HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-12, Page 1fie:
s curative pr pertiea
thiou b ti c IIL AEAT, IN
and other ih ids.
One tea spoonful in ordinary cases is •t
dose -'1'w° tea . pocxnfiful in. chronic disease
that have afflicted the patient fur years,-...
It is a powerful Remedy, tut is iun:e
f har"n. = 1Lt is unlike:, e, LI prepay ttt9.na a •
Therefore, aIwa s ask for- Dr. TLidway'`s -
Sarsaparilli:tri t e, no other -se that tht •
.'Word Sarsap:.;rilliaf is on the: label of each
bottle -and P�. . Its R'�esolvent
IitAY'S.• �APA$IILrhNrZa0.L>
The Properties eifitsIngrecTients.
sARSA11' lfi?FIIs'41l rtThe irrnperties of elf
voutierfra iR;ref teEfts(t,•t't ti i'3 tae only- true cl.rativf
prineipla of b rsa`La .riTh h'} < ieanse a the binc:t1 of vitiatex
her-', and e\p+el f:io i iota e . ti ni t:ia ta.:.rt c € e4rrflp
tionartpleaT • tr<yal t•te tte_h rl's:'r_i i .tor
ACNE, 1. ,_LL'L APOri
87 O tS.c : DINSEt• T.-a€natat
Pao- edit. aGti .:t ra :'ate ltt: c f healer n t I b...ttt.y to t
conipiexxon. 11.1aae a:rouariaaia-chtt
fu g , I lOf -T�tls extraordinary inrtry a:e't aese ,
cid' rt: itis .b -R$AP:1.Itir W k' ,
ttA i t'a'il (Int a:1 e :., a 1 Lriezies t,t En- 11-mt
+s::chic.-.Tranerr,6t 4 "1A -t Darer
,so +p-t.nes. uta1L i' 1t:Yt1 ' a,ti « t." .Y"i: _, anti t.re RCors
#tfr u tc f min Di= :trc ▪ . .e .t; --r. is laity, ' t f ] : ; t f tamer
tut f rt t=ae co tp t t-.,#if<l1t f,tociaii« Lti.` :'tth' etlL„
tt d?err, s itt t'•a Ito -;431 -Fe t p1&;4ett a our b.jyoucl.tt
po 35114y of a; doutt.
pALEtztx rift.A .4.. This nat rrn10'3 stent
Z. r, it: +c e•.a. i.- tin_^3'(, GI. tit. 11. c =irl ..t 1 :.t t:pott Cu,
n1 tri;•111;`<>r-;chat,.€ t ) h. ti.-:tC-1:71.1:1- att. et1,1 r t•.'Ls. cup
Ai 1-rag;te: ts..-liter i s ti •r. -i . Lxtolb..<l t-: l' -aim-,/
in ruff rya -tiwti it' ra L ' . t:a al ft ft:rtr Li.•'. <' ", ice ctla
a`L.:Tativt., 1`tier;, t .p r Ill.:F.1r 1 1 B.... --tui, 1: ,;itvUl
JL it4t:.rci j. -t t t`. C'op.A .1 (IIY•It,,, &',-., it t , :,3 C.(
wet t f 4r..3y of 1 '.n,•~ h . 1. t wad 1r.:istr, 7 3oas:•i .
