The Expositor, 1869-02-12, Page 5- * K4 - NA. TE QMPNY, adon wed Liverpool Can ; Hospaal Street, -Montreal- :LS have. b;!en obtain,- e.,!ehibition. ir'rEAS from afe eiee ,,eea e enesedsaceniea. e "Ttit;1Grocer." -24th IA /any inert -theze Teas direct Mutations M Ami mul the Dr -LOONS, and sell therninPack s tElugh tht.dr Age.atani every ad Town in annalm. Ottly Lwe. 70e. arylquzd- 'ne dollar per .1b., either !Green, or 'xed- Agent for Seaforth. Mark. erte the Tr, ti 1 9-4y -1 London, 1862, Parie, IflNt LIADKIMESt- ?ur Fan 'es and -Manufacturers. L. C. 'MENDON, Irn Hue Mock, King -Street Torouto and tit,. Paul's Street lininch Agency for Seafortli WATSON. ' THE HOWE LOOK STITOLI, rtTEIt A—Family Machipe. _ 17E11 4---4Family and 'IyIanufae-turing FIRV:—Best Leather and, CIoth Nteturing Machine. ; ITER E—f.pr Cylinder Machine, for Less Teliirere Bee& mei Shoe Fittings, 5e,tb4lery Work whc,re -the form of the !roeist be retained while Stitching, is -1)st cempIete and tierfeet in the world. ,k la 1) 11EXQ Iff.E.1) AYE W- 4 1-717.VE-g. -were awarded the High - i at thelVorld's Fair in London, Id Medal at Tari s Etposition, e celebrated for cluing the best smaller needle far the titr 4 thut any other inaellineand by ita"Otitietioir-Of the most iloprtseed ma- - we Ire nOw able to simply the very machines in the world. Qr;.(1,1711:N WI/ICU 1?Erfajf. q71/,`..11 ARE: 1. Beauty and Ex.-- :ey of tit h, alike on both sides of abrie eewedge. strength, Firmness '-,n of Seam, that will not Rip 'wd. 3, Econolfly of thread. 4, At- ients atul wile range of application to 'Fes and materials. abox-e eau be had at the Branch Office L:orth, from W N - zastN. ro is also Agent fer the celebrated, 7.ZEIt J E .11 ES , which wit (.f management, neatnt*ss and i'tv€$f stitch, and wide range of seams arivalled r.e a Fax-pily )Iachine. ..?ad, Silk, Twist, Shuttles, Bobbins, Sprim2,s, Oil, and all maehine ap- es for set/e at the Branch Office at Sea - where. machines,- may be neatly re - *W. N. WATSON, Seaforth. -ii6th 1868. L. 19-1v. GUELPH AND COMET °RCM P21,..01.011.y. DEfel,, WOOD & Co. ..I1 intimate to the public of the i h minion that they manufacture Me- . ±is and Cabinet Organs superior to any , e continent, at priceS34 low as those of her good.inaker. They- defy competi-1 lid challenge comparison. All -of the . re' practical Melodeon Makers, . Wood has werked as head turner for DA factories of Canada and -the United His tuning has invariably taken. the ilia.. wherever exhibited. Their Me,' are all Nanostyled, beingmore firm arable than the _portable -styTe, instruments are warranted far five Perfect satisfaction emaranteede II: ted Catalogues cOntaining testimonia1s- -1.f.geat number at celebrated musicians ree (et application. - RST (LASS PIANOS FOR•SALE. tory and Ware -rooms, East Market Guelph. 111,L, _ - _ R.- IV. BELL, :B. Woon, R. McLEon. ' J. L.:WILKIE, Agent, Clinton. - •::. - FLOU fir/MILLS. Sdbseribers tAre now prepared to sup - y the inhabitants of Seaforth with ED RATES, OP ERS tEFT- AT THE Or at 1 OFFICE, cOtt Robeitson'e areliortse we immediate attention, and. be de - at the residence of the party. hearson £or61.17 Dec 2nd 1868, 52-3me. --gxposi.1404. • Oultui e -Mum c- . -clip:the follot-viree; from the ReV... 09chrate's address in, Brantford .on the occasion of the Burns, coneert. IS not music onelof heaven's ohoicest e4fts to men? aust}) inuteinee a world With.01.1t 11111S1e and men. and 'Wornsa 'veithout tho power to praise or eing4 Sad as is the concl,itione of a large portipn of 1 the hutuan family; their -woes ande sor- _ rows would be mere burdensome Jent