HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-12, Page 7\CHURCH DIRECTORY LEVAN METnoDIsr Crrou•cx.—Rev. Wm. Hayhurst,, Pastor: be vieesevery a'. bath at 104 o'clock, a. m., and 61 o'clock, ,p. Sabbath School at 2 o`clock,: p.m. Prayer meeti=ng Thursday ev e tort a- at 71.,•, o'clock. f onisr v ErrscorAL C:ni,=tticn.-.Preaching each Sabbath at 10.10 a., nt<, and 6.30- gra. Sabbath School2p,in. Lecture. and prayer meeting.' Wednesday evenings 7.30 p.m. Rev, ti. Williamson, Pastor. stn TEF €. N (.aloe.'Ite, .- ervices commence 11 a.m. , and 6:30 'run- Leetc:re? and Drayer meetme uu i ,tesgay c v ennz4, at zegimentmenetzta NUM RIFLE ASSOCIATIOI, SEAFO11TII Ali At,'ll. MFE k ct . of the above Association will be herd rut ;;q-;arl3's hotel, e afOrth,. e Urt i:xng of Friday, y, the 1 nth ciao~ of 'Lary wet, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose E eleetite, odi.,ers and transacting otber mat- - is apiataining to the -sante, A full at- aulanee of all interested is iiia tied, T. P. BULL. £ aif�i lith Jai;i r ' en -re A REIT R, u 1ldUS&r *EAL11t Tt;ncltrs for epee inn a ,N:•sir l''r. one Sehot:1Reuse, of 'ch(.c.1 :€t inc. to.�(w1 ; hij} (a ; f �i lllic x`t, - a€at. ad- s ,t ..0 Mr. !f(`lt�€ f✓t'��(v' el.�, Avi11 be he- 0'tti4 1 `t,n.r ios% O1`1S n.`t coon, ti16tifatiw, eta.:.Fx h day. of . • tbi € 1I . next. L lkfs Lebt.1 and R t tuts are -already pro- .• tt ti 1' elmr . Lees, bi4id tae .`' p :t;inea tions is 1 fk%:g1 s Inay hi: ae t tat' E •.. Jolin Me- n( h S, fl't..; ct°r- to t.(t111 1,EI1 1tbc, nal 't.s of '*`_7 het r:.ty+tri. =ilii eeuri'Lioi for the due t1 Ia1C'..t of -.t k,: c.art la1::t. rltlif. rustt€ . -I1 aadvttirf•c' a etrti:au ai�.1(}nt t (f reott(:y tt> f _ tt` t '�i'(rf4(tt' :but t`'.€' do not bind n(1 title- i r ez4 r s a_zetpt tl.c. It.wez i;, or any to tdc r, 't. -- i'it (°e titlen.- of the acetru.&ui-nt stall' ;' ,(? -'i t•a `tt•,G collet I.1n i1. �bat rh ti 11L pIlJh' (1 a. t(ifile Tt1;4a'l:t ``1.'(.1uters fir .1F1'arrne F iA a M:..0 1NN,LLL, i Trustees, t .l. (t r 1I.Lt.i. St_'e. NO. 4- . Jan.. ::21:11, e Y s E E t; fidersigned, .OL T P. Ks to announceto tlu, iuth i.ltita.:its of a'u.aa at€ail, surrctind111 t eminiry, Cleo' ht. has. ` c}1':tt•.t1 a 1•'irs,-cia.s �&Ui it. b E.bup, ite the `ost:I'. i ce F EE }Yy t cs .LL\ sY -�t p s+zr_ L1 hied over t t-nt �` years e perienee and fur {"�■4f. 1st\4 '- \`. til yea -s 111 t�it� t. Ail, 67:,,- Qt 1'. . \. i•• ye is <.. to `' ext ;ILI awaits.; as s. \i'SrI 11'.' :.. fl p::r'-xaa,,ti a s �7 `° j1..ff ,CF -0 "n' TEL! Sp t1t; t i prt•p }r,,(. tet ff1.1:I'. AS ANY ()J[1 t E'-TA3- s1.611\1ENT IN'T}it cOtTNTY. tzi 4€t i h and. FtLri:(; f 1 T - 1;.AX Li LIG!I ET A_ E$. ;i C let; iittrX1, - ':c 1.,1.E a ff.ri .i, Jan. :,, and Savo Y41.ei Meney. M. II, OLIVER. 11, 1 btY:- v i -tf. ZS. LIVERY & ,.,qitt te+ iIi`k,I,€ 4.—Vg t t3 as I..i a,n(1 Good Vehi- cles. it . itE1 hours, en ref.tsonAle tc'.rni'_o lair€rest aixiti best Livery r+' iii seaaftsrrh malt .ifs crr Ctruimert,a1 tl'i vcilei s. (biers North of S'Eair1,.'s lzt�tzl. MUSES_,� qg a;:.� �L �.iEr. k v kt:SALE.. Frth, Dee. 1:1, istis. ul-Iy 1.1 LUUD Y&3O Nr et€€rnif•; thanks fw' past favors, have , t` 1a'_t•t ure of artii(1cIi:;(1:t to- the finer- s Euit1 business itis. n of i f aafurth that t'hc y tneared toreceive (ar(1(rti f(ira.11 l;.incis.e,f I>.lt A Y W Qfl �t € (ls handled t' .L. I care, and satisfac- 'rnartreff, 'tlst, 1860: T & 011AM MAKER UNDERTAKER &ci . A Large Stock . kinds of furniture kept constantly Orr la.Id, ct istnig of the best- varieties_. ai�€ttf s. ria liattrasses, Children's -fes. Coffins kept constantly unhand. i`L made on the premises . A ' 11eaarse for hire. \%'art.ropn op - Kidd: & THOS. BELL, eh int# (Concluded