HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-05, Page 8----- r •:.4-Fowr8 CH ESS; • TO etIRRESPONDENTS,• G, G:, Rt. Kitts. -;-Letter received, will - mail copies of next issue to thti names sent, ma s ciliation, will 4ttend to the Probl isatly rs thank you for exertions in incregling our cir- We have to acknowledge communications from G. E, C., H. pi &, Mr. T. St. C., and MICHIGAN CHESS A.SSOCIATION. The first annual t rnaraent of .the '4above was brought to a co lusion on Friday even- ing last and, and been a very Successful labia We have to tank the Secretary H. • J. Smith, Esq., for • opies of games played, 'Which we have pleisi re in publishing in this issue. • RESULT OF TH -r • Wo O. E. Michaels • H. D. Smith J. P. Swan a W. D. DeNormanclieg E 0, Nichols. •Oi - W. Penny , 1! H. Harding •1 . W. Lienfeld. 01 Dcsenberg- . , , TOURNAMENT. LOST.; • DRAWN,, 2 • 1 . 4 • 4 5 .1 2 '• 3 ° 2 2 '2 1 . 1 2 0 2 otP 13110BLE1 N. 60. '(By G. B..!Carpente r. ) ;BLACK. /.4/ •;‘, L /4 A _ /4* . /,„.4;ze,.. • V hite tic) play and mate in two moves. WHITE. SOLUTION: PROBLrim No. 59. WEETTg. 1 K Kt ta-Lfi Q tos•K B 5 3 Qt0Q3 4 Mates. Balms. • K to Q 3 • KtoQB3 K moves -SOLUTION TO PROBLEM No. 58. -1 Q to K. R 6 • Anything \ 2 Mates. • GAME -NO. 60. MR. SWAN, BLACK. to IC 3 P to, Q R 3 • •PtoQ Kt 3 BtoKt 2 P to Q 4 P tks. P Kt to Q 2 Kt to IC B 3 B to K 2 Castles BtKt 5! P toQB4 Q tics. Kt P toQB5 iri five -moves. 1R. SMITH, WHITE. • ' • 1 .1' to K 4 ' • 2 Kt to K B13 3 PtoQR4 4KttoQ133 • 5.BtoK 2 6 P tks. P '; P to Q 4 , 8 Castles 9 BtoKKt 5 i0 B to Q•3 • 1 1,11,to K sq. 12 Kt to K 5 13 It tks.-Kt 14 B tka. Kt .knsl he attack Mated GAME NO. 61. -MR. SWAN. • I PtoQ-B4 2PtoK 3 3 PtoQR3 4•PtoQ4 5 P tks. P MR: SMITH. IP to K 4 P to K B 4 PtoQB4 B P tks.-P4 P to K 5 Pto'Q-Kt4 .PtoQ4 Q B to Kt.2- K Kt to 13 3 8 KtioQB 3 BtoK 2 9 Kt to R 3 Castles , • 16 Kt to K B 4- - P tfss 11 B tks P (ch) K to R sq 12 P to Q 5 -B to Q 3 13 QKttoK2 QtoB 2 14 Kt to K 6 B tks Kt P tks B. B tics P (ch) 16 P tks B Q tk B. 17B tks Kt P tks B 18 Qto96 RtoKsq Q R to'B sq Q tks Q P 20 Q -tks Q tks Q 21 to B 8 (qh) KtoKt2 .2 .2 Kt to Q 4 11. to K 4 23 Castles R to Q.4 . '21 Kt to K 6 (ch) Resigns, * A far better move would be R to K sq. GAME NO. 62. ciass BY TELEGLAPEL The Chess Players of St Catharines, Ont. and Buffalo, N. VT., ply -ed a game over the v,r on the evenings of Fridary and Satur. day, Jan. 22nd aiad 23rd. We have to thank Taylor and Groves for copies Of the (Kings Bishop's .1814-1alilleS. WHITE. 1 if te I( 4 2 PtoKB4. B to'0. B 4 4KtoBsq § Kt to K II 3 6 QKttoB3• -7 PtoK5 _ 8 B tks P 9 Kt. tics Kt, •'-10 Kt tile P it PtoQ4 r to (4 3 13 KtoB 2 P to Kt 3, 1:5 R to K sq ;16 PtoQB4 17 P to Kit 3 18 Q tks B 19 K tks Q 20 Kt to K 6 -21 'Kt tkl 22 Kt Lo 6 23 -2itoKsq- -Bth1B4 Gambit. • Buffalo. BLACK. PtoK4 P tks P • Q to K B. 5 (eh •KttoKB3 .QtoKR3 P to Q 11;3 PtoQ-4- Kt tks 13 QthQB 3 B to'K 2 BtoKKi 5 KttoQ2 B toKR5 (ch B toK 2 CaStles Q R P to K. 13 3 B Ws Kt Q tks Q )tks P BtoQKt 5 13 tics R B :oQB4 tks P B to Q B 4 - . • 25 Kt tics K Kt 11 R.toKBsq 26 K to Kt 2 R to°13 2 27 Kt to K 8' R to B sq 28 Kt th Q 6 (eh) K to B 29. Kt to K-4(dis ch)K to B 3 30 Kt tks B P tks Kt 31 RtoBsq RtoKsq 32 K to,i3 3- P to Kt 4 33 R tks P • P to Kt 5 Rt0Q RtoK 3 35 It to.K a R tks R 36 Ktks RPtoKR4 37 K to K 4 Itesignie * The winning move. J. SEATTER EXCHANGE -BROKER And dealer in Pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS .