HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-29, Page 7-- E SGiAitO l � FORTH BRANCH.., MEETING. lf tFe above Ase e. Ntiol will o f held cat Sharp's I1otel, Seaforth.: the I.FIl.; of Friday, iday, the 12th day of :Iiruary next., at 8 o'clock, fair the purpoie eiectizng tit i. eIs and transacting other mat- i•s apwrtaining to the 's;binte. A full ak- udaiee (4 aLI i toreateL-is. invited. T, P. BULL.. afortli ,T...� Irin2- a�rr, i th b0-2izn A ME ER OUSE \LET ' q'c`ncltrs for erect -ng a New nnt' Sci.pol Howe., 1n -t anon A'E`C t ICLIi 4, in the t4ivn,llir t;f Hibbert, and ct ad - ss€ it t€n fir.John I f e L'Erntrit;ll, will be re- ttI at the Lamer r 1'osz Othct; until noon, Cu- I:hth d<Fv cif February next. tber and Stone are aart'at car` Trustees. Irl}- ` �•�, ltt` �{Io W � .incl the spL�>i(:ant„t)s plans may by s cI at Mr. 'John Me- iei1', Tt:ndt r$ to (:,o nt xt the ra uLs of T; IIat w%1 It resign: „bit- securities itie for hitt int i` "term of tiw contract. The `1rustpts advance a ('tIttatis ankh a:lt'.t`f Intone-vtO 1' e1 =r, I itt they dc) not bind. tL•,tnt - ve;s 'a T at.Yeept the lowest, or -any tc.nt4€:I',. s° s . the conditions cif - tie, ar .tli'Emt shall T`- f at.:Te to all Nrtit s c one rnt tl. ri €11 Ttlitic 1' tobe rtrrerni 1...'-iz4 -kb e € r s to be marked "T ender s ft.a‘ iF ra.Iu *h t 4 T j A EN cf!ONNE L, _t Trustees. , TI},t; i\'-' FELL . .Jan. `'2,rda +L T,/ 11E uzntltrrigrietlx TATFP ttk,`11t1itk ..t1,`t` f o the inhabitants of bea-- rt.lt -rnc. surlro tial;ug` country, he ha w €frit n:;c1 a. First -11. 1{ .lasa or hiss bhc•p, sie the Post Office Tlt.EET. the (1 over twenty years experience ' the j: tib nes avid for the last sevt.n years I?tit,n in ta'_t; Employ of _RA. Myers. -who R ` ks l:i.4.1d € f his ahl ty as a Ovaria'flan. 1Rt� izz pp liar•iatt oat . MIL T 1i.' S Stock, +t. rA z:ice tlets7t(t a - •r � it tO ATERIAL ie is l;i,t:l}arid to sell >� 'lrrLU.l' AS ANY OTIILlt I_ 11'.lL r tI TIIE COUNTY. €zI Se;itcli and Fancy 0 -LA 1 1 \.'1 AND LI{i1i`..tt enrS 1 -ht} et.11iiiethtlt I..: Ive him a Call,. and Save. Yalu 2Vioney. WM. tlh. 1 Sta .forth, J 57-tf. E.F 'k`��rs . i a•; ice. i("TAB,tea— ri IfOISES and Good vehi- cles, cles, a all hours, an reasonable terms. 4 -The largest and best Livery in Seaforth uitablc Rigs Tor Crirruerc zlTravelleis. 'Ivo- fluttrs forth of Sharp's Hotel. �EWSES•AN 3 D11 ':MS FOg SALE. taafortlh, Dec, 14, 186: 3-1y8.. 0 POLY! FAIR, Will be found in 1 { la a�t� J. CAMPBELL'S HARNESS SHOP, Opposite Kidd & Store, :re he v: ill always keep on lean€`l: ' a large € eL. of Harness, Collars, 'addle:, and Trunks, iron s, and everything in 1 is line. t1 Dee: Eith 1866- A DLUUDAY rete rnxing thanks for past favors, 'has Ise: pi sure of announcing to the mer - and business men Of Seaforth that.he eland to receive order for all kinds of ; DRAY WeR . °(loads handled with care„ and satisfa>;c- .�uaarante -€t: - - . ihrrary 21st, 1860. 58-1y BELL-; AB ET & CHAIR MA IFNDERTAKEc &c, ,rn, Large Stock or EL kinds of furniture kept constantly an han€l,, consisting of the best varieties. nrtlirs Spring Mattrasses, Children's 1.4es. Collins kept constantly on hand. rk made on the premises. A Hearse for hires 4\rareroom op - Kidd & Mc luikins. • THOS. BELJ4. €;h 4, 1863. THE SEA 'ORT EXPOSITOR. C:VRR` '.SP"VN.DE CE; G0DERIO4. ( Orth Special Cor e3 ondent.) • • A S)ivisio a:,of the Sons of Temper.