HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-12, Page 31--
[Ofl will not get such f- i• elde terms
a- the settletnent of theedam,
Parist , FelL 8:—A ditispatch frarti
4-0,ens says, King Geottete has, declared
eat Greece -must eithertiocept the pro-
icol of the Paris Codfe ence or receive
is resignation of the 0'. (Ali.
Florence, Feb. 8,----A, slight shock of
thquake was felt here.yesterda.y., No
e was donee ,
hid, Feb &--kacciting rumors
ave been circulating in regerd to the.
lovementS of the Carlists. - One of
tese reports is to the effect that the
tudiStete. attadkd SentOnite in the . Pro-
idice of Santander, but we're repulsed
iter a sharp fight.
ItladrA Feb. 9, --In reply to farther
,t,13citations of his felidet- citizens, Es-
ertero et!'_tain declines the seat in the
,unSt itteit Cortes, to which ne- was
eeted. ' Among the changes eontem-
lated in dlthe administration of the
cevernment is the adoption of the
i.oionial Miniseiy as a distinct depart;
l[tent. .
Oenstantiuo.pe Feb .9.—The Behan,
kas appointed Hussein
Pod Namik kasha, as Mims et of i
iIoussein ?ha has occupied a seat in
he Cabinet since March, 186a, as Min
ster-of roupe,. -
Athens,..Feb. 9 -tee -The members
e new Cabinet now unanimous -I
gree eeltIthe Paris Ociaference.
ilattana, Feb-. 3. City quiet. A.
eat a day Or two ince emitted at
Bejecat, between Spaniards and Cue
beettS; Several wounded.
Rem/de Port-au-Prince lettere
14th saye„---Presiclent 6a1vave was
Sartth, sttperiitte,ndiag the
niiitary operations. Jacrnel Jereinie
md,Anesea Veau wereeexpectecl to sur-
render into his hands at arty mot:neut.
t was reported that Framed Was nego-
•,,e, 'ag with the iebel, leaders far the
.1'tteirest. on the debt due her.
lavana, Feb, 4,___T11,:rt-atte,r that
Ree-alutienery Generals Cespecles
-.guilt:ea, have entrendered to Count
eseda proves untrue. The -Alexi-,
van payees accuse President Johnson
and Miteieter Roseeettris, of hinting at
annexation in their/ priblic utterances:
Was" hington, Feld. 5.—The Senate
Foreign Relations idontinittee has not
-yet taken up the consideraion of the.
pratocol to the Alabama treaty, end no
day has been decided on for it discus -
oil, The • question, when- it shall.
up, rests. entirely -wita the -Chair-.
niafl(ef the Cotruktittee, „and he late not
•vet mentioned. a word on 'the subjects
TTlie indications are now that there wilt
be no action taken- en. it even, in Com-,
--ttee, daring th3',. present s-siort of.
zress. The beef . opinion on the.
Subject is that the ,Oortimittee will pre --
sent an adverse report on it, if they
reported all.e.00d -
The President, to -day. directed a par-
don to issue ler Dr. Mudd, the. assassie
netidrt conspirator now confined at the
Dry Tertugus.. Efforte are being inade•
"to secure - the :paracin of Arnold and e
Week* on, Feb. 5.—The project of
cultVClttlOflDetween the jUnited
'Statee atid Nort.h German TIni-ou for
lte bdtter Prateetion of emigrants to
tnited States is:Under_ cansiderae
acana,Feb(.5.—Advices from
etate that (ettirago„ and other Gen -
rends have prawn:meet' in favor of Santa
Anna, and that the Government is pro-
Havana, Fele 6 —Jose ;de Armase
the Peace•Odunnissioner to the Insure
gents, has returned—having been un-
succesefule - Reliable information from
hU.rto Principe denies the statement
that'Generld Arango was assassinated
bv order of Quesadat In view- of their:
-retern to arnase and of demands made -
:by the- insurgents, it is certain that th
war will continues . The fate of the Is -
[land can only', be decided by arms e -as
th Government cannotegrant' the de -
of the instimente
,W ashingtonFeb'4,--:--The public
11-Itt- statement up to February lst-
ehod,s the total debt, kss cash in the
easury t be $2,566,20-.5,658.
