HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-29, Page 8- 1-` .* I C4: PROBIA* -NO 69: By]?. S. Brelostm -BLACK*. -• • • • ",;',/;4••/9/, e VY „ , -,• ,1// •(//% r lute to plaY and mate iir`fOur moVes. ; PROBLEM NO. 58: e ..Wt 2VO. 3D3. -By tT. .C: Romp. ttr„ Fel K R 3 K 5, Q 8 Q R2 Q4 QB 6 White -to play and mate in two moves. ;40LUTION TO PRCCBL'EM No. 58. WAITE. BLACK. 1 P to Kt -8 B1 K..moves 2 It mates • GAME .NO. 5& rieyeabetskreen theEditor and a Friend, • (ieleotch, Gambit.) • EDITO-R. FRIEND 1 P to K 4 P K 4 ° 2 1St 'to K13 3* Ktsto •Q B 3 3 •P to Q 4 13, tks P . \4 BteQ13 4 P to.K-R 3 \5 Oastles B to Q B 4 '.' 6 P to -Q. B 3• P. tits p. 7 B tks P (oh) K tks 33, $.Qto Q 5 (a). •K to B -.9 Q tks (eh) P to Q 3 10 Q tks P • QtoKB 3 11 B to K - 13 to IC 3 • 12 Kt to Q 4 .K Kt to :K 2 13 P to K B 4 to 1C. sq. 14 P to h. B-6 B to K. B 2 15 Kt to.Q 2 . Kto Q 2 16 P to Q'Kt 4 Kt to K 4 17 Q Utolissq P to Q B 3 P to QKt 6 K R to Q B'sq 19 Q ta Kt- 2 • Kt fo Q 20 Q to Kt sq Kt -tks tks Kt - : Kt° K sq 22 P to Q It 4 • P to Q B 4 23 Kt tu K 2 PtoQK3. K to K B•sq a Kett, Kt sq Kt° sq it to K sq Q Pe -to Q s`q P ties P Kt -to Q 4 - Kt tks B Kt to Q . Kt to K 6 24 _Kt to B 3 •25 13„ to B 3 26 Q. to B 2 27 Etto Kt 3 28 B to K B 4 2) P to K :40 B tks P 31 131tks Q 32 P to K R 3 ' • •33 It, to- Q :3 :34 Q to K 33.2 • it to Q'S (eh) 35 K :to R 2 • Kt to Q13 4 36 A to Q. B 3 K Ps to Q, sq 37.Qt e K2 ° Kt to Ps 4' :33 INA to sK 5 13 -to K sci , 39 Q to K Kt 4 Q.0 to Q 5 40 Kt to K 4 R tlks P. - • 41 Q to K B 4 K It to Q'5 42 P to K 13 6 1Z tks lat 43' P tks P (eh) • K tks P • 44 R tuKt 3 (chi Resigns. GAME 110. .1.11.10 1)' t\ :\Jessre.Brt1.end_ (Jii Lopez A' night's i(.1 a no?-. ) Wil BLACK. Mr. B. 1. P to K I P to K. 4, 2 Kt t.i FC 13 3 Kt.to Q B 3 3 B to Q Kt 5., Kt to K B :3 4 tste:.;t1cs E1 tks K P 5 It to K. sq 1 _Kt to (,), 6 Bik Kt Q P fes,13 7 P to Q •P to K 8 Kt to Q B 3 -I? to K B 4 9 Kt to K6 • B : K to 3 -P to Q 5 -I-• tks P 11 Q Kt P Kt ttl K B 2 12K1KL4 - Q tOIK 11 3 st 1:1 kttuK 113 13 to K. 2 14 K t to K. It Q th K Kt 3 K t to Q 4 • 13 to Q P to Q 134 e Castles (Q R) .17 -Kt to KB -4 Q to Q 3 .18 'Kt fl -Q 3 Kt to K 4 . 19 Q to -Q, Kt 3° R to K sq 20 ItohJ34 :P to K 4 • 21 P to -Q B 5 §• Q to Q-1.1, 3 22 11 tltsK1 1.1 to Q 11.5 23 Kttk;;QBP.. B tks Q B to Q B 5 to K Kt sti - BtoKBsq Q•t KttkQ 25 Kt toQ13. 7 •26 ;Kt tke A' 27 Kt to Q 6 (a.) - • e-knd 1.1/111S And deal A°. in Pure DRUGS, 'CHEMICALS & Mit...STUFFS. • The Drug Departnient is under special care of an experien.eocl Chemist, . ••• MR, R. wAuroic.. january 21st, 1869. 59- ly SEAFORTH MILLS. Flour. and F I ed ! - TitN \ seeTeoire-feeive r tclahensaAlegeefiym e' h un rId iVv en': -;ed Flour, I am now prepared to furnish -. purchasers with an a;rbi.cle. WHICH WILL DEFY. COMPETITION 1 ePa,rties ordering Flour or •Feed from . me, can have the same delivered in any pat of Town on the shortestnotice. I , WAT. AULT. Seaforth, Jan. 20-th, 1869. D. H. SPENCER Has now Open a WATCHMAKING &JEWELERY _ Establishment in Seaforth, • Nearly Opposite the Post Office, • East sicleof Main Street, wherahe will keep ;on hand' a large assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jeweller3r, Gold Chains, Rings, Brooches, Spectacles, &c. • He, also keeps conStautly, on hand :English mil American Lever Watches. •° ce.TWatclies, Clocks and Jewellery Repair- yedeaivin th. despatch. All. work. warranted one . • SeafOrth, Nov. 4. 