for oeCasienal outbursts of iinSpisierg songe -difteal with a vdice aud- ear, n76 mau is comps'nionless. possesses within himself one of the plicicest of. delight.. ellusic not only ober ms the savage heart and eubdoes the the wild, ungoveena- ble.peeaions of the soul, but. it Cheers the narriner upon his :midnight watch, When out onItlie storiny deep, nerves the soldier to deeds of ,daring on the battlefield, beganles the weai y,. anxious hours around the cainp-fire d -sweet - ams the- laborf lethe neehan le, and•• the The Squares at Waterloo. • •'D tiring -• the.- battle our squares pre- sented.a shocking sigt V. Inside we were nearly suffocated by the smoke and smell from birrnt ca!rtridges. It was impos- sible to move a yard. without treading upon a -wounded coffirade, or upon . the bodies 91 the dead ; and the loud groans of the woeinded and 'dying were mos ur t appalling. At 4 o'clock osquare was a relied hospital, being full of dead, dyilage and mutilated soldiers The charges of cavalry Were -formidable, but in reality a greatrelief, as the artillery could no longer .fire on us, the -iery earth shook under • the enormous maSs ofmen and horees. I never shall for, (re-lathe itranee noise our bulletts naade against the breastplates of Kellermann's and INIilliaud!s cuirar ssies, six or seven thousandnuMber, who attached us with great fury. I can only compare it, •With a simile, to the noise. of a vio- lent halstorm beating upon panes of loom In what department Of toile is, ghtsse The artil*Y- great execn- it is tiune but our musketry at ft did not not the influence or -music fait.? therefore the duty of tayery man a'ad seems to kill many men ; though it woman to 'cultiva:te nsusicotdiee brought down a large. number of bor- things being equal, every yottng. maneriba,ble confusion. ses? and created irides hould endeor to choose a musical The horses.of tlie first rank of cuiras- saveL-one not only n fit to sing ursery,. slurs, lnielute of all the efforts of their wif ridersepaine to a standstill, shaking and rhymes, hut the most popular cf ca7ir. notiOal melodies and- sacred , anthemscoveted with foam, at about .twentys perds' distance' from our squares, and A eineiner wife is invariably a (rood,. generally resiSted attempts to force teMpered one. It stands to reason that them to charge oui• serried steel'. • On it Should be so. within range. one occasion. gallant French officers of \such a woman's infitience.- will sh.are- forced their Way -into a gap momentarily hes own leaky and contented disposil -Eon, Next to securing a good -Wife and er6ated by the diseharge. of artillery, a. one, was killed by. Staples, the Other by muSical wife; and a good library, ev- Adair, Nothing could be more gallant ery house, if possible, shoUld have than the behavior . of .tbose veterans,. some tensical instrument. The s*eet many of; Amer had dietinguided them - Voice of good wife, ichording with the 'notes of a well -tuned piano, is one of selves on half of the battle -fields of En - rope. In tbe midst of our terrible fire, the most potent. influences to biud man to his home in the hours Of even- their officers were seen on parade, keep- ince- .and keep the youngemembers Of inn- order m their ranks, and encourage Unable to renew their charge, the family cirele from wanderine in ing thOm• temptation's paths. And in this -Lel, but unwilling to retreat, they brandish - more perhaps than anything .d.0 ed,their swords with loud cries of tfive we I need to have such commonplace -truths brought under our notice. We are in clanger of growing up a money- making utilitarian and