Havanee, Feb,. 6.—The insurgents
!have teterted eighteen Iaige plantations
in the Ea0t.ern department. The cholera
; tuts broken oat in the -Insurrectionary
distliette among citizens and belliger-
ents on beth sides. Cespedek one of
Peace Cemmissionerst has sailed for the ,
United States disgusted with the state
of }attire in Cuba., Wealthy Outten
t families lyrapathizing with Revolution -
are feraigrating to New 'York oe
v York, Feb. 8.—The Times'
ecud *ay s :e'en is proposed to -night
to bringup the St. Domino Annex.a-
on project in the House agein to mole
w, provided_ ecAe•pne favorable can.
!get the floor, irnder calt of States for
'bills and resolittions. The project hae.
gathered strength during the wecle.Ar
thcaI despateu Vas oceived here ou
, Friday from Bitee, Preeident of the
Ilepuolic, giving the most positive as-
tureetnee ttat the (1
.,„0-vernment Euid peo-
(Co' f'etuecl oa. seretta pag
tht 6111001A0V.
THE Tuckertheith A: S. will bola
their annual Seed Show, at Seaforth, on
the 26th inet. See bilis
MIL DON...WHY, of North Easthope,
- was injured one.the head by falling
limbs froth a tree that • "lodged" while
tt•-• •
Mr. Hays, the present County At-,
torney of Perth:\ succeeds to the eflice
of Clerk ef the Peace, left vaCent by
the death of Mr. J. J. E. Linton.
THE COIX.IMMial -Adel; ..L4toivell* of s
_Was barnt down last week. . Loss $1,- Ara
000 ; alsO, the carpenter ' shop belong- hot
in,g to- Messrs. 11,0binson 4 - jacksdn•—t 'aid
losStfrone $900 to $1,900. •: ' , ' 'N.vi
) • . et i tio
DISINTERESTED.—xWo ' little • boys, ea
sons Of a farmer Who lives net a ininel-° th
red miles ftioni Sea orthe were amusing th
themselves buildin castles in th.tasan
, in a 4and pit, when suddenly .the, bank bu
'tca.ved in, holding"' them both .for al- ho
- ReV. James Haetie, of •Blue -
vide, wilt (D V) preach iii the .Presity-
terianeeh arch ani -Sabbath ...next, 14th
last., }it 11 o'eloCk in• the forenoen, and
6:30 in the e - • -
perior education,when $2,000 more
!granted Victoria College. In 1868,
ever, the Government withdrew all
from it, and he believed it 'must be
h a view to exterminate the institue
l?nt he hoped the .peoPle of
eada would not allow it to die for -
wait of an endowment, aid to which
y' were now- seeking." '
he 'Rev, W. M. Punshon followed,
.- on account of the . lateness of the
r e said he shauld not speak at
Ithoueh taan erect posltipn, the earth ieng.t.hj The questiim resolved iteelf
predieat into t is " Shall the .Colleere live Or
'N1ra8 up to their chins. I this
titne; till their cries attracted
*person to their assistanee, who began 1
tnent they remained for a co
the old-, Lear
to apply the spade to extricete
est One fritst, when he exclaimed. "Oh,
never mind me, hook out Bobby!"
. .., bad e
W Whatblissful uriselash-nees ! Would
he sa so twenty years heneel---1.teeee;n, seuses
, z safe t
"derable die" The principle •Closely allied with
.fle the existence of the College, wits the
ion of Learning and ltehgion
alone, might be applied to
If education be for the
man, 4 absurd to train the
and not the orals. is not
educate one hal the man for
and the other t to. be neglected.
gument that the state, and note
urch, should educate, he did nttd
engaged &Hooting the netessary 'mfor- consulter sour d. A teacher makes un-
SEAVOitTit iii.ABieme.--,Theitis a feel
. . . ,
• mg getting up, now emong tier farming
community, that the much abused mare
ket is likely to proveei great benefit to
the seller etter So eayethe eVioncq..
