HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-19, Page 3144 > 1. d (3t1,tnot preaent, but Ree t , ,n• - Alajesty s.,kvech was read to the assern- led housg by -the Lord- Chancellor. The spebetl as in substance as foil ows :.'re 1 The Qbeeh. assures the Lords . and d Commons that the relations of Great ;; ' ain ,witk all foreian }lowers, are at ent on excelient fdeting. ' ostilitieS, which threatened to break out ill the Itlest, have been- prevented, j Coftftirence of the Great Powers i r!e is expressed that the negro- -7 s with the Vitae(' ldtates' will on a firm_ and durable .baeis the irldshir v:1Lih shold ever eei„e be -eeti Eligia id and Ameridt. Di4turi.itu Ts in tile C'olt,pv of New Zealand dire t6 be retTeite:1 ; but the ,,tteen ie. siert) that. prittlenee end metier- , f w - ' , . onthe diert ed.* tire Gvernmiest will . . )eut - ireertrrenceof satii uidrIppy' ; . F vents. d The tl:tinuites 11 will be leid be- e the 'House of'eommens by, 1-Ier jetey's 1-10nisterseare franitit.;en the basis of deotionir eetinled enev of the administration of the „ .- serviee. -; TIW Cimtinued St1SpellSifli1 OS :the pirationiof the writ Of firerewsCr - nts= ltelzald is rectal. dad as id ne- r Th d r•beclesd arraneoments for be censiderd etrislattioI1 Gr final ad - lake Men -oeinaads 'elf both Heusee. - On ieek centddides as tUlperisuaded tbet caree - be had to the mderestS • i flVOi v d. Lo the weiflire relig- _ "Om and -that through the typi idetion of TeinuipleS; of equal jeStice to the ceies- ..„tions beetbre. them, Par -anent ' s ti i, u ,ndivided 'feehno of the 'people ofdlrehadd on the side ctf loyalty e 1 ladc-, efiltee the memory of post emdentions, and cherish the svoloathies of in affectionate ped,ple. * • • 21,1AzgoAkT. C III., Feb. Me - i (fennel tate Serdttdd wan murdered !in his '11^ja*eksenville, titid worn - :1;1 Of fife -by a Siting slaot!; were fouitd open his head. case.tor the murder is aerderdel. P-eb. rd...--Arreets , • • 1 the petice 'continues. 4 tii N,-ollutteer eervi .egoin Oft brie, , m ,. Five companies of 1egd- lam1tMatanez for 11:'v, 1.0 •• 1 sappier -qie disturbanees the,re. The Nrueltsi dsul Aboje region continues- uiet. Senator liendeirson, ot Mis • ouri„ Govrnor Gardner and Cr'eueral : Cassidy arrived to -div Xew • _ork, in the steamer liorrato Castte. Waahirigton.,, .February. 10. -----An in- sane iweitiatt was famidkiti no of i/te ° corridersUt Y-V-hite t) -'I if with ant1Bleadedold-fasItieni4 double-letetell- ed 'She seid.she had been sent sby *God i'Aintighty to 1.i1I 'Andrew Johnson, New. iYork, Feb.12.—The T ii-runet:s :---The subject of makinc, w Reciprocity Treaty with Cariala • wzis unchd' censideration at the meeting of the .1,A:rays and Me n' Committee to -day. The sub -committee, to wliorn was referred the subject, reported, ;• favourable en it. , The committee, Vever, ;thought it best to Metely resolution epressing .their ap- val f opening negotiation, and authorizing the President of the -tinted es tc. pake such steps- in negetiatiiSns. aheady iU open. _Alio free naviga- ion oithle.StLawrence, and commer- relations between our Government • d Ottii4la, and a proper protection ef the, ti4erii.s. The resolution -will ereidaled to the House by 'Gene Sehenek-, :With a view of securing its passage- at the present session so that - the \vork inev be commenced at an eudy it is understood tnat the Cdian withorities are vel -y, anxious tit soreekind of a R.