HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-02-05, Page 211 „ ^ • a • " SEAFORTH EX never heard that the girls friends dis- covered our doings ; and, for all they know, she is now mouldering awey in ; whereas; in point, of fact, her bleached skeleton adorns 's surgery, ; and a preparation of her kart enriches 's museum le -Which has co Se $25000, is to., be taken possession of by the Dominion, and Nova Scotia paid for her expenditure on it. P- , , - "Mr. I-Nwe looks .upon the new ate rang,ement « eq; al to an. iner ease of the amitml Aubsicly of -about one Lune dred and sixtnthousand dollars. - "The argurceeints by which Mr. Howe, intlie correspondence witheMr. Rose, n induced him to recommend those chan- ge. in the constitution were, "ammig others,. that the Pictott ,Railroad and Annapolis ,Railroad Wei e largely aided in their- construction -by Nova Scotia and are 'feeders te the Intercolonial Railroad ; that the Doininion Govern- ' ment had taken possession_ of half a million of Nova Scotia legal tenders< and withdrawn them in order to put in citeulation ProyinCial Notes of the • Dominion e that the Dominion .G037- trnment 'tdole .possession of Nova Sao - tie, Savings .13ank . deposits ; that the Dominion taufft is sd th e :import du- ties as pompared with the NoVa•ScOtia tariff ; ktitat-the Quebec resoltitions did not put Nova F...cetia finaecially hi as good a position. as New BrunSWiele, popalation beiag considered.; that a greater co sump ion. of imported geom. . takes plac ) in Nova Scotia per liead, as eenpared with other Provinces, en- -tailing, increased contributions to the revenue ; that au increased subsidy is iteeessary to prevent direct taxation."- , . From the strong exception -teken Mr. Howe to the basis of Confedera- tien, and the vigorous efforts he. put forth V secure a repeal` of the 'Union, we had every reason to suppose that he would not so Socjn. desert hie principles. His missieri to England, and his actie ity at the last election, by which he se owed the defeat of the Unionists, to gether with his !superior talents a$ speaker, pointed him out as the speake of the Repeal Party. Having fsi'led he:Weyer, in seeming the consent °fp, Tempel -ea Goveenment for a dissolu tion of the. Union, and finding "that an nexation, which he so frequently hint son ewhat unpopular, he at length withd:•e ( at least ) from the contest. No sponet AVM this clone tlem. he came under the men-ipulations of that zistute politician; Sir John A. McDonald. The conciliation mission f ti e Canadian Ministry to Halifax year, plainly showed that ]Jr. flo'-„ve cot)ej drive 'a bargain if he Teking ad -vantage' of the op- p•n-tueitv ellen:4, he t length undee- teel: (b) so ; and the large conces- e•-,...);e er! ich 'have h-. (T) 111aCILI, S1.10W th(., , v rut -11;)031 his inleetice nid fh, itvjt, ' m are conniiitte ; • eee e :vete e; tee tiertinuen. reeee could SJ f.11" 1 nounce his principles as to accept • 69 What he condemned and repudiate in '68,-is'by no means a high es:mime dation, of his consistency. To be i duced by a salary of $5,000 a year t desert a cause which I was acknowled ed to be patriotic and self-denying, dastardly. No true man, wetild accep sitution," no mater what w -ere embluments if it involved the sacrific of prineiple and an injestice to his coun- try. We do not say that Neva Scoti Was wronged. But as Mr. Howe el she was, thy to desert her cause fe the mere love of office, was mercenar •in the extreme.; On the ct114- hand, the Party wh tendered the office a,nd macleacontes sions inimicallo the interests' of/Cana da, is also worthy of disapprobatiOn For Nova Scotia, fiy a majority f he Legislature, to accept the terms of uni on, was no fault of ours. Then wh give her grant _after grant OVell ant above that which she at 'first consente o aceept1 Why wrong the Provinces for for the sake of concili tinb her 1 The basis of 'union. has al eady been set aside ttviee, on her acc unt, what _guarantee have. we got that such demands are now going to cease. Jus- tice tO 'each of the Provinces is en tighz• and more than this ehoulcl not be con- ceded? whether N.pya Scotia is sat' .fled r not. FINANCES OF QUEBEC. Hen. Mr. Dunkin submitted hist eek the Public ACcounts for six _ onths endine the 31st June and spe- * 6 - ia°11 sta-teinentg for the last six moeiths nd eighteen months altogether.. The tal receipts fOr the • eighteen moliths ere $2,612,514 15'• Vita ex enclit 1,794,297 23 ; balance, $818,216 town Lands reeeipts amoented $758,513 22 ; expenditifire inch ure, 92; to ing debt, $141,429 85. So far as can be ascertained, the finanies of Quebec are in rather a healthy condition, and tho' its revenue from the Domiaion is some- what smaller than that of Ontario, there is a respeetable balance' after all obligations are mart M. Barber ainong hia Constituents • Nearly .600 Reformers aesembleci :in the Town Iran, Milton, on Friday!, to hee,,r some, explanations. of his con 'net from 'Me, W. Barber, M. P. P. 'he Warden wascalled to the chair. IVI-it 'A. Citillphell,.ex-Warelentewho first Ino- minated the Member for Halton, stated tae charges againeClii ue M a Barber; ianis speech. said he meant to centieue a- meinber of clic 11( forthparty -1 he ex-. plained the teblanket question". s*atis- Sactorily, by showing that he -had sup_ plied blanketA to the Asyl tun since 1851, at 1 Wer prices, however, than they could be -fusnished by any other estab- lisitment ; as for the paper centracts, khis tee t' e: was ( .ly pecuniarily- interested in the GeorgeO6W11 'Mill .; with . revved to •his /interest in the Royal Canadian bank, he -had no hand in prectuing the Government account,, and had no specit al interest in its coatinuence. ,He then deal...rich &his general votes. • Being ask-. ed by an elcetor if be was in -favotut of e Petty Governteentej as opposed to a Coalitim. he replied he the affirmative. : A seriee ) \of reselutiohee of :which - the followlegi! are 1., sununaPy„,. were then pet aed nnanimously carried 1st— .Recording .