- Tire Spring Assizes ft,r this year wili.
Fe holden at GOderieb, on the 231:c1 of
March next, and i the next Cliancery
Hearing term at Godericht .01.1. the ach
April nt, ex .
Mir Ketterenv, the Scottish Vocelist,
purchased Ono thOUSand dollars worth.
i‘f fereiture in Steedford, of Mr. Centpt
01, an old fellow-towasnian cf liV
(den. Tee goods- are to be shipped to,
"Auld Scotia" mtthe win.
l , .,
Simone.1)t-a A-rm.—rtlee pigeon shoot -
liter metdIt between the Stratford and
- ' Mi led 1 el N introdre rits el ted in a victerv
for the latter by six points. The. airair
CO NTY DIRECUORY.—We are pleas- good,
ed to earn theM
t rd Jas. Sutherland, The a
'mbliShee of County Gazetteers, ie now the el
HIE subEcriber begs to inforra the public
flap he has just received a gre.at variety
of Saddles a,nd
ni n for a Directory of this' County. prees'ons upon his pupils according to
His agents Messrs,. Armstrong & Mae- 1js o n ernotiens. A,most any been, h
farlare- are at the Same time canvassing df'ettuoation may be taught, either to
subseriptions and advertisements for the glory of religion .or the opposite.
the work., From what we know of ie eyel not dispute but that good men
Mr. Sutherland, and the favorable mene re'to be founcl ifl the profess* of
tion smaele of his books in a the public Alter OAR ges, but for his part he p e-
ve hope the enterprise will be erred, naving his children,. taught by
fullyeustined in Huron as it has been nen elected by Christiailse The matter
in several Other Counties of the Peed
-Which he is prepard to sell
. •
At Prices\A.linast Unparalleled.
Sa,ddle, Bridle and Alartingale for the
small sum of
deas welled tip Vy. a dinner in the Brit:.
ieb Hotel,
• TIT7,--retnereetition of Knox - chtereb,
, .
Ainlevville, ieterel triving d Soiree in
the;r lsrge clittrede ,on hilesday, t.iie
181.11 i -e et: 'AS. e+et'y ne(..eeeary peepe-
r:lei:et is making, a *good..1- tine May be
e.xpected.. .. 0
Doele fereet Sketing Cereivid
rtt Vi.,•tolia, Rink. , It will
likely be Pet lest of . the,- stetson,
and we undedettnd,tleit the 1"‘Pluienv
Phellows" end "Itively Thesles" of Pens
-forth,. intenil straining the lest nerve: to
melte orT:ii on of remembr e,
to all lovers of arrmsement.
tiie maintenance of this College reo1v-
d itlf, into this, whether Poll
or Religion }-11 11. rule. We see
MEOHANIeS' INSTITUTE. ..INOtIC.E. :— he direful circlets cif severing Relig,ien
A meeting of the subscribers to t.hi froni Edu&itio-.1 in the -first French Re-
fund _will take place on. -Welt esdey TONtion. The interests ,Of toeir own
e-vening_ 'next, at ' 7:30•o clock, in the ;church demanded the sustenance of it,
t. .
EX:POSITOR Office, for the traneaction of la -s the denoMinetion -required an edie
business in prooerly organizing the in- !eete.d ettnietey. 1 -le therefrre trusted
'sti'thtio-4,- appointing officers; etc. Those 2 -he would have - no diffieulty in raising
Ad) lia-6 not yet paid their subscrips an. ndoevment of $.100,000, as li bend iv;
tionS, are requested to d6 so to Mi. is s closely. associeted with Christiant-
Cull before* that tittle, or be prepared ty. • ' ,- .
to do so at this meeting. More than he opportunity awarded the speaker
-1O0 hal e been . su bscritted , but that not one, which enabled eini to
emount has net yet been peed, and un- v that eloqiience for which he leis
til tit is; the Governnfent gra.nt' eanuot e."-vedly achieved so -great a portal -el-
ect 'eecured. • All subeeribers will'eleese
- 0 , ; but at the satne time, the polished
d h ti i .
tl etd of' ex weesione that wOuld -occe,-
18 : 01.. T.
th'eNyvay of Harness,
le is, ras. heretofore, in a position: to give
is customers as good value for their naoney
as any ()tier establ:shment in Ontario. .
uality of work and material employed
C178 -110P OPPQS.ITE ICI.D_D &
• J01114 CAMPBELL.
eafortle Feb. 12, '69: 63-tf.
atten t e mee g. .1 •
.sio4iillv-felt from lies lips, were very!