48-3m. Note The Fact ! THAT 1 tari ie's• • NEW GALLERY, • Is now complete with a MAY VOIGHTLAN DER INSTRUMENT. NEW Backgrounds e cf.e., s, None but first-elass pietUres taken, and satisfac- tion gua,ranteecl. esesist,ERY over Dr. Smith's Office, next door to F. Meyer's.: • Seaforth, Aug.13, 1868. 36-6M. CANADA PEPAANEW BUIL- INa & SAVING 'SOCIETY': S prepared to advance money on. improved Real:Estate, on the most favorablo terms to botrowers, and to buy mortgage,s. For particulars, apply to their appraiser, • W. N. WATSON,' • Insurance Agent, Seaforth. Seaforth; Feb. 20, 1868. . 11-ly es: a`41 .. ..a. 14,,--V ..ce.---.'" `‘-le:; 1,, 'J e-- i , ---'''.- WA QC 0-N33 A ND atl iineleasiencs , - • k14:31` • , BLIIGCHEal for farm use mann- 1-le festered. bv • •• .61:11.11; & TEEPLE, Good nd Cheap„ B.emen..b, sr the it i1 NORTH ROAD SEAFORTI. SeafortleFeb. 20, 1863: 11-fy ; cr/ gs2), Cr A4.4 1441k.. 4 .4 fesse +tepee ' • 4,14-iP.6.,teei - • LIM HURON 'ADVER,TT.SE.a, • NE of :the latest papers published in the Coanty, IS PRINTED' AND PUBLISIIED Ftil3AY • ROSS LUXION - EDITCRS, 1U1LIS011111.S. MALY' Slia-BT, TER'SV-4.1.50'per annum in advance. * Many players ',taus this retreat to the If not so pad, 00 will inearialAy be ; charged. RATES 01''' ADVETI.TISING. move et Kt to le. 1? 3. Well ; ',Ie would clearly have gained ..nothing 1:10 C‘144'.)A-IT'e of Queens:. A. killing loops from. -which Black has .•.= esseape. e , exile recently fotind sitting on the • eel) if a fesliion't.ttle- house not far 6aratoga, crying ' _iat'e de matter wid you r asked a dereil wonetn. -De meter's leaf aster itin eirunk-mudder hab gone Off -ids broke. de Joelting-glass - \yid de, leeeeleeeteek---do baby got ;ter eyes full --even peu11s0,-:sel put se:at in mier tea , stsfeStr.-tle isittsai. got lie JIttila in ut: pot;eale 1 *ea lee- head off LC:,Lc (.10=1.4.1iler den 1 3 ab to break. (10 Teeeiter te;.! sid`ortf., end de wai° r:i 'rdw'asin, madder coulee hom ce t.;6i I For erkeh line ovsr ten, first- iasertion, d. 03 Each sit sk.t.iiissit insertion, - - 0__()2 The umul)er °I lines to lie reckoned by tile space occupied, ineissiired. by a scale of solid. Beevicr: Advirtisement,s'without spassifie directions will les.pulilished tid forbid, and. ch.arged ae- cordingiv. • ")-FATZLT AGREVAENTS. TDB f01101.virl (.2 rates will be charged. to 111O1'- chants and Oth‘re who adrertise by the year, and in no caie will exceptions beenad.e : • 3ne column fer twelve inontirS, - 860 00 • " fur six mouths, - - 35 00 " for three months, - - 20 00 4-1a,lf-coliimn for twelve months, - - 35 00 for six months, • - -• - 20 00 I fur three months, - - 12 00 1:Quarter of a column for twelve months, 20 00 for six months, - - 12 00 for three months; - - 9 00 • CLEO Fly ROSfs' FrOit 16109'. u MONTREA1::' TEA COMPANY, Hospital Street, Mohlreal. Our.T'eas,,f after the most, severe tests by t e medical- authorities .-aind judges of eas, have beert.protionnced to :bequitepnreo. a d free from any artificial, coloring or poii- ous substanees so often used to ,inaprove t ie appearance of Tea. They are unequalled f( r strength and flavor. 