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The Expositor, 1869-01-29, Page 6
SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR: LATEST FOREIGN. EUROPEAN. L \‘... - otion, Jan. 22. -The adhesion of ." the Gi ek Government to the protocol , acloete3 tby the - Conference of.Paris is now considered certain . , Paris, jen..22,-The couference ha.s selected M. Walewlski to carry the pro- tocol to Athens. _ .He has been instruct, ed to wait fiVe days for the answer ' of the Grecian Government. _ t- . . It is offioially .stated., that the Con- ferenetkawaits the reply of tile Greek Gove `Mrnent to the resolution which has been-adOpted. ViThen that is re- ceived, the Conference will. dissolve.. . Madrid, Jan. 23.e --A propositicn de- claring all vessels engaged in the slave .trade as pirates, is under-etee conside- ration of the government, ancl. will probably prevail River° has been elected to presideover the sessioes of the ,new Constitutional Cortez. ' The . transports containing the ti ops -te re- cliferee . Gen Dulee-s-' . armies- . arenow nearly ready to sail. In order to save 'the time and .expease-_whieh the trans- portation of troops 'andsepplies would. necessarily entail, the governinent has given orders for the trobps to land at Santiago de Cuba in the, south eastern port of the island, which is ranch nearer the msurrectory distriot . Madrid, Jan. 24.-1 is amitninced on. offi al Governuient, believ g that it truth - j the Provision- :cial authority tha ' fully i terptets the feeling of the na- tion,. cannot accept any proposition for the cession, of the Island.of Cuba. Paris, Jan. 25. -It is. rumored 'that' the cities of Seville. and Cadiz have . proalaimecl in favour of the Duke of Montpensier for King of Spain. . Constantinople, Jan) 25. -Admiral Hobert Pasha has sailed, with his.fleet from .the harbour of Syria. . The Go- vernor of the Island has, promised that , the steamer Enosis.shall not be permitt- ed to leave the port.. The Viceroy of Egypt has offered to the Sultanan army ' -of 50,000 raen and a fleet, in. the event of s w.ar. TuE;ExOsiTim. is the paper_ for .the far- mers. of HurOn. ME.RIC4N. Havema,,_ Jan. 21.-A dvices from Haytj state that a battle had taken place, i,n which the revolutionists were, victorions. They appear to be gaining' ground everywhere in Hayti. . New York. jan. 21. -The Wthld publishes the fall text of the .A/atetma Claims Treaty, Which differs somewhat - • from the swannery pu blislied a few days since Article I--Ptovicles for settling all claims since the 18th. of Feb., . 1853, by two coinmissioners on each side, . and arbitrator to. be chosen by the com- missioners. Artide 2 -Disagreements to be. re- ferred to the arbitrator, ; and a sdver- eign of a friendly State made arbin.a,-. tor, who shall be reported to agree Tip - on by .th; respective Geveraitents. Each Government may have an -.agent :to support its claime, and to answer claims made upon it. The - decision, of the commissioner ofarbitrator is to be final. • , Article 3-Reqiiires all clams to be presented within size months from the day Of the meeting, unless good reasons are given for &1a, when three reenths more Will be given. .All claims • are to be • decided within two years. The meeting is to take Place. a Wash- agton... • Article 4 ---Makes .payment.of claims ,.1a coin within eighteen]. months: aFter ecision. 1 • Article 5 -Makes the reselt of the, prorieedingsa final settlement. of all claims, and e bar against all others. Article 6 -Provides •for leReping a record of proceedings and employment of clerks -expenses to be equally shar- ed by the Governments. Article 7--Prevides for the ratifica- tion of the -Convention by the United States Senate by I-Ier Britanic; Majesty, as soon as possible, and within 12 months from Jan. 14h 1869. New Yerk, Jan. 24. -Despatches from Havana state that a riot occurred on Friday night in the theatre. Your persons were killed and many wound- ed. - New York, 'Jan, 123. -The Heralor8 