& DYE STUFF . The Drug Department is under the ,speci I care of an experienced Chemist, MR. R. WALTON. January 21st, 1869.- ••59- 3r. SEAFORTH MILLS. Flour and •Feed ! • HAVI-NG received an Agency from W. J. Scobie, for the sale of their uurive ed Flour, I am now prepared to furnis purchasers witll an article WHICH WILL ,'DEFY COMPETITION! v , Parties 'ordering Flour or, Feed from me, can have the sank delivered in any part of Town on the shortest notice. AULTI Seaforth, Jan. 20th, 1869. 5942 D. H. SPENCER Has now open a WATCHMAKING & JEWELER • Establishment in Seaforth, ' Nealy Opposite the Post Offlo East ide of Main Street, where he will kee on h nd a large assortment of Watche,„ Clock, Jewellery, G-olcl. Chains, Ring Brooc es, Spectacles, -&c. He also keep const ntly on hand English and. America Lever Watches. Pr atqles, Clocks and Jewellery Repa ed wi h despatch. All work vsarranted. on year. S iforth, -Nov. 4. 48-3 ote.. The Patti - THAT. o rs • Is now complete with a new Vbfl 24TLAN DER INSTRUMENT. NE Backgrounds, 4c, &c.' None but rst-alass pictures taken, and satisfac- tion araateed. G R Y over Dr. Smith's Oftice, next door to F. eyer'S. Sea orth, Aug. 13, 1868. 36-6m. , CA ADA PEIVIANE NT BUILD- • ING &SAVING SOCIETV S p epared to advance money on Improved 1 eal Estate, on the most favorable tcrnas to bor owers, and to buy mortgages. For particulars, Apply to their appraiser, W. N. WAllniON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. Seaforth, Feb. 20, 1868. 11-ly WAGGONS, BUGGitS, A ND all implements for farm use manu- factured by M'NAUGHT & TEEPLE Good and, Cheap. Reineniber the stand.' • ,NORTH_ -ROAD, SEAFORTH. Sekforth, Feb. 20, 1868. • 11-ly THE rafortiteXptiltot • A.ND HURON ADVZI,TISER, yEof the laCounty, NE of the lapublished in largest papers pubthe IS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVER 1 FRIDAY MORNING.' ROSS & LUXTON EDITORS AND .PUBLISHERS. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTO. TERMS. -$1.50 per annum, in advance. If not so paid, $2.00 will invariably be charged. • RATES OF ADVERTISING-. For each line Over ten, first iusertion, 0 08 Each subsequent insertion,. - - 0 02 The number of lines to be reckoned by the 3pace occupied, measbred by a scale of solid. Brevier. ' Advertisemen.t8 without spscific directions Will be published till forbid, zsud charged ac- ordiaigly. GEO, W. ROSS, Proprictor. p u B LIO THE MONtigAL TEA COMPANVI 6, Hospetal Street, Montreal., Our Teas, after the most severe tests .by the best medical iiithorities and judges of Teas, haVe been pronounced.- to be quite pure, and free*from any artificial coloring or pois- onous substances so often used to improve the appearance of Tea. They areunequalled for stren0h and flavor. 11,hey have been chosen for their intrinsic wax* keeping in mind hea4h, economy, and a .1iigh degree of pleasure in thinking them We,, sell for the smallest Possible profits, effecting a saving -to the clansiimer of 15c. to 20cper lb. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12. 15, 20 and 25 lb: boxes, ancl. are -Warranted pure and. free from poisonous substances. Orders for four 5 lb. boxes, two 12 lb. boxes, or one 20 or 2‘d- lb. box, Sent carriage free to any Railway $ka- ton in Canada. Tett will be forwarded i - mediate1r on receipt of the order • by mai containing money, or the money can be col- lected on delivery by express -man, where there are express offices. In sending orders below the amount of $10, to save expense it will be better to send Money with. the order. Where a 25 lb. bo A would. be too much, four families clubbing together Could send for four t lbboxes, or two 12 lb. boies. We send 5hem to one address, carriage paid, and mark ea4 box plainly, so that each party get their • own tea. We warrant all the tea we sell to give entire satisfaction. If they are not satisfactory, they can be returned at our expense. - BLACK TEA1-English Breakfast, Broken Leaf, strong Tea,' 45c., 500.-; Fine Flavored. New Seai3on do.55c., 60c: and 65c.; Very Dest Full Flavortd do. 75c.; Sound Oolong. 45c.; Rich Flavored do. 60c.; Very Fine do: do. 7.5c.; Japan, Good, 50c., 55c., Fine 60e., -Very Fine650.'Finest 75c. GREEN TEA. 'Twankay 50c., 55., 65c; Young liyion 50c., 60c., 65c 70e. ; Very .bine 85c., Superfine and Very Choice • $1 ; Fine Gunpowder 85c. ; Extra Superfine do. $1. Teas not mentioned in this circular equal- ly sheap. Tea only sold by this Company, 414-r An excellent mixed Tea could be •sent for 60c. and 7.0c. : very good for common purposes 50c. Silver taken at par. For notes and post - office orders the Coisipany will ad.d the pre- mium in tea to the order. • A complimentary box of tea will be given_ to parties forming Cluban.d sending for 251b boxes. Each box will be marked plainly, so that each one will get his own tea. (Beware. of Pedlars ancl runners using our name, or offering our Teas in small packages. Nothing less than a cilAdie sold. NOTE THE ADDRESS -The Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospital Street,Montreal. 'Out of over one Thousand testimonial, we insert the -Wowing: • • A YEAR'S TRIAL.. TheWntreal Tea Company: Montreal, 1868. GaisTs-It is nearly a year tinceI purchas- ed the first chest of Tea from your house. have purchased many since, and 1 am pleased to inform you that the Tea as in every case proved most satisfactory, as well as being exceedingly cheap.. Yours very truly. , F. DENNIE. • Montreal Tea, Compa,ny : GENTLEMEN -The Tea 1 purchased of you in March has given great satisfaction and flavour Of it is 'very fine. It is very strange, but since 1 have been drinking your Tea I have been quite free from. heart -burn, which woulcl always pain me after b...ea,kfast. I at- tribute this purity of your Tea, ,and shall continue a c.astomer. Y ours respectfully. FRAN Ul $ T. GREEN: 54; St. John Street Montreal Montreal, April 1868. --To the Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal: -We notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we b.ave forewarded to you to different parts of the -Dominion, and -we° are - glad to Find your business so rapidly ncreas- ing. We presume yourteas are (riving gene- ral satisfaction, as out of the large amount forwarded we have only had occasion to re- turn one box, wiiich, swe understand, ' was sent out thrangh a mistake. • : " G. eHENEY, Manager Canadian Exasress Co. ANOTHER WONDERFUL. CURE OFTI CONSUMPON'IN CANADA. MESSRS YOUNG & CIIAMBTRLIN,--S rs, I feel it a duty I owe.to 3 ou, as, well as to the u pblic to inform you of the most Wonderful -cure of Consumption, accomplished. in my person, by the use of the C4reat Slioshonees ilemedy and Pills. 1 coughed a great deal day and _night, expectorating a great quanti- ty of matter, and had a great pain about my left lung. 1 had cold chills every day, and severe night sweats every night, and between the raektng dough and great sweating, I was almost deprived.of sleep ; by these miseries as well --as the JOSS of appetite, I was so 3e- duced that I could haxdly stand alone. I was tinder the care of a physician for- a length :of, . time, and. firallitg no relief, I tried different receipes, but all without s,ny good effect. Squire Peterson. of Bath, re- conishencled me to use the Great Shoshonees Remedy--; .Isprocured three bottles at once, with the PIK- o 60011 as I commenced using it I began to g t better, and when I had fi pn- ished this comement, t e cough, expectora- tion .of matt-erpain abut the lung, chills, sweating,_ ; '!and by continuing its use 1 became.strong•and healthy. It is now over two mon.ths siime, I quit the renae- dy, and there ha re been no symptoms of the disease returningNna I have been, and aan now, healthier and better than I.have been for years. 1 trust you will make this known to the public, that they may be aware of the peculiar virtues of this truly Wonderful In- dian Remedy. - . PETER C: V. MILLER. Ernestown, Coy of Lennox and Addington, Ontario. N To all to whom it may comes -This is to ;Certify that I have been acquainted with thc above mentioned gentleman, Peter C. V. /sillier, Esq., for many years,. and have kno wn. him always to .be Of the very high- est respectability and a very candid and creditable person, and I am confident that I can safely vouch for the truth of- the above, or any other statement made -by him. REV. W. F. S. BARTER, 44-1v Rector of Bath, Ontario. ZIMMERMAN ROUSE,. WROXE- Tn. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Proprietor. Dec. 141868. 5.3stf and as Associates, I. GREAT SENSATION. A GOOD SENSArt ON; PAIN CITILED INSTA CIIYIE AND ITS 'ASS, Matey rears 4xperienct and Study in P - Good Medicine Secures a new some H to Millions I / Ting a acrs WONDERFUL IIIPROVENI161T ;- • RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Dr. Radical's newlyovered trotess for ds C • ecuring medicinal extraets Olt vacuowt: f reketable substances, adds greatly to -itIse im- )rovement of the Ready Relief. IN AN ors3rA INT it stops and esti*, the nod violent PAINS, ACHES, CB! Firs, iPASAIS, with electrical velocity. It remOves every Ache, Cramp, Hism, n. Pain that may exist in the , or Jr Man Woman or Chid. , • • HOW„TO. APPLY IT. Rub the part of -the body where pap exists liely with the Ready