-unquidlified idisapprov41: of the prinf-iple of political -coalitions, and regretting that the Hon. J. 5. Ma.cdOn- ald, dui lug the ieceat 1 debatgs on the Supply. -Bill, refused t the seasonable TC - quest of leading members of the•Hotise fer fuller iufortnation, although the rot .quest- was Ina(4: in strict accordance.. with :the well kind, retood principles of l.Opo1rilE)Ie Clove( nieent. 2nd---- cogn1z11ig the velhal;le services of Reform Pres*, especially the Globe, e,xpree,„.ing the opinion that it 'is t.37 - h6. iD he Met duty of the Peces to critc'te the pubic acts of representativea )t-- ing Mr,' Laebei's explana,tions alid and apologiie.s; and confidineiii lis - proaliees te act licqirtily„ in.future. his party in the LegiSlateeeee-Adit .; • • . I. Tire Art -roe -Nee- General has. Ordered the remoted of all th'e lunatics from the County jails to the Asylum itt Roekwood, as the accommodation thete is much better then in the County pie - ;011s. rirbe large expenditure -which junada is .annua Ily rhaking for this tu brtinatte class of peor le, should surely )rovide for them •••A ery eC435A0ry con - and thus' relieve countie4 *s.roin much 'neceless expense, tee- „ WHALZWS CASE. This long contested ncase is likely to iernain unsettled for some time yet It is e3,-pected.that the Cabinet meeting which takes placec to -day at Ottawa, will decide whether a respite will he granted or not In'. case of an- adverse decision, J. II. Cameron will go to. I England to enter an appeal to the En- glish Courts. This is necessary, as no signature can be sent by cable. If the appeal to'England fitils, a respite for a Short time willj be granted, to give :Whalen time to prepare for his execu- tion. It is reported that he has made a confession to. his Spiritual ad- visers. . . TILE GOVERNOR . General of Canada war feted at Montreal,on .Monday last. Addresses were presented, speeches made, flags 'hoisted, and a general jubi- lee of mirth an.d jollificatirin proclaim- . ed. All very fine. Just the thing for Yo nig Canada. Fifty thousand dollars a y )ar in hard °Ash and twice as much in casting, makes the GoVernor Gene - office a nice berth. THE COUNTY' COUNCIL. . • The. MtiniCipaI Council fo4 the County Of Iluroni,:,.met .at the Colirt Houk, Gpcieriebt .on Tuesday fast, 26th inst., ac64itling to Statute, the Clerk -in the chair. teThe following gentlemen hand- ed 41their quelifications and .paths of offee and took their seats : Goclarichttown, for Reeve ---R. Gib- boris, 1311.ter* , Horton. 'Clinton -- W. !W. tar) -an. „ Seaforth--S. G. Mc-. Cate4liey. C4Oclelieh (tp), W. Shepherd, patton. „Tuokersmith--Geo, Sproat, McLean, Stanley—T. Simpson, Geo. Castles. Hay, R. Brown, Win. Car. rick. Usborne; A. Bishop, R. Creery. Grey, John Leckie,A. McDonald. Mor- ris, Tho. 'Kelley, W. Ga Hingeton. Howick; !Tames _Perkins, Wm. Wade.. East Wawanosh, H. Helps. West Wawanoare Girvin, Ed. Gaunt. Ash- field, W. Mallotigh, Fraser. Hui - let, 0 Morrow. Turnberry, John.Mes- sett 0. T. Scott McKillop,.— Shan- non, S. Hannah. Stephen, --a Green- way, Doyle.. Colborne, Wm. Young. It was then moved by Mr. D. Pat- ton, Seconded by Mr. Kelley, that Robt. Mem, Esq , Reeve of Gederich, be Warden for the current year. Carried Mr. Gibbons then addressed the Corin - ii briefly. He thanked them for the loner they lad conferred on him. This vas now the eleventh .time for him to. ill the position. He would attempt to ( p ill future as he had in the -past. Our Iteevy burdens- we•regetting slighter very year. In a few years we, will be id of the M. L. Fund • Latour years the By-law would mature, and it would e for those who. thin occupied the po- S'tion i)f those new present to say wheth- r they' would stop payment altogether, r .put on a light burden. $140,000 of ie prinapal of the Gravel Road De - entitles was now paid off stBy buying b ie debentures before they matured ey Were enabled to get thenn at a discount of about teliper cent, whereas i* they allowed them to mature, they • ouldlhave to pa.y the faee value. The iginsd gravel road scheme, with the aception of a 'pertion of the Aehlield road, teas completed, and he strongly urged On the Coencil the advisability of havii4 that scheme Completed this year. IC/ Atlas then- • Moved by Mr. Sproat seconded by r. YOueg, that Jas. Scott be Auditor f rhe present year. Movcd in _amenclinent by Mr. Kel- l€y, seconded by Mr. Patton, That Jas. Allen, of Millet, be auditor. Moved in arnenunient to the amend- ment by Mr. Shannon, seconded by Mr McCaughey, That W. N. Watson, of aforth, be Auditor. Moved in still further amendment Mr. Mallough, seconded by Mr. Fra- . reThet John Cook be auditor. The first amendment being put against the original motion, it was de- clared. carried; and being then put asadnet the other amendments severally, .5 e it was filially carried: Mr. Allen was then declared duly elected. Thearden appointed Wm. Melcay, T. of God rich,. as thth e other auditor. d by by Mr. Girvin, seconded by Mi4 Young, that a ',committe • of five be ballotted for, to strike the Stand- ing Ooremittee of the year. `Moved in amendment by Mr. Green- away, seconded by Mr. Bishop, that a committee of five be ballotted for, to stril e -blie Standing Committee of Vie year, and the vote be taken thus : That each ir einber shall write on a slip of paper the name he votes for, and hand it into the Clerk. After the ballot was Laken, the com- mittee was declared to conthst of Messrs. Patton, Sproat, Girvin, Leckie, and Bishop. e 0uncil then adjourned till 10 ock t morrow.. , _ C ' 1 jam. 27th, *9... Council met thz morning' trsant td adjournment. Eresent, th4 &inte, Couneillors as yeeterclay. The minutes of yesterday we read and approved of „ Petition of John Nairn few ee-elief. Finance committee. Petition of John 4i -ides -son as oth- ers, asking the .0ouncil to forgi hams the amount he has beccie in- debted to the County, as surettlfor a defaulting Toll -gate keeper. Fance Committee. 