(,ciprocity TI eatit e'ho1d 116 knide that -wiII be beneficial te both C•overnments. i 'le „eft' e;bainq Claims treaty, TE p otocol-whieh relates to the rights of naturalized citizens, and the treaty in regard to the boundary of San Juan weredunder consideration in the Senate ; committe, on Foreign Relations to- day. `ti7Ong objections, were made %gams the Nabama Treaty by almost the en ue: uonemittee,. _and there ape peare t W: Iittie chance of its being- _ ratified ,It may be amended so as to I meet the views of the Conimittee; hut thee'amendmentsit is prObable, ill not be satisfactory to the English overnme0t. The . Coinwittee after - i arcls took up the protocol, and, after a short discussion, authorised their. chair- - 'Item to report it to the Senate for _ rat- ! ifieatien.• BURIED' ALIV.E.-4 despatch from Mentions the case of a young Miss. Ryally.IVIO fell down a fligut of sturs, and upon the declaration of a i doctor was buried. 1 -let father, who was absent, rettunieg somp days after2 :I had the collin taken up; when it was it found that the unfortunate girl had I turned OVer and evidently had been E: buried alive. • -.715,1 THE' RI H EXPOSITOR. • CORRESPONDENCE• : G9DERICH. (From. our Sfiecial Gorre.spoident.) Work has:been resumed on • thcb new Registry Office,- , Business (lull; but a marked improve- ment this week. : ON the. evening of Fridai, the 5th, inst., the Iteve W. Morley, Pimshore M. A., -rr,,,eitlent of the TAresleyan Confeveldv, delivmed his great leetine on .,cc Daniel hi. .B.abyloa,". in Knex's cAl ttrch het ce te a - vel -7 I arge. and intel- , ligent ztudienee. It was truly A ina.- _ terly effiet, zun.1 must be productive of o;00(1 et -Toddler to the young men. pre - seat. The s'-.'.1;ieitt point -were Ifoneety, inte.erity.„and,True Principles, triumph-. . ant ill tho 7 it'd zled char:rotor. -( f. 1):11.) ie. 1. The .bdt t.i'er ie the most dletpuint of liv- - in41.rtdoee, raid should. he eyed egain. _ visit (lederieh, 1 prediet, for lire . the la reei.d ;tut etence- ciV(Ii'..11.:;61.11.11..., Oil iIl....thi8 ct t ' pare of ille Provipeo. / "Fiff: 'IIT 13'. Ryersen, . Chief .Sept of Pelue,dieti, visittet this towu on. day laet; tlio id -di inst. lIe-:is on, -his .. 'last ;tedr t t;rough. tippett. Gulada in coiiilecl len .e..ide. schdol. matters, and is desirous. of o1deloie..(4-the ofriniods ofthe peet,le -...vi17.toet-q:..rd :co thell new.' ' Sehool Bill se beet •1 , '1.),:dlitun ut the hist Sessite . Ke entere4. it4 a lengthy eepi:ole..,i0.1 ,,d 'd.s std-eral clate.eS, eed i ;tilt hdo ---V td e'-...iz 0111, is was endorSed ., , I . . - '11 fa 1 ' I. ' ' - i r ' ' 11 „,.)7 .. e pt- tee-. !et! th. -S 11 1-(9. y a )...0 a 5 p .aker,et :',"; eo n etiit•,.1 tly, cale•iqd 1',11 i wtith 11 LW) W i*.., 1. 1_ i ,, 0- 1:!Xa ;Opt iCi a of a 'eritisyn- natis free). --i-d!ietee„ dcho so iniich an-:, noyed the epee -jeer, tielt a metionwal . carriell • to ei t hint fie 111!the r(1)onf;, • - i - \\ lit ',re ,Ioel ;retie ezione{1 to lea.V0 jr:' fUrt:7.1er t1'01.11t143. Icat \,N7 i L11 - g tat ; (14 i .P !Li: t : :0 1., 1)2' ti:''t1 Cl1a120S b t':.?7ki.Z411 t . 