Relief;. soak a' ilannet n the Relief; and lay it acrosi th v_ parts whore thare is a pain ot, Inflammation. I i he ?fa:a are VI° smsitire Thr rebb.ng, he the ,ody with the Relief with a sponge. Piein the most excruciating will sOside in it FEW CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. Bowels, Kidneys, Dladder,--and in ell efikea irl rite there i B inflammation, the Relief *hould 1..e applied f re, 1:11-, cithcr with. the hand 1:y t-ubbin9-, or a r-Joirje 1.7 :bath' .:,.,-, cr by. ;flannel soalcd with Relief, and 'Aid a ro„-s 'fa li ainfal Arts. In ft few moment.; all I lin: will cease laid the ) , muse that occasions the pain removed. . - •'- TAKEN INTERNALLY. Ten to 20 drops in half tumbler of water. wiltAti' five ninutes, fitoP rain, Cra'p'. Cpa Cel:o and i4s-timr.m- ;ion ef tho mucus membrane cf the internal I-Let-V.4i this loze repeated every minutes, Will cure the W:o foi tens Clann.d.a, Cb.olern1 %C..";holex.a, 74 bus, 1.;42rb.e1-.1, 1 yr:inn-Lea-7? and. painful from the A Great Medical TriuOph. NEW PRINCIPLES IN PUlt SECURED IN f DR. RADWAY S Perfect Purgative If S. 1.-A Vegetable. Substitute for Calomel and reurv. .. , . 2 - Counter -Irritation, made per ct ;in Radway's Pills, that withdraws inflattation from Congested Blood Vessels, Iftrves, Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys,an4 _-..other viscera, and purging all excrementitious, I corrupt humors and diseased deposiCa. from the system. • these Pills a nourishing an !nutri- tious principle is secured by whilib• the blood, juices and fluids ofthe syst4, be- come invested with the vit7or of lif&Lthey are the only purgative medicinetaat strengthens during the process of patgation.. These Pills act. as a solvent and to.liic to the gastric juice, enabling this sol-orit of the system to properly dissolve- th subs- tances taken into the .stomach, and; tid di- gestion, and the convertion of -said 4bstan- ces into the proper constituents tO,Imake pure, rich and wholesome blood, the dAficien- cy of Which is the cause of Dyspel In- digestion. Diabe'ates and many ur1nay diffi- culties, etc. 4. --They regulate the organs of the sys- tem; restoring funFtional se- curing.hnd the secretion of the proper itansti- tuents of each organ ; by their artMin the Livor secretes its allotted proportio of bi- le -the Lung* Carbon ---the Skin,, eat - the Kidneys, Urine, &c.5 -The aged; and persons subSct to Constipation, Costiveness, 'Paraly and Weakness °lilac Bowels, Kidneys art4 Blad- der, &c., that have to resort to injectons ;- bytaking two or three of Radway's Pts, will enjoy,natutal discharges, and by thi7, occa- sional use of them have regular opet.itions. In these Cases their strengthening anpinutri- tious principles are exhib' ited • evcrf dose will add new strength to the bowels. Kidneys, &c., that may be worn or depleted age.by disease or age. 1 6 -In these Pills, a want that scierpe has ever failed to supply is secured, andilhat is a thorough 'purgative that can be gOen in safety in cases of eruptive fevers, as. Small Pox, Erysipelas, Ydlow Fever, ScaOt and Typhoid Fevers -When the Mucou4 Mem- brane becomes urcerated-now theN Pills purge thoroug-hly,_and