f ront second -page) - pie of St. Domingo will accept annex aation with avidity and satisfaction. The .,tatenicnt having. been. made that the tlebt of -the Republic was 6 or 7 : mil- . t. � •' - Confidential • itis- Co `�'ab llctn,� �..la . J, W.. j Atreut of the Dominican Government; has addressed a note to Hon. ,N, P. Banks, 'stating cstliat the entire nidebt-= %dness of the Republic,.ineluding the paper currency m circulation, will not exceed $5Oo,0f'): There is no l.rospect that the. Alaba- ma treaty will be considered this ses- sion.It has not -evi n been referred to the Committee. on Foreign Relations.. Havana, Feb.. 8:—The. Di•ario, in its: account of the autbreak at" Camarones, states that the first :act of the .rebels wasto destroy- a section 'of the railway.. The -wane paper acknowledges that the situation iu,that quarter are very grave. The approach of the revolution .to the vicinity of Cienfue ;as, Which is in- the centre of -a, large Flasting district, is expected to cause a Ilse in thek;sugar rurlet:. The rebels recently " assem- bled at Managua, to the number of 300. They were attacked by the troops, and defeated, losing all their ' arms and at- munition, and eleven prisoners. • `Havana, Feb. 9.—Tke Government is organizing several new battalions of volun' eers, heart .for garrison duty and ,pari- -for \active service in the. field, . Ll Cabans,. the strongest fortress of HF - vana, is now garrisoned by . voluntee s inp lace of the regular troops, who ha -been sent to Cienfuegos. duneSan. Francisco, Feb. 8.—A s, from Mexico state that 'heavy -Tai. s prevailed in the State of Sinaloa. Th river overflowed and inundated th c:o€entry, destroying several villages e tirely. The. Less of life - is unknow but itis feared .to. be very great. Tie w York, Feb. .9. --The -reception tendered to General Grant, last even- i*g, by Mr. S. B. Oditt iiden in. $cool-- Iye, was attended by over one thousan of the elite of -Brooklyn and New Yor society. Mr. Chittenden had extended his_P arlors by a• temporary covering, of 'the adjoining grounds. The decora. ‘tions were very striking and tasteful. • l vt-r..1.9s-rrop.„' The (dobe says that definite informa- tion has been received in that city that the troops at present serving'_'in the Province- will be withdrawn on the 3rd :of May next. tf,Orders have: been issued to notifyowners of premises rented -for' the use of the troops that they will, be vacant at the 'time! named: The_ law water }in the neighbourhood- cf fort Dalhousie has=given plenty of luck to the fishermen recentl. The fish get attached to the• ice .by hair ft a lk fins, and are then hope out: Large: qucntities ofbass, and pickerel,, weijle caught in this way, . before the snow fell. - . 'Wiliam Thompson, .after serving a three 'months term in Lincoln jail, laid an informaton before the St. Cathar- in. fs, inagisti'ate, on saturday, against some parties as the burglars of the balk of Montreal. ° He says, be ob- tained the information . Tri Jail, and• is sure of the $5,000 reward. A Goderich corn `spondent advocate the introduction here" of - the English house sparrow for the destruction of grub and insect enemies of gardens. ie hopes. that the Horticultnrar Socie- ties,. or some such men as L ugh John- ston, M. Ce Cameron, and others, whose gardens are. a credit to the country, v Til hill a helpirg hand in the PROVINCIAL=: The Registrar of the County of W ellington, Mr. Jas. Webster, is dead. • f ti e• learn from Mont sal. that Mr. Weir has accepted the tenders or sup- port to . the. silver :exportationmove- ment muter. Mr. Small, formerly of Stratford, late manager ; of the Royal Canadian Bank at Kingston, and Mr. - ]3arnes late Tell- er of the same