8:4;1,441k; -1:1;!:At' '11.eraid. of the ,Editezitional Devtrtn-deit, Dr. Ity01.30I1- St:ItOil. that 1,ef0r,0 Mtii'41.; .f) 11 his .position --a.s -.Cldef Saperintodelent„ he lutd aeked_for an inves Liz. alien into the a ffe h s . of the „. said D.e) .stment. A. Conlmit!ed w. S 4: appoi1:tt,!(1 fronf Loth sides of the Itote for tliiit purime, 4.ma they .11,1.,-1 -mud, iiibusly edeliited him Of all dirirges:Of 1LUisn:ri.11:5,.-41. zit or (iishonety. in co fl..( t n r, i dt .,:'>1 I eel t ions tl 1) t partment. _-..A. - Vat): of . timks • was ananindonsly tkindeeed - te the leirenel pr.. for- hiS. and f a. his- long mid trieilteevi.d-s -tendered in the Cause (if, 1.:::.1e.•• it i1--.1. :The Rev._Ohief d'iaper- intend:et replied in; a fedi' happy, re- mardee eeksiveing the people of Ifaren .. .for tieio e Teo, eeorf..; Of eductitidnal inter*- .i. • -ests, -t.'-: fa.ireeos v.ith'.--which they -.'liart diseneeol the provisions; of the School 'Bill,' Ad ceerres,.-iiig- his _ sdtiofitetion at knotrieft. th:odLe Tula the pletsineetosid-. molly or his or, e. mind, 41"So. 71', i'll7aS-:Gli 0 • < . -report ef the Parliementary OrMinitt d, as to hid letriligi:een an honeet nein hi the d•lischaree of his resoonsille eili„ee: .„. % . , - evening hello, ,everally, as called'upon by the chairman addressed the meeting with Speeehes appropriate to the oecasi- on and in a rtialiner which commanded the 'interest and ° attention, and also elicited the frequent and hearty ap- plause of the vast audience. The. pre- ceedings were enlivened. at intervals by the Services of an excellent choir, and .the magic both vocal and instru- mental was highly creditable to the ladies and gentlemen -who composed it, and kindly contributed in so" large degre_e towards the pleasure of the evening. The meeting was the. larg- est, best, and inost -plearistint of any that WAS held in the township thiS -winter anci reflects great credit on the nidnagers and all concerned. : • • SEAPORT*, Feb. 170, 1869. Mri EDiToR,—Cohsiderilig the 4veX- ed Market questio' " not yet exhausted, e ire of his '‘Stible and not fearing Majesty," or dreading. the. unfriendly proxind by of the ."waste basket," Ibti`er 3-oii a few .remarks on the "topic of the day," here. • With Ithe ratepayers,:the real question ie., "tvi4t. it -pa -yr SeafordA be benefitted by the Market r Thu benefit to : the farmer has been hiuded. the benefit to the grain de;21er ditto, -whilst the benefit to the ratepay- er has rdcedefed.. but a passiug notice. Let us look at it. The benefit offered to the fariner, j by the establisIdnent of a market, is a certain looation at which. he May be 51310 to lima all the buyets Of the produco lie offers for sake arida fix: - (J time dui.ing which these bum's in L0 in attendance, a "reeoguition of a suoidard of. weightS and measures, and , • .