• te.
Ade,- wr-RENDING atisAsnornE.—One
the 1imet°1--;ainfel calamities that has
'happened in thie section of country oc-
-'eudeel -on Tuesday' ed'ening.. It appears
tift't lete in the afternoon Mrs. &Amer -
eon, wife of Mr. Robert &innersole of -
the 7th can., Goderich Township, on
ancount of -the }tbsence of ther ltueband;
went to the biten to attend .to the cattle,
leading in the hoeSe an infant and two,
alter Childreti itged respective] ti tYi 0
n d four. Wi tile thus c nteiged :shelves
Jarined by the cries of the children,
md on hastening to the houSee discov-
ered the inte, ior all in: flamee. The ,
take the stina out of Oa truths set foltb
oldest had escaped, but it was im
kiesible *to rescue the infant. The
'louse, with all its contents v -as entire-
ly cenetimed.L-Wdezton _New _Era:
Te.leetteAret EXTRNSIoN-.---WihArri
is hnve tele,g-rqeh;d .er
vation with -V e reFt-cif the Werld in: re
dhort time. The -111on t- e -1 Cornell n
have. TInti I'm G. . T. ScoV-::Esi.,
they . a --it the 'off-- o'
Made: to 111'0111 l'st ar d it; is. Pro -
e line wilrbe extended to tliet
place next summer.
OPIVNTar ---At Ta`oetin0 11(,14 at Fog-
ter's Hetet, on Weelneedev, 1*Ft, the
Tin•ln-„e w95 .f011owF
by the P;tfejet. M•lSZAr °Bi.h: T. Ste-
pherre W. M. ; 'Bre. Greltem Willie -in-
sert, D. ; Itr1J06;'). Soarlinfa', ("-r% :
BrO. TI 's PoStee, TrPeturer'; 'Bees.
Joh nson terte‘ e m tete
JO -nee, tele 3e1, 4th, otel 5th Core-
mittedivte, rosiie;.tively, • Next me.p
af...f1),) riln.0, 011 t,1)(i evelein
of the -first Welereelov in lrarell.
ceable. . 01,41)6 a.mornit of f;,:•1.,
was raised. ()lint= for the ob-
in-view.. Success to them we etty,
more strenigtht ma,y they have, so
g as they' go. upon the valuutery
Seaforth vs. Clinton Markets.
TUE hrew -.Era, 'in speaking of- the
Setforth iNiterkete, says :
The fanners abOut there who wish to
trade in F.: eafo r th , o c casiOnally -Wri te 3etters
int-heExxo -Area iincli atilt with the new
stitte of things, but the editor endeavors to
0 TO
Cake ;and Sweets of every dowription.
Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pie
C4 1::Z.Arr
John praithrood
Fresh Stock I
oja Stand.
Seaforthr Feb, 12, 1869. 63-
Begs tol form the public generally that e
still lArrieS on general Blacksmithing at
his Olcl Stand.
.Spe41 attention paid to Horse -Shoeing
Ain1eyiUe, Fe.b: 63 1
Would respectfally tender his sincere thanks
t 10 tho public of tieafor 1 i and. surround- - .
ing, coautry for the ery liberal pa-
tronage be has -ceived since.
coMmencing business in
; T...:;I,ER, Di Fr
A • ni.in la.Ft._ _,)*()t• li solf in to s
row; ti!P iic,forf- Ile Wag' to 1)0 111
\\did 11 he (lid net eet.oht of till lie
ltad liis fled very b;•tdly cut!, 'aurt pee-
eented dieing but a' eomeiV appet r-
ta-dee, for the happy. ceremony. The
thing lied to 1)e. ,.(19no., 110weVnr, inrt
Di Teteey Telt etiont dozen. Skilful
:tit-llee ltis f; tee, -Mt (1.0 a, paf=sa
th 111 'n of him. His wedding da. -
w nrel v 1011Y, reniemlbered,
ig` •leso ...ated with
it tliait
Punshon at dlinton.