Havana special says :-The revolution- ary forces in the central department having determined to move, westward, deceived Count Valmased, during his march upon Bayern°, by resisting him with a small force 'while the main body was moving upou the western depart- ment. It is repOrtecl that the Govern- ment has received a telegram, stating that Gen. Files tele, commanding a large 'force of insurgents; is near Vill Clara. Havana, Jan. 25 . -e -Most of the .re c eat -brambles between the citieens ano. de soldiers in this City have takei p ace in the Jesus Merie, Ward. Yes tt rday afternoon these disturbaecec . roke out again in the same quarter. Some people on the house tops fired up en the Volunteers in the streets. Tin latter_returned the fire. Not known Whether any one was killed. At alate hoer in the evening the house of Senor •Aldniria, ar rich planter -,who was sure pected of givin,aid.and comfort to the revolutionists, was entered by police officers, supported by.a guard Of Tobin - tees, and seerche4 ,for arras supposed to be there. The 'building was. 1?acl, ly damaged: by th# troops. Spaniards assert that this .house was one .of those from,which the vo1.urteers were $ip( d upon, at 9 o'clock- the same 'night.In the vicinity of Lanore coffee house, and the Tacon. theatre opposite, shots were fired at some volunteers, -who were passing through the street. The lower _hall of the Lenore. was crowded .with people who were Utterly. ignerant of what was going on out side, or On the upper' &erg of the bUilding., _Detach- ments Pf volunteers T.halted, faced the LanoreV and firedtiapongst the guests indiscrineinately wibh fatal _effect. Several Spaniards, gentlemen, Govern- • rn e.nt elnrilOyeeS and officersof the, army were killed. Pito Gernian merchants, Roheling and Luppenborg, and many other persons, were dangerously 'Wound- ed Sarauel - Caner,, a Well 'known photographer fron the United State, wasattacked ad killed near the Len ore at about the same time, by some armea men, who are supposed to have belonged to the Volunteer force. While the audience waS leaving Villa- nonie theatre', shots Were fired, by which two ladies and several children were . The American echooner Arrieta, formerly a Key West wrecker has. been brought to this port as a peize by the Spanish gunboat, Dela,:on sus- picion of carrying supplies to the rebels. When discovered they pretended to be engaged in wrecking the ship lost on Calorado :reefs. The • ili-rieta cleared from Key West on the 8th for Sisal. A. meeting of commanders of the volun- teer force in this city was held to -day, Captain -General Dulce was, present, and said -that he deplored the recent occurrences. It was , resolved that all _ - vekunteers, exceptiug those on guard shall hereafter -remain at their.homes and only come out when a signal twelve -guns is fired at tke command of their chief officers: Be§ineSs has been sus- pendedsine the Conarnencement of the dieterhances with the itcliinteers. but. the 1 -,people are no\v greatly relieved. The feeling of - security is growing strOng.er as the sailors: are well disci- plined; sober, and faithful, and perfom their duties to: the satisfa.ctiopof all, The city is now perfectly qiiiet. Havane, 'Jan. .26. -Many Cuban fanailies, who have been. generally, very ptaininent revolutionists, are pre. paring to emigrate, fearing a renewal of bloodshed. The remains of Cohner, the _American photographer, were buri- ed quietly,. yesterday afternoop. The city is quiet. . The protest of the taineri- cans aeniinst the late outrege is being exteneively. signed, at the Consulate of the 'United States. The revohitioniSts have withdrawn from the: 13urpt town of Yara. A portion of Valomazecla's .forces was expected at Manzanello on - the 19th. Cholera has totally disap- peared form Manzariello, On Sunday evening last a man was disci:her ed pertinaciously atteMpting to enterthe appartinent of Captain -O en e- ral Di1ce. His extraorditherv conduct excited the suspicion of