heal ulcerate -41 and excoriated parts. - I 1 7. -These Pills -are made from ex 'tracts-. from new ingreditnts-entirely vedlable, superior in every respect to the otennary powders and substances of the comni4n ad- vertised Pills. Two of Radway's POs will act quicker than half a dozen of the ornmon drastic pills in general use. ELEGANTLY COATED -NO TASTE OR4M' ELL. ' scounotic THE INSIDES. - Persons who take Pills for .t4e p se of ge tting "a good scouring out" are p :haps not aware that they are wearing away intestines, irritating the Mucous Mentrane, and laying- the foundation for Piles, *ward Ulcers, Sores, &C. MANDRAKE, that is claimed by some to be a substitute f ,Mer- eury, will produce this effect; it will 1. cour the bowels like any other drastic, will wear them out (see page 666, W & Baches, U. S. Pharmacopia). Man ke, as a constituent of a purgative pill, neral or continued use is hurtful, and s in- troduction. -into a pill secures no new Ind- ple. .Mandrake is inferior to the sArnecqp.stic principle, in. the officinal abetic pill 'gf the dispensatory; so there is nothing ilt-w in this agent, although its principal a4-ocate presents it to the public, under Dna Rad. way's original discovery;of a vegeta* sub - * auto for Merpay. communicating its e rative propertie*- . through the BLOOD, WEAT T.7!RIN ' and other fluids. (inc tea spoonful- in dose ---.:Two tea spoonsf that have afflicted the -It is a, powerfiil Berne Of is unlikQ. Sarsaparilla. . 'Therefore, always ask Sarsapprillian -Ole. no word Sarsaparillian oi rdinary case,3 t in, chronic disease atient for years. - y, pat is infieekr di preparations -a fer• Dr. RadwayP • ther-ee that ad the label of 'ea bottle -and It. R. R. Riesolyent. THE GENII OF I/E.A.LTII BOTTUM UP IN MIDWAY'S SAILSAPAML LIMIT 111.730:iXtirr, Thi Properties el iis74-rediiids. ZiSTInAcclierp11110181 )•1W. 1 11 1 12:11:1Gteh°cPrilb19:11.7710eefge.:11.6.tfiattl:117:r humorA, and clxpal.4 front the Py. .111 Vie ta:nt f romp_ tion -rapidly removeft-fr..); t i.fle.h PI?1i'331::, BLOT °ITER PiisTULES, Tr.CTER-44, ,itexn, ftl'OT;i: WORAS ,AND 3 NSECTp.i, 1) ..4.till„; 1,-arne;:j •t, ciatd. ith oir,4 e.e.7,f7,E111y, vie etiolmO IS)kiixiii,oann.dAtlifoerwoszjezie Nivnairl ::a4alltriel:aa.n.!:3131:a11:y7:01: "Ilt3r".111: ex-trisonlinars- a;rent, seso Amish; lig cralekne 34, ail varlet Ulcers, Nodes. Tinuor,l, bcral: in.. N -r lic_vurie, Sore -4, Rboninatirin and Wancl„,„ ing1,RIO i'vy, won forni cf Ditu,,ase4. Ai . lailYJn1It'r112 k.die I 'X these conipla!iitt z and f3.:4 th) at? 'inn.3diefltJi1 to BOtiOivent iLaei3i cure hiyond ' possibility of a doubt. WICATT.A.,-This inarrIlena like a 110/ 1i11c3 't h I -lit npan lacturai. World o s cist, :I -1.*) 3 F1.11,1' ad nth r r .-,3 cup poSnd t 31303.5e:3 S:arihr r-l'OreTr“ t` eminentrraztitioni.nCZ Earoila a 3 a d:• altirat l'tlirentr:p; 3 3.i.i.-1111, .3"-rmiwr, Tiirrcue.w, C &r., it t.:3,1. -o3 tit -wort fr bOfft11 31 j1.i:oar; Traeases Ie'ttan1(r.vol, p ion es itatcption of trine, rab;?t Cat1,,-nn.sysitas InCanwnation ef Cr: Siadder. it; r Pew 114.7z:= anti in ea -„.4s viure ea: het.r3 "nave 13? -11 u -cd lb wil pkeTera n„ quirk- dizi.:33ar2i- e, s a 5 'n, 0 wItt r • a-;:arillian. ' 3 fano- har:...mny t r (1 1.1incya 1.1) ft- 1 _1* pr Orr < 9'1 114:3 a item -el 3 11-0C1. PE.177,1.