material „class of people, ea little rnore polished, doubt-. less, than the Indians nilo0 ce roamed • throireh our fields, but desti ute Of all e — - that refolemen-b and cultut-e vhieli m- -ie invariably produces in lai as' whey the science is an. acknOviledged,'branch of •education. •Had. 1 the laying out of ..t . our rapidly rising towns and villages, I would build in evetry one of thorn a _ ,powerful- organ, lobne before 1 shotild br uild a cout house \oi. jail.' 1 ict1d do so as a . matter Of political economy , as much as a ma ter of rational enjoy- ment. It is thei duty of oar legisla- . tors, who are - presumed to- be men of tastes .and intelligence, • to promote in • every waeL the elevation _cif the work- ing classes byi opening upsuch avenues - to innocent reerbation. . (Applause.) -Nor do I despair of seeing such a state of things in Canada. , In other- corm:, tries, free libraries,free music halls, , sand. cheap -concerts for the middle and, working classes, presided_ over -by the. rhig1ies1 civil and religious digitaries of the land, are fast becomiv, institutions, And are steadily advancing morality- &sennau,- traying di 4 promoting A., . . •a, dustry. Music, like science, iii -the '16aidinaid of relig on, and ,neve r pTr- •' ,fectiv fulfils its tkue mission, 'save wheia • it leads us tip to the great Creator who has - so N'vonderfully time4t and siirung .• the liuman heart to sit* His praiso. i(Lod -and prolonged applause.) ._ . 1' E friper&cr1 and allowed themselves to be mowed down by hundreds rather than yield. • Our men, who shot them down, could not help adniiring the gal- lant and heroic resignation of. their en- emies;-licoUections- ancZ Aneedoteg, by Gronow. CLEARING- SALE ITICKSO, ..rtotlishild's Wealth. 'fife wealth left by the late Baron •James _die Rothschild is something fabu- ions. It - overpowers the imagination. o sultan, or caliph; or eniperoes real or fabled, approached him i11 the• ex- tent of his opulence, "The wealth_ of OrrauS. or Lid" pales before it. -The- late Baron made the 'following" disposi- tion - of. his fortune :left to -his ,wife; Betty, X8,000,000, the cifiateau Ferriere, whose art „ galleries. are este- matedi at 4800,00D, and his house, the Rue Isaffitte, at Paris, to his seCond son, Gustavus, he gave X,8,G00,000 ,; to liis third on, Edmund, 476.l0oo,00o and.to his grandson, the son. of the late Solomon Rothschild, £-1,000, 000. This is pretty well in itself, but it does not exhaust the vast liettpe left by -the mod- ern Crcesus. The largest, plum has fal- • len to -his eldest son, Alphonsus, who come in for -a -trifle of £2A,000,000. Thi Cel'ossal •fortune—and p'erhaps these :lee-acies do not exlsauA the arnourat—reaches to , the stun total of .X54,000,000. It may give some idea abotet this means, to mention that it would nearly pay the _Lterest en the national debt for two year and is Q011-- • sidorably more than hat the i.n.c9nee of Great Britain. • Verily the tdeceased Baran must,- like Midar, -hav.a possessed the faculty of turnmg everything he touched into gold. EMPORIUM. - 'CANADA WAREHOUSE,' In Scott's Prick Block, SEAFORTH, MITE subscriber reepectfully intimates te the, inhabitants of Seaforth and sur- rounding country, that he has now a large and complete stock of IAil the ist of March, iTE WILL SELL DRESS1C000S, • CLilAkINCS, , FURS, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, OVERCOATS, 11 BLANKETS, AND All Winter Goods ! :teepOirrear.