1 Several other petitions receivkl the ame deliverance'. Reports of A. Worthington ated the ev 11 Gibson, L S'r 8. Schoolt ittee. I - Moved by Mr. Messer, seconcW by r. Gitlin, that sealed' tendeis kip re- eived by the County :Clerk, -un rho, The Clerks. salary eist 7 o'clock to -mos -tow evening; for $1.00. • r. he County Printing for the cOrent MMallongh tried ear, and -that the tendeis Melo+ the , ger einn for the:Port Afl chedele of Convictions and all either failed, whiting that has to be paid for ler thie-1 The finance committe orporation, and that the 0101-k Amid useel dog tax onits repo be ;tenders to the Chau men ot the the t w 0:1iint; ehould be P ommittee on printing for -consitesa killed by dog'. ion J. It was inelered LIet +1jinCoatiiroined-made Ou and seconded the Conet Home be repaired. . it was moved by Mr. i'ation see- by MrSeotte'that the repo) 1- eineeded by- reducing the, Treasese ,r'e ..ealea-y the sure of 8200. The rep t %Vali 8111. -,b -ii, read, slightly amended ax id adopted. ed on a rdtivoifeioFiLinar ce c 61 nmittt,e, la !ivit'.3. J . . FRJDAY. On this day the subject PI r (44, brilges, &et, was the n,st,,,pi Messrs. Mallotrefi and ser n:sz:.,3 1. r f,5200 for the eitension the A eelleld Gravel. Road 'although 11-11„ enough to con3pkto it - er. Glee 4wity got $500 teavaisis impro in; the abonit inably had Credititin >lit atel .7dr. Young was premised ael lge t vet- -the first q eposit $1100, . land on it .Mait conciitieat C n Alseene ° Santersert flowing Local SuperintendenC t% eisere • llie ouncil then sidjt . . i ppointed for their respective dietricts ; I ie., Rev.• teibson, Stanley; tokes, Goderich Townehip; Rev. arr, Ashfield and Colliorne ; J. erguson Grey ; Dr. _A. Worthind en, owic ; Tiev. .A. McDonald, TutrXte.-- ) . 31st of May next. • s mind by sein fs„)r a Jar - et I:load, but ;let ed the . , tent agreed d. for flee'? !,r;of of the lied to the Sentorth OomiiL The VilLtge Connell inet Present the Reeve and all s lab.; Thomas Farris*, Turnleivev, minutes of the "litSt Morriseand leaSt Wawanosh; Rev., :fr. I ad°Pte'L A Petizi°11- "w4s Youn' g Hullet The Rev. Robert Tire was appoilWed. Glenn:mar School Trustee for the c4d- erich Grammar School ; and Joekvh Whitehead for the Cinton Graniker Selme?tit' Lar from the Comity Treattittsrel ed. The, (kmniii-tLee cm- *I”' warktt accompanied by Scheaules of receMe dehandecl in their r )poet. Tele ,'a and expenditure. lira Moron, and severe' ate were ordered to be paid. wee veted $2 per 'Week Mr: band is releaeed. - appointntent cf t1 vie aS read three tines anti pass- Treasurer was authorized to The TreaSerer Was instreicted to • z';3* WaS „.) return his Cetek wae lautlicrized to take the Lest ee-1 etivie'e °lithe By-L0elto regulate .> t,!.lsors. Ge McDeurfalle efeee Aircrthof silver. The- 0 O( r to the dila-went mcmicipalities the g1h1 Until satul:dav '1°11' money in his hands. collected from Ole ; to the Treaeurer. Tin non-resident lands. Letter from Sheriff lleDonald.,!' in I regard tb women applying for the oiEl'e of Court House leeeixer. DIblenn, Treee/ rr. • S. 8tark, Collector; Lueby, Street //teate ft,r. b`tark,. „License do. „ P. 131111, Bread do. Feinee Yw iefr,rs, J.' Wie ere. mo,itt.,& A. Wilson. C•me ed to! meet ae-ain 1C-Ienel next iat pt seven e!elocle fs. Lincoln. Frtl)m the following it ar be 1 seen that • Mrs. Lincoln vgh ery 1 ideas ofte, honor to eihh )-IW-IWtertithas el t'ae s-Vidow of a Dee siecel l'r - Twelve applicatione for the of co.:. oft ,Court House Keeper, referred to Utteoli and Court House Comulittee. numlier of accounts were thenee‘- ferred to the Finance Cominittect 'A:Levet-11)y M & r. Si secondcev Mr. 'Cal riek-, that the sum of $3000 rused by the County for the in:Trate- trent of the boundary lines of the5;eee eisd municipalities ; the! sum "so, rtitttiti to be appropriated accprding to-, t equalized assessment of the' currett,, year ; -the expenditure to be on 6e Same prineiple as last year exclusively on town lines except Goderich TowtSie; Clinton. and lines, villeges, who mely ampropriate ther eir ioportion heretet fOtre.• . Carried. " • Moved by Mr. ---Messee, seconded 3-1-ey ; Mr.. Scott, That the Clerk- furnish tteis Obuncil with the Bonds and SuretieSef the County Treasurer, for examinatian, by the Council, as requested by S-Le't- ute. Carried. • • Council then adjourned till tin o'clock, te The bends of the Co. Treasurer wtle submitted to the finance committee, Telmant was elected -L. Safor*. Wattemosh. Application of Mr. _Watson for the office of County Treasierer WaS read a*11 referred to the salaries committee.11 t,4100.