ON Tuesday last, the people of
d •
tQfl were ;.favorece with the presence of
dlis popular man. The , object Of his
eisit, wee to seettee -aid fol. the Endow -
'tient Fund of Yitterie uollege. A
:neeting•w4 held in.the W. M.' tilt erche
in the afternoon, at which $630- ere
eteueeribed. . •the everting . iteother
tee,eting teele plited, which- crowded the
leurch tO..exeess, nemy being present
from a distante, as it had been auuoufle-
d by and otherwise, that, the
Revd gcMtlettlir. abCAre teemed, wotild'
detteer an address tipme Education. .The
Omit.- Was filled by -the ;-Rey. Mr.- Pelee,
Who announee the object , of the meete
*Leg, and .ailed upon the Rey; Mr.
Tones to phtin thefiamelieg and work -
;ng ot the College. The Rev. gentle -L
-.lien' said :- le. 1830., ..fortv-Ive . Me-
thodist liliniefers (ri which he \ves eme)
reeel eedth tthe den,ination
college,.and o carry out the , ol,ject,
eaught aid by conet-ilie i
which :were --heartily cos tended ts. quietly etiore es as it m the ordinary. courk e.
....,..., ' .isli'e pew
- 1.-Icii, : t -ii i'ql*.;:i IR .1i1;,:i pli.,:e 1'ilt be
cletli .;1.;[.i ';:kr ottliii-. w()rsliip on 'te,:hi. ail;
in Ithe letters 1,3( putting at the end a lengthy
edtoriai Io f o suited to ihe'prL:•-.(nt state of
filing in Se arOrth.!, - The kim c will wine
when 8eafo; b will .gladly abolish market
fees, -if that conic" bring. back the tradC•
-which shebampered with theMuntil it left ;
thitt t:me is net yet.", t
'We undoubtedly cnd1voi o ted
the -sting -cqtt of f:liCh letters d,lien
calms bout by incorreet statetteed
and shall continue doilig 50, eo. i
-stnn ding the manifest_ dero, of -ttiv
. .
cm, Era, to secure tee Seafoleh trete.
f Clinton, by miseta temente D it
tie -week, we had liecasion to
fro01 S0afoith to Chilton, and we mei
nitre than a score -of lo 1dt -of produee
coming to our, villege. Will- the -Kele
Ji C& cop deecontl. tO.O.x plain Iva n or
t in the -next iesue he Globe, of
the 9th inst., steyst:
-‘‘ Over 10,000 bushels of -*eat Were Sold
ii Sega bb. ono 'day last week." •
r•Will the eVetv. ,Era plet.se ton -how
his hoppenect if Clinton be -a so much
better market
And has much pleasure in informing them
that he intends
South haif Lot No. 10, aoneess on
containing estipoifooM„aeorrrises,. '24 miles. f
Forgiirther particulars enquire at the s ore
of .To14 Beaidwood, Seaferne
I. R. R. CLA.4:
januitir .8111, 11869. 57 Gin
very Large, Complete, andfivell ass-;rted
‘' Stock ef
The unexpired
Oii tai6 East side of Mai p Street, 'On 'the-
Village of Seaforth; •
rj1OWEiTHETI: with the buildings erected
erecui aiz --The store and. dwe ling
oocelii ed. by'lq . William Ault, the building
d by• Dr. Smith as an office, the one
00C -a ed by ?qr. Paltridge as a Photograph
Gall the Ole occupied by Thomas SIMMS
as a.Oster Sa..cloon, &c.; also the one 001311-
pied:1y ethe subscriber as a Ilour, Feed,_
GiCrVland Provision Store,- together with
the..4toelt.' and fixtures contained • therein,
Ais . licres of land south of tbe Jai wav,
whi wiff be sold in village or Park lots, in
Azea.: o suit purchasers; and on reasonable
Feed, Grocexies and Pro-
visimis of all !kinds kept constantly on hand
by k th subser,iber.