—It is a soul -cleaner. • • It cannot endure shams. : It loves good- humored ways among" the 1hough4 ; -and whea conceits have slowly turned to deceits, and partial and •unfair no- tions are choking up the soul, and un- worthy feolings are depositing 'soot •:along the soul' passages, a grnuine liugh,is like a fie in a foul chimney. 'Certain sorts -of ,thocksexplosions,- confiagrafiens seem to be neededfrom time to time inthe mind. • The facul- -lies grow numb and become stiff. The. *ad, like a well, calleete Mephitic gas, and needs burniug straw .to be thrown. down. till it is driven. out ' In bo hood • a Sound :whipping has, a wenclerfully stirring effect. • We never enjoyed it; but after it Was all ever,.. we took hold coi life with new zed. It was a trap; eient cuticular regeneration s a rousing piece of news, the ecstacy of a joy, . or the /shock of an excessivp ,sorrow,giv- ing to the wily' a lift 'upward, these' yude revolutions and -shakings prove to lee admirable alternatives. But they are kg good for daily- use. The mind Peed.ls tO 11.0 roused 'and sliaken. every ,daye without too severe a blow. Laugh- -*di.' 'clogs it It toples clos-;:rn; a man's '.aeraM dignity. ‘ It makes hes foolish pride gtiere way, at lead for the mo- -ment-It• etzierieeps away all pretence and rlial-:&13Wievea, and pitiful secial 'distinctiens; . In an unexpected uproar of .langliter at genuil;:e ' wit, Or humor, • And. eA flash 6 good fellowship goes f4 ie man in e ropro is on a level, :round. Even. obstinaCy, that old car- entidsr0eon of the sao'al. yields -a litleess:e, . e e Trif. lrard Beeciter, , • A T S T To make roordfor LARGE AOBING IMPORTATI. ONS. COME AT ONCE Wine Tampa -Nee -LA late 1 umber of the .Effingham (Ill.) 1)entocr t,t speaks of a couple of fellows in tht t county that have been swapping W011 en. • We -have heard of. instiisaces before -where husbands have traded wives, but this is the first insten.ce that we -T ever noticed Where a father -trades a dauehter to a husband for his wife: This- Tross. bar- TO ro argains. E. HICKS -ON & CL Seaiorth, Jan. 27th: b taism was developed in the courts of that country hist week. •It appears, says the Dembont, that at or near -Ma son, a .preacher named Delt a—heaven save the mark le—traded his daughter to Burns, foe hisWife, -agreem. to give. as boot between the daughter ancl wife $5,000.' In accordance •-wi.t1 this time the husband left the wife and took the daughter off to St.. Louis, anc the wife placed herself under the care of the trading preacher. • After urns had frolicked around St Louis awhile with •the daughter they returned to Mason and. he demanded his boot moire"-, which the reverend ' old seoundril refused to pay, and then Burns ;had him arregted for 'seducing his wife, and the trial de- ‘ veloped the above facts, se "Whiskerete " is the nanie 'of. the "little John. cow catchers" that the la- thes - abroad wear on their -cheeks in the place " where the whiskers , ought to grow." They are formed . by draw- ing down a tuft of hale froth the tem- ple, and curling it up in the- shape of a Tam's horn. • 60 for Joseph, e knows it. R. H. i,DOLLIIER tailand Fano WINTER OOPS! DRY • SOME CHOICE MOSCOW .Beaver Overcoats. • Body Coats, Vests and. Pants. 