and he was affested, On search, a eoncealed dagger was found on his per- son. He was sent to prison: The public believe the assassination of Gen, Dulce was contemplated. . a There is more confidence felt to day in, commercial cireles, and there is no morebueiness doing.' New York, Jan. 26. -The He? ad's Washington'despatch says :-In the Alegi< a investigation, yesterday, Mr. Tasistto Wasexamined. Although vei-y unwilling, as he said, to testify, he stated tnat the Russian Minister told him thai Russia only got five millions dollar for the po,ssessions, and be be- lieved that Secrerary Seward and Gene- rals Banks and Baler got the rest, because Seward and Banks' paid -up sonae old debt soon after, and Butler ceased agitating, the claims of the .Mas- sachusetts Arrae_ Manufacturers against th e Russia,n GoYernm ent. the authorities, THE EXPoSITOR now contains more:read:n:4 matter than. any other paper in the County. A case has occured iu Massachusetts in which naarrying 'one's sister-in-law has proved Very inconvenient, if nct alas lutely illegal William E. Maash of Holyoke disappeared during the year 1862; for several years.nothing has been heard of him, a.nd he has been considered dead. His brother Albert married his supposed widow _a. little over a year ago. Without any notification of his being in the land of the living, William made his apperance in Holyoke onThursday of last week. He had he..ard nothing flora TH,E. County Oiqil proeeedings will be ways published,in the EiPosiToit. The Grand Jury of New York made a resentment yesterday 'inreference to the carrying of loada pistols, --setting orth that uhei law is sd interpreted as to olerate taeir being carried, and asking he state I. egisleture to amend the law so s to make the carrying :of a concealed loaded` pistol a .penal offence. - Consid-- ring the nnraber of people that are unually inurdered itt the United States wing to this barbarous CUStiOln, if3 iS to e: hoped thatle,gislateres will passsuch rklinances'as shall but an effectirel stop tole, practice that has been condemned by evely other civilized nation upon 'earth. That a country -which professes to have done away with all relics ,of feudal ages, and to be more.achanced in civiliemtion than any Ete.opeari nation should indi- rectly saaction itscitizens avenging themselves by kill in g th vie enemy.in the heat of anger, is an anomaly peculiar to the westeran continent, and one of the g Tatest stains .on the America& .Re- public. • THE Exposrrou Market Reports are guar - 'teed correct. • CHURCH DIRECTORY. ESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH.-Rcv Win Hayhurst, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 10, o'clock, a in., =and 61 o'clock, p. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday ,evct1ps at ri IV ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CmntoH.-PrCachi,ng each Sabbath at '10. 30 a m, aiid 6. 30 p,411,.. Sabbath School 2p. m. Lecture and prayer ieeting, Wednesday evenings 7.30 p.m, Rev. S. Williamson, Pastor. ' P XSEYTERIANCHuRCIL-Servicesconniie4ice t 11 and 6:30 p.m. Lecture and rayer-meeting on Tuesday evening, ' at :30 p. 1 THE. MARKETS. SEAPORTH, tian,nuary 29th 1869. larkets lively -large supplies of wheat an 1 Pork-dcmand and competition sharp - •pr ces firm. • Fli 01 T* Oa Pe Po Eg Bu eat (Spring) bushel, leaf, (Fall) $ bushel, ur 11/ cwt. ver per bush. °thy pr bush., s $ bushel, s .$ bushel, - atoes $ bushel, iP ton, s •it? dozen, ter f Tnkey per lb. Gese Ch ese, Factory 19 lb o Dairy, f ib Ifor r V cwt. 'Wo C1 $ cord, Bar ey 49 bushel, 95 @ 98 95 @ 10 2 50 @ 300 5 00((i.; 5 25 150 @ 2 00 - 50 75 @, 80 50 @ 60 • 8 @ -•j0 18 @ 25 20 @ 23 06 Or 25• 00 ,6 34 • ® 12.1 9 00 @ 5{1 2 00 @ 225 1 is© 1 22. TORONTO, Jan. 29t9 1869. (By Telegraph. ) A arkets dull -prices steady. Wh' a,t (Fall) V bushel, $1 08 .t,ii 1 11 • d • (Spring) Ig bushel, 1 00 to 1 00 Oats 19 bushel, . 53 to ‘', 55 -Barley $ bushel, 1° 30 to .Ic 31 Peali f bushel, . 