‘ 3 V:1,"!.3 Tre'ne i 3 thict :cri.)111, sea othvr '1j'i' .es, dtSarIrann_ 3 E.{ 3 t f t prT, s. I eliar•x,1 to a el-f..r ratIft! it 1t a.,t.) 11.:.;elvtnt i it -r) a.rlaj-1-1.11,-.1‘;110.! fait v.bainitti- E=i-vax:11,2a gad -Lao Pare 111T2Vor IDISCOTE.131, t the. r c au; mental; -Eh) r. cf V�,3.C1.t3 C.;1.121 1V.t.litta C.: t z To.czn, a• Pt' 1-7,- ." FOR• BILIOUS ?.",•D .1 .iweri:.-t -ion Vic c:: ant - h that ii-Aick ex- ISEASES. Not one in rb thcfusancl would S}laffer froini 73Mo-us ont*airrts.11 Xiad way's tre traeut is -ob- served, and ail, vlio may' be. sfialzed with 331110 -s Co),,le, 331-k lions i'elzer, hoiel roevev, Chills an4 r'€ -s' - roe -ver and Ague, neituttamt taut 170e -ver. t ali ardxnaX and -vegetable fev.re are prezsro.)n- ted anci eu-recl by 1-141t3DWffi assisted en. recrortred by the IT.3-MADV: It La:MP. %if nd Interniit .4.1••••••••• F2RMAT As a prevention, wh •maladies prevail, take one will regulate the liver, an saricy of the healtly condi jniee, the natural solvent secure healtly digestion drops of Ready Reliaf, i this will secure invigor nthere there is weakness,. 6 ernor/ and neutralize th generated from the gases irritant and morbid humo &c., and if seized with a take the pills in large dos hours, a few doses will have cured the worst for placid, Marsh, Ship, and 11 the West Indies, South treatment with the Read hay c met with the same s Indles,-these fevers are and" will more readily y forms as they exist in te than in their more fatal t TO =ram, n either of these pill per day, this lI. supply any defir ion of the gastric o f the system, and Ten to twenty water as a drink, tion and strength lassitude and lan- poi sonous acids, f indigested food, s, of the stomach, y form of fevers, s 4 to 6, every six ensure a cure. 1 s of Yellow, Ty- sthrrrus Fevers, irt Amc a, and my Reli f, and Pills„ .lcccss iri the East all of one family, eld in their milder perate climates ,• es of the torrid zones. , . 01\T= IL -1.1, Takenwhen symptoms of dirg.ness., caliness, or pals in the head, nausea, at s'Aunachl, iialigesiion) costive- nezs, ram after ea:mg. ness, bad dreams, &e., amear,. will soon cure thi difficulty : Iladwa.es Pills aro 'unlike all other pill . Bath ill tkontams' grams ef the Re:iv° e:raUvei principles ef c-.7.traets tithe rarest -products cf they; getable King/TA-of ingredients some ef them never befoio used a's Tamil-. eine. an( to be founcltonly iri th PHIS. In 1.11-rellag- ing Pills, see that one of the lal is is narked 11,. i.. 11,: 4\ o. and the fie-sundo signa , re ct1a.way lc CO pkinled in Red Ink.- and that Itadway.,8 )Zegulators on tho Whet label, there aro rills in each box, co- vered with sweet gum.' Prieo !e,3 ets., per box. 5, el d by Druggists ad Count -y Mere ants. . • Dr. IZ..4.• SARL'APAIZILLIAINT- nEsc-LAT T. This extraordinary To making astonjshjrj mires of ttlJ kinds Of (kin 'rise q 1$iik theum, To tem. Ilash. 