Bank, were/ committed for trial.at the Assizes on a; charge of consi racy to defraud the Bank of X1,- 000 000 sterling. Both persons were ad mitted to bail. A wandering Yankee who had -put up: for the night at a hotel in a western border tovn, onentering the bar -room next Morning he 'saw the landlord sweeping up what be supposed to bei grapes, - He said - you have pretty I large ' grapes out here?". Grapes 11' - said the landlord ; " them's eyes that were gouged out here last night!" - The -exceedingly mild weather which has prevailed up to the last day or two has_ had a marked effect on vegetation. Mr. .Aske °v, of this town, showed us last week a sprig of priqot with nuds in almost every grade of expansion' to full leaf... Another such winter is hit •dly in the memory of the "oldest iu- lial� tent." So says-- the St. Shoinas, Horne jouvnal The eldest son of Mr. W C. Little, M. P. - for South Simcoe, a lad of about fourteen met with an accident a. "few ago a g o which resulted in his death, When : slid clg down the hill near his father's the sinall sleigh he was on struck a stump, against which hh was also thro'v n with violence, and sustain- ed, an internal injury which proved fital On the 25th inst. .The deceased was a fine boy of good promises. The railway commissioners adopted an inzrn:gration scheme which will be submitted to the approval of the Gover- nor=general, and af(;ervaids to the pro- vincial governments. --They have also had under` consideratiorl a form of con- tract, and-arnelided the same by provid- ing that in case of the changes mention- ed in sec. '68 of the general specifica- tions, contractors will be subject to di- minution or be entitled to additional compensation]_ ae the commissioners reay "deem reasonable. - It is proposed to build a branch rail - wax from. Grimsby, on thea Great Vtern, to fort Maitland and Dunia-t viile. A sudden fatality' has broken out .awong horses -in Montreal, *caused, it is supposed, by feeding them on refuse from -the breweriesand sugar refineries= At the packing establishment in (Kincardine, over 500' hogs, were ill, process of pork manufacture e at one time last week. A snow slide, from the cliff a+ Had low, South Quebe; c, the other `day, engulphed:. eight • houM e. Fortunately • no one was seriously hurt. On account of a bad. lot . of dogs. in London Township, L. 0. U.' for $44 were paid for dead ewes - and lambs at. the last meeting of the Council. " AT .ROLLS' rugs &Medicines . Parts & Oils, V4RNI-SHES AND P 6+:NTINES, rushes & Comas, 10 Stuffs Lamps A. man nailed Shell . shot another man named 'Ross, on Tuesday. Both' lived at Brentwood.- A maga _stands. but a poor chance of bis life when at- tacked by both shot and shell.' - It is:estimated that Ontario has more - than one million acres of low, swampy laurels - lying_ waste, z hich by proper{ . drainage can be converted snto arming land of superior quality. • Encouraged by the long discussion. (on the clog tax bill ar honest fernier in Kent wants the Local _Legislature to :pass a "eat tax bi I uecaaiase he has had. all his young apple trees S i atch ed and 'ruined by his neiglibo iirs' .' cats. The old Registry office in Niagara has been converted into a first class lock-up. - The people Of 'the "oldbet rough" were gleeful because the first tenants'were from 'St. Catharines: The contract .for a new Presbyterian 'Cheri ch, at McK.a:iy'e Corners; North Piympton, to seat about three hundred persons, at a cost of $2,456, _ has been given out to Mr. Bailey,. of Forest, - County Larnbton. A girl attempted the other day to cross the Niagara. from the, American. gide on the accuuulated ice, at Clifton, but When near the .Canadian side she fell thremgh, but was rescued