HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-05, Page 6• 1 • ' • tht- .xitgoit0,,, i)fisR-feT i‘liATFT.,:ifig. CARNIVAL.—We ikcierstand that axe other Masquerade Carnival."s to be held 4, at Victoria Skatine- Rinkl i a few daYs. . - SelE.--.Den't forget ' ellie Penton's1 c x',...ensive : AuCtion . sale of --fitst -claeS Furniture at the "Expoeitor" old -stand on the lith inst.. _ - - I On. Sattirclay-last .Mr. 13allantine.had the Misfortune to lose his thumb by tbc, stave:au eting machine:in Walker Broth- ers' factery..--eekleiton, _aretV -4117C4. ' .. - FATitER CHINN-UT _preaches on Sabbath next at Harinihey: in the morning, and in this place in the even- ing, in the Presbyteriaittchnieth ,,k7eitfeATioNAL—Itev. E4 'Ryerson, will addres8. the people of Huron, on E lueational matterSe; Goderich, on Friday,- 1 2th. .-inSt.(, At 1 p. m Of those intereSted, as many as We should endeavor to attend. - , acciDENT.—On iYednbsday lest, Mr. Bari -y, of Hibbert, got his foot, bad.13r eu t while choppinee • 11..,p had it dresSed - Pr. Smith's oleo; and yeunder- stand is doing well. QuarterlyMeeting. Services will be held in. the, Wesleyan Church next/Sab- bath, when the Rev _Thomas Clewoeth of Wingham will Preach at halfpast 10' a. In. and halfpapt 6 p: Our " devil' wonders whether any other person has a letter to writh on the "market question.," for the Expositor ; we hope not. So•soon as we get a waste paper basket -We shall -be ready'for them —due notice of which will be given. - , WOULD it not be desirable to finish - the New Town Ittll during the.winter- months. Labor is nenelr lower during this season than_any ether, and the hell _would be . a gouree ief, revenue to the 'village, as well as a convenience to the T• EMPERANCE MEET G. Temper- ance Meeting will he held this evening an the PresbytarianeChilech: Addiess- es, will be deliVered by John C-1-rey,tSq., ldf Egenondville,.. G. W. Ross° of the Exi;osITele, and some of the Clergymen of `the ° • he Rev. 'W. iitorley Piinshon.M, • A., will lecture in Stratford; on Mon-- . - day vempg, Feb.. ,5th, Subject- Me- ° caule," and on Tuesday evening. the .9th 4., he will deliver an •adchless in the:Wesleyan Chure-,h, Clinton; on Ed- ucation,: • - CooL Buite-ess —From. 'the h reputation deservedly attained by large niinistrel troupe,' we' bespeak them a very -hearty reception. TI have just returned from a tour in - United States where their performlui were received with unbounded applai They:exhibit in Shee-p's Hall on the 6 SEAFoRTif vs. CLINTON MARKETS.-- imagine. I have ,used Plion4•aphy Notwithstanding all -the " blowing" I fel- miner yea ie arid 3 et ycnit inen•vellous about the 'Clinton market pricee being " memory' is a more. Serviee to you eo much -in excess of Seafoeth, the're?o I than the ;Phonographic powers. of anv y • reporter. .1he be reporteis E igh this Lor. the COS We tmdersi1 that Douglae Russell the SOO h:eteineelist: - , -oe labors -in Galt, Lo den, Chicage nd ether .plaCeS have be attended vrith-. SQ muCh success, is e eted sooi th visit Seaforth.. I He comes t the invita- tion 'of the- Rev.,- 'W. Hay Urst, nd 'a series of religious eetijigs in the WeSleyan Church. _ Officers of the Wingheni and :8111 uale Agricultin-al Society :—Robeit Ee,5:President ; Peter Fowler, Vice - President ; 0. Tait-SeotL,,Seeretail P. Fisheee Treasurer; W. J. Johnston, Lwrence Lovell, C. Griffin, hobeit Miller, Robert