"rt... e F t :--in --.:h1-1,1,1,-,r, t ,-.. i.'v fork 0)
c Laid l �: 1 L t'
+ tt'_> et 1 r: L T•' b r 1-'tr.-t" :(.'1i7"..1,77:L^.§•rens
lt: :tt {t can e4 t } !tatr`I r. la r I.evt, s r ,no, ti:t:,:.aatly
:tr 1 to c^ a s•tt c f i 4- h 1'l o f t -n t ct it tt-il
1.t,r pra 'tt Tt*C 4 cl 1tti 1-t t r P 1iaSt tv =.-. ro.i1 witt'
ptit ? -fir •t ,.:raliap_Kr:a c i z tit:• :IL 2:1 # fane-
t.<"it T1."i c.: -,,'t) t t`::t } v::' • la ii t .? 1."it'1te z
:1,1:::•=1".a,t1. I't` :;s.1 <x`1 vi.: ot'r < .Ltt..._ts el
nr_ 13 f`• rt f`: 1,, oft_ T. .,-s~, C `t.• -a 1::''-1 a i x nick
c t t:1e: r2 txr)':l, t ▪ i `1. E t_ T' ti t llc:.aor
a t E'1 . 14 E se t.`1 iesse i= f •.Vy Cu o$, 1 .s. V:(1...,..:•a-:: p'?,. ..:?• EC t .(. t t ' . 3 tt r' -r, s I t,_., t l;ut 1
ere .1 t )• a el :r ••:I,. r a:,d ? ..a.'....217 o., . Maar it '
a1t.t(t':.«:it'..j''.vr...=iz.i€t.:•c-lir zkiv riltak eoiatialat
a,• r apar,li; *1,11,1 -C.;:.., r:Cas l'ar ixa: B \ a _
i.4.T Ll` IDISC'
LE?D P7.00T*4.- 211
✓ b 3 ( t Cie-. r •'s t- + t : l ,.c e t t. roti Vat
i:`a. met-::13t:T:i- 1.:::.1 ( tt?f:: i _ `,<...-c ar-1.{
vee. .'i ) C "1 r_ l:
-''Y.l c-, .f"_E. ;.:.t ,)t_3.;[:. , rdtir
tt3t i.:-::,,,,?.:::-. in '` t L �, c.:,-,1.0 £ t.�a t; ., 3f t_)i t
:,‘,,c,,•;:-.:11-1:.”.....1 c 1. +.1:%. c,.1.-:i.e.: r,� _Lt It G....., -.arra 5 &tick Qr
t one in a thousand would
ti `e r from 13i coqnplaintsailf
mr.. Rad way's" i :'eatn ent is ob-
segued, and an who, mar bo
se eel Noigh lail oft s Colic, 13I -.-
-.,llot s F'eeve r, F'e vep,
Cr/Was and ]lever,. Fever :and:
.ion,{ Ague* Re nit -t€ nt ancl Intern .t
-ps, 4 taint t Fei re = Ixi: faei affil animal
her and vegetable r'e'vers are p •e v 21-
'us, ted and cured by RADW y11
as ast ed wl xi required
As a prevention, when either- of these
maladies prevail, take one pil1- per clay, this
vi11 re,:,u1atc the Ever, and supply, any clefi-
ccrrcy out:le healtly° condition of the gastric
juice, the natural solvent of the system, and
C-1- secure" hea Itly cic e tion: , Ten to twenty
r.- "drops of Ready Relief, in Water as a drink,;
t':is will secure invigoration and °strength
v;here there is weakness,- lassitude and . lan-
In uor, z nel neutralize the poisonous acids,
f;Qnera ted from the gases ofindiz estcd food,;
irritant and morbid, humors, of the stomach,
Lc., and if seized with any form of fevers,
take to pills in large doses 4 to 6, every six
hours, a feu doses will ensure a cure. 1-
have cared the worst for ins of Yellow, Thr-
phcid, .Marsh, Ship, and Isthmus revers,, in
the West Indies,` South America, and my
treatment with the Ready Relief, and Pills,;,
have melt v. ith the same success in the East
luc1ies,-these fevers are all alone family,
and will more readily y-ielcl' idtheir milder
forms as they exist in temperate climates ,
gill then in their more fatal types of the torrid
- zones,
OIi -
tsc Taken when svutptoazs of dizziness. fttll'ness, or pale
in t'ro
bead. nu -sea, at s'cinlaei, indigos, ion, costive
2:11 F ter C k.in , s'eet,lecsnet:•. bad dreams, &o.,
ed. <' at=;:e.tr will soon care this clrllic;rlty . Ir FL1iivay'ti
.•eels. tate Lelia ill other i,ills Each t 111 contoius
s*, {firs e f the t iro e rative principles cf c tracts
AS of therarest; ireiticts cf "thew etalrle i err `ant, -of
ens ,at:;o c£them never before "'sett as medi-
cine. r ; 1 to t0 l.:ncl Dubin fi esei=itis. In rurclaas-
r sill,.pee*"that enecfthe labels isr*'nrkkecl II. 11.!
iR a n'l the f:tc simile sign:t�:t.ur0 c t 1 wa v & Go.,
p-thec.1 irk1:e 1 Ink, anti ti- ,r Ittulwa3 s I en-ulators
en We €.`titer label. there n r c a r ills RI each box, co•:
vel,' l with 4 weer, guru. 1 ru e, ' cts., per, box. bold
by i rte ts- and Cotau.r-- , icrclianh .