= aiic , has:, been rear€ anized hoe,- wit - _ �z_ l �', li the !Rev. Chas. E tcher . ° �} - , moi thy J. a t'2aa= 1. Robe t Gibbons, Esq., has been. un a:hirno•hsly elected Warden., It is said that George Acheson in- tends d>rec;ting a steam grist mill, o r'tbe corn t of Victoria rind Nelson treas. , he jury - in the case of alis late n ., I' stat i f , I 1 ham. c,..i ,ayt.lsi'oll��ht 111 rt v�YClict, of " i.10l :furcler." Mills has -'not yet been arr'estecl. ' A gr ani L Military Bali is to 1:?e held here on the evening of tie 3rcl eb. 11 PLEAS Since w the, .11,1.0.z.iriLOlt, to somebody that dees•not take it ° o To the ; 'cl i•ttni= of the E c osito? IiLLI;T, • Ja.7r.. 25th, 18(69. i . SiR,--ln your issue of last Week,. appears a long Atter, riga ed Grain 1. eallet,'z setting forth. the 1g eat benefit thatfarmers are going to derive from hating to pay the Seaf crth, market fccS.. Now, Sir, two thousand dollars. is tie=r t€tin ly . a heavy tart that: .farmers have to pay, for being itiMfwecl to sell tlieir 4produce iii Seanfoz tli_; ; but seine- ,tures a ]heavy tax is a source of profit, even to the part .es taxed. For instance otu railroads amici gravel. roads ; but -I cannot belive that the' ; Se ifoith market fees wore imposed • on the farmers for their especELl` Benefit ; Int in'rely as- a source of revernie for the: villahge cor- poration. I must certainly agree with "`@.rain Dealer,'; in saving that it w i11 be the means of `concentrating the buy- ers and sellers in one , p,rticula.r i ocali- . ty; and as far as grain_ and pork are concerned, the farmers .night. suffer iso los by having to pay the ten cents per er Blrt as Grain. 5 aealei'," has eonfhiecl ]himself entirely to grain and - pork -(the least objectionable milt of ti fres in my opinion), allow me tcbl crap: out' attenti:)ri, not to die tip tints oil ` t_,. • - c.,c on the hand -basket, but the- sauce he Hari-- sauce of the thing. altogether. I 1-311 suppose a farmer going to ,Seaforth to • - get his ]horses shod, or to take home a barrel of Salt, his wife;accornp:anyrne- him with a dozen or two' of egjs, and if he drives Irer to the maliketari his NN111�o1:1, the llaiket Clerk can "ch wee the ten - cenn.ts. ;Dr, on the , btlier hand,. Iet me siippose, that she gets out of the wagon at •. -Carmichael's corners she has then'_to travel on foot past all the stores, nearly hail a, mile to' the market house; pay Ler two cents, incl then there:is no olio there to buy leer eggs' ' she has ellen to travel back again and peddle her eggs in the stores, after all. Sure- ly the present Oo ncil will repeal that odious part of the market by-law, at ail events. Aiicl since I have My pen in grand, allow .me to make a remark in refereace to a short artic.L in your is,: sue of the week before .last,. headed " Seaforth vs. Clinton Markets,"- the arkets," the two markets are contrasted. • " About two months ago I wanted to sell- 400 bushels of fall wheat,. and as Seaforth is a little nearer to me than L'l niton, conseclieetly Seaforth is gen- erally My market place. :Well I' put - a. sample - of my `wheat into -my pocket, went to Seaforth,,and showed my sam- ple to several of the wheat buyers, and all they would-- give; me was $1.05 'per .bushel. T am a reader of the Clinton la env Lrcc, and at -that time fall wheat in that paper wars quoted at froin $1.10 to :$1.22, per bushel, I went :direct from Seaforth to Cllr ton with my sample showed it to Mr. Perreni, was offered and accepted $1.20 per bushel for 400 bushels --making in. that one transac- tion sixty dollars, merely by paying a voluntary tax of $1.50 a year for, the Clinton ton paper. Yours, etc., i THS. McMICHA.EL. EDITORS- NOTE.