Little and Thos..Lyncl, Direethrte; Dr. Tamlyn and John Albs - se, eiteeneS' -ladies engsiged 111e soliciting subseriptioriS, have succeeded in-raieing over one hula-. dred dollars. A meetine. of the SA- :. seeibers, Will -take place next week, of wieich due.notice w141 lio 'given. It expected, that nearly, lpr quite another hundeed .doll;u.s can be esocured, this unour being doubled by the Govern - went; it will be ley uo`means a sina 1 beginning. for Se1.f01J 11 S to be hoped that all'interested in social wee , will give this good work. their nrir ting •support. S-ubseribers who" hav not yet paid their fees, are 1. quested to do Soto Hr. Cull, duriug th -wining week. • CHAPTER 011 AOC [DEM:S.—J-011E. Cameron a well- known farmer of Tuck- ersinith, hired six men to- chop 30 acres. When:nearly. through . their job, One of them got nearly killcd by a limb falling and strikelig above the eye, tearing skin and flesh over his eye. He is in a .pre- carioes state. --Next day another of the men fell off a log -and injured his spine. The day. folio wing ano ther on turnin to tullniee beautiful :damsel who was drawing water from atwell, .caught his foot on a stick fell bftween logs and serein &bilis leg in' two eilaees., And the ne.,xt day John hinesafell.feenet a log, and in his own Words; so materially demeged his "lain* bade" that ha ciyahr net work for a week. —Signal compp-AtExTwe „clip the fob feein the Goderieh Sta '—Iii reference to the long. 'report of. the Church Opening and. Soiree, held.' in Seaford& lest December, the Rev. Mr.' Thornton, t one of the ministers present, tl • • ms compliments Mr: D. Moran, who got -up 'thd f &port for us, 011 its truthfu'- neSS 11,1Id Ullllem .; KNOX: COLLEGE, TORONTO., Jan. -7th, 186 Moran, Sir, ---On returning to college. I found yoUr racy report in the Goderien Star, Which you -sir c kind enougn to send. inc. I need hardly say thank you for the favor - perhaps -1 should say " flattering " notice you have token of the'. anniver- sary stir son and 'awning you inigl er for • would be icnis -and services. .111r. Simp- I were speaking about your J?Jioiiofer y in order that .t attain a position as a report-. I city paper. This doubtlee ft greett assistance to you, 3 et . perhaps not so much Ats one might ei co o t ns week gives' higher quota - latter than the forme plac•o, and every one knows that .would no be very apt to make an er rer, on.this side of the -question. •tions for the D. EDICATION SERVICES.--Th6: Ne Baptist church Will. be dedicated, oi -sveek from Sat)bath next"- Seineei will be preached •by some of the leadin men of the cienonaination. On the eve ing of the day following a. tea meetisrill n -take place, when several popuh speekers will address th u 11 lish pep -ors do iiet'Use hoi t hand bui -merely take down all OCCa'd011Zi1 W'Orq; then fill Up° from 'memory. I,' would fui y tliaba th 0149 gh ci 'edge of tile I" ONenintar Ol'aur letngua- e " •w old 1 grettly 1.1.Ssist Yote-but pet -lee the very le few errors1 do perceiee arilru ore typo - is graphical thaii errors in your maniel . Xeetin I thank _you for your iielfaver,- and trust that yqu Will ever de- g vete your pleasing power .of ,eaying irlthings pointedly- to tho furtheranee of 1 Fall particulars bills. TEmPER,ANcE IJE'cTuRES.-:----Eltiron Tem-- ple, No. 308, of Seaford); have at a course -of lectures for 'Geo, W.. Ross, of the EXPostlioR, at the folleesing pieces :- elfonday,• Feb: 8th • the use of ',truth, Virtue, and Religion. 