-.01.1 :y .4,;‘%3lini.g. " 1 i herev. WI* most. re:Ty: taflv lin,- sent id: the honorable stre ei the United States an applkatien, fir sr pen- sion. ' I, am a widow of a in rsident ef the United States who life s.) ea' sacri- ficed in hie (ouutry's Servee. That sad calamity has creaely im tired liaAr health', and .by the adii e u ,1Y ))111:- - - Sieiart$ 1 have come ONT1' to - . to try the ininer41,1 watere, aud ',during - i the winter to go to Italy, lint net- itnen- cial means do not permit 111 1')- tithe advantage, of the urgent ads'ive given me, nor can I live in a etyle leeeening the, e widow of the chief magi; trete of :1-1, great nation, although I lite as'et.011, - tothically as I can.' , In eon s'eberititai pf the great services of leeply, 1: e tented husbend has render el to the United 8tates and of the fee t'ul 1.5ss 1 lane sustained by his iminaly death, is martyrdom; I may e:ty, I respect - tally submit to your honorei,le body his petition, hoping that ;In .irly pen - ion may be granted nes,• so t at I_ may Report of 'Dr.. Stokes was read asid referred to School committee. Application from Sheriff McDon: for an. additional roam in the Couet House was read and referred. Beveled accounts were, read. . Moved by Mr. Patton, secby l‘f' Snell, That the TreaSurer, be requested 1 It lave less pecuniary care. "I remain, most respee. liv, "Mrs. A. LEN to give a verbal statement to thie comes- cil of the amonnt accruing annualty from perquisites in connettion with Irie (e. - The Treasurer then made his sta merit, to the, evident satisfaction of 'tlee Moved by Mr. Horton., see. by , That t a committee of five b ar- p( lilted; consisting of Messrs. Biqho Alesser, Your,g, Ferran, and the loitq for the purpose of investigating th sition of the ,Northein Gravel Roase lea ding throug4 the Townships' of CV borne, Wawanosh and .Aelifield ofli, satil •e. Carrid investigation to be with a viewto plat, chase by this Council, the comniittee tr4 report at this meeting of Council. Oar; The Clerk was instructed procur- a a copy of thestatutes of List Session Ontario Parliament for each • Reev Deputy, and Clerk. Halfpast 7 o'clock, prm. The Council resiuned. meinorial wee ordered to be d A ed in ieference to the pay of the vo teers during battallion Mr. Scott was adaed to the Gabl and Court House Committee. Petition in favor of 4 harbor .of ref: I uge at Goderich was read and ardere01 to be signed by the Warden. . •1 On the reacliug of the report of t14) sallasies committee, Tim Union Pacific Railron 1 is now in 'operation for over one tbouand miles, and but little 'more 11,171). 250 miles of the traek now lernunt, to be completedit is now belie -v-ed thett travells r; eviil be able, during the next summer, to pass by rail -all the way from 'the Atlantic to the Pacific coast without further lhindrance than the usnal way -station stoppieige. that a 'continuous line of rail - w' xllj be open from New (bark: to San remise°. The energy with which this 4 eat rail- way enterprise has been plebe 1 through, is without parallel, except tish East Indies. At the bee the nning of the year 1866, only 40 mil ,e.;• of the .rpad bad been constructed ; iring the next 3rear, 265 miles WM laid in 1867 ,375 miles more were comple ed ; amt (.1tning 1868, nearly 500 mile, ; hence, ,more than a thousand miles of trade were laid in thQ shoit Fince of three yea's. The road has earned the last year over .0,00,000 by local business alone. . This road will, in adc ition to 'being . the greatest, comArcill enter- prise in the world, be, in all pr the great extinguisher of Mo and thus remove that great rn and religious excrescence from th face of: the - g.g= ••‘,..•••••••••••-••••••••.••••••••••, (Tr., au„ here, .1:i tie .a11 111 to; .outlin,!,; - vnee.- 1A:p.! ai;i1 of 1r -e1 -114'1:n ill;:!,;„„4 4.114,-73. kenri. 411 , In - a . four !Itnu:;vi, enti:;rz-rtin , 1.7;g) teet4 A 1. 'r?, „ (if Vot.- 3 *IA) 11.!Y 1 g7F -1 . • f ,r;••1;.• pa t, ' t:e_tte eeti. • • • COV11 c cr•gt! • (-rinnent IT. 70 -; 'Cwt. ; pr,?.2allei ene exl)ecte• Ict!elt. -.4 :Ty hat vonn„ To fie yo:iDtAn 1.1.1V13 Ira , NV1.1011I VOTT 1-5:1 (Tally wtr tl:e, means ti (l of the countr- A Ithough „I was aver; on Uutter, c4g. poult and- willing- nokyto - tlios.3 articles, ill 1 • 1- 4 v•-• „.„1, 111 )3,10V0 gre.it ffeJ142:ally, uid nly duce dealing, - teads . partial dulluvss unsoalionable state galley wit4 ..tiat) low -class. fall wheat ---an <in r 1 erit; have no ink ronbrool% 1.ani i fair trial, the n lit to all 4,:once EDN 79 t,7tLidur cf tke Ex 81R Wet'k-, report of the merehants purpose of pas,,ing - relating to th& Inarket _ the ineeting i». called by public adi4e invitations to those vorable to the views is,,but fail- to ink ioaseutssien Ivas not th 41.11-(1.'it is thr!refize not they so speedily d' high market fees a of Vile roads and. grain were the real c of trade. The resoluti fore- may, iie talten a worth, simply as)an. ex ion from parties ;who Inatket fee on terests to , 'be different _ineeting have lon,,, ivhat teog.gzellto.t ,that the p mine i'llTbilliee. public f,- .2 I 11; Itlii.10;:g h th of these producp inaillet annually a thousand Ilbllare, and i ing, and there is no they should not be NOTICE Ilk ADVERTISERS New Advertisements'Jnugt be given in by -.Wednesday noon: . Changes of Advertisements, Which are spe- cuilly arranged for weekly changes,by -. Tuesday noon. Changes of AdVertise3nents, Which are not specially arranged. for Weekly changes, by Saturday nignit. • . Vtlcannot guarantee insertion unless tht above be complied with. , , BUSINESS NOME.—All .accounts for aa- vertisine and Jobbing must positively be set - *le& Quarterly, on the 0r5th days of March, Jane, September and December . . - - ;ertIte.. CrTvpooitor. . i 4 •• .