• , . . -iditee et redress the • case of at- tempted fraud. To the ratepayets, :a plitoe to whieh• they way at any -dine resort Le -supply their wants of Leine produce ; a sectirity that in the case of II weighed or Measpred, if desired, by an the, _articles bought there, it may . be !impartial person ; that all produce be- ing 01)011 to competition may be bought as •lue -money -values , In this Vi0W, the . a Ivantatpe are rediprocal. Who sho-eld then pay the cost ? The farMer can obtain tliese f.1(11-p.litcteMi elsewhere with- out driving 1.1.11rOaSiil1,:daly _far, idi.d. in Relay ease,s.'neairer home than this, and will, .therefore, dilly • come here, if it stiits his inclinatis- p; :which is in such instances gemerall , metallic. . The con- sumer, (the largest_ 01 tion our rate- payerS), must, buy here, either direct from the farmer, or indirectly- throngh the dealer, and the 'price. to- the custo- Mer must dew nd immediately upon the supply. If the supply has to be. bro't from a distance, then to thetriginal cost• , of the articlemust be added the freight, and also profit, to all.persons handling i, therefore, the nearer to the_Dlace of • production the consumer can 4,btaiu the articles required for his use, the cheap- er..`the)r. Will be purchased, and the larg- . er the -supply, the lower, Will be the 1:),riee, • NV here there are a number of buyers,_competition m0.1i beactive, prices -will be Maintained, outside value readi- ly obtained, and the fanner will st ele tha,6_ Market in -which- he can dispose of his produce, with the least possible de- lay, other things being equal. e The .ci ties tion -now. i* should the &ruler :p ty _ a tie\ for the adantages he -receives, eeldVit the ratepayers receiving wore tido. equal advantages, pay mbthing, (n( thinally), .and reedive also a prolit from . the. market fees? The munici- pality has erected the buil cling without tlie request or .desire of the farmers; Lut at tile hum ediate request of the ratenay- e us. Shoal d the farm er be compiled to paY,for -what he, has *not desired,. in which he holds no .intelest, end over which. he has 310 control ? As upon the attendance of the farmers at the insdket mils t d upend -our supply of .prol iAioillif and the extent of *the supply regulate to amiie eXtent the price .of the articles sapplied. It- is to the intesedts of the -ratepayers to place no impediincnt in the way of supply. .The ali lost uni- versally received axial): ib "lee trade" And a free maylee+, 'with the rdiliibe eguarantee which. a Market give., wi it 086 1.-t,ta•Lictive to far1fler8. Tlte easiest and cheapest Mode of raising rev-eime, direete taxation, 'The cost of oar , inarket, about . 1,600, raised, did eetly frum the ratepayers, amounts to less 'than one cent, in the dollar,of the as- sessment of 1868, which on' the work- man's assessment, aveeP agiud $300.' is $3 for the yedr.- To some of out buSiness men it would be considerable in the case. of .0,000 - e.ssessment, :-;--,•6( Our Market fee is an indirect' tax tion on the ratepayers in proportion as it inter- feres' with. the supply. The, a omit of better brought into:. Seaft lob, last' yea,i' may be estimated. at ever 149,000 lbs., ab a value of, says 822,900. Now if this is advanced to the consumer Orr& \Vita -Or . supply, only -one „cent per lb. (or about 7 per cent), we have b1,400 paid On:butter only ; and reckted the same value for egg.s';tallow-; lard, sheep- skins, hides, wool, hay, stradve potatoes, turnips, etc., united, at 7 pci vent. ad- vance, • -wiLl gi v e $14,005 more. Then take the grains. , it is sal(' that on one day last week 10,,000 bushels of grain was broad It inte this place, one firm alone taking 1) .. pose 700 bushels Sup . From