1 II am with beef., wiehes, your sincere friend, R. M. THORNTON.. • Tueleetenaith Council Proceedings. The members elect of the Municiiial- Coencil ,of. the township oT Tuckersmith Vroyeter, Tuesdayeseb' ebe ; Briie.-_ met esureuant to statute, on Alentlay 1. -ale., Wednesday, 10t1 ; ; .Wingharni the.18th trailuarY 1 6 69, at the hour eif "Th ursday, 1 -It], - Blythe, Friday ' '-1,2th. I 1.2 o'clock. mime, in the village of Eg-- -----e--1------,--- I mondville. The• .folloWine gentlemen - A -Gal..1.eFox.-e--We \vele shown on ! made and subscribed their declarations b b . Satter4ey Jest, the sEn of a Grq Fox, 1 of offiee, and qualificettione as such, r.ither appeoaehing to black, which had 1 meinbeie then took their seats accord- juet beeu killed in McKillop; aboui 1 ingly. Mr. George Spreat, Reeve -; four miles from Seafortli, :tile owner had 1 Mr...Jas. McLean, Deputy Pbeeve : Mi. refused thirty dollars for it, and expect -i N. (..'oueine. :Air. Jas. Dallas, Mr.. Geo. tel to got about fifty. ' We have, not I Jackson, Com`rillors. r_Che Reeve lia.v- heard what it finelly- mild for, but s=...S it ; ing taken the -Chair, the minutes of last was not only a rale -but a very -Iiiise spe- it Dee. meeting were read and approved• - eimen, it 'would undoubtedly connhaind 'of.' Petitio i f 'A, • o A ngus /cKay and a ivery high price. —Lueten, C =die. others preying that a tavern license be granted to john &McKinnon, ordered to • A-a-fepT C oRtiEcTION.—In, our last I lav over to the nex tueIting of Couneil.' iesue rn giving a report of -the meeting! Moved by Mr. Dallas, ieRmged by held at Sharp's Ho el to take into c"on- 1 Mr, Jackson, that Win. Muir be 1e4p- Sideratiall, the modification of the piers 'pointed Clei•k and Tree:bluer for the ket fees, we inadvertently ineluded _Mr; jeurrent year ---Carried. Moved by '-easli with those opposed to Market fees Mi . jacksonesecohded by -Mf: McLean, —we very- mach_regret, the occurrence That theepartiee -whose dogs were • not of the error ; kr0.:1,s-b. ia.oie of thoSel, mentioned, on . the assessment notices. who vetily believes the market te be. a ! be not required to pay the dog tax for benefit to Seaforth kneithe surrounding 1868—Carried. EJ'U by, Aire jack- country—a perusal of MS:later in an- son, seeouNd :by Mr. McLean, That =• other cohuna will.explainhis opinion. Jacob ,McGee's' (log tax- be refunded, provide he, makes atdavet to the .ef- feet ehat he was not the c•ieviner of a dog sliming the year 1 8 6 8 —Carlied.. Mov- e' by Mr-, Cousins, Seconded by Mr. Da]1a, That ,Tohn-Ritssel be appointed Auditor for the township for the cur- rent yeart-Carried. The. Reeve ale pointed Wien - Genohd• as ,tlee -other Auditor. Moved 14 M jaclisonsee. y Mr. Dallas, That Frederick' Oramus e paid the, sum of five dollars as we onsidey him an object o1 eharity-e--•Oar- 1. Moved' by Mr, Dallas, sec. by Ta,elesort, That Wm. MeConnel be d Assessor for this. townehip sent Year—*Carried. Moved 011, sec. by. Mr. McLean,. 