1.1rysipe1as. and all LRUP-- T I VII DISE cf the ose, Alouflj. Throat, Eyes, _Ears, Legs, ike. ithas made s me of the most asto-. nishing cures of uneure I .yj'ltj1jtio and Scrofulous liiseaseS. Vever-f:ores, tle.ers, Tumors, Swellhass of the Glenda, and. Alex-trialSore In all eases of weakenin .elarges in Ladies. ttii Lenehorrea, 1. tetra' has,en-1 discharges from ills Uterus. it 33E10 MOZt-terf et c rativo known. In diseases cf the kidneys, 'ladder owl Urinam passages in Liabeat-es, Grareli, Bright's Disease,. in, Suppression -cf Urii3C, and in ass whero the tulno deposits 1* Bradt Dust," Li....o concretions, vhito.- thread, or albumen, -like the v hito of an egg, or the urine 33 thick, eloydy, Ate ; and when, the patient 'halt treat -trouble to hold water w th censtant desjro to, discharge, and it COMO3 awat in drops, and has st StrOngfrzbli of ammeni*, and r3arp darthm pains =If experienced along' the ennui ot the me-1)1ra, and s, dull heavy pain in the =nail clithe wick, thiglis and over the bladder and kidneys, the 8arsapa Re...e.vent wil1 soon change all theso ±thflienitiss, cure the pa:pleat. This rerued is better -than Buda; Cubebs, Copaekt, nrpentino, Creosote,. and ell other agents used in eso ewes. Let tliosa suffering give it a trial. lin Llreds of Persons who. were compelled to use Cat.leter to secure a discharge: ef water, have by the use of sik bottles been eouvla- tely cured, an -1 by one tonne nful, three times per. day, emoyai the felicity of pa sing their water name r„,diss „, In all eases, see that t o word Barsapard,, ban is on the label of oach bottle, widen the froutor thelahel. R. R. R. RA.DWA 1.5 RENOVATING ItEsOLVEINT. Price onedlbr per bottle, six forfiveAsIddreollarassa JOHN RADWI N. O. & COE 4230,r.Ala; * S raIDUIT 34144 °1 EOL D: BY ALTA UGGLST3 Ad, 4. • - )1:v1.v - /- '. 1 4.* „ 14, T I S....is": t.:.41.3 Saint it _al/SS '1. Cale 1 a er Ss. '111,1-sia tsea a_ai„fsse. .1 • Su'i,:i1.0r (.0.an11 • 1 131421-'_111 1.2" risa• Dees: E.); ai..1y a:sit Notare;17oiic. J'$L DI. - I 4 1u5siontr 11 i. il. 4)f -'•11:41-p.;-; Sergiortli, 1.!ce,. .14 A ELN 13 , • Seafor‘: 1. improN-eitieists. tie preservat Teetli ract wit .11 C(Jll; S )rth 14-, :• 3 3 ) 411 thin to travellers. at Neaff../3.':. NV. _ A bile a • ,CA -1.9 .3-sa iS•SI-S.S, ••it i11 Chan -eery. h COlfs,',.:yantx• " B :-,,e•tfarth, • ssuranee b Farm!", 1: ou4- Seafer.,b, ;Yee. _ -T N. WA_1. . on ty ' Tilt:: Co., for 1„ife iriet fir111 s triet _Mu tuo1 Fire Le liberally dealt wit Seaforth.. Feb. 20, Jj ,9 re,;peetf Seaforth and sin he is prepama to eur Mains, Ingrowing ali diseacs of the h a succes4a1 treat 11083. O1iiC:3 directly Dry Go as -;-.:`,tore, Mi Segal -oh, Dee. 14; OTte E. --LI .1\ Cutting and Want • a 1.1.101 S 6liampoone the Litje W.021 JI /ALA, rk{.)01118jii conneetio /mink oi April Is miking the hair.,i,ro 00311;pz dt, w Tw inbotles at $1 each Dee. 14; 1 oWNEY Ii0 awl Huron St ietor: The• the travellint; public rainling eoimtry 11 ho-ae in a comfort to aceomoi late all 'call The table is the 'Ina rket affords. 'best brawls. -There od to: the hotel, Seaforth, Dec. 14 11.0XETER ttErts, Pr- been z) attly enlart,;(. Btyie.. Ilis room s a od., vib:ielt cannot lot • born..t for the travel] will .be furnislied wit the season. Best : Cigars at the Dir. neral Stage Office. Wroxeter, May 1;i