by a tlernan standing on the bank. A child of Mr. ` Nichoison's Barri, some tile since died, it, .Was thought _from. eating colored candy:. The store: - Ada has been examined by Professor Croft, who failed t{o discover any -trace of poison. A conveLItion of ten neranee. iazen is great. slaughter of wild cats was lately made by Messrs. Richard, and John Cook, of Ed�� arcdsbu gh. The Prescott 1 vlegrapplt says that with dog and rifle they have. killed during the present winter, not less then 11 of these destructive and ferocious brutes, some of. which were' of enormous size. - There 'IS no doubt that the frequent savages a,mong'shheep which are generally as..rib- ed to cogs, in order to secure indemnity Out of the dog -tax fund, are the work of these fierce animals. FOUR AT A b; •TH.—A lady in Minto, Y recently gave birth to quadruples. The husband, . who was absent int the,time, upon. �c aching home was inforu1ed of. the 'new' arrival and was thunderstrucit. A child was placed in his: arms, which he said was a good lively 'One, •another was brought to him, and he - opened his: eyes, Lather widely ; a third was.brouglit to horn, and he imagined it must - be,a neighbours, but w:as'assurecl to the cor.'- teary, but when the fourth was brought he exclaimed thank heaven, I have my farm paid for:" The mother and children are all doing well, - and the happy man is quite contented with his pretty darlings.—Berlin Telegraph In. consequence of information given. to. Cheif Constable Harrison, on. Satur- day`evoning, a young man from God( -rich, ';named • Charles Arthur Clarke, was arrested and brought before the Mayor at a late hourthat evening, on suspicion of being the murderer of the unfortunate roan Williams, in Goderich; a few weeks ago. His Worship felt, convicted- on 'learning his statement that hG was'uot tine 'than, but at the re- - qu'est - of the 'Constable Harrison, re - AND CHANDET 'ERS; imneVJ- s v AND . Bur ers, air Qin-- - AND Peyfuinery, .Cough Mixtures, BEST COAL O I L Physicians .Prescriptions October 20th. • 1868. GREAT ATTRACTION • TN's LARGEST STOCK of BA1 RUPT. `STOCK; 8 :0.0:DS. UL� I A :-i list returned from the, mark& w ' the most replete, ate cht,a est� and .t t. l3 THE NEWEST STYLES OF THE CHEAPEST LOT OF - pawls ST : STOCK r Ever in4ported into Seaforth, which, fo rice, style, - and quality, is 8a.krojt Goods IntO the Shade The st'"' will b found. complete lin the will departmehts, A ; PRICES WHIC I Chaff m- e Corn _ etition 1 Consisting of '•• Shawls,; Mantle4, i Breakfat Shawls, Peleines, Ladies' ossovers; Ladies' 0- est Protectors, Bonnets,; i Hats, 1 Stew Goo Ethers, P7Cwers, S1Iks,� y i Irish, Poplins, French Merit -16s) - Cobo rgs, Lust es, Bare els Prin re's Cordis, TECE BEST VALUE :SIN Crapl; Cloth, Prints, Wi ncis, ' Cambries,4 _ f' r7 ('1 � � TickLg� ] Tweeds and Clotl s. Greeff Cottons; • Rea -made Clothing, , Bro Cloths, Hespler sweeds, , Overcoa1gs, Fancy Vannels, - Home -nide Flannelsy Carpets,; - Hoa? Blankets, Ladies' Satchels, - BoON3 and Shoes, nd a choiee assortment of TNF NICEST STOCK OF careiany piGV d. . • - 46 -pin READY-MADE CLOTHING CARTWItIGHT, Surgeon Dentist, Stratford, Ontario, begs most re- spectfully to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding - country that he has opened a DENTAL OFFICE over MR. HICKSON'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Seaforth, and' has precured. the assistance -of Mr. J. A. Ellis, Stu neon Den,= fr. Cart - forth the 11 work isfaction. in by the produces Charges tist to take charge of the same. wriaht will continue- to visit Se second week of every month. warranted to . give perfect s Teeth extracted with little or no p use -of the Narcotic Spray, which local