—As regards the fees .on baskets, itis quite unnecessary to ` expatiate at length on that subject, `:as all achnit it an oversight in putting them on, and 'we understand that. sonic; of the Councillors -protested against •there, at the time the market r. eg ixia ' tions were instituted, but, being -dealers in that -way, their motives were brand - .ed as being - selfish. Respecting the_ Seaforth and Clinton . Markets,. we have founded -our opinions, Tor the last month, -upon the Kew bra ' quotations fo he markets of the -latter place, and t c tr own for the former, (not entertain- 'ing the least doubts as to the ability of • the Brew Era to give their own quota- tions high enauglr, and for our own 'we challenge co] rection), and by so doing, eonclude that the: prices have been. dur- ing that time, almost without an: excer excep- tion, considerably in favor of Seaforth. We doubt Rot, but that at some past time, there has been an occasional ex- - =ception, and that cited above.'by Mr. McMichael, is one of them. `' He. -cer- taiuily shows himself to be a wise mann to take two or three local papers, there- by keeping Himself thoroughly posted. .We, may, take this opportunity of. ail lading to .tlae reniarks of the New Ern,, on .the .artiele to which Mr. McM ich:.c 1 ,refers, The 'Era admits erroneous gnotations• for the'=weekan question, so_ far so good.; but further on it says that ;the admit quoting `Fall Wheat 'at ran doiii, as he says F we had 'no criterion whether -to assign this to an intentional Jnr.-3tatenrent, or .stupidity- on'the part of .the J? a, we know 'not but it evi- dentl •is, fir one of the two reasons,' for what we said was : "For instance, the maximum of ..Fall_ 'Wheat, there quoted is 31.•00, while $1.15 has . been j ccict , for -cin in,/'erto2• quality during - a t eel: the t � , , :Tr. the Editor of. the _Era styles that 3• y sort\of thing rftndom, his definitions of ten rn are unique, -It everting to the above.' communication, the intent - of which apparently is, an encleavor to make out that the • Clinton Market -prices are higher tb an those' of Seaforth, we -would beg td? call attention to the _'ra on that question, who says "If it will please the Itxrosrcon -for us to say that there isgenerallyno"cla fj'erence m the prices paid between the two places, we here say it. "' • We imagine that the man wholclairns even :-rnvre for 'Glintohi than the ./ka dare dile assumes a heavy responsibility. PROVINCIAL. :Qo-1. Ermatinger died at .Montreal on Friday. a ' IT nu erous customers and -the CARTWRIGHT, Surgeon Dentist, k.1, Stratford, Ontario, begs most re- spectfully` to 'inform the inhabitants of Seaforth , and . surrounding country that he hast opened a DENTAL.: OFFICE over MR. HICKSON'S DRUG • STORE, Main Street, Seaforth, and has procured the assistance of Mr. - J`. A. Ellis, Surgeon Den- tist to take charge of the same. 1llr. Cart- wri¢ht will continue to'visit Seaforth the second -week of every month. All. work • warr` anted to- - give perfect satisfaction. Teeth extracted with tittle or no pain by the use.of the Narcotic- pray, which produces local anasthesia, (want of pain,-) . Charges Moderate . Terme Cash. REFERENCES :—Dr. Smith, Seaforth Dr. Shaver, Stratford , J. Dutton; Chemist,, 1 Stratford ;. ,P; R. Jarvis,' Esq., Stratford ; Dr, W1iitin>r, Berlin ; Dr: Rowans, Drumbo ; Dr: Bray,, ,Chatham.; Mr. C ."' Will be at the .Commercial Hotel Clinton, the third week of every month: Seafortll, Dec. 17th 1868. h:1 -1v -PR NK PALTRIDcE'S, Old. Established T`i GRAPH GALLERY ! l . EMOVED ! public geM_nerally will please not forget that 1 1 av) Remrved from the Old Stad to the D._ OPPO. ITE SIDE OF THE STREET, °Into Scot 's New 3 story Brick Block, next to l.Kicld M'Mulkin's store, and - directly i south- of 1 cksOn's new store, tit he re I