85 to86 Poric $ cwt. 9 00 .to 9,50 Butter. l` •22 to 21 HARP'S HOTEL, Livery Stable, ani General -Ski go Office, Main Street,- - P.. L. SHARP, Proprietor. Seallorth, Jan.. 8+1', 18.19 • 53-tf. UHAND TRUNK RAILWAY. • SU71217Zer Arrapge Men tS. Trains will leave the Seaforth Station, as folloWs:-- ' GOING EAST. GO/NG WEST.. 10:30 2:00 P. Ai. 120:30 22PA:II 6:08 A,.x. 9-:-20 A.M. • STAGS Leave for Ainleyville, Wroxeter, Leech- .ville, Bayfleld and Exeter, on the arrival o Trains in the afternoon. BR/Gs' ALLEVANToR, the great CATARRH. HEADACHE, NEHRA.LGIA and Universal Paha Remedy is uncjuestionably the most agree- able and efficacious renaedy known to modern science. It relieves all pain instantaneously and reduces inflamation with rapidity, crea, 0 ina a healthy action' of all dif3eased organs, neutralizing allipoiso*Gms effects att-i making a rapid and radical euro of some of the nost distressing complaints to which mankind are subject. Briggs Allevantor is sold bAr Wm. Rolls, Agent, and by druggists and country merchants generally. , GET IT. TRX IT. No family should be without it a day. BRIGGS' MODERN CURATivs, for :Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, Tender Feet, &c. It is-the:safest and most efficacious remedy ever diSdovered for the cure and prevention of ailMents of the feet. It is not potash or acid, but. a soothing. softening and healing •a1ntment.;.:14.jarranted not to injure the most delie 'te feet, but will son affect a radical cure f f these Vexatioils torments of the hu.. mai , y. There is no remedy equato an his home, even the death 4,4 his father, opera on by a skilful Chiropodist. When w.li ich occurred three:years ago, was news, attla.vt icawnneetscasonvanenaienngte,itigerlel!deralCdurab; o lira; and the strange story of Enoch ent, and druggists e-very- irden is renewed with Enoch's brothtr wWhiner'e,.R°Dilsr: J. RIGGS 208, Broadway, N. . C ; the second husband, ' . i Y. _Address, C. H. W;FfiGnT .:(1 Col, Hainil:, * , I ton, Ont, General 4.geuts for British Foss- i i T kin ExponTuR i3 Golv 0 e Donor and ,( essiona , Fi ' y cults :i. yez T, in porlyp;nc . (55 ly Seaforth, i LOOK QUT.: FOR. :.1Cji!e Sigil of the 131 WHERE DUNCAN ttt ARE SELLING ALL SORTS HATS & CAPS, BOOTS 1-& 410 `S, ATA• Greatly Reduced Pri ' 1 Fon ONE MOTH ONLY 64 -To ini,ke room for. Spring Stock. Seaforth, Jan. 28th. RIED APP AND Er/ UNES • JUST ftECEIVED AT Scott Robertson's Licaforth, Jan: 27. LEARING SAL 'AT ICKSO EMPORIUM. ntil the ,Ist of March WE WILL SELL DRESS CONS, • CLOAKINIS, FURS, • CLOTHS, • mos, • OVERCOATS, BLANKETS, AIN 4_11 Winter Good AT COST! To make room' far LARGE SP1UNG IMPORTATIOWS. COME AT ONCE _ TO re 123argain E HICKSON & Jan. 27th. •60 ... - ,..- HURON RIFLE ASSOiiATION, , SEAFORTII BRA.NCIL A MEETING of the above AssociatiOn ..ti, will be held at Sharp's Hodtd,:Seaforth, on the evening of Friday, Vie 12th day of February next, at 8 o'clock; fo the purpose of electing officers and transaetng other mat- ters appertaining to the same A fall at- tendance of all interested is inrii.vited P. BULL. Seaforth, January 27th: 60-2in TENDER, FOR A NEVI illATAE SCNIJOL HOUSE, FALED Tenders for ere ting a New Frame School House, 1)oo1 8ection No. 4, in the township of kiibl)eit, and ad- - dressed to Mr. John -McConne will be re-, 9' ceived at the Lamer Pos Offic Juntil noon, on Monday, the l5tb. Ly of r 1truary next The ,Luniber and Stones a ireatty pro- vided by the Trustees, and the -pecifteatitms and plans m r bu soon at M John Me - Tc den to conita:n the na!ms of two known responsible securities for the due fulfilment of the contract The Trustees can advance a certain anacunt cf 'money to the contractor, but they do no, bind than - selves to accept the lowest, Or Uny tender, unless the conditions of the a-2ecinent shall be ,agreeable to all ,parti(s cone 13( d, Postage on Tenders to be -pre NIM, zrad tenders tobe marked. “Tenders for Frt:nia School House," . JOHN *CONNELL, Trustee,s, THOM A S FELL. See. Hibbert, Jan. 22rd, 180, GO-: in. HARS 'OP E ITU THE -undersigned, WILLIAM IL OLIVER, Begs to announce -to th - inhabit. nts of Sea - forth and surrounding ountry, tibat he has opened a First-Ua s Homes-. Shop, Opposite the Post fficel MAIN STREET. f He has had over tweLty' years experienee in the ,business, and fo the last even years has been in the employ oT F. A. fryers. who speaks highly of his abi ity as a -3 orkman. bouglit out TAII."8 Stock, and. purchased a, 6 LARGE. sopa OF OG,00 TERIALy He is prepired to sell AS CHEAP- AS .AN THE4 ESTAB- LISHMENT IN TB CO. NTY. - &etc at Fancy eia _Li, • TEAM A.MD LIGHT HARNSS He fears no competition. , Give him a Call,' and lave YouilAioney- OLIVETh Seaforth, Jan 7th 1809. STRONG'S 1.1VERY & SAL.E S BOR ABLE'S. R SALE. 53-1.y ES and'Oood Vehi- cles, a `all hours, n reason ole ternis. •t;t4T.The largest and bes Livery ii Seaforth Suitable Rigs tor Coimiorcia1 Tr velleis. • Two doors North of Sharp's :A FEW HORSES AND BUDGIES F Seaforth, Dec:- 14, 186 NO ON FIO FAT Will be found in J. CAMPbELLI'S 'NEW HARNESS S4TOP, Opposite Kidd. & McMulkins Etore, Where he will always keep on hania a large stock of Harness, Collars, Saddl d. • Trunks, and e\rerythn in 1 is • !Seaforth, Dec. 9th 1868. iine 53-iy. HIRAM COW DA N returning thanks for past fa 1. the pleasure of announcing to tiliants and business men of Seafort itt.prepared to receive orders for all -DRAY 'WO .1/K, or Goode handled -with care, and Lon guaranteed. JanuAry 2Is /869. Ors, Ita% he mer - that he kinds of satisfac- 58-1 y THOS. BEL CABINET &CHAIR UNDEFLTAX ER A Large Stook OP LL kinds of furniture kept con antlyon ,hand, consisting of the best arieties. Iruehruff's -Spring Niatteasses, Childrens aernages. Coffins kept constantly n hand. • Work made on the premises. A Hearse for hire. Ware oom op- pite Kidd & Malulkinai THOS. BEL March 24 1868. (Fro*t has. been. the Rey. Clum triarela. • noberf. Ga. animously eler_ It is said jli ten.ls ereeting ebrar-lr-of Vijoi Tlae Tjan-y . a stftbbing airray1?, cc ‘Vilftal Murdei. been arresa... i. grand "• her oath, iij PLEAAE (1eoSo - kow tlaz- -e '17*;(ii.7:4-7ite-(1; ,apikars a 1ongf bealer,". Setti • that.fariners having to pay • feck Now, bit, is certainly a have :to pay„ for their produee itt • times a heavy ta. tyCil 4;44 the pat tie: our As an cannot belive that fees were 1r4ose their espeeLd. source, of reventiel PotP I must Gram Dealez-," i be the rdians of • s and sellers in 1v, and as far 48 • concerned, the fat • losS by- baxing load.1 But-. as eontined himself pork "the least \ - fees in my opin your attention, fee On the hand sauce of the thi4 • suppose a farmer get his horses she barrel of salt, -his With a dozen if he (drives hex- to Wagent the Marke The teii eents. let me suppose, warfon at Carmid then to travel on f nearly half a mile p`liy Ler two cent, one there to -bay= then to traVel bad , her egg e in the stO ly thepreseut eon ilious part of the ail events. n4 s itt hand, allow ne reference to a shor sue of the Week . " Seaforth which the two maxi About' two mont sell 41* bushels of Seaforth is a r t Clinton, consecueni et tily Iny market sample of my whei went to Seafort pie to several of tb all they would giv.!, bushel. Jam a .Yew Era, and at ti in that paper was 1 to .$1.22.per bushel:, Beaforth to Cli-attO showed it to Mt and accepted $1,204 bushels -making tion sixty dollars •-vcluntary tax- of Clinton rp.per, Your, etc., ' EDIT0118 ITOTE-H ton baskets, it is q expatiate at length all admit it an ol them on, and we of the Couneillo them, at the time tions were instititt4, in that way, their '.ed as being ie1fl14 Seaforth and Clintt, founded oat opar month, upon the o markets of r own for the fora nag the least doubts the New Era to giv tions l4qT enough, challenge eoarectio eonclude that the p: ng that time, alums -lion. considerably ix We doubt 'not, but ;time, there has beei ,ception, and that 4 McMichael, is one ,‹ tairay shows himsel -to take two or thre bv keepitig himself Vire tatty b± thi