civr-,S'pecial Correspondent. - The Vroeter folks -With their usual • spirit aed entert 'rise are about building :1 coitmodious brick, School _lion:se... If the, p °pie of Leechviller, *add go'and: do iil-ewise d woald be a -ceolit to the building used for that pur- e poee at presentis a disgrace to the:sec- tier. _ . . : - pei'clons in, Ieechville, or, he- n: ed iate icluity, too lazy to work and t( 0i101iyt to beg, bit Vq, take I rObtilti" I le - cbo 11 • 1 a of their con wits.. Pit; A hilt VIO • bid 'cob:Id-be caught and lie w4.t.b.- a full suit 1 oath015.1 of tar '-allil ? - i 4 . Mr. R., DouglasiS abotat stai trng , shingh.‘ factory - hi LeecAlle.d. There is still extedlent openings in that village icor a g ) el woolete factory, 'rake ti,c-tery qm.l eid)iiiet facthry, either ani all of Wtt ilich de 'ale). prove highly re iiiine utive,". The village can not -be surpas. ed. in. Canada for beatity of siItettion, -tvhild the country round it is uurivalred for the quzdity.and quantity of its'riroduc-. _ .. : 1 • . fiord;/ , ,1 1 11 -.nderstand the proprietorediof the saw- in 11 in teecliville, intend raising the price of lumber the -coining Spring. Qeety. Is it because thete are " to be seeeral dwellings erected in the place 1. 1 Ilea): a no rise any where *else. , 'A looks very muchlike it. I trust the rumour is unfounded and that on the contrary tlnly will pat it at as 19w a ' figure as they can posstbly afford it and th_ us encourage,. the growth of the place. , , A Tea, Mee ting'was held in the illetho- dist ' New . Conneotion Church. Leech:, -dine, on the 'evening of Monday, the ,. 1 -5th inst., and I am happy to say that notwithstituding, the storin in the --fore part of the day and the unfortunate state of the roads the church; was eFowd- • zed. to C.,_:Ki‘tzt4. The result finfoicially,.... though below that of fortner years is. still very satisfactory, the net inoceeds i , amounting to „--1.12, which is probably all that .cottld be expected under the circumstances. After the assembled m el titude had .partaken with apparent r-lish of the good things provided for them, Mr, Tindall; , (pastor in charge) t, ok the chair, and after a few remarks . ntroduced the various speakerseof the k, • that day's business to repxesent one fif- tieth part of the grain trade, it 'will give 50O,000, busheis ,fcr the year, which if a vanced.,one _cent -per bushel, -would giv4 the suni of fiVe thousand dollars, thi added to .the other, would malee a total-. of $7,800 of indirect t li taxation i ' a year, to pay the sm of $1,600.- ' T ris may be looked uPon. as extreme ; but the grain buyers. and .merchants now hOw a smaller matter Some times affects the market to a far °Teeter ex ent than indicated.. Now, b . ) who Pays this . amount of money for fowl? Tho fernier says, 1 do, and feels as if all th amount of the tolls levied collies out of . his individual. pocket. The funnel does not pay, -as he will Only coMe when the' price suits him, calculat- ing expenses oat of it. - The merchant and graindealer pays it out first ; the may be charged upon the goods they consumer oays such portion • of it as consume; the balance is so- much _out of the prOits of tlie dealers, and must react upon the village in the shapii of tightness of money, inability to emAloy, and