS, and Felt Overcoats. scHopi. BOOKS & STATIONERY. IN GROCERIES. 1_ •.liobertson & Son's Celebrated Coffees, Green, .Black, and Japan Teas, Sugars, Spices, and tal kinds of FRUITS,- suitable • foir the coining Holidays. Also ' COAL OIL, all of which WILL BE SOLD CHEAR . • AROHICALD McDOUGALL. All Winter Goo& r AT COST! To make room for LARGE SPRING IMPO.RTATIONS. COME AT ONCE • TO SSettre Seafort TIC del argains. E. HICKSON & CO. Jan. 27th: • 60 DEAN Ita.msav, in nis Pulpit. Talk, tells many capital stories' about. En- glish and Scotchl divines, and this is one. of them. Soon atter the 'great Wil- liam Pitt was ,made Ohan.ellor of the Exchequer, at the early ,age of 22, be paid a visit to Cambridge, his own uni- vercity. Dr. Paley, the author of 'Na- tural 'TheologY,' was -there, and could not bait notice how fawnin.gly the heads of colleges and.dignified Professors floc- ked around the youthful statesman, be- cause -he had some honours and gifts to bestow. Dr. Paley was to preach and he chose for his. text the following: 'There is a lad here,which hath five bar- ley loavesand two fishes ; but, (and here he looked *around and took a careful Survsy. of all the, dignitaries) 'out' what are thay arcking, so many?' • The Mount Forest Literary Society have .decided that "the use os hempen cravats is a necessary sequence to the commission of climes of &capital nature." Henry Sharon, of Southwold, sold a load of olover seed' last week or which he realised the handsom sum of $560. HAVE JliST' RECEIVED 00 KEGS BEST .M.01TREAL CUT NAILS, SIXIGH BELLS IN ENDLESS 'VARIETY, LADIES & GENTS' PII SICATMS, Of all descriptions, CHOPPING AXES THE BEST MAKES,' Weavers' .Supplies OF ALL KINDS, BAR, BAND & HOOP IRON, CUTTER & SLEIGH STUFF, COOK BOX & PARLOR .. Also a large and 'cheap assortment of 1SHELF- • HARDWARE •GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, tic.; Ever offered in this part of the country. • Seaforth, Dec. 15th, 1868. • 53-ly - Country Merchants in need of Nails or any other article in our line will find itto their advantage to give us a cast. IN -Remember the place, "Simi of the Cix- 'Misr Saw," Main Street. Seaforth. • N. B. ---Particular attention of Blacksmiths is directed to their large stock or WAGGON BOXES AND AXELS 1 • Eu which they cannot be -undersold in the lionniuou. December. 24th 1868, -13r. • CI-IRISTMAS RESENT And New Year's Sant al Clans has made his headquarters f.he present season at the store of Cit2U(.14 ofTthEe Rim! whe),4 he exhib gest ▪ R. stocks of for gOLIO Ever froUght. into Seaforth. rilveryt suitable for Christmas Presents and New Year's Gifts, AT- -PRICES CEOPER THAN THE CHEAPEST • Tho.le who wish to gratify "their cbil or frievids by bestowing upon theta a bea fu,. pOsent, should call early, as a Gr Rush, Will undoubtedly be mad, to San Claus' Headquarters WVEME.3.13.gR THE SAGA M. R. Cou.nter'4 .7-owiiery (6 l'amey Goock\St Seaforth, Dec. 9th. , v2-n1sly TGPAPI BOOK STORE! TH'trL undersigned having purchased' l's stock of Books & Stationery b gs to infeim the inhabitants of Seaforth and. 'viciniticr that he intends carying on the b si- ness i Mr. Cull's premises, and hopes by t- tentiO. to the requirements of the trade to merit. share of their patronage. 4 0 en at a- The''Atock at present comprises, in tion -WI the authorized CARTWRIGHT,- Surgeon Dentist, k.j. Stratford, Ontario, begs most re- spectfully. to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and: surrounding country that he has opened a DENTAL OFFICE over MR. HICKSON'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Seaforth, and has procure(' the assistance of Mr. J. A. Ellis, Surgeon Den- tist to take charge of the same.. Mr. Cart- wriebt will continue to visit Seaforth the second week of every • month. All work warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Teeth extracted with httle or no pain by the use of the Narcotic Spray, which produces local anasthesia, (want of pain.) Charges Moderate: Terms Cash. REFERENCES :•--Dr. Smith, Seaforth; Dr. Shaver, Stratford; J. Dutton, Chemist, Stratford, P. R. Jarvis, - Esq., Stratford Dr.. Whittig, Berlin; Dr. Rowans', Itumbo ; Dr. Bray Chatham: - Mr. C. will be at the Commercial Hotel Clinton, the third meek of every month; Seaforth, Dec. 17th 1868. 1 /I 44-1 1 di - 4. A Itirge assortment of Day Books, Ledg rs, Note Oooks, Pass .Books, Pencils, &cleo a lay quantity of --Bibles, Testame ts, Pra.yet Books, and HYMN BOOKS, In great varietyof binding, together with an assortUient of books .in general litera e DIARIES AND CANADIAN ALMANAC FOR 1869. DAY GLO BE:A TELECRA a .CHILDRENS TOYS, &c. William Seuforth; Dec. 24th 1868. 54-tf H "SHEFFIELD" RE S _ -JOHNSON: 13110..S CAMPBELL'S PATENTVENTILATOR! DAMPER. AND DEODORliER: DROMOTING Health, Comfort and Econ- omy, the only complete Ventilator and Double Damper in use, for Kitchen, Office, Parlor or Bed -Room, saving its cost in one :month. Its clidms guaranteed or money refunded. See testimotuals from scores of Professional and. Scientific gentlemen. For Sale by WM. LOFFT,- Agent for Seaforth. 63-tf February 11, 1869. hopping Axes, Broad Axes, Framers' Tools, Carpenters' To Is, Coopers' To1s. HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 'A iplendid assortment of CROSSC and MACHINE SAWS 250 ICEGS PECK'S Montreal Cut Na T. Gass, PuTry, PAINTS, VAR*Isiirs, -Cheap all any House in the Trade, at JOHNSON BB,02.0. , *STOVES ! STOVES A cemplete assortment of Cooking, Bo Pirlor Stoves, Stove Pipe, and Tin of all descriptions, VEB,V CHEAP, At JOHNSON BR0118, ItarSION OF THE 111421.711 TII COOKING STOVE. **forth) Jan. fth, 1869. 634t, t