'hat Mrs: Or tenden be paid the sum 'IS as being object .of charity-e— Carried. Moved_ • .Mr. Dallas, sec. b Mr. Consins, Tha eelex. Kennedy b re -appointed Inspect of -Taverns in this township for the pr ent year— eried: Moved by Mr. 11a8,- 8ec. b Mr. Cousins; That Messr. -• gee, Jecksoie Dr. H. Vercoe and m. iarters be appointed- Health Officers. the • Municipality of Tuckers -mit the peesent year, and that the Clerk directed to prepere a By -Law -to be ssed next meeting of Council confirm- ,- the same—,Carried. •Moved by MeLean, sec. by Mr. Dallas, ThIlt account of Mr. A Bay for srrve ir, f:pporn or' the pi y Mr, dile ine road allowance- on lot No. i0, Lift. 8., amountillg to $7 be efaid--Caeried. ved by Mr: McLean, sec. by MT. Jaekson, That a by -Law Fe taken lilt° sic cration on Friday, the 1 9th of Feburary next, for the purpose conveying to John Ryal a eertain, dre, of ori,-ina1 load allowance mteeseefing the cor er of his lot, andev-hiele will be par- tici laxly descrioed in the ' By -Law wh ch the Clerk is hereby directed •th pre .elie ..and puolish accoedine• to sta- tute—Carried. Moved a by Mr. Jack- son -see. by Mr. Cousins, That Meeers. Spr sat, Cousins and Jackson, be ai - pirteci a committee 10 examine the go at Breadfoofe on the 2nd con., the bridge over Silver Creek ae ondvillee and that Alessre, Mc Lean Dallas examine tile bridges on the con,- 'and report on the same next me- of Council—• -Canied. Moved Ir. Jackson sec. by Mr. Dallas, this Council do now adjourn to • again on • Friday the 1 9th day of •next, in West's hotel, village of efield, at the • hour of ten o'clock Carried • eic and Egn and 12t1 Mee' by, .Tha hnee Feb. Bruc $1., WILLIAM .11,U1R, • . T'p Clerk Tackersmith, 30t1i •Jan.'18 69. THE MARKETS. StAFORTIT, February 5th, 1869. Very heavy supplies in wbea,t—prices- 00. the decline, Coarse grains, "gporl supply -- prices declining. except Barley, which is ris,- mg. Pork, heavy suppliesuprices „rising. Ikniand in all lines b.cavy, and competition sharp.. - 'Wheat, (Fall) bushel, 90 •4_4 1 10 Wheat (Spring) 19 bushell 90 ® 95 Barley 1.13) bushel, •• 1 20 @ 1 30 Clover per bush. •• 16 5n 0,1 -700 ThnOthy pert bush. .(48 lbs) 1 50 @ . 2 50 Oats t? bushel, k' Peas 1ft bushel, do (large) P*1_19 cwt. Pldur Ig cwt. 45 @ 49 70 (4 75 80 90 90• 0 @ 10 oo • 2 50 -3 00 Potatoes i bushel, •60 © 70 Hat, 1,4 ton, 9 00 @,?, 9 50 Eggs 1,? dozen, 18 @ 20 Butter V 20: @ 23 , Turkey per lb. •On 07 Geese 25 30 - Cheese, Facto/7 Vlb •00.@• 14 De, Dairy, 1,4 e• •© 121 Wood IA cord,. .2 00 @ 2. 25 , CLINTON, February 3rd. (From, the irew Bra.) Wheat (Spring) per bushel, $0 92 a 0 93 (Fall) •,slo 0-j7 a 1 10 Oat4, Barle3, Pea, :Butter, Potatoes, gd; 0 50 a 0 51 1 18 a 1 20 0 75 a. 0 79 0 20 a 0 22 0 65 a 0 70 0:18 a 020 GODERICH, :Feb. 3, 1869..1 ..(F1'077t; the Signal.) Fall wheat per bushel, Spring Oats, do :Barley, • do Peas, 'do Potatoes, do Flourf_per 19611;4 Butter per lb, f, Eggl per_ dozen ! $1 00 a 1 05 0 90 a 0 93 0 51) a 055 0 90 a 11 00 • 0 65 a 0' 70 0 50 a 0 60 5 00 a 5 00 0. 18 a 0 20 0 17 a 0 20 TORONTO, Feb.r4th, 1869. (By Telegraph.); , Markets dull. Prices zenerally declming, excepting Pork, which is on the rise. Wheat (Fall) I:0 bushel, e 05 to 1 50 do (Spring) bushel, 1 00 t 1 01 Oats 49 bushel,• 50 to 51 Barley: 49 bushel, •1 30 to 1 31 Pas ie bushel, 83 to 0 85 Pork 49 cwt. 10 00 to10 25 Butter, •21 to 22 HARP'S HOTEL, Livery Stable, and Geiieral Stage Office, Main Street, R. L. SHAgP, Proprietor. Seaforthi Jan. 8th, 1869. 