1hey have been c iosen for their intrinsic worth, keeping in n incl. health, economy, and a high degree of. p ceeure in drinkingthem W7c .sell, for the s • allest possible profits, effecting.a Saving to t ie .consum.er of 15c: to 20o. per ib. Our eas are put up, in 6, 12. 15, 20 and 25 lb. xes,t and.are.warranted pure and free from p iSonons substances.. Orders for four 5 lb. b Yxes, two 12 lb. boxes, or. one'? 20 or 25 lb. b x, sent carriage free to any Railway-. Ska- ti n in Canada. Tea will be forwarded im.- ediately on recerpt of the order by mail c ntaining money, or thel. money ,can be coi- 1 eted on delivery by express -man, where t ere are express offices. In sending orders b .low- the araount of $10,to save expense it ill be better to sencl_money with the order. ere a 25 lb. box would be :too much, four f nilies clubbing togrether could send for four t b. boxes, or two 12 lb. boxes. s We; send 51 em to one address, carriage paid, and mark ec eh boi pla,inly, so that each party 'get their o tea. We warrant all the tea we sell to gi re entire satisfadtion; If they are not s tisfactory, they can be returnedat our e. pense. • BLACK TEA.--Eilgligh Breakfast, Broken L °af, strong.Tea, 45c., 50c.; Fine. Flavored N w Season do. 65e., 60e. and 65e. ; Very B 'sI Full Flayortd do. 15c.; Sound Oclong. c.; Rich Flavored do. 60c.; Very Fine do. - LI( . 70e.; Japan, Good, 50c., 55c., Fine 60c.; n -y Fine65e.'Finest 75e. 'GREEN 2 TEA rlawasukttY 50e.2 55., O e ; 'Young Ryson 50c., 60e., 65e 70e. ; V :Ty Fine 85e., Superfine and Very Choice ; Fine Gunpowder 85e. ; Exlia.Superfine d . $1. . eas not mentioned in this circular equal- ly sheep. Tea only sold by this Company, zas An excellent mixed Tea.could be ;sent fo • 60c.. and 70e. very good ° for common Pt rposes 50e. ilvcr taken at par. For notes and post - office orders the Company will add the pre - um inetea to the order. °complimentary box of tea will be given to parties forming Olubssiind sending for 251b bo es. Each box will be marked plainly, se t each one will get his own tea. r.Beware of Pedlars and riumers us ig ou • name bit offering our Teae in small pa °kages. • Nothing less than a Caddie sold. tOTE THE ADDRESS -The Mcutreal T a Company, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal. ut over one Thousand testithenial, we ert the. following : • A YEAR'S TRIAL. a Ti eMontrealTea Company : Montreal, 1868V BT. -It is nearly a year since1 purchas- ed the:first Chest of Tea frop your house. I ave purchased 'Many since, and .1 am pl ased to inforth you that the Tea as in ey -ry ease proved most satisfactory,!, as well as being exceedingly cheap. Yours very tr ly. . - F. DENNIE. Montreal Tea Company: . I - „ GENTanergisaL-The Tea I purchased �f you in March ht' given great satisfaction and fa Your of itis very rine. It is very strange, b411 since I have been drinking ,youi- Tea 1 .have been quite free froth haat-burn "which wbuld always pain me a ftk r liseakfast: 1 at's tribute this parity of yeur Tea, and. shall continue a custoimr. I ours rt.;:-Tectfully. - FRAN C t 8 T. t:I liEBN. , •54,- h't: John Street AlentrcaL Montreal, Aped 