„ The Official Paper of the County. , FRIDAY, FERITARY 5,1869 , THE NOVA SOOTI.A.N DIFFI- .CULTY. - ( _ . , Mr. Howe,' the great Repealer of Neva Scotia, 'hes at last accepted office n incler Sir John A. McDonald, sand was ni Slturday last sworn in as President _ ithe Couneil. -.• The-folloWing-are the •erms, as per Globe's telegraill fromOt- awa,„ of the.baigain and sale "Sirjohn A. • McDonald has agreed D bring' down'aemeasure to Parliament - ) provide that NOVA : Scotia's debt, on ming into the Union, shall be -fixed t a fraction. over nine millions of dol- 1 Lrs,: The cpiestitiition fixed it at seven I iillions. "Ain: anin.M1 subsidy is to be paid C • l ' ' -ova Scotia 'from. the rooramencereent a ' the Union for ten yearofabout t 3,000 per annuml This is an entirely v )w grant. - - , . 8 "The Province 1tii1diug in -Halifax, r -Which has co Se $25000, is to., be taken possession of by the Dominion, and Nova Scotia paid for her expenditure on it. P- , , - "Mr. I-Nwe looks .upon the new ate rang,ement « eq; al to an. iner ease of the amitml Aubsicly of -about one Lune dred and sixtnthousand dollars. - "The argurceeints by which Mr. Howe, intlie correspondence witheMr. Rose, n induced him to recommend those chan- ge. in the constitution were, "ammig others,. that the Pictott ,Railroad and Annapolis ,Railroad Wei e largely aided in their- construction -by Nova Scotia and are 'feeders te the Intercolonial Railroad ; that the Doininion Govern- ' ment had taken possession_ of half a million of Nova Scotia legal tenders< and withdrawn them in order to put in citeulation ProyinCial Notes of the • Dominion e that the Dominion .G037- trnment 'tdole .possession of Nova Sao - tie, Savings .13ank . deposits ; that the Dominion taufft is sd th e :import du- ties as pompared with the NoVa•ScOtia tariff ; ktitat-the Quebec resoltitions did not put Nova F...cetia finaecially hi as good a position. as New BrunSWiele, popalation beiag considered.; that a greater co sump ion. of imported geom. . takes plac ) in Nova Scotia per liead, as eenpared with other Provinces, en- -tailing, increased contributions to the revenue ; that au increased subsidy is iteeessary to prevent direct taxation."- , . From the strong exception -teken Mr. Howe to the basis of Confedera- tien, and the vigorous efforts he. put forth V secure a repeal` of the 'Union, we had every reason to suppose that he would not so Socjn. desert hie principles. His missieri to England, and his actie ity at the last election, by which he se owed the defeat of the Unionists, to gether with his !superior talents a$ speaker, pointed him out as the speake of the Repeal Party. Having fsi'led he:Weyer, in seeming the consent °fp, Tempel -ea Goveenment for a dissolu tion of the. Union, and finding "that an nexation, which he so frequently hint son ewhat unpopular, he at length withd:•e ( at least ) from the contest. No sponet AVM this clone tlem. he came under the men-ipulations of that zistute politician; Sir John A. McDonald. The conciliation mission f ti e Canadian Ministry to Halifax year, plainly showed that ]Jr. flo'-„ve cot)ej drive 'a bargain if he Teking ad -vantage' of the op- p•n-tueitv ellen:4, he t length undee- teel: (b) so ; and the large conces- e•-,...);e er! ich 'have h-. (T) 111aCILI, S1.10W th(., , v rut -11;)031 his inleetice nid fh, itvjt, ' m are conniiitte ; • eee e :vete e; tee tiertinuen. reeee could SJ f.11" 1 nounce his principles as to accept • 69 What he condemned and repudiate in '68,-is'by no means a high es:mime dation, of his consistency. To be i duced by a salary of $5,000 a year t desert a cause which I was acknowled ed to be patriotic and self-denying, dastardly. No true man, wetild accep sitution," no mater what w -ere embluments if it involved the sacrific of prineiple and an injestice to his coun- try. We do not say that Neva Scoti Was wronged. But as Mr. Howe el she was, thy to desert her cause fe the mere love of office, was mercenar •in the extreme.; On the ct114- hand, the Party wh tendered the office a,nd macleacontes sions inimicallo the interests' of/Cana da, is also worthy of disapprobatiOn For Nova Scotia, fiy a majority f he Legislature, to accept the terms of uni on, was no fault of ours. Then wh give her grant _after grant OVell ant above that which she at 'first consente o aceept1 Why wrong the Provinces for for the sake of concili tinb her 1 The basis of 'union. has al eady been set aside ttviee, on her acc unt, what _guarantee have. we got that such demands are now going to cease. Jus- tice tO 'each of the Provinces is en tighz• and more than this ehoulcl not be con- ceded? whether N.pya Scotia is sat' .fled r not. FINANCES OF QUEBEC. Hen. Mr. Dunkin submitted hist eek the Public ACcounts for six _ onths endine the 31st June and spe- * 6 - ia°11 sta-teinentg for the last six moeiths nd eighteen months altogether.. The tal receipts fOr the • eighteen moliths ere $2,612,514 15'• Vita ex enclit 1,794,297 23 ; balance, $818,216 town Lands reeeipts amoented $758,513 22 ; expenditifire inch ure, 92; to ing debt, $141,429 85. So far as can be ascertained, the finanies of Quebec are in rather a healthy condition, and tho' its revenue from the Domiaion is some- what smaller than that of Ontario, there is a respeetable balance' after all obligations are mart M. Barber ainong hia Constituents • Nearly .600 Reformers aesembleci :in the Town Iran, Milton, on Friday!, to hee,,r some, explanations. of his con 'net from 'Me, W. Barber, M. P. P. 