have re built the best=Gallery in the County especi- ally- for ni' own work, being large ancl`com= 0 inodious, nd with the proper actenie light ; It islstaatecl that the Nova, Scotia vol- unteers generally refuse to re -enroll u Ottawa beingalmost cl�estitu to of w: tel works, the°.insurance companies a withdrawing froin business -there. The Custom ITouse tables at Buffal show tliast-the exports to Cauada for last- + � year were ever $300,000-; but its imports from - Canada for 1868 rat agole vb g ed n early$ 3, 00 <, 000. The Hon, Macolm Cameron, Queen's Printer, s:ufl'erecl a serious loss at. thei late fire- His office was in the building and many valuable papers ---the accum- ulation of forty- years—were destroyed. y Mr. Cameron receives $6,000, ,a .year to clo nothing. His connection with the office of Queen's Printer LS a'ei feet sinecure, 1' SJhoulcl Mr, ' John Hill 3 yard Cam- eron: carry an appeal in the Wha- leu case to England, it will be nece- scary for the Cabinet • to consider- the question of iespiting Whalen. The case has not yet been taken up by it John: • litisfull-expected th that w': Y he 11 be res i d' kind not executed on' the _ 11t1a February. An Orphan's Home was opened a few days ago in Brantford. The Home is .a substantial brick building, capable of accommodating 30 inmates. The. idea, was, some time ago, ,conceived by Mr. Shenston, and with the object in view -be celled upon Mr.- Cockshutt .and ask- ed him toco-operate withhim in his undertaking. M. Cockshutt assented, bought the ground, and elected the building at an 'expense of $4,000 or t$5,000, besides . giving him $100 to - Wards furnishing it. Mr. Sirens -ten in- tends to provide for fifteen- orphan cliileren out of his own means. ,FIRE IN OTTAWA, -A , destructive. fire took place in Ottawa do the 21st, whereby property to ' the amount of .:20000) was _destroyed. ,The entire Desbarats Block Was 'consumed in whir:h were the offices of the British, Canadian Bank, the Ottawa & Prescott Railroad, and the Oficial Gazette, also' the hotel kept by Mrs. Patter, notor- ious as the place where the- assassina- tion of Mr. • McGee 'took' place: It is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. o,, WHAT IS CHINA 3 Oluna pis a coun- try where the roses have no fragrance, the laborer no Sabbath, and the magistrate, Ile sense of honor ;. where the roads bear no vehicles and the ships no. keels ; Where the old men fly kites Where tke place of honor is on the, left hand, 'and the seat, of intelligence is in the stomach,'' where to take off your hat is an insolent gesture, and to wear white .;garments is to put yourself in mourning ; 'which has a literature with- out an alphabet, and a language with- out a grammar. ANIIINIIAN f-IANT.– Quaitryrien at Sauk Rapids, Minn., lately discovered the remains of a human being of gigantic stature, in a grave which had been dug in the solid „rock, and which was seven feet -below the level of the river. From the crown of the head to the sole of the 'foot, the length is ten feet nine arxdE a half inches. The measure exbund the chest is fifty-nine and half inches. The •gant mi ista' nave ' weighed at least 900 pounds when covered with a rea- sonable amount of flesh. The•petrified remains, nothing being left'but naked bones, weighc304k pounds. _ The thumb and - fingers of the left hand, and the left foot from the ankle to the toes,. are gone ; but all the' other -parts are perfect. Over the sepulchre of the unknown dead was placed a large, flat limestone rock, that remained perfectly separated from the surrounding, granite Physicians tock. • 1 October 20' being the .nly