a 11) 01 than *ordinary _economy tol eke out a straightened year's businese, as the advilmeed priee . paid- here will not meet a cocrespon di ng advance ill the larger inaitek. /Our market bailding beine- alrel ,dy naid for, therent from tile butchers' stalls, „weigh scales, ainl ToWn. Hal ,: when completed, • will be •sullioient 't pay a caretaker for all the purposes r quire& A boli/r, the Aes and continue t1U3 :market 291. its present place, upde.rproi er regulati.ons. Let, the af- fairs or the municipality- be managed with prudence and economy,anti we may,. look .or a p1'o41e1ous future, for eur enterp deing village PROGRESS. 'PAPPLE—M 71;1i inst. all Of 'Inc - . . MARRIE1). RAY.—At Havuthey, en- the by the Rev, Air. Craham, .Mr. apple to Miss Henrietta -Meltaye cersmith. McIuronee.N oneetild,On the 17th inst., by the seine, Mr. Alex. McLeod to Miss. 1st - her AiniaN 'organ, aU of Stanley. • -*1 • DIED DLAcic..'-01 the 17th inst.-, at Boreland, Of Tuckersinibli, AtIrs..Black, re- lief; of A& m Black, in the 6 iSt year of her age. The deceased was a native' of the . Parish . Girthon, Kireubrie-htshire, it land, and Was one of the oldeet SetiCkTii or. - the Towilship.• She was widely known :and exteneively connected, and ovally re- spected, l4avineebehind her a -large circle of sorroWmg• trieds. The funeral takeee. • place bo-dy, from her late residence, at o'clock. Wends and 'acquaintances arie invited. • A — . TIH1EIVEARKETI$ SEA.70irrN, February 19th, 1869. Large sup 'lies oi _grains. Pork, light de- livery.- Prices gener, lly &whiling. Sharp competition. • Wheat, (Fal ) y'Y bus el, 88 @, 1 OD NIrhet. T?Plos11.4,1 r'. g)1;bus -Barley Clover per b Timothy per bush. (4 - Oats 9 bushel, Peas V ,hustel, do . (large) Pork 19 cwt. Flour cwt Potatoes 19 bushel, - Hay I? ton, BE,g-igttse-r.ff.?edonzen, Turkey per lo. Geese Cheese, Fact ry Do, Dir, tis lb Wood tcod , O. 87 6.i?, 91 .1 15 @. 1 27 650 @ 7 1,1 - lbs) .1 60 6.4 2 50 @ 4;3 70@ 7:3 90 11O 7:00Q.), ,1) 00 2 50 qi,), 13 00 60 65 9 00 @ 9 01.1 12® 14 20@ 03 06 0, 25 „ 30 0O() 14 ofi 1 700 2 25 CLINTON, FeltruarY 17. ( o In the 1\--cee Ere.) 1`)Vheat g) per bushel, 86 a 0 90 ;do (Fall) Oats, do 0 87 a-1 05 Peas, 8 0 46 a 0 50 Barley, 1 1 a 1 20 0 70 a 0 T., 00 0250 aa 00 2.7(2) Butter, Pota,toes, Eggs, 0 15 a 0 26 GODIPICIT, Feb. 16, 1869. (From the Signal.) Fall wheat per bueliel, $0 90 a 0 92 Scott 'Robertson's. - , 85 February 19th, 1869. r Township of M orris. 13411rmaisAw O. 211 ' 1860. 'AATHDREAS it is' expedient and necessary: to build a Bridge over the River Mait- land, between lbts 10 and.11, in the 6th ,con- -cession of - the Township of Morris. Be it .therefore entieted.by the Municipal !Council ,of said, Township of Morris, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same at the County Surveyor shall be f9rthwith em- ployed to. make a. plan and sppellication of said. Bridge. Be it for.lier enac:teL1 that so .eon as said plan arid speeitizatioli are' 01naia -,1, that elle job if building said jOilge hall lee let be. pnblie tender, in seelt manner, and radii r ts eich res4,rictions as may: or *hall b rem- after- pro Aided_ by By. Law. • Be it further enacted. that the time and mode of payment for said bridge shall be fix- ed by By -Law hereafter to be passed. Be it further onacted, that said By -Law. for the building of. said. 