'he Warden wascalled to the chair. IVI-it 'A. Citillphell,.ex-Warelentewho first Ino- minated the Member for Halton, stated tae charges againeClii ue M a Barber; ianis speech. said he meant to centieue a- meinber of clic 11( forthparty -1 he ex-. plained the teblanket question". s*atis- Sactorily, by showing that he -had sup_ plied blanketA to the Asyl tun since 1851, at 1 Wer prices, however, than they could be -fusnished by any other estab- lisitment ; as for the paper centracts, khis tee t' e: was ( .ly pecuniarily- interested in the GeorgeO6W11 'Mill .; with . revved to •his /interest in the Royal Canadian bank, he -had no hand in prectuing the Government account,, and had no specit al interest in its coatinuence. ,He then deal...rich &his general votes. • Being ask-. ed by an elcetor if be was in -favotut of e Petty Governteentej as opposed to a Coalitim. he replied he the affirmative. : A seriee ) \of reselutiohee of :which - the followlegi! are 1., sununaPy„,. were then pet aed nnanimously carried 1st— .Recording .-unquidlified idisapprov41: of the prinf-iple of political -coalitions, and regretting that the Hon. J. 5. Ma.cdOn- ald, dui lug the ieceat 1 debatgs on the Supply. -Bill, refused t the seasonable TC - quest of leading members of the•Hotise fer fuller iufortnation, although the rot .quest- was Ina(4: in strict accordance.. with :the well kind, retood principles of l.Opo1rilE)Ie Clove( nieent. 2nd---- cogn1z11ig the velhal;le services of Reform Pres*, especially the Globe, e,xpree,„.ing the opinion that it 'is t.37 - h6. iD he Met duty of the Peces to critc'te the pubic acts of representativea )t-- ing Mr,' Laebei's explana,tions alid and apologiie.s; and confidineiii lis - proaliees te act licqirtily„ in.future. his party in the LegiSlateeeee-Adit .; • • . I. Tire Art -roe -Nee- General has. Ordered the remoted of all th'e lunatics from the County jails to the Asylum itt Roekwood, as the accommodation thete is much better then in the County pie - ;011s. rirbe large expenditure -which junada is .annua Ily rhaking for this tu brtinatte class of peor le, should surely )rovide for them •••A ery eC435A0ry con - and thus' relieve countie4 *s.roin much 'neceless expense, tee- „ WHALZWS CASE. This long contested ncase is likely to iernain unsettled for some time yet It is e3,-pected.that the Cabinet meeting which takes placec to -day at Ottawa, will decide whether a respite will he granted or not In'. case of an- adverse decision, J. II. Cameron will go to. I England to enter an appeal to the En- glish Courts. This is necessary, as no signature can be sent by cable. If the appeal to'England fitils, a respite for a Short time willj be granted, to give :Whalen time to prepare for his execu- tion. It is reported that he has made a confession to. his Spiritual ad- visers. . . TILE GOVERNOR . General of Canada war feted at Montreal,on .Monday last. Addresses were presented, speeches made, flags 'hoisted, and a general jubi- lee of mirth an.d jollificatirin proclaim- . ed. All very fine. Just the thing for Yo nig Canada. Fifty thousand dollars a y )ar in hard °Ash and twice as much in casting, makes the GoVernor Gene - office a nice berth. THE COUNTY' COUNCIL. . • The. MtiniCipaI Council fo4 the County Of Iluroni,:,.met .at the Colirt Houk, Gpcieriebt .on Tuesday fast, 26th inst., ac64itling to Statute, the Clerk -in the chair. teThe following gentlemen hand- ed 41their quelifications and .paths of offee and took their seats : Goclarichttown, for Reeve ---R. Gib- boris, 1311.ter* , Horton. 'Clinton -- W. !W. tar) -an. „ Seaforth--S. G. Mc-. Cate4liey. C4Oclelieh (tp), W. Shepherd, patton. „Tuokersmith--Geo, Sproat, McLean, Stanley—T. Simpson, Geo. Castles. Hay, R. Brown, Win. Car. rick. Usborne; A. Bishop, R. Creery. Grey, John Leckie,A. McDonald. Mor- ris, Tho. 'Kelley, W. Ga Hingeton. Howick; !Tames _Perkins, Wm. Wade.. East Wawanosh, H. Helps. West Wawanoare Girvin, Ed. Gaunt. Ash- field, W. Mallotigh, Fraser. Hui - let, 0 Morrow. Turnberry, John.Mes- sett 0. T. Scott McKillop,.— Shan- non, S. Hannah. Stephen, --a Green- way, Doyle.. Colborne, Wm. Young. It was then moved by Mr. D. Pat- ton, Seconded by Mr. Kelley, that Robt. Mem, Esq , Reeve of Gederich, be Warden for the current year. Carried Mr. Gibbons then addressed the Corin - ii briefly. He thanked them for the loner they lad conferred on him. This vas now the eleventh .time for him to. ill the position. He would attempt to ( p ill future as he had in the -past. Our Iteevy burdens- we•regetting slighter very year. In a few years we, will be id of the M. L. Fund • Latour years the By-law would mature, and it would e for those who. thin occupied the po- S'tion i)f those new present to say wheth- r they' would stop payment altogether, r .put on a light burden. $140,000 of ie prinapal of the Gravel Road De - entitles was now paid off stBy buying b ie debentures before they matured ey Were enabled to get thenn at a discount of about teliper cent, whereas i* they allowed them to mature, they • ouldlhave to pa.y the faee value. The iginsd gravel road scheme, with the aception of a 'pertion of the Aehlield road, teas completed, and he strongly urged On the Coencil the advisability of havii4 that scheme Completed this year. IC/ Atlas then- • Moved by Mr. Sproat seconded by r. YOueg, that Jas. Scott be Auditor f rhe present year. Movcd in _amenclinent by Mr. Kel- l€y, seconded by Mr. Patton, That Jas. Allen, of Millet, be auditor. Moved in arnenunient to the amend- ment by Mr. Shannon, seconded by Mr McCaughey, That W. N. Watson, of aforth, be Auditor. Moved in still further amendment Mr. Mallough, seconded