anasthesia, (want of pain.) Moderate. Terms Cash. `R:EFERENCES :-Dr. Smith, Seaforth ; Dr. Shaver,- Stratford J. Dutton Chemist Stratford ; P. R. Jarvis, Esq., Stratford ; Dr. Whiting, Berlin ; Dr. Rowans, Drumbo ; Dr. Bray, Chatham. • - Ilir. Ct will be at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton the third week of every month: Seaforth, Dec.17th lli('R !13 11 A to be held in Toronto, on. the T ,'d` inst., 'mended him till Monday, when evi- ;for the . nix :Jose "of "orgainizing a grand.dence was rocul'ecl from Goderich .. empeia:•Glee ni.on for more- efficient proving conclusively that he was a jdif- a d it li ' d action neon questions affet-: ferent .person, and. he was dischai ged ~ting the �mo :a1. prose s:pf the eotvatry. accordingly —Beacon. ATHILL'S ' THE - PRETTIEST - ec. r�. F - v.l_.�c=e:J�wcr4 FRANK- PALTRIDOE',S Old Established 4 . PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY REMOVED ��Y numerous customers and the public g enerally will please not forget that 1 have Itemoved from the Old Stiind _ to the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE S REE`, Into Scott's New 3 story Brick lock, next to Kidd & M'Mullein's - store, . a d directly south of Hickson's new store, w, ( re I have built the best .Gallery in the Co my especi- ally for my own work, being lar e and coin.- modious, -and with the proper ac enic-light ; being the only G•ailery in Seafort construct- ed on true photographic princi les. The o9taij•light that can reflect the true eature,$. I: flatter myself that 1 can satisfy all who. -may call. Remember, I don't want your, money for nothing; I am bound to pleas or no pay. As many have had pictures in S. aforth, but were " dissatisfied, having conf ' unded my name with another, I would req est if you want a good pictutre, :properly made and cltirable, that you ask for Fr. ' Paltridge. ;Don't ask for Paltridge's,. only, but Frank Paltridge. Tam thus exphca t, b cause many think they are going to get a p eture ;rade by Frank Yaltriclge ; but by a mistake, in not going! to . Frank P.'s, - get u idly disap- pointed..:- — GO . ' RANK, In the Brisk Block; up one flig t of fitairs, and turn to the right ha - d. t My specimens at the door ar Make, and: are not bought or decoy the public. - t Come any day, Frank is altida anilin Good. Temper,. - `Pictures of deceased carefull any kind of Picture desired. ' - Remember, :,t is to Frank Pa hnvE to go to get a good Photo and rich Furniture,. Scenery, &c make 'your picture look rich, sending toyour frie'ctds: all my own orrowed to s at home • copied. into tridge's. yon raph. New - , that will and trot-th o does not I know. FRANK PALTRIDGE - - Seaforth, Jan. 6th 53-ly j i . AND THE GREATEST VARIETY OF FANCY G00 Fresh getm the markt. Also a large quay tty, of - ONOND CO, GODERJCH AND. MATO SALT. KIDD & McII7 t�KIN. Seaford. October 20, 1805 a erts AT W.. TILL'S NEW BRICK STORE, OPPOSITE THE LARGE BRICK HOTEL, SEAFORTH. fRITANNFAA HOUSE. ,-AVE JUST!' BEGET Etr 2,00t9 KEGS. BEST IVION I FUT :TNAIL 3 SLEIG 1 BELLS INENDLESS V .4RIE LADIES & GENTS R INTIK $I . TES Of all descriptions, HOPPING A XS ,'j' TR BEST MAKES, ewers' Supplies .OF AX.L B iR, BAND & HOOP IRON 0t TER & SLEIGH STUFF) OOC BOX & PARLOR Amo a large and -cheap assort nen' of i HARD 11Y :AR SILT, , :9 -LASS, PAINTS, OILS,, c t Eve offered in this part of the count Cotry Merchants in need of Nails or 3:17 other - rticle in (Die line will find it to t eir adva tape to give its a ca1L 11 eraember the L ce, "Simi of the aw," ..'Tail, Street. Seafor . . { Particiilsrattention of la-ckr hs ted to their lame stock o : ACCON BOXES AND 4Xa eh they* cannot ibis under ('id in .vominiora. 1 nber.4 th.1 8 (J. cull i tnie