1868. -To the 'Montreal lea Company, 6- llospital Street, llentreal : -We notice with, pleasu re the, large amyunt of Tea that we have forewasaled to yon to . different parts of the Dominion, and we are glad to find your business eo rapikliy rims S- ing. We preen -me your Ti. as ai-e giving Le ne- ° 1 satisfaction, as ut of eke la,rgo amount fo warded we have oi ly had eeeasion to re- t rn one box., wlljr'ilJ we unuaretand, was se t out through amietake: _ G. CHENEY, • Alana•ser Canadian Exestess Co. •A 10THER WONDERFUL •CUFE OF CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. "ere:Sees Yoven & ClIAMRERIAN7-S rs, feet t a, duty 3 ewe- to you, as well as to the palilic to info/m.3 ofl of the- most woes -ler -ft -a cure of Contsumpticin, acconspliehed in in person, by the real of the Great :illoslionee-s Iteenedy arid Pills. 1 cioughed4 a great deal day and rilg.Ist, expeeteraeinga't...paatt quanti- ty of matter, end haul a, great; pain about lily lcf t .11-,11g. • 1 had told chi:s very day., aid severe night sweats every iiht, ans' Lutes -Len the ravking dongh and great s' em1 ahnost dein ived of sleep ; by these rine...rice •as -well as the loss of appetite4 I was so r e- duced -that I eeuld hardly ssaral amt. I was ' under the care of a physician for a length of time„ and iinunw no relicf, 1 tried ditftrent receipes, but all"witliOut any good cifeet. Squire Peterson -Lab, re- coimetheled me to use ti e tireat IShosh, Remedy, ; 1 procured, :Lureo botles at ow e, with the Pills, so soon as 1 comMencetl using it I liea1i to get better, and 'when I had. iins 3 iaux_ us Lothelemela, the cough, expeeteree tien of 'roaster, • pain about the lung, ehillS, sevep,thre-'kft RIO ; and. by ceetiimilie it riee 11 became eireeig and lteisIthy. • It is nor over two mouthi since 1 quit the Tt3110- (.1 , arid there- leive becn no syniptonis of the disease rettirmr%, and 1 have ban., and tsre now, licaltlakr and. lietter th.an. I have been for years. 1 trust you' mill make thisireuswn to the Public', that they may lie awere e1 the peceliar VirtileS' of this ti-uly 'wonderful In- dian PETER C. V. miLLEr... ErileS1701111, C01111t, of Leiner.. and Addington., Ontario, To• all to -whom it, may conic. -This -is to certify that I have been acquaintel with tl.e above inentionedgentlemr•n, Peter C. V, Miller,' Esq., RIX many years, and haa e known. him always to be of the very higl - est reepectabilit.y and „ a very: candid arel creditable person, and I am eonlident that 1. can. safely vouch for the truth of the above, or any other sta,teentent made by him. •REV: W. F: S. HARPER, 44-ly }teeter of Bathe Ontario. rn}iBZ1MMERM.N 1-10USE; WROXE- •1 TER. JOHN ZLIIIMERBIAN, Proprietor. Dec. 143 18()3. 53-tf Sarsaparilli GREAT- SENSATION. A GOOD 'S-ENSAT1O . PAIN CURED AN'INSTANT. . 