'bridge shall not be paesed until :7 it 38 made apparent bf a vote of the Ratepayers of anid;rewnship of 2'dorris, tliab they. ar6 rens that, said bridge eh.ould . Be it further enacted, that for the purpose of ascertaining the vie -e -s of the Ratepayers of sa:d To-,vneitip of .Morris, relative to the building af iail 'bridge, that a poll shall be opened at the following times and places in the fEa!itl.. Township of Morris,' to naive' the votes of said ratepayers for or agilinst the •building of said bridge, viz : At Seh era. Trouse No, 8 in 'said. Township of Merrie, at 9 o'cloa a. ,m., on the ala :darch, 1809 ; and elea at Holland's Store, on Ae,'Nopth halt of Lot No. 11, in the 8th C•e c •e:siolti of said TownShip of Alorris, at 9 o!el -eka. in., on the 8th (lily of Mareh, 1E60. .,. further enacted; that the borreda`ries •fe, • Nee ;n:z relative to said bridge; she 1 be4be iiii, es at thk'. last rarr amenlary cleeion ,aid Township of Aferris. 11" flirther enacted, that the Town' 'ta 1 be tile Returning Officer at 1. plac;f \eiiing, and that said Clerk Iv .1'1 of the said voting- before' -elf) e. 41 of Xi -orris, at the next mot, liereof after said voting _shall have ta place. (Signed), THOMAS KELLY, Reeve of Mos. TITOMAS HOLMES, - Township Clerk. 1 certify that the abaft is a -correct c, y Ily•- aw passed by the Municipal COon- en, of e.lorris at their regillar meeting, held in the add, l'OlViiship of Maiyis on the 13t1i gebruary, 1869. THOS. HOLMES, „Township Oki k. ( :11 To the Ratepayers of Morris. • TAKE .NOTICE, • A POLL for the purpose of, voting on th•e above 11y-L-Ive will- be opened, as fol- lows: at echo. d House .No. 8, at nine o'clobh a, m., on the 6th Marche 1869, and at Hol- land's Store; North. half Lot 11, on the 8th Conassion, • at 9 o'clock am, on the 8th Alareh, J8739. . . THOS. HOLAIEs'. Mo'rriseFeb. 1.3-th, 1869. = 63-3i voyeotoi• 1-)Eldidten "te gavt),7)111(17-(5j Q1ii • , t7" rICT419 • •tITTIN fdd,, ,t t • ....a./ • • OF • rivrit ef":7)11"Prro) " f • , ••,.• 0-• • RASPBERRY JAW 'STRAWBERRY JAM, • RIM CURRANT JELLY, C30...Af.',K DO DO PINE APPLE JELLY, PEAC'721 JELLY, • PriAr-., JELLY; AND ORANGE. MARMALADE/ • A 'I' 8pring • - do ,Oats, do Barley, do Dees, do Potatoes, do - Flour, per 19l lbs, Butter per 114 Eggs per den 0 80 a 0 • 0 50 a 0 1 20 a 1 05 a 0 65 a 5 00,, a (3 18 a 0 0 17 a 63-tf. ' 4- R. ROSS, Proprietor New Dominion 70 oi .• Hotel, begs to inform the people Of Sea- t) 70 forth and the travelling community general- ly, that he keeps first-class accommodation' 01.'00 „ in every thing required by travellers. A --u good stable and willing hostler always on 0 20 hand. Regular Boarders wil receive every necessary- Seaforth, Feb. 8th, 1869. 63- 1 y .1 TORONTO, Feb. 18th, 1869. (By 'Telegraph.. ) Prices deting. Wheat': (Fall) 9 bushel, do 4pring, 19 bushel, Oats 01 busla41, Barley if bushel, Peas 19 busiti, -Butter, 00 to 1 20 95 to 0 97 50 to 521 SO to 1 33 83 to 0- 83 21 to, 23 Cinvionss",.. ANT) • PLASTER AND SA-1.x.rre At SCOTT ROB.ERTSON'g.. Seaforth. Feb. 19. 