53-tf. Sedorth, Jan - Great. eteaifinif OP Three Innetense BankruptStock eel at Original Cost Price, for Thirty Daerei or he11. until the whole is disposed of ; now in sores of West & Cox and H. W. Mee .Insolvents, Seaforth., • The subscriber being obliged to returiiito Hamilton, has instructed his aphis to er the remaining portion of the Three k- rupt Stocks at Original Cost Price, and iniy goods at half pride. SALE OF THE 8Tocas Fpi,Lows • Thos. Meares' and Wes C's stocks will bo- found. the store formerly carried by weo a- Co; and McCann's stock 'will be -so at his old stahd. - A large 1 of new and Costly goods liav been added, haying been pu chased at Bankrupt, Trad and other Sales for cash,w44 also be .sold - off at whatev sacrifice. Merchants, Pedlars, Farmh;- nd others who cOntemplat en A ter ers visitii will do Cox's old McCann's, pend -upon go WEfiLEYAN Miznomir-Critrat Hayhurst, Pastor. fieevice ORPROH- DIRT . ;:::- ra:1 }Ili a'Th. at 10e o clock, a. In., and t; -...i ... Sabbath Sehoor at 2 o'clocIL p.111. I ravkr . 'meeting TherSday° eveniree t 7,!, 0.‘e1oele. . METHODIST EPTS(1)1?Als CTIr II( T. t-- Yrf fr1c. bilNg, - each Sabbath at 1-0.e"0 a. ne Tel 0.,.0 pon, SaDbatli Soh oo12p r.a. .LAP.1- II; it ', prayer .. meeting, l'Vedneilay (,,,vmt 1 s 1.;.4) p.m. .0,:f:e1v 1. f --14,:711: :::::::;a:-:.' 1,f flt :re "and PitlISBYTPU TAN k;11eht':If..--r-:St,rkr et:i v):Innimee 'Preeyer-re.eetine ote Teteatee lrciljng, az • 7301).312. : - t.:"4„•-•;. • '• 4,/•• EMICa31 Seaforth, January tench/ice of_, land:guested. is ii, , tors apper6taieing to eaee-. of eiectiie; officers end t r T. - on the evening of the 1.2'4 day - of FObruary next, at 8 try'k.ivrt_•,,ir, ATEETING tho Aesoilitump. _Li. wiil be held a!1;41kirps:3_1;oLd, S' eaforth to purchase., s, a 1 la itiOd C riEALED Tenders for OreaS FrzUni.: ;*14.;lio a kr, r.,,i;;;, ill . efe tney can aehi ceived at the Lartcr i'os . iiir,-c =,-.= 1. a0111' rjattWile:s-tW(*1 i:.„ ;go. 4, in thfi towi);_ihi,) of 1- 91.1 ,cr .,._ 1 ;. .., PA drossetl th Mr. Um. .,1,...)..!“,),_.21., n. Moneta. .7, -the 1.:;;..h :Iv jpg goods . a o , , The Laufoer an%. ?: nr really half price, -as they must] vided by the Trzi,,, all be sold immediatelythd:1,,m'a Pi; .8 114,'3*-ilL '-'-'41 ' . , . , .1 k,onneLes,. 1.1:ent.2r)i to conial.) ' -b c7 i.faililmott .of .ii.v.: (,)):•.,tra.I.,. 1.i il remove the , goods will offer:, the conti_aator, 141.1; ti=vy o.,)3,; ,. sr . it :cel.r:_s. to Ai.t.,...,:::: ii).e. p... :1&fivr-s to. be markt.J. ‘Anzkrs ft oe agreuaLlt) to ail :;:ioit...t; eol-N:trri.t ,:n 2).-:s tile e()ildit),:as of 1.11,.; Po.31.age ou .1 -_r-; -1,-;) "0,) la, z -,...:;4i golden opportunity to _pass . 1, 1.1.101 Hon.,t, ..„. 2 I.,f ,1-1/11'2,7 :1,T.2froNT: . r.ei l. 1.():1...k:.;• FELL stocks in both' stores are well . . . • subscriber beino' olpliefed to re-} ;two imown rt;;;LIalkaLle turn home—and rather than tit: 4 s 'can advanee a. et.r.:liti. Mo.( 17,.'le; ( f them at a great sacrifice. i I t) Now is your time to secure bargains. - If you allow this will be your -own loss. The E 1 assorted, and very complete in• Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hats Caps,' &c. Having been pur- chased at so much in the can be sold. at what other mer--, chants pay, and still have a profit. Yours, &c., •• C01-03EY. P. S.—Stores represented -by teed 1 •large -British Pegs. Seatorth, Jan. 27th. ket 60-7e LOOK OUT FOR The Sign of tb e B WHERE J. CA $c CO. HE u dersiened, _ • 111711 T r7 I _I ,f-fs to announce to the inhal3itant- tlinAel s1 rround:1.14g collia!rv, timt opened a First-t.i.az2 ilori);!),s • rkf* .)e ;eteeel. Ninv , tevi. 84- -4-11; :JO /iOOD, -14,17 ' "kr, r.,r1( S (1(fft.t 11S 7.t.AttS Ili. t. Lit shr-.11 and tile- r Prame rv--tees, et. No- 4. osite the Post OTice. MAIN .