4 OEM EIME AND ITS 11,ESSON:cit' r- airy rfari Experienec and Studyin .Yerj.4,-ting Good Illedicine Secures a now Sozn.ce of 114-pjAncss w 1 1. WONDERFUL IrtIP4.0TerEIVIENa'. • RADWAY'S READY RELBE'E;i Dr. Radway's newly discoVered process fOl ecurisng medicinal exlracts:(in vacuo), regetable Substances, adds greatly to the i nievemcnt: of the Reidy Relief. IN AN INSTA-Nt it stops and eures tpst-*Joicait PAINS9 Cra./177.tri41 - i ASITISOVIth eieetricai t remoires every Aehe),:cram-,1, Spas pr Pain that may exist in; the ir.o7SIT.DE .VUTSIDE of Nan; VA:ma* or - HOW T6 APPLY IT. : Rub tbe part of tho. body where pain exit 'r ely with The Iteady Relief.; soak a. flan° ni the Relief, and lay it 4cross tho vie eller() there is a pair" or TuflOomItiou. It tl ?arts are too sensitive for rubbing, :bathe t iody with the Relief with a sponge. . Pain tlk' ,nost eicruciating will subSic1e. in a FE 11111UTES. • 1 - c ONGESTION. OF THE LUNOS'e powelq,ridneys, Illafitlers-ami in -all ea.Fe-, where t1icsr-14 f4 inflammation, tho Belief I 110-al:l 1;o ar,plic,lf.7.:T17,c;IfIss:s vita the hand by intabimr, or a r„ponve by 1o.i.1.1!-..is:, t. r itiar,nel Beaked with IL:lief, anti. 1.1:11 a-.370 -31e0 1 aart3. In a few anament a cil inin -will ccaile, and t :ause that occasion .. the rtin. removed c TAKEN INTERNALLY. Ten to i',0 exop3sin lialf imnblcr .( f rattssr, Av.,!1 itt fl nintitet, t. top rain, Cramp' '.3 *1 ni :, Col:e al -.1 i..ii:a.cins. ;ion of t ho mucus 3.aerabrarra of tlle i:..itcrual T:;.(.t.).% l'N Ioe repeated *ver) ri wiuntes, win Care tee wee_•t fop 4.• L'..)anacia, (.1.1holeral C..boter.a. •J'A1oa71.112......,4 .,.....iarrl..1e:...:5 1...j.y..Salltei"`5,75 saestl 6,11 xclinfill 011:,..t.i-rf:s f.",reora . the 1,..4eavelss. A areat_Ifieciloa1(T6urripli, 1\*EW PRINCIPLES IN PIIRGATION-: SECURED TN , • • .RAPWA,Y'S erfect Purgatiye,Pifl 1-1 \rentable Substitute for Calomel and gent* 0 - Counter -Irritation, made :perfect ke 1 _ Radway's Pills, that withdraws inliamati(fe f‘-orn Congested Blood Vessels; eiervem Liver, Stomach, Bom=els,*Kidneys, and oth4111 viscera, and purging ail excremeatitiouN 'corrupt humors and diseased deposits fro;t0( the system. . , 3. -In these Pills a nourishing 2.nanntiit gens principle is secured, by which: th a liloocl, juices and. fluids of the system, bee come invested with the' vigor of 1ife-the-1.4 re the only purgative medicine - the 1 strengthens during the process of purgatio0e- *These PiM act as a- solvent and tonic the gastric juice, enabling this solvent the system to prope3.-1y dissolve the sul, fances taken into the stomach and aid d-'. - olestion' and the convertiori of Lid sebstaie ze • s I es into the proper constituents to -ure, rich and wholesome blood, die deficieitie qy of which is the cause of Dyspepsia,- Ire digestion. Diabeates and many urinary dit I ; culties etc , ; • . , - 4. -They regulate the organs of the sye., tem ; res•toring functional harmony and SO curiae6the secretion of the proper- constt tuents of each °Taxi ; by their et...Eon tfese Liver secretes its allotted proportion Of ID Ie -the Lungs, Carbon -the Skin, Sweat-'- the Kidneys, .Urinee&e. - 1 5 -The aged, aied persons siebject :6 Constipation, Costiveness; Paralysis a.4. . Weakness- of the Bowels, Kiclneys-anc113lesese . der, &c., that havato resort to injections ;4 bytaking- two or thice of Radway s Pills, vsrl enjoy natural disch a-ges, and by the ace* sional use of them lave regular operationei• athese cases their strenethenine and nute,- a ° - - .