by Mr. Fra- . reThet John Cook be auditor. The first amendment being put against the original motion, it was de- clared. carried; and being then put asadnet the other amendments severally, .5 e it was filially carried: Mr. Allen was then declared duly elected. Thearden appointed Wm. Melcay, T. of God rich,. as thth e other auditor. d by by Mr. Girvin, seconded by Mi4 Young, that a ',committe • of five be ballotted for, to strike the Stand- ing Ooremittee of the year. `Moved in amendment by Mr. Green- away, seconded by Mr. Bishop, that a committee of five be ballotted for, to stril e -blie Standing Committee of Vie year, and the vote be taken thus : That each ir einber shall write on a slip of paper the name he votes for, and hand it into the Clerk. After the ballot was Laken, the com- mittee was declared to conthst of Messrs. Patton, Sproat, Girvin, Leckie, and Bishop. e 0uncil then adjourned till 10 ock t morrow.. , _ C ' 1 jam. 27th, *9... Council met thz morning' trsant td adjournment. Eresent, th4 &inte, Couneillors as yeeterclay. The minutes of yesterday we read and approved of „ Petition of John Nairn few ee-elief. Finance committee. Petition of John 4i -ides -son as oth- ers, asking the .0ouncil to forgi hams the amount he has beccie in- debted to the County, as surettlfor a defaulting Toll -gate keeper. Fance Committee. 1 Several other petitions receivkl the ame deliverance'. Reports of A. Worthington ated the ev 11 Gibson, L S'r 8. Schoolt ittee. I - Moved by Mr. Messer, seconcW by r. Gitlin, that sealed' tendeis kip re- eived by the County :Clerk, -un rho, The Clerks. salary eist 7 o'clock to -mos -tow evening; for $1.00. • r. he County Printing for the cOrent MMallongh tried ear, and -that the tendeis Melo+ the , ger einn for the:Port Afl chedele of Convictions and all either failed, whiting that has to be paid for ler thie-1 The finance committe orporation, and that the 0101-k Amid useel dog tax onits repo be ;tenders to the Chau men ot the the t w 0:1iint; ehould be P ommittee on printing for -consitesa killed by dog'. ion J. It was inelered LIet +1jinCoatiiroined-made Ou and seconded the Conet Home be repaired. . it was moved by Mr. i'ation see- by MrSeotte'that the repo) 1- eineeded by- reducing the, Treasese ,r'e ..ealea-y the sure of 8200. The rep t %Vali 8111. -,b -ii, read, slightly amended ax id adopted. ed on a rdtivoifeioFiLinar ce c 61 nmittt,e, la !ivit'.3. J . . FRJDAY. On this day the subject PI r (44, brilges, &et, was the n,st,,,pi Messrs. Mallotrefi and ser n:sz:.,3 1. r f,5200 for the eitension the A eelleld Gravel. Road 'although 11-11„ enough to con3pkto it - er. Glee 4wity got $500 teavaisis impro in; the abonit inably had Credititin >lit atel .7dr. Young was premised ael lge t vet- -the first q eposit $1100, . land on it .Mait conciitieat C n Alseene ° Santersert flowing Local SuperintendenC t% eisere • llie ouncil then sidjt . . i ppointed for their respective dietricts ; I ie., Rev.• teibson, Stanley; tokes, Goderich Townehip; Rev. arr, Ashfield and Colliorne ; J. erguson Grey ; Dr. _A. Worthind en, owic ; Tiev. .A. McDonald, TutrXte.-- ) . 31st of May next. • s mind by sein fs„)r a Jar - et I:load, but ;let ed the . , tent agreed d. for flee'? !,r;of of the lied to the Sentorth OomiiL The VilLtge Connell inet Present the Reeve and all s lab.; Thomas Farris*, Turnleivev, minutes of the "litSt Morriseand leaSt Wawanosh; Rev., :fr. I ad°Pte'L A Petizi°11- "w4s Youn' g Hullet The Rev. Robert Tire was appoilWed. Glenn:mar School Trustee for the c4d- erich Grammar School ; and Joekvh Whitehead for the Cinton Graniker Selme?tit' Lar from the Comity Treattittsrel ed. The, (kmniii-tLee cm- *I”' warktt accompanied by Scheaules of receMe dehandecl in their r )poet. Tele ,'a and expenditure. lira Moron, and severe' ate were ordered to be paid. wee veted $2 per 'Week Mr: band is releaeed. - appointntent cf t1 vie aS read three tines anti pass- Treasurer was authorized to The TreaSerer Was instreicted to • z';3* WaS „.) return his Cetek wae lautlicrized to take the Lest ee-1 etivie'e °lithe By-L0elto regulate .> t,!.lsors. Ge McDeurfalle efeee Aircrthof silver. The- 0 O( r to the dila-went mcmicipalities the g1h1 Until satul:dav '1°11' money in his hands. collected from Ole ; to the Treaeurer. Tin non-resident lands. Letter from Sheriff lleDonald.,!' in I regard tb women applying for the oiEl'e of Court House leeeixer. DIblenn, Treee/ rr. • S. 8tark, Collector; Lueby, Street //teate ft,r. b`tark,. „License do. „ P. 131111, Bread do. Feinee Yw iefr,rs, J.' Wie ere. mo,itt.,& A. Wilson. C•me ed to! meet ae-ain 1C-Ienel next iat pt seven e!elocle fs. Lincoln. Frtl)m the following it ar be 1 seen that • Mrs. Lincoln vgh ery 1 ideas ofte, honor to eihh )-IW-IWtertithas el t'ae s-Vidow of a Dee siecel l'r - Twelve applicatione for the of co.:. oft ,Court House Keeper, referred to Utteoli and Court House Comulittee. numlier of accounts were thenee‘- ferred to the Finance Cominittect 'A:Levet-11)y M & r. Si secondcev Mr. 'Cal riek-, that the sum of $3000 rused by the County for the in:Trate- trent of the boundary lines of the5;eee eisd municipalities ; the! sum "so, rtitttiti to be appropriated accprding to-, t equalized assessment of the' currett,, year ; -the expenditure to be on 6e Same prineiple as last year exclusively on town lines except Goderich TowtSie; Clinton. and lines, villeges, who mely ampropriate ther eir ioportion heretet fOtre.