Ia . ,cL err
This extraordinary rx Urine is- making astonishing
cures t f all kin's of t-7kin T t eaees, ,� 1 c ZtIreu,m\T t-
teff I �slr. tr si toles. It in -s Lvtl, and til LIMP-
•T 1 \ II 1.i; 1 1 L.- e t the \ case, Mouth. E.lhroat,'Ly s,
1 _Pars. Lep, . :c. 11 has t'na Ie some of the most nsto-
1ai it rp c:;r<'s of .'.,cart t i and. t ercillsus
i ice+ F e'=.r1 ei` -' <rres . Lilco �, Tutuors, Sweiltn�S
the t n -i t, err i"a 8 C`urr,9l tore:.
int 11 cases (f -weakening- <lisc:har es in Ladies. ti
ILe : cher_ re.t, 1; Lot rallats, `an -1 discharges from the
Uterus, it t� the t ost perfect curatives knout.
Irxt iiea,.e�cf the 1, dlteys, Bladder drr
passages in Higbee -fes, Gravel, .Bright's biG&ase in.
Sui'pressieti of Urine., and in eta•4cts where -the unno
depo its ".Briclt 1)U5 .r' Lime- • Concretions,` rhitch
thread, er albtunen. like the white Of an egg, orthW
tr` ttrintx i thick, cloudy, &c , and -when the patient ha
e great troabie to hold water with eon:t axe desire. to
iscllart e,. anti it Coutes away in drops, and has a:
strenftst.TIltif r r rthcrtitr an t.. hay darting
Ij t� pains um;`
is a ;' c '' ;"e i e:cn the canal of the Urethra, and ii
r d:*ll it' . r ruin in the s::railer. the back, thigh Iain ,.
unlit t •'t the, bladder and kidneys, the tiarsa,parilli
.0 Ike. vtatt will soca c:han e all thew •lri:retkii.tas, .tar
11 et:re Fee pa out. Thisro.:redyis better telan L'aehu,
i t 1: , Cubebs, Copatia, Turpentine, Creosote,.
m-1trt1 O'er agents used in Liico cies. Lot thou
uttering, give give it n trial. Hun lretls GC persons who.
ware'"e'olapelled to: use Catheters tow...cure a rlischargeP
Cf IcAter, have bytlro Ilse asi bottles Seenaouala
tclycttroth anti by one teascoonftu, three tim5s
tlay,t:rriozed the felicity of passing their water na
ral In all eases see that the word tl Sarsapactl
F. /inns! is on the label of each. bottle and oxr the front
e the. brei 11_ t ..r. R,ADWAy' REN(TATING
Pro ono doliar porhottle,,sixixttliai
for five dollars
c Address(
F 1i
".Free(lom Trade. -1 -Liberty in Rtligion.--,Equolity in Civil lagitts."
et:ON, &o. -0,11ice,-OripoSite Veal's
JAZ-ii.D2NcE-,One door East of the Methodist
ei So tot M Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. ,-
Af,to3,-,,eys at Law, '.16olieitdrs
WroXeter. IL- BENSON, R. W: MErElt.
„ Land Surveyors,' lingineers,
All manner of COnyeyaneing (101;0 Wall
malltil(;SS and (4. Coln-
aud Attorne,ys at Law, ' Solicitors in
Mr. Ar2,hibald's Store,
in Chancery, Convoy -
wit -t, Interest, on good _Mortgage Sectirity
tuxes inss.‘r tett witlr alit lie latest (1:14,3'
improvetnerits. The greatest -care taken forn
the pieservat ion." of decayed. aahl tender teeth.