-;TIZI.;11;".ri Ire has had ".\l'OtIN't z: 'y years ex 4,-.10 VA 1 cf.)14 laSt SO' 1)3'01 111 2.11-0 un)).1tr- 1)1 his abi'iz -.as a Iv:1r I) )11.4,t Out ati.li))) MLA 4 "TrlY C. fP ctr' f"q' lle iir1,-.‘r;.(1. to Fell ..1.S ANY oTilliat EsTA_B_ T1P71 cOUN'1.7". fn Sieuteh and. rancy .CD, .ree ..ZNe ARE SELLING- ALL SORT'S OP, HATS & OAP BOOTS & SHOES, ATA Greatly Reduced. Price • FOR ONE MONTH ONLY I eorTo make room for Spring Stock Seaforth, jai 28th, 46. DRIED APPLES AND EW PRUNES JUST RECEIVED AT Soft ROer , 60 wrience A years rI3r. who man, Stodt, RIAL • T EA:NI AND LIGI1T H ,E• S 3 fear ii e'en- - 1 --nye him a call, ned Sava Yoni W.11. H. OLIVE Worth, jam 70, 1S09. •••., .1•1••• • :0 s T. )7 81, 5 3 ly. • Tr4r-Xe•q?"g'k.r.t.4..1^.:4';:a•-•.," • apjla/s LIVERY & SALE STAB EJ. •-ri ST -CLASS HOR.SES and. Good Vehi- : j2 c , a all hours, on reasonable 4ruis. gt. ar es. t and.best Livery in Sea.forth S ,ies tor commercial Tra,vellers. T doors orth of Sharp'e Hotel: 8.41 F NOR ES. AND BUGGIES -NB LE. &foith Dec. 14, 1863, !RANI COLLIDAY, TN!returning thanks for past favors,, tk pleasure of announcing to the thantoi and business men. of Seaforth tha is pre4ared to receive ordere for all kin DRAY WORK. oitloods handled.with. eare, and sati i.-6;rne.iteltl:ryran2telist.,ed' '1869. Mug Carria .Wo A Large Stook. or :kinds of *furniture kept consta.ntl jou e.pnsisting of the best varlet*. ff's Spring Mattrasses, • Coffins kept constantly onhand. made on the premises. ea.rse for hire; Warerocun pbSite Ridd 811 MeMulkine., THOS. BELL, Mar4. 24, 1868: • sol, enti-er tea expee at ed_onee inw.th n Leg1e4it11re -for in (Jui • divides- the henorJ e_te:tienee lee : to reve tee with ze body followed inekev COUlitry of 16 tilect • ether ealojeet, en eral climeteseic.ni, Nrz1.3- 111OfliV the enetni-e..rs eild have leeen r. • all the dege ia t p seefl seeee..p.inie exe.cuteel, zine,111 to allow the beenx and ticnhou in that e fiiesi friends lit the lei ro • • 3lhand elio51101114d not Sand eenrplus in • , 1-leetor iilving t_e-z IA7.1 eagle -in a. treee • latt ev-eeke r. -effort. to scene - _to this roposeil a e A i ,taken. - i,o_rce, man birkl tkflk:adlitg of szg1)elei7, '14 tk.st for the Lit finally eneetni?,liell his wings... On Ti31 the weeneei Nr:tall lyd ss •felepar through didn't ret to tonne it W;1 0. ter nrAilig e\treet ith a wail. The bas'eest wee , eda wilin_ czy, to whos ed a. (-et/4clire,04,ed 11,),,,,I.zst oayetiiu3s! vitt Tan teie 'llcur Sir Iiihn A. :11. not long since, durii tation with vonieful ail his that be luways 1 jet of his tan'fitiop Brandy in.., tain the reifetiningie till 187:3, He tliet-e' :v.Obthji 1. ejec6rit:. :1411-'-hita;ldi iiti one exceptioie end he, hail aeconipleibeij temporarily, from It but w the.present G,reeri ment is only 14,r thi be apparent thatsecurie .he Sill ),1•7DO111]IPOII It 18' 1)1 1Z43 th1tt 10 11 111 11 We may reinere- refued hien, and elm ttaltie Cana.01 est ti -i _ i base 141. 1tinnii in lilIli)j1)1f4/1/(43t.thilICO ,er11014-Gelleral itr ••• 11: vl 3 ws.zrawr.,...nrm...7prm • LATEST Londo: • been. extei dine wit-ji of Glaegew in son has ateeptv London, Fele, Athens, dated that a majority of ti have decided to agree f the Paris _Confer question was brow four ministers gav signing the protocoL ing, Mr. 13111g -ores, ri-jr I)