• . Carried. " • Moved by Mr. ---Messee, seconded 3-1-ey ; Mr.. Scott, That the Clerk- furnish tteis Obuncil with the Bonds and SuretieSef the County Treasurer, for examinatian, by the Council, as requested by S-Le't- ute. Carried. • • Council then adjourned till tin o'clock, te The bends of the Co. Treasurer wtle submitted to the finance committee, Telmant was elected -L. Safor*. Wattemosh. Application of Mr. _Watson for the office of County Treasierer WaS read a*11 referred to the salaries committee.11 t,4100.-.01.1 :y .4,;‘%3lini.g. " 1 i herev. WI* most. re:Ty: taflv lin,- sent id: the honorable stre ei the United States an applkatien, fir sr pen- sion. ' I, am a widow of a in rsident ef the United States who life s.) ea' sacri- ficed in hie (ouutry's Servee. That sad calamity has creaely im tired liaAr health', and .by the adii e u ,1Y ))111:- - - Sieiart$ 1 have come ONT1' to - . to try the ininer41,1 watere, aud ',during - i the winter to go to Italy, lint net- itnen- cial means do not permit 111 1')- tithe advantage, of the urgent ads'ive given me, nor can I live in a etyle leeeening the, e widow of the chief magi; trete of :1-1, great nation, although I lite as'et.011, - tothically as I can.' , In eon s'eberititai pf the great services of leeply, 1: e tented husbend has render el to the United 8tates and of the fee t'ul 1.5ss 1 lane sustained by his iminaly death, is martyrdom; I may e:ty, I respect - tally submit to your honorei,le body his petition, hoping that ;In .irly pen - ion may be granted nes,• so t at I_ may Report of 'Dr.. Stokes was read asid referred to School committee. Application from Sheriff McDon: for an. additional roam in the Couet House was read and referred. Beveled accounts were, read. . Moved by Mr. Patton, secby l‘f' Snell, That the TreaSurer, be requested 1 It lave less pecuniary care. "I remain, most respee. liv, "Mrs. A. LEN to give a verbal statement to thie comes- cil of the amonnt accruing annualty from perquisites in connettion with Irie (e. - The Treasurer then made his sta merit, to the, evident satisfaction of 'tlee Moved by Mr. Horton., see. by , That t a committee of five b ar- p( lilted; consisting of Messrs. Biqho Alesser, Your,g, Ferran, and the loitq for the purpose of investigating th sition of the ,Northein Gravel Roase lea ding throug4 the Townships' of CV borne, Wawanosh and .Aelifield ofli, satil •e. Carrid investigation to be with a viewto plat, chase by this Council, the comniittee tr4 report at this meeting of Council. Oar; The Clerk was instructed procur- a a copy of thestatutes of List Session Ontario Parliament for each • Reev Deputy, and Clerk. Halfpast 7 o'clock, prm. The Council resiuned. meinorial wee ordered to be d A ed in ieference to the pay of the vo teers during battallion Mr. Scott was adaed to the Gabl and Court House Committee. Petition in favor of 4 harbor .of ref: I uge at Goderich was read and ardere01 to be signed by the Warden. . •1 On the reacliug of the report of t14) sallasies committee, Tim Union Pacific Railron 1 is now in 'operation for over one tbouand miles, and but little 'more 11,171). 250 miles of the traek now lernunt, to be completedit is now belie -v-ed thett travells r; eviil be able, during the next summer, to pass by rail -all the way from 'the Atlantic to the Pacific coast without further lhindrance than the usnal way -station stoppieige. that a 'continuous line of rail - w' xllj be open from New (bark: to San remise°. The energy with which this 4 eat rail- way enterprise has been plebe 1 through, is without parallel, except tish East Indies. At the bee the nning of the year 1866, only 40 mil ,e.;• of the .rpad bad been constructed ; iring the next 3rear, 265 miles WM laid in 1867 ,375 miles more were comple ed ; amt (.1tning 1868, nearly 500 mile, ; hence, ,more than a thousand miles of trade were laid in thQ shoit Fince of three yea's. The road has earned the last year over .0,00,000 by local business alone. . This road will, in adc ition to 'being . the greatest, comArcill enter- prise in the world, be, in all pr the great extinguisher of Mo and thus remove that great rn and religious excrescence from th face of: the - g.g= ••‘,..•••••••••••-••••••••.••••••••••, (Tr., au„ here, .1:i tie .a11 111 to; .outlin,!,; - vnee.- 1A:p.! ai;i1 of 1r -e1 -114'1:n ill;:!,;„„4 4.114,-73. kenri. 411 , In - a . four !Itnu:;vi, enti:;rz-rtin , 1.7;g) teet4 A 1. 'r?, „ (if Vot.- 3 *IA) 11.!Y 1 g7F -1 . • f ,r;••1;.• pa t, ' t:e_tte eeti. • • • COV11 c cr•gt! • (-rinnent IT. 70 -; 'Cwt. ; pr,?.2allei ene exl)ecte• Ict!elt. -.4 :Ty hat vonn„ To fie yo:iDtAn 1.1.1V13 Ira , NV1.1011I VOTT 1-5:1 (Tally wtr tl:e, means ti (l of the countr- A Ithough „I was aver; on Uutter, c4g. poult and- willing- nokyto - tlios.3 articles, ill 1 • 1- 4 v•-• „.„1, 111 )3,10V0 gre.it ffeJ142:ally, uid nly duce dealing, - teads . partial dulluvss unsoalionable state galley wit4 ..tiat) low -class. fall wheat ---an <in r 1 erit; have no ink ronbrool% 1.ani i fair trial, the n lit to all 4,:once EDN 79 t,7tLidur cf tke Ex 81R Wet'k-, report of the merehants purpose of pas,,ing - relating to th& Inarket _ the ineeting i». called by public adi4e invitations to those vorable to the views is,,but fail- to ink ioaseutssien Ivas not th 41.11-(1.'it is thr!refize not they so speedily d' high market fees a of Vile roads and. grain were the real c of trade. The resoluti fore- may, iie talten a worth, simply as)an. ex ion from parties ;who Inatket fee on terests to , 'be different _ineeting have lon,,, ivhat teog.gzellto.t ,that the p mine i'llTbilliee. public f,- .2 I 11; Itlii.10;:g h th of these producp inaillet annually a thousand Ilbllare, and i ing, and there is no they should not be