Toot."' est r.tet <-1..1, wi Lilo LI. t pain. ltoonis over
110. Taii- I louse off:_rs the best a.ecinum oda-
thin. to travellerS. Stages :leave diiily fur
Seafixth and Wroxeter, connecting -witli
;stages •:0 Walkerton and the ( . T. 1-eiiiwav
'Accept this-a:sign of affection,
And A Symbol (;.f truth ail. id esteem :
M.ay it hastily find the direction
AVhere the light of thy beauty doth
That. thy pathway &event]. with flowers
Of the riehesb and purest attire,
ti.id that thou may spend many bright
'Is my earnest. and-topeful desire.
Lament who will, in frnibless tears,
The speed with which: our moments -
1 sigh not over Tanquishid. -years,
But watch. the years tilipt hasten by.
Look haw they come !-a mingled. crowd •
Of bright and dark, but ras.id. days ;.
Beneath them, like a summer cloud,
The widi world changes as I gaze
What ! grieve that time has brought so soon
The sober age of mon-hood ! •
As idIy Might 1 welep at noon,
TO see the blush of morning gone.
Could'I forego the hopes that glow
In presPlet. like Elysian' isles,
And Lit the chi -trilling fittnie go,
AViph her promises and Smiles:I?'
The future !-erutel. were the Ipoll-Or
Oh leave Me'rill the ripid
That niak.es the changing seasons gay ;
-The grateful speed that brings.the night,
. The swift and glad return. of day -
The months that toneh, with added grade,
This little prattler at my knee,
In. whose arch eye and speal$,Ing face,: •
Time, time seam and .blatioh My brow
'Well ; a shall sit with aged men, •
And my good_glass Will me how:
And Should_ 11.0 foul dishonor lie
And Smooth the path. of my demi-%
Then:haste thee, Time -'tis kindness all
That,speells thy ivingtal feet -so fast ;
Thy pJe.asures. stay not till the fall,
And. thy pains are t uielt.1) past
tnk, ;...4mforth, Agents for the. Canada Li
Farum, Houses mid Lots for A5Al.a.t.
co„ for_ Life and. Fire. The • Core
).st•rict Mutnal Fire 'Co. All claims will
rUDIST, respectfully informs the public;
-Seaforth and surrotwiling country that
he is pkepare'd to cure Corns, Bunidits,
Mains, Ingrowing Nails, Large Joints, and
sueet'ssfal treatment, without pain or sore -
Dry Go ids Store, Street. -
Cu t ting and 8ha'ving Saloon. If you.
We -it a go,,d, Shave, or your hair cut,
or '8hampooned, as it ought .to .11e, go to
the c' Li tit -le, \Voinler," South side of Sharp's.
Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. - The Bath
Dooms connection Will be opened to the
•(fil -.April 1st. Lubelsk-i's tonic, for
making the hair gyow 'and preventing it from
Qom r awVur known to fail. Sold
in botlles at $1 ezteli. Come adicl buy it
Seaforth, Dee. 14, '1863. 53tf S. LUBELSK.I.
prietor.. The .proprietor° would hay -nate to
the travelling. public and penple of the sur-
manding cotintry that h fitted. up his
house in a etunfertable Manuel', lie is prepared
to ,00.fluotlate. all who shalkfavor him with a
The table is furniShed. with the best
the market affords. Liquors, &c..„ of the very
best brands; There aro good sta,bles attach-
ed to the hotel. .
prieter. is Hotel has
been. lately; enlarged and. fitted np good.'
style. His rooms are large -and well furnish-
ed, which, cannot but ntake it a, comfortable
• home for the travellingi public. His table
will.be furnished with all: the delicacies of
the season. Best brands of 'Liquors and
-Cigars at the ,13ar. This Hotel is also the
gpaaral Stag Office.
Thou ain't bear'St aWay our woes,
The memory of -sorrow grows:
A lighter burden mi heart.
A Crimean Story.
Amid the ()lastly a.rnly of d6ath that
ineb iny eye, in- the deep ditch of the
at his 'side. .. They- had .evidently met
their Peath-wound at^ nearly the 'seine
youth teat now claimed my attention
--fair and oval,. with features of &nit -
formed nose, the small mouth, partly -
open and displaying teeth of pearly
whiteness, the fair -hair cut ShOrt, bUt
eilky as a girl's,. told the harids-esch,
hands to sae on a battlefied-:with .11110*--
ers lpng and tapering, and Jim small,
filbert -shaped nails, showing e veil among
their Om coyering of dirt and poirder.