Galleryin Seaforth construct- ed on tru • photographic principles. only light t tat can reflect tae truelfeccttires. - 1 flatter my, elf that 1 can satisfy all who may call. Men ember, I don't want , yeUT money for nothin„ ; I am bound to please or no pay. As many ave had pictures in Seaforth, but . were diss t tisfied, having confounded my namewith another, I would. -request if you' want a _ od. -picture, properly matteand (hirable, t at you ask for Frank PaThridge. Don't. ask for Paltriclge's, only, but Frank Paltridge. I am thus explicit, because many think the get1 are going to a picture made by Frank altridge ;. but by a mistake, in not going o Frank P.'s, , get sadly clisap pointed. ASK FOR, AND GO TO FRANK, In: the Bri k lkock, up one flight of stairs, and turn to the right hand. My specimens at the door are all, m y y own make, andbought are not bought or borrowed ed tci decoy the public.- ' 1 _ Come any day, Frank is always at home andin Good Temper. Pictures of deceased car fully copied into any kind of Picture desired... Remember, it is to Fran Paltridge's you liav to go to get a good Photograph. Nev and rich Furniture, 'Scenery, &c., that will make 3 our picture look rich, and worth sending to your friends. who' does not know FRANI1 PALTRIDG + ? Seaforth, Jan. 6th. 53_ly' AT . ROLLS' Drugs & Medicines Paints cC Oils, ., VARNISHES } AND TURPENTINES, a rushes tt Combs, nye Stuffs, Lam 011 BE CI-TANDELIIERS, neys AND Burners, AND Perfumery, h Mixtures, T COAL OIL rescrrpt ions carefully pi eaaro. 1868. an-t+lra GEAT ATTRACTION TUE LARGEST STOCK OF DRESS. GOOD THE NEWEST' STYLES OF THE CHJ A.PEST LOT OF HE BEST VALUE IN TviTr eds and _ THE NICEST STOCK OF • READY-MADECLOTHI . ! t N G.. ANKRUPT Sror DD & MIMOLIK1s! VE just returned from i1,h the most replete, clot REST STO( 112 Ever imported into Seaforth, price, style, and qual,.. . its Bavaria} GooIs Imot0 tilCr Shad • The ;stock will be found complete in ® e various departmehts, T PRICES- WHICH Chllenge Competitio g pet�tio Consisting of Shawls, Mantles, Breakfast Shawls, , • Pele Lada Crossovers, Lacliesj Chest Protectors; 13onn45, Hats, 1. Stray Goods. - ' Feathers, . 'lowers, Silks," Irish Poplins, ; French Merinos, Cobourgs, Liistres, Baratheas, Prince's Cords, Crane Cloth, Prints, WTineies, Cambrics, Ticking, • ry Cottons, Il ady-made Clothing, Bre ad Cloths, Hesplev Tweeds, . Overce4tiz ;gs, Fancy 'Flannels, Horne=nnade Flannels, Carpet(, Erse Blankets, Llies', Satchels, Bets and Shoes, And a choice assortment of cjAL Fre-3h :from the markt. Also alar - eq . �:ua tity of ONON •� G0 D' OO ERi cN AN: 8 .fit c NT B r A . L T AT HILL'S. THE . PRETTIEST • A ICD THE GREATEST VARIETY OF FANCY GOODS, AT NEW BRICK STORE, OPPOSITE THE LARGE tg BR[CK HOTEL, SEAr'ORTH. BRITANNIA HOUSE, KIDD & 112cMU 1. KIN. Seaforth, 'October 20, 1868. i H ,VE OUSTRECEIVED KEGS BEST 31.0N CUT NAILS, SLEIGH BELLS INENDLESSTARIET . LADIES & (xENTS RThTI SKATES, Of all 'descriptions, -TOPPING AXES THE BEST MAKES, Wavers' Supplies OF ALL KINDS, BAR BAND & HOOP IRON, CUTTER & SLEIGH STUFF, CDOK BOX & PARLOR OYES. - Also large and cheap assortunent of SHELF HARDWARE, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, fa, . Ever tiered in this part of the country, Counter Merchants in need. of Nails or an other artde in our line will lied it to thei advantage to give tcs-a eall. OrRel ember the place, "Sinn of the Ci eular Sad," Main Street. Seafortu. N. B..:Particularattention of Blaeksinit' is direct. to their_ Iarre stock o f WA ON BOXES :. AND AXE . ,1 In whiclf the.y cannot be underaolt1 Iia., tna LOYmn10rc. Dedember. '24th 1868, `u fir=