6,7°Ladies', Mens', and Boys' LBOOTS, and Felt Overcoats. SCHOOL 'BOOKS & STATIONERY. IN,GROCERIES. . Robertson & Son's Celebrated Coffees, Glen, 13Iaek, and Japan Teas, Sugars, -Spices, and all kinds of FRUITS, suitable for the coming Holidays. • Also -• COAL OIL, all of -which. WILL BE soup CHEAP. • ARCHICALD McDOTTGALL Seaforili; Dec. 15th, 1868. •53-ly Has decided not to enter- into the wholesale trade at present—owing to ;increased facili- ties for crying on his heretofore extensive retaitbusmess, which takes up el/Cry-inch of room. in his establishreent. However, a disce 'ning public unanimousfy declare that HI 0000S ARE AS CHEAP, - • (and his profits must consequently be as ' small) as those of the LAMEST WHOLESALE HOUSES IN TIIE CITY. • Just to hand, a nice lot of FRENCH MERI OES, All shades and colors, Fay Repps, Empress Cloths, Coburgs, Lustres, Winceys, &c., trrc. YLISII- - MILLIXERY/ Mantles and Cioakings, BOOTS AND SHOES Goloshes and Cloth Overshoe's. 50Q CIAO -LIDS, From 40 cents, upward. A splendid lot of puRS all shapes & sizes. Ladies call and examine this line of goods. THE GEN TLEME.kS tp.EPARTMENT • be found complete in every line., •. ; A choice lot of . ° V NEW FRUITS & FRESH GROCERIES Just .received, together with the latest cle- signsin China Tea Sets, CROOicERY & GLASSWARE. Come 1rly, but please don't all come at one R. IL COLLIER. Seaforth, Deeember 17, 1868. 53-ly • NOH±N9a RISTMAS SENT Attid New Year5s 41Ret Santa Clankhas made his headquarters - pre *sent seaeon at the store of COUNTER, exhibiting one of the largest - stocks of ' tiAtT5 it 'mut 6006 Ever ,brou it into Seaforth. Everything suitabIO for Christmas Presente Mid • New Year's Gifts, , T .PRICES 4HEAPE THAN- THE CHEAPEST, Those -y+ wish to gratify their children or friends 10 bestowing upon them a beauti- fni presenVshould call early, as a Great Rush willi.irndoubted13r be made to Santa- 1Dlaus' HeaclqUartei. V._81?-g-AO.MBER 141,G PLACE, R1eCountees drovell6ry Fancy Goods Sitore. Seaforthec. 9th s v2-111-ly M. Where he i4 ziltiLima-iR„A_PI--i BOOK STORE!' 11.8-ibc.1111:38tOrtignk 9efdBolloakvills I Stationery Ill)er.rgs. -to inform ' e inhabitants of Seaforth and the ig. , vicinity t i:t he intends oarying on the busi- ness in -.N.113;, ',Curs premises, and hopes by at - 1 tention toithe requirements of the trade to merit a s1ie of their patronage, . The stoat- at present comprises, in addi- tion to th4‘, ;authorized obi •SEAFORTH FURNITURE WAREROOMS M. ROBERTSON, E7 0 0 It S 1aTgq*sortment of Da Y Books, Ledgers, Note Boo14, Pass Books, Pencils, &c. MSO a large tiimntity of Bibies,: Testaments, Prayer BOOTIts, and HYMN BOOKS:, In greet emriety of binding, together with an assortment ,of books in general literature DIARIES AND CANADIAITALMANACS ••FOR 1869. DAIL/ttL0 BEA TELECRAPH GOLDRENs TOYS, &c. )/1/1111axia Elliot Sear* Pee. 24th 1868, 54-tr. importer and manufacturer. of all kinds of • HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE/ Sneh as" SOFAS, . LOUNGES.' •. CENTRE '•TABLES, MATTRASSES, & BREARTAST TABLES, BUREAtS, • CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In Great Variety. Mr. R. has great confidence in offering hip goods to, the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned Lumber • And by FIRST-CLASS •WORKMEN. C0P1FINS MADE to ORDER On. the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING DOne with Neatness and. Despatch. "_SHEFFIELD" RDWAR tioTtm_ JOHNSON BRO. Choppng Axes, : oad Axes, Framers' Tools, • Carpenters' Tools, Coopers' Tool HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 A spl&lid assOrtm. ent of CROSSCUT .1 and MACHINE' A Iv S • 250 KEGS PECK'S Mobtreal Cut Nail GLAS PPTTY, PAINTS., OILS, VARNISHES, & As Chap as any House in the Trade, at JOHNSON BRO.' S OVES I STOVES ! corn te assortment of Cooking. Box, a Par14 Stoves, Stove ° Pipe, and: Tinware of all descriptions, VirftY CHEAP. • At J*01INSOI.0 BR0.1.1, Warerooms Main Street. if:GHOF THE fLiMOT TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP.'S FIOTEL Coo/NG STOYA- SeaiOth) Jan. 6th 115.69, Seaforth, Jan. 6th, 1869. V741. i 4 ' _ A •