! 4 G. '1`.
Scarth- February 3rd, 180. - 61.tf.
Which will be sold bn the "Small Profits
• and Quick Rettikns" system.
(inc of
rom 0t 1
lave luld.
Robert 'Porter.
ur seitkrs has been r movad
_at,- by death. The aged Lo
td ely•adoted time *pass away
s'tYteletele''c'ille.(1.:Ihil.ng g1e)..te, t,17,-..Hii°gn,a,,-1,0e' ei 4, 4,i)0::11.7.1,..),:'.1-• 1,1*::: 13 sjetiLkiitta:::V.11(...:It;%at.lc.)11'SLId.liatilillegaltend1011-71-iebellIn..ellgtriLoff
t- the dead) (41 aaleiglibor by unexpeet( d dis-
enc11..6.tteelik.,it9f tfliairSds-liiicltg.n,r;.;,relsztecyd ri,tstellitt.:, ‘eolasteii. to.t1t. a frio::ilroini- ai-Ciullt-, but the subject
des ro..er (if tie lain= rue,
' eonsuutptiOn, 0 A CI t.e S 0 r.r deepest sym.-
pt 'bilks. Vie_sigitt of a buipan buing whom
we reg,ar(4 in e:ie promise of life daily siiine-
Ilex; a;•I•111. )xys R.. A; Fye, r . wince -they u•iu d I y unprep teed
D., .ef v:111 -h at 11
clout: o. GC.,0 rn. T
IIeedereon of Paris. will preach at 230
p. in. A. o,llection wii be -td.c• n 4.t,
the (1 -C e;e•li '1 \i to lieniclate,
the amount dile en the- Chapel.. On
1110fiday evening'followittg the epening
tea -mooting w4,11 be held in the Chapel.
Speakers, R t'Meesre. Henderson, of
Parte St ewer t,s'Beantford ; McLaurin
Stitttford ; Sinaair Wingham ;
eevend of the resident Minieters of the
Vill and. Me. John Croy, of Eg-
moritl'::•ille, ern addidees the tuclience on
useful' and intereeting eubjedts. Mr.
D. Tr`ott will lead' the Choir. _Mrs.
,Tiacv will -preside at the Melodeon.
Chide to bo taken at half petit six p.
ancl refreshments'. served immediately
after. Tickets, 25cts., to belttd. at the
- stores of Alessre.' Hid Rogers, Davies
and 'McDougall. The children. attent
ding the Sabbath School- meet in.
the same place on Tuesday. evening at
-.6 o'clock to have tea and cakes; Sing
r. Ryerson was S
4e.t. if -passible, al
„nee to secure a
estitution, in wh
time of the excitemeet relative to
hit Clergy Reserves, they petitioned
foi -an endo meet, which WitS granted
irethe Assembly*, but discarded in the
C(uncil. The Secret try of Foreign Af-
fairs hearing of 'this, gave an oi•der for
fotir thousand pouilds • annually from
,the " Ca itial and Territorial Fund."
Sir Francis Band. Head, refusing . to en-
dorse this for the full amount,. Br. Ry,
erSon appealed to Parliament, by- which
the whole mount was secured, . In
1842, political Matters Unde.rwent a
general revolution: Strictly speaking,
there was at bat time no college in ex-
istence in Canada.. Dr. Ryerson suc-
ceeded -in gettitig guarantee from. the
Gevern 'Tient,' against loss, if they would
make it a. Colleeiate Institution, (the
lose accruing woad be from the dismiss-
al of girls), and an ondownient of $3,000
nirisic and listen to short addresses. was made it. In 1860, a. general twit
Friends are invited to attend,. . - . tation was .got up, on the matter
-!rit to. Engiand,' to
all, and at the same
hatter - for the eW
h he se cecedc d. At
In order to male room for the
He will, aniing
ext two months 1.
Offer the balance of the
'ost Price and Under.
- Remember
This will be a 'genuine sale, Great Bargaint:
-MAI 1)0 given.. Give us a call.