The legs, ;t0t), were bare teethe knee,
and a sculptor might have studied them
Tor a- Model. :.A single moment showed
me all this and at the same time -1 con-
ceived an ihea which I hastened: to act
Upon. His unifurin was that of a pri,
vete of Zotioares, and kneeling down I
-unfastened the neck of the loose jacket
that fOrmed his dress.' It was no -sur-
prise. The truth had. flashed upon me
dming previous senitiny-and yet, was
it -possible. Foto cIoribt :was at rest".
Yes, reader,. the 'body was that of a
young and lovely woinitn---thot through
the heart le . 'Around her neck was -a
small gold chain attached to a miniature,
and, sineenler to relate, the small ball
that "lad pierced her bosom tad first
_gone through the portrait, shatterieig to
.atoms the lower park . lint leaVinee un-
touched tile face, which I instantly re-
cognized as the manly form noW dead
beside her. 11.`asteired in the, seine' way
lea a morsel of cord was a loathe, par-
wils indeed a brave soldier a even as
you entered I was engaged in writing
to -him. There, by your side, lies his
grade of officer, sent-nier but yesterday
by the Geeeral 3- and my report was to
.etate it came only too late, for he also
had fallen. Again he looked at the
picture, then, turning to me, said : " You
know the Zonaves-el finer troops-
-but I need not say so, their deeds
speak fel. them. Well; sir, in. all their
ranks beat no more gallant hoert than
Henri La Croix. He joined, but a
mere lad, just before we left old FranCG.
011 the opening of the campaign, he
soon attraeted my notice, and gaye
him his first stripe as non-commi,sSioned
of -1i cur. S ubsequently, he never lost an
opportunity.of distinction, and his head-
strong daring in every situation of dan-
ger even took by surprise his mere vet-
eran4 comrades. During that furious
struesde Inkerman he saved my life
by his action, and, later in the day;was
run ferough the body by a Russian
baeonet. For many - weeks he lay in
out' prospect of recovery, and, indeed,
Surgeon -General attributed his
restoration to the unceasing at-
:ttieTtaitoen. Qf young recruit, a brother of.
eel, with a reipest that any one-li
it would cause it to :be delivered o.her
mother at L-, small village in
Normandy. HavirtY secured both th
relies; sorrowful at heart, proeeded:i4
-search of a fatigue party. rius sOon
found, for _the work of interment had
-eeith Cour Men, and then hurried beck
to the melancholy Beene. They looked.
astenienedethat elle-Many dress sheuld
shaw. inteteet two_ dead French
eeldiere but, like all their nation, they
were: .polite, and on 'my bxpressing
wisn that they would cart thein. a short
distance and ry them side by,side,
the grave, they smiled, init cbmplied. I
stoo(I by while they sad work was per-.
formed, and yewards.A1 -them liberally:
fcr their .trouble After their denar-
tore, I passed all hour in eellecting
stones and marking out ‘1,11 i Site,
and then bent -my steps to the camp, des
his own, W110 oppettunely arrived from:
Franee at thietime. The Jed had -en-
lieted as a drummer, and came out wjth
a strong draft of conscripts.. Once more
restored to health, ^ Henri returned. to
his coMpnny, and his first request to Tile
was that bis brother might assumeethe
rifle inetead, -of the drum, and serve
with him in the ranks. This, cetning
from him, T could not refuse, although
Auguste was but an unformed strip-
pling,-a pretty boy -and look:ed more
snited to mensuring, ribbons in the Rue
St. TIonore than meunting• picket in an
enemy's country. Yet I never had
cause to ref,rreb my decisiom Me ten-
emezpt indeed, was frail ; but the spirit
that ruled It was great and -noble. On
all occasions for'the future, side by side
tought the brothers ;"and, at last, in. the
ineetly conspicions were they rendered
Ire their achievements, that the General
deCorated them both, with his own hand,
nn the field of battle. By-and-hy came
a day when I recommended Hemi for
his oracle ,as officer ; at the same time,
nee -ring, Auguste his first step in non-
commissioned rat& This he gratefully
flee] f•DIVjlig, " wivm his brother 'Wag
aoieer, he only asked to be his ser -
use Tr elY eirOrt i.11 11-11raV` V IMO F411(41, 111V friend, is the simple
elling tide mysterious and affecting ad -
The afternoon. of the folloivitig day ,nrien,l'Iv Tsille(33: ;11..ii(lid ma:retit:eveiih;ttfol flni.1•71.1i
found._ n.10 uiicletiiiled for any duty, amt 1 -ho s•line moment in the ditch of the
Freneh camp. 1 had, throughout, en
deavored to cultivate the aNttitilitall,e
of the French 0111..ers, and iittm!)erci...