-9 ious principles are exhibited ; every doze lel 1 ay be wom or deplete 11 add new strength to the bowels, Lisa-, Kidneys, &c., that by disease or age. 6. -In these Pills, a want that science hes ever failed to supply is secured, and that a thorough purgative that can be given. ill. safety in cases of 'eruptive fevers,. as Smel Pox Erysipelas, Irellow Fever, Scarlet aiel, , , It Typhoid Feerers-when' the Mucous Melee; brane becomes ulcerated -now these Pille purge thoroughly, and heal ulceratedeag excoriated, parts., - 7.7 -These Pills*are made from extrectsee- from ' new ingredients -entirely vegetabke . ,. . superior in every respect Co thel ordinare- ptewders and substances of the' corrimon at vertiSed Pills.- Two of Radway's Pills will act quicker than half a dozen of the coinin drastic pills in- general use, r b , . ELEGANTLY COATEDL-No TASTE OR SMEL4.' • i SCOURINC-THE Persons , who take Pills for the purpoe. Of getting "a good scouring oet" ,are perhaps hot aware that the!r are wearing away Alettir kitesiine§,letitating the MUCOUS l\lembi-agt,. and laying the loundatica, for Piles, inwee,d - Sores, &c. MANDR.AKE7 that le, 'claimed by some. to be a substitute for Moe - Fury, will produce" this effect; it will scair the bowels like any other drastic, and Neill wear them .out (see, page. 666, Wood' Baches, S. 'Pharmacopia). Menthe* as a constituent of a purgative pill, for neral or continued use is hurtful, and its trocluction into a pillseceres po new Mandrake is inferior to the same dratic iu the officinal eleetie pill cf tic dispensatory ; so there is -nothing new itt this agent although its principal advoc presents 1 t to the public, under Dr. ,Rfee., ways original discovery, of a vegetable s stitute for Mercerise lis Associtie .e0r.artb1fl1icaling its curet -Ye properfle •1hrow-41 the -BLOOD - SW4AT, and otber.firtitis 0130 tea spoonfnl eeerdi11y caneist tdhoaste-haVvew(ffileir'eftsePr nsfu1 in ha utrf(1e( )Iii-yeliaTs7- ie fl powerful Rcvedy, ut is inneeen. of barm",-It is unlike till -A-operations 0•- S!arTslalrelqolirfie', a11way' a1.b. fte Die Atedevay.'f- Barsaperilliiin-teke ele (eh r-eeeethat tb eirerd Sarenparillien 13 On th label of bottlo-aiid R. R. lie, Resol vent. ri GE,VI 4,ADIVTA'Y'S 4,11.11SAPAZILLIt The 1'i:7-67)(n:ties fit 1!? • SARGAPAit?..XLYAA.31.-..-th wood Tfr=1 • e:t=t-o. 14 tie lar".)==. 1133e of 1iae ox111.1,),(leanve st1 anatn.„ c:,:pkii-; fro: it:re $y...1 911 remtn..,-=.. 4 cr 111 tI 11-t 1 PC. T."..714,.;A j1T (*:. Wx)ii ..,V'S) 1 tho 11i 1 and r j:.,;.!a' a 13n3.t t '33ralt co )lexioti . TLL'D r.130'1271.117T recTiegAs. prom...1.10.es of thi only trne e1trnt:7r 1.3 hltli !Vaiaf 1-1 . MI tir fcf0T.-3 .1(1 .ar:ro 4 411.1 to ear c.Zge • LAINJITT,F2. Frr.1.-'1711--; o-soit,asso c!ar.p,1 :.'1 t 3 40 :?1:. 17:1t1 1..ne • all 11":01...1: 4 ( 11. 1.1wi4 t ty ts.= re rt -,311W i7 .1 iC.:11,11 1 ▪ 3 ,r,..ksissA:,, 11 t) 13;ft (1: s 31 r (..0.1i..1):::a'nt 4 Wilt IL y. n Aro: 11:0)). 1:1:11..;:1.!(,-.‘1 i 1113wlvaat care 1.),:yisul it( pesitallity ef r,./frrro3- a•Trit -•!1. rit.1" 1 l')* r 3 67.2 1o::;41 ).7o.7=?' C..1).".;•-: 1 L t 11:103 12,, 1 (1 1;,;r:,,t. .1*ff: 0r 311 • r, 1.1."=;: 3 .1. :' "43 :" It 3 4.'..1• "".t3i.t C.37.11,-, 1 1an -3; 1 t I ' C ( 1,12 1,,s-In3.3 r 4:7;v4.. ( ; ha, ) 1. NI t 1711 ▪ ) CI 1;..r., 1*. 