It is Uselcss to ipiote prices, ai you must sec
the goods, to judge* of their value.
before our 03(a—the prey of a deep roottl
evil -which baffles the best naedical skill,
produees a sad naelancholy. The disease
imparts a peenlar g6ritten.css of manner and
inveats the suileter -with a peculiar inlerest•
Oar bust ; our warmest feelings of iriendship
are called forth—we grieve at our conseious
inability to eradicate the evil, and. we mourn-
fully endeavor to alleviate the sufferings as
far as we are able. Tho subject of this
obituary had. 'suffered for abeilt 5 years.
His faithfulness to duty coiispienous to the
last, while struggling with life in t'ae last
s.ages of his distase sbewed a Strange deter
mination to continue at his post of guardian
of a bankrupt estate at Kirkton. . He was
only induced to give up. his duties at the
urgent solicitation of his employer who fore-
saw the impending evil, and sent him home
toreceive the attentions of his wife anti his,
brother, in whose house at Egroondville be
(lied. He was born on 12th April, 1831 at
Brandon,- Suffolk, England. He emigrated
to the United States in 1851. He carne to
Canada in 1856. and -settled in Goderich.
And the Eighest Price paid.
John Bliaidwood,
Meares' Old Stand.
February llth, 1869.
R.O.MOTING Health, Comfort and Econ-
omy, theonlycomplete Ventilator and
Double Damper in use, for Kitchell, Oflic(a
Parlor or Bed -Room, saving _its coe, in o3 e
month. It3 claims guaranteed or money
refunded. See testim.onials. from scores a,
•Prbfessional and. Scientific gentlemen..
For Sale by
township at Porter's Hills. He Was a
joiner by trade and as a workman he ivas1
. .
excelled by none. He leaves behind a wife
and. daugnter and brother in Canada ; his
father, mother, two sisters and three broth-
ers be in Ohio. His absence will be much
felt by all who knew bun —1S'
February 11, 1869.
Agent for St aforth.
eduction in Price.
Seard'acth, Feb. 40, 1869.. 61-tf.
LL parties are hereby cautioned, ag_ainst
negotiating for, or purchasing
['Amy note made :by me, and. enaoma by R,
itilannah, in favor of Jobn 3.‘,Ioed:e, for the
t.wiount of Tweaty Dollars imtrcst,
yable lst- Jan. 1869, and &Am: at
Alm:as thave paid. said note.
cKillop; jam 14th, 1869. Db. -in
,s37.10 -ac.
AVING lately purehased the le:times of
William.Barkor, in NY roxeter, will lcecp
n- hand a larcbe, assortment ..af Loots and
Shoes. None, but first -els work mant-
lectured on the premises..
IV Orders will reeeive partKuilar attentica.
R.epairing done onmthr.e
April 23, 1868.,
R: ROSS, Proprietor NeVir DOMiniOn
P) , Hotel, begs to inform the people of Sea
forth and the travellinrstscommunity general-
ly, that he keeps irst--class aecommodation ,
m every thing requiredby trai ePers A-
g00(1 stable and willing hostler dirw.p.ys oncaforth, Jan. 27, 1869.
hand. Regular Boarders- will receive ever)
necessary attention. •
Seaforth, Feb. bth, 1869.. 63-ly
OUR excellent onices to let in Seatt's
New Brick Block. ' .Apply at
1,1eCA UG113.07
6J -if
825 R. EWA R D..
REWARD tif- twenty-fiVe dollarswiI
be paid to any person. giving infonnai,
tion which will to the convidion of the,
person or persons who entered m3r stable 011 -
the evening of the 10thinst., between. 8 aatki
9 o'clock., and poisoned my Newfound1a4,
Do It TRACY, M. '
Seaforttt, 634
HII-publie are hereby ' eauticr el against
giving credit te,my wife, Joh Bar-
ker, -e of the Towasnip of Cr , County
of Huron as she has left my Be ad Board
further, will not become resp sibie for
any e-e'yts she may contra, on and 1,fter
this da
Grey,. trany. 28t1, 1S69.
St -cause or provcca on mu.