toy attenLion *as arrested to one, object, - -
of gallant fellows wine, piled heap up: t aT-e'S You,' reztder, are in my coati-
) lined melaucholv.frrave, imdidence, and can reality understand that
nobly fallen 111 the nour (A. victory, in
the serviee of :their country and their
Eniperof, fat from it-, for even while 1
that' proudly called • theta sons, and I
keenly felt how many a 'Venerable bead
would. bow with grief, and many
nig cheek be bathed -in tears,. 'when the
fearful of life paid for`, this now
*On battle ehould be known .in those
happy end distant hamlets. But tilt re
amoug the ,..Inindreds that Surrounded
avant this ;is kind,"., he said, seizing my hand
hien, so slight, so frail, that even as I al 1 faised the ,cloor afel ,exitered " No -
looked 1 wondered how - one so youth, thine at all, a niere sOateli," iie replied,
tate would liaVe mingled as I iastened to expr[;!ee my ear ow ab
with those veteran and bearded warriors 8eeing* 14111: 4". rde .c(41)c't
, sot o g.(.116 all through 'the day without. being.
nameless.eyinpathy seemed to single him touched *hen one of the last .shots fir -
Out from ell. the rad, :and at length. 1 od knocked me over. 1t is, however,
and they toll me three. week repose
nient, 1 easily distinguished his tent, by
the 61entinel on duty befor e it, ;.111-(1, ad-
dressing bine asked if his chief was
Colon el WaS AVOM.10 el in the
assaidt, .and is confiued to his bed."
Come in, ceme iu," called- ouf the
woenaled man from beneath the canvas,
" I. ought to know tljal voice, and shall
be elixir to See You." c` Ale, y friend,
found Myself, almost - unconsciouely.
threading My Way amid the elain to the
place' Where lay. At this pc4t; not
,very far from the defeneesinioarn aS the
"-Little Redan," ^the ,fight had been
most desperate., and the ground was
covered with. the dead, without au in -
He lav or rather knelt, as he had fal-
len -the body almost erect, and .suppor-:
ted by.one•kreee- On which it rested, the
'other 'bent postare peculiar- to
riflemen when -delivering their fire, One
shand retaining the able ; the other
wds firmly elaspedin that of a fine-look-
ing _Sergeant of .ZouteveS Who lay"dead
eee me .once more at the head of
my egiment," We had =eh to talk
about, the events .-df the last few days
were fresh in our minds, and we lane
lied en from' the grave to -gay,----from
brief words of mourning on the loss of
valued friends and hosts of gallant sold-
iers, to congratulatiens on success ob-
tained and long -deferred hopes at last
accomplished. A -hill in the conversa,-
ti on at length presented my opportunity,
and drawing out the, broken minature
I -placed it silently in his hand. .
.instantly recognized it.. " Poor Hemi,"
conte0ed and happy group,--theinselvee,
their Oily child, and daeghterr Amine,
peatai Henri La Croix, the allianet d
husba Ad of fair Armine. An on n
from • early ege, Henri. had. found a •
happy_ 'Mine with the Le Fondes ; d
the faon left him by his partnts ha 1,
vancef, video and reseurj*:
had g,Own 'with their. growth, and f! 11
their trthly affections were centered
in eau,' other.
liitted but three months of He i. -
s <) aae, and that joyous eh y
was tiileive him. the • maiden he loved.