1 $25 REINAIID. REWARD 'of twenty-five dollars will he paid to any person giving- informa- tion which will lead to the conviction of the person or persons who entered my stable on the evening of the 10th inst., between 8 and 9 o'clock., and poisoned my Newfoundland Dog. R. TRAOY, M. D. Seaforth,• Feb. 11th, 63-tf FARM FOR SALE. DEENG South, half Lot No. 10, Coneession 1 9, Township of Morris 24 miles from Blythe, -containing 100 icres. • For further particulars enquire at the store of ,Torm Braidwood, Seaforth. • R R. CLARK. ••Zanuarry 8th, 18d9: 57-6in Timo-nivr: • AT Scott Ro rtson's. February 194, 1860. •68-tf. ; I II FRTh .g4q11-001VS 1 RODIETIIIISON •2 IMpOrkr ai netimfaeturer of all kinds of I./el:11210U) FURNITURE, a -s SOFAS. o.E.NTRE TABLES, • MATTRASSES: DINING & tr,BAKI?AST TABLErs, 'CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In (*eat Variety. IL 'goat confidence in offering his goods to the pnblie,. as they are 'pnade of Good Seasonio. Lumber, and by First -Class Workmen,. . • COFFII ADE TO Cl/RC:3ER • Onithe Shortest Notice. - _WO OD TURN NG Done with : kr;alams iid Dvs7patiat- `Itt .areroorns ' TWO DOCYjili fzfourrii SI TARP'S HOTEL - , Main ;4-trect. Seaforth, th 1&57 tf. ; 110FR-S. Ittrbdireeeived; oy the County Ara- veyorin the pait of the Iliunicipal •-Council for the :Cozipty •of Lruron, UNTIL G P. N. On SatOrday, 26th inst, FOR • .rj ,ORIDGE OVi TUE A14.ITLAN:D,_ Allici.ethe 1Mibnidarr line bet4een G o derich and Ifullet nterseets the..rever, near the Base Line, ee-ren miles North of Clinton. ' ) P.L.,1117S1(f; SPE: FICIATIOXS fay- be see):0 at the office , of tlie subscriber •.• •• :'.0.fter. the 20th inst. -- • Two solvOt freeholders wilt be required' as snrety.for ths4 completion of the work. A. BAY, cow:ay ,sizi,27:veyor. o Clatinty NA-vevor's Clinton, Fellfinary 13th, 1869. • • The unexpired LEASE OF Lai i.43. 9, cznuiiitac;14. - On the Eae,."4 side Of Alain the linage a-Iseaforifn, wil,h the buildiurrs erected thereont yiz --The store and d we1Jing occupied. by William Ault, the 'blinding ocleupied lfy r.Smith as an. offi' ce the one occupied by, tir. Paltride-e as . .1)liotograph. Gallery, the1411.1.! oceni.)1„,r by Thomas Simons as ()yster,!-Saloon, tvec.; also tile one occu- pied by the -;subscriber as a Flour, Grokry andi Provision Store, together With. the stock :gild fixtures contained therein. Also 16 acreJ.-'-. of land south of the Railway, which will lt--.4eo1d in -village or park, lots, in sizee toisuit;•Ifurchaeer" s, and Oil reasona.ble terms. N. Feed, Groceries alai Pro- visions of afkkinds kept eanstantly on hand by the sill stAber.G. T. JARVIS, Sea:forth. February rd, 1869. • 61. tf - AND Choice New _Prunes At OTT ROBERTSON '6. February 1.,t4), 1669.6.3 tf Q 4- iiLiL. ENDERF. dell be received by the Trus- tees of K,:hool Section :No. 1, Bullet, - until INiond% the 1st of :'!,!1 arch next, fer tht.: building and vompleting ef a Brick or Gravel k3e1Leol .11oui4, '40 feet by 26, eeid 11 feet clear betev(.kai the floor and ceiling. The 'Trustees willenot consider themselves bound / to accept the'lowest or any tender. 1-1ans *and specifications can be seon ilY applywg :to Thomas V.k,*.diehael Lot klto. ',LIU Con cession, 11.0rt. WALSER, ) A. MeDER t? Trestces. T. AlaliCHAEL. ) • 1e1)il6th.• 7 63-2ip. • moikitaY WANTED. 11Tio.j OURmocr:1-4:ue GhulinEdrye(tl. cllio01.1:sztari::;:. to 111 rent on !good security. Apple at once 1 ' Seaforth,Ifeb. 19th 1869