3 w:tt • (44( V 1_1_1* • ;:"rs 5 1. i.') )1 r 3 t.. t 7: (: )3• .3 C uriri it a 'I' 11.3. r, 3 V."1 ' 3• 1)t...3 -;:JI r: trol: of't e C • ,1 flaz.cs, t;1. ) Z 31.1.17C1, V. 1lVti :J.,;:r 1 n, 1 3 p r • 11:1r it: 34_31.1 1'13. 3 31.11 0731.,)73:," 1"e..1 L.1 3 1.1.0 _ ikr..7..;171J'Y De.e.eczetree.e.e.etED r.0077.9.- -re( ere 'see (2.*: Z.-AO:IA:lc 1t,"3 ct c:: rz= :13 ; '..47t1 a r..nr 331. 31117.3 that 1 y :3 C..7.11, tar...io T:1"2 onereo.itr...• :-..rarza grack • t f all 1 `"--""‘t-r r sa.*(1 :Not One: in. a illOUS suffer frenillilloxis co Iladvii-a;-ys's treat -Ku served, - and all wit seized with Milious lions ]?eve, CJiills and. Foc-vor, "gt‘ _ .Ag,n,e, Rome fetaire ahcl. tant r‘e-crer. In fact and vegetable fevers ted and. c Tired by lad T.A PTT.S, assisted. whe by tb.e Itmc-X.D-scr XUi nd would Pivalt:.11 ntIs 13- may bo on c. 131-, d evex- and. • Inlowndt- n awainda el3rev-en- WAIE-s' re9;uired E As a prevention, 'when e eualadies prevail, take one pill will regulate the liVer, and s e• ncy of the hcaltly condition juice„ the natural solvent of tl secure healtly digestion ; drops of. Ready Relief, in w se.cure invigoratiol where there is weakness, lass gel*, and -neutralize thepo cherated from the gases of it, irritant and morbid humors, o &c., and if seized with ny f take the pills in large doses 4 hours, a few doses will ens have cured the eeorst forms phc•id, Marsh, ShiP, and Isth the West •Indies, South Am treatment with the Ready Re have met with theSame succe Indies, -these fevers are all and will more readily yield forms as they exist in tempe- that in their more fatal types ones. Air • ther of •iliese . per day, this s pply any defie of the gastric - elis)tTsotPilteAt.:14e ter as a drink, and strength tede end lane soeods aaids, digested kod, the stomach, m of fevers, -r0e 6' aeevueir7e. SIxV f Yellow, Ty.f les Fevers, in rica, .:and my id, and s in the East of one family, - n their milder ate Climates ; •of the torrid 0.1N-= Taken when symptoms of dizzinees fullness, or pain in the heakl, nat$eo, at .i-otnach, ind gestion, eostive-. nes, valuator eating, sice1,1eF.61iwts, had dreams, (to.; &-e.. appear, will soon cure this difil. ulty: Lathy -aro ere unlike all other pills. E 3.,„!1). pill contains - r -rains cf the aedve em.ative 11in,.4.1esc 1ex-Zraets of the rarest eroduets ef the yeeetal le liingdom,-ef, insredieuts FOIDO of them never before need as medi- cine, met to he found oniy in'thoFo In purehaE.-=- ing PiU .cc that end ofth alabels i markedit.R.R.1°. No. 8. ana the fae-eimile signa133re.,-.411ailsv'ay /,-; Co., Printel in red ink, nud-that Pad.way's JlegnIators veer) rl s wacbeet1 atihinef.0 larreictoe).11„-;oileisi,epeeirlebuoxb,.extcoea by Druausts and COtIntry 31erthan• i Dr. iteza.DW.A. r'S ARSAPARI LIAM II.ESCLITENT. This extraordinary medicino. is m ting astonishing icne.r7.sneafsabl.1ki.Ern.:1,ssireefiLkin. ri.DinisegahLeveisi, TIVE DI6TATSES cf the Nese, Mo. th, Throat, 1:yes, Ears, Legs, &-e. maiie sOMO •f the a=t asto- nishing onres c,f unetre t ' and V.ereftleue Dieefte_es, Iever-2eres, TileerS, T ors, ,Swellings of the Glands, and ..;eeeurial Sores. In au eases (.rwe°altening diseha ges 111 'Ensiles, DS Leuchereete blouralhus; tind die unges from the, Uterus, it the most perfee „eurati e known. In.thscase-s