-pe* St Oh earth. Already had the tem -
of hiqours eilere passed there in pre-
paratiiths for his young wife's receptio
All p-Omised Nell. No cloud an ear( d
to oba4,t:ire the horizon of their hefti-
founOlts resting place beside their hill
ble.hOrth, when, like the Mighty buret
fiat a la fourfold conserilition. Se
edi4.---uniarallelled in _its
ment4-i-no hand could stay, The yowl
the fiti'0110 1116 healthy were sts-
away.1 I Talk laot to me. of substitute
twarm Spring sun booked down
that fOrrowing land, but on no bee e
lonelikk than that of the Le- Fonde
The lliight eye, the cheerful face, tl e
ringiq, merry laugh. of one who
been fileir pride, their hope, the etrong,
leieiol-.11s on their march of death.
bleedlict hearts of the aged pair, st 11
WAS tt...-wir cups not full. Their eeet:w s
gate but had they not yet th
dituglWer: Theylhati, but, not for lo
"Tis kill.° in person site eves with tli
with pier soldier lad. Tillie the profit is
too, li4d. fled. No trace could be four
nos+ ileving eyes shall neve' rest tige
9n a riother's face, and the old ma
gray Klirg Oran never know_ the ion h
of 114 soft hand. Weep for h
stran0r. In a, foreign hued she site se
-a-far; 'away by him she Toyed.
asnn.-4-4A. country editor, Who works eor-
'kr --1 ' prints on trust, is responeil 'le
'lee porners of his morsel as the fine old. for t1H, following anathematieal aspiiel-
. tions en. the Mall W110 VirOn A pay )e
).'Itrintiste-May. be have sore eyes, an( a
ehesiilt bur for an eyestone. B.1
tihal 1 Ow DayVf Algiers. May he nes
1;).e pt0.4nitted to kiss a bandeome Ws in,
May r4s; boots leak, his gun Jiang fi
eoffee lbe sweetened -with flies, and
trienfil run off with his wife, and,
(fhildirina . take the whooping eon
Al.ayiilis cattle die of the - murrain, <
- p4s destroy his gar*. Al ay
nt of eats caterwaul -under
and minie tare to me, 1 will - forsiard ,^0.33-111'
them by the earliest post, and I do net vind;leley cad). night, May 4is cows g Ye
doubt a few weeks will put us in: pos- ,Lour! ',milk, and rancia - butter.. In
session of all the incidents conneetea Thort.i may his daughter xnarry a, o le -
With this most. painful romantic' story." TyedlIditor, and his businese go to ru n,
Thus was -it settled and I ^took my and ke go to the Legislature.
leineesi to a look of intense astonish -
me -it as Ti)Toceeded to relate the cir-
In Stall CeS that had come under y
nntioe. on ti e finNi. previous. Many were
n-ise that flossed his lips as my tale tid-
oluRirm, sank hack in bis pMow, with
T bid told him. Presently be said,
The Ger° of in Normandy. is
one of 111V 01 &St `c111 d most aralueble
friends. if von will entrust the packef.
It was nearly two months from that
winter when a summens from the old
Colonl, to dine with him, reached me
one morning,. He eleangei his tent for
0. more vomfortable though rude dwell-
ing, of brstrds and mnd, and he looked
hale and healthy, thong,h a limp in bis
walk &ill bade him remember the
sttirmy Renee he had recently shai'ed in.
After we had disposed of our comp -fare,
and taken up a position near the warm
etove, he produced a long letter
from the pastor of L .
It apeared that in the hamlet under
his spiritnal charge resided an elderly
'Couple named Le Foride. rhe,v and
their ancestors had for many years till-
ed the same land, and were even re-
tearded as among tbe mast respected of
his parishioners, The spring of 1 854
ititters of Glastonbury were at re
201191 -Mg stm7 was told by a gen le-
mant,g character : ." An old woman of
the Voilhonee at Yeovil, who had :fo
been: a, criple and 11111(1(1 tiee of crutell
sytt;litrongW inclined to drink • of he
surri,41. would clue) her lameness, 1 he
sus en. effect that she soon laid wide
Thic-I ;was extolled as a most mixtesulous
eta.0 but the nian protested to las
hie -tit -As that he had imposed 'Ten h -r,
until.' ;fetched water from. an ordine
sprit*. I need not inform onr rex d-
ers Red the forse of imagination
speit itself, and she relapeed into ber
forttrir infirmity