of the lkitineySk 1311u der asrl Urinary pees ia liiebeetes, Gravel, Br eht's Disease; ini Supe,reseion of *thine, and ill 026C: `,-wheTo the:min° deposits Brice, Dusee- Lime .03nreti013s, thread, or albumen, like the ;white e' en egg, or Che - min° is thick, cloudy, 4:c , 511s:1 *he • the patient has great trouble to bold water with onstagt desire to diseharge, anfl -it 00313e:3 away 1155 a, strong smell ammoniac; and sh pains axes =experienced along the canal Cf ill Urethra; and a dull heavy pain in the small ef the ack, thighs loins, and ever the Ladd.t.'w and kiemeYs= he Htr3aanUian Itesolvent seen change ail these satieulties, arrt cure the patient. nig rollledy i$ l etter than Bilebea. DigitaM, Cubeb, Copabia, Turiientine,, Ureosote,, and all other agents used in tilts 'eases. Lettliess( sufferingi give t a trial: :11undret of persons who' were compelled to use Catheterate, recur° n.slieeharge of water, mve bythe use of sixho. dos been zem1.-, tely cured, and by ono tenspoodu , three times. ser: day, ensoyed the felicity of passin their water nate-. rally= 111 all eases see that the ord °- Sarsapaeile- lian" is OD the htbel cf each bottle,.• lid on the erentoil fee label. R. RAI. RADWAVp ItENOVATING; lalilOLVENT. Price one dollar pe battle, six bettlest for Astedellars. _ • Acidreie . -JOHfJ BAOWAY, 04 a co., zaavv PLItfre Sree 10.7104ac.,) LIT 41.1eleaeliT.7 ceIST8 ss& VOL. „CAMI.,1 Attorney -2 Dec. 14, DM. VERCC •mos, Stiri 'W. R. S2 Ate,. Grocery. Beide Seaforth, Dee. „ TRACY, Jjj the: Count itssthENcr,--One iscopal Chore Seafnrth, Dee, T liecosfr,, ity. Solicitor in. - Paris, Ori.t. ity. Tends easy. Star Building. - Paris, Dee. 14 -"DENSON_ - 1) end A.tto. eehaneery atel Notaries Public; • Wroxeeer. JA.S. Seafgrth, Alt -in tinie x, mob:less end'o_ neissieeer inB. of Sharp's _Hotel, • Seafort 1 1301i. qeinaneery, _* Sot , 914,0e,-HOve °Ora.WS BWke Lend. 1 °roams. Scafrb, Mae--; 14- , • Soli /neer, Asc., w.Robertsots. scent. Interest, on • realestate. -- • Seaforth, Dee. tures inserted nnprovemcnts. • the pr4sservation o Teeth extra.cted Cellier'4 Store. Soaforth, Dec., 3 • ' RMSTIWNG DAL St3;2A- nous travellere. Seetereh -and W stages to Walker • at Seaforth- Ainle •clAralrg. • TriSTERS, in.1,4c1.1-0,-acery and and Conveyducers Eatk, Seaforth, A :Assurance Co .3i 8 Z. •SOBIkaih, The. t WATS ' suranee • ty 160, The, Prov Car.ada, The Live .4.m co., for Life an tiit Mutual Fire istriet Mutual Y faber4y dealt 4- Seaiortitt, Feb. -2 T\ ' ,IXBELSE. Po4usT, respee of 8eafoith-4 and s he is jimpartA.lloeu IngroVing all diseases of the a successful..ea ness. 011ice direct15 Ids Store, A h, Dee Cutting want • a good. or Shampoozi •the -"Little Wend Rota Manm. Serve Rooms ILfl eoiniceti public on April 1 inaking ttte hair gro coming att, was .ne in bottle it 8 tleefort14 Dee. - TIOWST8YHQ snot Huron S prretor. The prop • the travelling.publ• i rounding country t house iu & comforte to acconiodate 3.i1 w : brands. There to tTheeL hei twatble is best the market a.ffords.. •SP.Iforth, Dec. 14, TIT XBIER V V BERS, Prop Uen. lately enlarg •"style. His roornA which cannot 'home for the travel -will be. furnished wi the season. Best .ageavi. at the Bar. general Stage Mee. Wroxeter, May 1